.jciVAED, N. O. 'Aj ’ •{ Novel Use.of Hano.»erchief8. Witli th(' .l;icol»ito ivvo’utiou 4‘ I’/iH in Kiif^lnud rt'Huiiii, •Hili'mkiiii; him jin old (l«‘v5oe wUich hatl si>rvrd ♦?i>‘ urnvt'nuiu'iir so well in f!u> most niiinil period of Anne’s rt-i;in. onusi'd (*i lu' iirint(Ml «>n sfvtral thousand I’!i;orclii*'l's i»oriraiis of thoso of tho prt'U'ndfi’s adht rrnts wlio had ''■ and \vt‘iv in hidinjj. 'I'hi'so i ':,rails, si-ni all ov(‘r (In* coinilry huni; npon rv» ry l>lank wall, led > iln‘ « aptui t‘ and xoi ulioii of niauy i a, Uivi's. Powers of Flying Lemur. Tiif* tlyinf? It'nuir livt's in (he Indian liipt'iai^o. It is liuui two to thr*'*? t ' in it n^ilh. and :s rurnisluMl with :i Ntii't «>f nuMiihranr n t-ai h sidt* of iis f '.y i-onnHM in;: its lli.ihs with i'a-h «• ’.•‘1*. 'riiis is fxtfndi'd and ai’ts as a p. rnclutlo while i: lakt's its l»>aps. ii.'Mi a hi.uhcr to u lowrr placo. Sonio- it will soar from a distanco of :mi» fot«(, or ultout llu* lon^Mli of ii city I.!-ok. 0 •% 1.^* But Don’t Tear His Shirt. Tho woman advan'» d ominously. ‘ • lo yon Uu* i ai li* r liiat ton* llrnry's ^l'.rtV’’ “Vt's.” “Wliat did you do it i >rV” “I'.craust' ll.nry was naii;;luy .1 -d wouldn’t 'i’o makf him i UMi to ini> I took him !>y tin' “oll:'r, : 1 lu* hroki* away." '1 hi> woman “ 'MiU thf liail hai towaril tho toach- \»'\t limo iu‘ don't lnhavo." she d, “you hit liim with this."—Newurk f ' w s. A bunch of hogs just finishing a field of soybeans. Maoy farnners plant enough to provide feed for their hogs long into the winter months. (Edge combe Branch Experiment Station). HELPING THEIR OWN HOME BOYS IN FRANCE Solar Surface Temperature. rill’ iatt'st istimati- of thi' ahsopite iilnratui’o o;' Un '-olar snrt'aro is I It of I-'. I’l^coc (.r Warsaw, whose ' :iputali"n i" I'.i'-cd upon tlic in- t u>ity of raiiialioii for indixidiiai \ I \ f Ifiic! h ill !ii‘ s.>lar spft'irum as I iaiui'd with Uu' ^p*>i i'> holonu'icr a I i .i:' Siiiithsonian a>l i'oph.\ siral ol>si>r\a- ' ry. flo an :;\r;aj:o ot' le- ■r> plii'. loii do^'ir.'-; I'cni 1 j:rade. Good Way to Test Diamonds. SU''prclt'd di;.lhoad ai'o I r*Miu«‘nIly "ti'd l>y ph.i iii:.' ;hi ni hclwrcn t v\o I’is and prt>--i'd Iiard with ih>- rs. It is said to iu> iinpo>'ihjo lo livt' ;ln* siii.'ilh''-t ir.pii'ssion on a roai ■:ini>>iid. in lh* ;i>r of ;i jiasli* •Ii' 'o. liu' > limy i.,- cru>hi il. 'i'in- loi't I'an he (ii'i'cnud hy a t rilii.‘al cx- liiiliatiou w ii li a 1. us. Housewife’s Wail. “l>:id, w]:at v.as ilT.- lahor of Sisy- i.fiU'^'.'” ■ Si'.vi.hn-^ folli d a siono up ■ iiili. and as ta^t as ho rolled it up I’olii'd down a^rain. It was a myth- .li . I'i'i'.li-. Xi'ihini: liko ihat . •■iay.” “(di. 1 iji n’t know. ” inii'r- ; -M'li Ilia. ‘•\\'a^!i::m di-'hos is just l.kr thal. ’- Louisvido (.'ourior-.lournai. Has Supplied Pitch for Centurfea. ,\n inli iiaiurai phoiioiii. non • f I'l'- i>!,iad oi' 'r Ml ilif Ionian f.i, is a sliallow >iiriuL' on the hay of .•;i. x.hori Imili pi'i li and uai-T i>ul»- M'‘ up. 'The ]iit( Ii i;a^ lieon U'-i d hy i|i‘ nai'\''>. ia auikiii:.' ilioir lioals ^iIi -e llie days of Ueroilotus. I'arnuMs Supply for apple peel- C'.'S. R *r>ort of the Contiilion of The l.^rcvjvd Ea'.iking: Co. I !i .1; • sUiti' I'l’ N'-';!'. :tl -'ii' I ■ r- .''t ):' 1:, I’’!/. l. i >, ■! I > . . : i ^ ' ; > vT’.lra: t ' ^!i ni: iii i • .i>- Nati.i .,.1 I’lwnl,; jr..Ill Sta^:- !l: ks am! I'.urKt IS X I'h , :.i!l ... * . Sil'.^r Coin, i ivlii'iii.i; ;;1! ’ liii'ir I'din run; ii. y ha; k : .iP'l oi'i.ir I . S. Nut( ■ 1 -hertv war hoii^i ;a oi.nt '!‘..lal . . I lAHI!.! i U S •jslal -{i" k paiii in ..urji'u- *’uii'i \ ■ ii'iiv )(■'> i Lirn lit f\i . and ta\i'> p.uil i'.ills 'i.iyalilf rl of ii issiu-d > ( ’'n >-( ntinj^ r.Mn- y imr- ru'.\ ( .1 . . , ! » ■:»!.si'.s MihjtH * t'l la k '! i:nr : rrt't: if .I’ .-i; • '^hicr’s Cia ; k - ''i;:'' - ‘ rtifii d (’lu I'k" lo :i 7 1 I-1 1 11 1,1 do (in It 7,7 ’.1 1 ' I P.u.i 1 •>,11 (I,nil 2.1S7.L’2 5,^.! till 1.00 ll'.i'.'D.ttli -■ 'vI ' il r.y PAX T. (3H.\Y. Chief, .\nimal Industry Division. I’armers who have madt‘ proper use of oiir Southern eheai» feeds for live stoik will prohahlv aceept Hit' title of this artii le in the same way that the man who visit'd the nieiuiKerie for the tirst time acrejited tho reality of the f^iralTe. .\tier examiniiif^ tho K'irai'ie lii’in the front, side and rear, and lakiiiK into ctuisiderafion his Ioiik neck ami Koneral uiiKainliness. In* >aid that he had always believed that there wa.' "no sut h aiiii lal" and he was now. at'ier st'>.i.';j; Him. tlioroii>;li!.v I'l'iivinred Ihat there was no sm'i ihiiiR. !n like ma iiier farmers who have mver made use of our real*.' t lie;ij) t'erils are apt to sav. at Ihe luv'sont time, without an invest i^u- tioii. liiat “tliere is no such thin^^" ’I'he douhtiiiK farmer, however, as well as the visitor to the mena.":eiie. is misiakeii. hecaiis(' there are iheaji live -io.k feeds even at tho present I'ni'^. hut ilioy are not found anions pur. li;;: •■■i grr.ii's or hy-prodin ts. i'hive are two classes of cloMp teid.-. to h(' seei'.red for tho eoiniun winter sila.rre ami pastures. 0si)0(ially tho lali' r. All kiniis of liv‘ stock make u-'’ of iia-iures if the opiiorlunily i-^ offered. Soir.e kimis of live stork make i;se of silaye. 1 iie live s!oi!. fariiiir exiu" ts to avoid an e\;)eiisiv.' V inter’s feed hill must suitply oitlnT -Ha,re or ja'uure or hoth. If tlies, two fi l'd- :ire to he j)r'\ided the pre liniinary work must he dime in Sept* nihor. 'I’here is plenty of evideiieo at haml tf> show tliat our farmeis are awake lo the fact that those two feeils are mir i heaiiest ones. During .June. .Inly, .\iit:usl. and Seiuemher hundreds of silos wore hiiilt in tho state. Duriim Vii^ii't. September and Oct(d»er these silo^ will he tilled witli various kinds of silage crops and during this same time iliousaiids of j;razin« crops suit- altle for fall, win'.er. and si)riiHi j;ra/ iim will he sown. Tlie majority of farmers who koop beef cattle and dairy cattle -,hoiiM (■••itaiidy jiroviil: a silo ami all ot tli'MU shoulii i>:oviii«‘ siMiie kind .)f fall, wiiiier. aii 1 sprint; .ma/.iiiK ioii kinds of ( roi>s may he use;l for ura..in;4 purpfise.s, Tn the tir-t plai’e man\ of our farmers hav.' failod to aj>]U'eiiato the value of the old coin and cotton Itelds. a.nd these we Ir.i’.'. viili US always. As a result oi this nei:le( I \ast (pia!it;ties of roimliau;e are wasted each >e;ir which shouhl he ttiriied into meat and milk. The t;oo 1 farmer allows none of these che;ip foe.l:- to ;’-o to waste, W’e siioi’ld !ur o!il\' not allo^v the feed.s ii'Uall^ pro- iln. eil to ,i;o to wa.-te. luit jii.-t I.,'W an e'tiii-I 'llOuM i"' il ‘li|e to c:e:i' ■ llew iv pii!ti:;.£r n:an” of oiir idle II v.-.irk. ;■ i]ie iliret ; ioa of M r. I;. ^ I.'.’ !l;e .\ninial Iiidiis'i’v ni\'^ | the ’ .\"i il nilural t-'\pe; i j a].- riiV' 'US hav" h'Ci I \ I'al ye;i rs I o det er- iif pei'iiiaii"’;' win' ■ ■ ' i v.ostc rn pa! t of the i : k lia' been done in II Ml'. T. L. (Iw yn of j iy. a iiromin.Mit he-'f that section. Those | v.ho k;io\v the a^^ricultural condition-’! of the west'-rn part of tho state know j that ore (!.' th - ^'le.u.s; prohlen:^ i- to' develo]) a systtm of fanning which. will employ some ot the laii is lyiiif-'j iillo at tho pieseiit time. ! Iti theo exp'1 inn'nts Iho beet cat-i tie arrieil throni:h the wint- r upie: ^ various rations and an aeeurat*' | cou".t ke;)T of ;he amounts and costs! of feeds of eac’i winter totietlier w;'h! th'‘ train-' maile ny the .-^i.tcl-'e’s. One carload of stock^r? oach winter was | upon ear ( orn. cin'ii ' r. h:'> | • .V. A ^ ''|•e:nd lot was f'>upon j >'over. ii.i.v and ■ of :-i -s ,1 fe'-!' aci't s ' Cm t i - . ion of iii^it S'aii" niu'er \\.;y f niin.' i’m" v; Iiav’ui’i's in sta'e. Tile W( co-0|ii'!a'ion v. Ilayv.ood Con; cattle '-iii-UT of : III' th' tho early winter and spriuR months fiirni.-'hiiifi «onsiderable Kroon feed alonj^ with tho cured f?vass. Durini? the cold months the fourth lot of cattle was peimitlod to nin uiiott this lett- ovor summer pasture receiving no fei'd in addition to tho p;isture except il few days when ovijrything was dt'ejtly covered with .-^now. Mr. Cw.Mi has done, in makint? pas tures. upon his farm what thousands of others an do upon tlndrs and ob tain eipially satisfactory results. In tho experiments referred to it was found th;it the stockers Ki'^'zin?; upon Ihe wint**r pasture did much hi'l- tei and wt re wint('red much m'U'e economically than those kojit around tilt* I^^irn and fed upon dry feeds. The stockers wliich ato m lhini; but winter pastute ;;ainedr during tho winter, from 17 to 2t» iiounds oach. Tho stork- ers wliicli were fed ui>on ear corn, corn sihi,t;e and ('thor stored foods all lost in w('i^:ht. On tho average it cost aixuit ^I'l.no to feed oacli one of tho 'dry fed steers through the wint- r months l)ut tin* oxpt'nso of K'^nin.u the pasture-fed steers tlirou^jh tho same lon>:th of time was just half as mucli, ov'Vi when ea( il steer w;is cluir^ ’d .^l.Oi' a monih rent for j>i-tiire. j Fanners r:ii'iai: ho,u;s and poultry ish.'uld. iiy all means. dnria.s.c Au ■'ii--t I and Septeinhei'. t.i; ■■ step;; t'uvard I providin;^ ( heap feed.-- for t’ne winter. ’ 'I'he only available c lieai) feeds, .is far a.-- lio.us and poultry are concerned, are pastures. Torn, wheat, oats and other j;rain feeds and byproducts art, joll unusually exjionsive unless fed in I luijnnct i(Ui witli pastures. Many teni j porary i»astur“s are suitable for both hoRs and [loultry. An aero of ^ood ! land planted in rajie affords K>:*7.in,E: ! for tive or six Imi iioiind fatteiiiim fii.-Ts th.roimhout the winter provided a half r.vtion of grain is employ 'd as a supplement. Or. cmo acre of ^md rape should make from :hli to ami Ito'.mds of I'ork'. .\n acre of rye. oai.-?. bar!e\- or wheat will usually lo just lahiuit h.;ilf as wtdl btit in addition I will yield a partial croj) after tlv I hous art' renioved. I 1'he value of i>astures and raiif;o I cotiditietis was emi'ha-^i/.ed a'j.ain in I some poultr> exjieriments condiu ted at th“ Pender Test Farm duriiiK l-'’*v I One lot of Ihiff riymouth Ro( k hen- ' was ^ivi-n the ratu:e of the I'arm whei-.* i many i;reen ciops wore available th^ , year around. .\ ."u*ond lot of liei; ■ 'was ( ■ ■’;!i’'.eil in .a diy lot and f>“'l upon jdry and other hi^ii pi’i’cod feeds exi lu . sively, Dnrinsi the year the rant;e lot ! ('f l’--ns produced LriTil esri;s while th>? I'.eT'-i in the drv lot jiroduc. d oiily 1 t jeiii;-. although, they were fed about I as well ;ls ( ould be exi>ecte(l uiider i dry-1' : conditions. Tiie in n-^ in th • !two lots were fed exactly tile same } f... ; excej-.t those in the i'a;i;^e lor jlKi'l ihi' freeiioin of the farm and oh haineil srre-n feed, btic:'*, and worms. I Th'- r.ir;.;- lot of hens returned a ( h-;ir I proii: of .‘'!l,o2. while the tloi k of :\2 I h'MV-^ in til ' dry lot st’fferei’. n totrl of I'a’i. Tho colored women of tho coin tnunity recently Rave an i ntortain- nient at Uetli»)l chnich to raise nioniiy for tuinipjdnf' the (;ol- ored drafted men with comfort kit snpplieH. Thoy realized for this »nriM!se. The Rose (.’afe has I'ldten out a new folder menu card whicli n*- flects credit on tlic* manaf^oiuent and is (jnit(? np to tlie ^rade of these vis!'(l in the best cafes. As an ad- vertisinj' medium it is (xcollent, carrying the names of about a dozen local business iirniH. Tho card is attractive, servicealde, and a hand- sf>me picce of job work. i Coffee Percolators at Farmers Supply. BOSCHEE’S GERMAN SYRUP. Wli.v u.so ordinary counh remedies, w h n Bos=hee’s German Syrup has been used s» sutcessfuiiy for lifty-cme years in all parts of the rnitod States for cou^^hs, bronchitis, oolils settled in the throat, espcinally luni^ trouhlt-s. It >fives the paiionl a ^»od nij'ht’s rest, free from C(Hi}^hin}^. with easy expectoration in the innniinir, nives nature a chance to soothe tiu' i-ill.lined parts, tiirow off the disease, helping the patient to re^.iin his health. I’S and 75 cent hottlis. Sold hy Duck worth Dru^r Co. Diversifieil Ads Are Business Builders One (--nt a woril tor (U-^t in-'i-rtioii; otir tinlf I i-nt a W'tti! fnr ;u-li riu-iit iiT'f-nien, e:i- il initi.i! m alil'roviatimi ceiiiitiiii; a wiirtl. C. M. Siniard receired a letter this week from bis son, Roh(>rt Siniard, who is with the American exptMJitionary forces “sojno.where in Franco.” He and Will Fortune, j both of whom lefL here about two I months ago, are in a regiment of engineers. The letter home contained very I little about what the boys were d(»ing, and nothing about what they were going to do next. Such things do not easily find their way through the fine sieve of thoe^. sor. It had a cheerful tone, ever, and sj)oke in praise of the life of the soldier. Farmers Supply lor apple peel ers. Your friends would be pleased to receive marked copies of the News showing your whereabouts, and activities; 5 cents a copy. C.XSM I’.Ml) for ( hickens, ej^^s, hides. Citv Market. .vool ami •)-l 1 tie i,Or,S W.VXTKl) S'.tpply t o. i»ay ash. Miller 2 tfc Wlial You Want IN BUYING CUTLERY Is steel that has the proper tem per, that has the keenness of edge, and that has good lasting qualities,—in other words, what you get in Roberson I'CdJ S.M.l'. X’alii iMe draft. hii;ri:5’ arid ::hldli- horse. I>r. C. W. llnnt. V l!-ltp ToWX I.OTS, farms and tinihcr lands for sale. Frank Jenkins, Hrevani, N. C. tf \ I-; eatin;^ and eonkinj^ a;)ples; also for ■ innin.i:. bushel at oreharii. I?. '1 /.a. liary, ‘>-7 Itp F()U S.-\Id'' Sec S. Maxwell fod Doilj^e, Keo or Hud.'on ears. Hendersonviile, X. C. '^-J.-^-tfc nes (d SAL1-: tt rms if di sired. IJrevard Xcws. piano for $1S7. Easy Address r,ano. earr ‘>-L’S-2tc 1 OK SALK .After Oet-iher first, one f^en- eral purpose horse. W. H. Olnev, IJre- vard, .\. C. '»-2l-Up I'OK SALK One seven year-old black loirsi-; ^ood bufj^v and draft horse. ,\lso some nice pii;s. H. M. Zachary. '»-ll-tf LOST Diamond wrist wat h. iCn^raved on h.u Iv I)aniai is Smith, l-'inder n-turn to '1 . II. Siiipman at hank and receive reward. 9-21-2t|) LOST .\ Setter di^, liver colored bo;ly, white around necr.. head partially liver colored. Xcw leather collar on. Please r. tnrn to .1. \V. Huraetl and receive re ward. V*-2S-ll'c WAXTKli OUKS would li!\C to ; V, ith owners of 1 are knov. n to he cejij.cr ore j't'd ai rc;',.: Axi) .ml\i:kals I ct in cotiiinunication ill.is on uliich there !'V'sits of iron and iiliu r niiner;d'^. (live ill s. riplion, distance The kind of Pocket Knife a man car- 5 is an index to his character. Is yours dull? Then look to your wits! The quickest remedy will be to select one of our line of Roberson Pocket Knives of all kinds and prices, And All Guaranteed You will find here also Carving Sets for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or any time of year; Butcher Knives, Table Knives in sets, Scissors, and all that has an edge. Farmers Supply Company mmmaam ctu I al friini railro;id, an.! liat n.ad facilities. Il ['reperiy pre.'-cntid 1 can interest pc('- pie to come lu-re and invest in iniiuial lai'.ds aad tVrir d'-velopnn nt. .Addn ss • ■ iliu r.d>.” i’. (). Ho\ ‘>7S, .\^hveville. N. C. '»-212ip fed and \ itltel- t’V lip Tet;.l .. .-li.ite oi' XoHh ( arolir.:;. i .unty ol' Transyi\-.u;ia. Sept. I'-llli. l'>;7. 1, Tiios. H. SmrM.VN, Cashier of tk" tlrive named hank, do soK-innly .^.vear tliat • ah ve statenicnt is true to the best ot :uy knowledjje and belief. THUS. H. Smi'.MAX. Ca.-hier. Correct—.Attest: W. ,\1 Mmn. VVm. 1*. Weilt, i )iret tt rs .'uhscrihed and swc'rn to before me, this ■ h day of Sej temh“r, V'l \ K!.‘ il ' I \l,t.( iw \ Y, tary ruhlio. to sell means sornc- tliinji to advertise. C,I ;i ; ;■ ^|\ ( >rn ; tovc", ^ Mid '.hib' a fourth Ic-t ••.a-- .civet; no fed at r.ll r-x-ept that obtained li'i ill tiie wiiite.' pa-'tur*!. | •. Ci.vvii maiie thest' winter i>as j ture.- by tir,-I t b a' iiiK the mountain j si’fs of the trr'os. contract wa - j ni:ide with the raountainoers Rlvint; | theni th * free use oT th*' latid for twoj ye-.r.; il’ they wou’.l deadon all of the lai' '■ tr('e. ( l.-.;r out tlie se.iall bn'-h | and put th.“ land in cultivation, plant- ] ihi; corn each > e;;“. 'I’he s'*eond year | at the last cultivation of tho corn n j mixtiiie of ir. jtoiiiids of orchard prass. 1 ■1 iiou’m's of biue f?rass, and i pound ; of tlT'io’’’v atid clover were soed«'(l btoadcist tbroiii'h th(> corn. Th'- j.M'a s wa-^ p(''-mittr'(l to "ow throii ’ I p.. ‘‘f I'n-s--’ !’- suo”” pra/^d. It. of roirr ff It o.r^r ‘h’-s pro^ V'l i'lf.'. •. e.itinu ’d tc 'bout be"' •''w np nn>’ the ro THST STAND FOR SOGGESS CLUB MEMBERS WHO FOLLOW CLOSELY THESE TEN RULES SHOW GOOD REPORTS. 1. Dust your hons just Iiefore sf»t- titii; and three day;; before they hatch. '2 L'o nftt feed chii-Ks until they are fortv-e;L'bt hours (dd. Tho first food for chicks should be f;rit or sand; this will start their irrinditi.i' mill. 1. Later on, food hanl-boiled pgt^s , a.r.d oatme:il. r.ixed together, or woll- ii.ikc 1 .iolinnic cake or cornbr(‘ad for :ae lir.'t week. I 'I ’nen fee 1 a mixture of two parts : .1*’ I-a'-k-ed wheat, two jiarts of oat ' f.-,'- 'and tv.o parts of c-raeked corn, or a .s2;o()d lommen ial chick feed. ♦i. Keep clean water or milk before | tlie chicks at all times. | 7. Clean tfrp bi'ood coops once a | week and examine the ( hicks careful ly for lice. 8. Give the chicks the best of care and keep them growing. 9. Hatch early, rememboriuf;: “that the early bird gets the wtutn.” 10. T’nder no circumstance --•e’l tho early pullets; rid of th ■ ear’.y cockerels. .Agricultural Kxlension Service, 1? -bM-h. \. r. /'ME RECU’ "o OF LAT-’^ R'S C OR. Cl.ill Jjioli 'iftO MACHINERY AND MILL SUPPLIES ljiTH''esi r^tocii in \Vff>tern Carolina t-^iiws. Pulleys. Beltimr. Wire IIouB. Pipe. Fitting’s. Machinisi’.s Tools. FoiinUry and Machine Work a specialty. Asheville Supply & Foundry Co. Asheville, N. C. Doyle’s Fertilizers Make money 'where used. Uncle Sam says wheat will be worth at least $2.00 next year. That means that a little over a bushel will pay for a bag of Acid. We sold one party two tons this week. We have several grades. 16 per cent Acid 8 3-3 8-2-2 J 0-2-0 ALL NEW GOODS. Brevard Hardware Co. Brevard, N. C. We have jusL received a car load of the Best Grade of 16 per cent. Acid and Fertilizers for Rye and Wheat Brevard Lumber Co. BREVARD, N. C.