NEWS, BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA Fire Insurance Cold weather is here. Fires must be kindled. autumn wind is coming; your HOME may burn. A small sum will guarantee protection to you and yours. Insure To> GALLOWAY ^ MINNIS Real EsLaLe and Insurance FALL OPENING All the latest styles in Pattern Hats may b: seen at our store on the opening days, SEP TEMBER 2t and 27. Ready to Choose, Ready to Wear. It costs you nothings to come. MRS. W. H. FAULKNER FERTILIZERS We have just» car load of the of 16 par cent. Fertlll2:ers for received a Best Grade Acid and Rye and Wheat Brevard Lomiier Co. BREVARD, N. C. Who Am I? Personal Mention L(M)k throiiffh thess- tolumns; see if the names of your quests :iie there. If not, you have ne^leited your (Juty toward them. It does not cost any thing. Tel'-phono, writo or hrin^ your news to News olVue. H. H. !).'«v(‘r is on a l>nsin» ss trij) I to (Teoif^iii this Mrs. L. M. HHi-t of Litllu Kivrr WHS in Brt^vanl Saturday. J. S. liroinficUl i.; at Wriijhtsvillt* I’.cach uttfndiii;' tlio nicffin}^ of state lirt‘ chiefs. Miss Cora Willson nHturn“(l last \viM*k fronj a Ti^it to R?v. and Mrs. .1. N . !j»'o »)f Zirconia. Miss May IMckt lsinuT liift last \v«fk to t*nt»T tho Tnivcrsity of ('hatlanot'^M at Atlu*ns, Tt iin. Mrs, .lason Hu{zi;ins l‘ft this \v»‘(‘k to join her hn.shand, \vl>o is with the eotist arlillcry at Fort (’aswfll. Williatn Wallucc and William Brt'i's * li'ft tir.s\v.‘('k for (’harh'ston to cntrr tlie Citadel for another year. rdisses MaT irnrrite and Anna May (ialloway liav«* returned to the State Xonral ('olle;;!! at (ireuns- bcro. (laiiht r (Orp.'nin^ left I'eeently to til lie the ]in ])aratory medical eonrse at the St:it(' l iiiver^ity at Chapel Ilill. Mary M.-lMiail Davis of I’ls ^ali Forest left last week for Win ston Sileni to n;-t‘nt» r the Sah'm A'':i(h‘iny. Mrs, (’. A. Allison, wht) haslx'en vi^itin;'her sistt'r, Mrs. A. H Khilt, l;as returned to lii-r home in Annis ton. Ala. .1. Srnitii. teacher of the }*ine si-h>'"l in (iloncester t'iwn- V. .iS a vi>itor in^t Satnril:i\’. tit tliis ]ilac» Misses i-;;i/.:i and Sallie Itliss. w lio I 1 r.:iv- been visitini.: Mi>s Lilian, .ienUins, returned to their ho^e ml 'liJii-lot'>n Thursday. ^ ^liss May S\vafVi>rl of Mitdell coiiTity rctuniiHl this wcfk to ciil.T Brevard liistifnte. She will )..• with Mrs. M. Bird a.-' for:!icily. Marry ('larke, who left st'Veral (iays Mi^o on a visit to (‘aster’i (•it’es. has aceepted a i)osition witli | a L)(*onio!)iU* iirm in BridL^eport, j Coiin. j Kev .1 U llay returni*il on Mon- d:;y fiotr. 'akda’ie churrii in He?;, ilei'.-'on ccuiity, where he conducte ' a >aeee'-'l ul revival 1 a week'.- ilii- r:i t mn. lkall)h Fi.'hev 1. ft S it rd:iy .n a • visit of several days t'> lialeiuh on ■ li_’::l hr.'Uli'SS. lie eXjX'rted tn vi>it Wake i’'.ire.-t on hi.- re;urn. A. L. Ledbetter of ('anipobello. S. C., a former resident of I’eiiv. -'e, was li r(‘ la.-r Satunlay lo"kiii.r after t lie nitere.'ts of his jiropei-t in t his ’ilai-i!. W. i.. Aiken was taken ."udd'-nly ill whlie in (.loUl-ester nllaeatile l)uyi:i:r trip !a."t week, and after rt'turnini: was ■ iilined to his home for several da> s. Fi ier.ds in thi- jdact* of .Mi's. .1. I'. Hays of A'ijieville will b(‘ irlad to learn that her condition, following an o](erati 'U aboiit two wet'ks ai;o, is Very mui h '.initroved. Mr>. -I. S. Silv. r>t'(>n, Mrs. 11. X. ('airier, and Mrs. i'rank .Ienkin> attended the di:-trict meetiiiij: of tin* National Leairut' of Woman's Ser vice at .Xsiievilh' on Tuesday. ih\ .L H McLean and smi, .roliii, v>iil leave !ie.\t Tuesiltiv to visit H. N. Carrier made a trip to Charleston and return Inst week. Eri{>:agcment Announced Mr. and Mrs. \\. L. Tullov an nounce the enf'aj'iMucnt of thoir daughter, Ina, to Mr. Wallacu Bird liustin of Savannali, Ga. Tho wod- dini' is to take placc at an early date. Miss Talley is a very popular youiif^ woman, and lu'r many triends will ho ])leuseil to learn of lier en>'aj;(*ment. iMr. liustin is a prominent youn^ man of Colunihia, S. where ho has h.*en living for the last two years. Wedding Announcc'ment. Invitations as follows have l>oon receiv(‘d in Brevard: Mr. and .Mr. .John I’hilitus Patton will j'lve in marriaj^e their dauf'hter Sallie Rosilhi to •Mr. .Inliiis Marriolte Stewart Wednesday, October third at six thirty o'cdock First BajitisrChurch Hendersonville, North Carolina 'J'ho honor of your pre.sent o is rc([ue.stod I'ormer Transylvanian Married Mr. and Mrs. 1) W. (iowdi'r of Atlanta hav(! Tieen visiting relatives ot Mrs. (iowder in the liosman sec tioii durini; tho ])ast week. * Mrs. (Powder was Miss Finina Mc('all before marriage and was Well an«l favoralily known in th.* Hosman end of tin* county. Slu' ha-; t)een makini^ lier home in the tatf ot (iinrL'ia f»»r tin* ];ast few ye;Ms, and mi»re recently in the city ol Atlanta, where she met the gentleman to whom slm was ns- cetitly married. .^lr. (iowder holds a resitonsible ])t).-»iti>n with tlie A., B. tSi' A. liail- '.C'ly \.;th heaihiuarters in Atlanta. riie Couple left on the afternoon tram last Mnnday for an extended tfi;; to Washington, Xt“w York and otln i- ])oiiits. ai\d will bt! at home in Atlanta afti'r the iloth irist. EARTH ROAD 1/IAINTENANCE. to A Never Ending Job and Has to Be Done Over and Over. Earlli road uiaiiiteiiance now is and will continue for sumo years to l>e tiie real road prohli'iu of Kansa:^, binee it is not likely that more tlian a very small percent of the hi«;Iiv.ay.s will be liaved in (iiis neneralioii, as.serts W. S. (Jearhart, professor of lii;;liway eiiKi- neeriny in the Kansas State A;irieiil- turnl c-()lI(‘;.jo and state hij;hway engi neer. “I'ractieally all the work «li>n‘ on an earth roail, * A( c[it redinMioii «»r ;;ia'l;^, eorr*rtion »f li(»ri/-oii!a I ;ili;.,iiiueiit, buildin;; of diaiiijitxe slnictiKC'j an I elimination of raiiwa\’ ;:raic is tcniiiorary aad slmiilii luoin'iiy i-e coiisi(!crei| ma Icteiianei*,” said Mr. (iearhart. “Doiii;' pennanciit woik is a eom;>Mr- ativt'Iy rasy nialti r, fur when oaee it is done corrc'cfly it will la^^t for a i;iuii!’*r years. TIk* niaialviiaiiec of an eaitli road, iiowever, is a iif\cr riidiii;^ It is like milkiii;^ the cow-^ and d«»ia‘; other cliores, for tlie Imilii.T l.iin'v-; that the Vviirlc of maintenance u i!l have to Ik* «1oii«* »ver atid o> t‘r ai;ain a ad ean ni'ver feel that if is in any^.'ci;se Iterma ikmiI . “I'or tiiis reasDii liie ;irlh I'oad a hail reputation. Tlie trouble is rmt se FROM SCHOOL ROOM TO CAMP .L L. ( >'teen, prmcijial of the li'iiilnt Blantyre, wa- com])elled LMve u]) hi> wi.:rk this week,( n lei'.unt of bein;^ iuchuled in the !a-t list "t •■! n;en called to(’ani]i • iaek'on. He ta’iuht as u-'Ual mi I’l.e^day, anil tlieii rej»..rtcd to the local exemption board at T> j). ni. I P to the time (d' Mr O.^teen's I 'aviu:, Hu one imd been .''cearcd to take II!.- vlai-'- :n the Blantyre -clicnl. Mr. ( >.-ti‘en has been teac'hin^ for :-e veral years in t his community and !ia- inatle a >d record. FARMERS’ INSTITUTE AN i;\i:ru i;o.\i>. nnich with tlu,‘ niatcMiai f wlii !i l!ie road is eemiioscd as v. iili ''Ur sysicia 'ir lack ol system i.f ni.'inaucnient other types ei rum!.-;, win n treated as we treat the earih mads, a:*; iniicli more e\p( n-i'.'e and serve tiu- iravi Miu public little, if loiy. licitcr. 'I'la.- ' .i-i iiapreveniciit liiat caa !>i; la.idc n i. '.; present earl a rn:i. ;s l.y ii;teHiuciit ib rccti'Ui in ili- ir oai'ii iiciiea and teiiancc is iiiilo rcali/.cil by tie' •, nia.l tin* servlccaMll;y of a p:"i ■ : niaiiitalned earili lead is appieci aied when ->!ai rt d uiili cth-r t>p. ' «'f reads as t" cc, : . e.i.,!i a. in. ‘•.'■•uccfssrul cell ;ri;ci;;;ii ard niaiii- tenaiice ..f any kind id' a read d •; c. d 111 ell the ic ■ uaitii'a Py ilii‘ piilili • and llic buij'.ci -i Ilf a l'"\v iixed !:n 1 fcada uiei.ial !■ qnirciiieiits. “t »i.c i'ra tical. wcil [laid mad l.uilder shmod i e ia;idc resp.uisiMe I'a I lie 111' a I and li' .'tar. teaiii'c dcpeiiiicnt ciitiic^v Ilf ser\‘i e^ ri'iidc: d. lien Ilf ll.c ri'::i! -'."1 and I,.;;: every sc li.'a ef t! ;■ tlew ini" ill-' -ide (iil !i a t, nil ' i"ii I'l i e,;i .. d I hri-imh' 'il ti; I 'li h C I leillI.'' j ;> ' li.'.ra. Ic :.r..dcd : I cl v.-.Ic •• fr ij un'a' e I 'I'hc f;iT-nier>' in.-titute. lirld at the cmirt hou-t' un Thursday of la-t weidc. had an iMicouraicini; a t- ! tciidnnce, and the discussions of a-rieultural matter> were receivt'd wit li much intt'rest. '1. B. I’arker. director of farmi’r.s’ institutes, made an address ni which he emi)hasi/. *d tlu* sowiiii^ i)f rnoie wheat and the cultivatii'ii i f fci (! criij >. He spiike alsj about ; the t'eiM:li/,'r.- to be used on d’iTei - j cTit kind of crops, and calieil sj)ecial jattentiiin to the imj)ortaiice of tho I liiMin;^ of land. ' !)an r. {jirav, chief of animal in- "A 1 2C- aiid I am pfronK^v eoni’)inf>d HaKue ('oiiffie.i; ‘ , ..iifl i’B.icr- ; i.Ks of thf wilt)!- \>. ei ld 1 save more livi-s tiiai: :i!i Lois of tho w('rld I am more vital ilia;: :n- d. .-.urRHry. ! h‘dp everytiody 1 ;,nd ni 1 ’no!i!i t I'.e ri( li a:.d • i. .■ j V >unK and 'the (dd- t.; .. •. (lie wi aU. I sa\e the lives of 'ic-ii^.i •hou.'-ai’ds of wa; e- ;irn -: T ev«r> I am onndimO'a; .>itviim cirm ii’uhs. eyes, hodies 'he live, .,f farh- i-T.s, motliois, leoihei'i. -.iste>-,. rela- t;ves and friend.-. I am omnipresent in 'li.- hoin-'. ia »he mill, in the factory, ja tlo' htch**; on the railroad, on the -.^^a, in th>^ air. I prevent mental woriin^ an 1 phy^!- rjl pains. I bring, health, joy and iiappine^s to '^tl’' live- (,t ail. 1 am a panacea !>,>r the majority of all liuinaii miseries and troubh-s. I i)iin!^ smiles a!ul happiness wherever 1 ko. I im.iiment your Hank .Recount, for I am a ‘'mon.'v-savoi ' I add years to ih*-* iive;^ of hundreds I i)f thoiisandrf. I I make life really worth living, j I am cons'ructive, iK>t destructive. I I am a lo-partiie! of tJood Jinlgment , and f’enimon Sant-p. I HP.i n “.Joy !)i. pf-Mf-er.” a "Life ‘ Sav“i” a;id a "(rood Fi llow well met.” ; I A.M ‘S.VFKTV FIHsr."--Bulletin ' N’ational Safetv Couiu il. the former’.- M-n. Dr. ( Jlenn Me-; Lean, of Fitv'-erald, Ca. They will , l>!»>tnra,Lre in monntain dis- makt‘ tho trij) in a car and return and recommt'iiiled tho ust‘ ap 'n I To Cleanse After Oil. To clean glass bottles that have held oil, place ashes in each and im merse in cold water; then heat the water gradually until It boils. After boiling for an hour let the bottles re main In the water until cold, after ward washing In Boapsuds and rinsing In clear water. about )rtober !dth. Hilliard In>uth left tlu* hitter ])urt of last wetdc for New York city, where he will stay for about two weeks I'.'oking after tho hu.-i- ; ness connected with his (ihiys. He will also v;-;t his parents in Pou^h- keei)sie. .L C. V.’hitniire of Cherrylield left Thursilay for Nev>' York and Baltimoi.- te 'i.iuy ^oods for his two stores. He was aC(*oi!i])ini(*d by • M’S. Whitn.irf. and they will e.': ■ tend tlie vi'ittii Washinj'ton and j other placo (.f interest. Noah Miller, who enlisted in the navy last Zilarch ami has been sta- tionidat Piiris I^-land, near Port Ri'.yal, S. C., as a member of flit* I murine hosj)itul cor;;s, is visitinf? : his home at Sapphire on leave oi !ahsenco. of soy bean- for hos^ ]):vstures. \ District At;ent .T. M. (iray out-1 lined the work of th(> farm demon | strator. .Mr, Ciray was at onej tinu' in charge of the agricultural Work at Brevard Institute. Mrs. .lamis'.)u was in idiar^o of the woman's dc])artment of the in stitute, wliich was held at the 1'. D. C. ehai>ter house. Oh, riush! An atiihority on zoology. Ellen Vel- vln, anther of “From Jungle to Zoo,” says tliat there are only two absolute ly dumb animals in the world. They are the giraffe and the kangaroo. "PULL ILLINOIS CUT OF Slogan Usoci to Pic^h Good Roads Mivcmont to Friiiticii, Indie:; I iii!:s peini to an i.walcniii-: on the part ui' I lie [nMple nf lliiae; - i.» i!;.' iieccs.^iiy Ilf inipi I'vitc.; lli'ir -late ricid ', -;iys iht' uaicjal pul'!icai i‘>n >i' llie Linciiln IIi:.diway as>iH-iati'iii. In eui;seipicnce “rull llllneis oul of the mud" is a widely used and si'niiiicant phras(> al the [ire-iait time. '1 ht> e\- picssieii i:5 more than a catch plir:isi' in liiat it graphically d.cscrihes an actual and laiacniaide cund'iien nuw ixistia-;. An eiidi'aviir is imw under way tci hriii^ the matler to the attention of the niemliers of tlie state le:ris!ature by pe tition, ihese i:et',i ions ur;:iin: the le;:is- lalnre to pass a Idll callin,:; for a sjie- eial t U'ciien in lllineis fer the purpese of viilir.i; o;i a .^lo,!I niid issue for till' buildinir of pennanciit iiard sur faced leads. It is furtlier set forth in the peiitioii that the roads te he si> improvid slmald he tnnisstate ro;',ds. and it is re: eaaacnded tliat t!ie ra'i’icy hi' expended upon tlie LinciiVi hiu'hway. the r,.;ynti;!n trail and the Tdi,' Tear trail. Two of tlu'St' ii>;;i!s — thi- I.iiice'.n hiuhway and the I’e;!r tr.iil —rea east and w('si .aciess lae ,-iate, tlic Lincoln hii;hw;iy in l!ie imrtliera part and the I'.i ' Four trail in the S'nnhein. and the I'lryptian tr;:il runs :>t ri'-'lit ani-des to tlu'm from Chica;:o to Cairo. The heavy tradic c.arried by tl'.e Lia- eolii iii::’iw!iy in the hist two years ai'd li;o many improveiiK'iits made aIo:;u' tliat ronie in eoasLiiUenei*. net only in Illinois, 1 ut entirely a'ross the e'>’i!i- try, liave I rouixht lu)ino the need of lov'- ieal road improvement. When You Want Something in JEWELRY we would be pleased to have you look over our stock. The goods are of the very best made and all new. Our Watches are perfect time keepers. Give us a chance to prove to you that we can and will sell you the same articles for less mony than you have been accustomed to pay ing. Our v/atch repair business is growing fast and every one seems to be well pleased with the work and a!! say the prices are reasonable Come in and see us. We Repair All Kinds of walctcs. Opposite Post Office BLOMBERG Junk aiicl Hide C Ashevills, N. C. Wri* cn V. .'.;a vuu i 73-30 or: Avenue Growth of Fingernail. The growth of the fingernail is an inch and a half a year; they grow more quickly in summer than in win ter; the middle finger grows the fast* est and the thumb tho slowest. Bay State Road Improvements. K.xpenditnres fi>r road imprevements iiuTeased ‘JO.l per lent in Mai^-aclia sett.s in 1!)1 1 over esi>enditurcs ten year.s aj;o. accordinii to road staiisti vs made puhlie recently by tho depart ment of airrieulture. The Bay State spent over $ti,ooo.uoo. ^^ivinp: her a jier centntre of surfaced roads Api)n)ximate e.xpenditures for tho other New Kn.^land states were: Con necticut. Maine. S‘2.(M2,0-0; New Hampshire. $l,rilK).(K)0; Vermont. $1,024,01*0, and Rhode Island, ?44t>,rH)C!. " Labor /' —that’s the Big^ Cost in Painting Labor accounts for about three-quarters of the entire cost of a paint ing job. Materials cost only about one-quarter—so the possible saving in cost be tween the best and the cheaper materials is not worth consideration. And by specifiying the bestpuint, and getting years of extra wear, you save the big labor cost of frequent re-painting. You get the most economical job in the end. PATTON’S Sun-Proof WPAINT —is longer-lasting because it is richer in linseed oil. It will not peel or blister if applied to sur faces fit for painting. It forms a tough film of protection against time and weather. Let us tell you more about ^ this cut-cost paint. Don’t order, C. L'oyle. Brevard Hardware Co, BRtVARD, N. C. Your friends would be pleased to receive marked copies of the News showinj; your whereabouts and activities; 5 cen*s a copy. Ill ^'4

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