I Hm mm draft CAllED ON SEPS. 5 WAsiiixtiTox, An^'. 1:5—Tlu'on- tiro (uS,,(*o») men cdmposiii” tlielirst incri'inont of the army drul t forci s will bt* nnder training early in * eto l»or. I'n'itT orders issued ti)day the first ;!(• per cent of the qnota ot cach district will be*;iu (‘ntrain Tnont tor eantonnu'nts Se])trtnber r>; the n»‘xt ;{(! ])er ecnt S»‘|»tcmber IT) ; and anoth.'r ;>() pt'reent Septein her :U!. The ri'innininf^ Id jH'r cent will bi' iiiobili/t'd IIS soon after that datt' as j)0!-sibh*. Somothinji to sell means some thing to advertise. No Material Damage. A husky Rthtopian came into a l.'iw- fer’s office and, exhibiting a Bcsilp wound about three inches long on top of his head, wanted to know if he could “pit anything for dis heah.” In re sponse to a (luery from the lawyer ho explained: “Well, boss it wu/. liUo dis; Ah wuz working down by dia hoah new buildin’, an’ a fo'-poun” l»rick fell off’n de sixteenth story an’ ; liit me smack on top do haid. ” A j grasping and heartless contilruction coiiipany, although admitting the facts I nnd their liability, refused to pay moro than 110, on the ground that the evi- I iei’ce failed to disclose any niaterial iamae;e.—(’asa and ('omuient. Sometlme«. "Dar's a silver linin’ to every rloud, ’ said Uncle i:bon; "but sometimes It's foolish to stand around lookin’ fur it. ’stld o’ h’istin’ a umbrella.'V-Washlne- ton Star. THE U.NIVERSAL CAR A extra attt iificn to ynm- K. rd ciir a litt!,- i.ijustin- now .-iTMl then.'will hrlp to K.i p It in ).rnm‘ eoiulitum ;in 1 add t^i its nliilitv to ."‘■rv« yon. 15i inir your i'ord car hcr.v Why taUe i.ny clKinccs:' L-f (bos., wh,, know how, thoM- \vl;o us • ircininu' Ford parts, take cure of >ouri';tr, i’l) l'i> sure ot t^rttin^ tlii' best s.Tvic.' I'rcni your F( iti car let .-Uillod Ford i:\rn .are for it. I’rompt attention assured. I' lii iiiL; Car Kuiialiont Stdaii si; i;,_ ('oupt lof .'-r.o;, 'I'own ('ar s;,;.;,—,iU 1'. ii. b*. I'etroit. ( >!■ i;s;ilay ajid lor sale bv KINc LlVi:iiY COMl’AXv lii i v:. vd. X . J !(i3 in'* lui Church directory liKKVAKI) I'KKSUYTKRIAN CHUKCII J(thn H. Hay, rast«*r. KfKHliir (.linnli scrvioos i-vory Sii.iday. Hoiiis: I'iisl tliinl .Suintavs. ii:nfi a. m ; sfi'ond ;iini foiiiHi ^nllllav.s, p. m.; littli Suiiilavs, l)v ;iniiium>'fi)u'nt. .Siiiiilay sriioni \ .''tinday, 10 a. in. Mfti's lit' lluM iinud liiblo I'lass. Vi>i!ii(i> ! i-ii|ili''.s .S.H'U'ty of I'liristian Kn- lU-avur i-vt I y Wi dnc.sday i-vcninn. DAVIDSON KIVKK I’KKSHYTKKIAN (HFiail .b.lin K. Hay, Pjistor. rlmiili scrvu'cs i-viiy Smiilay. Ilimis- St'i'tiil and .''inidiiv k, o:i'c a. III.; lifst and lliinl .^iiiida; 4:1.11 i>. 111.; tillli .Snii l.(\s li\ atiiKiiiiu ciiK iit. .Sllllll.'iv 'M'llonl |'\ IM V Sl'.l'.ilav. Ic'.oii a. 111. t'liiisli,.n I i.dt a\(ir isl .'inl .11 d .''iinda\s ai II a. Ill , .11! .inl and illi Si;ini.i\ s at 7; n i>. in. I5KKVAUD HAl'TIST ( IH Kt II. ('(iriK r .Iiiidaii and (l;istin stun ts. .A. W. .M» Daniel, Tjistdr. IMidnt* No. 1S5. liililr srluwil (Cl' a. Ill . will ;;i;;tU'd with I l;i>.si-s 111 Mill all. I'l r.i' l.iiii. '.ctvjics ;it iKiii' ;( in. .'iiiil 1>. III. I \ ! \ ^i ndas . .\ii.i\vii \ '-iiviif t IT u> and 1C11 !■ Ill . dr..-' d.iv. I .\i!\i-.i'i\ I'.i'.ii ■ Muit^iiTi Tn.'sd.iv i vcniii;; i ;i!l. I !.ir ti; >st .''ui'.'iav nl I'ai li ini'tilli. Ail will' d.'sio' li' I ;u-(Hirai,'i. 1 : tu : '-^isl tln' I \vi.’',l.:ii I.) IiimI !■! tu III" l.i'llii'd li\. windin’,' ' .111- I . idi.div ii-.\i>i-'l t.i .itl'-r.d ;i!l si-;\i,i'-. ..I, 1 vi-.il.'tai I-1 '.fi", iil'.N \vi-l.-i.ini- i i;!i;\ AKi) Mi/nioi'isT t'lirRt n. ! W. iui^'ar I’mivt-y, I’astdr. I S i:i;.la ■. ^ hi;. 1.1 \ SI hi .1 : ji; a 111. ii-.m !, i iin; at I. .1 III. .-Hid '' !■. Ill lliti'i ;r,i I l -i w • I l-i ai;i;' p 11 j Mi'iid.r. S' r Si . .“s. S:. I. p. Ill., Ill ^ t and 1 l;ii d ! M ' 11' !.i \ n:;;!it s. I iir-^.l.i-. (.\lti-r liist .'-n.iidiiyl I’.i .'id id tr\\ I>. in. ' W 1 :il'-'.d.t\ I’l a\i-f nice! iiil.; I. 1> in. . 'I !;■:I ■■ 1.1 V I ii--!and 'l;:-:d ' Wi.r;;in'- Mi-. s'..iiai\ siH-a-tv, I p. 1,1. 1,(11 ,d Auxilia:\' , -1 ■ ]i 111. I-'iii'..iv pi a.-li. r n p 111. I ■'('•line tlKi'.i witii us .nid wi- u?ll dn tl;-c II -d.” N’.llil. ID .•■1. I Special Announcement. Si’iiiiay, 11 ni.: ‘ l)l;;nitv uf La^ior." liy the ji.".:.;(ir. ji. r.: , m;ihi 1,v t'u-j ]ir'.siiiii);4 {-l(!t-i, 1i>!!(i\v((1 hy atiiiiiiiistr.'i-1 ; linn (i! t lu- 1,(1 ;i’;. Sli;i|n r. I .M(i:;i!.iV. S;(i0 p. m.. fdurtl' iiiiartrriy j rcnli. icai'i’. I ! ST. riiii.irs Fri.^cni'.M, (i Kev. Cl'.i'lnn-is !•. Ministi-r in i Ch.t,... i Sr!'d.i\- ■'i I u v; 1- ;i’ ■■ _ ' | .-•■STird.-rC s.t;,,, r-‘ i::. Will. I'.i',' I ..■: -..i-.; i\ -\ ! Wrdlli- - d: -s ' ; ■ d.i - i m - j ; ' ! \ i v ' . * Wcilm s.|,|\ 1 1.1 ,-.I. I-.. ‘ •! , \ ni 11 ■ .... I .'s ,1 i;; - ■ . ■ a \ ... II- 1\ . • : i.:i • ,ui'. I J.; .''r.i'd ■ . ' 1 Vi i . 11. -.'! . . ■ ■ . . Ihi- I . ■. ,;tl 1 i 11 d., . I . I ,S--. . , I . .,r.\ . A - ll \\ I d!;. ||. ;. . . . I . •• . I iV. 1: ■ - l; \\ . -I . .•s, 1)1' .,1. ; 1 I ,11 ;I \ Si;i; '... Spec:; ! .\i'.tu,uncenu nt. 'I'liiit-^ r.th .siu r V ;;ltn 'rriiii',w St p-■ t» ir.Ix r L’. I li>!y i ;;r..i s,;: ;i .it 11. Sulijfi 1. "i’K .tsanl \\’i i.l.s," '! r.i \ iro In t!.c' .Mail ar.ii nu-dn ia In ti:i- ildllv. !'ridav, Auriist .M, \‘ilii ati-I (lr>ss ;d Sii’ jitt. "Hunian Syi;-. pathy." ! K'.nicnili: r. it 1-; l!u- ;.'I-irv d' t'a- '.‘!;'is tian iliurcii tli.-st it rrsts. n-il u; 'nth( j I'lii’iinil.'iiin (d fm(C. imt upon ' pulsiiin (d io’. t- anil tl i- » :ill t«. s( rvii 1-. Get your school supplies, tab lets, pencils, rules, crayons, chalks, Inks, water colors, pens, brushes, lunch boxe.s, etc., at the 5 and 10 cent store. Auditorium Tliursday, Sept. 6 WILLIAM FOX it presents A Modem Thelma” in Five Parts with Vivian Martin and Harry Hilliard in the leading roles. A .story of love and romancc in Norway* Admission 10 and 3:oO, lOc. AUTO SUPPLIES ^ Federal Tires, Rugged Tread,30x3' S19.35 inner Tubes, 30x3 Grey $2.50, Red $3 and $3.*>0 Inner l ubes, 30x3' Grey $3, Red $3..'>0 and .$4.00 Weeds (chains, .30x3%, $5. 32x4, $6. Rid-O-Skid, 30x3',, $2.65. 32x4, $3. (Chains have advanced 25",,.) Champion X Spark Plugs for Ford Cars .‘’Oc cach C^onaphore Lense, 9' ^ inches $4.00 Schrader Valve (>ores (stems) 25c per box llowc Spot Light, No. 9 $7..‘>0 (iico Spark Plugs, inch (regular) 60c (-ico Spnrk IMugs. inch (k>ng» 65c Spcnccr I'ord Jack SI.00 No. i C)i! and Grease Gun SI.OO Clover Leaf Valve Grinding Compound 2r>c Fan Hells .VSc Anti-Rattlers .VSc R iditis Hose Omriections I.tc I’yrone $8..S0, regu!;)f [>rice .SIO.OO lord 'r)(d Kit $5.00 (cost today wholesale .'s.r.=,).» iN'ietal Polish 2.^c, ,^(‘c, 7.^c, .^1.(10 (/arbon Remover iJolinsons) 5lc, (.'otter K'.'ys per box .Scrows .'^c- Wax for polishir.g ;iuto potiiid llavoline Oils and (ireases. Remember you save money if yau C. Doyle. BREVARD HARDWARE CO. BB.EVARD, N. C. I ,TAJL SHINGLES. have solvedcur roo£ MACHINEPvY AMO MILL SUPPLIES 1 a’- '«‘-T .-T'ick in V. f\-u-rn Carolina •'■-a'.'. .-, r'i.ll Hflt ii;;", Vv'ir‘ i;'»;i«;*. I’ioi', j ittill; ~. Ma'--!;i:.T( i I ;i-.inc!r;.' iiiifi Mitchiiif Work a .-;:tM-ialT Asheville Supply & Foundry Co. Asheville, N. C. proilcni. , A We are ihrough wlih ands* and ^ I; j our house js j£:iproved in lumeapcince. -^4;- X'- VTHE STORMPROOFROOR 3 ^ Sale hy j MILLER SUPPLY CO., BREVARD, N. C. Buy From the Merchant Who Advertises m&tiu VJWUHPJ! CBt9lCC£fiKSES&Et Invest Your li The ordinary man’s income is gradual. It comes week by week or month by month. He naturally wants something into which he can make investments regularly and at the same time be laying up for a rainy day and drawing legitimate interests. There are very fev/ businesses or institutions into which he can make such small, regular investments with the assurance of good returns for every cent invested. The Building and Loan plan of saving was espac’ally created for the man who wants to pay for a home with abD',! it; s.acsj lo « meet the monthly rental. | The Brevard Building and Loan Association has aided aaore thati-a^httndred-people in Transylvania county to own their homes by making weekly payments. It has also paid others at least 6 par cent on their investment, the shareholders having the privilege at all times of withdrawing their money if tli-ay find a more attractive use for it. The Building and Loan is the working man’s friend. The i^th series opens on Sc^Qbcr ISth, and if you want information as to how you can pay for a hon^e with practically what you are paying for rent, or if you want to draw at least 6 per cent interest not subject lo taxes, come in and let us explain the building and loan method to you. ^ Brevard Building and Loan Associatipn A. M. VERDERY, JR., Secretary and Treasurer mm

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