BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. Want to Rent a Furnished House for the Summer? Just now we have a few desirable places to offer, some in town and a couple out of town. If you want to buy a Home, or a Farm, or a lot in town we have a long list of choice places for your selection. Prices will never be lower. Come in and see us. Galloway Minnis Room McMinri Bviilding Physical Education For Women Take a coursc in physical education for women, consisting of ten lessons. Simple exercises to vitalize the body. The Aim of the Course is to relieve the comm .'n bii*- unnecessary ailments, such as indigestion, extreme nervousness, sleeplessness and kindred troubles: to ii'sare better breathing' and build up a general vitality against colds and other unnecessary diseases. Classes are being conducted at the Institute at 2:30 and at the Graded School at \ o clod: every day in the '.veek except Saturday. New nicnibers may enter the classes any time. MISS ELIZABETH BOYSTIAN AT THE INS TITUTE THE UNIVERSAL CAR '1'' ■ u'''t Till- ’I■ -1 \;III' '.. I'"' 'I’.! M il.'.-r ' :■ . ■ mil'* t i tii'i'*, ii'! ■ run tllTILT >’U 't illy ;i! :: \ ■ t il-1 I Ml 1’ ‘ ■ 1’ ■ ] •: .1"- ;: t al >1 'T . • !l ; i ' i;. niuTV ■[]■ . I r:iI tICM 1 F I- i ■ ■■ ' ! ' V V'l y ■! i j'' : n I'l' t lie ; '11 ■■ I ■ V- ■] '. , ; t r l\niui It' ,t .^.i>. lu-; '!'■ |\'. 11 ':>r '■ ■ ■■—.1 ;1 ! . ]»ri V iilut ; r ^ t ;c i v Kl\(. ' i 1 ! ■■'!. y I ■ ! ■' '' I'' i ai 1 ]•' I'll ' . : ; I . I : ' t ^ k I • 1 I 1 t . 1 - ’ ■ ■' V-1■ r (I lul i ■ ■ ' ri.i I'iriiii -■ T. Fiiril Wl."’ V. ^,'t t f’ ,:'il;tr ■ :i jiM’iv, ' : :i_: ( ai' > ■, • » . . . t >v * . * I ' * • *- ■ ' 1 . ; ' • T' ; (in dis I’AN V We Deliver Promptly all lur (irocfries ami t>ur (.nil , rii' ;irc ;ill of ttu- lirst-class ()iir is i-arel'ully se- Ir( tcil ;if Our Trade is Particular an! il i, ,ur aim alwavs to please. vjur business and as wc r ihi-lu-st and freshest of (iru- tt rii'S aii(i ask no more, and often le^is [itices, we would be have it. MITCHELL The Croccr. Personal Mention Look through these columns; see if the names of your guests are there. If not, you have neglected your duty toward them. It does not ct»st any- thin^j. 'I'elephone, write or hrin^ your news to News tdhce. .lay Alli'ii (tl*>nn has returne«l from H visit t«» Ntnvport, Tenn. W. P. Whitinirt^ of llfrnlerson- villo was in town Wodnrsilay. Miss lit'atri(“» Hiro of AshrvilU^ is visitiiijj: her sist»*r, Mrs. .1. K. Ijoft is. Mrs. W. H. Dnckworth of ('har- lottr is at her homo hero for tho I suiniiirr. I (loor^o Mi'C. Hix.son wont to Trytui Suiuluy, roturiiint; during; tho wtH'k. Mrs. ('. \V. Kiiit; of Ashovilh* is visiting licr molhfr-iii law, Mrs. .1. r. Knig. Mis. (). L Krwin lias rt‘tnrn»Ml from a visit t«.) hor pt*o])U* in (irooiis- h. >ro, Ala Otis Siniard, son of C. M. Siniaul, luis boon s(^ritiusly ill for SHvoral (lavs Mary, tho danujhter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Vi*rlory, is improving' frotn an atteek of colitis. Mrs. VV. O’K. Kin}^ «)f Aslim’illo s|ii-nt tho wo.‘k-ond h«‘ro with tho family of Dr. M. M. Kin?;. .Mrs. K. H. Davis is visitinc: her Bishop—Osborne. A |)"tiy wedding and ono of interest was that of Mit»s Dora Uishtip, whon she heoaine the bride of Mtirk R. Osborne She was married at tho homo of her TmrentH in (’edar Mountain Saturday after noon at 4 o’clock. Tho house was decorated with ferns, daisies and rhododendron. Tho conrmony took place in the j)arlor nnder a bower of maiden hair fern, Itev. Hodt^es oflioiatin};. Miss Bishop entered tho ]>ar!or with h»*i fathor, w’lio ^avo her away. Sho woro a hocominj^ white hrotlM I. W . Ij. (aimichael, drosH, her veil was coronet Da\idsun Hi\f*r, this week. i stylo, and hor only ornament was derM>nvillo Visitor. j ^ Htrinj' of poiirls, a t^ift of Mr. and Miss Ir(‘n( McMinn last week a(v j Mrs. John (I. (’atx'rs. comjianied Mr. and Mrs. L. B. | Miss Melita Lind.ay of (;r»*en- Honston to their homo in (ireen- ville was maid of honor. Sho wore a becomint' frock of yelhtw .satin an«i tulle, and carni'd roses. Th*' l>rid-smai(ls wero Miss Noliio Miss ('ora Junos ;ind Miss Hisho]>. a sistor of tlio briilo. They w(re ruinljow color dres.sos and carried daisios. 'I’lin t'roomsinon \vt>ro lintnlin liisiiop, 'nrl Dnike and .lolm 'I’ny 'riiM hrst man vill»‘ ft)r a visit of sovt>ral days. Miss Mary .lane Kin*' join‘d Mr. and family of .lackson- villf Tuesday on u tnj) to Mt. IMsyah, \Vayn«‘svillo and otht*r points. Mrs. (’. B. Me Fee and children, who liavc bt'en visitipt; lier ])arents. BREVARD INSTITUTE NOTES l>r. (’has. 1) (Jrnvt'r has tuni(’(l to Hostnan after an tenui'd vacation. j.Mi. and Mis \\ . J. Pni.'tte, for lor ,>f (; i(*,*n villo I several weeks, have returned to ^vas .)o(i I)rake. Prof. Trowbridge spent the week-end in Asheville and vicinity, returning Monday. Mis.s Frances Atkins and Miss Blanche Brown, who have been at tending tho summer school, left for their homes last Saturday. Miss .Tohnnye Patrick and Miss .lanio Moseley havo returned to Snow Hill. recil Shellield returned to the Institut»> Tuesday from a visit to Uah'igh and other j)r»ints. Wo are installinf' new slate laun- drj’ tubs, and a iiev/ c(jncret»! laun dry ll(jor. 'J', to^tdhf^r with tlm ])atent dry«‘r installed last year, ni’ike our laundry efjuiptiient very .satisfactjry. Miss Kdith Purvis, who was sliirhtly iiijurtMl last week in an automobile ac ndent, is rer;i)v*riii{' as rH])i(lly as jxissihle. .NIis.s ('nljjilian, who ]i;is h(‘eii vis- itiriLj in lleiuietta tli;* past week, returned on 'rne>d:iy. CARD OF THANKS ex- tlii'ir home in Asht>villt\ Mrs. Eli/,ab(»;h Dotterer and I W (! wi.''li t(> tliiifik our iiuiny We.idin- ”>'^rcli was i.layed,, by Mr. L'viutie, who also ])hiyed Th. th! H..V W I-; I'.mvPV I''f S,.,„1„v n.orninu- ut lh„ K,.»t Kork . >rriv,..l Snn.lay ,.n.l n,..n,v, altw «!,„ h „ n.,-, ,,li.,n w.,s Methodist church. Mrs. I'. \\'. Blythe left on Wt'diiesday for treatment at the liiltiMore hosjiitiil. .Mr and Mrs. it Asheville, on .I line ;i(i, a son, opened (’ani]) ('hanct>, their sum-, thi> bride and ^rooiii nu'r hom*> in West Brevard. weddint; trip, sho weanii;^ a white ])oplin coat suit, with a Paimina hat. 'riu*r»‘ were niany ^'uests from (ireenville and elsewhere, ainoni' them bein!4 the mother of tile ^rootn and his sisters. They will make their lionie in Kube Lewis left Sunday on a (ireenville, where Mr. Osborne is t this i>hi('e, now i to his j.eojihf in Walhalla, S. now residin'V ini; us, so attentive, in The ; and deatii of our mother. K(“spect f iilly, *M.\ \Nl> X»|;\ K'ss. Miss Ruth Hampton of the Mis sion hos]*ital ol AsheviliO has been 'in Hrt'Vard lor a few days nursini' li. alters ■ t he daughter of Mr. and Mt s. A. M . Ca . are here for tlieir , v,>rdery, who is r -covc-rin^' from usual snn;int*r visit. ! colitis. i’.orii, to Mr. ami Mrs. (’harlesi .lollay, i'ornierly Iv'iio’.r llawlcins td) ot M liiiv stack |(’., betore i^oiiit^ for encami)ment .Mr. ()>borne is a nativo of Tran tell from the tr’aMiUii^ with the coast artillery sv 1 vania county .m n 1 he ;iiul he .-i ik! 'I'uesday and "'th whicli he enlisti'd at Hender his bride are iicld in hit:h -:->ter!ii on VIlie. w!is M'li.'iisly hurt in the luiek. Mr. and .Mr^. (’arlos Claytou, X. >rpin. who has ]>een con- fit ter residiiiL^ in l»r(‘% ir«l for some a business in jtlioio‘4rai)liy here for the ]»a-t two years, left tlie 1ir>t ('t till' Week tor Norfolk, Vn wliere Ilf intends to carry t»n the S UIU • b!!>UH’S>. tune, liave moved to (irei*nvillt*. S:iin li l’>rewn of Pieilniont. S. (' . I.'' v’.'itnii: his Munt. .Mrs. X. .leiik'.iis. and otlii'r relatives here 1 )r VI L. l]ii^di>li rf'turiied to lii’Siiuin 'I'TieMiny aftt'r a visit sinee till- Ithin Madi.'-on and iiuiieomln'. Dr. W . to retiro>e hr. I 'has I here will be fi LTai'deti ])artv for the bellelir .if tile Ued Cross >i t the res'.dence of Mrs. K. H. .Morrow on Thursday .'ifternoon, .lulv I'.', M. L\da\ ha> letuined troni .i to o’eliM'k. lee ereaiii and Irom a visit to Ins soo. lie >. rv.-d. 'I'lckt'ts will b(‘ uTi sal‘ Sut iinia v Lvdav, !it Albeinarh Mi>s(M‘iinide Siupinan of Hen d'T^onville visiteil friends and reli- tives in Brevard from Satnrilay until Ti4e>dny. Robert Siniard and Will Kortunr li ft recently loi- Atlanta, ia.. t » inter the sci’vii'f (if the ^oviin niciit a> railroad men. lioycc hawkin.-', th‘ son of Kev. and Mr.^. \. W. Mc|)aniel, was critically ill the lirst of the week, but I.-' 1 ni]iroV111L,'. Kev. Frank Siler litdd secretary of the (J reen>boro 'ollcije fur W'- nieii. wa> in this seeti ill recently in the i’'tt‘l-e."t of the college. .Mrs. K. lily the and children «.I illantvie are vi^itin^ Mrs. L. F. Kil])atnck of West Hendersonville. — 1 lenderr-onville 1 lustier. Ilcv. li. 'I’uttle, ])residin:^ fUicr of the .\-heville district. j)reachc(,l at the Mt‘thodi.''t church Sunday niortiini' and held (juar- ti-rlv c-onfereiice M^ndav. ,! W. and Ralph I)uc]cworth. .b .e i'ln.-'ley jtnd Mr. ;ind Mi>. ]•'. F. .'>!iutord of lire\aid a1ti’nd-il the iJi'-hop ( isborne wcddiiiL: at ''edar ^lountaln .'^atnrd.My Mr. an 1 .Mrs. Shuford wei'e ace''Mlj)anied hy .Mr>. l-’lor;i Fnibler of Hend' rsonville aihi Mrs. .ianie Fdwardsnf Weaver- v;llt‘, half "istcrs of the L'rooin. Tlii'v l:ave been vi>iting Mrs. Shu- fi 'rd, t heir coU"in. » »ra L. .1 ines, Nathan P. ])wo- ret/'.cy and Fuu'eru' Allison are grooinini; theni.-cl ves witli tin* view to enteriiiL' the otlicer.-^' train- eoin])li.-'luMl by a large cirelc friends. CJalvani/ec! ^arhai^e cans si/cs from 12toJ4 ejalloiis. I'ariners .Siii^ply Clo. B( >lich-Bro« »ks A lieautiful and i:n])res.^i ve thon:^'h fjuii't aiio >nnple Weddnii; ^ w,i> ihnini/.eil in l.'envcr .M iiiday , morninL: at ^ ^ o’clock at the! lioine ot .Mr find .Mrs, f). F. i5olic}i, , wlien t hi'i r i:i UL'ht er, Mary l).uly.; !ie‘cnnir- the briiie >f ]vl-.vard >ibson i ‘ok> i{ iJri-va rd * >nlv t)ie ineinbi'r.> of the iin- inedlnte tuTiiily and a few intiinatt' H. >e’ .1 irii'nas were jireseiit. (ireeii oflicintinLT. The bride wort' a liMnd>-onie blue suit with accesscv ries to JMat'‘h. Mrs .lerry Miindy r« Tillered .Mi-n'leli'Xilin’s wedding march a^ the br'.di’ and groom ent( n d the ]'ail-r Toi:etlier, and >he accoinjiani. d the ceremony with the > >tt strains nf 'I'raunierei. 'J'hi* bride IS tin* el'iest dau_'hter of Ml-, anil Mr (ia., been >eiiver and i> a - na’ining yonn_; lady. at State Kollch of find ac- hrtViKLT Noi'inal ;it (-ireen.sbijro. Sht 'las in'.'cainji at Fort «'.•'elthorpt* for three months of training {)re- pa I a lory to tieconiing coinmis.-'ionetl gained an enviable rej)Utation as a olliciTs in the army. 'I'heir apj)li- teacher and is adnr.ii-d by a wide' 1‘ations have b-an tih*d and they ciri-le of j'ricnd>. Mr. Brooks is have ]»assed favorably tht> ]u-«dimi- the >on of t!ie hite l)r. Ilrooks and nary ex.iminatitm, which will be holdd a ])o^ition with the "i’ransyl- foilowed by another more severe vania 'ranning t-on;]):iny. Innnedi- atel.v after the cerenutny Mr. aiui Mrs. Brooks left for tlieir future home in Brevard. Miss Anniii (iash, who lias been named by tlu; state chairman as teni]» irary chairman of the ])ih)- Wm. Lott of H.‘nder.sonvillc, who .l"’^^'^! local winnaiFs .•ommittee of the council of national defence, has ' called a meeting to !)■ b.. Id at the Supply Clompany. library at 1 riJo on Saturday and re- (juests tlu* ])resideiit or ( liairman tif each organi/.ation of women, rc- liirioii." or m tin* county. toirether with anv otlit*r holies in- t„.ss fui' the riirr l-u.ubor couilKiny ; ,,, Frank Starrette, who 1ms been j of organizing and «c(juainting hert* for scverul weeks visitin*; his ! themselves with tin has secured the agency for i\ num- bi-r of automobiles in Transylvania, wa> a Brevard visitor last Friday. Mr. Daniels and family have moved into the (Jash house in North Siitnnicr lap robes at l arnters MEETING OF BI3LE CLASS 'I'ho nu'n’s Bibb* class of the Bmj)- tist Sunday school had its regular montblv social metding Tut*>dav lilTereiit niglit at the home of (’aj)t. 1’. (’. father, F. »S. Starrette, and sister, j phases of the work desired to be (iallowwy. The number of gut'sts Mrs. 1). F. Moore, left Monday for ; done. Mo(u‘csville. Furman Brooks of Sjiartanburg was hen^ this week visiting his cousin, Mrs. \V. S. Price, .jr., and other r(*latives. Mr. Brooks form erly lived in this county. While at w’ork at the bark shed of the Transylvania Tanning; com- ])an.v, Uo.y DeLong fell from an elevated jiosition and broke his left arm. He is rajjidly improving. Dr. J. Y. McKinney has discon tinued tho ])ractico oi dentistry in I lial(*igh and has taken aj) his resi dence here again with the inten tion of o])cning a dental olllce, ]>ro- vided that he is not called to mili tary service. Mr. McKinney vol unteered his services us dentist to ^ the government some time ago, and I is now awaiting results. Summer lap robes at Farmers Supply Company. Shuford Family Reunion, The Shuford reunion, an annual evt*nt in (’atawba county, will be held August 4 at the home of R. L. Shuford. All tho family and j>er- sons who have intermarried with the family are expected. Fine was small but tht' meeting wa^^ spirited and vt*r\’ much enjoyed. Bathing suits for men and ladies. Farmers Supply Co. Constantinople. ronstantinoiJle was named nfter the ('inporor of Romo, Constantine the tJreat. and founded in A. D. 32s on the I site of the old (Ireek town oi Hyzan- tium. It was also called New Rome, and was the eastern capital cf the Ro- speakers, family history and a great man empire tor 11 centuriei. Greece basket dinner will make the occa Roman emulre of the sion a succc'.ss ^ empire was oft^'n called tho Greek empire, 'i'ho Greek Any furthex information w”ill be ehufch preserves its name (,«■ this day. given by writing the secretary, in 14.^3 ('onstantinople wajB taken by (Mrs. E. L.) Magnolia McK. Shu-j the Turks, and since then b»s been the ford Hickory N. (' capital of the Ottoman empire. The I great church of Saint Sophia was to I Constantinople and the Greek church Protect your horse ag:ainst flies i St. Peter's was to Rome. It has by using flynets for head, ears! oecn. since the Turkish conquest, s and neck. Farmers Supply Co. 1 ^^''i3sulman mosque. Thursday, July 19 Bluebird Photoplays present Dorothy Davenport and Emory Johnson in an unusual photoplay entitled A picture 'v/hich everyoii>, will enjoy. Matinee 10c. Night 10 and 15c. *It’.s a Bluebird: h^s got to be ^ood!” Lake Toxaway, N. C. Brevard Ne’v/s: I am enclosing ——^ for which I want you to send the Brevard News to my son v.^ho is away from home and wants to get the News every week. ♦ . Best wishes ior the paper and its editor. Lee F. Norton. You can do as much for some close friend or loved one. It will be ''like a letter from home"" every week. Absent ones appreciate it more than home folks, a fact proven by subscribers in 25 states. Subscribe for your friend*

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