BEEVArlD, NORTH CAROLINA ASHEVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Use it to Plan Your Shopping Trip, or tor Mail Inquiries. The Firms Listed Will Serve You Well. Advertising. booklets designed and written.- American Bank building. (lill. WEEKLY NEWSPAl’KKS. Western North Carolina territory. Rates? C>iH- C 7 Automobiles. line used CAUS. rash or credit. OK Auto C«>. CHEVROLET distributors. Livery and auto service. Chambers & Weaver t'o. CASH talks. Used cars. Every make. Overland Asheville Sales I'o. Cafes. homemade candies, restaurant, soda. Club Cafe and Candy Kitchen. Pepartment Stores. H. REI)\V00lV& ca^Vo^ies, hats, under wear, etc., for everybodv. Ory j;oods, Butterick patterns. Drug Stores. MEET your friends here. 1.^ I'atton avenue. I’aramounl I'ru^ Ci*. Furniture. Loan Office. KINKELSTEIN’S Loan Otlice. Jewelry, trunks, leather goods. 23 Hiltmore avenue. Musical Instruments. FALK Music House. 76 Patton avenue. I*hone 2U(). Men’s and Boys’ Furnishings. %%%%%%%«%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.%%« .1. W. NEELY & CO. for Stcin-Uloch Smart Clothes. Office Supplies. OFFICE Sl'rrLY CO., typewriters, add ing machines, safes. 91 Patton avenue. Optometrist and Optician. COKKKCT CiLASSES. 52 Patton avenue. (Henderson’s .leweiry store.) Dr. Denison. Photographers. llUir.ASON S'l l'DlOS, (i(t‘2 Patton a^e- lun- Opposite post tdfice. Artistic por traiture. WHEN you see a Furniture .\d tliink of Green Brothers. General Mechanics. I’KLTO.N S rrniOS, pack Square. High- grade portraiture and commercial plio- t«'^rai>hy. Pianos Tuned. Ki’rAIRIM). I'xpert work. All guaran teed. KIks Ituiding. Williams & lluft'man. WRITE or see McKary & Son for your Truck B(»dy. Hardware. BL^ILDERS’ hardware a specialty. Norlhup McDulVie Hardware Co. Jewelers. Printing. ' I’l^lN ri.\'(I, Hookhinding, Loose Leaf M'liticts. lla knev & Moale ('o. Real Estate. I•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ \V. T. ivOWLANl) & CO. Farms. “It Can He Done." THE House of t'lifts. 52 Patton avenue. Clias. K. Henderson. (IL.-VSSES fitted. E.xpert watch repairing;. 15 Chuich. H. M. Frost. J. E. C.ARPKNTKK. .leweler. Watch re pairing spe ialty. 1(> North Pack Square. Kodak Finishing. EX1*EUT work. Kastman agency. .M.iil orders solicited. lirown Honk Co. K1C,\L KS IWl'K. insurance, 18 South i’ack SijiKiri'. I'hone Lorick Co. MBPllKinMMn “'opmsiKlSlltllllllUFt Normal Eyes Can Endure Four Sittings of 30IMinutes Each, Per Week. CAUSE AND EFFECT ON EYES INSURANCE COMPANY TELLS OF CLAIMS PAID ON ACCOUNT OF CARELESSNESS. There Is No Evidence to Show That “Movies” Are Imperiling the Eyes of the Nation. Eye Defects Are Irri tated by Pictures Which Takes In* dividual to Optometrists for Correct Glasses and Eye Safety. Kodak Supplies. KODAK dev eloping, printing;, mail orcicns. Amateur supplies. Kohins«.n Photo Sit re. Laundry. THE Nil hols way for Laundry Sati.'ifac- tion. Asheville Steam Laundrv. i:STATI': BKOKEK. See James W. Helu ii. 11'.- Church street. .\SHI.\ II.LK Rialty Investments, .\meri- (ail Bank br.ihiing. Henry T. Sharp ("o. IF interested in .\shevilL* Keal Estate talk to .hdin .\cee. Seeds. STKICKKU SKKD COMPANY, wholesale ami u tail seed nurcliants. Poultry t>up- plit s. Sporting Goods. I'ire Repairs. Si'Ni) us vour tires and tubes. .\shevjl!e Steam Vulcanizing Co. Always Patronize News Advertizers. THE NEW OLIVER NINE Was $100 Now $49 A TYPEWRITER REVOLUTION New Machines for Half the Former Price HOW WE DO IT liej»c-tfirth The Oliver Typewrit , r Com pany wi'J maintain no expensive sales f)Tce of 15,I(»() sal esmen and a^:ent'. HencefiwlJi it will jiay no high rents in cities. There will be no idle stocks. You. Mr. I'.ser. will deal direct now with the actual nianufai turi r. No middlemen We offer the latist model one which Oliver brand second At tJie very hei^rht of it? succe.'-r^. Tlie Oliver T>'pt*\vriter Company apain up.'^et.s tb« typewriter industry. Juft it did in when it introduced visible writinK aiMi forced all others to follow. Now this powerlul Conii)Hny worldwide in infiu- «noe-«oaJlt5.a halt to old expensi\ e ways* of sellin^^ •typewriters^. It frees* buyers of a wastafiU burden. A company strong enough, larjzc enouL'h h«ing ymir own salesman. And we nain and hrave enouj^h to do a hiu', I'tartiin^ ecnrt.n;ies for oi;rsi'lves, too. S(» it isn't thing Like this, deserves a hearinji. philanthropy. .lust the new, efficient The full facts are set forth in oiir wav of doirg to meet present- amaxin;!: exiiosure, entitled "The llij;li day economic chan«.;es. 0>st «i Typewriters The Reason and the Note this fact carefullv. R'eniedy." One copy will he mailed ti» identical Oliver Nine tht yf>u if you send us the coupon helow. brand r^w. for the exact was ^KU) until March 1st. The Latest Model Do not confuse this offer »>f The Typewriter C(mipany itself of a new. latest model '> with offers of hand or rchuilt machines. | This i^ the first time in history that a new. sti.ndard $1(K) typewriter lias lK*en offered for l‘>. We do not offer a suhsti- i tute m*d-l, cheaper, different or rebuilt. | Read all the secret facts in our docu- ; meiit. ent'.lled “The High t'ost of Type writers The Reason and The Kemedy.” The coupon helow mailed today will bring vou copv. FREE TRIAL No niotkv down -no C. O. I). After you read our book you may ask for an Oliver for five days’ free trial. Ke your own salesmsin. Save yourself $5L You decide in th« privacy of your own office or home, as you see the Oliver. Then if yon want to w. n an Oliver you may pay at the rate of cents per day. -\lail the cxuj>on now for “The High Cost of Typt-vsnlcrs The Reason and The Remedy.” It rips *>ff the mask. Cut the coupon out mw. THE OLIVER lYPlWRITER COMPANY 1223 Oliver TipevrHer BIdg.. Chicago, III. —no uselefie toils. \\ giv-e you thr savings. end the waste and Vou ^et the hv SAVE $51 This Oliver Nine is a twenty-year development. It is the finest, costliest, nitKst successfvl typewriter we evt'r twiilt. It is yours for 10 cents per lay in manthly payments of .S.vuii. Kv- ery'one can own a typewriter now. Will any sane person evt r a^^ain pay for a standard typewriter when the Standard Visiide Oliver Nine sells for $4'J? Send today for your copv of our hook and further details. Yiju'll he surprised. Over 600,000 Sold THE OLIVER TYPEWRlTEfl COMPANY, B-7 Oiiver Typewrfter flidg., Chicago, III. Do not send a machine until I order it. Mail me y»ur book, “The High ('ost of Typewriters—The Keason and The Remedy,” your de Iu%jC catalogs and further information. Name Street Address City State, life's Never-Ending Vortex. Lif0 Is a ceaseless vortex, a perpet ual whirlpool, from the beginning to the en}in^, and from the ending to the beginning. Every death la a new birth, e?ery grave a cradle.—Macmll- Worth While Quotation. "There It Bomething pathetically tragic about the woman who rebels against growing old.”—Selected. Patronize the mercKeuits who ad^ v^ertisa in tKls paper. They will treat you right Venus Modestly Hidden. The planet Vcrus i?j so shrotid*?*’ wiiji dense clouds that astJouomerE are unable to study its surface. About twelve years ago the first moving picture machine was exhibited before the public. Since then they have been improved and their number increased until the cii eniatograph has now become the central feature in a busines.s extending all over the world and involving investments of many millions of dollars. While tlie cinematograph was de vised solely to amuse, time has wid ened its scope until it now seems likely to become of inealcuable value to education, science and art. The day is near when every public school and similar institution wil! be equipped with a moving picture ma- \ chine. Kven now they are no small j factor in the education of the public. The moving picture is to our eyes wltat tho telephone is to our ears. The individual iu good health with normal eyes—that is. both emmetro pic and orthophoric. will not suffer much, if any. at the moving picture show, provided it is not visited to ex cess. The majority of persons with normal eyes can endure four sittings of thirty minutes each per week with but little or no temporary unpleasant symptoms and no permanent ill effect. There is practically no difference in the effect on ryes naturally normal or thoso made normal with properly fit ted Rhisses excepting in those where reflex conditions caused by eye strain have not had sufficient time to become normal. There is no evidence to show that "movies" aVe iniporiling the si^ht of the nation. Careful investigation leads to the oppo.-^ite conclusion. In directly they are good things for the eyes of the peojile, and in this way: Latent eyn deieets that would ordin arily worry ^nd a«inoy for years from common usage are localizod and irri tated by tho picturos in a very short time until tho individual is led to seek releif. This takes him to the optometrist and hf' gets his optical correction, together with eye safety and comfort for the fiiture. Many i>or- son.s now wear glasses who had hard ly thought (jf their eyes, maeh less of glasses, until they h*cam‘ patrons of the movies, bocanso these visits re vealed hidden defects. Without any doubt the moving pic. ture is a relentless sleutli when it goes searcliiiig for eye aches or pains. It has a seareli warrant tiiat permits I it to try every nerve tost every muscle. exi)lore every part of the ot »i- lar system, both mechanical ami phy sical. and if it doesn’t uni-over trouble. , none that will cause discomfort exists. For scientific discussion of the I'f- fect of moving picture on the eye.s, I we must also include th(* cause of the moving picture on the eyes, we must also include the {iiuse of the effect. As Shakespeare says; I “Find out the cause of this effect, I or rather say. the cause of this defect, for this effet defective comes by cause.” ! Cau^je of ocular disturbance from i viewing moving; pictures may be sub divided under two heads, viz.: Me chanical and physical. I Mechanical causes are: ; 1. Glare. 2. Light Vibration. 3. I Illumination with which may be in- oludtd abs«>nce of color. 4. Faulty or defective films. 5. Cnskilled or I careless operators handling the ma- I chinos. Physical causes are: 1. Muscular anomalies. 2. Errors of refraction. 3- Nerve disorders or disease. Recent improvements ^nd greater care have almost entirely eliminated the mechanical in the better picture houses, so that about the only remaining mechanical causes that could at all prove deterimental to eyesight is that of glare, and the ab sence of natural colors, w'hich latter w’ill doubtless soon be remedied with color films. It may thus be readily seen that the only harmful results iu viewing ihe movies is found in defective vision, or uncorrected eye defects, which optom etry can remedy with proper lenses. Errors of refraction exception pos sible simple myopia .cause most of the trouble, the amount depending on the nature of the defects and the tem perament of the individual. The symptoms in these cases are about the same as those resulting from con tinued close application of the eyes in ordinary work. So you may be quite certain that when your eyes tiouble in viewing moving pictures, it is due, not to the pictures, but to defective eyes which call for optometry’s aid. Nervous diseases and nerve affec'- tions, functional in character are usu ally aggravated, of course reflexly, by the moving picture. When this oc curs one should cease visits to the movies until synptoms disappear. From the publicity department of one of the large accident Insurance companies of America cemes the fol- low^ing warning to automobile owners, which is rather to the point in that the insurance company tells what the company suffered by having to pay i claims for the lives of the careless parties. It precedes the review of the claims paid with some advice for the garage as follows; “Don't run your engine in the gar age with the doprs and windows clos ed. ‘Tt is death to do this. “Exhaust gases from gasoline en gines contain carl»on monoxide In DANGIOUOrS QUANTITIES. "One fifth of one per cent carbon monoxide in the air will produce FA TAL IlESTTLTS. "Not one person in one hundred knows the danger. “Spread this w^arning for the saving of human life.” Then the company explains the casos upon which it had paid claims as fol lows: A lawyer in Sioux Falls. South Da kota. had taken his family to a theater but Instead of taking them him took the car to a garage to have the lights repaired. Later in tho night the fam ily saw the lights burning in their own shed but thought nothing oZ ft. The next morning they made an Inves tigation and found the lawyer dead be- sido the car. A forty foot launch containing a three cylinder engine was owned by a real estate dealer in Bellingham. Wash ington. In the expectation of laying the boat up for the winter he was working on the engine indoors and was suddenly overcome by the gas from the exhaust and died in a few moments. While trying to put a now license tag on his automobile an assistant to a railroad president in Piiiladelphla WPS overcome by gas and died. Damascus an Ancient City. I>smi:i.'cus is tho oldest eity remain ing iu the niofh'rn world. It is first ineiitionod in Scripture in connection with Abraham ((lenesis 14:1.1). .^toward was a native of the place Good Definition. Willi* Willis—“What’s a ‘popular Idol.’ p;i?" I'apa Willi.s—“It is the fe’low who is In between (he fellow ho has just liekod and tlio fellow who i.s going to lick him."—Judge. Daily Thought. If it bo my lot to crawl I will crnwl conlentodly; if to f!y I will lly with alacrity: Itul as long as I cun avoid 1 will never be unhappy.—Sydney StnitlJ. -V Tell them to. ahead I You might as well have the wse of that building you are planning—there is nothing to be gained by waiting. There is no prospect oi priccs going down for some time after the war is over. Go ^lead and let your contracts. When it comes to the roof you can make a real saving, and get a better roof by specifying Certain-teed Roofing CERTAIN-TEED is not chcapcr bccau::c the qr.^Hty is lower, but because it is a less cxpc:iaive roofing to mnr.iifacturc. It is better, not only because it is chcapcr, but aho bccausc it is light weight, weather-tight, clcan, sanitary, f:rc-rctr^da::t and costa practically nothing to maintain. It is nov/ rccofxnized as the preferable type of roofinci for cfllce buildi.ngs, factories, hotels, stores, warehouscij, farm buildings etc., where durability is necessary. CERTAIN-TEED is guaranteed for 5,10 or 15 years, accord- ing to thickness (1, 2 or 3 ply). There are many roll roofings on the market, but only one CERTAIN-TEED. It pays to get the best. It costs no more to hy a CERTAIN-TEED roof than it does to lay a poor roof, but there is a vast difference in the wear. You can’t tell the quality of a roofing by looks or feel. Your only safety is the label. Be sure that it is CERTAIN-TEED—then you arc ctrtain of quality and guaranteed satisfaction. Certain~teed Slate-Surfaced Asphalt Shini^les are supplanting wood and elate s'lingles for residences. Tl cy cost iess, are just as good looking, vjcar better, won’t fall oil, buckl: cr split. They arc iir«>rctatdant, and do not have to be painted or staincJ. Certain~tecd Paints and Vamishea are the best quality paint materials, ground and mixed with mechanical ac curacy. Made fur all uses and in all colors. With paint, as with roofing, the name CERTAIN-TEED is a guarantee of quality and EatisfactloiUa CERTAIN-TEED PRODUCTS CORPORATION New Tork, ChicaRo, Pbiludelpbia, St. Louis, Boeton, Glevelaml, Pittsburgb, Detroiti BufTalo. Sau Francldco, Milwaukee, Cinoinnati, New Orleaiw, Los Anijelofi, Minneapolis, Kaunas Clt7, Seattle. Indianapc^lia. Atlanta, Kiehmoni, Grand Hapids t^aflhTiUci Sftlt Lake Vlty, DcsMoiuce, Uouston, Uuiutti, Loudua, ^'ydacy, liftvaa* MILLER SUPPLY COMPANY J Ply Certain-teed. .. .$1.75 2 Ply Certain-teed. .. .$2.25 3 Ply Certain-teed. .. .$2.75 If you want a lower price material we have a real bargain in I Ply Sentinel at $1.35 Spend your money where you make it* MM MM HOW CAN WE SELI FOR LESS? This is a question that can be easily answered by a visit to either of our two stores. We sell for less because We Buy Large Stock Mr. Whitmire is now on a visit to New York and Baltimore to give the purchase of new stock his personal attention. This means that we get the most and the best for the least money and We Share Our Profits with our customers. Try us and be convinced. Compare our prices on Men^s and Boys^ Shoes^ Men^s and Boys' Clothing with the prices you are accustomed to pay for the same kinds of goods. You will always have a cordial reception at both our stores. J. C. WHITMIRE, Cherryfield, N. C. WHITMIRE & LYNCH, Pisgah Forest, N. C. Please mention this advertisement when inquiring about these goods.

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