Brevard VOLUME-XXIl (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, AIKil ST :il. 1917. NIIMIiKl!--. 6 FAILED TO ANSWER HARRY HAMLIN KILLED SDMMONS OF BOARD ACCIDENTALLY BY GUN Vounj; men failed lo show up for physical examination; iiatiies of those physically ihsciualifieil and those exenii>tv'd. Tho local »'XciM])tli>n li(t;iV(l last Tliursiliiy (\>m|)lftfil t li«‘t'CisriiHKi- tiun ut thi* fitll >t im ii !i nntnlsfr \vi ii‘ finnil Ciilly lU'fcrti vi' H!nl wnc iliscl a ri; ti, otlu'rs Wi'iH' I'onilil 1(1 have tli'iM ihl nits who look lo til. !i\ l*r a li\ ni_: Th,> most of th *si> sc’.'kjn^' cxt'iini ^ tion on this !j nmukI li;; \ i* a \\ 11 f a thI j ‘''’Hi in most cases om- nr ni'U c cl iMi ti | Tile News la-t \vi ck Lrav.' a li.-t j *'f tiiosc ]i!i\;'ii al'v iiixiiut’iilii il oil Monday a!.(l TKc.oay. N; iin s o! t hi ♦(nii'.il Aitiiii i:,y a lui'1 l:i;i > ♦lay pliysicaily unlit for mm-\i 'c afe in tins i-suc. Tlicir ^ ' i il niunhcr.'s f. How ; ii.i;'. '■'■■I, 11'', -M'), -M. ^^ V !'». Ii. r. :..s ! is ; i:: f -'’. . llarrv Ihimlin, iiiin'y(*urold son oi IJcn Hamlin, was tlu! victim >t a shot *ran Wcdt'.csday wlicn the c-Mitents of the li^t^ arm in the h.ands ot an oMer hrother. |)avid, were accidentally discharged. 'The woinid was in the lower i*ai t ot the body. |)>;ith roiiltcd within a tew minutes. 'I'he hoys were on tlieiiorch ot their hoTiu* and the ('ccuriu‘i\et‘ was ]t’.ir'ly aci idental. >•e^^;llti>’.:' from careless haniiliiiir of t he 'j'.'.n. ll'irial was nwoh' in tlu' J teiy on 'I’iii.rsdaA'. . /. •m r iC EXERCISES FOR BOYS TO LEAVE I It', i J'.', ■-1.. V r.'. : .s . I i:.. s i. At this WlMtiri^ t'le li)-ird 111 I Tlot J'assed U| i>ii :.l!claitns tur« \ emj'tiiin.. 1 i;t tile >eilal 111.'m' I'V" ' } tluis.' t \i‘in: tt d ■ 11 :iec,'U’;f 'l d ' p 'iiiients u|i to Wi'diie-d.iy Week fcdl'i'V'l ;j:;, :■ i.''. I ''T.. r>'’i•, . i ^■ i ■ ■ : ■■■ I 'I i'-’ ‘ I ■: i i-'-' I'ntcrtnintviont on I'ool for Hoys tol.ea\o I'ransy In ania; Niiin- hi. r I 5U't'rt.iii>; N.Miu v’ ofl’atri- otic I'xcrcisos I’nJcv'iilcd. I. |{y u',n o' t'le su])r(me sacrilict ;N 1 t h I art liiiiai-.s are call.'d on In I 111 li.e in the wav ,? aimy !ecriiit, i I i iveriii T H.cki -; 1 ii:.s - •,i a proc 1 la Ilia! 1'>; 1 I-,;; 11II;.: ii;i the ]>'i,])ie t> i'cisi sin ». >w ii'iii;. ■" on it ;;i 'i . \ . i t t hi ■! ! s;i. I";! i 'h S a; :a ' . >■■. j»t. 'I 'I- e\, ! i-lS« ^ •. t M M 11' la . I /I i) ‘V 1 In >Ui ]i;i t i'M t■ X• ! a .d I 1 Soino faiioii to An:>.\ir The 1 r ' Tt \ I ! o i t I |ipe;i r I t in' ]. -iialty in- e ^e\ ere M lid t ne 1 e\’-i t every )i >s. oc:;ti' atid jiUTils!' w hy s( ime ! . : Jiniinaii'>n ^ ice (K rst' d te lie .] fZoverimie’i' '.vii m1»1c ?iu ai > t^i siiickers. l-2very mati i>;it in 1 an]! araiicc at the tirst e ill o! "i men !iut th ‘ t'ollov.-lll',' 1,1 til • S '.‘t,n 1 eall failed »'> come of ma’: ‘ any ']i in^e w ha tever : \N a !i kl'n l%ai.tiler, Hrevar 'a t tuti I lay 1' 'ii, \' l\iniS''V. !’ l-.v. ! I * "’.t i T t *1 > ! I • ■ 1(’arh '■ vard I'.i'.s ri '.- \' I' (il'e~t . ('l.vnin I 'oT’ 'S'l . ('lintiin D.mald K> ire* St. Tile i„iard will i \ I’u TU'-n if th, y a]i]),‘ar It julvisahlc li,r their relativ. vesti_'ute t h.e iiiattiTat enci dcr to avoid serious tr »n*;h'. 'i'he r,a!,.e> wf tiio^e n-'v, serial n;;ml>‘rs izivn a'' jriven. toijetli'-r with tia’.r her', on paL'c ■>. Ill, i’is_'-ah 1 ;■ uM he to in- in or i e]-.i:'i 11 ' ■-> a (i' i ha \ • t 111- C’. ".I I'.ty ' :a v. SejvT i , o’; I i. (■ .. i 1. i ! : t ' t : i: • . ;i re •, ; ■ ! :■ ; Will ] le t ;t iv. • n 1 rol:! 1111 ■ I i! I! 1 111.; the nr.ild Some ki'.u ■ : ei>.', det Ills I I w hi an aiiL’i d. 'I'he Nati nal Leu- •in's 'fvi 'e a t tllesi ]iri seiit a e, enl' n t ha n !i i\ ha Vv- h.o Ilia n V ht ■. .- i':n-'Vl vani.i i t; li!'o]ili' h.ave in jnti lolic ever ii lia VC hot been iuMU' for W'oni- exer.-!'e.^ will to I aeh s. 1 ol exercise on ?>Io!i>::;v aier. ^o]ii' kin ino>t likely bi- 1;. on'I'liesday n’e.dit befoi'e th depat t on t lie bnt final arraniie nients ];ave not biv ti made aiil the eninher of boy.- to 1>, ealli d has noi li.'etl d'. I.TItiini ,1. ClANT rOTATG THE SIGN OF THE RED CROSS p:n I OSEORNE&BAND TAKE CHARGE OF THE HEWS '.’i DESIRED BY LEA H Osliorr.j*, po]>ul!irly known MS “*!im.''’ H native of''I’raT.svlvania and son of tho lato W. K. Osborne, urrivod on Friday with wifo sind soi: lo M aUe liievanl tlieir As was rieeiitly >t:it'd in tlje News, tile l!i\ \!;id N: ws and tty I’rijit Mm ji liavi b» n jinreha:- cd by Hon. M ]j Shiiiman of l{ il ci^ii and I'ave 1 c( ii lear iito M ” OslioriK*, w lio retnrj.." to his oM lioni(^ uroiiiids witli an .\],(i ie . (d‘ scvi'ral yeais inth.e printir. ' nsincss to liis cndil. Win. j\. Hand v.iil be associuti d witli .Mr. ()sborn(‘ as le;see. \V. A. BaTid arriv(‘d from ^ har- !ott(^ 0(1 Widncsday. For six yt'iirs hi‘ V,as witb. liai.d White, jinntcrs oi .'•-partanliure', \v]u l e O.dx.', lie came from ai lcr a service of .‘■cMi;;! \ ( ai s, hut luis rc'enlly been wilti Ttic en City i’rinlimr roin])jiny of Chariot te for some time. Vir. Hand is well d ior liis woi ic. Ih' will he joined bv .Nils Ilaiid ai'.d two childii }i wsth’.n a few d:iys. ()ra. Ii. .loiu's, form‘'r owner »^f the (^ii:.lity I’i itit > li. ]>. !. 11 _ li ' a;- nrday for l\.rt (*;’ieih> ;;c., (Ja.. to lake n.ilitary tiaii;inir. X( : li M. llolhiwell i-tirvt i.iiers c(':i t or », w ner shi)) of ill!' Nrwsiin i-n pii mber 1. He will return to the i-'K iidi li: oad Hustler i h Vidersoii\ille. L'.ulies of Hrevard need as.sist in preparing comfort l>a};^ f« r soldiers to ^o from 'I'rars* . N vania. 'i'lie Hr( v,i!d (»r;^ani/,:; t ion Xationjil Leai/ne of \V( man': vice IS^ an aj)i)eal for ; the wiiyof liieiticia! >ntipoTt service fr ?li 1 he lad’i V l-,''a^'ne is ]ir. j tiriTiL: ei j.ij.;)-*, for 1 lie sohi’fi'. V. 1.0 !i I e to 'I’ransylvM’.ia coe.tity. 'I'hev I nou”h T,.ar nal foi tie- ti ,y^ will becalhd li f. cjiti !r: her M ( d 1" Ip 1 •! ]ireparill ' ko - ! o: to l:'i kitt r. I'a' li e- nifo; t ! ; . I'l Sent s a Cl -* ('i :i ( i ;.t ; ■ ’ ' ei 'T)t a 11:'. t OI .t ii !,n > !i : i 1 . >ea p. towel, I .li i ’oli.-^, t tl. le.~, .««( i.'-SiJl'--. \ !;e, ot t lie L'o:-] le ■ . ) M 1 ea i intr mirror. '' .>uitf .1 i! y i;! bi en wi rl"'!’'■■ faith:: cond'ort ba'_"^. tu ( ih'ii and ;;n in -rea-eil iium v. rkt i - d n I. i >on; ' toj ■ b.- 1-ft at the lea^iK! room Mijr I . I . lock I r !et t w ;; ii t h.- oH;, •d- ' o i»' ' an 1 i.adii coTi.'’stinu' A! IT' eliaiiiuan: 'T. II. Shij.m Mr.;. .1. A. M Her, r.. 11 ■ .m I if V lioni t \;rt hi-r i:d'oni;a ti' ■ t'C bv *;e 'e it.t; .'•-tod. tl i t I’c ■ :i re ’Him- TWO CAMP SCHOOLS HAD GOOD SUCCESS ('am]) Sa’w liire I losed the latter ]>art of la-t week aiul the I'ri-iieh Ih oad (’ami) e;o>e i t'le cal l , part ,)f t his week . The enrolii'U'iit was tin- best in the hir-tory Ol both c:; tnjis ai .1 ! .th .plT iccurred t.i mar tin \voi .; of tiioe two worthy iiisi! utions. whii h contribute materially t' the social and tinat.eml life of the intinity 1 urin_' lln-ir s'nn;i;er sev- sions. MUCH EXPECTED or JO.SF.3 I'. II ' lll"V.:.y ].as;:iov,il v.liat lie thinks a iriant jiotato lov a !>re- vavil iraideii. ittipstlie scales at one and otieiialf iionnds and is boa i!t li ul a nd re;,'ul.i r i e. slia]»e. LAiMEN TO CO:GiiCT SERVICE in the absence of th»']uistor. i.’ev- A. \\'. Mcintnie]. r.ext Sunday, lii. niormnv' serve',* at llie Ikqiti^t |( hurell vill be eondueted bv l)r. T. F. I'rowley ol New Orlemis, in structoj' in fill', i;in larn.Mia,i;es at Cainj) >'ap]»!dre durin^^ tlie summer. 'I'he I venin;.: si i vi"e will be con diK ted hy (’.'larli s .lollay and Xoali ^i. liolhtwell. 'I'his will be their l.'ist SI r\'.i'i' ir. Hrevani. Special mii''ical Tiumhers will be .an attract i\’e leaturc ol the cvt ninir service. FiRE AND SALVAGE SALE WILL BE HELD AT RQSF^AN ' A- ;'un.i (»r!i I-.. .loiies I ,f iJrc vard. wa'- lu re Friihiy ai’.d Siturday vi--itinLr lus parents. Mr. - W. 1', ,ione>. He Las sold Ids ]irinti:.i: plant in iire- vard and wi., I,mv • I'rid iv for Fort • )irletlior]ie ‘ I t,ake tr.ii.ii:ir I'ratl olliccr in tlie I’niN ii State.> army. Ora lias many triei.d" hero th.-it ai’e «‘X]tfctin:^' h:'n to make a tir>t (das.- ol'iiccr. L I. WALTERS CAUSES REAL ESTATE ACTIVITY As a I’esnlt of tlii' r('cent tire whicli daiiiai/cd the blorc »d' tllc (ilouccster I .umber com]»any at f'his a lire un.d .■'alvHi'e ^ale is to he Cl nducted in order to dispose of the i leM-r.t >~ti,(dv. >o!;a* of wlit'b wa.- iiot damatred, and make room for new stoek, !ss announct'd i-l.scwlit're in the News. FREE A. & E. SCHOLARSHIP 'l'raTi>vlvarda county lias a frt'e ei-.ijitieeriiu': scliolar.'hij) vaca.d al MheStati' 'ollcire of Airrienlture 1 aial F.!iijrinci‘rin,L', tlic valuta of ' whi 'h is s 1.') ])er year and (*ontinu(‘s as loiiir as tilt* ]iol(h'r remains in i collci'*. Th«* local real ( .-tate market took | on H little mon^ ticiivity tluin com mon durin;' ti.e i»ast week. '1' \j ! Walters ]c.|.t •dia-. d i rom Wehdi ' ,.nd T. H. i>ill,>way and i''rank ! Jenkins tliree lots on ^}!ll)u• street. Mr. Walters sold to (!. Kilpat rick iicie-, laiowii as the .i' JT Tinsley i>hc'e and jiurcha.scd fr .ni j Mr Kilpatri 'k la acrcs known as j tho Kiniscy jducc (ju tho Wilson brid^je road. (4jod renting i»ro])i*rty in iJro- vard is scarce and it is believed that this ycjir will so^^ a boom in the bnildint-'' and j*xc'hungin" of projierty. DR. MCKINNEY MAY GO TO WAR AS FIRST LIEUTENANT Millions and milhonS of stricken people m devastated Europe must depend on the activity of the Red Cross socicty ?,lone for the most meager necessities of life—just enough to keep body and soul togethei*. The Red Cross organization is the universal helping hand. But in order to extend this hand to the sorrowing and afflicted, it must havo your support. In fact, if you would do your part to relieve the suffer ing in the world, you can do it most directly and efficiently through tho Red Cross. Become a member today. Give one doi'or—two dollars— five dollars—as much as you can. The Country Charcli Is ilu Na= lion’s Bulwark. Go to Church. LlO I / IN ■Men aTid women naturallv feil prouil of tlieir jiroduct tind'I'. IJ. Iiuncanof the Boilston section ot eiiursi'let'].'jirotid ol a]»j)les r.‘ir,(di es in circ.imfercnce, tlucc ( f which ti]> the scales at tv. o and f>n-- (|uar- ter i>ounds. 'I’iicse Ihne sarnjde.- ( i tla; deliciovis iielle Fii v.i r va riety wi-re f-itiwii by Mr. lluncati and sii.t thn iuzii the mail to tic News dill ; . w ho anxn urdy awaio a s"iii];le froll!nv I i;t' w iio can it. 'I'hi y are almost , ntit i fri'in imp. rfc'cti )t:s a:'.;! (;el; el I I , 'i 1.(> ei i ■. 11 ir ex ^riitulati''Tl- t'l t!i ■ i;i :v';ii.' his t:iards for and for the tb(jU!_M t uhicss which j prompted the prt.-cious uift. THii^GS fl nrxK 1, at 1 tree uiiti-'ual \v • lid.' con v.i'v and I’le I lAuI; Store Ro*opc:is atu* Prcaclicr Ortiainetl; Rt Builds Home; .Sch.ool ( Soon. t{« ‘s' l a:> - jiany t i .ri is no:- after tlu' - 1 b ■' • • 1 o t i! e open a>:ain burn ort. britrr ci ii*dncrt* -t. f. ■ A e, .1.: a hi FABMERS INSTITUIE IN BREVARD SEPT. 13 \ i.(. !•: 1 M( M lit.NM (lii eleall- ( i;a\ I niaoi iri.( 11 i;i Ol lia'M IC.eni : 11 rell I ; li i! A fmiuers' instituti', under tho a:is])i(cs of the Sta.t*' (b'])artna nt of a!iricultt;rc. will he held in Hre vard on Si jitember b!, bcginr.inir lit lo o’clock. !'hc main ]u^.rpose of the insti tute. will be to discns.s the ajrricul Miral conditions now confr-intiii:: j '\r farmers. Sjh cial ctuplia.r i' ; Alil be ^tvcti to soil improvement. ^ live, C!ittk' and bo^' feed iTur. et'''. 'Pile men’s iie]>ui tment of ths in stituv>: will be conducted by T. II. I’ark-or, director of farmers' iii'ti- ret ('It ar t riiuKinn' ]" i;i-:Ai.L\ woirjji ' a 111! f.l liAV ,\ to o,> 1 hat tIhT'' wiiiu: A.\i> sn;!.in t: Dr. .1. Y. McKinney, w’no volnn- I ti'cred in A]>ril for service in tlu' dental corjis, was called to Ashe- VIde'i'iuirsdi! V a nd j issed succ('ss fully a ri^id dt ntai and physical exaniinjition for immediate w?rvice t4bi*o(id. The oxaniinin*'ot!ieer will reoem- ni*'nd Dr. ^^■Klnn^‘y for servi(*eand he ;-tands inlin.-for i connnissio-n >is Iicuten:iut. THE COUNTRY CHURCH LAID THE FOUNDATION FC^ THE LATER SUCCESS IN Lir-E. RLAD THE LIVES CF THE GREAT MEN OF THE COUNTRY. THEY TAKE PRIDE IN RECALLING THEIR EARLY RELIGIOUS TRAINING—THE FINE IDEAS THAT WERE INCULCATEI3 WHEN THEY V. ERE YOUNG. SURELY THEY PUT TO SHAME SOME OF THE SCOFFERS AT RELIGION AMONG THE FLIPPANT YOUTHS OF THIS MATrZRI.XL AGE. YOU CAN COUNT ON YOUR FINGERS THE NUN'SER OF SUCCESSFUL MEN WHO DO NOT GO TO CHURCH. 'J'li(‘ ]i]('a of >onie \ho have f.illeii av\.\v frotu the churc)i is tliai tlu'V :'.re T( M) iU 'SY lo attend eliureh. men who.-i' lint" i.' \\(>h’’i'l[ >i^lH» (Hf MHM' A.\ IKM'li do jiot h('irriuly:e an liour or more ;'or (im! on t!n ■^.I'l! !i li. .\ii hall'. I' loo 1)11 ■. jo allend cliiireh. ]| he i.s ^ucec^^fl!i he =li(iu!d (iO l'() ('ill li’( il to thank (iod :!'i>r hi'^ success. If lie is St i-iiealini,'’ lie sluuild a- t,0 'i'(» ( IM'l.N II tu'es, i)aii. ■i!i; bus! ■V.,man's direi'ti n num. St:; -1 ra tion •ame tin? c.c •' f ' •* '.■( ir T. (^ray. Tidry. and partnii jit, Mrs. .1;n. :» nt >t ]; k, w;;l hi chief of t/thers. A x.ndt r tht S. M' l\im- me dimi'T- ht Id tlie ; mmm ohaded school b:gins mi iviOndm itriek is fit w. ’w:Mi ni'-n v(-p;'i::tor lb- c-iin 1 he jilastere: have rajiajih phisterin^' of ]]. A. (ila/ener': and as soi v. as tb.e iti^ide woi eai>. be litii.'hi ;1 Ir v. ill 1 r, li'ovi'. I b' 1.' Ljoi-;:' l--,ve r-.'-id.^nce. IJ .'n;a:i i ei,]il • listi ■ . ,1 t ci'llent sermon Sunday mori . livered by K(>v. .iolui Slat i'i uiTiai; i ln--tuut-. The wcic ali L'lad to see brotlier S'. oiK pvre. He assistc'd i{i‘\ . ^ II. (me in a revival at th^^ j ab iut live years atro. I 11. ib fieeco was ordained t full w ,.; ’. of t be ujini.-^ y . iifternooii. Tll0^^‘ compo.~ii .-ount'ii were ib v. T. (' K; . tor of the bual churclK ivcv McDaiiicI of Brevard ile\ i^ t.f ihevard, and He'. Slattery of Fiuitlard and o' and I flicers of th(‘ local ( hur liev. ivint; pvcJiched till i‘> sermon Sunday nitrht. There was a L'enerai mix woniRii's work in our town S aftev'.i' ou, one woi'utn wtis ' inir Tl till' street, i.Tul a.T ti tiiM. ar. ith'. r woman was the fri nt povcl; just :ici >{reel from t!:e inc.-ichiriii tiuL". The :-i is'.uan lii-h schoo. . ;^in us fail termVioudav Si' 'I'he t- iicliers tiic ihof. ib i^nvis. Tirincijial ; Mrs. B. 11 .Mir-' Whitmire. M’.-.- ('ai: .:;-h'.iel, ai.d H.' aS"i'tr. W - V- jvet V' l’V :ri"c!v b . bi't’... 1* i I o 1 io Vv'el 1, as pujier. t^ur ;;i!i'.v;; :ii tbi> . ,Ky. v,c ' him a ti.a.b .'!r. .Mrs. >i. .1. (-Jhi// tlu ir iu;;htt'r ar.ii son in ;,: anil Mrs. \V. M. Brown of''i S. ( ;;:r*'nded th*' Z'l'> iiarv ;it ( ;.s).; IS last w.ok. iiosTu,.’ tb • • I V ‘ \’v'. 11 kill )’j s he] p. N']:\T sr\i)\'!'. 'I'b.e V;;rd m adi d scliotd oja iis n» \t Moridav with d. ('Ivih? .lotie.^ as princ'ipai. Acei Tdinir 1': Jhe names teaclu'rs r i entlv uiven in tiie ,\ *ws tiiere has b( en (o.ite a {'iianyi' in tlu' ]»crsoinud cd' tin* (eaciiin*: corps. REV. B. 3. REECE OROAiNED 'o' i.-iiitor Mr Sliinnitrii Mr I flGNT IlLITEiiiSy FOURTH Ojj^\RTEBLY GONFERENGE 11 Bi cvar.l a I nis^ht on Sunday. C')n Monday e\«*nintr ho will liold the ,, 1. . rn -ft- 1 fourth (juavterly conferencc for Ilov. !’ Tuttle, presiuin*? el-1 , ' , these two ehnrelin,-.-m the Sunday der of thi \-h(*ville District, "’ill I seliool auditoriuTu of tlu‘ ilr(>v’.rd prcucli at ) ik ’.trove at i p. m. and ! Methodist cli’ireh. Ivcv. B. B. Bi'cce was inducted in‘o tl;e I^Kjii-t ministry Sunday whe:i il c* lUt’cil a t tlie la o>,, of t lie Jios iVi]»tisi cilure!; i tuIu 't(',i an I x.'i;n'Pii♦ i-'ii ,;i' ' ee • - int i'dei; to the church his ordination which immediately took jilace. The ox- uuiining council was conducted by Kev. Mr. King, the pastor, aschai’’. man, assistinl by Kev. d. H. Ij ner, 't v. J. J. Slattery and Rev. A. W M“Danie!. A larire Tiiaj) of tiu’ world *;!ven T ■ tliescb.ool raisinir est an. ..1' prior t ^ « V-tobe: f'‘f 1.. ; V.' aid'tl^ i:. tin' > . To ])av halt the C' : all-time man to teach the at( s, iM‘ a^.'S rauL't' i. y.-ars \.a a , i :.-.,in ic' l\verv‘ 1 1 ;: with illiteiiicy I.: rtai county, t.'ordia’dy y uirs, A F Mri.'ciiK ounty Su]i,-rintei • wdl ];e 1 laru- M'i: i; is>n- 'f an , ii!er- ••‘1 11 • ;utv. ■ 'va ' nit Somethiiiir ^o thing t J advert cM means ?ome-

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