BREVARD NEWS Naiiu- i li I'lii Sylvan Valk-y N c\v>., J amiai y i.njir- NOAll M. HOl.l.oW 1 I.I.. Kililor l’ul>lisli(n1 ovory I'hufsvlay. iMitncil at postvittii I' at 1ii-vaiil. N v ..a-' 5.1-i'onil i la">s iiiaili 1, SUBSCRIPTION I’UICK: OiiH year - - - - $ 1 .OC) Six months - - - - ,tU> Three luonthH . - - ,U6 Two months ... .25 Payuble by check, ntamiis or money order. l'ari! til tlianks, n-sKhitii'ii'. aii>t iiU'moi ia!s imhlistinl i>iil\ at half i i iii iiii'i\ ial I atf. l ii'itinv; I'l ci'iits I'l i itu h ('I one tiniith ofiit per w.uil Snhs. i iplii'n>i iK't runtintn-il afln i x pii atii'ii i>l t inio paiil f I'l (.■M i pl "ii H' iiuo^t. MR. POOVEY’S PRAYER GROWING IN FAME Newspapers Joked About Dodi- Ciitory Prayer of Pipe OrKiin, But Now Take More Serious View of the Matter. Friday, .Inly 27, 1917. lulhor clrv or o;iii it. Tho closer llio wni undoi ynir o\\■^\ vnu- ami 1i^ tur thr inori. sot iousl V \ 'U vit \V it. Ill tlu‘Sf troiiM.Mis war titiu"> tlu \«nin;4 mail with a w’fr i^iloul'lv })U'ssc»l ilt'S’-itc tlu- h r, 1. You 11'.; n’aii, tlii'' i'' ('TK- tinu- tlu \ inado no ini-'lakc in ,mtti:i,c ^.'n! miml'cr. aiul it imau'^ sonuthin;^, too. If \(^n f\'(.r war.tii! to run t’u- 'N\-W'^ t ■> x'onr I’Wii swit t ari'oid n'w !•> till- tii:u lo nnnp into 1; r Ill'S';. Impcrtant News of the State. Nation, and World Told in a Few Lioes for Your CcnyeniaRce. In tlu- lu-i'^l'.t tlie '•c.i'- '’! iTirt'' aiul \(.;^t:al!-s s •-.■. in 1 ir, a trill;', l-nt \va"t(. tli-'i’i no’ ar.l j'li' .''orvi'as many p'-svilili f,,i *1'.^ t’axs o'. 1:, ■' 1 arc ' \ n> nua:i'- \ i r. Manv a 1 snoi In ai I ■•’I’.n-: lii)\\- ‘ > rnn tlu- l.ittcr .I'tf ■ kii'; an ! !c V. wouM I’.kt.- ti r-i -1; ■ ) a; , ■ : : !-> ;■) o'.Vn ;i!. ] 1 ■ n 1:n.i:it;; “An honest confession is f^ooii for the soul,” a hhvui'-T with which fill Hro fuiniliur aiitl if there is any truth in it Ih’othcr l*owi>ll of the Hendersonyille Hustler must have lii’iil*^ ^'liid his soul hy the lollowiiu; 1‘ojifessioti ; ••'I’hi' lirevard News takes exei‘]i ti(>ns to our eoinnuMit . n tluxh-ilica- ttiry prayer of the »u>w ]>ile orf^aii installed in one of its ehnrehes, \vher»“in the ;^'ooil ]>nslt»r hojicd tluii no feet that had diineed would pol lute the keys. “'rins is a pipe! Lik('\visu a jiij) i-;n: \\’»> adii'it onr laek of nnisieiil cilm'ation nnd u(!yer looked a P'P‘* .,r^>aii in its faee. If it is anythu.^, like a Ford wt' het you a don^^hiUit tliiit yon eainiiit step on the aeeele rutor and L’et the same t'llect a^ von ilo when niint)le tin^^er^ nuis 'M^'c the ) vories. “.Inst irnii^rin*' a daint\’ iirtranist with corns on her toes, weuriii},' No 1 feet in \o. shoes, trying to play Old Hnn.lrrd with her ]iedal I'xtrenutu's !” 1'he ('onrier Hetieent The WavTU'sville Courit'r has not lifted tlu“ hnrdt'n hy a eonfessitin. which the following from the ; '^tatesvilh' Linulmark is enouf.;h to , move him tt» his knet'S ; ; “A n_‘w or^an was dedicutt'd in a , •hnreh at firevard and the Hreyard News tjnoti's this sentenet' from tlu* | paster's ih'dieatory ])rayer ; j I •• ‘(Jod Almif^hty forbid that lin- I lTits that make innsie for inidni;zht reyels nr feet pollnti'd in the dance should ever touch these keys.' | -• Wherenjjon the irrevt'ronf edi-| t \\ h( n i t »r ef the Waynesville Courit'r j Iv liiiT’ i wants to know if the ‘keys of the ' ('hnn h ori^nn are o]u*rnted by th. dainty slipjtertd feet of the ])retty I 1 rLCitnist. ’ " ROUND ABOUT THE WORLD A Condensed Record of Happenings of interest From All Point* of th« World. Domestic. U is amiouncf'd from Atlanta that men drawn in the seh taive draft, will lie iiermiited lo enlist in any hrancli of tile service until (tfherwise oidered by the authorities at Wa.'Oiin^lon. I’a.'^st iiRer ttains representiti;; 16, 267,oi.’s mile;; of train service a year lia\e h*‘cn elitiiin.ated hy the railroads of the country to facilitate maximum tran.^peri.-itioti of freight for the .uc- -e.-sfiii pro. ecution of the war. Seiiator.s w lio have hei n iiroiniiu nt in oppo.'^itif; ciiii.‘:’ription led the oppo sitioii to the admini.'-tration hill pro- vidiiiK fot a fireat airplane fleet when the ..-nate took the hill uii ft>r considt'ration. Senator Hardwick of Cicorgia oi i'o.'^cd the administration bill. Presidential intercepsion in the (a^^t-s of the sixt«‘en Suffrauists sent to tli>' |)i.‘-trict of ('ohnnhia work hoti.-^e to serve sixty days for picke! in>; at thf white house m Washin.i^toii, or api •■al of their eases lo a hi.ijh eotii-i, appears certain. Coy. Frank O. Lowdon of Illinois apjieared before the state council of defense and. assfrtinjr that coal prices are too hijjh, stated that if necessary to corr4‘ci the situation, he wouiti ’ail a special ses.-ion session of the le.uis- lature to empower the count-il t(» take any action needed. -\n appea! to the business worhi “to make the condtic: (>f this war as ch an and patriotic, as hf't'oic and selfsacr!- ticinK at home as it is in the trenches i.'f l-'raii(' ;Mid Kiar.dei s.” has h i-n is- sueii by Carl Vroonian, asMsiani secre tary of agriculture. European 1-1 e wIm ’M l!:e With Slimmer \-: i-' smilin nm 11! wh'-r«. t; c: a]']-’ T'a : V ai .i;e IIM. A Miv, u ;:'; 'a;! ;.n>'U L t:.'- (I ; l;' ut.- \ K.ili: i:i ; ' '’■( la,, I \ : 'A IrneM* V ai; Kv. t.-n \ e It i: I nl > \! to ■ i;.‘ n:\- t:.i^ :.i; I'l! t. ■\v. make tl;e:r • li ,i\ e ! ail-i in n i:: ‘^ - : ■ - '■■ ■• a;* •' 1 a!e::t :r;.j iri. . ix.;i_i-e Iiaie ])alieiu'e. t’• -L'■] 1-1 I ■ \vi r , ■ ■; ■ 1 t i: L' I i:: the n Indiana Heard I'roin, While theri‘ 1ms becTi a irreat ileal of ('omm‘nt lueully cuncerninL' the jmhlicity LMven n sentence from R* v. \V. K. ]’iiovey'> jtr.ayer, .iaek- son L. Lance, Tnanaixer of the In liianajiiilis ollire of the \V..l, llnwiv Laiiil Company of IndmnajMjlis, Ind , is the tir.'^t reader to bt‘ mwved t I ])eii a few wi)rds ef dis^nst at any jokini^' attitude nhont the in- strnmt-nt deilicatel to a holy jcnr- ; l)i^se. Mr. Laiu'e writes as follov’s ; ' ■ ‘ ■ IMitor, Ni*ws ; 1 • '11m: t\\n j yini mieht aj)]>reciate ' :ii!"-!t .i Kan kiuiwiiii; that at lear't one of your .I’.l :r> V'. readers apj'roved your rt'ply to the k I;a-;f pnny. yes vtilirar. etVortsuf S'uneof riic'-c w ‘ 'f y> 'til' contem])oranes to ])oke fciii f't I’f- I’oovey's n-ferencc to the . .. 'I', ,, charai'ter of hands and feet that . , . , . were (lesired to ]>erform eii the '•' ‘-u !h' ;; ne A" oriraii at the Metlnniist church, in his iledicatory jtrayt'r. 1 think yon have ]tro})eily naineii tliem, f'lr certainly r»o trc'ntli'manV luin 1 could bi'C: me s j jiervertcd as to associate the s:icred ]irecincts of t!ie h'ily ill iiu-el with the conti»r- tions of thu low (livt'and brothel, ; which was i-vidently the cause for ‘ the chea]) and tame varii-ty of itwadille that emanated from their' tlleir St. I ■rtinie ! t,* . i' i ( >u!' N. c X t. ;;: ■k-siix-,; , jjordul minds. e\ > rv Yours yerv truly. li' -n ! ■• ^ird nn:il i'.vc ■'nmniort.'l A. ill 1 >1, ej'. (hi'- He )• a , iir| ' .1 ulv 17, 1 '.M 7 t ’ ] ’ -e:;? I'.. I. If I'hi- -nmiiu)'.is v. ill 1 c i ^v:t ;i : i;!! lit i;-. .lackson L. Trance. •'I'-: ';t!;ii;t exemptii)!! as t: > ’he Ik),'!’-! "Hal : GUESTS AT IDLEWILDE ;i 11' i; , li'.-a; ir.; ’ a: : '-I 'III aid ii’n.-. 11 .r ex •I time. Following: an the names of visit rs Htoi»])in^ with Mr. uiul .Mrs. \V. Ii. 1 )uckwoi'th at the Idlewilde : I Mrs. IleTiry Alcus und dau;;hter, ; l.tieile ; Mrs. B. (’asanas and I 1 diin^hter.-'. Kileei aiul H. ('. ; Misses j Ar.ra and liildti A/.eonii ; Mrs. Tru- | 1.0 t,,c- 1.'. ; l!u- Xc.vs I Woodward and son, Truman ; ! l a^ lo-,t one ol its two I - ..11 . and Miss Mela Waki'field, iilloi' To Correspondents. (i- ac-- aim «d \' i]iint(.eriii- tor r.n];- tary ser\‘i'; e, a;i i lu- 'lil!:^ ult\- e\- ])ericnced in -. itii.,; a sucessor. corre-pundent- are ieiuesle.l to send in r,Illy imporl.ant lu-w-, siicli as deatli''. marriaL^es, dents, c riti' ..I illnes-. el. ., f next two or three wcik Xews can tide o\x-r Iiaiidicaj). ai I till, unti; the its jac'-eiit Y our friends wriuld be pleased to receive marked copies of the News showing your whereabouts and activities; 5 cents a copy. New Orleans; .Mr-. K M‘Newby | and children, .lames and Marian, .Hiid Miss Fiitty Whedhei* of Hert ford, X. ; Mrs. McKe'n/.iii of L t wrenceyilh*, ta. Mrs. 'I'. F, rinvlev of New Orleans, vvIkj wa> rei'ently called to New Hampshire IS e\]>ected to rt'turn to the Idh' w ilile soon. Mr. W. C. Crabtree, represent ing Hopkins Tailoring Co., will be at Weilt’s Gents’ St >re tomor row, Friday and Saturday, July 27 and 28, to take your measuri fi>r a fall or winter suit. 'I'he ;iinians claim to have sunk (lose to 4.7.^ll,(MKl loi:.'. of nt ufral aud allied shijipiii^; siiu-c Kt l ru;uy. London tfle;^rani aiitiounc. ,■ thai Slam, in oide;- to “uplKdd tin- sa«cii fy of ini'I ii.-itieiial rii:liis aL'ainst na tions showing conn n,pt for iiif pnii ciples of humanity and respect fof tli*- small sia'e?:, " i|i ( hired war a^:iinst e-rm.any, .ind has .-'‘iz."! nine sieiiia- ers, a^Tk:rei:tain^' nin-ieii fheusand tons. ,\il leTinans and .\\i>triaiis have be. n ;>la-. d tiiTTlei' arr« -i. tlor hu.-i- ness seiz li and closed. K* aiiaitr hi iwe. u the lines of ’he spe. e!i (if Jin new Ci-rman cbani i-iior to the 11 iclistac-. peace is no lit .irt-r under th>- new reirinie th;ui ever exc. pt on (;.Tni:in o rm.'-. Tl;e clianeellor said 1* iir.any \\euM a'- ept an !. 'n- oral'll- ac.*, but that the inreivri- fion of f!,e I’nio.i Siat.s was U')t sei'iiiusly Cl ■n.-iib-red. a 'he subma- rin.-s wiiiil.l 'aki“ ear'' of anyhiiiK t!ie I'niti-d Siai.s miL'ia ib>. In iIn ;ia ' f' w !| :y- . Paris report--- tb-t four i’r*’nch ni'-: i-l.aiiMarn l:ave b>-. n uie i:ci- .'-sfiii;v altacki-.! by (Jer- man t'bo.its. i *ui- :o i! .■ iniitinv ef !{M-"ian ret^- inieni in (;.-.lie:.i. -b.' Hu-.-ians h;iv.' lost iiiU(-!i of the cahieil t.rriiory, *o- .ee;li(-r with a la:;:'- nuialer of ]ir;s- oii' rs. 'I'll'' (i> rmaiis saw an opi nin-- and bits'.-n.-d to lak'' a Ivaii'ai:.- of tlic :'i ;ariiii Ku.-.-ian w\-tkn''ss. T!.:*'.* l-'r. n«-li meii (laai vcs-.«is of more ihaii sixti'en tiundr' d ii n-- and uvo of liian tliat tonii.-ii;.’ wre recently >iiiik by C. rnian submarines. Ab xaiiii'r !•'. Ki :'-a.-ky. nani.'^ r of war and laariuf, has been appoint'd the n*'w Ki’s-Ian premier, but will re tain bis I oMfoiio. Anotin I inaiiifesiation of arnied sail ors .and soldicis and workin.mnen and wonii'ii in whi-!i stiois wn- tired took place alonir the Ne\esky Pro.-p.-ct, I’e- troirrad. 'I'ht- extent of ib.. casn.i!:ie- is imkno'An. 1'bis is tb.- lirst time since ih.- revolution that tl.e ('ossacks lu'ive a; ■ fared. The ci.uncil of the now body of sol- di» is, workmen and peasants of all Hussia. the extremists abstainin^^ frem part.eipation, passed a I' solution aft'-r an allni.L'ht session. aftiT the ('os sacks had appear* d r>n th(> streets of PetI•o^rad, reject in'.r "wiiii indignation all attempts to infliuau'*” the attitude of that tioily. Sir l-alward Car.son has relinijuish- ed his post as tirst lord of tlu Brit ish admiralty ami .joined the war cabi net without portfolio. Sir Kdward will be succe. iled by Sir Kric Campbell Ceddes, who Las been director ^ene- lal of munitions suiiply. Winston Spencer Churchill, who has hi »‘n at the front has been made Hrit- is)i tninister of munitions. In the reorganization of the Ttritish cabinet, Kdwin Samuel Montaiju, a f(unier cabinet minister, is made min ister to Italia. So far as the general public is concerned, this is one of the mo.«t iio{>ular appointments made in recent y ars. The Hritish admiralty announces the capttne of four Co'nnan steamers hy I’ritish destroyers in the North sea. Tin sti amers are the Pelworm, th ‘ Thirziet:, the Marie Horn and the Heit .: Rluniherp. The government’s merchant sb n- huildinsr propram has been halted by Major (^lOneral (Joethals, manager of the shippine hoard's fl#»et corporation, who has p^isfponed his plan to requi sition all pteel merchant shii'.- under construction and to let c(>:'.tracts for buildtnE: two, covernment-owned ship yards for prcducin^ fabricated steel ships. t'l .I '• ■ of oTPf bIt: 1 'i.ii - s ei'e sunk l y su >-1 I , r oi- ; i.i the last week, av--| c lo t!’ ■ ofticial report oi the! R. it -It ”,OVe:-ll’!H nt. Aliei- ii: V :u; tried ineffectually to | overco;ae tJie I'rench pains in the Ver-1 (iun sci iiotween the eastern f*dr;e ' of the Avocoiii t woo.l and Hill the Qernian;. ha'.e c»\ased their c(»slly en- tert'rise ;ind ar* inw contentinp them selves with lhro\\in> shells inti tlie positions which (b'lieral I’etain’s men for‘ej tliem to evactiate. Alonp the ('bemindes T^atnes the violent infantry activity has ceased and artillery dtiels instt'ad are takinp pbK-e. I’remier Lloyd C3«‘orpe will have an exponent of .Auierican “pep” in his new first IokI of the admiralty in Sir |-’ric (b-ildes, w ho t ecei’ ed mu h t>f his training in the ITnited Stat(*s, 'I'wo demonstrations by the majority faction of the Social liemocrali*' par ty of Russia resulted in tlic (irinp of shots in the N'evsky Pro^ at milnit;ht, as a result of which a nu’n- ber of persons were killed or vcnnd- ed. neai- the capital city, Pefrorrad, There is every reason to beli.-ve that the administration’s policy of (inan-ini; the allied governments for I))n-chases they make in this c 'aiitry will be continued duiin>? the period of the war. Washinjrfon. American srildiprs are pojnp to F'lance just as fast as transpoits can be iiressed into .;vice to taki- tln-iu. Just bow fast this will be is probb ia- ■ atical. In the sending if troops to Francp, the war department points out. carpo ships ar(' just as important as tran.-v ports, as the supi'lies n- t-ded is tre- ni ndous. , (lermany is ttirninc the screw? nn Tlol!;ind. The P.ritish are chartred with havinp seized ( ship.- in Hol land waters, ami (lermany demands rejiaration of Holland for .«uch “a profligate act.” 1 locTor Krieire of (lerman judicial d partment told the reicbstac that Ci'iTnany wdubl demand that Holland return the ships which flreat P.ritain had taken in Holland waters. The first food control bill passed thc' senate hy a vf'te of SI to (i. and no-,v coe- to a conference committee* of both bouses Those who vr»ted airainst tbe food bill iii thi- se-nate are T)'’inocrat«: Tpo'lw’ck and Tteed I!, public.'ns: Pr.-iic.', r.'nrf)se, Phermaa aad Suth- m! 'I'l.I' food iiill p.'issed ci\es tie pren. i-b at p. \', e- to fi\ pric.-- ib' may sell to any (-iti;'* n of the I'ni:.’.! .rat‘ ■; or to .-iny L'o\enim'rit allie.i in the war and may hold or transport it In his li ( l et ion. .,|uiii liit!' rent in ton*' from tlie op- liiiii.-ric vi'W.-; e\pi.-ss.'d by the new* (leiiaan ehanc lor in his spe.-ch to the reiclisiat: are the rejiorts that have ’•'•a-t.ed il:e s'ate ib'paitiK'-nt from jjer'iin-^ coinint: out of (Prinany j-e- Kar.iiriLT t>i.- food conditi'^ns and mit- !ook in th'- central empires. Sia:>- d.-partment infi iination i- tt* the efi. ct i! ;i* (lermany l;icks tons of wb. ;;i to carry the rx'i'iilatieri t’ t] . middle of Auirust. when the v. \v liarv.-^t can be cat!.ere.i T!i.‘ li.-irv' st is v.-ry poor in ear-t. rn PiU' sia. 'iwirjf; to ;idv. rse w.-.iiber condi-'-:; ( V'-n potato. promise only a minimuia product ion. The sta'. .!• [lai-’ment ha- rec. jvd informa'iori ibai tie- t.-nsion b.-rwe.-n .\u.- ’r::t aad (e-rrnany ha- l'v. .v n so iiiT.-ns- Tii.'it \u';tri;iiis .are now In^erneii in Cei-many. I' 1.' repi;:.(i la alli.-d ca'-i'als that tl.e p'-('pi. of l-'iiiland ai.- I.iciii.; siar- tiiai mar.y oi U.em lia’n v;Jio;\ .and alr.’ady lii. .1. Tbe railroad.-' w;ir board ha-^ ai- ilr . .-ed a pi.-.t t > public ser\ii e com- mi.'si'-!;- an! all slat'', coiir.'y and nainici]:;'] au’la rities tbroucliout l!i.> Fnii.-d Sia.'es, uri:ini; cieoperation wi'h tbe in a -us■ .nsion dur- ••a’.l . f- directlv put int-' ,'■ to fiX 111.- p> riod oi' the war t forts lie' d«-si::i,'- i to he|;, in winning the war.” b ;-t i\c..a.-crip; was eftecT Winn a national b.n. the order of military liability for tlie t.n million yountr Americans reuisier- ed for service. 'I'o accompli.-h this re sult, numbers had to li,- drawn, one at a time, and a task which b**- tran on the- mornitiL’- of .July I’m and lasted ;'ar into the ni^ht of July I’l. The ,-.1.Clive drawinir was con.uict- C(i by Sicreiary of War P.ak.T. and was as democratic as tlu- id- al of ciri- shiji is embodied. The secretarv bri'f!y explained the {lurjiose of the drawiri£^ beioi-(' 111- stepjp.-d fo'waid to be blind- f)lded and drew th" lii'.-t number, 'i'he seal was broken by Majoi- (b-neral Du val. who then vif:our;dy stij-ioel the numb.‘red capsules. r>is’.a:ches from William Philip Simriis, with the Hri!i.-.h armies, re- c-ently re;.i rted a prcat general t-f- fort on the jiait of the C. rmans to repain sufiremacy of the air, with tb* appeai.-ince also of some nc-w tyjie of, including triplam^s. Rolaml S. Morris of Philadelphia has b( eii nominated by the pr\sident to he aiahassador to .Lapan. Tlu' only inteiruiition in the selec- 1i\e drawinp was the frequent chaiic's of fired announcers and tabulators, and the removal for cb-aninp of the blac k boards where the result was publicly displayed as each number came out. When a .proup of f.dO numbers had been written the first section of the hoard was taken out to he photopraphed to establish an absolute record, and the Second section was substituted, anil BO on. I’orto Rico voted for prohibition by a hip n^r.jorily at the recent eloctitm. Prohibition carried by about thirty thou.-=and majority. YIUWI/ m ARE YOU A BRICK-LAYER? IF YOU ARE YOU KNOW THAT ONE BRICK ON TOP OF ANOTHER FINALLY BUILDS A HOUSE TO PROTECT AND SHELTER. IF YOU ARE NOT A BRICK LAYER YOU KNOW THAT ONE DOLLAR ON TCP OF ANOTHER BUILDS YCU A FOKILNE XHAT WILL SCME DAY PROTECT AND SHELTER YOU FROM ADVERSITY. .1 PILE UP YOUR money: IN. THE BANK AND ELILD A FORTUNE. ^ BAi>K WITH US. WE PAY H PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS BREVARD BANKING COMPANY pilACTICALLY all rail- ^ roads compel their men to carry watches that are known to have a high standard of accuracy. 'T'’® 'The Railroad Timekeeper of America’ Nearly 56 per cent, of the watches on American railroads are Hamiltons. Prices for Hamilton movements only ranpe from $1‘2.2.'> to StlO.OO. Ham iltons complete, from ^AS.50 to $125. If you are interested in good vatchesy we will gladly ebow you o\ir stock of Hamiltons* FRANK D. CLEMENT The Jeweler Eacinccr Conklin of thr Chi.-aro A Alton’i fi.’Ti'ius “ Rril Huoiincr" Las carncti a |Um2iton for years. htsteadjof WoodStiD0^m*SlBie mtrmcm Metiit Shingles The roofing that lasts a.s lon^ as the building and never needs repairs. They won’t burn, crack, curl or rot like wood shingles, nor have they the great weight or brittleness of stone slate; besides they arc' inexpensive and look better than either. For Sale by i, i ._R SUPPLY CO., BREVARD, N. C. i«r=scwsm’scapa SI Su Magazine Service Bureau, San Francisco ifcgrnMrfnMifc a Sacramento Cciintyji California Wia’lda't you like to see “huw tl'.i- land !ayv" tiiat v, ill predia t- v. hf .it nr.ti alfalia. oran^ts and loinea'^, raisins and rice, hops and walnuts. aimonUs ptaudu-s, lij_'s and I'Tunt-.';'' Wouldn't it st-em pciuli;ir to see eranges ripi iiing wliilc vnu uare doing your winti-r plowing, or a strawberry patch yiciiiing fruit i K ven months out of thf yi-ar. You Can See This County Without* Leaving Home Wr havf issurd a heautifullv illustrated I'l i k!tt tclln ;.^ t SMi;rr.inl«> ('ountv and oi the c pjn rtunitii-s tlur.- fir ^ ()l . Si-ni us itn itnts f( r a foj'V if ho(.k!i.-t aad a s; n pK- n })v of Sursct M;!.';.?'irt the t rt- big National .Ma:"ai:ine tcliii'g ol the life and de vcU { ir.tnt if tin Wi&t. Aiidl 1'S>. BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA Summer Session June 12th to July 21, 1917 Ail dep.-ir!m?;its in operation. Academic, Normal, Domestic, Com mercial, Manual Training. Prep.ires for*county examinations, for high school or coilece, or for one’s life work. Rates very low. •V J

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