BREVARD, n. C. LAW UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LAW SCHOOL Excellent Faculty- Reasonable Cost WRITE FOR CATALOG THE PRESIDENT, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. -COW TKAS- SOY OR SOJA BEANS GERMAN MILLET CANE SEED make cxcollcnt hay and fora>;o crops for summer; also valuable fertilizers soil. 100 DAY VEl.VET BEANS furnish nutriti(nis jjraziriK ftir eattle, and are the greatest soil improvers. Now is the time to plant Watermelon, ('antaloupe and Pumpkin Seeils. Our stocks are clean. We ship promptly from Asheville, saving you freij;ht and time. Write for our prices on all seeds needed. STRICKER SEED CO.. ASHEVlLI.i:. N. C. WE SI 1 L 1 VERY I HINC; rilA r IS PI.AN l El) Wanted to Buy Both Native and Abruz/i Seeil Rye—Seed Wheat Let us know (juantity you have and name price. Strieker Seeu Co. ille, N, C^. Buy Before the Price Advances The war tax ineHsure will me ui a 5 jn-r fent nicreH.-^e in the prico of pimiojj. WJiy.noT let \.is pIhc*? one in yoi.r home beiore Ihejad vaiicn ? York I ,ivin^'■^toll !)lkino^ and player pianos our leaders. Michael Music Cg. Brevard, N. C. Nearly every newspaper carrie the general news but the Brevar News is the only one carrying th most important Transyivani. oews. VIVID DESCRIPTION OF FIRST-AID WORK BY RED CROSS MEN An American Pictures Scenes in Subway Dressing Station Near Trenches. SURGEONS LABOR ENDLESSLY Captain, Priest, Private and German Lad, All DylnOf Get Tender Car* From Overworked Hospital and Ambulance Aids. The work of tho Rod Cross sutRoona nnd strotcher boarers nt the front in Franco was nevor nioro vividly illus trated than in a rectMif letter forward ed to Aniorlcn. It was written by Philij) (). Mills to Mr. Kliot Norton, head of tho Volnnteer Motor Ainbn- lanco oorps whioii Mr. Mills was serv- inp. The conimnnieatiftn was private, but was made pulilir l)ecanse of the clearness with wiiirh it sets forth tlio scenes amid wiiicli tin* surj;e«>ns and anil>ulanro worivers labor, hiy after day. Tlie text follows : •‘Tonifrht I am sittinc In a small nn- dorKr*iind collar of a juiblic buildinj:. HCtluK us a sort of timeiieeper for the cars (anibulancos) K»'ln>; up to our turns to the wonnrted mnn, pently feels his, lifts up his closed eyelid, nnd at his nod the stretcher Is again lifted nnd the wounded man is carried Into the operating room, and soon after into the little room of sorrows. “In answer to my ojiger question, the surgeon shakes his head. “ 'Not a chance.* **A brancardlor and 1 gather the sol dier’s belongings from his clothes to be .sent to his wife, but even we have to stop for a few minutes after we soo the photograph of his wife and their two little «liildron. ‘‘An hour Inter, as our night’s work Is slacking up nnd sovornl cars have driven up nnd been unloaded, tho in- llrmior comes in from the little room and says something t«> tho hrancar- dlors. Two of tltoin get a stretcher, and In a niomont the ‘blesse from Itellevillo” comes past us with a sheet over him. They lay him down at the other end of tho room and another brancardlor begins rolling and tying him in burlaj* for burial. As I look ho clianges to n shapeless log. Then, j out to the dead wngon with it. “Soon after. I go Into the little ward npiin to soo how tho others are com ing through tho night, and am glad to soo th'm all q»iot«‘d down. Kv('ii the little (lermjin seems In loss pain. tlu»\i}:h Ills breathing still shakes the heavy bod he lies on. ‘*Thr>u>;h n chink I soo that dny is I bojrinning to break. nnl I hoar the ctiief's car coTjiing in from tho sap. and know that tho night’s work is over.” This is n(»t a sketch from tho imagi nation of a novelist—it is the acttial Church Directory BREVARD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH John K. Hay, Pastor. R*K«lar church services every Siiinlay. Ho.irs; Kirsf and third Sundays. ii:oo a. in.; sec >nd and fourth .Siinilavs, :jo j>. in.; fifth Sun lays, by annotinremcnt. Sunday si IhxiI everv Sundav, lo a. m. M I’n’s Hrotlicrhoud Hil)le class. VounK I’eiiple's Soricty »f (')iristian Kii deav’or every Wfdneslay eveninn. K:oo. WORK RESUMED ON TOXAWAY GOLF LINKS; OTHER NEWS DAVIDSON RIVKR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH John K. Hay, Pastor. Kcjrular cli\in h services -very .‘'unila> Mouis: Second and fourth .Sundays, a in ; first and third .Sumla;'., 4:(id j>. ni.; tiftti Sundays fjv announi'iMiient. Sunday st-liool t-vcry Sunday. lonm a. in. Christian Kmleavor tst :iiid .ird Sundays at II a. in ; on .-nd and ilh Sundays at p. iii. BREVARD BAPTIST CHURt'll. (^)rncr Jordan and (laston streets. A. W. McDaniel, I’astor. Phone No. 1 l.'S. in.. well Kiadid witii at ii;oo a. m. and S:do Millie sihool g:4i; L'lasses to suit all. f'reachini: services in. every Sunday. .Viilweek seivie for worship anti (eKowship, ■;(u) p. Ill Wednesday. .\dvi'-ory I'.oaiil meets on Tuesday evcniiii: after the first Sunday of eai h month ,\11 who desire to encourage "i to asvjst tlie worship of (iod ir to he helped hv woishi;. .lie cordially invited to attend all si-ivki n. .''tranters und visitors air especially \m oiii*- Special Announcement. The pastor will prcach a special illus trated sermon to children and young {leo- ple at 11:‘0 a. ni. on the theme “Human rime Keepers. ’ The address will he illus trated iiy the use «if various sorts and conditions of watches, cloci\S, et. No service at night in order that con gregation may have »pportunity to attend special services at the M. E. clairch. BREVARD METHODIST (TirRCH. W. Edgar Poovey, Pastor. Sunday— Sunday si tiool at >j:4: a m. I’reach- p. 111. LAKE TOXAWAY.—The people of Toxaway aro very busy, some «>n fnmiH and others on public works. The grade woric on the Moltz rail wav is i»roKressinf' nicely. They have, it f'raded with h steam shovel nhont one fourth of a mile already and aro just Retting ready for gen eral work. Waite Reid, tho Jennings com- jiany ’s foreman, has (juit the clear ing of the Molt/, railroad right of way and begun work on tho golf grounds with a erew. 'i'hrre will be a working at tho Baptist chtireh here Saturday, .I Illy ol, for the jinrpose of im- jMoviiig tho grounds and grave yard and attending to some busi ness. Tb(‘ (‘hureh house is being painted, n’lionias (ialloway from Rosnmn has charge of the work. Miss lit'aln Le]iord f»f (ilenvilb*, •\. ('., issjionding »i few days with her stcp-si>ter, .M>-s. (’url Breed- love, who has been on the Kick list for Bomo time, bnt is recovering. Born, to Mr. and Mrsv Uo^eti Lee, a son on July 4th. Fred Hreedlovo went Rosmun last Friday, returning Friday night. Thero was prayer meeting at thfc Lake Toxaway Methodist chureb last Sunday night, conducted by C, C. Hall. There will be ptayer ings held every Sunday eve^Ding at 8:15 o’clock except on the pastor'H general appointments on third Sun* days. F. Y. Wilbanks is building .-^oTne for Mr. Cathey up in North Tuxa- way this w’eek. Dr. ('. I), (jruver of Rosman was in Toxaway last w’eek. Mrs. 1^1 ura Wilbanks and grnnd son, Harold, returned last week af ter an extended visit to (ireenvilli. S. C. A ToXAW A V.\ S- Protect your horse against flies by using flynets for head, ears and neck. Farmers Supply Interiiiedi.ite p. in., first and third Sunday) I'.oaid of Red Cross surgeons and orderlies give first aid to wounded in little underground dressing stations in the front-line trenches. War records show that as many Red Cross men are killed by enemy fire as regular soidiert: in the trenches. Red Cross field service is not a pastime. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR C.T.A. H.ivin:-, qiialitici] ;is ;iiniinistr;it(ir. i'. l. a. (d tilt o’atf ot Marv .lane .Ma^ lie ( larl\c, (in i-a ri], late oi 'i'raiisv!va:ii.t i'oijiitv. .N, (' thir is lo iiontv all |ier'> :i- tiaviri;: . .iiiv kir.d af;ain-t said • •' to ;.ri s(i->t to the 'j!!i!t-rsi;;n li, or tiis alt 'riiey. .n' or tHl'orc the UTtii (!av of .Innc -'r tiiis iiotiie will lie pic;- ' in liar ol tl; ir : , nvei v. •Mi )>cr ' ill a!i\ w.iv inficlitcd to .said estat. Ui,; :n,thr :':',;iH'dl,ito ''ct tlenunt. li.\KK^ 1'. ( l..\l^■I^I■; \'ln^imsrrat >r. : u:''. t. >.t;t'7'.cnto ai:ni \o oi t he t si.ttc I'! .Mar\ , Mai'tie Clarkt , dei'cascii. riiis ,hin> 27th. I'M7. W i;i.CH (..\Ll.oW .\^ , At:v. most flnnccroiis jK^st, and haiullinc the reserve c:irs for womidi'd in The town itsi'li’. 'I'lie whole wiirlil is ]iasiiiiT iier*^—FrcMich, Ameri*’ans; livin;:. n(>iiiitie(l nnd d.vinj;. loni:. he;ivliy archel corridor, with stnne steps It-adin:: down to it ; two coiniiarTnients uiT to idie side, lined with wine tiins, where our reserve men xnd a t'ow I'reiu’h hrancardiers ('^treteher tx-ariTs) are lyinir >n tln-ir stuiii»'d stret’liers. some snoring: .Vdini. a do'ir that lead*' to :i little sick ■.\ard—the mnst jiathetic little room I have ever seen—witii four iteds of rlit'- ferent > and kind.> on one siiie, and six "H the other, taken, evidently, ii’om tile ruiiK'il bou^^es lU'ar liy ; and one tired itdirmier (hosjtital attiMidant) to tenl and soorhe the wounded and dyititr. "In the hpd nearest the door a I-'reiK'h jd'iest. shot throutrh the with jHienrnonia setiintr in. tii.'; Idaek iuard jiointini: strniL’ht up. wliisperiim fur water. “Next to him a little German lad, hardly nineteen, and small, with idiout >ix hours to live. ‘allinK—sometimes sereamint:—for his mother, and then for water. "Next to him a French captain of ’nfantry. hi.*? arm off at the shoulder ;md his head wounded—weak, dyintr. idit smilinjr. “.\nd next to him a tirailleur (infttn- tryman) iti delirium -:illinjr on his -olonel to cliarL'e the Oermans. "The infirmier is ^oiim from one to tlie other, sootiiin;; and waitin;; on each in turn. Ho asks me wliat the (lerman i. sayint:. and I tell him he is calliut: for liis mother. ‘‘‘.\h, this is a sad wjir!’ he pays, as he ;:oe.s over to hold the poor lud’.s hand. “A lirancardier comes in with a mes- '-atre; \ hlesse (a wounded man) at I'.elleville—very serious, "This is a reserve car call, so one •^lifles out J'.nii is >;one liko a >;ray jjhost down tlie ruined street, making all the >peer| its driver ‘an—no easy niatt«‘r— with no li;:hts. In twenty miinites he i'- iiaek. The hrancardiers fro »ut. 'I'liey eom‘ in aL'ain iicarin? the wound ed man on a stretcher and phu-e if on the floor. Mie of tliein, who is a priest, leans over him and asks his nam*, and iiis town. (>n answer to the question what his wife’s name is, he whispers ‘Alice,’ while or> the othcT side un fit lier hrancardier is slitting the clothes from liis hody—and I shivi'r with the pity of it at the si;;ht I see. "'I'he sur^'eon o*>nies out of his little ojieratinK room. Weary with the ni>:ht’s traj;ic \vtrk—after so m;iny, muny other tragic ni{,'ht.s—h* iouses bis h" 1 in a bucket of water, lie ' occurrences of fi ni).'ht hehiml tht trMiit where ihe I’reiicli, the Keltrians the r.ritish—atid ‘^oon 'lie Ami-rieans— liold at hay tiie (Jerman invader. 'riii> is the niKlitly wurk of the men wht care for the wdunded. injf at ivdf a. iii. anr. Kpworth l.eaKue p m Monda\ V, I’. M S. . Momlay nij:hts 'I'u^•^d;lv (After tirst Stewards. S;o(i p 111. Welru sday— I’rayer lueetinj. p in. 'I'huisdaN (I'ir.''tand 'I'liird' Woman's Mis si(.narv society, .?."•! p. in- Local .Auxiliary ■1 ro p in. Friday —Clioii practice o p. 111. 'X'onie thou with us and we will do t!ie k:>iod."— Num. 1(1 ju. ST. rillLirS EI'lSCOl’AL C HrKCH. Kcv. Chalmers 1). ('hapman. Minister in Charge. .Snmlay^ Mnrninii sci vice at iT'm. lock, .''uinlay si'hool, a- n; Wi ek I lays ^\l■ns,.I,;; every I'lid.-iv; Wednesd.iNS and tiiil.iss chii;r- W( (Inesd.iv s and l-'rid.ivs I'.iirmc I-ent: i veiy dav in Hi'lv Week; iilso on Saints da\ s. Ki'iv (■•'inn union flu- tiist and fliii'l Sr.; of ev'*r\ inoiifh; also I'11 fhr I •!•■,«t' i 1 ! I tsttr .IS. I-p:j.i ai'\. As:. W. ‘'us,';,-. 1 1 ui sil.iw Kastci d,i\. ■ cr,s:..n i!av. .''uni!.i\ and I laiitv See '..v Special Announcement. Sixtli Sunday after Trinity. .Udy ].=>. Hiilv eoninuinion and sermon at 11; sulv ject, “Liive. the True I’rintiple of Life." Special efferinc for the liiurch’s work anioriK the negroes. Fridav, .luly 1.^. i venstm^ with address at sulijcct, "Kternal Life, the Livinp Bread.” ■Attention! Without a larger marpin frnni our abundant food supply only to be .secured hv individual effort and voluntary sacriticc, the war will he pndon^ed ami j thc)usan(is of live.s not onlv of nun, hut I also of women and children nctdlessly ' lost. Will viiu make them'.’ Protect your horse against flies by using flynets for head, ears and neck. Farmers Supply Co. 27 U. S. AMBULANCE CORPS ^ADY TO GO Tweiiiy-'^even amhulance companie.s have been ori.'!ini;ed hy the Amerieaii Ked "ross; ill iiiis cnuinry for ser\ii't in Kuroiie. Some of them have already ;:one abroad. The list is: .\o. 1— I’asaden.'i, 'al.. Dr. ('’’h;irle.= I.o. kwiMMl ; .V(i. L'—University ot r’nliforni.a. Herkeh y, 1 *r. .\lvin I'owell; -No. .'f fniversity of Chicairo, Dr. El bert ('lark; No. 4—'!eveland. Dr. Kaipti K. I iideL'raff; No. —Wa^^tiinir- ton. I>. ('.. Dr. Kyaii I*' vereiix: .\'o. C — Kordham univ.-rsiiy. Dr. .loseph Don nelly; No. 7 New York univei ity. Dr. Chester I', s. Whitney: No. ^—Detroit, Dr. t'harles Harion; No. 1*—Northwest ern university. 'hicaL'o. Dr. StcT>hen Balder.-^ton ; No. 10—'olumhia univer sity, Dr. William H. Kockwcll; No. 11 —Battle Creek, Mich., Dr. Janu's T. Cas;,.; \,i. rj riiiversity of Washin;r- toii. Seattle, Dr. David \ H:ill ; No. 1.’’ - rittstield, .M.iss., Dr. Kohert .1. Car- pentt‘r; No. 14—rniver^ily of Ore;ron, Kimeiie, Ore.. Dr. J. E. Kuykendall; No. l.'i—Crtind Rapids, Mieh., Dr. Thonias D. (oirdon; No. IC*—Fredonia, Kan., Dr. Ed^^ar C. Duncan; No. 17— r.oston. Dr. Edward A. 'unnin,L'ham; No. IS—Indianapolis. Dr. M.-ison H. Ia>:ht; No. 1'.)—Portland, On'.. I>r. Er nest II. Streit : No. 20—.\tlanta. Dr. Leo P. Daly: No. 1>1—Flint, Mieh.. Dr. Walter H. Winchest«‘r; No. 22—Char leston, W. Va., Dr. Timothy L. Harher; No. —Portland. Me., Dr. Ern«*st H. Folsom; No. 24—Kansas Cit.v. .Mo., commander not yet named; No. ‘J'l— Hutlaml. Vt.. Dr. William Stickney; No. ‘2(5—Columhia, S. C., I)r. Marion H. Wyman ; No. 27—Lake (.'ity. Dr. Huirh H. Siiraf:u(jw Several of t*'cso units are already on the way tx» tin* front in France, and the prospecc is that all will see eaiiV service. \d oni.v Is the Ked Cr -s prti>arin;, to can* for American ->il- dier.s ai.d .sailors when they move ;.)to the lirinj; line, hut France needs help hadly with Iku* hospitals, and America is ^Ivinjr it tts rapidly as jiossihle. The (Jerman jiolicy of sinkin;: hos- I'ital shijis with their thousands of helpless wounded is makini: it neces sary '.0 'are for the liritish WDunded in Fn;nce, and it puts a terrific strain on the French hospital service. ■ Flioto l>y .\inerican I’n’.ss .\s.«oeiation. Major General W. C. Gorgas. rhoto by American Pres.'^ Association. Brigadier General Clarence R. Edwards 'atli 'ies. ti-n at' o. Flychaser Spray We have a Flychaser Spray that will not fail to chase flies out of the house, keep them off horses while plowing or the cow while milking. It will do the work without fail. Costs only 50c a can. Sprayers for 50c. Farmers Supply Co. TKat New Home of Yours tlli- It is generally admitted that homes of average size are be§l built when built of wood. Certain it is that no other material lends itself so well to cozy, comfortable, homelike effedls—or co^s so little money. A great architect wrote in a recent number of THE HOUSE BEAU TIFUL. “It may be que^ioned whether a small house should ever be built of anything but wood.” If you are adlually planning to build, we will be glad to send you, FREE, one or two books, which deal with the subjecfl in a pracilical manner. No obligations: ju^ send us your name. MILLER SUPPLY CO. BR.EVARD, N. C. Machine Shop and Office Near Station 1 Note—For either exterior or interior, especially the latter, we believe North Carolina Pine will more than meet your approval, and at low co^. Let us tell you more about it W 'Ill jl GUARANTKfcD ,/a-20 YEARS U^TSUMGER S8VeS6ctS.~S'ijieiBiw2^ get a representative sample and prove to yourself the superiority of the famous “18-92” Illinois Brand Pure Aluminum Ware—the only Ware that has last^ and is guaranteed to last 20 years. Made by the originators of alummum cooking utensils. aoAUTYnRST REMEMBER, there’s no such thing as a substitute for “1^92” Ware. It won't chip, pure^ peel, crack nor rust. Look for this seal stamped on bottom of every utensil, BUY “18-92'* WARE for economy and long service; for qu&iity and dependability. trademark See the line at our store—this is only one of •weni^esicA. 344 articles—a picce for every serv'ice. For Side by Brevard Hardware Co. C. DOYLE I fV« nrm aathorinmd % I CO rmfund parehatm 2 • priemofany'*i8-92'* 5 \A L U M I N U Ml \ UTENSIL which i I faita to fiv* matit’ j faction, ty thmowit» I inatotm and mourn- Ifatturort, ILLI- ! NOISPUREALUM., I INUMCOl, Lomont, | , > Cook Co,, lUinoim. I \mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm» -