NEWS. BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA V.' f> i.M r * t c- .t"* « HOLDS CHARM FOR e-BLOODEB MEN I Navy, With Its High Ideals and Splendid Record, Justifies Nation's Pride. MEN NEEDED FOR SERVICE Uncle Sam Pays All Expenses and j Monthly Wage Is All Velvet— I “There Is Always Room at the i Top," True of Navy. By EDWARD B. CLARK. Washiii;:t«>ii.—Sailors of ih*' Aniorl- CHii na\v, many ot’ tluMii voumk ni*‘n who only a year a.uo wt-ro on tho farm, jit till' ItiiH'li. at tho (•(HinttT, or in M'hool. toilay art' in Saia's (Ir- stroyiTs sailinc tlu' wnt'Ts of th*' nortlicru sra'^. wh i-o tbi'y ar»' oii;:a;:ril iu tlu' hci-Kii- tliuy of ui'lii'lilinj; tlu* Avorlii iirim ii'K' of fr» iMl'in for all plos. 'I’lio Aiiii’i'iran jn'oplo ahva\s liavt* shown a Kiniily (ii>iiositinn tti\\arl tin* nian-iifuar ‘'nti l!n> nian-o'w ai 'iiiian. Thort* lia^ It.ii an ajipi'al aln'Ut tli“ Noa wliii'h ilrauii ;'ntl lu ld tlio in- i torost ol' laii'i'-iiion who n« \«'r snn !t : k'iall \"I'r^'aiK aJ’>\ays ha\o taUon a pri'l-' in fli> ir navy. 'I'oiiay I n> U' Sam in ciis mm for hN navy aii'l !)■ ui'-l - -: 'o vi't Ilnin from tlio rank'; I'f v. Im arc rhar;,’iMi villi i!io \(.lun:«.r spirit of sir\ii-o. Mir i:ri':i‘ t!. .'t i ni' lulir.'d “'^omo- wtn rr oii il-.i for pn'^ililt' d. ailly sor\ i «• w ii ii !' Lir.'at lit >1 "f : In* «‘tn'my. 'I'*- :•>. fi'!- tho n.ivy h.i ;tl- lov.i'il ilic 1':, I t" !" ‘-"n l.i;"wn, many of unv i]!, r :•. !!. tin' t'n!M'L' !>'- strnyiT^ o' i|.' • 5^^ \. :-i' li,.’iMnL: lh- >uliniarin' li:ir!v' in tho uatiiv off l‘amit'' UcH ,] *.» till- . i>f Iro- lat' ! ; : I r; li. '• ’ h. w 1.. : r\ t ;i in MiitiTUi :• at ti:;;>"; :ir.‘ al- ni'Xt a> 1:. : ' , ' ’Mi' : :v." Pny is Doubled. To'i''nti> 4'n;,^ !l • I'tiMi'll S:a’’^ . -i i ..\ , f :!.• - :iirn M' 'lir r i';i>■ I" ■! ' .-at it u In I: • I : ' .V ’ i ■ vmi:: men .if t li>‘ ■ "Hit ry. 1 . •' • -i'" jm . m'1 in t r J .. r, . ; ! ii i:-. 'i’lici'- ,'I ; . : • ! , T:.\i I :>- 'l fnr :'i::ll!->>'> I'T tli. n 'l-.>'-i‘ >(’ 'VT.;i tl . ; i! ii'ln r i ;,]]- i:. N' f. thr t. I\v _!■>• •:.'y I-;:,.: I. ' • ! lio • nli'i iti iho I. '\v at-‘ f"T in- \' I. ■ . y 1 avi- tlio at'iM- :i ' ii. 1 • • ;';:‘li!ir:_ tw i!l iMr •! . • . . ti'T tln' na\ :.I a‘'; 1 « y Al^’ . ’ ' - !■:; ’!i*' ti ’’i;;' as n 1 ■■ n!miTia’rii hy ’ r- !' ai.-i at that in- • i:• ■ III . ^ : ■. filuciit I .n \\ hi''li . ' • - ’ !■■. 'lit ‘thf I'!:it>-(l S’ • - . ' ' . '.^.in ; iti t!,.- A-'^'Tican !i, ' y \' I;’. ' ’ ■ ■ ■' til'' •'pi' :' -f . 'i- 'i .M’ ■ , I : > V V, tlii' •' ■ ■ ' : Ml 1 !ii' a'i I • ■ I' ■ • : : . ' '-;vM'in. 'ri:»- , :■ ; : . ' . .• .!• : ■. I’:.-; J • . .■ . . |ii»; i:- . ! .1 1, ■ iiil’!- ■ ■ : ; . 1 • . i-.'. ” ■ 1' • .• ■ !'. . y. \ - ^ ‘ - ' : - \ : Se»'v c H :"h I dor's. tion ronvriiiiig enlistments of this kint! can lu* had at any reoruitini; of- Hc»*. The navy today Is a worhl In lfs»'lf. It n«*ods mon prollcimt in n»‘arl.v nil linos i»f Iniman working en- doavor. Rate of Pay in Navy. The law Incroasinfj tlu* pay of tho in«>n in tin* navy lias Just boon omictod and tho pay tabh's undor tlu‘ now dis pensation havo not yot boon inado out, but it is a simplt* thinn to d(‘t«*rmine tlio rato «»f pay of oach soaman «tf whatovor rlass by adding to tho pay Kivon in tli«‘ aocompanyin}; table th«* amount of incroaso in each case. The imToasod pay allotment has just into elTect. Ilolow is jriven the luivy waire table, with the pay as it stood prior to the ri'ceut act of congress. In onitT to know what each man's pay now is. it Is only necessary to know tliat every man now lrawinn less than a month will receive an incn'ase of .^lo a month; that every man drawing at present from 8‘J‘J to .$124 a month, in- «’lusive. will receive $11* a month athli- tional: that every man dniwin^ more than $-t and less tlian $ lo. w ill receive $S a month ndilitional, and that every man drauiim at present $4r» or nntro a nmntli will receive $t> a month addi tional |>ay. It sh.iiild l>»' Jdtrne in mind that the apiTi'ii!i-c sc.aman. tlic ordinary boy rccrnit. wlio ordinarily jrets a Jni'iith, will be nccixitn: at tin* tiiii«‘ t!iat this is read $lo additional, mak ing’ liis pay Ib rc is tiic p.iy i.alile as It stands today re::;irdles'; of t!ic increases which con^'ress ord.ained: Chief Petty Officers. Montiily l’:iy t'hiof jtiastt'rs at arms f!,!.'!' I'uit I swuin:;' n.alt':* .Vi • '(.icf 1,'unin rs' nint.'s «■' ici' tui'fct rapi.iin.! • ' ■> I’ i]ii;ii ti-i iii.isti'i s .'.'i i'ii '• !' ina. ! iiii^ts’ niati'-s 77,()'» ' ‘ ■ ■ I' i If' t rl' :ai.s i;i',,ii(i ■ I' • aip. III. rs’ niati'H fi.'i.tH) • t'i'-r w.ittT It Hiicrs I ■■ I'l ::uf!s f.o l'ii . I'l k' "1 (T^ .^0.'K' I \ ri;. ti i '' till.a !s!h' matt's 1 ;.i II.' !i la s'I'; .s .‘.T.llii All ( liicf petty uiticers with a per- nuiM. nr ai'pnintuH iit receive $77 a I . ’iitii and allowances. Petty Officers, First Class. \\ 1'.- I’l N . 1 i •' •- ;it a’ n:.''. : r--t i-la.s.-'' ■. u .1 I. -' w..i' s, ■ 1-iss.. lu.i • ■ !.r^t class ^ lust 1 l..,;s 1 O'lS. r ina t s ' i;,at • s, first rl.ias.. ■■ 't' !S, i'.: ; . ..IS.-: '!'!■. ia: s, lirs’ «i.,ss ’ ‘ : .s I ' 11 i*i s :ii i;i'i s’ ni.'iti-s t'^T-t-rs' !..,t!,s. tlrat ' Iiss. '• ! 1- a'liTs a ■’•aia is-s’ Ilrst • kisg : ■ •:U SI-'(iri'i il.iss il.^wairis' !iailt*s. I'lass.. • . rs’ in.itt'S, si t-ori'i class , .-I V .1 •-! : s. .'-■I .->.1 I ’ass J .t.'S, I'liLSS... i:;. a.l cImss :s, sc. iu l 'iass $44.1-1 ii ’ ' •» 1 . • H • . 44 I'. . 71 o" . .'i'' . •'.I' Ti'i .Vi 111 . .'r'ii!i . It.I'll . 4! ■' . 14.'-' . !! ' . 41 44 . )} . 44.'*' I'.'' 7''! 44■ 44 44 1*1 4'i.7''i r.'i 3v "h ■ ’ • ; 'ors' !;. tt's. sei tia'i clu-'S.. ’ •, '-y s.->, .. .1;,I I '’a ss ' rk''. p ; S. ' I ii^'l clas.s. a ■■'■•'s’ ii;at' , S'"''iti.i .i:i'-s,.,. Petty Officers, Third Class. ■■ r- at ara.s, tiar'i ■ la.'?s J: : ■■'.\a:iis :.'^i»i -s’ i: s, t ■ !:i. s i«' lass "lass Rating With Seamen. 1 . . M : . : * ■ M \ ! .-in- j * ’ ' ’. * ’I I -I in ! • : ! : ' ■ !i t:!“ I: ' ; ••• ■ ' S. !;r ■ . s .. .• .4'i Rating With Seamen, Second Class. • ■ "■ '111 'lass M ' . • • s. .!!■: .'la..s ■ ■ II • . .•••. •. - I ■ la-- Rating With Seamen. T!iird Class. • ■ ; • - . * ■ ■ ? • ' 1.;.: ' 17.C'i Commissary Branch. ' f ii'V s:. ,\ i;-i!s ?''>■ i,- i' 1:, - • I : :M the t -- : M. 1 ■■ .•;! tK ' tinn' nil. ■ .■ i;i. . -■ "■ !.t ; ■! i.f . i'ti- : ' 1 V ' 'l.r t'^" ”. : T aMd .' t is to S . ; s . . I'..--, t'.’irih class t I . . '•« .. ' c-.-'!.-r ir- ■ hicf.. ' ■ • ■ ■ ii:M '= in ■ liicf -.Is Tm ■. iari*> I ■■ ■ ! 1 • .!>iina'; l.'inis .' ■' P.s .-,.1 .... 17 , ♦ ry. m-) :vx >*» •••. ai-'is f» 4'*.r.'i ..... r r. ■*' 4* , . .. . ! * *‘4 '.V\ Diversified Ads Are Business Builders One I'cnt a word for first Insortion: onc-lialf ct'iit a wonl for eacli stil)se(iuenl insLTtion, eaih initial or alilireviatioii coiintini: as a word. MII..K For sale. Write or sec, (\ K. Osborne. (> '12 tfc I.OCS WANTKI) We pay cash. Miller Supply Co. 3 2 tfc OLD NKWS1*A1MCKS -Five cents a bun dle at News oHicc. tfc (H)KN MKAl., Home ground, for sale at, W. 1*. Henderson’s mill. I (> tfc FOK SALK ('lood milk cow at reasonable priec. Wottdford Zachary. 7-27-litr t'MlC'KKNS, KCt'.S, HrTTKK Cash paid for them. I'ity Market. 7 » tfc norSKS AND LOTS and vacant lots for sale. See W. H. Faulkner. 12 29-tfc TOWN LOTS, farms and timber lands for sale. Frank .lenkin«, Hrevard, N. tf FOK Kl.NT CIIK.AI’ Five-room house with j^ood j^arden. See Frank .lenkins. 7->-tfc \V.\N'ri^l> ('hickens and beef cattle. Oshorne Market, next door to Hisliop’s. () S tfe I'OK SALIC One luavv pair of lraft horst s, w a>;on ami harness. H. .1. Sit- ton. 7-20-1 fc FOK SALI' Six room house on French Hroad av-, just below «lepot. K. K. Hallaid. 5 IS tli I'OK SALIC Three-vear-old mare, cheap Cliestnul Mill Farm, Hrevard, N. (' 7-27-.^tc I'OKS.ALIC 'I'vvo fresh cows. See (^scar Kaxtcr. Chestnut Hill I-arm, I’.revani. 7 27-.Mc DKKSSM.MxlNC.. pl.iin and fancy sew inf:. nc\t door to pustothce. Miss ICli/abcth l!(iinett. (> 1.^ tfc l.>ST (o)l(i t nff bntton with initials M. II !?. l-'iniK r pleas'- leave it with F.arm- cis Supply C(i. Ite LOS'r .\ silver tiiij^ree hreast pin; Icat i.csif.;!'. Kinder nl* ,isc notil v I*. O. Bex 5') ami reiiivc reward. 7-L’/-lti)ii FDi-; S.M.I' Sicetid hand iarr:a^e in ^’,e d idndition. Keasonahle {irice, l!hesini;t llill I'arm, r.rcvarl, \. C. 7-27 .^li- WANTl'.l) IIIDKS. WOOL AND Fl lCS. Urinj:; them to W. L. Aiken lor lii^lust market pricis in cash. 12 .''-lie W.WTICK Cash paid for all yniirl'itd sai’ks. Mrin;^ ir shiji them to .1. L. Aiken, Hrevard, N. C. 7-1.^ lie i;.\l\K WAN'Tl'.D Chestnnt Oak and lieinloek. Hi^lust lash markil piiic. Transvlvania Tanning; IOmpany, I’.re- vard. N. C. 1 2/-Ite WANTLI) TO lU'Y I'arm adapted iDr stock puri>oses. Slate price and full particulars. Address Hex .\slievilli- pi istuliict'. /-2/-.'^te I'OK S.XLIC \ i)ractically n-w Iwastn’v pclihle d.ished Imuse, seven rimms and lialh. Modt-rn c in\i-nic.ii c.s. I’.i.x I'l. I’lrevard. N. C. 7 > .Mji I'oIM\l!N r l',i”hi r(n>tr .m I’.rnad strei.1 near K. W. Hlyihe; alsu rouais I'nr li.elil hiiUsekei pin^ •dmve .MitclieH's . slnre. A. M. Verdery. {. tie o.oei) (;|,ASS ,I.\KS l'(U\ S\1,K Can- i.p jilv \ "ur needs in any si/e. I’.iiv e:,!’.',- w hen tl'.'.'V can he hail. I"" tl.e ili tii.'.i i is .Meat aai! tlie supjily very siiurt. (' C. Viin^ue. 7 1.^ 2t( ’ Ki:.\L i:s TATI-; is like all et!'.e: l.u-im '* reiji.res ad'> ertisiiu' Tnmi';;:.- .* |-.\i n a 1 ii\'cr--:r!eii a>i will wui: ■ (Il ls. i'rv (inc. L >ST I'-t'er'in the slri'cts ir het v. - rn tin.' t . and Marr cutlaL^c a r'lM liar pin u.’,.; salitv catch. If tinder v.ill •lilt !y l!(ix il he will he lilurail'. ’e \v;n ded. 7-0 .^Ic I'OU SAl.lC Slime i't‘ thi- must desirali:i' uniniprii\ed and imjiriived pn.|ii rtie> ir. and near rire\aril; ash nr; lenns; l.iw interi-st. See me at once. 'I'hi'S. L. Wallers. 7-2ii Ue W.XN'lld) A piui.-ililc narly in lake a ci'i'.tr.'i 1 til cut and deiivi-r eii tar ;iiinut 1.(100 ennis el’ iheslnut a ill wiiiiil, lie- ' ivism.iit. N. C. Ntiiie hut respnn- .sihle pciiplc need .ipply. .Addre-s. ,lnhn 1 lei I man. Hex 121. .\sl'..,ville. N. C.7-2o- Ite 1'oi\ S.M.IC I'tw t'oed pij;s five to six weeks old. irmn ^radi- lierkshiie and iuinea snws ;uid sin-d li,' tliuriiu^hl red I’eland ('hina Imar; two tiollais eacii, crated. Keason tnr scllinj^ cheap is hiuh- priced ^rain. Will excl'-at'.e,- f,,r > alves 2 to .Wnonths tilcl. .1. H. Neal, l.akl■ '^llxaw;iy, N C. 7-1.^-2tp I Better Farming in the South ORDER FALL FERTILIZERS EARLY Railroad Service is a Serious Problem—Fertilizer Dealers Will Be Required to Accumulate Orders So That Full Carloads Only Shall J5e Shipped—Railway Authorities^ Say Fertilizers Can Be Handled in Half Number of Cars Ordinarily Used — A War Measure. Farm Service Bureau, Atlanta, Ga. (’. A. Whittle. The world Is hunpry. To got more food i.s an alarming problem. How can the farms produce more food wh*>n labor is so .scarce? How (an more acres be jdanted to food crops or how more work be Riven the acres usually planted with out more labor? Increase of labor is hardly to be ex|teeu*d, but there is one important means of liulp whii’h the South«>rn farmer has b-MU utilizing in the past and that is Fertilizer. Hut this too is be.sf t with difficulties. Fertilizer -an increast* production ^itlwnit ineieasing labor except ai harvest time. The warring nations appreciate this fact, and are giving all the eneiiuragement tliey can to the use of fertilizers. Th(> lailroads can’t do the ne.s.s expected of them unless every freight is loaded to full ea jiacil.v. 'I’o jojid them to full capacity the fertilizer dealer must h;ivo enongh orders in to make up a full car load befon* he can reasoii.ably hope to *ret a sliipment. The eailier the carload oi'deis are placed the better chance, of couise, of gf'ttim:: a shipment. I5e- eause of the sliortajro of eiiuipmenf. the railroais sliould have as mueli tinu“ as possiblo to i>lan for moving the fertilizer. Karly orders will give* them a knowb'dg*! of the number of cars that will be needed. Government Authorities Backing It Th«‘ National Council of Defense has sent out a bulletin on this very .subject, urging farmers to order their fall fer tilizers early so full «'arload shipno nts might be ma le and llie largest ainouut of human fooii produced. The Cnited S'ate-t Department of Agriculture thi()Ui;h the Slates Re lations Serviei- and Hureau of S«dls; and agriewltnral oolleiies and coun ty ageiit.-i, ar(‘ advising the ^ame. The lailfoads are v**ry urgent about the matl‘r. The fertilizer maniifae turers are offering to help the dealers anl farin(*rs as much as i.o.ssilde to ov«-rc(jme th*' tran.'pnriat ion rlifticul- ties. Half Cars Can Be Saved Railway auUiorities liave statistics to show that half f)f the ears ofdin.iri- ly used for iiauling fertiliz'M-.-; could do the business, if only they are load ed to their maximum c:i[)acity. When* a full ear load can not be made u;i for one destination, tlmn it is to b* tilled with ord''rs for neigh boring stations along a railroad. BAPTISTS OF COUNTY MEET AT TOXAWAY Tlio nnion nu^eiinj? of the Uap- 11st chnrches of the Transylvania association will meet with the Lake Toxawuy chnrch on Jaly ^7, and be^inninf' at 10 Fri day niorninf'. Tlie jjro^rani, based on 1st John, 1st, ’2nd and ^ird chapters, follows; I. Spiritnal Life, I'lu* .ioys. The ])owL*r. ^lory. 'I'lie apparent failiir!S. The uchieveni(;nts. II. S])iritual Li^ht. 'I'lur false lif'ht. 'I’lio triK^ liyht. 'Phe r«‘flect(jrs. The eyes closed. III. Sj)iritti!il Love. (ir**!it kiio\vled*j:^ 'I'he ;^reat»*st purifier of the liea rt. 'I'lie foundation of faith. Till* most powerful incentive to >xood works. Wo reinier^t (‘Very ]»astor and ehiircJi worker to b«! ])ro[)ared to take any (jf these stil)jects uiul be pre-*-iit. A. .1. M \M.v, T. (M h;ni)Ki;s>n, (’omTiiittee. More Wheat and Oats From the South Farm Service Bureau, Atlanta, Ga. 'I'he Suutii will be exjtected to take care of its share of wheat ;tnd oat production. 1 >i.scoin aKein-nt from the vinte;- Uill of l!ie , eason and la bor i'onditit>n-;>' the ta k of ice* p ing up produeti HI no .-niall on-. but tile country n eil more of t|;eM' crops if i' is ti> t.'.ke tai'e nf its alli s. 'I'h'' Jifices whicti they ar.‘ bringing, of cour.-e. do tii'L di.-conrage production. I'ven if tin- acreage canmit he in- cri'd the price-- which the small grains are Irit'ui’.g ju.'t;fy the very best seed b' d p: • ; arat inn ami th'- maximum u. ■ of feriilizer. Ciiow.m: e -I-.I . f cMUf-''. do not r* qtiife a.' a. u'rnwin-: cdi-a and coliun, i’ i.' true, lu' coin an 1 C(;ttf)n will take their turn in every well planned farm. The; oat crop should he hus banded fur seed liiis Year. Xo oa; ■ are as good for planting in Mie South a- those gtiiwn in the .'>otith. • peeially if they ai'e grown in th*' rei;iuii vvh' rr* fliey a:e to In plant'd. Th'’ sani'- i- tuie (d’ wheat unl'''S in a givin se^:- fion tin- li'-.t Mifieiy for that section has not y-t b'l-n n.fd. (loud seed shuiilil be orderf'il eariy. I'nle :s fer ilizei-.s are oid'-red ejirl.v, so tliat dealers can ship only in full catload liit.-^ it is ijnite pi-ulialile that farmers will b" di. apiioini* d when set-ding tiim- comi's. Tin- railroads will pndialily have naif'- 'han ?hey can dn ' V' ti uiM: full earl'iad -I’ipinen’s. !• is a nati'inal im-c’ -ity ti> ,-ee tha’. no fieii'):’ ar >pace is wa.-ted. Longest Telephone Line. The lonivst t* '.••phi'm- wir> in the world ni’is irom .\ew York to San ^ Fniucisco, a .listati.-o of milea. To Cleanse After Oil. ' To clean class bottb's have ;ield nil, ] lace ..--’les in each and im- 1 riierse iti cmIi! \’.:;t.'r: tli'-n heut. the : ivater !-’a !,;a;!y ftiti! it boils, .-'.fter iKiiling for an hotir let tlie bottb-s re- :n;:in in the water iintil cold, after ward washing in Keaii ii Is and rinsing in clear water Scrrct.mes. “r^ar s a S'!', '-r l;ni!;’ t ) every r’ovd. ' said I’ne].. :'h* II; "bin sninetin- s it's I'eoHsh to stat d ar-'urai lnitkin' f’lr it s’i i n' h is’ii.;’ a umbrella.-Wasliino' ton Star. Best Way to Look at Life. Makt' the inu.'t and best of yc'.ur lot 9nd compare ynnrseli n';t with the few that are above you, hut with the n:’;lti- tude which are boKr.v yu'a.—£j,muc; Ji;hn..on. ORPHANS WERE GOOD 'The ( (jiu'ert rendered at the An- ditoriniii Thnrsday niicht by the cliildren of the Masonic or])liin:i^u at ( >xford was w»dl reeeiv*‘d by a cruwded liotise. 'I’he concert is believed to ]ja V * snrj)assed former ont!s rendered by tlu' children here. FREE OF CHARGE ■Any aiinlt st:iYcrin;r from cough, cild or iirif.chitis, is invited In call at thi-drug of I)uekwi)rth l)riig Co.. {-{rcvard. , .irid '/ct ah.MilntcIy :rc(- a sample hnftle of i Boschce’s Gernvan Syrup, a soothing I and la a'iii!;^: rcniciiy for all itnuMrouliles, j 'Ahich I..I'l a suci-c>>ful of fit'tv I vcars, C.ive^ the |)aticnt a gi"d night’s I rest free Iron'', c./ughing, with tree cxjicc- ; 1' latiot; iii the nMrnin;'. I 1\' uuiar si/fs. 1.’.^ and 7.^ cen*. l-'i'r sale I in aii I t\ ii::'ed countries. ,\dv. MwA Hardware Co. Spccial sale of Alumi num Ware, Enamclware, Pyrcx (glass baking dish es). Don't order--- C. DOYLE Ercvardt N. C. W, M.-MINN J. M. ALLISON Oii Cook Stoves Make Kitchen Worries Lighter These stoves are used in more thai\ 2,500,000 homes, an un!rE\peachabie endorsement of their usefulness and popularity. Here Are Some Favorable Features: m Li^iits instantly—ready tor full work in a in inti to. Heat ri:_i.ilates instantly and positively, either full flame or simmerinj.^ heat. (dean odorless combustion. Durable—lasts for years. Convenient heijiht with spacious tops. Equipped with or without cabinets to prevent draft currents, splashinj^ of ‘grease against walls and provide convenient w arminy; shelf. Ovens tnade to conform to si/e of stove. Ovens have ^lass doors and will not steam nor break; baking always in si^lit; asbestos lining:- Stoves can be moved easily and used anywhere and occupy little space. Ni> chimneys or flues needed, cook anywhere. t:. - t ’■ t t! til W.v-’M- t : r.\- - s'.-w f :■ » , I;.;..* > -- ..'i.l I !:iss*. ... • .1 I lass* f!: :i: or T 3a li." 1: 1 ; 1” ^ I . I V. ; ■ -!■ ;.T all f..r • - . i h 1 aft.-r ' .'"it;' ih:- t-:'.y, ili‘ alM-n ! . I'l II'd. ^!i'-I ’ I r all ^ ■ i ■ ■ 1 > * - ' . nr Ilf i ■' ]■: y 1 th:.! b ■ I ' ,d i" . h : ^ti^v a hi di -ires ;y (, :• f,T ^\!;ri ' ai"l • n'l r- ■en' as h*‘ s- . ;ns inel’.ned to lii- • in. Irc-ease Soon Comes. ii'!i-t I.lit ]'• >'!|.|iii-. il that an ap- f'-i‘ -■■a’liaii cnii’■ .. 'I''' lull-' til draw 'y ,lii' Miioai.t hi^ fir>t jiay. His ’■•ai'e ciitia-- In :iie seatntin braiich, if h" i'; ill ’.’it rneroom he gets an ' ot:a! stini. t ; vy re • d men v. ho are trainei] . -ily traiiad iti th.- varinns trades. .vho are 1 rota a-nt tilnni: certain • at'd who ,i'ii‘- witliin la'rtain a;:es jire :.!isieil t’nr sjiec-ilie • i i The nfi\*'. Tlr* y are given I ;.ee,ird:ite"e with statajard-; s«*t ie d^■^.■re:•f lines of emle.MVor •. they follovv'. Full iufoi'aia- ■I '-vard'' and e.wi';s nf tin* mess- ii braneli, Im ::r«-.\';a‘i’iean ciii/.eiis. • i huh! itic;ite of (inalilicat ion, :■ ■ 'vi- .’."i..'io ;i m«in!!i in addition to 'I • a'"i\o rate' of iiay. Nnvy Meed? Men. 'ria- Cniti-d States tod:iy is at war. T:.«- L'liv- rnnii tit othcials iire looking T * the yiinnL.’’ I'i' ti >f the country to ‘•■ Id th' hilli nf that demncrai’V wii.-h tia aii liberty. 'I'here are rear :id' ir.'Is- atid captains iii the rnited S' s it;ivy today who roue to their .hi,h rank of comnitiinl frtm tht- posi tion of I'ltival sipiireiiti'-e. Rear Ad- ■ lit; 1 William U. li. Southerland once \'a'^ a na\al aiipreniice. ("apt. .lohn litail Riilli r was a naval apprenti‘e. “'I’l.i-re i room at the top” !st a !• -I'lliti-d originall.v to *’■ Sam ti'M'ds re el a, I' honor o'” hi.'- •' . '••'.ii-e have }j : r- ' Moou. HONOR BOL \.Mn»s mJ Tifu rihoi s ainl icncwal'* :l .• ..I- ’ I ft. Stove with two burners Stove with three burners • • • • Stove with four burners . . .$ 9.75 .. . 13.50 ... 17.25 ('apt. T. C. Callowuv , .Mts. .M. M. King ' .. I'. S. King B. '1'. Kgcrton ' R. II. .Morrow .\vcry Kcid I C.eorgc Heccc j Carl .-Mlison I .\. L. Hamilton I .Mrs. .1. H. x\cal Dr. .1. V. .McKinney ! Harold Hardin I. K. Hainc.s ' Mrs. I.. 1*. Sumnu-v (). T. Crarv ' Mis Nina Duckworth., K. b. Batson ; I r. ('. 1>. (Iruvt-r Mrs. I>. K. Staton i .''a.m ('oopcr j (). Shipman ; ■ ’ohind Kobinson _. Reid Brothers j \V. 1) Hunt 1 i\cv. J. F. Matney. Hrevard Brevard Brevard Brevard - Brevard -- Ouehec .. _ Oucl)ec I’isgah Fi'rest ICtowah -- . Lake To.xaway -- --Brevard . Portsmouth, Va. . Sultan, Wash. Brevard -- Brevard _ Brevard Brevard, R 1 Ro.«nian Rosman 1‘isgah Forest Ktowah, R 1 Raii'.ier, Oregon Chehalis, Wash. --Easley Roundup, Mont. New Perfection ovens to fit any burner, $3.65. Boss oven, $3.75. Warniinj; closets, $5.00. W icks, 25c. Oil heaters, fine for takinj; chill off ct>ol rooms, $3.50 to S5.50. Wickless Oil Stoves with one, tw o and three burners. Come in and let us explain some of their many good merits. ONYX ENAMELWARE We have a good assortment of Onyx Enamelware, one of the very best makes on the market. It positively will not crack. Any kind of cooking vessel you want. FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY BREVARD, N. C.