(Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) OLUME-XXII BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY, SKI’TKMIU'R 7. I!)I7. free examination SCHOOL CHILDREN County Board Provides ft>r Den tal Examination of Children; Penrose Bonds Find Pur chaser; New District on Da vidson River. FARMERS’ INSTITUTE SEPTEMBER 13 K- The cdunty board of rducHtii'H iiH*t on Mv>ndny hu\ Inul a lull tlny’s work. V!^rio^^ mattrvs r»* lutin^ to the iM'ttonnoTit t>t i duca tional conditions in tin' ri>unty Were disc*ussi*il. Th(> tu*\v stati' law rc;xardin,L: the physical niul d> i>tal (>\ainiiiati»iM "f rhildrt'n (.‘aTiio u]» fur considfr'itioii Miul ri'snltt'd in :-o:ni* drt'niitc in? sti*i>s. Hr .1 Y. McKiiiin'v olK‘rt*d his M'vvict's in tho oxatnin! - tion of srhonl childri'n over tin* ooniity frro of charfie *>n rondition ♦“hat lu* would h(> at no oxju'tisf in the rnattrr of transportation. 'I'lu' was acc(']tti'd by the board, und arratv^eiuonts an* t > be inadf fi>r (Mrryniij: out thi'S ])]an. l^r. McKiiiiu'3' also (>lVcri'ii to iill and extract teeth fur .‘.o an>l ■ cents respectively, the low rate be in^ mndi tn thost* ehihlrcn v. ho m e not able t ) ]vty the rei'ular ]>nee 'I'he itoard i>rdcri'd p:iid to tbr 'arson I'rt'ek school for .‘xjiciisi i f rejmirs oj» bui!ilin:.r. The I’enrose hi^h school bond' Wi're sold to Dr. II. ('. Slol/ «'f Mil Wankee, Wis., foi The snpei'intendent and tin- chairinan of tlu‘ board wer‘ ( r- dt'red to visit tlu* l^itth' Kivrr s lu)ctl on Wednesday toinsj>eet I lit' roof of the house in view of rejiairs •1. H. Brown. T. A. l>illard niid Cliarles Ashwortli wi re ai)]iointed roininittce!nen for the Ashv.ortli (.'amp school distrit't. 'I’his dist rict in(*ludes tlu* Laurel Fork st'ttle- nient on Davidson river. A sclioul building is bi-in;,' bnilt by \V. S AshVorth at liis own expetisc, tlie people of the district to furni'li the desks, and the board > f i“diuation Hpproitrmtinji $1 11 for ti achin^ ex- ]H*nses. C. \V. ChH?tttin was ajjpointcd coniinitti'cTncn of Oak Forest school to sno.-t'ctl '’oats I'usstdl. v. h ) has moved from the district. The iuestijn of di'alint' with adult illitertt,cy in the county was discussed Hi sonio len^'th. but n> fletinite artiim was taken by the bcmrd. It was left to the superin tendent to raise liinds Cieessary lor the r-ndertukinf; and secure a teacher :f such funds can be raised. A farmers’ institute will be held in. tl»e court housi' at Bn'vard Tliursdav, September b?. Sp(>cial einphii>is will l»e ^iven to live stock, food and f»U‘d croj)s, and soil i!n]>rovement. 'I'lie instifr.te p.irty will bt> com- pi'se«lof T. U. Parker, tlirector of farmers iu'^tituti's; Dan T. (iray, ehici (>f animaI husltandry dc])art- iitrnt ; l\. (t. Mct'ord, iSouthern railway a;^ent ; .1. M. (iray, new di>ttit'l ai;ent for thti mountain hi'ction of North arolina, and Mrs. S MeKinmioii, state a^^ent of hi iiie dej'ionstrath)n work. 'I'lie institute jiarty will arrive in Ibevard Wednesday ev» nin^, Sej) teini'cr r.‘ Institute begins at ten o\ !oc’iv riiui'sday morning. Kvery- lioily inviti'd. (\>nu‘ early and brii'ij> • Let's make this tht‘ be.-t institute evt‘r b.cM in Brevard. A uf'd di.-]'lay (>f uny kind of far’u crops—•anni'd ^o,>ds or fruit — will lie a 1 ]>ri-ci:! led . 1\. r., 1.,AW1>KN K, I'ovinty Ai^ent. FARMERS UHOlD TO SOW '.VHEAT FOR HOME USE Wi'li !l>ur seliinj^ arounl .*! l.o(t ]..>r ii.irrcl and tin* minimum jtrice -if \vlicnt tixt'lai oi' j'cr bushel hv .Mr. Hi i»ver. federal f(>oil admin- i-trator, we i :in vc."t assured that wheat \\ill contiTuu' to bi- a ^ood pi ict' aunt her year. Tlie cliaii.uin.: of thousands of our farmer boys I'mm the rank of j)ro- du ' r to tl.at of consumer is ^oin^ to elTcct the ]:rice of llour another ye.ir. Wlieat can be raised U-r linTue consumi);ion cheajier than ll'Mir can be juirchast'd. and aj:ain tlie farmer isn’t spending; out ready cash for his fcnnl, which he can raise at home. Several farmers ovt r the county | claim lhat they havi n't a lo(“al mill! win re they can ;,M't their wheat s^rcr.r.d Whi'ri' tliere js no local mill cb>se the wheat (‘an b,i shi]»ped to Bilimove. It will cost l(>c per bushel to shi]> wheat from llrevard to Biltmore and :---:''k. H Crowd the Front Pews. Adver= tise Your Belief. Go to Church. you CO to ('iiriicii sun.iav M \i;ni Kiciri’ ri’ 'I'o Till-: fi:o\t im:\vs. J)iin't take a scat in tlie r':ir nf l!ie church. In niaii\ clmrcii..somic wor>liijicrs make for the rear ]'c\v- a- lliev wi-re a liamei! to lie seen. Is t!i( ;-|. anvlliiii:; dislioiioralilc in hcinir seen in ciiiiri-li' If vou 1:0 to a t!icalT \ u :;i-i‘ i-ne.id 1,, 1„. seen in tlie' front rows. t'K’i>\\l» 'I’lll*] I'lK'ST J’LWS OF 'nil-: cm K( il THERE CERTAINLY IS NOTHING UN- MA1SJLY IN GOING TO CHURCH. RATHER IS IT A SIGN OF STRENGTH CF CHARAC TER. PILLARS OF THE CHURCH GEN ERALLY ARE PILLARS OF BUSINESS. AD VERTISE THE FACT THAT VOU GO TO CHURCH. IT PAYS YOU SPIRITUALLY. IT PAYS YOU MATERIALLY. THE CHURCH EN VIRONMENT HELPS THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT. THE CHURCH TEACHING HELPS EVERY MAN TO THINK CLEARLY AND TO THINK CORRECTLY. THE CHURCH COMMANDMENTS ARE ONLY THE COMMANDMENTS OF HEALTH AND MIND. Statistics show that conuiuniities with tlu* crca’cr nuinher of elinrcljcs are jirosjM'rous. 'I'he ju'ejilc. a~ a whulc, aic AM) CONTKXr. if \oii have ncLriri ted ^^)in,::; !o hun h, (luu't )ct nnolhcr Sunday pass without ir.akinu: a visii to the hmise oi' Ciol. Ci'd is forgiving, lie is pnticnt. I’ul liis jiaticiue ni:iv 1'C c\- haustcil if a man continuallv iuii 'iC' him. \ on KiNolJ!-! .\\1> Ol'l'r!M> col) when vou .'lay away froMi church. lil^- to .^ce vour chihli'i'U C() '!'(» Cliri.’l'll ami Saiiilay -chndl. 'I'hc cliil- (Ircn v. ill !i teiidini: church if they sc(* the I'allicr in cluirch. CO TO ( iirK’cii XK.x'r si nd.w. CO TO cni KCII KVFIIV srXD.W COUNTY FAIR IN OCTOBER Steps Beinj; I'aken by County Agent and Others for One-Day Exhibit of Farm Products and Live Stock. l>Ol'l‘,LV I ^1 i’il I) with iho ini[i(.rtan( (' of at- p Patriotic Rally of Citizens and Soldiers Friday at the Court House 2:50; Parade of Tran* sylvania Soldiers With Citizens; Music and Speeches, REV. W. E, BARKER DiEO AT ASHEVILLE Hmt^f Minister Well Known in Brcv.>r! and County. Remains S*nt to Chio. Prominent Pas tor in Forn e Years. .n A one day c.ouiity fair will b»> held here about tlu! last of Oi-tober for the exhibit, of corn, ])otatocs. live stock and otlu'r jiroducts. A local CM.imitl..,. ...S...1 of '• Oranty An,.|.t R.K, L,i-.vn n.r,'IV '•>■'>'>'■'.•.1. In his youth t! II. Shipnmn and \V. L Aiken, was ap])ointed by the county cornmis- sioners on Minday to make all necessary preparations. This com mittee has aj)pointed a commit tic for th(! county, which is as fnllows : Walter Baxter, J. (). Cantrell, F. A. Allison, W. E. Shii>mnn, B(»bert >rr, (Jaston Whitmire, W. H. Floldcn, Walt(*r (Calloway, Ij. M. (ilazener, Charlie (iarren, Fllis (lallowav, Roland Owen, Leonard Saundt'rs, T. Henderson, K'luar IIt;id, Volncy Owiui, M. F. Walloway, I’ole I'rice, Herman Kitchens, liufus McCall, T. T. I'atton, Claude Os borne, T. S. Wood, (^. F. ()rr, .1. R. Hamlin, Will D«*avor, (4. T. livday. Tom Surn'tt, W. 1.. 'I’alley, T. li. Duncan. K. R. Denver, Jordan K’ln^r. Ferry Orr, Waih* Merrill, Lu‘her Hamilton, Carsfin Wootllin. The mcnib“rs of thi.s committee are askel to nit^'t on Thuisday. Se])t. at 1 o'clock at the court house. See the pa])er next week for further ])articulars. I I •::i, .1 ;'i: I'l ■ y i; . c V :i !■ I 1; If ^ . 1 FIRST REGULARS LEAVE SATURDAY QUEBEC QUItMS Rev d. K Hi'ndortwn, who has been visitinj; in this community, left lf.rft Mtmday mcrnin'; for his field of labor at Lck r ss, N. His mother accompaniec him, t xjiect- Soil ;md Preparation Tlit‘ ujiland and st'cond river ?xtt- tom of ♦hl^ •' ■•unty seem to be lH*st ailajited te v. hcat ^rowiiiL,'. Land intended i 'V wlieat should be tr.i'7icd as >'on M'- ]>os>ilili“ so that it will bvcome th.iroULrlily settled I'cfore seedin;; timt’. Where tlu.re is a heavy -op t)f v>ceds on the hii:d it should be mowed aiul disc*vl well before'plowiuu'. and an aj>plic.^ction of li!c- a])]»lied Itcfore seed’»’^ to wheav This v'ar an ex'tn: -‘iTort shoii'tl be mad,> to prepare the land | in tlie most approved murner for secui’i'; and to sei-d the j'reatest Friday afternoon at > there will be a ]nitriotic rally of citi/.cns at thi“ court h»»use, 'under th»‘ aus pices of the National Council of Defense. Transylvania’s tirst fivti of the , drafted men an; to leav(* for the I army Saturday mornin.LT. and tht'V I will be at the rally. There will b(' a i>arade of Tran- I jsylvania's (juota of the draft and l])atriotic citi/«*ns of the town and ! conuty. Short speeches will be mside by a numbi>r of home speakers. All the jK'oplc are asked t^i mei-t at the cou/t house and take ]»art in the street itarade, 'I'he National L -aizue of W(.)man's Service has jirejiared comfort kitr.', which will be presented to tlu‘ Ixiys about to leave. The boys must ir> C'.me and i;ivt‘ them a littin^ ijood by. Let tht'Tii see that llu; folks at home are with them heart and smil, and they will m?tke all t.:e ln-tttr men and sohiiers. Five Men Certified up by District Board Have Honor of Call to Country’s Service. Leave Sat urday for Camp Jackson. REPLY TO “ROSWANITE’ in^ t( s]>end a few n; nths this fi!] and winter with him. : ««'‘iber of acres po>sible. A ^.od Mrs. L .Miller of Sh» rnuin. >‘'‘1 prcpav- d and Texas, has been visitin- lu>r >ister- i as early us conditions jn-liiw. Mrs. M. L Hender.'^on. nnd otbot relatives in tli:s eonnnunity, dnrin;^ tbe past v>tjek, Sbe e\- pect-K to lea V ■ on Sa ' "rday of this ■vteek for her homt> ir Texas. (.je..hH* Countiy Life Scrool, ^ he;an la.-t v.t k, is [>r»!4ri?ss- mynicely under tlie mana^'emcnt ^of T. Henderson ".nd his a hie, ; nnd etlieient assistant.-- Miss I'carl j Faulkner and Ml.•'^ \ :l' iria (iilles- , j)ie. There are over a hundred | iiJready enrollr d in the ! gichool. At the i’eiuest of C'..r ]iastor. Key. A. J. JVJanley. the st rmon last JSnnday «t t^ak Orove liajttist chnroh was preached by Ki v. .1. Iv. Henderson. Affer the seruion the jiastor app»inted delegates to the Baptist association of the c^.:nnty which will ineet with lUevard ijaj)- churel* in October. Exwi/.k. REV. w. E. POOVEY AT PISCAH FOREST SUNDAY Sunday afternoon at i .no p.m. jlev. W. E. Poovey will preach at I’isgah Forest. . willHilmit. Tiu‘ best adapted vari ety c.t' wheat to onr section, aeeoril- in; •'.o e\]»eriments coiiductvd at til' State Test Farms, is Len])'s Pr«)i:]ic. 1-iooil si'cd are scarce and will hard to *:et latter in {L;i sea son. S') _'et your seed \vhe>it new. Cncle Sam is expi'ctinfr ns to rai.se our own fo »d j)rodncts. “Do Tonr bit'" ? ;• rai.^ini' wheat to help I'cH'd our ar': ly and include yoar neifzLWr who hvs tiot been ^'rowinj: v,-he:it to arrange to sow wheat this tali home c,;5!sum])tion. R. F. LAWRKXCK, (.'ouuty Ageot.. IMPORTANT MEETING OF FARMERS’ UNION Tbe nn'etin}.' »)f the (\tnnty I'^irmers’ I’nion. ]>ost])oned froiti August will tjvke ])laee at the court house on .‘Saturday, S('ptem- ber lo, at lo o'clock. R. F. Law rence, county demonstration aj^ent, will be present at this ineetinur. Somethin" to sell means .j?ome- I thin;? to advertise. In the last issue of the Nt*ws. i under the head (>f ‘‘.Many Thinu's 'Fake l’lac^ .\t KC'inan," I notic»; thi're wai rc.''crfnce made t> the fact that “‘one w tman was ]>reach- intj; on the strc'eA. and at the same time anotiu'T woman was .-'ittini; on th«i front ( .srch ,iust across IIk street t'rom Ihe ])reachin»r (kr.i'- tin^')” 1 cannot say what ••A Rosmatiit’s' r.votive was in writiT.:; this w'tiy, but 'V‘e?nin^'ly it v,r.s vn- teTided as “a f.tnb in tlu-: back' uf tlu: lady who ilid not see Jit to ;->'in the holiness crowd who enter'. iin \is so iuvish’ir occasionally, \>nt who prcferr*d to spend her inu> more prcditably (for the soldi«*v.-; at least) doinj^ vrhat she eonsiKved her patriotic -daty of knittiiiu: lor the young nieTS w’ho have been -r illd from onr niidsi in the defens-r* of our country, iriiis is written by I one related in ntj way to the i4.dy I who knits, and furthermore i( is ! aot meant in any way to ad\u.e?ito work on Sunday, but simply to ooireet a bad ijnpi.ession of our lit tle town whioh Rosmanit;“ madii in his letter, I cannot se> why a !ady in Ilo.sni.in who knitf allowiiv.; any work to be dv)Jie on SuTiuKy which is necessary for the mai>‘fenance of oar national army? W ?’.y strain at a ^nat and swallow a an.cl? li. S. Mok'oax, Rosmun, N. (\ Saturday, Se;»tcmb('r marks a date in Transylvania’s his*^ory. as bein;^ the day aj)poiiited for the de- pirturt; of the tirst call of drafted men int(.i actual service. This first Call consists of live men, who have been certified up by the district ex- em])tion board. Their names are, with draft numbers, L? John Bun- yan Hyder, 1”. Charles A. Hamrick, s>> Frnest Otto Miller, 1'''.* Harold Hardin, with .lohn Haywood Hrov n as altt'rnate. These men will report to the local board at ]». m. on Friday. If any one is mi-:siiir, the alternate will t ike his iilace. On Saturday morn- iiijj: tbr»y will tak'j the train for Co- hnnbia, S. C., wh(‘re they will enter ('am]) .lackson as soldiers of the Cnited States arnn*. Jirii' ti % unt^i ( treatni' to W I ugusC cliliUil BREVtRO WSniliTE NDIiS GRADED SCKDOl OPENS WITH 350 PDPILS Rev. W. F. Barker was bi. Ani'ust I''.-)**, near MeConncdl-' ii! \ ()., the son jf Rev. and Mrs. iicnr/ Barker. Both ])arents were c:.ltur ol and w’ere lovini' students of the O t lit ■ I' ;■ () ■- ceased ncc(^j)ted .Fesus Christ 1. - jiersonal Savior and wasciver a ii . •; in Christian s(*rviee. At tl a> ■ of sciventeen he he^ran teac!. the public s'-hools and a fev. later W'as made a county s ’ tendent of schools in Wiscoi. connection with which w^ also jireachci’ After that h all his tiriie to the minist held p.istor.ites at Manb'n Wis,, Lake City, St. Paul an'l win", Minn., and 'I’oledo and ren, ()hio. With the t*nd ot yi'ar I'.'l 1, after eiirht vea -s ' i vice at Wancn, he resiu':. ])lea.sant and imjiortant ])!i on account of faibn-.; healtli ])aralysis ai'itans. Afti*r unavailiriij vari(jus ])laces hi .\orth Carolina Finding the nnjunt^ ful to him he remained ai.d s'lp- plied pulpits as h'' wa.-; able a' rei'- rose, Brevard, Mor^anton, .'.it (Jarmel !ind other churclo his disease jtro^ressed his st • ; TiLrtji waned until he succumbed io a i attack of lai^rijipe Se])tei;.! . r.MT. in tli'i Mission hosj 't-.l t Asheville. The body w'as to Toledo, Oliio. for intermc :it ;;;)•! the funeral service was held at ri>c Second Baptist church wl. re r e, was for seven years the pastor. About the year Is?? he n. irn -d Fmnia ('hollette Wilson (d •cased November, I'.tl t) and who.-^j LJiii- dren. Ada Wilson of Tole;’. > an.L Dorsey of >ran^revill^^ Ohi >. sur vive. Two sisters and a brjth- i yet live: Marnet, teacher in Bl.sh'.p college, Marshall, Texas ; 1 I irri' ^, the w’ife of Rev. J. .L Runyan, it ])rominent pastor in St. Pan’. Minn., and Dr. Charles B rkcroi !rand Rapids, Mich., » distin- guished lecturer or phys: ’ il cr.’- tnre and h\'i;iene under th ' Kcd ])ath lyceuin and Y. M. C. .\. The departed wa> a man sual characti'r. Nature 1; endowed him with a stron a splendid memory an I the :(.! tir-ti temperament, li * was coii' crat^ • wholly to his sacred calf.n^ an^ constantly developed wlr.lj j i sistently ])rosccutinii: hi.- wor,: Being a man of much pra' vr an ! a constant student of the Word bis preaching was very largely o; positoiy and devotional nl pro moted the deeper spiritual l;t- in una- d c>l- ? JI n i All Rooms Practically Full. Sev enth Grade to Use Old Print Shop. Several New Teachers. Miss Callitlian and Miss l^’Jithor- wootl r«'turned last Friday, Miss P.k(! got in Sunday night. Miss Baber Monday r.iglit, Mi^^s Cecil and Miss ivirk Tuesday night. New juemberiJ of the ta riilty will The graded school opened .\Ionthiy be ?klr. «nd JV’is. Knight- who are with about w.")0 pupils. Owing to respectively vioe-prinrii)al and dean the lack of an assembly hall, there of \oun;^ women : Mi.'W Lllen Bag- j wj'rc no general o]>ening exerci.ses well, asMstant :n mnsic.; Miss Ruth the pn]>ils reported to the rooms Brooks, assistiiiit in jvrimary, and • assigned for their respective grades. (,’ecil .‘>heffielrl, aiiriculturc and nii n i. ^ tuiiun aiiu^ enrollment according to taim loremaLi. , - I {grades, witn t(‘achers tor »‘ach C,|uiteti nuicher of titudonts are grade, follows; j already here, but the larger nnm WU-: a p i.-'ti r I V’Vl ■! •.nio a'. tivity 1 n 1 VvM' He wa' her will arrive m Wednei^ay. As usual they will be met in Ashe- First grade, n7. Miss Carrie Hor- I naday of Burlington ; -Jnd, and , u , , 1 part of :{rd, r.(t, Mi.^s (ieor-ia Bell; v.lloHiKl Hond«•.son^.lle by t.meb- tbinl, 3«, Miss.I„- I nie Moseley of Snow Hill ; .'.th, .‘.1. Lanine, brother if Mrs. Miss Myrtle Rhodes of Newbern; ers. Tudor for “the boys in br>wn” is moro' ^ bridge, arrivcnl JSionday c,th, .'i7, Miss Louise Townsend of guilty than are many others I have 'the Insti- Lnmberton : Tth, ‘Jv, ^Irs. H. L. seen lately, such as it deacon i Wilson ; high school. r>(i, principal, his garden killing potato bugs on 1 ^ Hamrick will leave on ,T. Clyde Jones, assistant i)rinci])al, Sunciiiy. others rejiuiring autoino |*^-turday to I'liter th(* military Miss Cora Tyner of Buisc, Miss biles, and, too, ora* mails are aetu-1 ^ ‘^Bi”>hia, S. C. Migon Smith »f Reidsvillt'. ally distributed for the pnblic on The seventh grade, nnder Mrs. the Sabbath. Has “Rosmanite” Your friends would be pleased Wilson, will use the old Sylvan not kept up with the times enough to receive marked copies of the Valley print shop, for lack ot ac to know that the legifelatures of News showing your whereabouts commodation at the school build- different states have passed laws and activities; 5 cents a copy. ing. those who rt'cived it. H faithful au‘i sympathetic and with Itrond vision eii' to le:ul liis churches out prop:T lines of (’hrl^tiau He had strong convictions fearless in uttering them, a lifelong i)rohibitionist in prin;-i 1 pie and his ])hysical br. ,;kdow:. I while at the /.emth of hj^ u-'C’ './. ness wa?* occasioneil by 1 added to his already heavy ie.ath':: ot a large pastorate the r- nuou- task of leailing the fight Tor local option in Trnmbull eounC-. In theology he was a c .n^.evv:;- tive and a mystic and \.as (‘Vi r looking for our Lord’s a!);)euring. His life grew more beautiful an i inspiring to the end as he ’:v('d out his determination to accept cheer fully any experience thi,; might come to him in full assurance that his Father would do the b -f thing for His loving child. Added t ) all his t)ther »t .its lii^ abiding h>ve for humani'. ' alv»av'. manifest, won the hearts of all who knew him so that everywhere all classes loved and honored him and now monrn his departure. Try a Diversified adv.