BREVARD N£W£>, REAL ESTATE No other investment offers as safe or sure a medium for securing an adequate and permanent income. It is the broad traveled highway to financial independance. Desir able real estate never shrinks in value. It always increases, mounting up to high fig ures as the years roll on. The profits it brings to its owner often renders him inde pendent for the rest of his life. Why not for you? See us for bargains in Real Estate. GALLOWAY MINNIS Real £sLat«e and Insurance Personal Mention IMPORTANCE OF WOMAN’S LEAGUE AND RED GROSS Look tlirouj'h tliose coluiiins; soe if the naincs of your jijufsts are there. If not, you havt‘ neglected your duty toward them It does not cost any- thin^j. 'IVIeplioiie, write or hriii^ your news to News oiiii e. Physical Education Women V. Foiitaiiit' n'tiirntd last \v*‘ck from Muiicks t’ornrr, S. (’. Miss Until Mitclu'll is in Aslu* villo, visitin'; her •^nindpMrrnts. .Tolin M. l\iTi^ of (Jn‘«*iivillo was ln'r(? last wvvk oii a visit to liis fatlu'i’, IV S Kin*;. Fislit'r sjx*nt Suiitlay o!i a visit to Ills niotluT, Mrs. J. I?, near Laki* 'I'oxaway. Miss Marian*! Mi>rris of (iastoiiia is tin? ^iit'st of Miss Maud Allison at Derr I’ark Hoim*. Kt'v. .1. F Matiif'y mincsts tlit* i of jiddn'ss from 'riiorntoii. Wash., to '{oiiiidup, Moiit. Mil'S Nina Duckworth of ('harlott«> is licrt' N^ith htM' motlu'r, Mrs. \\ . li. 1 )uckuorth, for tht'summtT. Mrs Alice Freeman of (in'cnvillc is visitin'^ Mrs. Martha W ilson and other lelativt-s in this community. Miss Mallic l^n};lish Marries Rtu’. F Matni'y and Miss Mai-i lie Kn^li>h were mar"ie»l on .lulv •!' it Mus>elsiiell, Montana. The hridi' was well aiul lavoniiily known in this county, which had l>i‘en her home >ine»* childhood. For several years she was jtost master ut i’is^ah Forest, liaviii^ resigned trom this olli‘e only a f»'W months a^o She is a sister of 1). |j. and hr. F. >S. Fn^lish. ami has many fiiends in this phiee. The news ut her marria^^e was received i>y h-tter this week. Mrs. Jenkins Urges Ladies to Join One or Both Orjjanizations and Help Noble Cause Fditor, News: 1 am f^iad, as every who loves humnnity must he, to see tin; in- tei’est lii'cvard is .sliowiiii' in the | nor time to h-ave home, ioin tho liedC’ross. 1 sii|)])i*s(( one can u)t | ajid show your willinj^neKS over estimatt* its importance. to serve your country in such ways iJut I trust, that in their /i*al for th(; lied Cross, the women of 'J'raii sylvania will not over look another orfiani/ation of which our county of hunger may bo us acute as those cf a wound. Join the leaj'ue and let it show you how you can help. The appeal is to every woman in the county. If you have both time and money, join both tho Red Oross and tho League for Service. If you have money and no time to leave home, give yonr mjiiey to tho Hod Cross and lt!t your country tell you, through tli(! l(>auue, how yon niav hoi]) at home*. If 5'«)u have luMther money l{ev. Mr. Matney is a minister of has a branch, winch is also of very the .M(!thodist Kpiscoj»al church ?-'reat im]»oitance. I refer to the and has het*n livin*; in tht? far W e-it National lj'‘;t!.;ue lor Woman Scr- some four t)r five years, lie for vice. merly hitxired iii the western ])art Rod Cr(»ss, and the Leaj^Mif t)t this stattr, and at one time was Service lo not in any way con pie.siilin!4 elder in his den..mination Ihct. ()Mem’iy helon;^ to huth and ovci- tile district which includes >erve t he country in hoth societns. as your hijsy life will allow. M.\itv (J. Jknkins, For Kxecutivo ,’c)nimitteo N.itjonal Lt‘a;4:ue for W'tman’s Service. t he |> ii.-'tttn i-ircuit Mr. and Mrs Matney will makt their homo at Round.u]), Montana LAKE TOXAWAY NEWS Take a coursc in physical education for women, consisting of ten lessons. Simple exercises to vitalize the body. The Aim of the Course is to relieve the common but unnecessary ailments, such as indigestion, extreme nervousness, sleeplessness and kindred troubles; to insure better breathing and build up a general vitality against colds and other unnecessary diseases. Classes are being conducted at the Institute at 2:30 and at the Graded School at 4 o’clock every day in the week except Saturday, New members may enter the classes any time. MISS ELIZABETH BOYSTIAN AT THE INSTITUTE Kdwin Uockett of (iastonia is visit’ll*' his aunt, Mrs I) F. Moore, and his u'raiulfatlier, S. F. Starri't ttv Mrs. \V. A. lieavans took her son i\‘aymond, to Ash(*vill.! on W'( .i’li sday for an operation on his throat. •Mrs. \V. A. llcavans returned recently from a visit of several v.eeks to Lawrcnceville and other ])l:ici‘S in VirL'iiiiit. Miss Ldna McCrary t)f lleijder- .-'onville i,-. visitin:^: her sister, .Mrs. B. .1, Silton. wiio is nicely recovt'r iii.r from a loni: attack of illne.^s. M. I Kvoret/.l^y and smii, Myer, of New York, are vi.'^itiTii; the for mer's son, Nathan 1 )wor»‘t/.kv, and Mr. and .\lrs. .Ios»']>h S. Silvei>tein. Mrs. K W’. Hlythe. who wa> taken to the lliltmori* ho>]»ital for treatment last week, at la^^t repoi t was in a much inq.rovt'd condition. Mr. and .Mrs. .lasoii Huu'Lriiis. who were married about two weeks a;^'o. li-ive returiu'd t'rian tlieir weii- diiit; trip and will make tlieir home heri'. Mrs. L. Morris returned Sun day after a few days’ visit to friends in Hrov;ird. Mrs. K. A. (’ollins has been on the sick list for tins ]>ast few days. F. Y. \Villt)anks and W'. 11. Nich olson went to the .lackson county siimini; convtmtion last week, re- tnrnini^ Snnilay evenin*;. 'riu> (“on- vention was ludd at i’ine cret'k, near (i lenville Ht'v. .lolinson ' ]»ri‘ached at the M W’e hope that every woman who can j)ossihly ilo sj, will helon^ ti» both. liut th(“ro ar‘ many women of small means, !ind whose lives are so full and busy, they not can j)os- sildy ;^ivt* largely either of money or timt^ to anythini^ outsid.i of tlieir own homes. To such women, tiii^ Lejii^no for service, olVers a / beautiful o])])ortunity. Tlu'rc* arc^ no dues and no red ta]>e tj the leatiue. Neither does it ro(|uiro skill with the iieedbi, nor e.Kccutivo ability to btdun^ to it. In joinint; the league, yon sim- jtly f^i'.e your country a chance to of Rosrnan ask V(H1 to do somi thin>; tlnit you thodist church knov.’yourself cajiable of (bjini;. If Sunday at 11 o clock ami W . 11. you can not sew but can raise Nicholson jToached Suiiday niL'ht chi(*kens, let the ;.roveriimeTit know at s o'cb.cli, BREVARD INSTITUTE NOTES Mis I'.li/.fibi-th Bennett -li. SUCCESSFUL REVIVAL CLOSES AT ROSMAN .Many (-onvcris; Uoshkui Boys Patriotic; I-it hi Darkonod W iti'. Corn; Ciooil Road W ork. The tent Til* etniu' coiulu. Te.l !iy Rev. .1. F. MerL'aTi eiii-ed Sii:ii;ay ni_'hl altt.r three aiid ( ne lial! v. iM K'i of hard ]'f a-’liin 1 ‘i ' !. * iL } I Il> ol I leU' lel s^Il Cl 'IK iu. led the iiiusie. 'I'he meetin;,' was a i;reat suc'ci'ss. >uiiday alti riioi'U it there Wt r-’ 1 ■’> l'a]>tl,'.ed lllto the tellowshiii ‘ ! the /..on Ilajttist church aiiil 1 v, ■ in the .Met hi'ili.'t. 'Fliere were .-C 'Te" ■ it tiaeksliilel s restored, lir.'. M a'u'an is a hard hitter when It Mines to tiu'iitlim sin, and especialy whiskey, daiu’inij. *:amhlin^', and lii-*wn's mule. We belicvt* IJro. M ;_'aii is a live w;if lor C d Mild We pray the hle-slic^s of (iod to follow him to his new field of labor The he;irt .-f the lia]>tist Sundav seluiol su]tennt' i, dent was made to rejoice last Sun- . day to see some new ones in atten dance. There was one man there who has lived in Kosinan tor !;ve j or si.x years and ha«l never been to j Sunday school. He was c(»nveit (l j diirini,' tlu‘Morgan lluj^mns meet-j iny and wa^^ B.ipti/.ed Sunday. He | ,-avs he o.xpeets t / bo one of Us hereafter. Rov. J. C )\v.‘ii and daUL'htt j- j)assed through our city last week t;nrouto to (.Gloucester to visit rela tives and friends. Mrs. W’. 1*. Housed has gone to Stjuth Carolina tor a few days visit ‘ t() her (laughter. .\lrs. Southerland. Mr. anil .Mrs. H. W. Paxton are tho happy parents of a 1> pound girL born Friday night, of last week. The bahy and nujthor aie doing well. j Miss Ora (.ila/.ener of Sj>artan-1 burg is^ visiting rcdativos and trionds in Rosman. Aboi'.t a do/.en of onr jiatriotic boys joined the national guard last week and went to Gastonia for their tivst exhiiiination and return ed hom»* to he called into caiii]»s aiiout the ■-'.'•til of this niontli. We guess that en ps in oi:r hure ari> till* lli'.est they liave ever been ; >>ne man was heard to remark on the st 11 ets'fuesday that he c(.uld TMt ploiii'h his i-orn any more, and on bcini: asked why said the corn V as so loTiu' and tbii'k it was so ■ I'lrlc 11; the Jield lie couldn't see to jilotiL'h it. If any one eaii beat ’hat for corn let's hear from \ou. . H. ( ila/ener. the road t)Versei>r t-r Kastatoe townshij). ha.-J bet'ii d> 'iiiL' SI 'iiie ei >od Work on onr roads. Amoii;,' other ])eiinanent imjirove- nients he has made a much needed aiaendnii nt on the hill just above W H Surnmey’s nuil on the lilue nd^e road. lii.i l-l Hvks. Read the Diversificds also. Di. Ferdinand King, New York Physician and Medical Author, Say»t EVERY WGMAM EVERY MOTHER EVERY DAtCHTER moved her dri'ssma kinir establ iiient from the l’a.\ton buildin the huirs Rock buildiiiLr. door to the ])ost ol'iice. Mrs. .1. H. ( >wen of M srs Hill a visitor here t his week. sto])]iinL' over for a dav with tlie familv of W. 11. huckworth bt'T'ore joiniii'j; Ivev. .1. K. Owen on a visit to rela tives at I’o.xaway. .bim»'S Dodirens and ,Mi: .\liller, both of 1!oL'back, were mar ried here on Saturday niorninir ’’»y Kev. John R. Hay. The ceremony took ])!ace in the shade of a majtli- in frotU of the i’rcsbvterian church. The garden jia.’ty to have been held with .Mrs. R. 11. .Morrow on Thurschiy for the lienetit of the Red ('ross was ])ost])oned until Satur day between the hours of and o'l-lock on account of unfavorable weather. We wish to correct the error in last wcck's news concerning' church urrouiid worl{in'_r date. It was ])uh- lished lor .luly :;i : it shoulil have been .1 nly VI . .Mrs. Kmma Hooper of ();ikland liasheeiiawav attendinir thesin'.:- iiil; school w hich was held at (’.ish lers hy l‘rof. Brock of Seneca, S. (’. She also attended the couveii- ventioii at i’ine ( 'reek. Bunyan, the son of .Mr. and Mrs. I’os V B. ('.Veil, has been veiy ill. ,\Ir and Mrs, W. 11 Ni holson •^peiit Sunday !>.iuht with .Mr. and .Mrs. .1. A. iJr.-edlove, returning' to th-‘irhomea' Oakland on .Monday. Mrs, Lewis '1'inslt‘y and .Mrs. into : Cope Lee w. nt to l;rv-\ard Thurs- nc.xt i!;iy• Lalliii i’isher of Brevaril was a visitor in 'i'oxaway Sunday. 'I’he passetu,'er train was sent throimh Sunday, arrivim: at o'clock, bringiim soiee of tlu' cot- tau'e owners. Wish we had them to Collie eveiy ilay. as our miilday I train is a thinu' of the ])ast. i 'I'wo of our youni; ])eoj)le mad*- a business trip to Brevard last Fri day and came ba-'k married. They were Miss Lessie Miller and .lim I >( id gen. Mr. and Mrs. .1, A. Breedlove visited .Mr. and .Mrs. .Miiisel Thomas of Reid's SidiiiL’’ Saturday anil Sunday. .Mrs. Cash of Moutvale is speud- ini; some time with her ilaughtcr, Mrs. Claude F, lieid. Many timbi'rmen can be lu*ard in our section ehoj)])ing, making tics for the new railroad, whiidi is be- it. You can do work in your own ^ hack yanl, It you an* a ;^ood cook, ! and can ])re])are food in your own kitchen for huuLrry children, tell the governnieut so, anil you may hi‘ useful in that way. You are abrolutely assured that you will be calh tl on for not hing excej)t what you know you are able to do. ^riie spc(‘ial objects of the Icatrue in this county, as I understand it, are twofold. First, to kciM) before the women, in season and out, fhe im])ortance—yes the vital necessity, of food economy and ■•layiii'.; bv" fT tile winter. Si'Cojid. to lind employment tor tliose woi;icn who wish It. 'I’he iTMportance of the fom .Mrs. liettie Ward and Miss Linda Ward ot A^h«‘vil]e are guests of Priif. ;ind .Mrs. I’e. k at the Insti tute. Ml';'' Sallie Bro'.vnin;^ of Hender sonville is sjtendinir ;i short time at tho Institute. 'I'he summer scIkjoI, which will close on Friday, has had a vf'rv successful session. A number of teaidiers from various counties havo been in attendance and there has beon a very ^ood local patronat;e. .lust at jiTeseiit a i^ood deal of in terest is centered in t);e ca.nning industry recently installed at tlnj Institute. The ])('rsons in charge are kej)t constantly busy. Rev. L). F. (’arnaek, jiresi lent of the ’I'extlle Institute of Sjiartan- burir, anil B. ii. .b)iies were i^uests at the Institute this week. Mr. .lones is also connected with tho Textile Instirute. DB. J. Y. MCKINNEY OPENS DENTAL OFFICE AftiT an ab.-ence from Brevard for l.'>m;inths, during which tiino I ])racti(*cd dentistry in Raleigh, I have returned to resume my i)rac- tic-e in Transylvania county. I have ojiened ollices in th-> Pickelsirner Ituildini; in the olVK-es formerly oc cupied by hr. T. .1. Sunimt'v. ,1. Y. .Mi'Ki.nnkv, I). 1). S. I Nearly every newspaper carries the j^eneral iievvs butthe lirevard News is the only one carrying the tion. to my mind, outweiu'hs | p^ost important Transylvania eyery thiui: else-even tin* Red ('ross. j news. W’e mav •'oiisider it, in one seiist'. as the ounce of ])revention, \-.h, ie as tilt* Red(’ross*is the j»i.und of cure for sutVerinL’’. li thej-,- ^ hort- ag(‘of lomi, not only our soldiers and our allies must sul't'er, i)ut our workers at home, ;nid our women and (dnldren as well. 'Th.' jjanu:' P R E X riie jilass disli you put in the oven and after bakinj; in it you piit on the table to serve from. C. DO’^'LL for particulars. In obedience to a call from tin navy department, Ral})h Clement, j mir huilr ra])idly. who volnnteored and took the ex aminations several weeks airo, left Tuesday to report to heaibiuarters at Raleigh. From Raleigh he will go to some post of assignment in tho naval service. Row(‘ll Bosso celebrated his sixth birthday Monday afternoon by a party, at which about ‘Jo of his little boy and girl friends were ijresont. Tho occasion was a do- To put strength into her nerves Ughtful one to the children, who NEEDS IRON AT TIMES and color into her cheeks. Kins enjoy»*d tho out-of-doors games and tho refreshments. Th^ro can b** nu f II I, h alt hy, F' sy - \vuiii*'n "Ut irun. 'I'he tr''ubU- in tlio ; KSt has !.. . ii t h :i t w h II \V ' ni* ri m1 if'ti tlify -rally ti ik nrilitriry i.n— t ■« 1 1 1 : iron, \s h 11 ■ 11 I' f t •• a c 11‘ 'il'-'l t h ti nt"iiwn'h a II J did far iimre harm than K"i>— - . M-v.i- wtTilM* organic irnn-—Nvixat*-*i Ireii. i iiis i ;.artUular form of In-n easily as.siini- | for SOVOral years, latcd, lio'S not blarkcn nor injure the .. t*M'th nor upspt thf stomach. It wiU *“'1 cr. ase tho sin nM:th and of weak, nf-rvinis. irritable, cart voirii, nag | .... K!ird 1 t )() kinK wnnu-n 100 pt*r ront. in; The bride is originally from Buu- two wf'fUs' time in many instant -s. i have us ) it in my own pra’l u e wltb , COIU he, hor ])001)10 COUling horo to most surprising results. — Ferdinand i. • i. KmVk, M l) during the past winter. NdTB -Nux»t«l Iron aboTe Dr K>rditi»n(l Kinj can he uliiiiimtl from ! r IB | Scfcen windows and doors at an uru„..u. 1 Parsers Supply Co. Jackson—Nicholson. Milan Nicholson and Miss Ida Jackson wore married on Sunday by Magistratt* E. T. Henning, tho cor(^mony taking ])lact? at Mr. llon- ning’e residence. ; Tho groom is a Brevard boy, who i has grown up here, and has been Tt)-day dortor.s pre- : work steadily and industriously Ho is now in employ of the Transylvania (4ard.*nintr in 'I’oxawav is on the down grade this week. L ('.’ase is keeping a lanti'rn burning all night t ) keej) tin* rabbits from l at- ing his cabbaire. Sounds like s])ort for m*xt wintor. ProachiiiLr at tho Toxaway Bap tist church next Sunday at 11 o’clo(*k ; Sunday school at Como across, Turkey Creek, and lot us hoar from yon. Wo miss j’our news. A T*>x A w \ V \N. The self iiK’.de man may not be a sell'liar, hut lie will have a mind train ed to tinlerliiifss. Self diseiiiliiied, hi* can dlsciiiiino liis fellows. If he can not write or keei> afcuiints ho ‘an Ket St lino one to tio it. Ills n'lxirts to headquarters will he as well done as his trench di;:.L;ing and scouting enter prises. Sonic day tliere'll be a Iiurry call lor a li('Uteiiant and none to spare. Hut the self traiiM'd leader can fill the role, and •‘prouietod on tho lield" will be written opposite his name on the oompany records. It will all be due to the habit of doing well what he set his hand to. Opposite the Postofiice Is now open and ready to serve the f)eople. We hav e a ^ood stock of solid ^old and jjold filled jew elry and are expecting our ."ilverware and cut jjlass in a few days. We want the people to come in and get acquainted with us and see our goods. Let us show you and give you prices. It will be a pleasure. Jay .\Ilen Glenn, who is in charge of the store, is an ex- peit watch repairer, and any watches, jewelry, spectacles, etc., left with us for repairs will be promptly and accurately repaired. Jay Allen has had ten years experience in a jewelry store and is a graduate optometrist of the Philadelphia College of Optics. We w ant you to see us about the first job. We feel sure that our prices and the quality of the w'ork w'iil secure for us any jobs you may have in the future. Thanking you to call and see us, w e are, Glenn’s Jewelry Store Best Way to Look at Life. Make the most and best of your lot and compare yourself not with the few that are above you, but with the multi tude which aro below you.—Samuel Johnson. Brevard Hardware Company Clover Seeds—Red Clover, Sapling Clover, Crimson Clover, Burr Clover. Grass Seeds—Herds Grass, Orchard Grass, Tall Meadow Oat Grass, Timothy, Millet. All kinds of Turnip Seed, Ruta Ba^a Seed, Vetch, and Rape. SEE DOYLE REMEMBER, YOU SAVE MONEY IF YOU