BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. p -i • c* A w I) B K K ''' *•! THE WEEire EVENTS laportaiit News of tlii State. Nitioi, aod World Told In i Few Lines for Your Convenience. ROUND ABOUI^THE WORLD A Condensed Record of Happening! of Interest From All Points of the World. Domestic Samiu‘1 Qnipors and Thoodore R«h>sov»*U I'.u! a wordy till at ;i sath- ill N»‘\v York t'ity wh»*n it ap- peaivii to Mt. UoiiiiM'is that c'olonel Roos*‘Vt‘l! w;is ('liiirniiin n-.-'Ponsibillty for tli»* Ka>t St. Louis riot to tin* la- lH>r unioius. Mr (.Jonipt-rs wantrii the coloufl to wail uiil 1 lii‘ hail investi- gated bt fore he i har^ed responsibil ity lo any st-l of men. Tlie H)lonel .saiil; "ril ;iu>\ver now when murder is to be answered," after he had stat «*ii that he was willing to ko any length for Am. t'lcan hibor. The tilt lutwfen C'oloufl Uoosevelt Hnd Samin'l Comix rs in Nfw Vork City was brs'uizht atioijt bv Mr. (Jom V^'rs chai'cin^ •111;.ove;^^ with respon nibiiity lor the (.■'t Si Louis not basing his staiiiufni. he said, upor investij,’;'\tiiiii> made by I’onipeit ir men ♦'*’Tp!oyed by ihe K deialioii of Labor of lllinoi . S.'ieetuin d;i\- foi :he ih w naMonal army is api'T. ■ . bmi: ra;>idly as r !u' lo cal exfii’ptii' ' bi'ards in tl;.‘ various Kfatrs i ni ipli ', h 01 uani'aii"n. Strict vil, ::i-, Miar named by thf adminisf! :i'ii..ii tu wh:it mothnd wi'l f , u: ’.' I in ilie sejt r livt' Mii-i’ii' • n III It eondu Ini In a wepk or f m i. v N'l us tji" .-iial eap tal i? to th*' .11. .• I • ' t ’k, y i .!■ ■ in d Til.' n, •. 1 ■ . ' u, r?} Kr e.’ the MP.::!ied dr\” amendment j The hoiix !■■'.•- \ .ic*' i on thi'^! iiueti.«n, . M l '■' > r : .i.- will fo tn j a ('(infi’t': . :;r.,'!(•,• I'l'Mu both i h('u.«'’‘- X n 1 FOR SALK Fine cow. Washington News rcactiing Washington from London recites that all hope that may have exi;v‘*d in Germany for conolud- fns a sepa»_c* pc.ce in Germany have vani.shed, and that a new declaration that will serve as a basis for peace ne- gotiations will be made by the Ger man chancellor before the reichstag shortly. News from China is to the effect that civil war is impending and that already one fight has taken place 35 miles from the city of IVkin between the troops of Ihe monarchy and the reiuiblican forces. Tliere is no dojibt of the seriousness of the situation in the C’hinese capital. Trains are tilled with tleeinR (’hinese. Hotels are full of foreigners. United State's and Jaiianese soldiers are en deavoring; to reach IVkin, but it is stated that their arrival will probal)ly be delayed. Should Mexico enter the world-war she pndiably would not lend any tlght- in» stren>;th. but. but tin* Tampico oil fields wunid be made .-^nfe for Ihe oil supplies of the allied fleet, the smelters and mills reopened at t>nce to proiluce tiuinition meials for the allies and th& moral » ft'el would be tremend(»\;r', aids to those now t’'.'.)4rijeii in -ubdiiinp the con'v,,,,j^ eTiemy. H- lirf in Washington anent the Chi nese situation is that the coup d’etat of the M.anchu dyna.-iy is doomed to .‘diort lit'i . An em. r^’^eney repuhUean iri>veintin n' has bfcn set up at kin, and it i .--probable that .''le^i will be laid to I’fkin. I' ailiin.t; \\'ashin;:ton is to the I fi'ect that the mw government in China e.iti put up a bi^; ti^lit, but that If canno hope to In iiect'>sful. M'Ik' inoii:ir( tiisrs could not fiirc-ce that the mil.iari.'-ts would adhcfc to t!ie rcpnb- Iii’an 'ank.-;, and il is b» Sieved that ('liant: I'ar ovi ri layed his haml. and his 'ard.‘- mu I ini xilably be thrown in'o till discard. Tbt unr-iu'ct ssful attack on tlie sliips It' Dll' I'niti'd S’i'e.s • xpedit ionary I f ire', to l''anc. hn.- nv^veil the rumor! I'OK S.\L1^ (lood milk ow. Sit- !l;at C’ Ti'ian >pi> aie operaiiim in j t:n. ' V, a.'hiU''’on. Tlii- ^itvernmenl w ill v> ry proli:!lily mete o-at the death sen- 'i 'o Mriirc ('.T'tiire .^pit's. Ki i;i r and m aI i tica; ion of ivfth-iaN LOC.S W.-Wl'l-',!) Wo pay cash. Miller ovei il, afe arrival of the last unit'^ Supplv ('n. Two More Cows Sold f By News Advertisement Last week the News told of the sale of four cows for F. Henderson through an advertisement in the News* This week two more sales are recorded for Mr. Blythe and Mr. Faulkner, as a result of the following adver tisements, which cost them 45 and J8 cents, respectively: FOR S.\LK A very fine fresh .lersey row, h«‘uvy milker. Price $(>5.00. K. W. Hlythc, Brevard. N. C. (> 15 4tc W. H. Faulkner. b 15 tfc It is reasonable to believe that what Diversified ad vertisements have done for others they will do for you. Try one. MRS. IDA GARREN OF EAST FORK SECTION DIES Diversified Ads Are Business Builders ( >nt‘ {.rut ;i woiil tuf tii'st "I’.c h.iif ccnt a t-'T' .-:i' li ul i-ic* ,ucTit int r i. )ii, *;n.'h iiiitiiil ''1 a!)l)i t?Vi.41 i» »ii t’oiuitinv; .* word. W.\NTI*'I) ('a'^h paid fur all your feed sacks. I’lin^^ or sliip them to .1. L. Aiken, I'.revard, N. 7-l.Vtfc LOST Waterman’s Ideal Fountain I’en. Initials .M " on K"ld hand. Finder please return to Maitk-Hredic Dn.jr Co. Reward. It-pii liatliiiiir suits for men and ladies. I'arniers Supply Co. SMART STYLES IN SKIRTS Mrs. Ida (barren aged IJU y;ars, diod at her hotno early Monday morning, after an illness of Jiioro than two years from lnnf» tronhhi. Mra. Garren was the wife of Joe Henry (iarren and is survived by her husband and five small child ren, Roy, ('land, (’lyde, Dor.i and K!za, and lather, \V. I*. Davis, of Pickens; live brothers, Waymon, and Charlie of Picken.s, and Isaac and Hnmer of (-ircenvillf, and Alonzo Davis of Baltimore, Md., and two .‘listers, Mrs. Mfittie Hen derson of Hosman and Mrs. Janie Massey of (4’eenville. Mrs. (iar- ren was at the time «)f her death u member of the Kast Fork Baptist church, whero funeral services were held at 11 o’clock on Tuesday and interment followed at the East Fork Baptist cemetery. The services were conducted by Rov. A. J. Manley. Mrs. Garren had a host of friends and relatives who will prf.atly miss her. She was a very patient suf ferer and always hopeful and cheerful. Bathing: suits for men and ladies. Farmers Supply Co. Would Doom Species. Harold was recovering from a case of typhoid fever and the doctor said he must drink plenty of battermilk. Harold despised buttermilk, but he bravely drank the required amount. One day when the nurse brought In an exceptionally large glass he looked at It sadly and said: “Gee, I Just wish every buttermilk cow in the world dead!" Iron Is Greatest of All Strength Builders, Says Doctor A Secret of the Great Endurance and Powers of Athletes \II1,K For sale. ((slxirne. Write or see. ('. K. () 22 tie L’ tfc Ordinary Vnxated Iron Win Make Deli cate, Nervous. Runrlown Fim plp 100 Per Cent. Stronifer In 'Two Weeks' Time In Many Cases. N‘vv York, N, Y. Mo'it [i- i l.- f .'.l !.'tily 1.1 111 ink thv ri--.- t,, ;"• ! f 'li- i-'l and .-i'r. n>:'h t’r'‘!n .v; tn>‘ s'Iti.u!-!'tr ip.'ii i> i n.-, :.i i. - trurn nnr'-' ti'- lru>^. s.iii t )r. i;. II |{ -;!(in I hysi'-i in wIim has stin!i''l wi ii-ly hilh in ')un'ry .tiiil Kr>-at i'ui''.;'’>iti I nst 11 ut ins ’.vli.-n. i\.» M tnritlir mI' furl, nin! trn-' sirt-ntfMi '-in oiily ■■i.u.,. t'r"ni t(," f' .'•i \' 11 «-,Tl Itllt p.-..'>!.■ I ‘■•i-tl f ' I ’ . til.- .-tr.'iiK'li I'lif .T n..-'r f i ) ca'is.' t!i*'V tia'-n’r t-n, i:i'h iri'Ti in Mi' .r t'. .■nat.I.' it to . liant;.' f.,1 Ilvln^r rn^••■•r K’- ni i>. :r \v' i!;- .• ! n'T V. .’I■. . ■ t .11' il ■ n • h-'\ ! r. r-i• • ‘ 1b wr nfr. t)nt tti y (;iii ! t.'l -vtvi-. - ■ tlicy ri> ra 11y ■ ! ■' .-■•u f r ?:?!iiTia' h. li'.i'r ■ r kiiii’. 'i . r ''yriii't rn*-- • f S' tn* -rl’: • r • . 1 t'V la'-k ‘if iri’ii in !!,•■ -! •a! il. th- 1-- V 1 \”"'lieT' I'liM line up thr se - . ■ • , ’■ .i: n;\ :i :k' r Witt'. .; •• !.ir.. n 'f a > ; hv ' ;■ I!' : ’ » ii»r > :: • ■ ! I ‘d I;; n I. > 1. ■ 1.! . ■ 1 ■ I 1 ! r : \> ! ■ i e I: vv ; 1 e« i n I • in ; ■ ■ : N r ex- ; ■ > M SintifriMi: I ^!er^^>•■\. an t" ' ■ I du''" • \. ■ I'tlipt .’IC ii' w i>r C'lla' ■ . at'’'.' 'ill 1 ■" t ■ ■ . ■ 'uri>-;., H-; (* i; j ,. cau ♦ x*'ir p ■ ’ " iT'iv- t nt wii: 't ':i :aili n in fhe ei:- ■ f pri \ -I- : I ar ' V-:i'.ii -I,..- 1 . * I 1;i' \ i if ' v ■ l' 1'.■ 1 ■ ■■ I d U i II • '''I '!ra\^inl: • >!, ( • i.,.M;>iu d. ■ ■ . i -.T^y T ■i I ■■'. 'y f «r I';i- ■ • f":- : i:! i J'.Vt' p. I?’ , a > 1 1'., P 1 n. \ w L- I’; ' t. ■ ■ : : ,1,. 1 ; V 1 a ' 1‘inh' T!! in c.-m'iuif- 1..' il' Wii I'. ■'■■t'.-'M 'T' .'I ‘ ('r>a' -1 a '■''.Uet if I’f ' T’-' t- 'l Sta'' - exp.-ili iiin to I'’::T'.f’i iinl'i'Ulldi'd. hut jt i- ni'tieed 'I' :’ is a fiiliri:: of irii'a: indijr- i M:a* tli.‘ CM’n'.an adniiraliy is faii'!:iar with thi' -daii:- of >ie navv .\ .'' la; c-ftii-ial ('.e'i''>;in sfatfini nt av' :|;a! l'in.d rinis riave u.'curn d not ■t-’y in .'^i'ttiii and I>us.,eldorf, hu/ ■'I o Ml two Si’ '«ian eiti''s, rileowitz : 1 11. n ii'nh’ii ir. 'I'r -ops put down t';“ !i'.' wiMioiit firinir a :.vun. S- - 'i- i'y aniVMineod on tho Pi.:li! im' ,Iuly rouiih t!n ■ ;r'f arrival :ii a I'’'11' h t'ort of il,.' hi': '^’ii[is of th' ; : \T’.'; i.iti .ivers'^as •■xpnii Th,.' \:: . ric.Mr did not los.' p. ’ a ' ivr ai' uni’ual. Twier on Wax aeri - tho .Vlantie (Ji-i'inan r;:i' a 'aeki 1 in I’oi'ei' and were ’ou-'ht of:', and ih*'' s''cretaiy i.- in ha' at 'ea ' on.- ui' ih un'U'r- ;i i' .-- w ;e lii ~' i-oyi’i! i> I'aki r. e( [t'*aiy of war. :ri \'i w \'o! k ( I: y on the r’id !liat "wf nin : liulit for W.Wl'l'lt (.'hi'kms ami hecf la’tlt ■ y h. ri ;!■ hi‘a:ie a.-, eur ariiiit.-s Osherne M.irket. next ihn'r to r.;-(ion :• ^‘-i!! t -h' for ii> ir,;iei'a('\ nliroad." rty oiii. r ' f :ht klni: of !-:nu'ia:i r-r?' . d :i I n f':,; ■ l\'il'-h ';''!Ilo«-I U.l' M'.W Sl’.\ri;KS l- ivi' eents a hnn- lile at New s olhu t'. i'lN r.\NS : i,uS\iU(i I'ai'..'^ for >ale hv ■\\ K r.i t-.i'i. COHN Ml-^M. llonif gniurai. fur sale at, \V. r. Henderson’s mill. ' '■ HK'KKNS, i;(''.S. HI T ri;K (':ish paid tor ll'.ein. I'itv .Market. / •' tU R U!’NT Six rnnni house nn .Iordan ;i-i ! I'i '1'. Ill nnin^ ' dv S.\l-I-' Six room hinu.e. eeiitrallv ' .iti-ii. Noali M. llol'owell. tt‘' IIOI'SKS .\.N'n I.O'l'S and vaeant loi for sale. See W. 11. Faulkner. lJL:'' tt^ TOWN Ln'l'S. farms and tiniher lands for sale, l iank .Ienkir>;, Brevard. .\. tt K(d Ur.N'r fUl'M’ I'ivenn.m house with .l;' od L-,irden. See I'rank .K-nkins. 7 »■ If'.' (. S tft lie’ S'a-s i Siri;'> th;.;'e,i .-.vr 'h.- -j’y I't' l-.'nw' n on th- l'ou!”h l'!'i\ate hui'-M-U’ w e-e h'Ni.-c'ked w ith n« Vi '■ f,,;-e. 'I’l.o pii r.i' ;■ touU a.n act 1 ;.,;:-t in th> ei '..-hrai :ons. I;; :..';‘i!'er fi'T'er.'il (''f iwdi'T’. pi'ovnst r: L’ u dl ~i : a'lau- in iln* :i' . '• fii':i,''' f.^r ’hi- i'I-;a:; ;/at mn cf the f \‘- • i. n 1m.arti. /'I' h;p >-!n;"r.-. at ’h" lifdie-* ■ f I'.i- I'-' " ' n' o*’ lah'.ir. wi i-i- do- ’ V. -I -■ S;i’ .1.'! . , .I',: 1 r',).. ih-parr- ' ' LMiuili'd a' :;ie unanimity of the rf.-p'inse. l-'( d S.Md'. Six tn house on l icnrh limail ave. iusl lielow depot. K’ I\- r.allard. ’ •"'I" ''''' IM\l^SSM.\KlNt'-. plain and fanev sowing, next door to postothee. .Miss I'.li/.ihetii Mennett. •lonMo th'tr strori^tfi nnd ♦‘n'tur'incf* .•11:1 . ritir' lv (,'• t ri'l of all ~\-!!ii.t .ms of •I ■■ .'-'I'- i'Sia. I. ' r atul otlur tr'uM'S In f:'. in I'-n ti. fi urt- ' n il.i;. s’ tinu- mi'lv 1 V taking ir .ii in ti,' i>r.';"-r form, .\tiil 'his aft' r tin \ li.'i'l in ■ f ’.as* lif -it , 1... • .r • n !.r f,,r m^.n'li'i I'hoiit oli'-itn:nt^ .'o:y l.t ii'-tif. Mil" fl'-i.'r t:ik*' th" ol! rtiis ■ f fie.'-' .1 ir r iron ai-> f itf' or till" tiij-«'- of ir.'Ti f'iini'ly I'l sa a f-\v ■ ••Its. You I ■I'^r ’■'k*' ifoti in a form tha' can 1"- • - 1 V ■ rl" '! a- l a‘^'=ir.ii- !.at..l Ilk'. .Xu'.i'' 1 If.ii .f ■ ■'I tr lo !.. yiii :i!..\ o(|. .1'. r\. • " may ; I'.-.f wor*-! •’ in ii‘ . >T.’':.y an • I'l',. I, ,.»• tiir*''-r ho: V.'' n '*'• slt.-.l\ ktl’V. the- v. . ri * ~ f : r- , • I -I' -1 . T 1'' • II'! ! ■ ; M. .1 V. i' I." V. .'ro '' •• 'Tra ' . \\ ! ih r ." v :•-•>. r ha.« i- ■ • i- -.wi • r. u-' !• ''•.a' '^;rti[ly :• r M... lai k ' f ir : . V"Tr K r n II I ! :• Hi . ' I' .n «. .1 T'r all I hi- \\ *i; 1(-, -I: s.. ' I c'r '■ TT t •: K‘. - T'- ' j‘. ■ ■ • ; I-.. .1. 'f! ».n' I. Iiy nil T' >i .II'. It - 'n lightning reezer (> 15 ifi -f'l' •’ a' M.' h’i- 1; r;.I)o: o- f' f- \- VO • IP-' f *h. I ... ■ ’1 to ■ r • V ■ r- -■ ■ ■ . -I I r ■ -n.' =ndefl • '-M: r'«i.l !' :.riy ore r. -\ni erica the > ,'r\ ; lo.".n y e ■ ; A' ( f-. ' ' of '1 hr;' • T'ni'o : I' d*’ Jlofi '■ ' ,r M ■ Ooi • . i ’ ;!y i . . ' t|o i'lial v...r . I. «'f lii. i :i'i-‘ii Sia'“- CO th* a! , - lo .SI.m ']■* 1,1.. : n it. !, inehid* Ra' ,a’.- qu -’a. which, ' h.-'.- iio‘ !)''n forn:ai ly ai fep'.ij. iai l" '-n ; j.o ' 1 to her Ci’e^!''. and :.\va,t nt; tho eai: of t) de faeto • ■ nnn'M lini;i''d:a'e ni ce.- :’y Tk .‘^n.a hin" the CiiMii:. y i".oi!a'-. I a-^ « au ' t th* r''Ver!!';,. to orih-r- quiek • ri.Mr ' z itii'i. ,,f ;;ii ‘n'iri'ly ne\y .-i ei'i-' po';. , t-V'teTii. ’I. i!:''ional in’.‘II;-'-m ^ ' ire. Ahiel ■ '.,i;jpo-oii of op' • ' i of ^hf 'u ‘ "'ir. navy smd jii ieo jj^rtnien’-. a."' I a f*'W other ei!:[do no^ raent io: ■] 1' 1.- an:, 'uneed thnt the t-» . secret senieo in«n wiil e^jnt'^^ v/ork imiiv. l-.aliy on ei.j;.' '.il:i::a' U' liave .-h. ii'! I'o’' J''( ' in the Azoi"'- '■ I'l I European War ,\> oi;- fvi'Ty I'ne? y airi.’in^c hnm- ^a-i!' ; I, ■: o;, S’l:' ,::y. .Iii!\ I>ain- .-a I io!i ! I'. ! t'l' J' - ' I of II 'i t y. ’- 'va I . •j'v ■ at I ••11' p- .'d ' ' ■ ' I '‘ii;;; •. vi ' • !io nn t ro|'olis. ■' '> • ti eri k.hi-i and 111 in- ju' e l ‘ ' , ■ : ■ - ‘ o. I '■ ■ hoar ■ that 'h''' .. .;!■ h. d. :-a'i faeiion atnon? S. \. n -old:* r- '!'h> > are loy:il, '■■■ ■ '' I" 'kon H'. 11 ■ ; a itn'I'hi y *■ ; ,oip :t tha' jt ' y a:- li^^htiiii: for ; : t'.'^ hi • ■'.■! and I h'- nnm- ■ .:ii :i'h'. Ii'i! not for the '■ ■: o f ll'di. nz'.^li -n I- V. ■•;-:o!-n fi- 'T thi- P.ritish ■ to aihiineo iho l-'ri-neh ; ai tivi- f;- in norih of th« - tho :\lon. I . ■y :«'ivi'y '' I- ineri :ii d on t ‘ ti t; o 1 •a M'orr . :• nil a cool) COOK Can heuin work Mo-ahiv; ■ female, lolonai. See ,hime> Vie;'.ilo\v,l at .\ethehvold. ^' P I \\'.\N'n.i> !llid;s. WOOL .AND I'CixS. I ihia:! ;he:n to W. 1.. .\iken for liitdi."' ^ iiuirki l |'i!''e'- ini ash. l_s-tie j l''(d'Nl) l.;'.diis watch. Owner m.iv > have s:;nii- I'V identifying ow:a-iship^ and na\in;^ lor this a'l\erti^i-m'.-n'. j i,2'> Ue Vv a'- 7 l.^-tfe ( i-i i'ont ;n; A n h 111 III in ro'. r .ii 'vi'v 1- .'('piirted on the . ^-.,0^ , I I. ],,, 1, ., ,1. '' ' ' ■ ■ i. V. I. ; i kn'iw?, if. !’t".! to havo t’.i. !! .Maeedo- i'' d\ S.M.ii 'I'wo or three smi’il ;ar:::S ill" t mi: aie r.ew town limit ', t an term>. Si-'i.' nu‘ ijuick. Ih ter-. r.AivK WANTl'd) Che>tnut 0:ik an'! Ih-mloek. Ili-hc't i;'.sli maikit piiee. 'I'ransvU at’.i't Tannir..u Conipaav. _Hri- vard. N. I . ^ l''OKS\l.ll A practo-allv new fwo storv pehhle dashed hon-'o, seven rooms and hatii Modern eon\eiiienii-s. I’.ox I". Drevard. N. C. 7 o ,^tp I'OK Kl'.N r F.i'_:tu-room houe on I'.road street mar ll.'w. Ulythe; also rooms for li'dit hous. kei-jdnjr above Mileht ll s store. .\. -M. Verderv. - Ue f.MOO (d.ASS .I.\KS FOR SALK Can snp- plv vour nei'ds in anv si;:i-. liuv earlv when tiii %' I’an hi' had. for tin* di’mand is ;i^r :it ;;nd the supiilv very short. C. C. Yoi.};Ue. -LvJte !,(>Sr Sumhiv afternoon on Seliea rua'l l.'ii I oat witii l)ia''k spec kled spots and ■ T, ••■1 . olhir at. 1 cuffs. Reward for re- loin t 1 '.Ls. (). K. Johnson at I’eter i'an Dunnar cottaj^e). Itj) 'l'!ii' :m parate akirt eoiiiinuos t.. thiur- Ch and v.ln'her wo look in the diric- tlon .if spoils elotlies or at ^tn-o; ,,|- h.oii'o app !•' !. ue til.'I it an iinportant faeior in ihi' s'.r'ii'oo:' w .•'rdroho. «'i.;- t■ 'M 1 i...N -- a loadiiiL- !•' il' and di\ i'!'--) 1, 'ii'T- ui:li si k a' d ■"! niaterioi--. For till- .-^’roor a:.‘t alii-rtioun ui-ar ta!';'. 'a skii:" :'ro -h" n in piaii's arid er" I's i O', 'i"ii:;l -tripe'.> tm : af'- '-d. 1'he iT at sii"'.'. n ;.i ii;o j.;i !'iri'' lini'-h.-d a^ the l' ilt^-.:;i \.it:i a l'.:is I'aiid. 'I'lif in r\i,.;!'i' ;..>.-i.i-!s a: iJi'ar in ui'-luiin; \ I. riL '•.y ou I.. IaJ. SMART TAILORED HATS IVTakt^s smooth est icc cTcanw, aiul c]iiickly, ) of tlie diiu'us 1 'v hccl-tlablRT and Automatic i'win Scrapers. Saves ice and salt, too. Lasts lontxcr bccuuse i)f clcctrically wcKifil, round, steel hoops — caa’t fallotl; atul can with steel bottom — can’t leak or fall out. Jersey and White Mountain Freezers From one to six quarts for $2.25 and up. ICE SHAVERS, 25 cents. LEMON SQUEEZERS, 10 cents and up, ICE PICKS, 10 and 25 cts. Buy a freezer and make cream at your convenience and according to your own taste. Farmers Supply Go. KliAL I'STATl' is like all other Inisiness it reipiires advertising to stimulate il. Kven a Diversilied ad will work won ders. Trv one. ■I "f '‘o (;ir’:.;i'’ :n:!ehin'S th.'it !' " t II I h'' a ■: • oi on 1 larwieh 1 a!; ■' dov. ;-.i'.!,a/,.‘ hv the Mr-jf ' ’'d 'if' a ad :i i hird niacdiino d.- i .iL'oi! li.”!it [xTsons were lost Either on the streets or between i . ■ i ■'A' iiiy-fiin; inhired. Only the town and .Marr eolta;j;e a nold bar pin with safety catch. If tinder will notifv I>ox (tl he will In liberallv re warded. 7-(i-.>tc ■ht n..'ii ; ,1 o M.ia^o was ip.:1icted. 1 ' !fu t a: ' hotdin'.^ t heir re- i.t ••a il-- .a i •! (• •' : 11(1 it wa. not a ■:'i 'an I pi y, ;• Ci'iniany would V. iho \vi r i hi ! i-vo. Add to this " fact 't'ai iron^’,'. r activity is re- " o a'! : vo;- liio Rii'.'^ian theater 'ititl.-ok is hopeful that n at the ‘ killing.’' ■ I. W'ANTKl) Younc man. sinv,U‘. to assist in working truck ^jarden, easy work. No eitjarette smoker, liquor drinker or swearer, need apply. ,-\ddress I*. O. l>o\ S1, or apply at the News oHice for in- formatitin. now firmly eon-, . • I'OK SAL1-. rew pjood pij.'s five to six • ;nan suhinarine , weeks old. from tirade Berkshire and '1 failuti . f'ur- , (iuinea sows and sired by thoroughbred 1 Poland ('hina boar; two dollars each, crated. Reason for sellinjf cheap is hitrh- iVvs lis on- priced jrrain. Will exchanjre pi>rs for ■ 'hi i-ilve'; 2 to months old. J. B. Neal, Lake I Toxaway, N C. 7-13-2tp An outlit in milliiu-ry beuins with he tailored bat and notbin.:^ in the whole v.ardrobe Is tjuite .so important except tin' tailored suit. Two beauti ful exanijiles «>f tlii.s piirtienlar kind of millinery are pictured above. They are both in black and white. The ba.t nt tlu> toji is of black lisere. with bor- ler of white silk and trinunini; of lac- (!'ier*‘d winirs and buckle. Black satin ♦•overed buttou.s are marshaled about the edfje with military precision. The Fn^nch sailor below is of black and white striped braid face(l with black satin. It.s triminini? is a hand some silk tassel in black and white imd a crescent of emerald jjreen sutin. Buy the Best Shingles the market offers if you want the worth of your money. Cheap grades mean early repairs, and frequent re pairs cost heavily in the long run. Come and See Us when you are ready to buy shingles^ whether you want them in asbestos, metal, slate or wood. As experts, we will honestly tell you what material is most suitable for your purpose and show you how to buy economically. Satisfaction in Price and Quality Guaranteed to All Buyers Brevard Lumber Co. Near t>o Depot* TeleDhone No. 120

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