B,500TINCANSF0R SALE AT GOST ONLY The Brovaril ('oijipiinx lias nuivhusrJ r«,;iU> tin cnns |oi thoso wlu) wish to ran frnits ainl vof^t‘ta>>l*'S. 'Plu* rans an* to bi> sold at ai'tnal (\>st ju r liuiulrrd, ami c>m Ik- purchased for cash i'roin tilt' Brcvaril llanlwarr coinpitnv and the FaruuMS Supplv «*ompan\ Tliosc Ih'ju^ have funiislutl lluo' sjiaci'* and time for tln-ir saU'siiu ji to handle friN* of cliari:** No »>ri« is askitiix a I'l’iit out i>f tht» I'ans, ii is *>nly to eiu‘oc.rai;e th(> lu'ople t take cart' of fotxl tliat will be m rd lul later. 'Pin eaiis art'now sellin ; vvholi'sale at i'l'. Nt» cans will l>e charged sinct* no protits are niadt* METNODiST SERVICE SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. I’oovey Miid (lan^'liter left Fiid.iv tt» ."pfi.il a wt'ek with Mr. I’oovev's prirenf" at llic'kory. 'I'lu' ?diTliotli>'t will ht.j oC(Mi|iit'd SiKulay nun'UKii: l>y a visiting: iniriister. N;> >. i- vices will lu' lit’lii Sim.hiv nu’l t. favorin'; th(> llapti.-t enni'iMiMiff. MCMINN COTTAGE IS OFFERED AT BARGAIN Owipjj: ti* niv early dc]);irtnrc 1 \v)ll sell till' McMiiin cuttairt*, op])o. ^ite llennin*; Inn, witht)u( anv prof its to the ownt'r or to a dealer. I'ht'house was houj'ht, rei»aind, paintid and kalso’iiined at a cost o1 Ifil. Thost' taniiliar with, real rotate Mty that it was hon^hf at a bargain. If a linyer is found bt'fore I lea\c l>revard, he nuiy havi* it at rost, but attiM- I am f^ont' the n>id- tllt* ntan will bM allowed his protit.- and i)robal'!y tlu' ownt'r will trt't a sbce, henc«‘ tlu* housi* will i.cver st*ll after this lutmth at tlu* attract iv;* priet* at whichit isolV(*red. It IS iu (ii'st class ctiiulition, on s'ikuI ciirut'r lot 7’) by !.*)•'> tet*t autl iu se left Uii^bbovhotid. If inleii'steil -I.' !!ie ix'foK' Septt'Uiber Noah M. llolh.v\, l!. N «>ur friends woiiKI bo pleased to rcceivo marked topics of the Ness s showing; your whereabouts and activities; 5 cents a copy. ALL ROUND FISHTIN6 MEN THE ARMY NEED By captain GEORGE. L. KILMER. A ireod voicr |U!f.s flu* liiti.sliiii;' ti>ui'lu's till a soliiii‘1- ulio is |ualiliiMt in llu‘ usual staiidanis «tf flu* i-orvicc. From irpirnl up the leaders innfft nive eoiiiinaiids, an«l any |»ri\:ilt* may liavo (> a t as h iiiaietuu in emergen .-Mso privalr.'^ iims( pass woitJa of eoininaiM^ and warning down tlu* Ihii*. devt'loi nifiil aiul trainiii;; ran be dnie «‘asily at lioinr. anti tlie ex«>r- « ist> >\ ill li(‘||i in Ineal liiiiL:, li'.-f r\- imnsion and sfalnrt* Ituiltlii!;;. all p "d lir»‘par«‘dness work Tor I In* soldier. 'I'lie I'nilttl Stales army allows no HtandiuK Htill. It' a luan (unnol mu- MR. ROSAMOND MAKES $10 WORTH OF NEEDLES THE U.NIVERSAL CAR 'v* T' tw(> iMihi n >-!iM.-fit'd owiirrs know* troTu t'NI'l riei.i'c i!;;il il.r Ftird car is u rt al iifility, an tt iinoTiii al. iMiWfi’i nl. al ways-n'lia- b’c III- ;.IIS l(ir n; re,-isiii.: the jirolit in l>usiu>‘ss t'V aidi’i;.r /.(>t to ]ilt';i>uit“. Tin* I'^ofd i*ar iin f he liiin.’i.ii tor ]i'-.)fnpt transportation ill r\t ly line I'l 11:; III;; ri a I ■ t i \ i t y, 'I'ht- deiuantl u'Vowv laiu'tr i v.'iy tlav. t)t'i-a!i>i' of tlu' all- aii';’ii(l iiM iiilin u; the car 'rourini; 'ar V"’ ii'.!! ah> lit •'- M.i. (\iu[ii let Town lar .‘'^'■dan i 1 t. o. b. Dt'titiit. On lll^Jll•iy and tor .■'ale iiv KL\(i IJ \ t in CO.MPAXV I'revar.l, N Ii if! OUR CUSTOMERS liati t l.iv can t In.It-: lirmiriis. liitt(.r I'liits aivl liiitir i- l.tTf than I iscwlu iI.'. 11' vcu v-.aril Fine Fresh Groceries you >l',ui!l(i (iia! with ii*^. 'I'ry cur i aniii li SoiUis, X'ci'ftahlf';. Mt al', l''ruits. i t'. 'I’l.cv art' tlu- 111 si tliat lui.pfx will !,u\. c iiiaiM- a s[H cialt \ •:' Tea and Coffee :ni(l uil! ;.uarai;tfi' tvitv iiiiuml you liuy Ik it will ]i|. a>i vou. MITCIiELL The Grocer. l\Q PECmS AY l‘lw»io Ly Ainerir^tn Pr« .\s?ofi.iti« ri. POiPITS 9^ ?9L0!EH LIFE a:!1: easily m By CAPTAIN GtORGE. L. KILMER. i;\c!'\ hoy nl.t "p naii"!ial .::i:ar'l I licrii]laiiiiaiy I 'h-'l of hii : !.i"y .1:'- , .m’ ahy iiiil'Ii'- s' 1i-mi1 • :: •,: 'III-'; coirii- i" ii.lto tra' !i a I idnnor In i" la-oi'.-iro I • a ■ ■hiifr. ,V iiM\ ii-,. , ;!ii witi:i-s^ r.i ii'. ;.f~ air: d:’ill. " 'i,;c\\ 111-rt' uiiliia it.nli iind l:o io I he a! ii'' (if l':;r:. ir ja i nre to re hear,'." \\ii;;t Ii - d •. Ii:i I he a’l.ii d M'aiiiia'.: f-!' iw I : 1 v( • till' II: I ' (': ij on I \’ at 0(11 hot;’i-. 1 ;o\\ i-\cj-^ tlicy ln“^in at i "ft*!!'' V.' ■ 5 ^•.^4 you ever in a Brst c!a?s cannery? The dexterity, the speed, the cleanliness of the whole process is amazing. Some of the preparation of the vegetables or fruits is done by busy hands, but most of it is accoiriplished by machinery. We carry only the output of the best canneries. That means you get only high class canned goodi. COX 6c KILPATRICK Phone 41 wwm I’hutu by A lu rii iu Pre;:.s AsKOciatloii. l.Kin SH»CM)KIl ARMS. tin* ftiiiinlalims, and tia-ir awkward sina(i rnrni.'^hfs uootl p:itlt*nis for tin* novice who iloi-.^n't know even riuht from h'ft in a liiu* of men. A ln'irlnncr mn.st lak*> his m-w tiadc seriously. (Jlory may lie in paths allfad. lint the lirst step;-- art' tetlions. Fortiniately iht'v aii*of tin* kind where one dovt-iails into the iie.'.t hiirhor, so to speak, and oiue learnetl they arc not fiirfTotti‘11. All training is i; >w tl'jiu* on I tdted Statt*s army moth ' . 'rile national ^ttaitl drill.s and ihe woiii at the national traininjr ; nps proceed fmm the start aaM»rdi, to manuals n.M'd in the rejjular army. Maiiuuls fiir the pr(*'iiuinary stJiLVs of soldier life are prep.wi'd in the sim plest form, ami fhes(* are text hooks in ull drill h.-dls anti c)^mps. 'I'lnis uni forinity is seeured ftir the wht>lo couii try, and tin* n*-ruit trained in one state V. ill feel at ease in ranks trained in unothor state even a thousand miles away. t iiAia.i, i:.\vo.M r. nen\er ami h.iiitllt* .'irnis lie siiall “ht \v wtiod and draA\ walcr." Hut any in- It'lli^ont yoiitii '.-in learn all the hiuh- or arts if lu* trie.-- hari!. 'I'he tir.'-t >lei» is ti mal;e an all iound ni.-in oi him- st'lf, an athlett' in endTVo if iiotliiir; beyi-nd. half tlozeii e\er. ises lii -!i an In' done l.efore re:: the diiil .uround will Uiakt' a hojidiil sulijeri out of j; i:reenlior:i. .\s soon a^; a hoy dt'.-iiles to he a soldier he li.kes t > a .sol.iier | «r-e as he h:ts seen it in re:il l ie cr :ii prinl -- staniis t'rei t. In this p>-sii ii’ii, v. ii!t arris ;iiid haai'.s eMi'ieied npwaid. he i-an heiiin ira ti‘-e l.y hen'lin;; f"i\v;;!d on tln' liii till hands rea. h the !:iiee', whh h are i:nl eat. le^ ; ; tiff. The ne.xt nioii' n is t-> reiuin t" the tipriLht j'ose and head rofwanl at:ai.i. \\ilh har.iK at the hips junl h:;s riuid. I'rom the 'I't‘it poviiiuli UeNt Iii'ImI Ix'dy 1 ;;'k- wanl. wilh .arms on hips ami kaee/ riKi'l. 'I’nv o i:i.>re me\ eiaeiits. I iom eif i iiositioii wiih hands ..u tla* hd"-. are liendiii:,'- sidi '\ isi-. ri;:hr and !■ !';. tl’t'n r'lati'in of th* hody lr"ia hi;i ■ iipv,a:d f!i the w::i-t piv"l.-. ;.■•! t.'.'iiiii, ' this for .-U' l'd aii'l ha;.oti.-i prili' iein y. .:: ^ • . T. . T111 • I. •. ' ' I : .1. h: ' . TI' 1 ;ir; : . ,i \ ^ I.KI.\ AK’I) I'Ar'nST ( IM io, n. Coriur .hinlan and (l.isten struts. .'1^ I);iaii. l. Piislor. Piioiu- No. 1 i’i'-.i. .ini; •■•T'.'..■■■v ,,i 1 i;;, . •. >riv!a\ . • ••• : ii!i- T- . u'i: . .I.!' I l!:'- I:: IH’.. i\ i-,i, !; mi'Hth. .'.1.'.' ■•. ■ '. ■ i-n.'•;:! .il;.- .|t'. .i--.-.; • 1 ! "I • ■ I i'- ! ! ■, w ■ • i;i^i,\'.\Kl) .MKTiloDIS'r ( HrKCll. W . luij'ar I’oo’. i y, I’aster. '!;iv !-.. ■ ..• . r.‘. I'rr: ' !• ■: • MI n ‘,e i . M ' M-r !.". tii-.');:'.. I ! \\ ■ Ihi I . 1 : ;I iii. 1 1'.: •! :ir. : I :• .. W'l'T.air- Mi>- ■ ■ -I-’■ . :... I." ... .\r\:,i.u-'. •5 ; . I i. I'l: '. . 1 1. >■ ;i. :i!. ' ' ■ !i.i' w : . i.-. we \v!!i ' ' •' ■ c 1 Nr.iii. ST. PHIidl’S i:i'lS(OPAL C'lil KCll. Rev. ChalniiTs I), ('hapiaan, Minister in Chan;e. > \v.\ •I viv at • IV • k. MEMORIAL At .Mrs. .1. fl. Shipman’s hourdiu;^ ht)usi? in \\'(*sf Br(!vard tlio laii(is are siiiil to hii knitlinj without eeasin,:? and weavin*; their patri otic. feeling's into Jirticles to he; used at tlie fnuit. Hut knitting' iu*cdl(*s hiiv’c hecoint! scart^ . on tu’couut ot j the t'reiit dt'ruand in tlu^si* times t>f lied’rt)ss activities, jind to meet this d(» and ii man onert*d his si'r viees. ' 'riiou;^h Sid t'V Hostmiond couhl not knit, he resolved fo «lo lus hit, so h(f harked hack to th* tlays when' lit* liist h'arntd to wlntth* with a pt)cki*t knift^antl j^otanidea. 1 Selecting f^ooil sp»»ci „ens of dti^ I wood, he went to work with his ' pock(‘i knife and whittle«l otit a ^-et (»f ne(*illes. 'I'ht^ *xperinu*nt was such a success I ha t Mr. Uosanintitl e.tinlinut'd to carvt* out tht* r.eedtd nt*edl(‘S. Jn the last few weelv:- he has mjuh* and stdti •'li worth, all of whic^i Jimtriint he h.as dovt led to th( l{i*d Cross. To all Mpjiearanees, the in'cdlcs are perfect. STATE AID FOR ADULT ILLITERATES BEING SOUGHT NEW SCHOOL COMMITTEES I’rof. anil Mrs. A I'. .Mitelu*!! at tentlt'd tlie mc'ctin;^ of tin* we.sfern ilistrict ttf ctiunty superintondents at rdut* liid.yc' last week. It) refer neeto the meetiuf;. Prof. .\iitelu'll .said tliat h > made apj)lie.j- tio'tt) the .state .snjieiintenil nt. who was jin'sent, for state aid foi- this t,*oui;ty in ]irovitliu'4 iiieans for ihc teacliiiiL: td'illiterate atlults :;ntl rect'ivida favortihh* rcsp()nst* in onler t.) seeurt* aitl from the statt*, thee lunty must rais(j ontvhilf th ' ainotint lu'cessary, the sttitc fur iiisliin;^ t he other half. 'diss Kli/zihid (' Kelh'V, .state eotn- Tiiisi'uer of fdueatioTi tdr illitt r- !t( s. is (•:;;>.■(•{( tl to vi.'-ir this eoi'iil- ty at the fi ;.e of the leatdiers' In- ;-;ii i.t‘ in Si'iiti fil). V. Church Directory hi:i.\ AUl) rkKSHVTi.Ri.w ciirRcii .lohn R. Hay. I’.isti.r, Ki-;;r.l;it hi;!'. ;; \ ; \* Si’.i’ ii 'in--. 1 . -• an ' tl.ii-l >..r.'..i\s, ii.' a pi . • "lal ail'! ■ e :a.; i/ll' Suni!a\ ' \ .iniii’iun . !: V s- ' : . ; \ I-I , > ' :i . 1 r 111 . >:• n'- l;:. tl:. i! .. w: .],■ , ;..ss. ^ • i;!'. . I' . I-'- S... a t \ "• ',.n It; !;'a\- - .iaj i-v> nil . ■. lt.N\!!>Sn.\ RI\ i-;R Tr.RlA.X cinRcii .It hn Iv. li;iy, I’jistor. ' cl" I' VI • \ I s i' \ .■! V S: : ail' 1 :■ ;;i Ih irii.:a\ -. ; i .; i: ; J—: -. ; ;i. a; , .vIi tiKii ials, I i'solnl ions .iiicl t .-ikIs of tl;:tii’r.s inililislicil ill this cuiunin at l alr el otic-loiii tli ccut a '.vurii. Mrs. Anna Jane Dunn Mrs. Anna .lane Dunn was horn duly ,S_0. She was tlie wif«! d !{ev. \V. (,'. Dunn, who lias been dead sev(*ral years. Many litimes hav(f hettn hk*ssed fiy lier vi.>its in time of si(;kn('ss. Slu^ hiul heen a iii(tii»er of Shoal (’reek Baptist ehi.reh th- most of li >r life. Slu* lea vt's I li'ht ehdilren living. Two j)a sed on liefort* lier. Ml July sh(' hath* fartnvell to 1 fiends and lovi'd ones jind cro.sst'd '»v(*r the rivt'r of di*ath to meet tini.sf; j^oiitf on hi'ftjrt*. A hirs/i* (^*om- pany ol li lends anti r«‘lMtiv»‘S went with her remains Irom {lit* home of her son at S. liea to Shoal ('re* k. whtre the writer ec ueted her funeiiil aiitl she was iat.i h.'sitl.; her li?i>liaiid tt)a.\ait th* resnrreetion, when the dcid m «'hn^t shall use to meet t!it‘ l.uni ,n tl, air and will he iorever wtlii iiici in u'h.ry. .M all uIio li.vi d i;. r in t his vv,,i Iti ' jirepare to met t her over yonder A . .1 . ,\1 A M .KV. FARMERS MEET SATURDAY IN BREVARD REGULAR MEETING Tho followiiif' cduin.i'es liav* heei- niado in district school commi;tees : Ji. S. Collins was a])j)ointed t/ succeed*', li. Sharp, who re.signml. in the Stdioa district. II. P. Nich(dson was ajipointed in phiee t>f ('. V. Shuford, whtilail el to qualify, in Litth; Hiver dis. trict. WCMEN! lOTHERSr daughter: Vou who tire c.n.sMy. hre pale, 1..TK- B a r d and worn; nfrvnijs cr lrrit:il>h'. wlio are .sat>- je t to fus o! nielancti'^ly or I ii o {•M v ur '. ioo'l t> r.tiiine'i for i r o I. dtnd- W V A T « T> W V y^\y. Kirr. JT.D.'fl f laOIT takcn^ ' khrte fmea a y after I he I ransyIvatiia ( tic.nty l'’ar- ii.ers rnion will htjld :ts rt'onlar Au::usf meeting'at l!rt varii;it |o;;;ti ’ ***■ Saturday, Au^ij.st, i he e pti n t y fa rm th m i »ns I ra tor will hi' at the ineetiiio. I.et every I.n eai h'> \\t II r. prt'sented. T. ('. FI I N iir,i;s)\, (■ lUnty i’ri Sit], lit. Vour frieruls would he pIciKscd t) receive marked copies of tlie New.s sliowing your whereabouts and activities; .S cents a copy. Will »t!orc.i?:» yo'ir rTri'r.*:!,; jrV^ianc' i''0 r>«*r rent in t' ^ *^jn many cases.— fiindod leu to l3« UXATFD irON r«-A ,.n I,-- ubtiii. i fr T gcaiia:.'*’ i.f ^.Tj^lhreo M.:c'ic-Brod;f Dru^ Co., Dt;ck\vc:tli Dr Co., Erevcrd: R. J:. Rc: n N. ?ra n y a^i**r rnej 3L0MBERG Junk and Hide Co. Asheville, N. C. Rest fiisli prirt .V for any kind of in t.-d, nil.In r. hitlis, furs, ' : s ;;ik; si i t iul-haT;d niatdiincrv. \'v rite lor j.rices in w hat vov, !i:iv( to M ! 1. 78-CC Lcx5:’3 on Avenue Buy Before the Price Advances Tlu! w:ir lax measure w;i! met!; a 5 rer Cfnt iiieivnse .n il.e ; rn •- o: !.;a!'.o.s. W’l:: .not let n.“! iilac f- i^r.e ;r , .r I'.oiiie Ijet^.re the'ad v'tMU e ' York n: .cl I .i'. im-.-ton piaiicr. ;tnd liia.'.'er iM.ino-; our l-iicier-'. Misiiaei ^liisic Co. l^rcvaid, X. C. BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA Di'partme.'k*s — C >i!f I’repjratorv, Normal, Mv.?ic, B-.i'iaf:;'’. Do- 'r.e: t’.i.' .‘\rt, Hojs.'i. l.ce;., n.i'f, Aj;ricidlv.re. Ai! departratts ;r? by tt .:c1'.er.'. with .special ti.’ii ir.a and l.’.."!-'tr fxiL'ti’nC'.'. I iv-y kti' v,- thfir bu^incfr. in!*ucnce e{ hi.ai^ ne wi'rth tl'.f ccrt of ttiitioii. Oi'cr.s on Sei-terr.bcr 6. '* r T t ^ ^ ^ ’ A. ^ ~ i-" ‘ ■ ^ i' -i -- .JI' \\'-K I'.'" 1-\ . I)i; I-Vi ; V rii.l::y. W '■ .'.i\.MM m:v!.i\s .\ilviiit. V\'c,'--C 1:1 \ :ii.'! I- h i V • Iril l.i'T’."; : lIc'A ,i'. n S.e:a s . 11.'i'. .•inninii; ii 'I.:-t ,mI‘1 I K:i ■ I .''in;. i;e. s . : i-\ fi > III' >IM 1;. , , ^ ■ II 11- I I! i atri 11 niy (la> t i;!".iu:e, I"; .i:.\. ! Wf.inc^iiav. lln;-. 'r;;ui l.i\. •. 1 .'.1 ^l.iv. \Vl;i' i r;n;ty Special Announcement. Ft)titi eci>nt;!'.',y. ‘ Xnt t'lily tliivsti'uiii r.s, li.it the nation, must lu'ij) tti win thi,^ war." Kkvenlh Siimiay after Trinity, .\iiuiist l‘>. Htily c'oniaiunitin anti sfrnmn at 11; subject, “Preiier Ctmsiileratioas of Life.” An intensely vita! subject w iiich i ua«.ern.' very enc. Spei ial tifl'crin^j: for otlu‘;.linr. und. !• rui:iy, .Aufiust 17: Kvenstm^ with aii tlress al 5:M>. Subject, “Kelltiwtrs tif Christ." "It is a tlej^ratiin.u: thin:; to live in siirl'i it when others accipt .‘■•.acririt'es, unti risk ihcir lives for a caust,- w hich is jusl as anich t'lir cause anti responsibility as theirs.” FREE OF CHARGE Why suffer with inclij^eslion, dys]u psia, torpiil liver, conslipatien, sour stoiniu.h, ct)niinj5*ui)-of-ft.tni-after-catin^, etc., w hen you can j^et a sample btittle of Green’s iXugust Flower free at Duckworth Druj; I’ll., Hrovard This medicine has reniark- a5)le curative properties, and has demon strated its efiiciency by fifty years «if suc- l oss. Headaches are often caused by a disordered stomach. August Flower is put up in 25 and 75 cent bottles. P'or sale in all civilized coun tries.—Adv. sbQaaascGsaaasaafiatfEeeaBraoBaaBaaa FLORENCE Automatic Oil Cook Stove fi a B a n o ^ Bi 19 D e Turn a lever, r.p]'>ly a match ami you have Quickly ail intensely 'not blue flame. This ii'^at is C0!iCt i;trated underneath your cooking kcltle or sterilizing boiler so that your kitchen is enhparatively cool. Hin’ning kerosene oil, The- Florence Auto matic is the cheapest stove to operate. It is also sinu'licity itself having no wicks, no valves, and luithing to get out of order. ( It is satisfactory because the heat is concen trated where you want it and because it is odor- les.>, sootles.^, and easy to keep clean. Indispensable in summer and at your service evet y day in the year. Maker’s guarantee on every stove. BREVARD HARDWARE CO. 3 Don't order, C. Doyle. Brevard, N. C. f