BREVAKD iM£Vv;:>, BKi:* vARD, M. C. % MEMBERSHIP ROLL OF TRANYLVANIA RED CROSS McDanioI, ttii mborsliip; Rev. W. E I’oovey. ^ ci)-ojKTativf; A. H. Riley, publicity. Kollowinn is the membership roll to , date: The list of members in the re cently organized Transylvania Chapter of the American Red Cross appear below. The Officers of the chapter are; Hev. John R. Hay. ('.hairman; R. H. Zacharp, Vice-chairman; 11. N. Carrier, Treasurer; A. H. Kizer, Secretary. The executive committee, «>f which .!• S. Silversteen is chairman, c»>nsists nt the various committees, and is as follows; \V. !•'. Breese, militarv relirf; '1'. II. Shi(>- maii, finance; Dr. W. J. Wallis, sur^^ilal dressinp; Fred Miller, surgical suppiv; Ki v. C. I). Chapman, civilian relit f; Rev. A. Professional Cards. .‘^OBT. L. GASH W. J. 1r. GASH & BREESE LAWYERS II to 17 McMinn Building Noiarv ~DR.. J. Y. McKINNEY DENTIST Office Pickclsin^iM' lUiiUliri^. DANIEL LEOM ENGLISH Attorney and Counra’cr at Law Brevard, N. C. Kt'al estatt^ law ai d n: i t niN.- a .specialty. ERNEST H. NOR.WOOD Architect and Builder Remodelling and Repcir ng a Sprcjalty Clayton, Clayton &. Fisher Attorneys-at>-Law r.Kl'VAlIl), X. WELCH GALLOWJiY Jitiornoy I NAME ■ Aiken, Mrs. W. L., i Allison. .J. M. Mrs. J. M. “ Mrs. VV. 11. Mrs. Sam F. Miss Maude Ashworth, John j Atkins. Miss Francis ' Bell, M iss (leorgia I Hreese, Robert IJreese, Miss Margaret lioystain. Miss Elizabeth Brown, Miss Blanch Urodie, Mrs. M. 1*. Burnett, J. W. Mrs. J. W. Hyrd, Mrs. S. C. llalK T, Miss Myrtle ' r.ioniliehi, J. S. ' “ Mrs. J. S. I Miss Marion ' Biurell. Mrs Z. V. I Culloik, 1). .1.. I - Mrs. D.J. .Mrs. (Irace (. oliofk, .Miss Adalaid Tiary. Mis. (). T. I ('"(ike. .Mrs. M. j Duvis. Kev. \V. 11. •• Mrs. W. W. Miss Mary McF. B. Miss .lulia Dnyle. C. M. •• Mr.s. C. M. I'rysdal, Mis. R. I). DworetEky, N. 1*. Kr\vi;i. Mts. O. L. Miss Kathleen Fislipr, Ralph R. ('ia>h. R. L. " Miss Annie (io>.feins. .Mi'S Lucie (loiilH y. Mivs IClizabeth (lulu.way, Mrs. WeKh (.liitun. .Mbert (Col.) W.'.iiis. Mrs. Fred liiiV, Kev. .Ifhii R. Miss .Mary Reck Ilairus. K. B. Mrs. L. B. ADDRESS Brevard, N. C. Kosnian, C. Pigah Forest, N. C. Brevard, N. C. I’isgah Forest. C. Drevard, N. C. Risgah Fon‘st, X. ('. Brevard, X. C. Brevard. X. C. ris^ah Kpr» St. X. ('. i^revard, X. C. I’is^ah I'orest Brevard, X. C. Hodges, Col. C. C. tiennin^, Mrs. E. T. Houston, L. B. Johnstone, Mrs. W. A. Kiipalric'i, (1. C. Lathrop, (I. E. Mrs. ('t. E. Leatherw'ood, Miss Ethel Lockwood Mrs. J. D. Macfie. Mrs. S. M. McMinn, J. \V. McDaniels, Rev. A. \V. Mrs. A. VV. E. S. J. 1’. “ Miss Helen Miller. J. A. “ Mrs. J. A. “ J. A. Jr. “ Mrs. J. A . Jr. “ J. ,?rd. Mosily, Miss Janie McKiiinev, Ur. J. Y. ■ Mrs. J. Y. Mct'all, Miss Rose Muntj^oiiu ry, Mrs. Ben Mooney. ludle, (Col.) Xiehtilson. .1. S. “ Mrs. J. S. Xorwood. Mrs. E. H. Mr-. Z. \V. Xortoii. Mrs. Lee Xi il. Mrs J. B. Orr. Kohl rt “ Mis. R.ibert Patton. 'P. Iv. Jr. Mrs. T. F-.. Jr. Mrs. 11. II. Parker, L. K. ! Ph:mnur, H. A. I Poovey, Rev. W. I*!. “ Mrs. W. E. Keere, Mrs. Miies i Ril. v. A. B. I Ross. W. ('. ■ Kainsey. Mrs. C. H. ! Sliii)man, T. ii. ' “ Mrs. T. H. , Sitton. B. .1. j Shook, Walter I Siinimey, Dr. T. J. I Sli (i-e. Mrs. T. I’. SinediHT}.':, 11. V. ! •• Mr... H. V. Skinner, C. M. Trowbridge, C. H. Huntsville, Ala. Brevard, N. C. Greenville, S. C Brevard, N. C. Mrs. C. H. 1 Miss C. A. “ “ Miss Klener U “ Miss Alma 4* “ Mrs. Julia 44 Verdcry, Mrs. A. M. - I'crcy 44 Wallis, Dr. VV. .1. • “ Mrs. W. J. 4 iMlSS ll^llZcl “ VV. .1 , Jr. « VV'ard, Mrs. I), (i. 4« VVehb, Mrs. V. C. 4 VVilmer, Mrs. (i. C. ti “ Miss Mary “ Wilson, B. J. Selica, L. H «( Yates. Mrs. S. C. Hrevard, Zachary, R. II. “ Mrs. W. VV. ii SIDEWALK PAVING The town authorities recently have been making considerable im provements on sidewalks. On South Caldwell street, ror a dis tance of about 400 f«;et, the side walk has been gradc'd down to the level of the stre;f, widened and l)aved with brick. This work was Selica. N. C. Pis^ah Forest Bn vard. N. C- Lake Toxaway Brevard, X. ('. Pisgah Forest Selica, X. (' Brevard, X. C done in the same locality where the street was {'raded down soma time at;o. On Depot street W. S. Ashworth has i)ut in a cement sidewalk in front of his two houses next to T. L. Snelson’s, and the town has re paved with brick on cach side of this cement walk for a short dis tance. MUFFLER CUT-OUTS CONDEMNED Aci'ordinj^ to a recent disiMitcli from New York, the National An tiiinobili^ ('hambtT of Connnerct* has n-«‘omtnejid(‘d the elimination of innl'il -r out outs from all Ccir.^; >)nilt in tiiis eoimtry after January 1, 11'I s, b(‘C!ins(“ t h('v liavi^ no nie- cbnniciil value anil add merely an ot hrr unniMM'.ssary iiiiise t» Aimit- ican life. It wa.s also stated tliat ntarly half thc^ 110 automobile nuikrrs in the chamber do not fit nuililer cut-outs on thoir present cars. THANKS FOR POTATOES f- Fi4'] ii: H. L. .In.-^tus of Route one was in town Tuesday aiul stoj)p;*d in and made thi! News a ]>resent of a baf^ of litu* ])otato('s. Mr. .lustus has si)ine of till* liuest potato(‘s wo have Regular $1 Book Given FREE; Plans for Farm Building ►rVERY one of your farm buildings has a diredt “ influence on your farm profits. Each one ought to afford complete prote(5tion to whatever it contains and it ought to be as convenient as it can be made, because convenience means time, and time means money. If you are really going to huild or remodel ar v building, we can secure for you — FREIl—a regular $1 book on Farm Building Plans, jusl give us your name. Miller Supply Company, Brevcrd, N. C. Machine Shop and Office Near Station Note—One of tiia mo^ popular of all lumbers for farm requirements is North Carolina Pine. It is adaptable to any need, low in co^, attracflive in appearance, and dependable in ser\‘ice. Practice in all the Courts ij-n.iuk, rhas 1 'ipi'. .^liss Lenora BrerarJ, C. CHAS. B. DEAVER Jittorncy 'at Laiv Office (..oopor i^U'c'k ALLISON &. ALLISON Attorneys-ui-Law In Old Cco'i-.ZT Building BKTiVARD il Miss .Mol'.u- ilil!. Mi.^s Margaret Miss Helen l!..rris. W. 11. • Mrs. W. H. GREAT GLOSIG OUT Vonr frioiul.s would be pleased to roceive nuirked copies of the News showinj; your v,'hereabouts ‘and activities; 5 cents a copy. COLEMAN GALLOWAY Attor';cy-at-Law Cooper Block Brevard. N. C. CuriNtSTEE LGDCE r>0. ^37 1.0.0. F. Meets every '!(■:!!;«y nis4ht. \ isMvj v.oJcome. GUNN’S ROCK NO. 28; A.F. & A. M. 5 lUuuL ADVERTISEMENT OF ADMINIS- I TRATOR State of Xortli ('.irolina {'nunty of Tran sylvania Xiititc. The ur.di-rsijMiiil ha\ ini^ be in aji- piiiiitfd s[u! (inly (lu.ililifd as a;!:iiiiiistra- !i>r i>l itu’ rstati* (il T. ('. (i.illuwav. di- . casid, all [HTsoiis havin;.^ l iaiins a^aii.^t ;lu- said ustati- arc nntilicd to ixliiliit tiuni ht loro him or his attorni'v, ('has. li. j I>t I'.tr. al Ilrcvaril, X. on or lu h.ri'i ihf 2'Uh day of Si-ptimluT. I'M S. or this | iiotioi- will l»i‘ pifadfd in har of their re- ' e.iverv. Ail jit-r.-ons indeltled to the said i ^t.ite will jdease make immediate pay- i nt to me or my attorney above men- ti' n li. I'iiis the 20th day of Sejitember. 1V17. W. H. (;.\LL()\\ AV, -Administrator of T. C'. (lalloway. ('has. 15. Deavor, .Attorney. 9-l'l-()tc ▼ From f we will sell out goods, October entire stock of our wares and merchandise *^HE Dining Room should be a cheerful place, * for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. Have Us Furnish Your Dining Room The variety of designs in tables, chairs, side- boardsy china closets, serving tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. G)me in and talk ii all over with us. We are as eager to give sadsfaction as you are to receive it Our Word Is a Guaranty of Honest Values HOME SUPPLY COMPANY C. M. COOKE, Proprietor. BREVARD, N. C For Cash at Greatly Reduceil Prices We are closing out our store and will give you bargains. Come Without Fail to See Us. All kinds of Shoes and Winter Qothing to offer. The Toxaway Lumber Co. Lake Toxaway, N. C.