.i. c. GOOD MONEY MADE IN BREVARD REAL ESTATE While Generations Deplore Bad Jud};ment in Past, Residents of Today are Letting Bij; Bar dins Pass Unheeded. Of course yon lu‘.vo lu'tird your father and your friemls tell it Dver and over anil you Imve said the wnnie thiiij; about real “stat»* in lire vanl. They as well as you repeat- eilly ex])n*ss regret at tu)t Imvinfj tiiken advantage of st)uie of tin* many real »>stwte bars^ains when 'hoiee lots sold tor a vitv sniali sum. N\)W tht' town is hir^^er and jnore ]>ro!4ressivt> and ])riees hav«' advanced but it Vt>u have the nee. essnry c'ash to invest ilie vu1ui > now are just as yreat as they were then, with iU'obal)ly a few exeep- tions 'rriinj'yl VH nia is ^t‘a(lily ^oini-' forward and thismvestlie ('onnty seat a ^tnrdv bat'kiiiL', ni'.aiiinu: a •^00(1 liealtliv u'rowtliand larire ])ay- rolis. This means that lenlestat' Value> will enntlliue to eliiilb Tln \ art' not likelv to i ver ^o lowi r. lin pi'oved pro’M rty i> easily lented at a lair rental, thereby taking eare of taxes and iiitere>t (»n investment. Wliat eotieeded to lie (*ne ol tlie bot values in improved ])io]i- erty in lirt'varil is the .NU-.Minn eot- taire in tr lit ot tlu' Henning' Inn. 'rhi." eiitta_:e ha>^ six lar;j*‘. well liu'hteti ri^oiiis, larLre hall, batli roorn witli ti'iii't. and >ervant‘i' toilet; newly rei'Mre(l. kal>omined and painteil and in lir>t-ela>> condition and i> ri lit ;im 1 or 1 ' per imnit h . It I" in >plendid iieT'iil'virluu'd anil I I tile liennirii; Inn troiitin;^ it lias nnder^'oiie inijiroveiiients to the cxtiMit ot abor.t I'l ii.oii. 'I'lie hiinsi.* IS I II .1 lot .i\ 1 .'..I ti'i't. an e\- ct'llent ;:arden S)i' >t 'I'his ]iroperty was botmht at a barL'ain and will In-.--old without a dollar pr^dit to tlie nv, iier, who sul'joct to tir.xt arii.ydratt and l?- t heret I re anxi'iu> to m-11 the]>ro])- crty at once. 'I'hr ].r'luisition will bear looking into. It can be biUL:l,t for li'1. Sei‘X'>ah M Hollowell. owner. Subscribe for rather than bor row the News. PRESBYTERIAN SOCIAL DRYING JNTHE SUN Have All Fruits and Vegetables Properly Prepared. SIMPUAPPARATUSFORWORK Bnght, Hot Sunny Days Are Best, and Close Watch Should Be Kept That Rain or Dew Does Not Hit Product—Avoid Insects. (J’rom I'AKMKKS’ lU’UI.KTIN S41, riiitwl Stales l>t I'iii tiiieiit of Aki i> uliui»-.> The Wryiii- «if frtiits and veK*‘taltlwi iii I lie .''1111 is ai simple jirticess if tliey Uave l»cen prepared pmperly. In its .siiiiple.st fitnii such drying cunsisis In spreading' the freshly prepared sHce." er piet'e.s on sheet.s of pajier, nr. if tfiere is danger ef the pmduct’s sliek- iiiK, spreatiiiiK en old pieces of imislin lield dtiwii with sTones. Hri^ht, iiet, Miimy days are ’lmsen fop this wctk. and a clns»> walch is k«‘pt to see that in* rain or d» \v wets tlie proiliiet. ll lli' s ;md otli. r ii;sects are alniiidant, a niiis.iiiiiu bar is tlirown over the pr^d int. (dice or twic»- a day the slic#s wn- siirnd or turned ovt with the h;ind and tli' ihin uncs wtiich dry tirst are iak* t\ nu:. Sun iir\in;; has luueh i>i reiiiiiuiifud it, since it ri‘iuires no ex- pi'n'liiure of fn! and tiiTe is little d.inu'fr of the prmluet luM'.miimr nv« r- hfati'd. iMist, howev* r. gathers on tlie I'r.idiict. and. uiibss it is jinHfetc'! eari'fiilly. Hies, .and t‘>iiecially ‘crlain ins>'cis wliich lialiilually attack dried frui-ts, will lay tli'ir ei:i;s upon if. 'l')i-se ei.';:s Inter will hat'h out. an-1 llie wiirnis. >r lar\ae, will riddle ;t,.- iri*‘ii fruits or VfL'ctaMes. reiiderinj: tlifiii unlit for the Tahlo. Trays o^ Uniform Size. Fruits and v* ::. tables, ulwn !rie’ in tin* sun, r.-iily are spread on lar^i' trays of unif'irni size, so const met ed »liMt th»*y e;in be staeked oii(« or. ten Ilf tile .ithiT and pr.t*'cffd fnmi rain t>y nicans of a eovt r iiiade of oilcloth, • aiivas or rotiihi;: jiaper, vtTy cheaji tra;, can be made vf sirips (if liinitit r ilin-i'-fdurtlis of .an iiieh thick and two in-hes wide, whicli form till' siies and ends, :ind latli. \\lii li is n.aili d on ti> form th(> bottom, .^■p.aers in. - i;:hth im h wi(h* shoiild lift brtwirn tlie l.ailis fur Vfiitliation. and tin- traps can b** raisfd off tlie L'ruiiml by jilaiMni: lln'i i un jmles or an iiiipnu i.-i-d trcstlf. As laths are four The yoiini: i»eo;»lc i.f tlie (’bus tian I'.ndi-avor socirty of the l’r.‘s bvtori iTi ( hureh and a few invitrd friends enjoyi-d a sneial nieetinir at the manse on Tiif'ilav niLrlit. 'I'he evt*ninLT was ]»assed in sm'ial inter- miii:jlin^" and jdeasant ;^anies, and a ret re.-hinir fruit putndi wa." served. Nearly every newspaper carries tlie jieiieral news but the Brevarcl News is the only one carrying the most important I'ransylvaiiia news. Brevard Hardware Co. A new suppiv" of Clover Seeds, Grass Seeds. Mil let, Vetch, Rape, Turnip, Rutabaga, Rye. Don’t forget to C. DOYLE Brevard, N. C. Buy Before the Price Advances The wur tax nit'asurt* .vill me tn a 0 per ct'iit increasu in th« pru e of piiinoH. Whyjnot let ii.« pIkch oru; ix; .\'oi:r honi« before tlie|Hdvttnce? York p.nd Livin^'-bton piano.« unc; player pianos our leaderti. MIcliael Music Co. Brevard, N. C. galvnni/ed iron which Is tliree inrhiw less iti len^rth and width tlian the bot tom. 'I’liis ,she(*t rests on two wires fastened to the sides of the drier. This prevents the direct heat from eoniin;' In contact with the product and serves as a radiator to .spread the heat more ev(*nly. 'I'he first tray Is jdaced three Inrhe.H aliove the radiat«tr. Tin* trays re.st on tlw cleats three iiulies apart. A drier of the irfven ffinu'nsions will liold ei;rht trays. The frame of tJie tray is made of one inch slrijts on whieh is tacked Kalvanizi’d serem wire, which form.s th«‘ bottom of the tray. 'I'h** tray is 21 by b"i inehfs, !!i;ikin;: it tfiree inches less In flejitli than the ilrier. The low est tr:iy, wli n pl.iced in the «lrier. is Jiuslied to the ba‘k, leaving the three- liu li sjiaee In froitt. The next tray 1h jdaced ev.-n with the front, leaving a FIGHTING IN SADDLE HAS A BRIGHT SIDE By CAPTAIN GEORGE. L. KILMER. There Is li?»s of riut;iie nud nioie freed«»ni of m«ivenient hi the (;iv:dr\ than in other arms if service. 11 n* - a man “at ln'iiie" with Imrsetiesli. no- pored with the tedious :m> 'if a m«uiit. his t«‘m]ier and varinus epiine idin R\n rasies, may ome id Idniself ns ii poldi(>r (juii kest iii horseback. Tla> r * emit sIioidl be a IIlMii wei^^lit. w liateve: Church "Directory npi'VAKM pwl shy'H'.kian cmiiuch liilot P ll;tV, Pje.l11 l »iI;m t lull • l» ci i ■ j« I I *111 ^ I i I t Mini f Im I.) M . I '!li t II !l ■ I I»• III ♦ 11 t. u* 1 r* Stltnl;4\ ^ I'V . Ml* »| ‘' 1 n w t: ♦ \ ' I • ■ ■ ’ I « • • I . ’ ■ * Mi n *, I',.. iIm 11 1 INM- ‘'I**' * ' '■ ” * • Ifa V I ‘I « V* f . \\ • -1 iw » * * I V *^*nii'l;i 11 >'• .1 III . I* 111. I*'t I M tU J.i i. »i »ii n DAVIPSON PIVI P I'lM i;v II IMArJ ( III IM II .iiiiitt p ibiv, Ki V;nl:u • Imn li ui i I . ■ ■ ■ > , ‘ .,,..1.. iitniis l.iiitlt ■ »t tn . Ills! ;Uj«| thii.l : Mii.J i. 1 ' r >nii«!a V V 1 jV anti« "iti» • »>f Sr.inla V ^rli• H I I \ • IV mi.* 1 •. . . t■ - i** I !i'ti a\'i 'I'l II a. !U . . n -1 all'l tl ll ' nn-1 ;i . - » . I • HKi:VAKn PAP'I LS I ( IH'H II (’(•rner .hmlan lowl ';tr i ; A. W. Ml !) aiiiil, l‘;ts(it. Plinrir ’Jn III . ■■•.•II ; M .' I • • I r Metal-Covered Cabinet Type of Home made Drier. feet bin;:, thi-se lath trays are most iiiiof inati rial when made four fti'l in li'i.LMh. P.i ttrr liu: liiiin* ex[ieiisive trays can be niali‘ tiy sab^;iiuiin^ ^■■alvani/.fi]- win- si iffii. Iinc-i-K'lith vr one-fourti' inch nic>li, fur ilic latlu, in whii-li case th‘ nmst eci ::iimical .size would dcjicnd I'i'III ;!ic ',\idth of the wire screen ob- tiiiiialilc. chi ap and very satisfactory drier t'or U"i- iivcr tin* kitchen stove can be made |iy any handy boy or carpi'iitcr fi'uiii a small ara"Unt of sin.-dl-iiicsh ;:alvani/.c(l-\vire iieMlnr Ji'id a number il' iailis (ir strips if v.ond about nue- lialf inch thick and 1v.«i iii'-hes uide. 'J'lic siTcn i::ay be tacked flirectly uti the frainew (irk to make the dryintr shelves, nr the fraiaewurk can be made til Mippiiri sep.arati trays. P.y usiiiL' iw» laths nailed ti'::eiker. the frame work c;in be stif!'ei,ed and lar;,'er trays made if dc-sirai'le. ’’i'l;i>» foi’m or any • if the liirhter makes of driers can he s'is[iended from t!i * ceilin;; over the kitchen rauL'e or ovi-r the oil. i:asoline or Kas stove, and it will utilize the hot air which rises durin.L' the cookini: lioiir. It can be raised out of the way or swum: to one side l)v a crane m.ade of la:h when the stove is re.piired for cookin;^ jturposes. and lowered ir s\'inn: back to utilize the lieat which otherwise Would be wasted wh(“ii the top of the sto\e is iiiit in us*'. .\noth(‘r liomeniale rniokstovi' (h'ier can be used, on a \\iod or cial ranj;** or :i kerosene stovf* 'an b.- made easily ami cheaply. I >iniensions : P.;ise 1f t liy lt‘> inches; height .".I'l inches. A lia."-* six inches lii^jh is tiiade of ;:alvanized shed iron. Tins base sliLditly flares toward the bottom and has two small openlnjrs for ventilation in eacli of the four siiies. On tlie Icise rests ;i boxlike frame made of 1 or T'o-ine!i strij)s of Wood. The two sides are bra‘ed with ni-ineh strijis wliirh serve as cleats on which the trays In the drier rest. These an* placed at intervals of three inches. The frame is covered with tin ir jralvanized slu'et iron which Is tackeil to flie wooden strijjs tf the frame. Thin sfriis of wood may be used instead of tin or sh‘>t irrtn. The door is fitted on snudl hinges and fas tened with a thumb latch. Tt tipens wid(.*, .so that the trays c;m he r(‘moved easily. Tht* bottom of the dri*r is made o^ a piec# of perforated ;ialVa- niz('d sh(>et iron. Tw«i iiichi's above the bottom is placed a solid s}ie*t (f Homemade Drier, Made of Lath and Wire Netting. three-iiK'h sjiace in the back. The other trays alternate in the same way. This permits tlie current of heated air to pass around ;ind over the trays. A veniilator o]'eniiii:. about twn inhes wide and six inches loiiL', is left in the top of the (bier. tlirouL'h which tlu moist air n.ay away. 'I'his jirim iple of consiruction is fol lowed so th.-.t I urreMs of :dr 'xill pas-- over the ]iro(luct as w*'ll !;s up lhrou;_-h it. ^'allieriiitr the mol-iiir.' and {■assinu' away. 'Ih-' naivement ot’ thi- current of ;dr induces ;i mm'e rajiid :ind uni form dryinir. The upper trays •: n be shifteil to the lower ]iart of the drier, and the lower irays to the u]'per jiart as dryhii: jiroceeds, so ;is to dry the ]irorluTs uniformly ihrout:hout. Another Home Drier. Siill another honi'- dri>T is the eook- Sto\e oven. l?itS of food. leftovers, estiecial'y sweet cov'i ea'i be dried on ]'!ales i;i ;i Vel-y slow o\ en or on the b.ack of tlie cooksiove .arid saved for \vinie;- u^e. If the o\en I-- \'ery warm, file door should be |efi a.iar an! 'he Ti'Iillic-raTUre .d tlie oveit often noled. Trays f^ir use in the oven can be niaile frmn a coi;venii ijalvani'/e*! wire screen by be-^iin:.'- up the ed"es one or 1 o inches. (’ool^stove driers on the market are of two tyjies. »ne tVJie consists of ;i series of trays upon whicli the material to Ik> dried is syiread. Tlieso trays are placed in a fr.aniework on.' abo\e the other, forminL' :i conipartnient ilii-ou.Lrh wliich ’be he.ated a'r rises 'arryinir off the moistui'i'. The second tyjie coti- s-'is of a shallow Hat metal Fiox tilled wi'Ii water and 1esi”ned so that ope end can re-t on tiie back of the stove I’hoto liy AiiUTk.iii i’rets As.'^iK.lati'in, AIM I hts stature. His horse must carry, be sides th(* troojier with his ;irnis, am munition and rations, his own f.diler S' liiU’l iiiies. A boy accustinied to horses will proliabl.\ h;i\i- h;id fun out of certain "stunis" on horseback which iiiep.-ire j him for a ca\alry reeruit. 'I'he > iri us • rider has tau.uht him bareback ridiim probabl.v, iumjis olY frum and spring's upon his horse's back. Mijually ;:oo(l ' is the leiice :;nd dil«'li .junijiinLr ef il'• , hi r-'t* wiih ihe troojier in saddle. A I c;iv;dr.. ni.'in l!;:hts chiefly with his riiie I or (ariiine. If airshi]is do the scout- in.: the cavjili'.v is the followinu'' up forc('. 'Froopers are trained to li;rli! on foot ,'is infjinti'.v, to intrench «ni iioltl ;i I'oint of \anl;i:'e until Inl'amr.x -ets to tiie front. Hence a ca\;dr.\ m;in niu-t i'e an all roui.d soldier, not M'Tcly a show . tellow in s.uldle. livc’.'y e,\er ise w hi •'e\clops .-iLiiliiy and p"wer of niUsi'le is L o"d p!-e;.;irc(hie'-'- f. r tli.' Woiiid I.e t;- i;c;- lie c;m bcL'in ^n tie L'rounil in ilie •'i.e;i will) :iTT:i .'i;.d le': s\'>in.i:- piim IiiiiLT. h:ir .rniipiim, \;,iilt- 1 t i:nib!ii.u. then tal^e bis hoi :r. ark 'T i .eadow and pi'i» eeil in:', ' in j : to t t'':. n \ r may u'ct a “s;'iH" in heat of a'-:;.!]!, pe ti'dden 'in unl'‘s> he ';.:i loi, '!• scramiije fr'^iii unde: I .'"!'- .M.-iii : u;ains: m;'n ti;.;lit iiiLT conic. ofl' M' in i-avalr, ; hence superb seli I ' n11 "I an'I mi aim Ilelp to mak** I h> i'ieal tri'oper. THE GAflHGNEER IN FIELD ARTILLEilY By CAPTAIN GEORGE. L. KILMER 'i'he liel'I arti:ier.\- is the fav.ri!'‘ a’-ni of ser\ice .-MiioaL: wi.'c \eii-raiis \\!'.e ha'e I I I ;i tlirouuli a w;ir. 'I’lii's'«l'li*r's lui;u'au'- a: 1 rations ir.ivel with him uii'l he uei 'hi't '-arry tlii'in himseif. li I’ibli- m Ik 111 iju- .1 III . !;e 111 suit .ill. I’n-;i. la:.:j M iviri-'.. ;il ii'i .-i e. :n.’’ • i III. ' vi-i V Stniihi V . M lilv. I rk --ei VI' !• Id u i ii wl.iii .■■ti'I f Kn". ' In; ' J). Ill Wnir.i sd.'i V . • \'lvivi,iv le':ili! ir.i i.ti I "I 'l.r, t • t.iti, .•»;ti-i tile liisl .''un'l;i\ ol ll •i."iit!i •\ U V. Inj ii.. t.. t III . >111 ,ij;i I t.. .T ■ i t II. wi.istiiji tj le.r'. «.r tl' !'• I.« l; -'l l'\ "'I I . :ilf ii.li!i;;li\ ;Tlv:ff.l tc :if>i'l .ul ■ ■ i . ■ sti ar...ct ^ .'.ri'l \ i'iti'! s ;iici . » %•. !• > uii Spccial Announccnioiit. Sunl:iv merninj: tlurui- will he "Th'- Fair lli;d, ur to iivcrv M.iii His IUn‘. " '1 his Pfrmen is of spn ial inijiiirt.iii'e to the I hurch nu inl erdiip atai el vahif to all. 'i'hf fvt niii}; tlu iiic will lie "Wiiiniii;; the Crdwn. ’ I'.KKVAKI) Mh'i IKddST ( lirMt il. \V. I'.d'jar Pdiivcy, Pjistor. .Siui'!a\ Siiiiilriv SI lir.. i; ;it r I' iii ’ itj>; Ht a ni, and p. iii liitii aiiiiiatc I-. 1 \vcirlti 1.1 ai.'iii- •: i' ni V 1". ,M .s. J). Ill , tif l aral thiril M'T:>:;e. tijv.'IU'. liii-'-'I.iv '.\r't-r S’.:: :,c. - P.i.atd nt aii'.'s, ^ ;■ 111. \Vi iliit^'l;i\ I'lavci "I ;i II!. 'riun s'l.e, i 1- irst .tii'i I 1:1!'I V.'>'n'.air>. Mi^.- '-ii'li.iis . p. II.. l.)> al Aiix:li.ii\ ■i p 111 I I- ii'!a\ 'lu.ir pra'-t- c p ni. I '■(■"•lie thi'ii witi. Us am! \m' \vi;; ili. tliiT I M 'I! " N'uai. 1. I ST. I’HILIPS KlMSCOPAh ('UnU'H. i Rev. Chalniers I). Chapman, Minister in ! CL.iri^i-. .Sia.-'Ia'.Me'Tvni; vci va I- a' ;i. • i.’iii.ik. i Siiii' l.t V ,si l;i ' I,: J a- Hi. I Will. !>ays I-\ i-n'.ur;; -.i r\ I'lidayi Wi i!;;i’-ila\V .it; ; li;.1a\" ilvair;: .\!v(iil:, \Vi ■la V'- .-ii.il I'riilavs 'liii iij. l.itt; e\i i . i!a\ 111 1 i ' In- \Vi I k ; a ' r S .1 in; s . . II > 1 I'iiitir.ni;' :i I:;i- I'.t ■'t l’:;!'! SiindaV' . i! • \ - \ :n ii'h. a'.^i ■ cr. •I,'- ' • 11 a'> r H ■ 'iv '!.i y ^. I 1 I• Til as. I- p; p: ar . \V. . ■ -1! .i\ , IP.. I I'l:; ■. t-'.;'-’, ! ;tav. • i ■ r.-■ > i; c..i',. W:.it , ...y .la'! I'l .a;!-. M:r :.t\ Special .Knnouncenient. , la^dith Stinday after 'I'rinitv, .luly 2'>, .Morain;.' pravi r aT'.(i .serni'in at 11. Sul>- ji'i t, “Tl-.c Ht st'.ual ef I’iu» r." l-'riiiay. .biiv 27. ev. ason^: with address • at .s;.^!', Sul,j,.it. “Lifi. and the Woik of .if bile," ^ (iiT.ri.'il rric: "Huv less: save small-r ; ji'Utimis " .\bit:. ; Win the war hy ^dvinj.''; V'lur (iw n daily service. i Save tl'.c uiieat. One whcatlcss meal a d.'iy. I'sc Cl rn, ea.t meal, rye and harley hnad. and ni'.te wheat hreakfa.st ft;eds Cut the I'l.'if on the talde, and luily as re : • piirt-d. I sc stale bread f«'r iiiokinj:, I'last, ete. ICat Kss lake and pastry. AuditoriDin Thursday, August 2 William Fox Presents Harry Hilliard and June Caprice in Caprice of the Mountains A refreshing little story of the out of doors replete with dramatic interest. Matinee 3:30, 10c. Nij;ht 7:^0, 10 and l.^c. ^ Silk ijoods and and silk hosiery to suit tlie taste of tiio cl'.oicest at .1. C'. Whitmire, C'lu rr\ fit Iil, antJ W’liitniire iv Lynch at l‘is^ah Forest. CONSIDER SCHOOL EUILDIMC Drying Fruits and Vegetables on Homemade Racks by Forcing Air at Room Temperature Across Them. '111(1 the iitluT on n leg reachiiij: the ti'Mir. It tilso m:iy he suppurted over tl lamp. Use of Electric Fan. The use of an electric fan in facili- tiiiiiiLr (lryiii>r is fea.sihle fi>r those who ■ilready own ti fan. It Itas been foiind :hat man.v slicel ve,i;«‘tables ami fruit.s I'iae\‘il in 1011”- tray.s three by one foot (ind stacked in two tiers, »Mid to end, 'lefore an electric fan can be dried to tlie nMinisite dr.vness within twent.v- •■'•iir hours. S'»me require mmh less tim‘. For instance, slic«‘(l strini: ln'aiis III'! shn 'hit 1 sweet i>otatoes will dr,'’ hefore a fan ninnimr at a nmdera' * r^peed within a few hours. In ma [•ities tlie electric fan will eost . it niort* than one-fourt.h of n cent an li"iir lo run. Tht' fan should he placed faose to the stack of trays, and they should not hi' filled so full that the air cannot (lass fri'el,v TliroU'.,di rhem. The fan method has a ma.rked advantas* h; th.'ii the pfodu't ke»“ii.s cool owinpr to eva;)M:-; t’.iti w bib* it is hein.ir dried, tiiiis fendinir t,. retain the color nTid I ‘liminat'* sp,ii!a;e. I'hu’ei by .\nicr;f. i i’rtiss Ass.u iaiinn. s.st.fTE! Iio is a '•aniii'ifer he l an ri'!e witliou: the tr'iiii.ie (tf '■arini,'' fer hor-es. Tin SI ieia e in\ol\ed also :i;>| e;il.s to an in t('Ili;_'eiit man. lb' mn>t kimw almir eXjV.'isives. fu'-i's. ranuf, tra,ie>-t"ry, ve I'leity, anl m> on. and, v. hat is more. knov,li dL:e here is lii:htii!.r [lower, .\er\(* is an essential element in tla makeuji of a ;^.iil eannonet-r. llis pin or his batli'ry may bp a tar.Lret for a half doy.eii em'iny ;:uns or batteri(‘s It may li.- tin- last defi-nse of a vita! point, ami tiic ei.em.\. .aware 'if thi fa'-t, let.-: I' ll'.,, every bolt at fommati'i in order ti ernsh it. The chai'uim," enemy nia.v tl.ank the zotu* swept by shells and inv.ade the batt(‘ry, ba.vniu't in iiand, even sabe: and iiistni. 'I'he ;irtil!erist ix not arm «‘d f'>r roi:::’i and tumh'e e'niiliat, bu' he has spo::.:;'' st.aff, h.andiiar, sabor and m:i,\ lie sliells loadt'd to be huri(‘d iis hand ureiiades. It is a meli'e. a tiuht to the tinish. :ind if suei-essfiil, the ass.iilaiits drivt'ii ofi’. the ‘annon eers. llu> sla'!l c:',rriers. the drivers who rallied to save tlu* ;:uus. must i(‘suni(' action, tind the new ranuo, si.irht the pi(‘ces and tire "as eoel as if on pa rado” or score no hits. I'or cannoneors mechanical rraiI;inL^ o-pCvially in mot tils, Is gw)d itreparedness. Architect I', a Stillwell (d' llt'ii dersoiiville ctm!eri'i-il witii tin- Hie vanl s('l'i")l cdininittc-iiieii Tues day relative tn the nutlixik fora new .sfli'iol bnihliiiLT. While coii- si'lerable Jias been .sald by Jiatrnns about the iiei*(ls id' a buibliTiLT. noth in”: of a delinitocharacter has tak'-n phice. Read the Diversifieds also. Brevaid Hardware Co. Let POLLY PRLM dust and polish yoitr floors. V>6 You save at least 2.t per cent of the polish by reason of the seli'-feedintj: feature of the Polly Prim mop. \'ou can clean under all the fur niture. Has a tin covcr so that it can be hun^ up any where. L se Polly Prim pol ish to bri{j:hten up the furni ture, the piano or the i>hon- ovjraph. YOU WILL S.Wi: .MOM ^ IF YOL C. Doyle BRKVARI), N. C. Read the Diversifieds also. VL*.• • • •• 4 I Can Any Reason be Sufficient || to cause you to delay remodeling the old bathroom ? : IS IX PRICE.^ We can furnish a guaranteed bathroom f outfit at a price within the reach of every home ovvner. ISN’T IT REALLY JUST CARELESSNESS? “ You have intended to get a modern set of fixtures all along p i but that old thief Procrastination has made you lose the daily convenience, the protection to health, the satisfaction of possessing a beautiful 'Standard'' modern bath room. ::: m How* s that? No bother to remind you at all, we assure you. WeMl bring our cata- logue right away. 'J$tandard" “CLARION” BATH 5:ssV. W. E. BISHOP & CO. Plumbing Timing Hardware

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