BREVARD m BRL ASHEVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Use it to Pltin Your Shopping Trip, or for Mail Inquiries. The Firms Listed Will Serve You Well. Advertising. BOOKLKTS designed and written. 03 American Hank building. (iili. WKKKLY NKNVSl'Al’KUS. Western North t^arolina territorj’. Rates? (lill. Automobiles. *»»»%%»»»%*%»%»»»»»«»»■»«»»»*' LINK llSKl) CARS, t’ash or credit. OK Auto t'o. CHKVROLKT distributors. Livery mid auto serviee. (.'hambers X- \Veav'r ('o. CASH talks. Used cars. Kvery make. Overland Asheville Sales I’o. Cafes. BOARD of Health savs: "(leanest in town.” (121) Hniadway t'afe. IIOMEMADK candies. u'staurant, smla. Club Cafe and Caiiilv Kitchen. Loan Office. FINKKLSTELN’S Loan OfHce. .Jewelry, trunks, leather goods. 23 Biltniore avenue. Monuments and Tombstones. MONl'MICNTS, Tombstones, Cut Stone, Tile. C. S. (Imlger, 51 Broadway. Musical Instruments. FALK Music House. 7(> I’atton avenue. IMionc liOb. Men’s and Boys’ Furnishings. «%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%«%%%%%%%%%%%%%%« .1. W. NEKLV CO. for Stein-Uloch Smart I'lothes. Office Supplies. OFFICK Srri’LV CO., typewriters, add- inj^ machines, sales. ‘>l I’atton avenue. Optometrist and Optician. St^ros. I ^ OR.\l',t^ 1 iiL.\SSI%S. 1 atton a\enue. «•««»«««««««««,' (lieiulcrstin's .lewelry store.) Dr. Denison. H. RKDWOOD & CO.. clollu s. I’.ats. umi>. i , wear, etc., for every boil v. Dry jmumIs. ru;;s, Butterick patterns. > , , . |1 ll(iti.VSO.N Sll Dios, *>0'j I’.itton a'c OjijM'sitc jmst ollice. .Artistic por rholojjraphers. mu- Druu: Stores. »«-%%»««%««%»«««•%««««»»«»•»»»»* I tl.lllllH. MEKT vour friends here. 1.^ I’attoii ! i i , c i i ni i>* i c n i ill. JON SI I DIOS, lack S(|uare. High- avenue. I’aramounl Driij'. Co. j grade portraiture and citmmercial plio- Fiirnitiire. i ti.grai)hy. WHEN you sfe a Furiiitii’c .\d think id | Green Brothers. ; General Mechanics. WRITE i>r see McRary (.vl Son foi yi>ur Truck Body. Groceries. Cl-T RATES. (iroccries amounting or more. Twcevl \ Coilir.s. l*ianos 'I'uned. Ikl!D. Kxj)ert work. All guaran- It'iii. hulduig. Williams & Huffman. I'uiN riNt;. Hinders. Printing;. Bookbinding. Loose Leaf llaekney I'v Moale Co. Real I'state. Hardware. «^%^%\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%«%%%«%%^««« Bl’I{.,DKKS' h.‘:r(!ware a specialty. McDiillie ll.irihvari- C>. Jewelers. THK of Ciitts. 5L’ I’attoii a\«-nue. Chas. K. llen«iers(‘P. IL.\SSES fitted, f 15 Church. atch lep.lilin;;. II. M. l-r.iO,, J. E. C.\ivl*ENTKR, Jeweler. W.i'eli r pairing specialty. l(i .N'ortli I’ai k Sijii.ire. Kodak I'inishin^. EXPEKT work. I'astman agency. orders solicited. Brown Bonk C!. U. r. i^OWL.WD & CO. Farms. “It Can 1’. Dune." K’iv'vl, I'^S r.V'l'l'.*', IS Soutli Pack Stjuaie. I’iini'c l.Mo. Lorick Co. K!',.\l- hS l'.\'l i'. r>i\OKl'.i\. See .lames V\ . lit hen, II'. Ci'.uu h street. .\Slii;\'iLl.i‘, Kealty invistments. .\meri- . an l>.uik hniliiing. lUnry T. Sharji C». 11- interested in .V^lieville Real Estate t.'!L t(( .lohn .-\cee. Roofin}^. .MinWL SHi.VCil.lIS. (lutterinv. Sjioutiiig. I’atton. .\. L. M( l.ean Co. Seeds. STRICKI:R S1:I:D CO.'.H'ANV. wholesale and re’;'.il seed merchants. I’oultry sup plies. SportMiji Cioods. Kodak Supplies. KOD.\K develupin; . printing, mail nrdi rs. Amateur supplies. Hdhinson Photo Si'Tc. Laundry. THE \ivhols way for Laundry Sati.>:fac Sl'N'D us vour tire^; and tuhcs. litni. .\sht ville Steam Lauiuitv. Asheville Steam N'ulcanizing Co. Tire Repairs. THE NEW OLIVER NINE Was $100 Now $49 A TYPEWRITER REVOLUTION New Machines for Half the Former Price At the very height ot Uh siic’ee the typewriter inciii.'try. and t'orred nil others to tollow. I-, eneo eal!?‘ h halt to old expeii.-iv- burden. A company strong enough, large. ncUL'h and brave eimugh to do a hi ". s;;i!tH!’.g thing like this, deserves a hearing. The full tacts are set forth in our nniaiiing exjio^ure. entitled "'ri'- lli;.'.!i Cost of Typewriters 'I'hi' Ke.i.^on tin- Keniedv." One copy will l>e n.;,;'- 1 to you if you send us the ccujion HOW WE DO IT Henceforth 'I'he Oliver Typewrit'-r Ci-ni- pAnv will mi'.intain no e\pensi\-- sc.les force of l.^.Odl! sah smen an.i .agents. Henceforth it will pav no liigh reni.- in ."■) cities. There wiil t'>- im idir st>M l.s. You. Mr. I’ser. wiil di al diieet imw w it’i Ihe manufactuit r. Xo mi.idi-ru n — no useless t«dls. Wo eml the w.ot*- and |»ive y»u. the savings. ^ ou get th- S.'S! by 'I'lU'Oliver Typewriter Coinn;inv iivra-n I* ■!,(! :.'i v. l.i-2) it introdi;i‘fd visible wntiiiL,'' ■ iwtlii.'i powi'r.'ul l,V)in;)anj' wo^ia wide in intlii- way- ot r-.e',lin.T I ype wrii‘»r.'. it I'roe.;^ buyer= ot i; lit-ing VDi’r owr. salesman. And we g.ain ecnnt'.Tiies for oursi U i s. tt^o. .So it isn’t pliila-.’tr.ropy. Just the new, eOieient V..IV "t di.;ng business to meet jiresent- • conon'.ic cl’anm-s. Ins fa tire i ;i. We offer tlu SAVE $51 This Oliver Nine is a tv.enly-\ear (leve.lopnv- at It is the tiiu'st, costiiest, mt»Kt .successful typewriter v.e ever built. Jt yours for Id cents per tiay in mfnthly jjayments of Kv- crj'one omi own a tvpeuliter r.ow. Will anv sane pcr-on ever ai:ain pay $HM) foi’a sta-!(iard tvp 'v. ritvr v. lien the Standi'-i l \ i. ihle illiver AM’ie sells for $4r.’ t, '^(■nd tf'^liiv for y.a;'- . opv of our hook fand furthi.! detrJls. 'lou’l! !\-.-i:rp; ise«l. ; !»r,;icii Oliver Niiu tiie hitc‘;t model nvW, for tl:* exact one v. hich (tmil .Marei. Kt.. The Latest Model Do r,( t conf'.i'^c tl i.-^ -.i/rer of The Oliver Tv;ie\vrittr ('.unp:inv itself >if a brand nt w, Uil' St moi’- iwj'.li off-, raof second Iiand vT rehui'.t mach:::es. Ti’.4s IS the lirst tine in history that a n( vv, 'tamiard S’Uii tyi)ewritcr has been oii'i-rej for$l‘>. We c!o not offer a sub^li- tut>- model, cheaper, diffeient or rebuilt. all the secret facts in our docu ment. entitled “The High ('ost of Type writ, rs The Reason and TheRt nudy." The C'.Ujion below mailed today will bring you o;:c copv. FREE TRIAL No m.n y down - no C. O. 1). After you read our book you may ask for an Oliver for five iavs* free trial. P.e your own salesnu’P.. Save yoursell 5.^1. Von (leciHc in the privjicy f yjtir ofiice or home, as you see the (.‘livi-r. Then if you V.ant to ii’.vn an ()li\'er you mav p:iv at the of cents pt*r dav. -Mail the coupon n-.w fi.-r "‘Tht- His^h Cost of Tyjiewritf rs - The Reasm and 'I'he Rem'-dy." It rii)s off the mavk. Cu'. the eoiipon out noVv'. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY 1223 Oliver Typewriter BIdg.. Chicago, III. Over 600,000 Sold THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY, B-7 Oliver Typewriter BIdg., Cliicago. III. Do not send a machine until I order it. .Mail me your bo(*k, “The High Cost of Typewriters The Reason and The Remedy,” your de luxe catalogs and further information. Name Street .Address Citv . . . Slate .. ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE Having qualified as administraior of the estate of M. L. .Jones, deceased, latt of CounViC N c^ payment. notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the endrrsigned within twr-!v!* months from This .luly 21, l j]7. P. L. Knci isii. At tv. 32S 43S 441 3.'J7 28 331 492 565 MtO 7ir> r.39 349 r>62 r.oi 102 714 SC> 71 555 TiOO 4 sr. r.81 7i:i 4 0 113 72.'’. l.^c, SOS 7S0 2fi7 r.r,7 421 H.H ■t;o; i:;:i S07 IS.'. 2fir. r.r.o 211 1 If, f.43 4b*- 7.'.0 150 19 4'ki 4 nr. this date, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will (i. T Lyi>.\v, Administrator. 7 27 6tC'dle ?'> 1 .‘•Tit i 1 717 ir.s ;m SSs r:?:. 7r.’ 17 f.'.'I 4i;i’ t'li'.t ni4 m:-! 412 202 ir,i 21'.'' !.’7'_’ •V'lT o,;., 70^1 77r, TAl an 121 )' 1 7t> >, '.ri : tfi for* r.fio in Daniel Hill Piekelsimer, Davidson River. William I'liioeli Kennedy, Hrevanl Ceoi'Bc Freeman Haines, 11. 1, lire vard. .K'.sso Aiuli'rson (lallowriy,'in, KanMM>ni Cornelius Calloway, l.,aU. Toxa way. Harvey l..emuel Southern, Pisgah Fo'-etit. John Miek Smith, Kosnian. GeoorKC 1*. Morn'in, C'heri yticld. Dollif Siiorj;an .\lorf?an, Ulantyre. Harold Hardin, Hrevard. Sam JOulianks, Seli‘a. I^ae Alonzo Heiitleld, risgah Forest. Janies llosers Hamlin. Brevard. ;eorp:t‘ ('lia)»i'«‘ll. Kosman. Waler Clyd .e Whitmire. Uosmafi. ^^■ales Koe ltei«l. Sapphire. Charles Jaek.^on .'Snipes. Kosman. R Vernon Ulylhi'. 'herr.\licld. William lieonard Owen, l^ake 'I’oxa- way. (leorne Hostiek (eol.), Davidson River. let- Crady flalUtway. Rosnian. John Allen MeCall. I^ake To.\away. J?ast:om Ueeee. Mrevaid. .Tanu'S Mann. ChiMiyfu'ld. (isl.orn Aiit;el. Calvert. .TaiiK's Koliinson, l*i.«Kah Forest. Kiifus Ward Hieeiliove, l.ake Toxn- w.iy. '13 (’'offey (eol I’isffish Forest. AiMlerson \VaIt r Crooins, t'restmont, N. C. Thomas ('antrell. (Vntral. S. C • loorpe \’oliioy Mef'all. Balsam 'I'liomas Haywood Voi-k. Hrevard. .T.tnii'S Hi'itiphill (eol ). Hi»vard. I'nii-st I'ait.fiie l.oft's. I?rev,'rl. •Tohii Canni>ii (~;idlo\vav. lto.«man. Walter Hinkle, S.ipphire. W.-ive .Ten'erson .\Ilisoti. F*einose. ('lareiici' I'raiikliii I'oolc. Hrevard. I .f(‘ Xii hol-^oii. •.iklaiid. I>in‘st I’inkiU'y I'owli-i'. Hii v.ard. llairi.-^on V.inderl'ilt Cisson, U. 1, T?r*‘varil. William Waters (col.>, Pisfrah For est William :.'07-)B:e Neill. R 1, Pis»snb Foi't'st. 1- ar KhN’iiKT. l'isc:ali l^'orest Williaiii laitluT roiiih. I'.t'.wah. •loe .Smith (eol >. I’isK.ih Forest. I'o.'^io Hiiiivaii '>\vcn. I.ak«‘ Toxaway. .M.iraia .Instiee Cairnrs. I’isg.ih For est. .'Sam (lilh'sple. Chcrr> (u lil. ( Iiiit;man Starnes Cami'. I'isgali For est. .lohn W. Mann. »'herryfleld. . (’l\(le .Jone.'^. Hrevaid, .loscph 'Siai" Ka\t«r, R. 1. I’.rovaril. .lohn Hiysoii Snmmey. Hrevard. • ieorRe Melvin .\llison, (>kl Fort, N. C. (.i.^^ear .'Summey, Hn-vard. .lames Hetnv (iwens, hake Toxaway I>avid Hrooks llolhert, Hender.«=oii- ville. N. (V Hen Katy, lirevard. I'.lick KniiSfV W'.-.ithers (laston (eol I Hrevard. I-Mwin Alley Poor, navi(jlson River. William ^IeKinle> Bowman, 'M Fort. N. C. H.U'ifV .ti\vart. Hrevai'd. .Milas 1.0117,0 Alli.':f)n. IMcvard. Iti.llcn '•well, l.akf 'I'4>xaway. Jolitaley >rr. R. J. Hrevard Wilhain I’oiter .Norris. I'isf^.ih I'or- est. •.liia Thomas. Hrevard. (•harl.-s Ci.iwfor.l H.'imett. Brevard Kriicst »'hn:il f'rr. Hrivard. .\ithiir I'ou’iT, Hrevard. I li'i ill'll H'dilfii. Pissah Forest. .\rehic Huti'liisoii (eol.), I’isKali ?'>r- est. Ho> d Itoss. Selie.a. I :!;\'is(ciM- Whittifld Whitmire. R. 1. Hrvar(l. ,luha;i T. lU-y>iolds. Clu-rryfield. Wlll'.am (laston (i-ol.t. Hrevai'.i, .li-rry l,'>^aii I'vans. l';si;:.h Pcrest. C.irr A\hitmire. Hrevard. S.Mon .Tom --, ('edar Mo'.iiit I'lv I,10 l.ciDi!- Morris. Pis^rah I'orest .\iit:r l.\'].i (’ Stl:a. lloraee Cannon Calloway, Ba’.sain n rove. Iti'utxii Hr.'>eiens, Chrrryfipld \:i!i nntruiiis. Hii'vanl. Cuy l'',avl tiold-n, Hrevard. Henjamin l.ouis l.i-dforii. Pipeal. I ’l Tt-.-'t. I’atfMk Tli'ory Wel's. Kosman. «",■ r.'l : 111-11. 1 !:■« V.I I il (ii:I I^•ll!•o^«•. Green, Green's; 4 17 7R r,72 sr.t 77S 1 1'7 1C" *;.'0 s*>n 3'! 4'X 4 .(; Sfii; 41 r,l7 r.L’ri (‘IIH i: I 31 f, 274 7c.': 734 r.n 2or, .142 4(111 427 r,fi(5 211 40 fi7“ 1 no ir,7 2.’1‘’ 21 i ('.'.‘I n47 29 114 ir.i Rl ron 2(19 777 iS 32 (13 7;^ 3R2 Sir, .‘>.71 r,29 ct S'!’ 224 «18 7r,‘» 41 48 38 Wi'diaii! Wil.-v ( uvi'ii. I,a1;.- Toxaway. .l. s.-- .l.-m. Tlall. !■ si;ah l-'-.'CSt. IM 1'.iv:s. I'sirah I'ur.-st WashMiiMoti I'ox. Frankl’n. X. " ('Ivili- .Asluv'rht. P.v.'V.iT'd H.f.ry I'.’far (larrcii. I'rovard. Walt. r I’r. St.01 Fish. r. Toxa- a . .1.iSfi‘h HV. tlu', .Tim l.aiK*. 1‘ispah I'oro.^t. I,'' II-iM.'ii. Hi.vanl.’-x \Mi ’i Mull. .Tam.'s Williriin I’.-nnoft, Hrevard. l.iis-ti-!- M..1.II. V 1. ..1 V I’isij.Mli T'orest. W.ilt.r Wanl.-n T.o^ve. no.'-n an Thom.'is .stenhoiise 'Wi.oil, Hi’evant. 'I'h‘'n’.as N. T.of ts. T5r \.i r.l. ('h.irlii' l .eon .Ki i litres. H;-.'V;ird l .Tonathan He(‘C.‘, risp.".h FrT"- est. •I'M r.!M’ non. r*ei;tral C. .1 iM'.’s- ('li.ii lie Hollii,".s-\voi fh, P;s|P?lh l'(.re«t. Ia:Lrcni> So'ithf'rii. (^liorrvfiold. lliT’rv ,S;ms. 1! 2. Hr^v.'^rfl. (>tto Tlar'i.v P:t ” 1T^i>v;'-d T'l'.mi's WiN.ei Ha'.iilion Il^'llir.p:?- worlh. T^lspih (^mvf'. Koh.-rt Mlt.h.-’l .V.-.-V.V, Prrv.-.rd. I H (-’•'.Vi-11. Pl.’Vird Will ,im T.. SS-1, V Rav. Pis:.'al' F.-r.-st i:ol>. ! t M.--. :i. R. 1, FtoTvnh. Hra T.Of .(■•I'l-s. l’T'i \;ird. F"j-]n.i;i .si.pii, I ".‘-c:.’h Forest. ('!\-.!.- (''S.-. I’i.sirih I'.iMsf. nrai- F'-aii1^ I^.n, Pis!';.h F. r. s; M.i i 11 Tl'onris TTf.Mi U. R. 1, P’ r - vn r.1, Snmmey. .Tr 742 William Walter Creel., N. C. 640 'hat lie Hastings Slatten, l'is(rah i>'or est. 127 ( iiM'lic .Iordan Moore, Rosman. C6> Jerry Verdell Kimsey, I’isKah Foresit. fcf' lama Jonathan i'.leeee, Kosman. 74.'! William Andrew l^yday, I'isgah For est. f>27 .lolin lama Sanders, Oakland. 473 *('h: rlie McIntyre, Hn vard. 2S7 Al.rani Klliott 'finsley, Selii-a. 586 William l.ynch Nicholson, Pisgiih I'orest. 2C.0 .lanie.s .\athani«d Hul.h.ard, Brevard. f»27 I jew is Mooi-e, Hrevard. I!.'i4 Marshall HuKK'ns, Calvert. 446 »sear Hall, R. ], l’i.«f^ah Forest. S!i I .on I'res.slcy, Hrevar.l, 3."iS ('olem.;n l.iiidse; , l'is(.’,:.h ('ore.-Jt. 451 Janies Alvoid Callloway, I’isgah l^'or- est. 74."> Coat l,('0 KiiiK’, Brev.'ird. 673 Clinton I h.nald.son, PisKah Forest. .lames Wilham Burrell, Kosman. 429 'riu"nlore S!inekell'ord Chiyton, J’en- rose. 39I Ix.iiK' ('rawford Morgan, Kosman. 417 \ardry Carroll Joins, C»-dar Moun tain. 3.'".4 Carl l., Mx'n.att, Brevard. 445 Claud l-'reeman Keid, Lake Toxa way. 217 Carti 1.1 Hnntsiiif^-'-r, Bal.'=ain Crove 2'9 'lirtdiil (>t(o Turner, Brevard. 322 Jril1in (.'umodon Owen, Lake Toxa way. 242 H. rtic' Hurcffp Wliito. Kosman. 702 (issic T;liiin Merrell, llt.iwah. 2.12 Jol'ii Lyra Heddint;fiel.l, Hrevard. ;’.t‘7 I'^ii'viii .1. Koss. i hiTr>fleId. .\l!isin Cad.N' C|nuph, tirevard. 1 Cli irlie (’ari Morrl.-i. Hrt-vatil. 7;*9 IM ,'-;\vay iii;nm, Tisnah lM>rest. f>71 ton Wilson, K. L IMsfiah Cfil t ii.; nif! Wesley Reid, l..ake Tox- a w.i V. 19 r. (’liailt'.s Hr\pon. Sapphirp. IK. I'uri.ian Corn, ris';.'h Forest. I 9S Hr:uii h Lor.-nzo ;!az:ier, Hrf«vard, Sal Wi!li.”m l-'rankhn Hol'.ii:,i;sworth, i I'.la.iil yre. 2f>fi, |;,s Calloway Hensley. Pisprah I I'orest. j 44 Crali- .\f. ("’all, Pl^pah Forest. I 22('i I.i sliT Tallf\'. I'is^ah I-'oiest. I 7 .\|.-x Ifol'ii' Kize:, Hrevard. S4'i I.awrviKf .Sj^jm.iii, Kosmon. I r!*is Lester L* o V.'ini-h. st.-r. Kosman. 21*5 ('l'\er T'owI.r, Rrevanl. .'-47 Ai.'iv I'ranklin Cn-i-Ti, Halsam •Irovf'. j .2(‘2 l oiii.' Ci11., K. I. l'isi;ah 2^ \\‘illiam .Tamos Horen. Hrevard. ' ■ * A\ N'elson ), Hrevard. ; 4T.'i .1 I' L-.t't^, Hii'vard. ' f.41 l"/.'0 .Mvin Mnil. Selica. I L'.'!;' .'^im.'in .Mi('all, i’isirah I'*!!. sr.2 (’.-ii'os Hol.len, R. 2. Hrevard. . S2 .Ioi. lint. I'i.s'O!!. L.andiami, S. C, ! 47s .Itillns X:i !m!s (Iwi'ii. Lake Tiixaw.iv . 479 ('ha! lie Yonpne I’.itton. Pavidson ! River. ! r.r. I'.li.jah C'lnld Moltz. T,.-.k^ Toxawny. i "li.j iJ.-.i'iy Kilpatrii k. Hrevard ! 4fll Hieiiamin I'rankliii I'ill. Cherrv field. 4sa .N'.iIImu I'ul'M’ose Raiiu's, K. I, Hre- I v.ird. ' C74 « 'Ii\( r Doctor Reece, P.revard. I 372 Cha’les (lalloway, I...:''','tte, N. C. 42 .Mscy Fuller Miti-hell. Hrevard. 431 Ttioiiias F' ^.i’ett ( 'steen. .Sd'ca. ! I''.'. i;rni‘st Corn, l’i.s;;ali Forest. i;;::. i; Smith (.-ol.i, Tis^aii I'orest. ' ‘L'.'i .N:ithali 1‘. I i\v.iri‘t/.ky. itn.sman. L'i R: Ipii KU'loliih l-'isliiT. I’rt vanl. 4_’3 W illiam .lolin ('h.ii'su.ui. !;...-nian. •1''.2 ll:!l ('li.tpl"'d. l;o>.'nan. r:;s I..!a .Moi'Kaii, K'l.sman. Itfi 1’. W ilii-r n.imliii. Sell. a. ■! K. i;'!/i\ ’rni':!!. i’.:i-var.!. 4 W.ii:am W. sl.'\- ."^ii’.itli. Hrevard. 4T.3 Joe Fat** .^nipes, .\orton, X. C. r'.'i William La.~all«‘ l-'ra.i\-, K. 2, Hre- \ai.!. •ii'S W li; im Tliomas .^ii* '..n, Hiai.tyre >■■'4 Car! l'.lli..)tt .MtiTi.’Il. Llowah. .::I0 (iil.s.ei II.# lI'.sir.'Mi ’ L'Tl ('K-v.! i i.'i lv-!l. Hitwird. J.iiiii-s William S imm.'>’. Kosman. i C.ri F! > C.issell, Hri-\.in1 I-'ii'l .I'.a. s I 'o! F.i'.-varil. 7"'I yirp.'l L.iy. llr.'va’-.l. 1-i. in It. Cala.w.iv, ('horrynelil. Unli.'i't Sum!,».->'. I iM'vaf'l. \';in .M't'ail.;-am (!ro.-r. Will'iin Arthur Koiiit.son. Brevard. Paul C:!il..n.h P,s;^•lh Foreet. ! iaii ;'i 'T.i 1 ’• ■' ! 'v'-\ .r.l. H.-rman FlirVeii llari'ell. Lake n'..\- aw y. I..'., li Mnnrp. R. 1. Hrevui'd. Willi.ii;. .\!lhur ('ooptr. i’isKah For- .'I.; T.iv'.or. I'or.'st- P.i-]-is Callan'or.-. Hrevard. 77 I: . h,i:.l IMpar .Mi..son. Pavidson I; '.. I t';ai \\ . p. ;li l'i‘her, L.ik*' 'l'o\a wi>‘. L-ls W iil.,i!i ui;ver 'rnisl.-\-. .■^eli.M. .'■-1 (".'.i't- P. y. i.'hi-i i ytiel'!. .I'll, .1 !. ■ V-! I-:.'*' C Kosman. il.:s.i.-'l l.ali\ Wilso:;. P.l.vani. .lohn Tiiomas L\.lay. Lak.- ToNaw.iv. 2''3 Ci.iU'l Jiilins ( •V'-n, P, (Jrove S17 W' il.!\.> Hi-...i. I'ri’-. S. ('. r.'.i ,lnl;.in .Aust.n (ii.izeut r. C ilvrt. Kol'.rt Vernon Merr.-ll, THOSE CALLED Conectiir.s Krrors through omis:'i( !i of ;ciia! nun> bcri;, and incorn cl nanny, in llie forgo ing list are corrtcttd below by supplying proper number.';: H'll Elihu White Avery McKver Orr Jesse Cdffey J(din Hryson Sumnuy William Nelson Orjiin Judson Lee I’lott I’lcs K(d)inson 3 is Kennie Craft 289 Henjamin Hani,»on Ow'cn 2().^ I'rank .Mitchell (larren John Hit hards Hay Fred Mills Tave Merrell Thomas Levi Allen Andrew Pickcns Nicholson Jesse Allen Smith. Hrevard, should between numbers 702 and 41. H22 MIS 5.S 6()2 790 828 701 .S((8 172 iW come LAW UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LAW SCHOOL Excellent Faculty Reasonable C: :t WRITE FOR CATALOG THE PRESIDENT, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. CERTIFICATE OF DISSCLUTICN The numbers are given above in the or der in v\ hich they Wire dia.wn in Wash ington. The fnll list of .S.S2 men, bctwe«'n State of North ( jirolina Deriartmci'‘ 21 and .^1 years «ild, v> ho registered in j State. Transylvania on .(i:ne .S, ij given in the ' To all w’hom pre.sents may c».r.v Older in which they have been and will i ('.reeling; be called for e.xamination. reading from When as. It appears l.> ir.v sat isfa. 1 to,, to bottom of cohimn. In order to save , i,y ,juiy authenticated record of th. labor and space the News mav hereaPer I the volii.itary (’issoli::. refer to thes* names bv the mimber in theieol front of each one, omitting the name, ‘ therefore save the list for further refer ence and convenience. by the unanimous consent i I the stockholders, depo.siti-d in niy that the Toxaway Western Railroad UGH! CALOMEL MAKES rOU DEATHLY SICK pany, a corpor.iiion (. Stop Usinji Danjjerous Druj; Be fore It Saliviites You! It’s Horrible! 11: •is:: a p; ♦ '2 2(^.7 67 You're bilious, sluggish, constipated and believe you need vile, dangerous calomel to start your liver and clean your bowels. Here’s my guarantee! .\sk your drug gist for a .SO cent bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone and take a .spoonful tonight. If it do. sn’t start your liv(>r ana sii.ii’^^hj.en you right up bftter than calomel and with(^yi grijiing or making you sick I want you to , go back to the st(»re and get your mone\'. Take calomel tod.iy and tomorrow you will feel v.’cak and sick and nauseated. !)(>n’t lose a day’s work. Take a spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dodson’s Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great. It’s perfectly harmless, so give it to ytmr children any lime. It can’t salivate, so let them eat anything afterwards.—Ad vertisement. FREE OF CfiARGE Why suffer with indigestiim, dyspepsia, torpid livtr, constipation, sour stoma, h. ; coining-up-of-food-after eatinr. etc.. when ^ you can get a sani]/!e hottU of Greek’s I August Flower free at Dm kworth Drug ; Co., Hrevard. 'I'his medicine has remark- I able cur.itive pr. pt i ti, s, and has (ieint.n- ! strattd its etlicieni y by tifty years of suc- ' Headaclus are often caused by a disordered btomach. August Flower is i)ut up in 25 and ?'■ cent bottles. For sale in all civilized coun tries. Adv. this stale,',,!, (irincipal ofli. e is situ.ated in tl.e to' f Toxaway, county of Transyl vani,'., st. ‘ r : North Carolina (K. C. .^^ullz hein- ! j agent therein and in ch;.r;-e tL. i-', I upon whom prm( ss ir.ay be M rvnli. 1 , ! complied with tl'.e rc(;uir.Te'i!.- .if ( !i.i; Iter 21, Kevisal e;itil!e.I "(Ji r;'. jtions.” preiimina:\ to tli.- i suing of '1' ' I certificate of di.ssolution; I Now, ther f. re. I, .f. ('.iim."-. j rctary of stat-- of the slat.- of Nortii • i lina, do hereliy certifv that tlie s.i: ! . poration did, on tl'.e .oth dav of 1*>17. tile in my etiice a duly execute . a i attesti (1 consent in wriiir-.^ to the d. . tion tif said (orporation, executed I . . ’ the st'ickholders thereid, which sai ; ■ . sent and the record of the procei ■ aforesaid are now on hie in my said . !? . as provided by law. In testim(.ny whereof, I have la r p. set my hand and afhxed mv orticial s' :i! . t Kaleigh, this .^'Uh dav of .lulv, .\. D. I'iT J. HK’V.\N CHl.MK-'. .''^■17- ltc Secretary of S: BLOMBERG Junk and Hide Cc. Asheville, N. C. Rest cash prices f('r any kind scrap metal, rubber. liides. fi rags and secmd-hand raachiiv ! Write for prices on v.hat you 1.;. to sell. 78-80 Lexing‘on Avenue ot Professional Cords. Haxtrr T.-nke Tox.iway, Hrc\ :u li. I'fuv.r, r.rev.ilil • ir -Mouiitnin. T.'i-r.-ll v.T rd. Ch.irlii- .\;i1i-rs. I-’imiTk Ailis'.ii, W ilha 111 i >a \ :.i I .M.-(’r:iry, ('.,rl (lall'.way. Sell.". .l.iiii.'S \\'ill!;iiii Mutt. C.ilv.Tt. ClI’l.'S r;itt .11 C!:iy!oii. I'.M'v'.lr.l. (lu'If-'er Saiitli .eol I. Krevanl. .•\i:i!r.\v \iiKil I-.\'l»>' 2. Mrcvar.;. 'r'i.'irras ( ;r;.y.>;.>n ,M. Kill.iji. i’-tcw^.h. •I.Tiii.'.'; I’iiinlirfy .Morelia, I’os;;:; !i. l..iuitT .\lIi.«on, I';tvi'!^oi r.iv.T. l..>ui.' Tinner F-'i.^lier, To\.i\v;.;.-. .I:iiiic.'i t:!aine M.irell, irto\v;ih. Carl I'r.-d (lalloway. Ko.'-aaan .\\i-rv l,ii;:hioii ( i.shit-lds, Creeiiville S. c. .Mni.iii'l Murphy. Ropman. I'l'di- H:.iniltoii. I-'to\v;th. I'or.'st .MfXaii'ler Woot.'n, 'Rrevar'l :r.:nii Ha.«:kor P.eiij.iiniii (.’ol.l, I{r*-- l.loVfl (rol.), Kro^•ard. CU-vekiml T.edfor.l, r;=p:l -\iken. nre''‘;.nl, Ced.'ir M;i'i.taii.. Hall. Kake To>..-.- (’liarl.-.« K:i!ei!.;!l F.»rest. l':ir.lley T.ittlrtnn i:. M.('r.iry .luilsoii Tlieodoro way. liuev r’:!Ti;irow .Aiken, Hrpv;: rd l.iiilifr Kiley M.-C.ilin. .'^t’liea. William Lee Stonhel. I’isr^ali Forest. .\Ktlnir liodford, FSosnchn IT;h 1. y T.> ilar, K. 2. 'Rrevard. iOr'i. St ( ';irt AliiFon. It. 1, I'.ircst. l-'uf;eiio Wliitinire. T?revarfl .Tohn Kstus .•\kli;.«. T,;il.e Toxawa'-. Kay Elias 1?umKirner, l‘i^-!?ah For est. Hilliard T’ierpon TTall, T..ike Toxr.- wa y. .T. Frank Morgran. Chprryfleld. .Ia.«on I^eander Oille.'^pie, C.ilvert Thoina.s .TosepVi Tiirufi-. Selie.a Cl.ireneo Vietory Xii'hol.sfin, PiFp>'.>i Forest. fJvi.s ^T^‘rrimon Aikon. Ko.«man. AntjiistUK 1.. llapwel!. Ki-evarri. l.,oiii.“lvn Penibroko Wilson. Rrevartl. Tama M. (':ill. Ralpam Ci^.ve. .\rthnr Harriscm Piekelsimer. Pa- virl.son Tviver. Taither Sherman Miller. Piapah For est. .Tohn.son. PTierryfield. Frank MeCall. TSalsatn Orove. l>eIoy.l SainuH Wel«-h. Pisji'ali For est. f^illie ToijnR’. PissraTi Forest. Oolnmlins Franklin Kubanltw, R. I. TJrevanT. Roy French Marr. Brevard. lOlz.T. P’winp Meeee, R. 2. Brevard. Robert Peabuff. T*lseah Forest. Robert Henry Hutehl«on (col ), Bra va rd. Julian Thomas Allison, Penrose. 8iri «12 7:' t 4?" C''.7 r.':i 4.-.S 4S 2-jr. T'-'T 1 14V 14 7s2 r.^.v 171 ! a 114 7r.3 •1':2 irr* I'.l -|S> f'9 3fil 7f'*» ■!2(» ' n:? Cl'..' LT''* I'.JS S23 21'i 731 f s2 7f.S f.27 •to ; f.r 144 rr.i ~~.r, 42S S21 sr.o f,*n r.40 79 F79 740 S3 142 649 659 ..n II. -t. U.iwar.l Jlrwin ('O! ( .1111' I'"-.' K 'ir va ni. Ki I’ll ' iro.'i; Wil?-' I:iiss.-ll ‘ ''I'll.- C1-, 11 1. s W II Tilln;:.!. X..ah Zi'l..' .-^Kliiv.'in ('.irs.ia. Avllnir .M.iii’is I'r.nrr 1 ’i'p:th -I. T?re- .■n. T’. l.y 1., t :i1 Ii. i.sin: 1-is !1. ■!,ro.=e. ill Forest. ;• siiia II. Hre V.I nl. !'lo>--m;. n. All I 'iIH .Tu(U AV' 11 Monioc' 1 >i-lrio, Tenn. ■ I ' ' li. r. ( oi.-l'.-e, 111 i.(.‘ ri"ii. X. r r'l .M’is.'.a, I’i.'-L'.ih I'-Test TV I'afioii I’u'.r. 1 »,iV l'->.n Itiver. 'I'.'inaii.- I'l. isai.t I ; I’.^.-.vay, C:ilvert Cal l ('li.'umiaii. (.] i.-bf.-. M.'.\1i!s Cleveland .Xiiholson. Pap- pTi I re. I.fotiarl 'I'homas. T^revard l.iiiiii' \\’hi1niire. ("h-rr,’. fu-M. 'I'll' .',.'5 ('.■!. ■' -iTi Callowa.e. P.reva.r'l •I.'i 1;. ' i;.”- .M 'Kce, Kosman. Chail'.s Mfrritt Corviiilo. Pisprat: l*'or.‘:-1. ia-1, [• Whitmire. Qe.ohoe. Walt'T (I.iifi.ld T’.e.'ci-. Hrevar.1. .^I'.-rma n 15c'in.-tt T’ierson i-!elica. \ .lie I'uKene Hi'.aeken, Ttre- vanl. William .Arthur l^arker. T?:il«:ini Crove 7..-1. V.,Tu-e Rykar.t. T?.'l;;am Orovp. M iri; I'aiiif-l ('!a>'l.'ii. H---\.(rd. .\ iiil.i-.-.-e Can*p (eol ). I’i.-^^ah For- rst. .^:ini Sinerh'ton. P,-evanl. ('s. ar Hawkins fer>l >, Prevard. W illiam Tluirinan P.all, Pispah For est* .Fain‘s TT> T'ry Conner. P.ocrnan. T1..S il.' l.ikf '!'oxawa>. T i. k r. e. .• PI- ntvr,-. .T;m .'s I'.irl 11.11. I’ .^iiah T^erest. Ttoilaiai ('rant .•'.In‘1. Pos’iian. .•M.-x.iii'ler Rolihisoii. '{. 2. Pisjjah F'e’est. l'!i;ar IT. Car'ai.d. P e-'-ard. S'lvai.n*^ .'^■1('.ikl.ird. flary Krith. I'i.-kens. S. (^. laiiio.: Xoali 1 ’ >11'^r.>^..n, ''Iri'Vrey. C. C!:f!'oTil 1: ivt.M", K. 1. I !i>-\m rd. Tli‘!|iaS \\’ilPoii ^fi'Call. Cf->\vrh. Ju.l.‘-r>n C.irl M((':ill. Pi; "ah Forest. .Tim Tir.litii-l'.l. 1 >elrio. Tfiin. 'riionins Silas Camp (' Ol >. PisEr. h l'ore«t. 1 >o.-k Caiiii.TTi 0\v«n, T.ake To.':away l>-erett C'ayton >rr. T'.revard. ^\ hitmir.''. Quel'.v. IMi;;ir Ferman I>ece. ITorsf* SShoe. WiI. y I‘»’Von. r.ak* Toxaway. .Tohn T.edhotter. Pisffaii T'orest. Chari. ,v (Irecn, ('reen’.s (''reek. X. C Pciiiiis ('rawford .''eriipirs. Hievani. Volney Franklin Ow^n, S.ipphire. • •liver ('aston Oiropan, TJrevard. 1 ..•>p T-opraii (eol.l, Prevard. Hfii F'evon. Lake 'I'.ixaway. William Calvin MeCall. Balsam c.rove. o.Iiin i'raw‘’ord MeKelvey, R. 1, Bre vard. Robert Feaster. Cresmont. M. O. .Spaiildint; .M.-lntosh. Lake Toxa\va>' .Tames William (larren, Seliea. Carr Hni'ter C.lazener, R.isnian. .lo>-eT'h Franklin l''o.'ler. Hrevard. William P. Searey. Seliea. Italil.nrt'■'! TTnnt, Kiver I'alls. R. r*. Thoii;i.s Fl.iyd ('.allow.-.y, Kosman. Fins Partoii. SidiiM. '!'lioma.= Kveiett Klythe. Penrose. Hnrton l!v‘rctt Smith. Rosman. Ir;t T'>avid I.aUow.Tv. Lake Toxawpy M.'Cedron Kc’d, Quehec. Shc-rinan Phillips. Cherryfield. .Tohn Co.nfs C'a.ssel. T?revard. William P.ereh Pavis, Rosman. Frest T.afaite Aiken, Brevard. T-lvod T."o Cash. Brevard. Riley Arthur Merrell. Etowah. Henr:.' 'tchelL MeCall, Brevard. Herndon Watts, Brevard. William Walter Duekw'orth, Brevard Car! Eufrone Searcy, Cherrj'fleld. Buy a Good Bicycle . Four standard makes in stock—Pope, EIco, National and Ardmore—all proven wheels of sure quality. Priced S25 and up. Second hand, $10 to $25. Alw ays carry a full line of Bicycle Tires and sundries. Small repair work of all kinds on bicycles, jjuns, locks, keys, and expert sharpening at reasonable prices. Articles sent by mail for repair receive especial care. Frank J. Nevercel 4-7 West College Street Asheville, N. C. ROBT. L. GASH E. ERE’ GASH & BREESE LAWYEB.S 11 to 17 McMinn Building Nutarv I’uMio. DR. J. Y. McKiNNE DENTIST Office Piekelsimer BiiilJln ■V' £ Buy Before the Price Advances The war tax measure will mean a 5 per cent increase in the pr^ Oi pianos. Why.not let us place one in yci.r home before theladvanre? York and Livingston pin,os and player pianos our leaders. Michael Music Co. Brevard, N. C. DANIEL LEON ENGLISH Attorney and Counselor at Law Brevard, N. C. Real estate'law and abntract"c; • : * - a sp*jcialty. ERNEST H. NORWCOD Architect and BuiMir Remodelling and Repair’ng a SprciaUy Clayton, Clayton &. Fisher Attorneys-at»-Law BREVARD, N. C. WELCH GJiLLOWJrY Jittorney Practice in all the Ca:rts Brevard, M. C. CHAS. b7 de:a% Jittorney^ at-Law Office Cooper Block ALLISON & ALLIS Attorneys- at-Law Ii\ Old Cooper Builc-T BREVARD m COLEMAN GALLOWAY Attorney-at-Law Cooper Block Brevard, N. C. CONNESTEE iCDCE NO. 237 I.C C. F. Meets every Monday i :;;ht. Visitors welcome. DUNN’S nocx J ■- LODGE NO. 267 ' A. F. & A. M.

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