BREVARD NEWS N’aiiu- i-lian>rf! from Sylvan Valley News, January 1.1Q17. M. L. SHII’-MAN. Hdit.T A M. klLKV. - - 1.0,'al Kditor I.'. !!• USHDUNK, lUisini^s Mrmiicer I'ublishoilevery riuirsday . I^ntercd at c at Hrovaiii. N.C' secotiil class inattvr. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One yottr - - - - $ 1 .OO Six months .... .50 Thrwe months . - - .35 Two montha ... .25 P;iyable by check, stamps or money order. Oanls of thank-;, n'soUition ami memorials pul'Hs^ioil half i om tiKTv i-i'i ratt'. I'ostinic 10 I'ciits per inch or one fi’urtli rent pt-r woiil. Siili'.i-ription'i not rontiniied after ox- piratiim 01 time paid for except on re quest. Friday, September 21, 1917 Why War Was Necessary. In soino isolate.I si'ctii^ns of tlu- conntry (U“>if;nin^ porsons are still littonii)tinti to convince tlie |ie>]ile that the I'nited Stiitt's entered this •war without i)rovoeation. (M conrse these eini^>sHries of the kttisor hfive littl»> conception of cither tlie rights of indivuluals or natii>ns and are drifting; alon*: in ij;norance and selli>hness. They are fjivin^' aid and coinfi rt td tlie enemy of the ^roverninent which soeks to save them and theirs fnnii tht' clutches of the greatest foe known to civilization today. Hut happily for tho American f'ovt-rn inent, in this crucial honr a i»ntri- #>tic press stands as a sentimd ujx'n the wat‘h t)\vt‘r proclaimini; Iib erty and justice througliout the land. Kver on the alert to locate find expose evils of every form, the editors (,)f the ct»untry h:ivi‘ rcii tli'red distinct servict* in runninir down the detractors i)f I'Tn-le Satii ”’"ce the brt'ak with (lermanv put on^nc of the disluyalist t" •a^:t;ing ovi'rtime. No explanatii'n (jf hy the Tnitfd States cntert'd the wa!' should he necessary an.VAhcre. Imt tho uv'tivitics of de>ii:nini' nu‘n in rural ommunities of Davidson county leads the LcxinLrtcm Dis- jiatch to a;ivo its conct'jition of the cause in an editorial whit'h is cal culatt'd to hear fruit. One ot njanv tiiiu'ly siiL'trestions it ])rc- sents for the bt-nvlif of the cuuntiy people is t ) tlie clTcct tlint “il soineone W( re t> shoot duwn a I I farni(“r’s team wln'n he attomj)ti d to the i)ublic road, or to wreck hi s car bi' he attemj)ted to eo wh«;r(‘ In; had a riu'lit, would he have cause t" resent it? Would an att('iiipt to defend hij!’ If be un- iieccssai v (>r - If paid spiu.-' and cut throate ])lntted to burn his barn anl dvimniite his house where his wile and children s-lejtt. Svouid resentiiielit lie xinnecessary or uncalled for? An exact i)arail l . for this suj)]>osed case is ju!?t wlett 1 (iermany did to the I’nited States us a nation." (^uit»‘ ri^'ht. And j tht‘ scores of innocent Ariierican I women and children, whose bodies | were sent to tlu* boltoin of the; ocean by mu' derous submarines, ' are crying' aloud for the jiunish-' inent of the assassins who took j their lives wrtliout even the sli^'ht-' est })r(jvocation. And further: ‘•i'uf," sumeoiie may say, “(Jer- Miiiny couM n*'ver have succes:}- fully inviuied this country." J)o yoTi not reali/e that if ^.*eruianv 'i.'ould have forci.’d Kngland to make peact' it wt)u1d liave taken over the] Enj'lish navy? This would liave! n' !.d;.'it an easy malti r, with the i hulk of the world's mt'rchunt shij>s I and lighting ships at their com- i iiiand, to transport an army of a million men immediattdy t(j Ameri can shores, overcome our navv, tltistroy our great cities, loot and j)il!aL;e our v.'ealth. jirey ujxjn our women and foi’ci* us to makt» a humiliating peact? and ]iny tt) IVjts dam untold billions through gen erutions to conu>. (iei in-my ln*gan the war deliboratelv aginst France, without provocation, and her lead ers have admitted this timt; and again, it w'ould bt‘ but the cour.'t' of logic to attack us. For many months lierlin had sent propaganda over the earth sotting forth a trumped-ui) claim for a ([uarrel with the Unitei States. Yes, an:] she hoi)od tlio bait thrown out to M;xico and Japan woul i bring these countri(‘S to lior support and cripple tho influence of the Wash ington government in the ovont Tresident Wilson decided to r(*sent German outrages npon tho high seas, which had amounted tv> de- hbarate insult and oppression. Whatever reasoa may be advanced for the action taken by the presi dent and congress in entering the war tho fact remains that no other honorable course was open to them. It was either light or run. Bread Instead of Booze On Sep*ember Mh, at eleven o'clock j). uj., all the licensed dis. tilleries of tho l"nit»-d Stat s ceased wasting corn and (,)ther food prinl- nets in the manufa(*ture of whiskey Tho liquor mills, both groat and small, wero closed nmler tho na tional food administration law b\ orders from Washington to inter nal revenue collectors in every sec tion of the country, wdiioh were t» tlu^ effect that all tu )s in the dis tilleries must be empty of ‘‘beer,’’ as the whiskey brew is called, ex actly on tho hour named. The ob ject sought by this prohibitive h g islation was the conservation of tlu footl and feed supply of the coun try and the dealers who hereiofvirt sni)plh'd tlu* distilleries with grain will have to find a now’ market foi flieir products. And it is well. Tlu l»eo]tle must have bread. They di not need booze. The gov»*rnment estimates a sav ing I'f f,s oO(\(ir:() bushels of grain a year, mostly corn, by this legishi aion. There is an unprecedenteii ilt'inand, both at home and abroad for the food jiroducts that have been going into the manufacture of alcoholic beverages, so litth* difliculty will bo experienced in placing whatever surplus may a}>- pear in any section of the I'niou. The ntnv law, in addition to closing the distillerii's, prohibits the impor tation of distilled sjurits during the perittd of war and empowers tlu* President to limit the output of beer, ale and light wines, and even to st(>p their njanufacturealtogeth er, if he deems such a step ni.-ces sary in connection with the con servation of tho food supply i>f the country. It is better to be safe than to be sorry and the people are reasonably certain to approve the plan inaugurated by the govern- mt‘iit to ]>rotect their sujiply ot food even to the exclusion of boo/,(* entirely. The order for cK'sing the county schools for two weeks during the in?stitnte which begins next Mon day has not nu’t with a willing sj)irit amouL' all tlu? ttMichers and j)irents coiu'crnf'd. That confu sion should aris«‘ from the new regulati(»n limiting the manage ment of institutes to a board of six persons is not strange. The stramre thing is. that the highly central ized ]K)wer. known as the state boi'.rd of education, did not foier^ee the Confu.'ie.n and take stc})s t > prevent it. Half the teachers thrown out of employnu'ut and all the children turned out of school for twt) weeks looks like a hiizli I)rice to pay for the benefit to bt. derived. The county fair is started, and the newly orgtinized association is determined to put it through. liut the officers cannot do everything by themselves. They need the support of the i);ople’s interest, work, and motu v. To make the f:iir a success, there ."lu.uld b(! a liberal allowaiii'C for prizes. Let every one do Lis bit—even if it is only a little i»it. EDUCATIONAL SERVICE An educational service will be held at the Met^.odl^t chur(*li next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The following rej)resentati ves of U)cal ducational interests are ex pected to be present and take j)art in the S(U'vice : l*rinci])ul J. (_'lyb‘ .Tones of the graded school. Assistant I’rincijtal i\night of lirevartl Institute, and A. F. Mitchell, county supt^rin- ti'udent of schools. The service will be in charge of 11. Tnnvhridg(‘, and Welch ( 'o'.vay will s]»« ak a few words of tribute to the late Dr. J(i«. If. Wt aver t)f We.-'torn North Carolina. Key. W E. Poovey, the ])astor, who is. out of town assisting in a protracted meeting, will return for the evening servicc to delive r the 'eveiith in a st*rit‘s of s(‘r!:'o;is on •Ten Men Who Missed the Trail.” To Clean Hair Brushes. To clean hair brushes take a cupful i)f cornmeal and fill tho brush, rubbins pjently with the hand. As it absorbs the grease and dirt shake it out and use fresti meal till the brush is ''leaned thoroughly. This la better than ammonia, as there is no water to injure or loosen the back of the brush. IS A RUBBER SliP SIGNATURE VALIU? IMPORTANT QUESTION CONCERN- ING ViSE OF LITTLE LABO.R- SAVING DEVICE. WHERE DIFFICULTY ARRISES Any One Who SiQns Any Document in Any Way Is Bound By His Signature. Is a rubber stamp signature valid? Considering how many of them are going out o£ insurance ofii'es daily, how many airents affix thorn to poll- lies and rider.s. and tlie almost p;rn oral use iiuule of this labor-saving, authority delegatiiiir device, it is well to attend tho reply rercutly made by the Journal of Conmierce to the in- (luiry of a subscriber on tho point "Any one." says our contemporary, “who Indorses a check or siRns any other document Is boiind by hi« siij- nature, whether it is made with pon or pencil, a rubber stamp, or in any other way. The difficulty arises only when an attempt is made to show that the signature is his. If he ad mits it. he is bound without further controversy. If hs dec-lare.*^ that ho did not append the signature to the document, it will be iir( essary to prove that he did make it. and lii> is the point at which the v.-holo niif;. (ulty itri.'os. A written si^jnature cun be compared with others kuow’u oj acknov.'ledgt'd to have boon m;ule by a certain person, i.nd the correspr»n(l- onts of that person or handwriting experts can testify with a consider- able degree of assurance as to the genuineness of tho signature hi ques tion. No on'’ can say with assuraiue. how'ever. wh“ther a rubber stamp was in the hands of one person or ol another, wlu n it w.ts in usi> for t!if? making of a disputed sicnatur^. I'i i this reason no on* an rojisonahly lie •isked to adoi't a ^i'.xnature so (iil';h ii’t to prove as ihat nuxle witli a rub''. r stamp.”—Tnsurnnce aid C’omnioiicai Magazine. SIGNS OF THE TIME. One of the important iadications pointing to a gen'^ral awakening in the diro(tion of fire protertio;! and prevention was the recent action of the International Afso* iation of Fire ('hiefs and Engineers, advocating a more ext*nslve u^e of auton-.atio sprinklerh and urging the passage of ordiuiK es requiririg automati- spiink- lors to be installed in buihiings where cor.ditions favor the i!'.( ojilion and si»r*‘;e.l of fii.'. e^pc.ially whi*re the safety of lile is ineiuu ml. 1ii« resolutions of the fire (hiofs iiic!inl> d appointment of or’'!^iitter-.; “to '.v.isider tlie ( r.;nj)u;."ory rMjuire- ments fo rin:t:illatioi.s of autoTii 'if sprinkler .ysli'rr.s and to investi.!;;it ways and means whereby automatic .si>i-inkkr ^ystonls nuiy le u^^ed t>; host advantage by fire dojiart nienis as fire def nse auxiliaries.” Surely the work of lire prot^M tion and jiro- \ention is jjrowing in popular e-teeui. —Fire Facts. Such It Was. Twelve lialdheaded tncn were jurors in a Massacliusetts hair rcsioriT ase. "Is this jiiSlieeV’ asked tlie I’.rKoklyn Kagle. ‘‘It may be reiriljutive jUNlice," NUggfsis tlie Alltany Argus. Let's cull It ciestiny.—Ihiffalo Times. The Beauty Secret. Ladies desire lliat irre- si^ible cl»arm—a good complexion. Of course they do not wish others to know a beautifier has been used so they buy a bottle of Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER nnd uie according to iiinple ditr»1iont. Iinpiovr- mrnt IS noticed at onre. SoolhinK. coolinK aiij lefreahinK- Heals Sunburn, aiopa 1 ail. Pink, li'hite, 75c. « 'OruggitU or h\> mail Jirtct Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp. I -yon Mfg. Co., 40 South Fifth St.. Riooklyn. N.Y. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mfrr'iry \\ill sur ly d‘stroy lli>' of smvll ;inJ r>mpift«‘Iy fh r;iii: • tti-' whole .•sy.^f(>m wli ti eiitcriiiK :t llirmiut' tie* tnu-«iiis .ciirfaces. n v*-r be uscil • x- i)t ■’!» iir-si'i ii>i H'II'j from ropiituhlc pIiy.sicKins. ."S flu- (latiiaK‘ th«-y will lo is f'^l*l t» th' koo1 y> ii :in possibly lfri\f .*~nni tlioin. Hitll's f'nt.Trrh iiianufru-i iircd liy !•'. J (Mxiioy & ”o.. ToIimIo. ) _ cotit.iins n* mt rcury, an l i.s taken inti-rnally. a tinn (iircrtly np'm tlif bloofi and rmrous siir- fa«cs of the«*in. In buyinR Hall’s Cat.-»rrf> Cwrn be surf> you the k- nu- ino. It is t.tkon int»>rnally and niadf iii Toledo. Ohio, by K. J. Cheney & (’u. 'I’.-s- limonials free. Soll by 1 )ruKKis«tf>. Prlrc 7F.r bottle. Take llall'a FamUy PUIa for constipatiou. City Market The City Market is all the name implies. It is here you get what you want in the line of poultry, meats, fruits and vegetables. Boiled Ham Chipped Meats Armour’s jjoods Fish Broilers and other poultry to suit you. City Markets S. F. ALLISON, Proprietor PHONE 47 II, Tfu nvan I 4nxrU;S liiX I (jxriJi f CA/rv -(iai)v I u io jxui j TTVOmti Ulit I? MX. l^ijL i (j^o/rvk. I BANKING YOUR MONEY IS Ot:LY GCOD ARITHMETIC. CARRY YOUR MONEY IN YOUR POCKET; YOU SPEND IT, YOU SUBTRACT FROM WHAT YOU HAVE. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK; YOU SAVE IT; YOU ADD TO WHAT YOU HAVE. THE CAREFUL MAN ALWAYS HAS. ‘ADDS TO” WHAT HE BANK WITH US. WE PAY H PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS BREVARD BANKING COMPANY FISH IS A BRAIN FOOD A Perfect Silver Polish is found in Silver Cream. It will clean more silver, clean it better, quicker and at a less cost than any other polish made. It contains no acid, an:mcnia, grit, cyanide of potassitm, or other in jurious substances. It has had a thor ough test of thirty-five years and is pro nounced by those who know, as the best. Price 25 cents Bvxy in Brevard FRANK D. CLEMENT THe Jeweler Sounds Deceptive. Somoono lia.s estir.iiitod that tliore arc cats in lliis country. liK.siinicli US u few ruts may likf liiiliitins at ctTtaiii uucaiiny hum s i at ni;:ht, \ve (k-iiiand a cuunt.—i'ilts buiirh I’o-st. Dogs and Dogs. “You can ko*>p u real lino (Id.i: in foinl.” .«ays tht* Fort \Virth Star-'l'elo- | f^raiii, "at an expiMisc of alxjut !?10 u I iiionth. whih* a r^'al sorry do.i; can i;ct out and malu* u llvinj; for himself.” \Gm*s iwfiole^rr/e \ana cheap 3 Book Ends. You couhl niakf your own book ends by j(»inii».:: two pioct'S of uictal or wood and then coycrinj: it witli a cover niah‘ of ;;nM‘n linen, heavily eiu- broidere'l in a conventional design. The Ultimate Consumer. Frieda—“What is an ultimate cop.- sumerV" Father—“The ultimate «-on- f*umer, dc'ar, is somt'one who ultimate ly consumes his last penny in keeping body and soul together.”—I'uck. Could Tell Him That. Client—"How much will your ,'in- lon bo ^yorth in this case?" Lav, r— “I am loo modest to say. But I can tell you what I'm to charge you.” —Boston Transcript. Sky Splitter. Marcy, tho highest motintaln in the Kmi»ire state, was named iit honor of (Jov. W.lliiain L, Marcy. Its Indian name is “Tahawus” (lie splits th‘ eky). We have the finest fish in town. Give us a trial order and be convinced. Our ROASTS, STEAKS. CHOPS and POULTRY Can’t Be Beat Osborne Market Phone 27 I ANY folks in town have learned that when they want reallv fir - chcese they must come here. h’s so. We know a whole lot about cheese—how to judge il, how to buy it, how to keep it. Cheese aids the digestion, but you must know how to eat it, and you must eat the riglit kind. Drop in if you are a stranger and talk checse. COX 6c KILPATRICK Phone 41 A NEW SUIT COSTS FROM $10 to $50 Your old suit can be cleaned, pressed, repair ed and made to look almost as good as new for 50 cents; $1.00 a month for fouf suits. City Pressing ZM J.E. WATERS, Prop. BREVARD* NORTH CAROLINA Departments— College Preparatcry, Ncrmil, Music, Business, Do mestic Art, Houseboid Ecorcmtcy, Agriculture. All depcrtmets ire directed by teachers with special training and large expeiier.ce. They know their business. Influences of the Institute are alcr.e worth the cost of tuition. Opens on September 6. Buy From the Merchant Who Advertises.

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