0 ASHEVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Use it to Plan Your Shoppini^ Trip, or for Mail Inquiries. The l-irms Listed Will Serve You Well. Advertising:. BOOKI.KTS (lesimii-il ami writtrn. Aiiieriian liank biiililinfi. (’lill. WKKKLV NMCWSIWl’KKS. W t sti rn North Carolina U-rritory. Kates.’ ('lill. Automobiles. HK'i LINI' rSl'l) I'AKS. Cash or criiiit. OK Auto ('». CMIOVROLICT distrihntors. Livt-ry ami auto sfi viic. I'hanibors & \Vt avt r Co. CASH talks. I'scd cars. Kvory makr. Ovftlanil .\sh«'vilU‘Sales Co. C:afes. KOAKh of lUalth says; “CK-amst in town.” (21) HroatKvay Cafe. UOMICMAI'K ramiies. restaurant, soila. I'lul) I'afe ami Camly KiteheJi. Department Stores. H. KKDWOOD Ct).. elothes. hats, und. r- w«'ar, ete., for i verybodv. Ury j^uoiis. ru‘’s, Hutteri> k pat'.ei iis. nriiii Stores. Ml'iyr vour friends here. 1.^ 1’atton avenue. I’araniount Co. Monuments and 'I'ombstones. MON'l'iMKNTS, 'r*>nil>stones. Cut Stom Tile. S. (Iud;;er. 51 Hroadway. Musical Instruments. I AI.K Music House. 7(» i’atton avenue IMione 2(t(>. Men’s and B«)ys’ Furnishing;" ^%%%%%%«%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VOr krutw us. IS Hroadway. J. W. Neely ('o. Office Supplies. OFl'lCl' Sri’l’LY I'O., typewriter.^, add iu|; machine s, sales. ')! l’attoi\ avenue Optometrist and Optician. C()1\KICC'I'(il..\SSKS. .‘'2 I’atton aveiuu. (Hendi rson's .lewi lry store.) Dr. Denison. Photojjraphers. mC.C.ASON STI’DIOS, I’atton a'o nue (Ipposite jiost otlice. Artistic poi traituri-. I’lCl/i’t )N S ri Dh)S, I’ack Square. Ilij;ti };rade portraituie and coninieicial |ino lo};iaiihy. Pianos 'I'uned. I'uniitiire. Wlll-'N YOU sec a I'urniture -Ad think (Ireen lirotiicis. Ci'eneral Meclianics. VVRITI-: nr s.',- Me Kaiy \ Son tor your Truck r.mlv. Kl'.P.MKKD. I'xpert work. All j^uaran- ti id. I'ilks hulding. Williams Huffman. Priming;. I’KI.N ri.\(Hookliindiii^, Loose Leal liinders. Ha' knrv iV .Moaie I'o. Real Instate. Groceries. I s an' Tweed \ Collins. . c-111! • * KO\VL.\ND CO. Farms, “it (I 1K\1K>. (.rociii. s am«>untinK'(^'an Ue Don.-.” KK.M^ 1%S r.\ I'K, Insurance, L'' South Pack S(juare. IMionr l.U(i. Lorick Co. Hardware. lU ILl•1]KS'harilwaii' as]u'i ;altv. j K1'..\L LS T.A 110 HKOlxI.K. See .iaiais W . .N.irt!iu]> Ml I'liliii Hardware Co. j Hehen. 11 •• Church sireet. .lowflers. j .\SHK\ ILLK Realty Invrst;m nt>. .\n\eii- can Hank huildiii},\ Henry 1'. Sn.i:|> t o. THK lloiiM- of (iitls. .=^2 I’ati-.n avenue. ■ i,ui-rost»-d in A: heville Rral i'.slate Chas. K. Henderson. j .l„;,nAcc . C.L.\SSI'S ti.icd. i;\p( It W.itch rcjiairin^'. j l.S Chur, h. li. M. 1 rost. | Roofinjj. I 1 K C NKl-FN I KK l. w, l r. W al. h re-; Spouting- pairing speciaitv. ]., N cth I'ack S-juare. iI’atton. ^ A. L. .Vu Lean Co. Kodak 1 inishitiy:. I FM’Krc T work. i:astn'.an auencv. .Mail i SlHll) ('O.MI’AN\, wholesale ordi rs snli.. ii.-.i, !;r,,\vn Hook Co. ■ and lelail seed iiicrchanls. I'oullrv n;p- ; plies. Kodak Supplies. KOD.XK developin.i:, printing, mail or»li rs. ( j, .Amateur supplies. Ki hinsoii I'hcto Store. ,, ' , ‘ ' ' ' rai k Si uaie. Sportinjj: CJoods. iti.'irs. all sportiiifj: ^^ooil^ qu; Laiiiulrv 'I'ailors anti Hatters. THF Ni. hols wav Inr l.aundrv Sati>fac- y xn.oKLD Sl l I S 1- to $ Oppusit.- Ashe^ ille Mi am Laundrv. tion Loan Office. l ire Repairs. FlNKKl.S ri'lN'S Lo.in Otlice. .Icwrlrv, SKNl> us vour tires and tuties. trunks, 1. .;;b,er uo td-;. Bi.tmore avenue. . .\she\ille Steam \ ulcani/.im: ('i THE NEW OLIVER NINE A TYPEWRITER REVOLUTION New Machines for Half the Former Price Was $100 Now $49 At Tlio \ i r\' of tlu* : v;>fW : .:it i!u; ;.,-try. nnd lorcfci ;.il ot her.- 1.1 * ;T.' .■'i;cct'ss 'Ihi* Olivor T,\ p*‘\vriter ('oiiip:in.\' Hirain n!)s**rs Jii.-r a.'' ciu) -.11 IHHij. whi-ii it iiitnniuci-il vi^ 'If writing' illow Now il:i> i>ow«t1k1 i’c)in])}inv womi wulf in intiu- eiu t* M l'.!l;t to old I'X \V!l\ ; oI .•\ companv fn>.u^l'.. lar^n cnou"h .mil )T.i\e rni'lU'h to lio a bl;/. ;-lart 11'. ^ tl’.iTi;^ liki- t:ii.v. lU-^t rvos a lu-arinj;. 'I'he full facts are set forth in our amazii'.^ e\p''-urt . entitled “1 he lli;.,h Cost of I'v; t'A I iter- The Ri'ason .ind tne Renieilv." (iii- >’i V will tie mailed to you if you >. ;id u> t:-.i- c ’Jiinn below. HOW WE DO IT Hencefi'rth 'I'he n.i\, r Tvpewrit'r Cum- panv uiii ".aint.iin no t \;.t n^ive sah s foree of 1 '.c:m| -I'.e.vineli and .;'er.ts. HencefMrth .t will j>-iv no j'.irh rent ir, ."'U tities. 'I'liiie will be no idle ■ toik'.. You. Mr. I M r. will deal ilirei t nov, with the actu.il manutacturer. .\o niiddleni' i) no uselt -■ toils. We end the waste and };ive vou the saviu;;s. 'l oll f:et the .551 by SAVE $51 Thi-- or- r Nin.' i' a twentv-vi:«.r developnu. It ■> the tinest. eo,-,ihest. most succes'ful typewriter we ever built. It is yours f >r I * cents per dav in monthl}' pavnients of l'.\. t-rvone ean i ;i tv]iewrit'’r nnw. Will anv sane per-'i;i cvi i in pay 100 for a standard t'.peivri’ r v.lien the Standar.l \ isib!e Oliver ,\::ie sells for ?r»? Sendtoi];;v for vour cofiv ■! our book and furt her iletails. \'ou'll bi-surprised. tyi)ewriiiT.'. I: tret.- .)Uv^tso: ;t bi.itii' your own salesman. .\nd we j:ain tconomies fur onr^eivi too. So it isn’t idiihiiithroiiy. .lust tlu- r.w, eliicient wav of doint: business to meet present- ilay economic changes. .\ot- this fai t carefully. We offer the identical Oliver Nine the latest model brand n«.w. fi^r tin- exact one which was .■'loo until .March 1st. The Latest Model l)o not confu'e this ff«r ot 'I'he Oliver 'I'vpewMter ('iimp:inv itself of a brand new. latest model 'I uith offers of secoiui hand or rebuilt machines. This is the lirst lime in liistory that a new. standard .'?1(M) tvjtewriter has been offend for .■?)'>. We do not offer ;i sub.-ti- tute model, I heaper, different or rebuilt. Read all the secret fa.ets in our docu- im-nt, entitled •• Tiu- Hiyli Cost ot' 'I'vpr- c. rit. rs - The Reason and The Remedy.” Thi‘ coupon below mailed todavwill briri;; vou one copv. FREE TRIAL No money down no C. O. D. .After you read our hook vou m:iv ;isk for an Oliver lor five days’ free tri.il. i’.i \’mr own salesman. Save yourself \'nu decide in the |>rivai y of vour ov. n ollii e or home, as voa see the Oliver. Then if you want to own an Oliver vou mav pav at the rati- of I» eeiits per dav. ■Mail the cuupon now for ‘■The Hiiih Cost ot 'I'ypev. riters 'I'he Reason and 'I'lu-Rt-nied\It ri])s ott thi- mask. Cut the coupon out '.uw. THE OLIVtR TYPF.WRITER COMPAKY 1223 0I;»2' I|ipe»rilet Chicago, III. PimWTiilll I wc. .-.w-.'to 1— I-roiieli uflieor iind Ills |oix both ucnriiiu jra^ masks whib* erussju^j i (|:infr*‘n>u.s /oiio le-.ar Ibo 'b«-niin-Mos- T>;iiiios. L* .Strotelier bonrers tnkliiy m jmietlr** ca.sc into '(diimbla w.'ir hospitjil. Ih»* lirst om- built in ibo I’nift'd Stuffs. .'{ Sidney I>. WMbleri. former pnvsidciit of n biu motnrcjir eoin|t;iny, who Is ^’iviii:; nil Iiis tiino nnd knowl- f*d^:o to :iil tlie jilrernft produetioii boiird. 4 'liiii(‘sc troopK likely to lie liivolv**d In niiotlior -l\ii they nr«* «loii)t: the ^roosestep tnujrht them by tholr I«Tiiiaii lrilliuast*‘rs l»eforo the war. NEWS REVIEW OF THE PAST WEEK Kerensky Leads Russia’s Army in Renewed Offensive on Galician Front. CHEERIKG NEWS FOR ALLIES Over 600,000 Sold THE OLIVEfi TYPEWRITER COMPANY, B-7 Olivsr Typewriter BIdg., Chicao[o, ill. Do not si-nd a mat hine until I order it. .Mail me your book, “'I'he Hi.^h Cost (if 'I'ypew riters The Reason an-: The Remedy.” your de luxe cataloj;s and further information. Name . . . Street Address . _... . ('itv State DAVID HUNT CLIMBS RAPIDLY I Tx‘(;n r(‘C(‘ntly promoted to the olTire I I of s«'rf>j(‘ant. S^t. Hunt has riscTi Worclhus liccn r(Mi‘iv«‘(l Iu>n* tluit throu^Mi fonr proniotions during Cori)oral David !.■. Hunt of Co. B., tlio short ])oriod of 7 ' days in th(‘ N. C. Kngineers, Gcjldsburo, lias fodoral service. Work of German Spies in America Re- , suited in Futile Submarine Attack on Pershing's Trnnsports—At tempt to Restore Manchu Empire in China. •( By EDWARD W. PICKARD. Soroiiil in iniport a nee only to the iir- rival of the .\inorieaii army in I’ratieo, in tin- (\os oi' tlo- allies, is tho sue eisslul n-sun.iit ion oi tho olTeiisivo b,\ ibo troops >i' t|io RU'siaii ropublie. Loij l'\ ibo lion lii-aru'd Kercnskv biinsi'li. tho .Miiseo\ii.' soldi. :-s oil Sunday In- ;;aii a liore.- altaek ou the .Vii-^iro ♦ lor- iiiaii linos in oastirn Oaliciu uoar I’.rzezany. In ilo- lir^t two days the Kussiaiis (iro\e tho cnoiny out of a triple lino of ironebos iiinl eaiiturocl tlio town of Koiiiu>h\ and Ts.IIimi uo ii, tills ^:roai ni;inb-i- of pri-'onors indi- e.'itlni: It breakdown of tho i;ioralo of tho 'r.-iitoiiie troops. Tho tii.'lniiii: fon- tiniiod .-ill wook am! the losses i.n both sidos Were \ery heavy. Tho wonder- fiilly ellii-icnt work of tho Russian ar- tlllory In tho jiroparatory bombanl nioni show s ilds arm of tbo ser\ieo i> bolter o(juip]i»d than o\er befor*-. l.oinbor;; is iho imniodiato .itib -tivo of this Russian ad\aiiee. and at tbo same ilnio an attaei is in ]ti-o;,'ress fiinhor north which throatons Kovol. While vast inipiirtanee utta'hc-s t^i the rosult of this l.attlo. if is the re- iiowod willinirnos- ami even desire of the Ku^sian tr"o[ts i,. ihe 'renton- that 1" ni"'-t elieerin^ to ilo’ i.llies. Tho army at b ;i't i^n that fi-"ii' iio-a- is well in hand aiel Is Iniii-r '•ui'plied with inunition-, tbaii at any i>ri \ ious time. .Ml tho reiriineiit^ that Iim.I, p;irt in llio liL'htliiL' of Sunday and .Monday have oirioi:ill\ desi-nated ‘ l''th of .Itino reL'inientthat b.in,' tlio t.bl styb- date. KiTe:i'-ky’s pioseni-o inspired the !n-ii to almost iinanimou-' ae tion. tho few lai-'LTards !eiu;,' punished by bi'iii:: roi;io\ed frojn the ranks and sent boiile. .\ b\ prodll -t of the sii-eessf\;l Kus- s!;in o!Ten-':\o wa the urati’inj b.\. Km- ]ieror f'liarb'S of .\iistrla of aniiiosty to all ei\iliaiis eomieted of hiL,'h trea son end other ofensi\ .-s. ’This iiif.-iupt of th>- eini'efi'r to win all parfi.s to the -iippoi-t of till- Lrovernnieni. It is ppedieted. '\ill Hot lor th.- '/.-eh'; ospeoially aro still obdurate, and the oi>iiositioii is beeojninL: stroni;- er daily. Work of German Spies In America. With tho safe iini\:il in I ranee la'Jt \\eek of th«‘ hisf I ra i.^porl s (if the Anieriean e\pediiion:ir\' foreo, earrylni: the liorse-s and a’liniunition. iho t'ov- ernniout let It bo kta'wn th.-it tho previ ous seetions, e.-irryiliL' the troojis. were twio,- attacked by O. rinan siibinarlnos. The l'-bo;its wore driVell otV lioforo they eoiild do Miix dainau'o. ami nt le.-isf mie of them V, as sunk by u'lin- tire. The sueeessful eoiubaliim of those att:o !;s eiiham-os tlie feat of the navy in transiiortinir the oxpidition without loss, but the faei th.-it the su'.nia.rinos '.vayhii'l tlio transporls far outside the war /.one has arou id the authorities at Wash'iiL'ton to tho truth tha; Tler- num spies in this eoiintry mu-: h:t\o told r.erlin when the expedition was lo sail and by whal muto. Seeri'tary I>aniols ami .\dmiral T’.enson wori* the only persons, supposedly, who km‘W the route soleeted. .\rlmiral I'doaves sailliur with sealed orders whieh ho did not o].en until ho was out sovoraf d.-iys. When the e\|iedition was well on Its way a wireless was sei'.t to A1- Milral Sims, in eoi'unand in 1 luroni',-!i« to ji'ek uy> the transp; ris at -i • M. ei'ii’d r> nile/.vous outsicj.' ihi- war I.e. This iae-;s:iLro as ip tlio navy’s •ost soi ret and ree* ntly revised code. ';any persons on the Atlantie senbo.-ird .:,ew when tho vessels sailed, and that nronuatlon jiresunialdy was seul the r.erlin by ji Connan jtyent by wlreloK': hi sonio roundabout way, but b^vv the rottto ’vas diseovt'Fed seems to b*? a mystery. I'resiilenf Wilson has j;lveii orders that the (lonnan spy system be wiped out before niiy more troojis sail, and many a 'I'euton Is llkcdy to be lnteriu*d for the period of the war. I'ntll now tho Kovornment has l>oon unMXjilalna- bly lenii'nt In its treatment of (_»er- tnans .and their synijtathizers. In the eoiintry jreiierally and in the lty of Washinuton. \V«‘ arc* not at war. olli- lally, wiih .\ustrla-Huiifrary, r.ulKarla and 'I’lirkoy. and the fllidoinatie repre- seiitativos and a>:onts of these 'tuin- tries are still free to serve their ally In any way they ean. ’I'he (lornian press of .Vmoriea also is still unnio lestod anil eontiniies Its sinister ‘am- I>alirn .'icainst the su--ossful eonduft of the war. In vio'.v of the eonfiden- tial information frotn thoir Washln^'- toii eoiTospondents availablo to tbo (lermaii .\mene.-in editors, and despite their iiroiest.-itlon^ of loyalty to .Vmor iea, it is not beyond the bounds of re:isou that some of those editors shoubl bo iloin;: spy work for the kaiser, to whoso cause they have .'how n lhomsel\ e^ de\oted. (Jernian plotters and their frionds also are ereditod by the ^'overnmoiu \\iih de^isin^ ;ind in I'art exeeuiiim a plan to eripple shipi>iii'_' mi the Oroat l.akes by sinkiiiL' or disabliii); vessels. 'I'lo- feib-ral oflieijils. aided b\' those of C.-iiiada, are ir'-ttlni: uftor those mi- of.-a nt s. Ilaviii;,' re-( ived their munitions. (Jeiieral 1'ei-'hin^'’'-; ln'o)is wi-ro promiitly tihaod forward to their In- Te sivo traiiiiiiL' eami'S baek >'l the fljlitiiiu' llio"-. \\bei-.‘ they can hoar the roar of the ;rrc;:t L'uns. The otli- eial re\iew of on.- baitali- n was tho ■ hief the i ourth of .luly eel- obratloii In Paris. ;.nd the pii.ple of ib;it city wei:i wild with eii; hu"ia^ni over tie- .\iiiericaii t';L.'hters. Gritish Again Advance. Field .Marshal 11:,in swattod the Crermans un 'i'lnir'-'iay. beu'iimiim a re-uii'd'ibin "f th-- nffi n-ive in I’.ol- ;jium. where :b‘ re liad bei n compara tive ]uie! fur :i '-I'k. 'I'lie I’l-iu-h made a c.insi(br;ib!e ad'v.iiice south- W.-t i.f lli.lleb. I.e. The (lermans ma.do a treineiidi.ii' at tack on the I'rell' h lill s e:;--! of 'em\ I'uesilay. but wero repuN' d by I’-tain's iiieii with irreat sbmL'hter. While the\ '.ere deiiiorali/.od by ihis defe.-il iho I'ri iii'h made a eb-ver eiaiiiler-at- tack, capturii.u' a s:o.;: salii nl. \ii"rher --luiaii In the number of U- boat victims was ^!iown In the woeklv roimri of th" I’riti'b admiralty, ami the nav;il otlii ials of the allies are eon- \iiic.d ihai the subm.-irine warfare has f.-iiled, Tb.e b'i-i::aii^ are seiidin:: theii- rbo;it- t'ar ;iIiold. omo of thom ha\inu' sholloi' I'on^a I'oL'ada. a eity in the .\/,ores. Aii .\i;.i rican traus- I'ort hi'lpeil ilr!\o the siibniarii.o away. Ml \\'. dii-"'day :. d' ;a-M or nior • b‘r- maii air raiders ap|'e;ire i o\er ilar- wich. a veapor: in I'.'Sex. :;ud lroi'i“^l iii;my b..i,ibs. killiiiL: 11 t oi-''-ins. 'rh*\v Were di1\en otf with ;_:ir.!lro and ;iir- plaiii-s, ;ind i\\o ot iheiii Wero br^'U-'ht down abla/.o. German Unrest Increases. (Ml I ho e\e of the meetin:: of ttif reicb--i;i:r its (omnrttees weio told by spokesmen for \arious ,^roup th:.t tur:her jirotTers of pi'.-u e such as Jor- niany is willinL^ e\en "iixious. to L'raiU will bo hartnful aiid ili.'t all the em pire c.in do is to bold "u; and mea»- linio "dciiioeraii/o" the counir>-; that ii iMi--:hi ha\o peace thl^ ^ammor if it wero willin;, to abaiidi-n ail :.ane\;i- tions ;iiid im!e' inilie-' .-md to drop tho idea of a '-■■parate jioace wiili Kus.sia; and that the pnace foi'inula of the i:us''i:.n ecuneil of deputies was ilii- jiossiiib*. 'I'lie so-called .iemocraIi/.i 11;; of the empire, it appear-, will la.ke the fi.riii of rejoriiiin:.' the francliise so far as the I'eii-b'laL: is (-oni-orin d. which means laiLihty lifilo so buii: the !erm;in ■'i nalo. coir|'osed of i;;i- l^ointed m.':a'^ - . has f-.ii (-..nv- il over ibo lower '..•U"e a id I'.- i-. :«o t-;:l i- i.i't n y;- !;• : I. to i:i .laMerd. ^ o:;i;-.' li;ie uni’o-; i'. iii'-rea-'i!!:^ thr. u:^ii‘ It (;. .-;a iny. di-i 1-iyin-.- itself in food rifits in Siottin. I Misveblorfi and other cities. :ir;d in vi;!i-‘r form'-- elsewhere. lOven Some ef tl'.o "intel- , leeiua's," likt* 1‘rot’ossor 1 >(‘lbruee!c, I’rivy ('ouneilor •!arnac'.: and oilier.s. havt- is.s'.ied a eali for \-rnmenial reform In I’rtissia. 'I ho pan lermariH, save tor a few of flie most rabid, art* sincin;.' smalb*r day by day. Serious Hots occurrod in Amster dam hist Week in wh!(-h armed women rabb'd t):e market i)lae**s. T!ies4‘ dls- tiirbanc4'.'» v,t( due to tho exportation of potatoes »o Kn;;land, to which the Kovernnient Is eoniiiilitod under a^rroe- m*-nts to pri-servo its trado relations with both ;»Tmany ami the entente nations. I'reparatfons for speedy iiartieipa- tlon In tho war oeciiiied \'onI/.eb>s and his pivornmont in ;reece last week. The jireinier has (b-cl.ared that tho treaty with Serbia, disn ^;irded by Cun- stantine, s^iall be faithrully oxeeute»l. Senate Discusses Taxes and Food. The revised war tax bill was rejmrt- ♦>d to tl»i‘ seiiMto on Tuesday. As If j stands, it will raise a revenue if .'s].- (‘iTo.tHHi.iKio -a reduction of .'si.'{o.oou.- MK> from the hoiio bill. 'I'he tax on war imifits was increased so as to raise 1(1,000. 'l iie dlscu--ion of the food I'otitrol bill i^iniiniied in tho senate, the jirohlbltion forces refusin;; to liccein the plan of eliminatiiiLr tho jiro\ision for the eoiiuiiandoorin” of the existint: '^iipply of whisky for tho ma nil fai't'lire* of amnainitlon. The Southern senators, cbaracloristieully, riisheil to the defense of I'ofton. to pre vent Its Snclusii.n amon^r the articles to bo controlled. The combat between the council of national deferise and certain sen;;tors and re]iresentatlves- wliu have not di.s- tillL'Ui^lled themselves- bv b roll d l!l i Ild- eduess and (latriotism. is di-pji.red b.v tlios,. wlm (b-ire tu See the war I'.eeds of the coiinrry siijiplieri in ibo (pn’ckost aii'i bevt wa.w .'.I'cu'at Ions .ir hiiits of proliteei'i n>: ;:u;ii>isi member-; rif tb'‘ eouiH'il. i’ii'-ii;i;'i.i-ied b.v facts, are foot- b-ss aiid ^;;in lit’Ie sym[,aih;. fro],I jier- sons of intoi!i::ence. It Is a pit.v that s'l man.v of m;;- i -Mional representa tives are too ii'M.'v to be atdo to rrasj* a sjroat ocea'inn. China Going Backward? \\ bile most of t!.e ci\ili/.ed World Is batlliiiLT for the s.-i i;i-ity of democracy, the re|.ii!>lic i.f riiina. which never was a real republic, is abmit to re!,-,psi. Into its iii! si;’te Ilf monarchy. • uit of t!ie tai:"Io of eirciii.i-tanc, s in the Ori ent has coiae ;i n. \ revolution whicti aims to re',(iire t’lo yoin;:^ .Manchu om- periir, llsi'aa 'run", to the throne ho abdicated. Wiiti tlio L'nidance and "Uppor’ of Cell, ('baiiu lisun, ihe youth has e-’aMi-lied hi aself in tho j alaco at I'ekiiiL' and is in a fair wa.v to _'-aiii control of nirth 'h;na. I’ro-ident Li 'h'uan Hunu' t‘ok refuL;o in the .lapaii- ose eiibasvy and ordei-el the vice president to !!s.«.ui.ie the pre-idellCV am! e-tablisli the trovernmoht tempo rarily at NankitiL.'. 'I'his was done. Haroii I'em.' Kwo ('ham,' beini: named pri-ident. r.o'!i si i,.s liavo a-sembbMl 1:ir'..ro forces. ;;!m! tlio latest al\ices in- licate w.-'.r will break out at any mo ment. '1 h ■ LTeae- a! op'nion is tliat !on. ’haiiL' llsun js endea\orijii: *o sot up a diciatoi-^iiip. u-iii;r tho etn- jteror as a catspaw. So t'ar .lajian '-O'v.s ii;i lined ti lt to Miterfero in this 'hili Se el iiiri '_'lio. Shocking Ricts in East St. Louis. Ma-;! St. l.^-uis, HI.. w-,.te it'ilf on the rdi of di-'_race and di'-h"iior la'-t Week w ith race riot^ in \> bicb moro than b'd III L'r.’ s wer.' i'li-ehered .-iiid : the iiecro (prirter of tlie city was biino-d. .s, \eral white men met death in tho rioiii;;^. '1 iie \;itional iii;:ril was called to siippress the irravo di' or- iler. loit n:i t witli iiit'e sue,-;.-s. and the brutal laMrdcr- oniinued da\ ;if- ler da.\. 'i'bou^amK of ne-rot s liavo lied from the cii,\. Supert’ciall.'. th>‘ cause ot tho r; .ts '.,a-- the impor'ation from the .Si.uih of Lrroat nr.ml" of fioL'roes to wor!; in tlu- p.-n-kir i.h rits and oiber industrial c,in-eiii', bi.- the I'eal c.-iu-o lii s deeper, in the d; ._;-ace- fui/.v e tmi:'! poli;;cal mi'-i::a;ia..cm.’nt ot ih-' ior ■; -:n.\' .'.■•;ir. Th " deCi iit eii:/ >is uf I'ast St. l.oi'ls; have banded o r to r- d; -la the place, ;,hd ; Ir :dy li:-vo f, a-. • d tho Oiayor ;•> .'■= tie- dder of p.iJb-e. Ih.' ‘ae : -- 1. : ; i: ; eil-er o;!i foci; two Til-uiiinei;; M.'n la.'t week. !- He"'- I; erbot-ai 'I're-. the emita nl l’!-.:isb, ;;ettir. died in l.ea d'-n. and \\ ilcaia II. ^Io;.d-\'. I'oriaer attorney ji.Mioi-al ;;i>d rornior a-'sociat-* .itistiv-■ .1 tho .^uiu'etuo eotn-i of lhi» I nited Stati’s, passed av.jiy at hwiiie in Massaeiiuselt.s. Eggs, Poultry Butter and Hides All kinds country pro duce. We pay cash for all you ship. Prices on request. Western Produce Co Asheville, N. C. Our Drug Stock Complete We are equip ped to meet any demand fox drugs, proprie* - tary medicines a n 3" sickroom supplies. ' We specialize in hot water bags, bandages, absorbent cot ton, surgeon’s plaster — any and all articles needed to re- p 1 e n i s h the home medicine chest and for first aid to the injured work man. Thermos Bottles, Baby Bottles and Nipples and Rubber Goods in Great Variety. Goods Right, Prices Reasonable. R. S. MORGAN, Druggist - AN, N. C. .f ROI oi\ol Cards. %%%%%%%%%%%«%%%%%%« W. K. BREHSE. V. & BREESE •WYERS McMinn Building fv I'nblic. DANIEL LEON ENGLISH 1 Attorney and Counselor at Law Brevard, N. C. I Real estate.law and ab.struccHof titlt-s a .spet'iulty. ER-NEST H. NORWOOD Architect and Builder Remodelling and Repcir ng a Specialty Clayton, Clayton &. Fisher Attorneys-aL-Law , BREVAKD. N. C. WELCH GJiLLOWJlY Attorney Practice in all the Courts Brevard, N. C. CHAS. B. DE.AVEK Jfttorney-at-Law Officc Cooper Block ALLISON & ALLISON Attorneys-at-Law Ii\ OM Cooper Building- BREVARD COLEMAN GALLOWAY Attorney-at-Law Cooper Block Brevard, N. C. CONNESTEE LODGE NO. 237 i. 0.0. F. Meets every Monday night. Visitors welcome. OUNN'S RCCX LODGE NO. 267 A. F. & A. M. TRflN^VLV.'^NiA CCl'NCIL NO. 376 JR. 0. U. A. M. iS. Meets in Fraternity Building ev^ cry Saturday night, 7.30 p. m. Visitors welcome.