V iS 111 off** • ♦*•(>* «»».% w ^ D G r2 o o o n? PQ U I ♦ f7'’cj Rugs and Carpets You will find an unusually varied supply of floor coverings in all grades at our store, if you want one of the rich, soft, beautifully colored Oriental rugs for your parlor or hall we can put it there. And quite as readily we can give you the simpler w^eaves in rugs or carpets — strong, elegant, long-wearing goods of American man ufacture. In fact, we specialize in domestic materials of medium price and highest quality. lur Word Is a Guaranty of Honest Values HOME SUPPLY COMPANY IRON IS THE GhEAIESi BLOOD PORIFIEK ANii STRENGTHENER KNOWL It Drives Out Rheumatism, ies the Nerves, Enriches the and Helps the Stom ach, Kiihieys aiui lihuhier. APPbi... ..JiTS Grent Number of Commissions for New Officers in the North Caro lina NationnI Guard. v' ''V clH)l\h. I’roprictt'T. H v‘l:\ ,4^.. it?" ‘ ^ > \ t «» ■ . r**; .vl/ V 1 . I p SCijT;>:• J.iv *'•4' ‘ • 'Kj —I La tJ I.’. ' '.-isa r ^ s« r>3 K« T. r: ^ 3C'. kid] e H \ B .•'ilipjj's Bakery I ^ ^^ *2 t , MAKE YOUra WQIZK EASIER ?Hi OVERALL WlT¥i ROOM YOU IT DOEG THIZ rOi* YOU 1 !: Inlp ri ni I^sTERl■R• ^i\o you in ii; .1 \ ..u - r.ccd rt ta T rc ult- witii rt. /Viid llit’y ;l h .w ■ Jt- ‘ ■m be ii;: waihcd. JNSIST 01^ TfrSE TICKET JnBAfil IK [fN \v;.|rrjr yOO \ ■■f*' I The merchant wlio se!!' IN’TEK- 1 URBAN SI;i:CIAL ovcr„::. be- j lieves in giving y^ur nj ^aey's I worth. That\ why h.' i,c!!s you 1 INTERUKBAN Si'LCiALS. ) SMEI^MAN 1 OVERALL MPG. CO. SHIsRIVIAN, TEX. Wsiii's G'jnts’ Store, 8revard, N. C. HAS YOU» SIZE-CALL rOJT I'T TAKK ‘A.I. M ,” rm: no\ ai CIOHOLIC NA rUKAl. IKON FJilcrly jx'oph'SCI kiiurn'li' I li om t‘X(H's.'«i V r uri* itciil, cii tr.r i In n iimtic pains, oltcii lake llmi^^s thnt «ii» tin in iiiori' injury than ^o.kI If jx'oplt* would I fiiit'in ltd- that al colnil i> tin* fin'iny ;>r tin iuiliii’\" wliich imturi' iiitru>ts willi tin duty lit liltfnni: thi« MoikI, ihf\ (‘crtaiiily would nli.iin I n mi a let > Intlic nu‘diciin‘s which tiTdystiiiui hitcsiiir the nntiin'ii* and ai\\a\.- have t licir rciiclimi to tin- dc-tii incut ot kidneys, hladdrr, stoniacii, liver and nerves. It weak. Tu'ivous. always lircd ajul kidin“y> !>othcr ni:'hts, or li you ate iiidy in need d a tonic to tiuild you up and sti'cn^thcn the ULMii^ svstcni take ii:i t uia ! nicdicinaI iron, known as Acid Iron Mincui] It Tii ikes men and wiiiinMi >1ront:'i . It cm ;cin‘> a nd iiun lii'> t he hloml. ini]n-ove> t he a])pctlte jiiid ;x»'neral health. (io to the ncai'c.-t drn!_r stoj-,- ;iinl i:et a oi- doii.’ir sl/e hottlcol thislnirhiy eon-cntrated uon-alco holie natural nu'dieinal iron. kinc.\ii as Aeui li'on Muii raP 'I'lii'' i.‘> a> jiurc ;is the ri])])linL,' liroolc, In^cidy conecTit r.ited ainl eoiitains three t iriiis ot iron, ; i^rctlici- \vil!i si'dmm, ]>''{as‘'iu;n. calcium, tu il' nesiuni and sulpiiuric acid til nt ;^':eal itn‘dicn»al \alMc tiinl !»Icndc'l .•i!n! pi'opi if ]''ii "i ]u^‘. nu'ht ii.i Hi I e hcr>i 11 11 t the t rca t iiM'ii' ■: .-oitnacli, lv.(inc\', -ladder, hh'O'l and liver ailineiit>. l! i> nat';;c > >t rcnict heller, ecoi.oTni ' il, ct;ic’.cni, non injui'ion^ and ;.o\vcrlul. 'Id ioll^s arid anyone run d )v»-n i‘ weaken .a will lind il jil.^.-unt to take. woiidei-tiilly in vii; 'i a t iiuv and an iron coni]iound with all tin- laults ol' ethiT aid weakt'r iron prcpara’ioiis of the chcniist h tl I>nt. Lir_e ihiltlcs vent p!'cpa;d • 1. liy I'crrodine ('hcmu'al ('I'rjpi’a 11 ■)!. Iv 'ai: 'ke. \',i. — .\dvei I i" i;!. iit . ! I I;K 1A ( in I K (.(>HP.I I,i;s. i .1 . s j-! ilt.'^is and d iuu^hter, l-;d-th. Went I ■ A'-licvilie Frida'., , re! uMi; ti_’- r . i;i , rs .\ 1 I IP'c.i s iiahy, who 1;';^ ' I'.-.-n I'll the >ick li.-'t. 1- -inii.roviiii: ; M: -. Sw.;c l.ydiyi- st.Il on tin j >ick ii.'.t, ■ la’Mc' I.;, day ( I’l-^rah !• ■ ! /-t V!-;ti 1 hl> I'.'it!!"!-, I ),•; \,\ ■i,iV, M.:;da V. I K' . ■ .1 •’iiinic Ah'xandc!' n -;*. ; : hi.- >..n. ( '.'i.ii'lcs Alc\!'ndc’-. in l In- ' li'-ii'- la.-’ \st .'k. l/i>: .''■;Mla'.' u’hdc hur.tii:: c •.v- P; ‘,;cn^ an 1 *\ii'ire..- tou’id a l.iriTc r.at tlc'-n;ik.■, '11.ev t!l-.il;L:h; It W;i> «ad>- H c. snake and we’it to pnn.-lii-^;: it. It LT-i\c a rattle whicli I'l'i^";.* T.d tlu’rii int ) runrnim tor iielp. I’r di ably ilic only rca.-oii they were not h'tten V.II-^ tii'Cause it \.-;ts ealin^'a uM-ound .-(piirrel. 'j'ht'ir tathci i killed it. ; Many o:’ cir jie. ■;)!■• are ••har vest iiiLr" hu •kltdj.-ITleS. lia>eo!n)» ,\lii-^on. a I'onner r‘>i dent, hiis been visitiiii; relatives hi-re the ])ast ^M•ek. lie is n^e.s 1;vini; Hi Lainlruiu, S. Ack Mud ( larciicc i^inis are ^oin:^' to Iciive soon to enter trainin'.: ea!np>. Ti KKKV ( 'UKKK ( IKl.. for or na in Always Patronize News Advertizers, Tell Us Your Tire Troubles W’riti* iir lall nn u.s for free ad- viii'. \V (• are tire speoiali.sts ai.d (.an I'lirnisli you the he.st make for your car. Want priiesV We have the larjxest steam vul l anuin;; plant in Western Carolina. Petter ^^vuleanizin^ is7ihme by steam than by any other method, Srnii v.s your repair work. Keturr. jiost eliari^es paid on rej)air woik. ASHEVILLE vSTEAM VULCANIZING CO. 5 East College Street ASHEVILLE, - - N. C. li.iicjrli Caiil \\ illis (1. I’c:c'', Tnl • •(1 ;ilair;; w.ir d |'nt ineiil, ui!l in I ;i oiii'ilii r ot the iiiiii.i tor Ihc in'u I cj-iiin iit III' lidil :ii lilli'ry in |)r.‘i)- ai.iihtii jni ii'ij. ral r i o;’ml ion wilidn (in' in'.\l I'cu la\s in Ilf loilowinf? orijci ■ il.illi i v I >. \\':n|i- ,l)iiru an'l Miiliriic .llils I,; ciifoneei Ir.MIl, W'il i.inn’.liiii .liil> I , llalleiy A. .\'e\v II' in. .Iiilv 1!', ;oni i!.illerv Durln'on, .liil\' 1! I 'Tin- ollni' null' ol' lln' r'l'i M Ciil .-lie Mii( \I'I rci iilileil In a pwinl u lici t' tin' III Ill'l l loll I'lii' tc.jci al lec >r,nil mil ( an lie In lil .\ r.i’.') miinlM'i I)!' i iiiMiiii inns new oil II If:; ill \ .11 jini' imli'ai > )',.nii/;il iein ol' llic .\oi!li (':• loliiia linii.il (•iiaiil weie amioinniMl. clinlim’ lln- rol]owi:i>' for ilic vailoii. liali'iic! of tin- 111 III aililli rv ii ri incnl : l’ianl\ l. Idcv ami W illiam H 1C (iiiioii, lirvt lii iiiiMiaiil ami I )a viil W Muri i:; • 1‘cnml lii'ui I lia III, I'.al feiy .\. .\i'w I’.iTii; Wiley (' It'.ilmaii. captain; Pnoi li S. .'■iiiiiiimir^ ami W P llanti'am. li:', I !i' iili-ii.inI a'nl (e orv^i' S Immmi ;uii1 IIoIici'I Iv I ,a w i'Mn f*, >5i'i omi 1 ii'ii! I'iiaIII s, I'.alti rv M. Wa. !i im'.lon; Kcnmlli ^b Hardison, cai> lain. Fi;iiiU I? A^^ln r.ifl ami .lulian t'- Moore Iir t liinleiianls. ;im! Ilarry M (’o\iiii;lon ami Williama II ll.inli on, si'comi lii \ileii.ini;:, ailM'iy I). Wailc; lioio ami .Monroe; Lniii-. I!. I'l.iNion. t'r I lii'iiti'uant ami ’,Mof;^i' \ Abii' row ami liolierl IV Wall^er. secon I 'iciiicnanls. I’laMciy !•'. Mooi'i-^ville. ()tlnr apiioinl ineiil s arc; idcharrl H ('lokve. captain, enrineer Ir.iin; .'olni llolman. lir.-i lieutenant. I’iisf in!'anlrv; Matt II Mien, captain ami aiijiitant, lir^^l bntllaion. .Pir-t n:;!- nieni .N'ortli Carolina ficbl ai tillery; I’.everly S iloy.' i. i' ,|r . first lieutenant P.atleiv (', liiifhain. i«OTIbE (jF sale of DLD COUNTY HOME I'nder and by virtue ol ('hapter .)K», Public l„o«al Laws ot North Carolina, .Session IVl.S, ilu- uiidersi>iied, t'oininis- sioners »t '1 lans} !vania eountv, will, on Monday, Auf'ust (,lli, VJ17, sill to the lii};list l»id(ii r tiie old ««iunty home here- toliire usfd lor the at^(l anl infirm. 'I he tetnis of said sa'e will he as fol lows: Pirst Cash in full «>ii day of sale. Si ( Olid Om -half cash, balance in 12 months, with intnsl from date at f. , si ( iiird i,\ deed in trust on the [.mpcrty. I liird Om- third (ash, halaiue in oiit- and two \ cais, di leiicd pa\inei;ts lie.aiinir inlcii'sl liiiiii dalt al (» per aiii.um, pay- alile annually ,ind secured hy dei d in Ilist lilt he jiriipcrty. All hids musi 111- se.'iled and fdcd with the iij.'islci ol dci'ds of 'rransylvama innnty hy lU o’cloc k a. m., .\uj;ust (»lh, l'»l/. 'I hi- iiiidcr.i'.'m-d iesei\e the rijdit to H il l I ;in\ and all hiiK that in Ihi ii jiai;' mint .III iinMii the lull value ot said pi ii|iel I V. 'I ill. Inly 17th, IV17. (')! N .' 'I ( i)M.MIS.SlO\i:iS / Ml 'I ra n vh ;ima 'i.iint\, \ )ur tricnds would In- pitM.scd f*rfi t‘ive maiked copies of tlie .News sh«>w in^ your w liere;ibouts and ;!clivilics; .S ccnts a copy. Personal Attention toT elephone Orders Orphnn Workers in Meeting. llalejL’li. llev /.odak I’aii'. imtsI dent ot ilie .\ofih aroIina )r|ihan .\s- ^:o^■i•lt ion. in eeii ihat the wmnen of .Xtirth Carolina ori-'aiii/.e in the oties ami M'wn- to pi;;)', tlie oridianau’e wm-k in rhe in hi- ai'tiaal address t > tlie a.'-ii: iation that met lier*' at fho in\ ,r :r jon ■ .r i :ie ,\1 e: i,. >,1 i ' >/; !i in a:.:e ill (INriwcoil, .\ u..i:.ty;’.j re- lior! fri ni the pahliciry c.niiiii': e wa I'ead by .Mr. .M L Shipn:a!i lief ni- tin* ;i -ori.i’ion a;:d frie:;.l . I; id luin h at tlie oi'idia'' i;;i* Mr i’.iris wa.- !■- elected jTe idi'Tit. M.I.iiiies K >'oiine: was elcc'cd tirst \ ice pr" cib'tit. Pr. .tolin i-'. Hay wa-; ele- i.Mj ^el■ond v, e- }>re-ide’it and Mi>s I'ai^y I *en .,n ami Mr. .\1. b Shi;i;nan wnre re i lei • ,i -e, :;i \- a!id ’:'ca ai'ej-. i-e^,p,-i ’i', --. . In t ■;e r- ;i' ' !ie jaild,; ;• y ■ rn.i- ini'^ee M. ■ ^ \p I,. S.iii.iii.i-: ili-rht '• \: ,('ie ;i: d .biM;e, K 'iin;: I'e.'t.l I'-- >!;• in. \v:is iMven tin- v;- .v of ornii.i:..i-e li-iicl i !in lU'hi■ i' 'ii ^ i I.M' • !ie ••. ,1,. d;.,.'. i;n ■ 'n,!'' . ,|.ai. ' e ■ _• in;: ’-e Iim lud.'d in 'he -c; e i .imi . '1 I • i;t' I i! ■ i ..dn.wn 1 a,it, the re>al! liad prn'. • n !'ar i^i e:^ ■ (,!' ' . ■ \-iei ta'■ ;;s. H wa- 'lie I.f ;!le :i !';a* o-;e of ’!:•> ■ . e,.! \; a. Ii. ri\ • 1 f:'i 'ii! •• " i]a\ I .1' : ‘ ' -'a ! ile ; .ii- li, • i' L.. . e I o ' . :;• ri bu' :■ n; af' t- w.t: 1 '!'\vo I ::Le i>;ade ■xpcii- t i V • c !; !■>; \... r.i of ’ :■ i • • . e^ d Kev li- ( ,I ■■■■ 1 ( I> .1. or I;; :. C il. \s .i - • ;e, ■ d ■ o - .ic 'i! 11 i: M b'e-' ri T‘ -In-; i;i 1. •. .1, arr> ,\. '.d .! :in- , . e • • . ; W i:\., . (1. e a- \ iHe; i; L. I’re'.vM >\‘-,;'d; C, W . i’et,- i|. ". .■:i i;.: ei; .\, S I'.i I’lie-, ; W .T ■•:•' C',,!-'. !"' : C M .M K.'. ■ a:.-i W. 1' \v' ::Uer. iia- iij:;i Sjiriv^-. % Plr.c= Victroic'.:, in Sciicols. Ca • ^ii ■■ l.iKian \. Per:ril- sn-,. :;r\ if ’ Ca'^ oni.- Ch ^ n- ii. , ,i' (■ ...;! V I a. :;d t he (; r.-a^ i.i i..;- c.l'r.'v A - I. la^ion .i.~ pu'iiiiK u:i lie]- a I... i ■ r.i nt l > itiace a vn'- ivoia. w ■ !i at bast iW'dve lerord.-, in e\ ■ \ . liiooi in Cl:i1:)ii ClluI!’ y. \\ hiie lie:'’ .te ]da:;s ha\e not vc b. ''n v.'ork cd mu M;.“ l-'''r,i;U'iii. w;l! receivt' the »u;ii)ort Ilf the as'.oi i.!::i ■»;n th.is nio'. enient. _\i jii,. -ii.LT of th.e di;e. T.'irs of the I>:u' C.;i--to!i ecuiity fair. iicM in t!ic (U- fn e (if Si ••;'eta:‘y .1 M. Hillaiid. it wa.s (I- , -d to el' ", r ji:-i Hia!ient buibiiiiKd for the fair. NORTH CAROLINA BRIEFS. lli.uli Point is I'laiininK to build a ^ locjil po\'\''r planf. Ilenrescntativo liood has bnnn ap-j Iiointed a member of a comniit’ee of ; ronufess to plan legislation iirevf-nt- | iii^ tin‘ pink l-oll worm from Kettinj; . any furiher hold in thi? country, Com (ird now has mnro than ton I milf's of Jiaved streets. J. Pam Maultsby. sr>vonty yoarp old, ^ woalthy fji'iicral merihaiit. was found ■ (If^ad in bod at the home o£ bis nejihow. The IpMidprson chapter of tliP Red Tross Soci('ty, rc'cently organized, now has :!(Mi mt'tiihers. and a miinbt'r of auxiliaries in tht* ti>wn.s of Vance | county The (^anadian casualty list ju‘’t made public contains the name ('f J. S. I’otts. of FairfilulY. N. C.. as amoni? the .\mericaiis wonmbMl in Praneo. The Kaleigh city commissioTiers fliri it necessary to make a markofl In crease in the city tax this. joar. the increase bein.t; from tn on | the of property and from $Li;5 to i 52 on the poll. City Market I'he City Market is all the name implies. It is here you jjet what you want in the line of poultry, meats, fruits and vegetables. lioiled Ham Chipped Meats Armf)ur’s jjoods Fish IJroilers and (jther poultry to suit you. City MarkeL S. F. ALLISON, Proprietor PHONE 47 Our steaks, chops, poultry and fish are the best in town. We supply the best fami lies. Let Us Supply You Osborne Market Phone 27 The Beauty Secret. Lacl u“s desire that irre sistible c harm—i oood complexion. Of cour.se they Jo not wish others \ t'> know a heaiitifier i ‘I has heen used so they t r"’ buy a bcitih; of Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER ftnr! tise arcor»lintc to simple dirri tions. liiiprov^- iTu-nt 1' ii*>tic#“cl iif ui‘ r. S«> coolii.i' aiij retr^-slun^. I If aU SuuLurn, sto; « Ian. U kite, 75c. at DruKfrnti or b); mu»/dirtci. Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp. Lyon Mfg. Co., 41) South Fifth St., brf)oklyn, N.V. Dtnvaro of Oiniir.cnts for Caianh that Goritain rvicrcury f 1 ' '.. 1 1 . -Il I; Ml I. ■. V . . ■ : I.^ ! I,e ■ I '.V ■ ■ :i • • : ■ I : .. : t :i • V 111' u -■ "i i.:i j'l'"-. ! i;'i ,.■.>■ •■1 1 ■ ; . - 1: I '. . SI' I'OIS. • t .11 .i.; in;i • i : . y V. id dll r : ; f ij.l ii,,. \ ,j .n I .. ’ c. • .'■■iiii Il.ill'-: I ■ It-irrh I I' .-!-n i I.-.- 1-’. .! I 'I,' :ii y .V 1 ■ . 'r..l. ii.i, ' 1 . ' ,inl.ii:;s n i ni'-: I 11 y, '0:1 ; ; I n . i:: ■ ■ :ii:i My. a' !iii4 di;-'i'llv i::.. ii itii- nl 1 .;i' l i.mh-hu.-; sur- ! '' I'.; ef i:ii' .'-■yst.-ni. In l.ayii:;,' H.iirs C;tiari-ii I' m.- !'.• siir.' y.iu t Itie ::--nu- 111' . It is n ini' rr.'ill.v .iti.i n..in 'r..'.'d 1. I il.il>, liv 1-', J. v lu n y iV Cn. 'I'- s- t: . f !'• I-. S.dd fiV I II u.'':;i.-'tc;. Price T.'i' I'l^r iH.trle Take liiiil 3 1 aniily I’iMb fur conslitialioa. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR C.T.A. Il'ivinL: iiualiticd as administrator, e. t. I. ol the i‘State (d Mar\' Jane Ma.cfie C'arl-.f, (lecea-ii'1, late of Trans\ lvaiiia iiur.ty, N. C , this is ti> nutitv all piTsons havitii: claims nf any kind a;;ainst said estate to jircsi'iit same to the utiiii r^iixr.cd, iir his attorney, mi or befure tin- liTlii day Ilf .hiiie I'M ', cr this notiie will he [ileati in har of their rt C'lvery. All persons in any way indebted to said esl.ite will make immediate scltleriient. 1IA1.;UV p. CLAKK1-: .Vdmiriistrator, cum testamento annexo ot the estate (d Mary Jane .^Iactie Clarke, deceased. This .lune 27th. l‘)17. \V1-:LCI! CALLOWAY, Attv. v29-()tc Something to sell means some thing to advertise. A N£W SUIT COSTS FROM S10IOS50 \'»ur old suit can be cic aned, presseil, re|);iir- “li and made to look almost as ^f)od as new for .SO cents; ,S1.00 a month for foui suits. City Pressing Club J.E. WATERS. Prop. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE 1 nder and by \ irtue of tin [,(.v.- r i■' cotitaiiii'd in .1 cert.'.in 1)( I d inTr: ^.' ■ ' PeeemhiT, L’I. I'd'sfrum .lulin K' I. ;:!.'' , and witc be If i;.lines to i). 1.. I , .': ' , 1 ii.s^ei', said I e ;; in Ti;--/ ■ .■ , In .'CCUre !nnr eri;:i;:'. note-: of e\et. ,1. mK rewitli. saa! mites bein;^ due ;.i;d ; .e.' abh in thnt, i\, nine and twelve i . :;•: - tnun till ir re j,i 1 live date-, anu e-.i .d said notes iieaiim; intL-rest irn:'i n.iie, .'Oid (let.'iuit ha'.in^ heeii made ir, tiie j.i.i .tn: id said iii'tis, aiai eat li i ! them, wej. .i in the pa'.nu-nt of ti.e int'ri ^t •!iiri"a, uherehv tlu' piiV.er id' ale cnril.niad :a said ! i'(-d in '! n;s: In .-.'ime ej>era;r. e ;ii,d the 'aid .I'li.n i\ R. i'f'. aial v.it.- I'.e e l.-:i:,t -, h:.v;r.;’ h. en notitie-l t! ,it il • hiiMi r Ilf s: .li ni'ti"- ii,i denrmiie.: .-I,- I ; the p;i'|'i;ty to -.'r.i ;y aai ni "'. : .s. t':.. ri l-.re. 1, tile u'l.iii r-i^;ar.:, l'':- tee, v.ill nil .'■-at I. •'ii'iv, t!' till d.av : • :, l'yl7, at till- 11' e’l ^'ick .^l., at ti.e I'l.iiit hi»Use •• • : H! ilrev.ini, 'Iran vi\ai;ia C'..ii!.tv. N. . I'll te the ni.'iust I'M'.er !cr la- ., the- tellowiii- iaiipe:: .• t-i wii; Lyir.L^ ata! heini; in Prevard !i -.vi. -Mp, 'i'lansyivani.i ei.untv, near tin- ea !■ rn icpiii ite liir.it . ii: ta. town id l;ri"...rii. i'll ,;innin., e!i :i .;a:.e nn tl'.e N"rth ide -d' (•'■.Klaiiil .\ve’,;a , ,-11111 heiu.y tin Si-’atiiea-t e TiuT I'f la ' .\e. 21, arni ruia-. S- ulii ' dej/rees lia't 217 !; et vv:!:i O.il.iand In a stake in a diu h. T. S. "i •!’ liia ; 'i'iu-ai i- Niirth 12 ili Lree Wt >; 2i-i t’eet to .1 sl;ik( .curlier l.-.i Nu. L'l: llit iua- Seu’h 2'' lie^'rees \\ t- I 1/'* leet lu the iiCLTinniii j,. heim: all Ilf l,n‘'. N' 22 and 2.\ as sur- veyeii a'ai piatlcd hy A. 1.. Ilaruin Pei cm her 1 I'M•>. .S.'lid sale tn ,■'a;i^^y .-aid rmtes, ilUere--'. cust III '.lU', ('ic. Tiiis Jul> .ud. I'M7. P. L. l-iNid.lsH, : It.' 'i'rus-.-e, ADWINISTRATCR'S NOTICE All [lersens ari, heri'hy notilU'd that the under '.yaed has i|u;iit:;ec. as administrati"- id I u I slate 111 1. (i. 1.1,1;he!U r, 'a-cc.c-i d, aiai ali persuns ha\ir.^ I'laim aLMin>l said . te wi'l iaa>e:;t the same tu tra iiiider- ' a u ithia lui h e n-.onths fr' ni the i;ate i'.e;. 1,1. e'!n'r\vi-M- ihis r.elicc will lie {dead 1!ar ot 'Li.i-'.r ri cr-vi rv. .'..I piTsuris iialciil('d tu .^aai (.•>!.ite will jileast- make iinriediate ca;. raeiit. 1 ins ti'.e .^th. day u: .Inly, lv]7. 1. P.. Lkdhii ri.K, P. L. I'iM.i isti. .'viiir.iaistr.itiir. .\tterney. 7 1.^ titc NOTICE-LAND SALE BV TRUSTEE P.y virtue id’ tl'.e powt-r and a^i;ihi rity civen the undeisi.uned in ;i certain det'd ir. tiust exi'cuied !'V ,\. L. Shewn'.aker, dati-d Nic, (-niber tn St cure th.e pa>nur.t id cirtain [ircnii.''.'nry nntes exe cuted bv said Shewniaker t'l said trustee fur the use ot M. II, Fowler ar.n il. C. McKenney; and whereas said mnes I’.ave matuidi hy reson id the failure el' said maker t'> make cnnil the detault in pav- iiunt ol same’, and the payees ha\in^ directi'd the said trustee to ^nve the re- ijuired imtii'i- ei’ svu h (hd'ault, and if such default was nut made ,”ood to a(ivertise the land descrihed in said deed in trust. •\nd notice ha\in;^ been liivcn. and de- f.iult nut having heen made e,,,.,!. now thcrefiire, 1 will sell to the hij.rlust bidder for cash at the court l.ouse dour 'n the tuwn id Pie\ani, N. C., in the counl\' of Transylv.inia, as jier terms id' said deed ill tru.'t on Mondav, Au.irust >th, PM7, at 1 u’cloi k ]). m , all the fullow|r.ti descrilH-d tract (d h'.nd, lyine in Mills Kiver town- -'hip, Henderson eountv. \. ('., and near 1-ituwah sta.tion on the Southern r iilwav, adjoinin,i^ lands of .1. L. Cash, et al., hiiuiuii'd as follows: Hc^innin^ on a larj^e black ^um in ('.ash's line on the southeast side (d' a swamp and runs suuth 75 dei^ west b^ poles to a white oak in t'has. Kn^lish’s line; then with said Kn^ilish’s line south 1 de^ east (should be north 1 de^ West) ,^S poles to a spanish oak in Clash's line; then with (iash's line south 1! de,c east »>1 '4 poles to the he^innini:. contain ing seven and one-half acres, more or less. Sale made to satisfy said notes, inter est, cost and expenses of sale. This July 3rd, 1017. THOS. II. SHIPMAN, 7-6-5tc Trustee.