BREVARD NEWlii, BREVARD, N. C. I { “And Judah and Israel dwelt safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree.” i Kings 4:25 n From the clay of peace and plenty in King Solo mon’s reign to this very day the -most happy and con tented people have lived under their own vine and fig tree. In other words, they have lived under their own roof. They have ow^ned their home and have not been subject to the whimsical notions of any landlord. Indeed this is a happy domestic state to live in. One of more or less independence and one to which every head of a household should aspire. You may now be living on the fat of the land but you owe it to yourself and family to provide a home for you can’t tell when adversity will overtake you and throw your wife and children into a cold, cruel world without a home. Lei Montlily Rentals Pay for Your Home it ever occur to you that you could join the Building and Loan association and pay for a home with the money that you are paying to your landlord? We have helped 100 people in Transylvania county to own their homes and we can do the same for you if you will give us the privilege. The Building find Loan is a wonderful institution. It helps you to save systematically from week to week regardless of the size of your income. It not only helps you to accu mulate but your savings have an earning power by drawing good dividends. Your stock is non-taxable. It is absolutely safe. It is good for systematic savings or as an investment. You owe it to yourself to investigate »ts merits. Why not dwell under your own vine and fig tree and thereby contribute to the happiness of your family? Come in and let us explain anything you don’t understand about it. Brevard Building and Loan Association A. M. VERDERY, JR., Secretary and Treasurer CEDAR MOUNTAIN BREEZES iS Some of the farrnors of this ti(»n have been irrently *‘.y frost Ilev.i'. ('. Duckworth ])rc‘iich(‘(l a verv inlt'rrstin!.' sermon Sunday n)ornin}' iit Rocky Hill church. Sun«hiy hcfort* Iwst U(!V. S. C licokwith ].rc»cl:cd at tlie convict • ■anil), 1‘vcryonc siM'incd to take an interest in list. iiiiiir to th«* true words which h**, spoke. \Vc art' very sorry indt^t (1 to l r.i n of thi! iUn, ss of onr i»astor, lie. . Alliso!), hut I’opi- he will :o n h restored to his nutuval h‘altli. (J oi t.'e‘\V. Hi>h>>]> ht.vt lii- or,] v hors‘ hist week. Miss (’arri») Burns left Sunday for Newberry, S. (\, where; .-he ex jteets to visit friends and h(>r t itli, r, ; Alexander [inrns. j yniti; an interesting^ sc( iic was ; tinaeted hist Friday afternoon h‘ , tween the slate lino an I tin- ] o^if otlice. While out lnif.r!ry rirlinur. Misses L iltie lleatii and I j liisliop TiK't a half-f^i’own red I fo.\. Miss lleath’s lo^ l'*aj».'d at it and they hnd nnte a little' (Itfht. iMi.s.s lii.-^liop j)l\iel;ed, n;t In r ;»reatest conratie, jniniM'd o if of the huf/^'y and held the fox by the tail until Miss Heath c('iild conic to h» r assistance. They received seveial scratches and bites, but say they would he willing to j^et twice as many if they cituld only have the j)leasnre oi catchini^ another fox. Boss McCrary boiif^ht a line c(»w from the Cai sars Head hotel last week. Mis Idell Bishop ('iitertaiiu'd the yonn^ |U'oi)lcat h(‘r honie I'hnrsday nii:hf, and on Satur»lay Miss Carrie Burns entertained at her home. “rAT." CALLED FROM CAKiP TO FATHER'S BEDSIDE Or Stored Hen Eggs. A fauiily hi n .sinali town kept a few chiekens uiul^often hai freia their own yard. One morning as llic seven-year-old ef t!i* faniily «‘aiae to Itreakfast lie noticed tlie «'^gs on tlu! lalib? and imiuired, “Manniia, are flitv-e store or lien —The Chri.s- tiun Herald. Daniel Webster’s Warning. The last hojtes of mankind, there fore. rest witli ns: and if it should be pro-laiiiied that »ur exanii»Ie had he- e«»iae an tir^Minienl a^rainst tin* experi ment, the knell of popular liberty b(‘ sounded throuf'hout the l>: niel \Vebst»T. would « artli. T.ife Wfien w hi h Compensatory. is c-oi!i[)cn';Mtory to this extent: a i.ian realn‘S tl'.e point at !;is wilf is coMipelled to make th' livin;x for l!i«> he lias also reai'lifd the p(»int at wliieh the fart (•eases to iiuniiliat** him.—Top-ka Cap ital. T itt]c .rafk Hf>nier hi.! in a rorner, SniokinK a • i.trarettc. ■\ViirTi h” liir‘v it away If lit in th« !iay And the liarn burned to ashes, yo\i bet. ADOPTED BY LAW 'Tl 'r. C. Hell liTSoii of bc(. Tuesday nmd«^ lorrnal adoptiofi by law of .lanie.s J’eiiMel Hin.’haui. Mr. and Mrs. Hen(ierson to’.; this child under their care hist winter, but no fi.nniil adoji'ioii wa.- made uiitil'iy, v>heii th(> necessary le^al procet dinars w(-re carried (tut by the cl.-rk of the court. lu adtiption, the child's name was cliatii^ed t'j James Biiitr- ham Henderson. Go to Scale.s. Tarmers Supply for it ;;; i I •I. H. (>stcv)n of Si lica, w ho lias been failing' in hi altli fora uo-1 v.liile, be«'ame serion>!y ill about .'I wi'ek a?.ro and at last reports w‘.is , no betti'r. His son, l-:v(‘rett, wIm went nit with the coast artillery ct/rps to Fort Caswell, came home last week, but ha villi' otiIv m >evi n da v leave of abs(*U( e, was (.•om}>elled to return oil Tuesday. Ck t your Lard Can* at Fanners Supply. Church Directory s r. I'Hli.Ii'S KIMSC'OI’AL ('HI !>:( H. Ki v. Chaliiu-rs D. ('hapinaa, .\!inivU-r in Cliar^f. '11’T s,-i vice ,it :i: o', I'-. I.. I.l\ . .1 . HI . I'.iV'- !• vt n>.. .1’^: c\-iT-. i .ii'.i'. I ''ur;!!.; ‘ . •le, \\ c, !• .-V,t ,i , ■ i''-' '! I i' ' ■ : ;cls.. I ,!i Saint-~ i:;i\ ^ 11' > "inir.iri . n t:ii- :.-s; i; v.;., | , ' : I •. '•t \ :n"ur.Ml the I iKMii I 11. ' . ■ ' M';; am. .\sli j|. I 1-a--:. I -la-., A ■>. . lisa .11 ..... V,',;: ' ,i V .i:; ; 1 i in ! i;ii. 1 i \ Special Announcement. Si vcntocnth Sundav aftt-r Triaitv, Sc|i- teniliiT l‘M7. Holy cummuninii sermon at 11. Siilij. Jt, “'I'lu- I'uil Re ward.” effcrinj,^ f'.r (iislrii l n.i,- sions. ItI'I.iv. Si-j(U-mh-r 2s. service' at Suliject, "The Iniuritaiue of the Satiinlay. S.-j)t.‘inhcr !’•). St. .Micha. i ;ind .Ml -•\n;.':f!s' PtTviv-c at Subject, “'rhc ' Ministrv of , K. nu rniK-r; uiu^t t ari vi.ur dt stin\ luri- in this darkciu'd aivi umonj^fnial ; pla( c and in thi- rxl ai;-ti-d, dis]'iritod j nidnu-nt that i-^ now. The silo and time c»f heroic opportunity arc nut for yi u to ! decide. Tlie dutv alenc is your.s. ^ ilRKV.AR!) PRKSBVTKRl.W CIU KCU .bJui R. Hay, Pasti'r. [ ;;.ti i-l.;in-’i w rv :av. , I'ir r tVir.l ''i;ni!a\'. ii:. a. :!i., ‘'■'.•. ■11.1 :r il li'Uitl; Suii-l.ivs. 4:.;o p i;.., I Sin. lav-.. 1j\ i!i!ii>iiii‘ i'i!ii-iit. i S'.n. !a\ I':..1.1 rvi'i v S\niila\ . in a. in. I Mrii's HI. ;hct h.M111 llii’U-^ I I Vi iin-.; I'.-'nt ('I’.ristiaa Kn j 'k'a\ I i-VL'i \ \\ I-V.-nil’ll. S:oo. ' JUVIDSOX HIVEK I'UKSBYTLKIAN | CHlkCll I John R. llav, I'astor, ! TRUSTEE’S SALE \(irth (';iro!i!>;i, 'I County. I. nd« r and hy \ irtuc ot the power (>f sale contained in that certain deed in trii^t. duly recor'li-d in Ho(.k 2, p;i^e -10, ofhee of register of deefis l,,r 'i'ransvlva- nia county. North C;irolina. e.xecuted on the -1th dav o!' I'ehruary, hv South- laiid '1 ru.'-t ('oiiip.'iiiV, a corporation, to the umiersif^ned trustee to secure thi- iiuh lit- (h htedricss then in dtscrii.ed, ami default alter demand havinj^ heen made in .♦he jiitynuMit cl' iiitere.M on the notes secured l>y said iletd in trust, and upon di niand of the owner and hoidi r of said m tes, the uiniersi^iud trustee will, on Saturday, the l.^th d;.v of October, l‘M7, at t'velve Drive as laid down on .said plat ahov'c mentioned to a point where the south niJirgin of said drive intersects the east riii.r^.'ir. of Riec street; thence south 2S de^ and -4.S rain west with the east mar^^in of Rice sMeet two liundred and seventy-five 127.^^) feet, n.ore or less, to the point of I)-,j';':, containing three (3) acres, ni»r( or less, embracin«f the jilat of ground on v.hich the Franklin hotel is located. S* I ond 1'ract—Adjoinir;’; the above trai l and lyinjj; to the north and east of same: l>^inninff on a stake at tjje north « nd of Kiee street, at the intersection of the north margin of a twenty fool alley with tho norftiwest niarK»n of said Smith’s Drive as laid down on said plat ahove menti*)ned, and runs north 28 de^^ and 4.S min east three hundred and fifty feet to a st;'k‘ in the north boundary line of ll;e property formerly beionf'in}'to the Franl lin I'ark Improvement c-mpany; th« ni (• with t!ic said nortli boundary lira- south 7.S d-^ and .‘>2 min ast nine hun- drtd and fifteen (915; ffettoa st^ke oi.- the west margin of an alleyway nppuiilt a post oak corner; then v. ith the w«; t margin of said alle\w;.v the following- courses and distances: south .39 dej.^ \vi r one hundred and ten (110 feet to a stahi then south de>f and 9 min wist livi hundred feet, more or 1* ss. to \i.,- north mar^jin of Smith’s Drive a laid down on said plat above n'iCrtioiM.d; th u with the north nrir^in of saifl Smitii'- Drive about four l.undred ( Itiii^ feet f., Iie^inn;, otitainini: ;.nd eirlii.'ciiijr ti e tr;'.' ; i'ranklii; hot 1 garden t l'nil.rr, ir.^'v\ hat i kt;>,v. t I as the I- rai.klin 1; :,e siti: I st;.!-:e on t';i- rn'iih n'.aij/in .t L;,kc \ 1 ;;v r;i. , ti;e S'.utIi.'-ast eorr. -mf lot .\o j as la;d (!.wn on the ] l:it above referr( I at a j).)ii'.t tv.-o l.undred ;;r. ! tv.t nty and ei).;ht tenths (221 r) !. t from \\li(;r t!ie nirth marpin f said I.ake Virw iti'er sects with the east marjjiii of Fratik':i strc( t, about .ji[)osite the northeast ( orri = of the V> oi:ibri pri.pertv, : with the west niar^^iii of what is rjt i n;:ted on said above mentji.i.ft; ,-iv Franklin park. n(»rh Mi rl and .^2 east four hundred and sixty-four .-itic four-tenths I let t to a stake, ..rr.t : of lot .N’o. .^7, as laid down on said then north (>7 do;.r e;ist two hundr((‘ six and fiuir-tentlis i2ii#).ti feet to a st;'.ke in th.‘ sniith mar^^in of f.ake View av 't;c then v-ith tl'.e sontli marfnn of Lake \ i v.- avenue, cn .-sinj^ the ! of said Fra: k m. l.'ike site south 5! di, e;it about twn ! hi’ l:n (1 a.nd twi-ntv-fi vr i 22." i :.nt to a tiir.i in Siiid bake View avenia : inen rtii! u •' the margin of said I.ake \'iew a\»: . . south .^I dr^ and Hi n:in wot al. i;t hnndred and fifty (2,^0) f,; * to at'.'"’’.; turn in said avenue; tin-n .>tii! v. iti: ;;,e m;;r;'!n ol said Lake \ u-v.' a\ei’.U( ti >\vin>^ courses di.-t;inces: Si'Uti' - deL:recs and 2.^ minutes west aiiout n: hundred ai.d twenty ( 12')i feet to a >taK , then south detire.'s and minut- - West about s,-vt nty live i7.^i feet ti ri stake, then south ."'2 dej^ and in m'n v.e ! ;il out thri e luindr»d t.'.oiii h-et t > a sta'. . t iien still ith the north margin of said the point of kvc ;!!'ri s. ki.o'.vn as ’h> Third Tra. I ■ V.’ 2S, t . Lake \'iew avenue It laid out rt prt S‘-nten on the plat mt nticiicd about (.^Oii) ftet mon- or less, to the Ik j^in;nn^, containinj^ six acres, more or U>s. The foretroin^ three trads of land he iny the same three tracts whii h were con- vev (i to Fred W. Svrnnus, W. I). I’arr sh lock I'.oon, .ffer for saK- at the court anti his \sii\ (Xe!! (r. I'arrish), and T. ( of '1 raiisylv.'ura i(iutUv, at (lower house dour brevaid, ,\i rth ('.indina. to tl:i hi.Lihe!-l bidder for cash, tho-e certain tracts il iai-.d iyiii}; nnrl beinj; ia the tov.n ol Rrevani. couiUy of Trans\ I v;!ni.-. st:’te ot N’(Till ( aro'ii;;,, and known F’jiiil.'.in hiitel pr^j eity, and consisting' .if the f'd- h'V. ii:_- tract,-: lii.'l Traci He^iiinin^" at u .-take «.n the r.orth m:iVfin .f main ,-treet at the pdii'.t •! inti-isei ti'.n of in rtii; in >.f sait .N'.'.in st. with t!ie east irar;;in ixice street, and runs v.iih the nortii r.K-.rein of •Main street scutb »1 de; and 1.^ east al.out ft.ur hun!red ( liin) tiet to a stake at tl:e pi i:it v. here ti.e north. ;,^in of .M.iin str. et inte:>ei ts u itli tlie west r.Kir- ”ir. "f ri.:i.!;liii stnet; tl.enee v. ith the v\e>l i.:ai'-ii. (.1 I'rai'hiin s‘rt«i : i r.h .^u wife (Louise ('. (iowen. b last and .loseph S. Reyn«dds and F.annie H. Reyi’ oids by d' t(i dated i-’ebruarv Isth, 1*^1 t. aii(i r»vo’.iied in the oflice '•{ register • ’ d eds f( r Tr;;nsylv;.r.ia countv, Nor’ii C;;r(.l:'ia. in Hook .^1. i)a.ut 1.^.3. 'i'l'LH tht r with all the buil(iin;;s there> ■ and the furniture and tixtures thtre.-^ conlair.ed, heinjr the .-air.c three tract- : land with huildini s. fi;rr:ture and :i\ tures, this day conveyed to the South:.. ■ Trust con pany by F ed V. . Svmme.-:. V, D. I’arrish ;ind wife. ;ind 'I'. C. Cower , wife. This the Sth day i.f Septe n.her. l‘M7. Hi:N HILL t;kow\. Trust! I de;C at;d I.'^ niiii I t'vo hundred and s;\ly-t\'.o ;ird six tenths (L't.2.i)) feet to th.e (iii'.r.t wi.ere t,..- v i .-I ni;'.r;:in of said Fr.irkiin -Teet ir.t’r-i Is V it!; the -oulh NOTICE ma(h niari.'i:i 1 nut s ( ri\e, as id (!■ wn on a (.1 t e 1 i.Mikiin I’;irk iand> m.ade by 11. 1. I’.aili y ::r.d .\. L. h'. i(!;n, en’ineers; ti.en With the soiitli n:arfin ot S:nith’s Ajiplication will l^ nor for th.e- pardon of Frank is now servin;: a sente nce to the ^ \llison '-I rceri V the puhiu' roails of Trar.svlvania cour.; This Septer-.her (>. 1917. 9-7-itc W. H ,\LLIS('N Columbus Wagons i G Ei K,;;--.’:!' elnireli s.ivii-^ every Sui.’.; H.a:’'-: .^....tTl ani t';) SahiVii'-, ti: r> in.; an>l t!;’i ’. p ^ ;:r. lay-l>y Siai lay seb‘"'t y •'M!'",!ay. j:iU.o a. ni ( iiri'*;nn I.euv''r ist ainl ,!nt S'Unitay- II ui.; ein jnd ."1111! ;tii Siiti.'.ays at i' a *y. I !th BKEVaRD H.AI'TIST CIU Kt'H. rorner Jordan and Caston streets. A. \\. MeDulilel, I’astor. Phone No. 1-15. ! r..lschool '/4.; a. ni.. woH j;ra!eil ^ . tl) suit .lU. I i’lea. st !vice at 11:00 a. ni. and S;i.o i>. ' i:i. •■VI ry Siinilay. j Mii'.v.ei k sei vir;' for worsliii> aial fell.'W-i.ip ] S:. o p. til. We.’.res'lay. i .Vilvisuiy lioanl meets on 'I'lU'silay evening'] afti r the til St Snr.itay ol «dcli iiiontli. j .\il wile lii'sire to eni i ur.i.ire or to t iti.- | weisliip of (loci 01 t.i t>e lielped liy \voi-l:i; avi; cunlially invited to iittitiil all seivic--. Strailifers aiul visitors are especially wele. iiu- BRKVARl) METHODIST CHUKCIL \V. Edf^ar I’oovey, Pastor. Sunday—Sunda.y school at >j;45 a ni. I’reae?’. at 11:0c a. in. and S p. in. Intcrnieiliate I'.l.woitti t.ea^iue i:.;o p in. .Morday—V. 1*. M. S. S:uo p. in., first and t!i:n! Mondav nij;iits. 'i’ue^-ilav -(.\fter first Suiiday) Hoard o: Stewards. S:. i. p. 111. Wo.'aes lay —I’rayer nicetinj; 8:00 p in. 'riv.-.rsilay—11-ir!-t ;nut Tliiid) Woiiiun's '.li- sionary socicty, .too p. in- Local Ati:v;.;;;r;. 4.0.) p. m. Friday—Choir praelicc 8:co p. in. "Come tlion with us and we will do thee good.”—Num. 10 .:j. Will very soon advance in price. Don’t Take Anybody’s Word F'or It Look for the Carrying Capacity Marked Right on the Rear Bolster. When vou ro into a Ctdumhus w.-.gon dealer’s place to see a Ct>lumhus w.i-. . vt)u do not have t • }?uess how much that wa^on is built to carry. You lio not eveii h-ve *o t >ke the de aler’s word for it. ON THE REAR KOLSTKK, just as yon see i; above! 1S%TENC1LED TH’r: CAPACITY THAT THE WA(]ON IS GCARANTEFD TO HACL without heing overloadeil. The Company guarantees the capacities of a'! Columhus w iijons a cordinji to the stenciled marking. This metht 'i of wagon buying is far better than asking for a wagon with a skt n of ; certain size and guessing that a wagon with a skein of that sire will catrv your loads. Buy a Standardized Columbus Wagon liuvin-^ a wagon according to capacity is new, but it is as reasonable as buyinj: ;. motor truck according to hauling capacity instead of the size of the axle, or ..1 engine according to the horse power rating instead of the size of the crankshaft . v piston area. You know what you are getting when you buy a standardized Columbus wag> n and can suit your purchase to your hauling requirements. Don’t order. C. Doyle. Brevard Hardware Co., Brevjurd, N. C.