BREVARD NKWS, BREVARD, N. C. """" I'!' C"" Women Appreciate Most A Charming Home Interior WOMEN, vvllli llicir Iiiglicr sense of beauty and their naturally greater intere^ in the home, appreciate the charm and dignity of the present ^yle of home interiors, with their panelled walls, ceiling beams, and handsome polished floors. We are prepared to lend valuable assi^ancc to any woman who desires, af low CoS, to remodel or re beautify the interior of her home. Ask for free books. MILLER SUPPLY CO. lilvMLiVAiM). N. f. Macliiiit* st'op mid OtlUf Xt :tr !St:itu>n. Note—One of the woods we recommend for interior use is North Carolina Pine. It is so beautiful, so susceptible to sitains, enamels and paints, and so low in co^t that it proves the mo^t desirable for moiSt purposes. RED CROSS WORKERS BUSY IN RREVARD M. COOKE ACCEPTS AGENCY FOR FRICK MACHINERY M. ('ooko, Jr., has iioc*«>i)t(Hl th«^ rtf?onny for th»‘ maoliinory manu fuctured by the Frick company of Waynesboro, Pa., and hisannounOH- ment in this issr.e of the Xe vs will bi! of interest to those conternj)lht. inj; the purchase of any of tlx^ nuuiy kinds of machinery ho will hundlo. Renew before expiration. Financiul Aid and Additional Workers Greatly Needed; A Number of Ladies Giving Time Unstintedly. BttH !i I ^ff I SI 31: our Bedroom Cozy? That spot in which most folks are born and die, that haven where they find rest and in timacy between those two great journeys cer tainly should be as comfortable, convenient £ind inviting as taste and means will permit We Specialize J m bedroom furnishings. Our beds are designed for solid, old-fashioned comfort. Our wardrobes, dress ing tables, chifir>ni(jrs, dressers, clothes chests, and the like, are sure to strike your fancy. And prices? — It is an economy to trade with us. Our Word Is a Guaranty of Honest Values HOME SUPPLY COMPANY A true and (lM‘p impression of the seriunsm'.s.s with whicli the I{(m1 (’ri)ss \vork is consiilerijd and the extent of this pulrintio and hninan- itarian serviei' in llitivard may hi- had by a visit tt) thc( Rod ('ross work room in the Fraternity builil ing. A small army «'f faithful work ers gathi'r in tlie wt>rk room on lour days each week and toil, f^ive of time and means, to help then- bit ill the «^reat war. The local chapter is devotinf' its work to makini; gauze siirt'ical dressings and i)i()vi(iing ho."])ital garnu^nts such ns ])ujamas, bed shirts, hot v.-at* r covevs, ‘t(^ , which will be sent to the liflils of war to coiniorl the injnrcd. Tl’c niimlx'r of work ers is increasing, *Ji> ladies luing present one afternown. They reg ister in ]>ntting in their appearance at the work room, wash their hands, pnt on a veil aiul ai>ron be fore entt'ring npon th(f work. Al most absoluttJ silence jirt^vails, merry-making is forbidden, (ho at- fenl mos])hen> ]»eing suri’hargid with seriousness. Visitiir- in the city are giving nn sellishly of th«‘ir time and at nearly all work hours ladies may be lounti in the work r'.»i,i!is. A reniarlcablt' feature that shows the lightness of heart on the ]>art of many of the young ladies, those who have nev er married and who lo not get sti rions over tli»! problems of life, is evi(U‘iieed in their almost total ab- senc('from tbti work n-oni whi're th* ladies with families and bur dens galore at home are shoulder ing the hnrden and answering the cry of sutVering humanity. Help is wanteil. b .ih financial and actual service. 'I'be ladies are worVir.;: v itli fnitl). 'i’bevbx'k for •I rt >]!o!is.‘. '1!;.' iiK! 1 .'1 i:!Is lh*‘v use I'e'piire iiior.t y. wliii Ij mlUie o’;c must fnrin"b if thr wmk *^o'.' tm The r‘!it of tlu“ r.:o:n re|ir.n s :d .ti I'V and larger (jUMrters will \n''dja bly bc! sought, 'riiese in chargt' of the work would like' to have .'^K O to invest in wool to be knitti'd into socks. A good ])iu'tiuii of this wt>rk would be distributed among the ladies in the inral districts who w(mld d(‘vote time to knitting. Tlu' work hours are from I'la. u\. to ]». in. on TiH'sday and riinrsday and from "• t»i '1p. ni. on Wediiesdav and Fiidav. ill i All VII m VII ill HI m J^ow Distributor for Maxwell Cars 19 More Counties Will Enjoy “Whits Original Plan—Buy How— Pay as You Ride. BREVARD INSTITUTE NOTES M. COOKh. Proprietor. BRHVARl), N. C. I $15 Per Cord for Chestnut Wood Cut your chcstnut into telephone poles and you will rcccive about $15 per cord for ihem. Write for prices and spc:ifi:atioiis. ERSKINE POLE CO., WEAVERVILLE, N. C Cash Paid at Siding. Miss Lillie Fox. who lias been vi^itim: us for a few days. li*ft I'oi lier borne at Tampa, Florida, on Monday. Miss >la (’allabnn is visiting J']tlu‘l Leatiu‘r\vood at Way:ie.«ville. Miss Clara Pli>iris is visiting Miss Jennie Pless at Waynesville. Miss Willie Min* liabi r is siKMid- ing a few days at the Institute. Mr. Tudor Lanins, wlio is tli.i brother i)f Mrs. 11. Trowliridge, will s]»eiid a short va; atiun with ht'r this week. The cannimr industry is still I boondnir, nearlv r."">cans of vari- ■ oiis veg«'t:ibl.‘S and fruits having , bei*n ])Ut u]). Tin- boiliiio is done ]>artly un the ran’-'e ot tin- Domes , tie Si-icnee room and ])artly at the I furnace out ol'-duors whieli is ordi- I narily used for boiling soi-ghnm. ' Mrs. H- 'J’rowbrid^e is still im proving and has bei-n sitting up for ! a short time duilj'. QUEBEC SCHOOL OPENS. The Whitmire Motor Sales Company has just closed a large con tract with the Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation of Detroit, Mich., wherein they become Maxwell Distributors for Western North Carolina—for I917-I9I8. We purchasoil 2.S0 cars and our territory has been inrreased 19 counties and no\,v rcacht's f' )ni ( atawba to C lu-rokve l ounties, inclu(liii» the follDwir.g: C-leveland, Catavvha, ('aldwell, burke, McDowell, Rutlierfordton, Polk, Heuflerson, Transylvania, Jackson, Macon, Clierokee, S'.vain, (itaham. Clay, Madison, Mitchell, Yancey, Avery, Haywood and Buncombe. Now that “Whit” has been promoted from dealer to distributor, he will secure live dealers in every county, except Buncombe -that’.^ our PH'.M and will be handled from the Ashevilli: .'\Lrency —but we have other counties just as good and a factorv contract that cannot be beat. invi:stk;atk. ‘ Whit” started with one county, just as you will start this year—and with just a little "pep” along with the sale of MAXWICLL CARS you can in three years be where “W hit” is loday. Now here com» s the biir advantage-“Whit” can finance eiKdit-tenths of the capital necessary for his dealers in the sale of Maxwell Cars. If you live between Hickory and Murphy you are lia!)!e to see “W'hit” at any time with h'' iV- '■'«bag locking tor live (halers. I!-Te is a “'ril’” licttt r take it —write us in the nu .ind we will c(>me direct to \ou. lie a M.WWiCLb dt-.iler ami you’ll be a distiibut«r i;'. !’'rvv V(..ifs’ tinit, just ;*s sure as the did snc. klc hen sets if you’ll keep just hall as bus^ a.' si’.i' dees. So come on with us now—and let us explain our most onl)' car manufactured that will Rive 2.S to .50 miles of travel on record is sv.orn and subscribed to by m »re tiian a (lozon citiz.'iis liv liberal contract to you on the a gallon of gasoline. Tiiis inir in and near Asheville. Whitmire Motor Sales Co. T. W. WHITMIRE, Manager 45=45 Broadway—Jlsheville, J\[. C. Phone 2774 VII VII VM VII VUs VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII VII m (I) m S k CB*ca Two Fall Dress Goods At Weilt*s CasH^Store “Wliere Economy Becomes a Pleasiire** It's a good time right now to buy your DRESS GOODS for fall. W>: ’ccdvzi a good niinv pieces of bkck, navy, and 0'h:r c >';. r:j : i half woo) and all w'ooi iicr^cs that v, c arc lo offer you at last year's prices. These same goods later wiL be at least 25 per cent higher. 36-inch half wool Serge 50c ti 65c p;r yard 42-inch all >vool Serge $ 1.00 to $ J .90 per yard Storm Serge 55c to $J.OO per yard French Serge 55c to $1.50 per yard Wool Crepe bOc to $1.00 per yard Wool Poplin 'f)1.00 to $1.50 per yard (^Hiebi'e school opened Mondaj’ with Pr«.)f. T. C. ll(‘nderson, ])rin- i ipal ; Miss Pt'ari Fanlkn(*r, int(‘r- mediate work, and Miss N'ietiiria CJiilesi)ie, jjriniarj- work. DOING THEIR DUTY Scores of Brevard Readers Are Leiirniii5>: the Duty of the Kid neys. WEILT’S CASH STORE To iliit'r the i>luod is tlie kidneys’ ■ dnt V'. i U lit n tlii'v fail to do this the I ivi'; ?!■ ■« s a I'c ■>> (‘a k. I liaekaehc* and othi‘r kidni'y ills may follow. 1 lelp the kidn^jys do their work. l\-ie Doan's Kidney l*ills--tbe tested kidney remedy. I i’roof of their worth in the f(d- lo .vini? ; E. E Ensley, If,:; lilaiilon street, Aslu'villc, N. , says: “I have used Doan’s Kidney Fills for years and tilways with sati.'ifaelory ri suits. Whenev(*r J noliec any symptoms of kidn(>y eomplaint I ^'et a bottle of Doan's Kidney 1‘ills; and they pnt mo in good condi j tion.” I’riee CiOc, at all dealers. Don’t simi)ly ask for a kidney rc'medy get Doan’s Kidney Pills—tln‘ same that Mr. Ensley uses. Foster j ! Mill)in-n (’()., Props., liulTalo, N. j V . — ,\(1 vrrlisement. ^ Big Stores Full Of Good Merchandise Th'*. introduction to this business talk implies a big volume of merchandise. A big stock at two stores means heavy shipments, better prices, quick sales and fresh goods. We recognize these conditions to be the guiding elements in our business and we give our customers the benefit of our prices. Shoes, Clothmg and Dry Goods Have you visited either of our stores? If you haven't you are missing your op portunity at good bargains. We are receiving frequent heavy shipments and no customer will have trouble in finding goods to suit his or her taste and pocketbook. We have an enormous stock of shoes, clothing, hats and dry goods and our new silk department has been an attractive feature of our business. We have what you want. The prices arc right. New goods are arriving regu larly and in order to supply the demand and take advantage of the big markets Mr. Whitniire will leave soon tor Baltimore and New York to buy goods for our stores. Pay us a Wc like to show you our goods even though you don't wish to buy. J. C. WHITMIRE, Cherryfield, N. C. WHITMIRE & LYNCH, Pisgah Forest, N. C. l*K .r.i* nu nluMi iIm . .uJvriii.soinont when inquiring about these goods.

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