Brevard. VOLUME-XXll TEACHERS DOES (Name changcd from Syi'/an Va!ley Nevw, January 1, 1917.) BHEVAIU), NOKTII CAIJOLINA, FRIDAY, (K TOIIKK 1917. NUMBER-ti! Abt)ut 40 Countv 'I'oiichi'is Piir- ASSGGIATION HAS ANNIVERSARY MEETING Liir^jo attendance of ladies at closiny: meetin^^ of year’s work. suing Studies to Make I'hein-j New officers elected for com- selves More ! fficient. Insti- ; jujr ye;tr. tute in C'.hartje of ‘hie (Ic'n-j ductors. I'eachers IMeased With Work. | tw.Mity liftli jn:n’krl _ . t I’.r (>1 Ill t 111 “1‘ Ut t ti'Miicll t HM, . t 1 ’ ■ . i 11 'I’ll.' ill‘fiitlaiu-i' imli I ti‘acli.‘r> iMstituti'. wliuli , , , '”-,•111 lu'it'on iMiiinhty ('! l!!"t Wfi’K, liy l>r. .1 il lliL.hsniith iin 1 Mihs Siisaii I'uiirliam, (•(Uin‘'to u cl.1.-0 this \V( t'k. Nr.irlv : ' t m.' an.i o! liic ni ;:am/.iili()ii. All I I 'T t i! 11 i t 11 (“ I'l' ] H 11 t S \V( ' t; 1 \ r II and all ntUrr hiir-nios (.1 tilt' Viai' J \ . ,, , ' ;'iilii).li li (1. aVi- I uidII (1 ;>s ]n:; il^, v. pic i^ciitiiiL: a la!'.;:c i art ct' l i '■ taamiy S(*lli H 1 V , 'rcat init iii th.- hjis lict-Ti shtiAii ! li i'.uiLrlnmt the , It \ •'.ifli rcm'i'l 1 he .iSMi.-ij: ti"ii 1 !.t rria>ni'ci'’s I cpiirt was^iati- tiiiiL; as It r'liiiwi'd 11 ;^'(i(i.ily stilii w i: h w hii'li to hc;^iii t he w.irk of the \ I a l‘. O Prospects of Fair Grow Faifer; Committees Busy With Arrangements and Raising Money For Prizes; Kin is of T hings to Enter in Contest; School Boys and Girls Have Chance. J. L OSTEEN WRITES *i niiin !ipp/Ci I'he foiiowin^ letter, v/ritten September 29tlj *o (i. Fv. J.atli- rop and piil)!is!iel wi(!» Ms per mission will he of interest lo News readers. SlOTi Ity tl:c ^t’h;i !its ami oth vs Whil.' t!'e tt a h r> 1. viird !,M-ad'Ml s.-hi) )1 liav.- eiti 'I'he C'lUiity lair cnnmiitti rs 1 I'i a ii! ( t i iii: ill! V f,! iH s. la y, a c i ilMUt ‘.'."i ]>erscns a!ti 11.1' d. Yocr clieui'I'iil r ivt il and slionld have hi'cii a :> • ^ ev( li i r. t hi', hnt onrTii iil iiutij" up f ir fi ". (lavs (in aee iiuit ol i!;i‘ ]>• i-*eein not havidL^ I'iie (>t‘ (iur ll.rr);ck. We hoy^ havi^ 1,’een vei'v {' e-tanate i ndeeil thus lav. We a re a.--si :"Med ! () l!i'‘ ilospital (''irjis jmd tim' i e ti Mr- li- ts will eov.M-the : ' hvan.-h- el ,i), .1 s Silver-teeti ; interest w as ina nil.'>t,-d iii airauc' oth vs Whil.' tl'e tt a h r> .>t l.r.- ; j ' i'l;.' .'ill I'r- I'.ir llie cn>>,.in^f y. ai‘ i»cen . \eni]tt ..r I'M.'Us.'d l'r>'iii at ' . ‘ :i! I ■ . tciiihin.-,’, they hav.‘ sli.twn tleii', inter."-* !iy vi^r.vur th.' ni>titi.*i a. till- ;i 11 cr n. r > n in> M a n \ . u thi.-c alt.'T.din.; hav.’ . \p7i >'. d v.'ry It; :h ]irai.--e ot' th. \\.;\ ;n h’.' ii ;li- in^^ltut^‘ lias h.'. n . ■ ;i uucm- 1 a.i ; ii .;r. i tliat ther.' t .oi 11' 't he a .nL''T ^ .■r-.-'loU . I'l'. ii 'h.'.Mtii iias .-haf.:'' ti.-]": 1 ' ;:r nt I'li!' t( I > it . ilt' ; ; TH. ila 1 e u'ra.h" . a ti. i .Ml.-"- I'u ; ., : ■.. ' t he pi luiaf.v a. :■ irtMi. nt. i ! ; ■ , Hi. r . .■■•npies t h.' fiui.ty >u; ' ■ ; t.-n l.’isi ■> . .fi; all,I 1 li,- t.-. V..- 1 c 'K; t 1. >. ■!■ 1. All uen. I al ^.'i > ' . - ; !ia In , n hel ’ 1 n t lie e. eirt 1 ■ ! 'l'..r u^';. -’It t !i.‘ i!i>t It 1 -r li’._'!.'Iiii; h has laid irr.a! t ’.nplia^; . 'II t I'e , i . !)el t . r ai'. i ui. '1 . a > ■. • I'.a;.' trammer l'..r t.\u h. r." li Would th.‘ ]ir.'t'.’.''^i'>11 ]'! sionali/.'d. 1 h' .1 lor r\ 11 ’.L:h>!:iH !i :n i d nients for l h.‘ e.'iuin ^ lair. Willi ov.T .s'.'eit iii siudii as a starter and ])ro~j .■.■ts himht l"i" tnoi'c, the h-ai!e”s ol the nMVi in- r.t Ml'"-T. il ShijiMian, I’r. s. ; Mi> I, Si 1 vt r.'1 f en, \ iee-!’res. ; M r s. ' a ri‘ '-otdldi'Ti t 11: a t fr. e 11 t o S‘,' i , lM'a\.i;is. S.'er. tarv; .'di'.-. .\laeli.', ! v. ill !'.* rai- .1 for \pi ese> atid ! :. ^ - j ]). ; >; l!y for pi i/,- >. . i ...• .'■-.i-wallv {'..niinilt.'- \va-^ )i I'iowhi ide.', A I'. Mit(di 11 { ■‘'•I'' '' ■ 'I' »h.‘ (•-■- I j; li ap;'..ii:t. d a 'he ..-.-.'elation i.-> ph' II - j ,, f i s • h' lol .■ \ ]c ' i! S. i K'.: ! l!i‘ :> 'i ,Lrr.)iiiii!s. -\ . lai; it!.-e ap;. li.t'si lo ’ ! ■' n e ! 1 1 a I pt loll 1 n I 111 ‘ II' 'ar ,, ,, , , . ,. ‘ II. M . el a r\ . ( K . .' ■ i' . a '.d ; 'Ji:. i I:' >' I ! a 11.! 11; :11 ilorscs of dilVorent (das> ‘ Its M'-h'S ,. ‘altle • I’ i C'' hl'-’o il-i ., •; 111 r I,; nds of ]n lul t r v Ill’s Ilf v: ; 1, ,'i - kiiids \ e _M la hit rr .etiealy all kinds oi favni |>rod-■ nets, j ! !:-;hihits. yuls AFu i t \ U:Kli the servie.', Mo-t of the hov-- a'e liapp'.- and c;._-oyin;.j eainp life to lh'> fulle-t extent. We llaVc --Jih'TI did .ifii 'i’iiey ir.'at n-. Ii'.• n'.- n in every I’e.-p-'ct. (Mir Li.-uteiiant ie!l.-« us t lia I, ; n rip i ri • di villi i ie pra-'tieal exp'-i i' ne.' v. hieii we hii ■, e had. \ve aic di'in.: th'- he,-l di-:lliM^r i of any eonipan.s in the eainp. ! eoli'Uhr this \.ry eeni; :aelitar\ -OH''' i! v;as >]) k'-n !> ,• swell a hi _'h | “'i"^ ‘ ‘ - ■ ■ -'' ri-; ortial to i le- departni-'ni t - .J. 11 II I .f tla 111'.'? ea ?•. Dr. .lord.ui t>f .Siate !?oa ! ' Ilealtli 'l .ilks to I'c*; rs Ahoiit Inspt'dii-'O ai flhl! , r-. Physicians and Ihmsel ^ Mijsi (..oijforrn lo I'/.i'V. I >r. 'I’le M .ioi hill d tie • t a t e ]>' lai tl '.. 1 I. ii 1. h v.’ h i ( ■ ‘ : :i" ( oun'y t > h;'.'k into l he : fit.' e.i-iri,L: :-(diool> on '(•aih 1 lev. r. addrev'-ed i h* I r,- I p ‘il * * ; i' 11 hi i 1' 'n to t ion if sdi ' il e al l.; I'et! ! of :' !i( li t t.-ami tia- neVv’ la ,v in ■ I ■ ; i • ■ ] iri V' ■, 1' ,1 itie a : . .dh: . t Ir ! .^S ; h ■ d le*' 'I ^• t h.' Xurt j; ' ‘a . .lir.a i iea If m i:i w .' 1.. t ..= ! .- i?i-:.-l*-r. ' it ;; ■ ^• I S e- ■:11 ^'I;. 1 ;■ ;r ’ I .i ::•/ - Met' d ti/'» t!.,. • - ,.nl il '' ^ im.-eli-''.ti'T.' - . ; al- 1 -a.nfo; ;>i !■ ‘ le ' r i‘ - a- 1 • ul 11 ms, I r h“ ]>t li/. -t I . ; ^' 11 r. ■ t ■' (h' ‘ I. It a n y 1. "i I lIi'Mal. I was a .)Soh:tt 1V inis'ai.en in mv ,- ^ ' I : I ■ I ' I : ;. I ••lie \\ .a: i' I a : I; ■ ' ■ ■ ; i ■ i ■ ~ i: n ' . . , f n ' 1 e.'t ini.a t i' n of ean.p life, I .-u I I'’'” ^‘ .\ Woman >(]■■•'irlni'-ni will s’lo v I ' ‘ i o'e - . , . , , Ithou-dii It Wtiuld l;e riMie’n and' ‘’ i- ht 1 ! n. ■■ tl a ■ \. ■ T. I'f. 'I 'h> • r a nd i.'iii"V woi '-.. t te . al ti I ea.nn.-(! ;ttniL'h Ir IM h.'_’ui;ini: to.-i.'l. I.-it I a u. ,■ r’ i'l' lav; 1 ! I am foi-ei'd * >. e ’if.-'; t ha, ‘ iir.i:.'!'.' V hTe r.. I I'.i;* ■.■•la ' ! t!'iit- and Ne-elahl.ana e.iokii- ^ ■ nttea.iancc t.. di-lermtne • . heekwdrlh. I. . i" l. a nd L i; ,,, vail n;'- i-'iid-- nil -t.. 1 h- 1": ..1..1,, | 'li.-.' a>>>:in- in i . xi>ts h.-lweii the hovs, ai.a also ; ■•viio-'pnm coiv'- or m.a-; .... , .'^1 1 ul:L.iok l.'r lli" li>l .■■ ihiiur'i'n! ' • . i-.t , f, • .I,.-.- ' ^ ' ••■■'II 'oe. -..I 11- ♦ 1 I ■ I t h''otlie.-r.-arc verv kind and -nth'-, h!--i -i.i^uel ii'’ t'. tonTei i . ! !i . oi.inut t.'. ]ia V.' prer'ii '-d ln‘n iiri./ :- ai ■ 1.. h- . i; i r.'.l in. i , •• ;.d,|i'U-:. ,i U' . , r 1 ' .1 V , ' manlv tte.vard - lie' hiivs. aiM.- t-.. s n aie-.-i-a. i. . . il't'^ol \ai"o;.- tiiniuets l.r wiii'M 'h.’ .\e.vsn.xt f, .‘rv leni. n II1 . he 11 a; I 1 h la la \' . d K - i. 1 u' i MASONS TO HAVE A , . , 1 - .1 'r.-ll the oiher 1)"V^ that tl.'e a:Mi-H"' ta.'l iu IMi/'-'- Win he (lur'd l>el').v . :n:t 11, I'l r.d ■ 1!. 1 n t hi eia.r'.tv' I . , , , , . . , • I ■ ' i cMiat It .n I'I the triii i tli.' 'ire;;!e--t ! lii Veil a summa 1 v I I t 11,■ ' ! - , ,. ■ ■ 1,11 ' lit 1 o hf t t 'I'l -1'■(! 1 '1 1!.(' ] ri.'i s , ‘ , , . , , ; dl!V'': eiit items !■) app'ar ini. "'t a nd iaa>. v •'h' V''■'■;•■ !'‘te ■ ^d th- -[e.i !if >(•: ' I'N Will he; i i,, i. ! eh- . (1 t' r i-'a-. :■ 1 ' ; V. wnEK OF MEETINGS^ N . 1. A ;.'oi 1 'I Ma r>h 1:. .N ( Sii'in l-'idudiim ar. nil mil. . t h' i .\'"-l-'ta i.l (il';tld L'ai^re hi et urer Ir^ ‘ St;il'> h.iarii o! i \;i n;i riei " al..i;:i , i e - ^ u ip ; 11.,> \\ ,‘i ^k >et. '-i !i t' i hit h ' >litute et)iid’.:et ■ I and a I'f t ■ ,-.'Mi the Ma'^n^ ef 'l'rans\^l va ira . ARMIES NEED FOOD V •; h"111 1 cur I 'i' I I'' r ! hur.h n ; lliat after lhi y r.-aeli here | slat •.■> the Ih ahih I .ar;- I 1 hey will Till ft -.Ni'h men, ^,viih | j otiieers w ho a r.' intere-le.l in lli.'ir j 'h \\ hih- n.'i !• I ]i.'r"iin-i’ Welfare. Ttdl Ihe ji.'irents j .1'”^ ■' j not to w.'rry. t-ir ih. ir h iy- v- ili r.'- j rt p t to th - 1 'epaj te ■ n.t o. I e.-iv.- the h.•^l of ear.'. i th> ■ . nditi 'le- ex. - I'lL*'. ,.1,nr- '.:'l t' I ' 'he 1 h.-a ; t h: We are ])ei riiit t. il t, alt ". lehure'. I I on Sunday- arai i- .'im ! idn'_-j i""! a I'll I.f ile- tulkr- didn't eX’uel. ■ nt I'lk’in.: s-.i.'^h a. iive . e anty. 'I h. r^ w ill !>.■ me''tin;:s m ;iiiT'„'. ;il!eTnoi n aia! eveidiiL' Ufa t. 'I-- .'f V. iiiii .'i, III. hr. I; ■'!i >m; t il 1- a l: i'.idua 1 e of 'I'r; n' t ' ' a ha'.' an.l if th.' Tea dierV e iI, ,■ '■ ->1 re oay ijo i- eomin.,'' to a->i>l «' ihrnh;i I’niv r'i''.*. 11 a. '•|1>-: n'- i;... k ]"du.' in '/etln-: pnne ]i;il I.f !)',ir]iam .^i\.n.,i..>r : r d> t ' e. nf. r the .M-e'tfr .Ma^'-n.-; sell-"' foi- three \ear-. ]a .' ■ - r I I r, , ■ at ih-' 1 >i;-t.\!. ■( ■ 11 iil'i of llihh- ..nd I’ pay a‘ M. i.- j to hr la Id iii >,ii\ala .':i the 'J.'ith. di t h 'o Ih a'('. a Tld ]c,^o! •■.■'.'•i >v . ■! I^ai n j All M a-i in - will ! ' • w.'h -onie a t t he>.^ eate n an'l I’lnio-nd-.y 1 \\ a k. ' meet ■ ’ ■ - F' >ri•'-1 ' ' dii‘L'’e. Planting and Raising of Crops Will Not Suffict.: Every Care Must be Exercised Toward the PreveT^ii^n of Destruction and Waste of lac Focd After it is Made and Housed ... ,.a.' v„. aa a-., DETAOiiyeiS ——- LEM THIS V::^ "Our niiihe- le'■.! f.nHi, il^iii'i I,.I •: !i' .■iriteii , ;: ■ in lii.' .Mte. Ti' ijura! ’ i> tie' -li'Laia a'''i;''’-.i li\’ lie ! ('.•i' a-'v-- ■ oiip I'l.aia ia ill'' >aiii M.'S F .1-ham ha> ead.t v. • .v K m. 1 he V .1. -I'ee Fn. hi \ , ^|j„ i.;..,,, ,van.m . aria’iMii n- •••'*= '•-••' h • ' d Wi- t'uiiii.-i' of I hi' hi • 1 ki ml in t h.' d. p . ■ Ml- n t ; ( >. • 1 h' • .'i; ‘1, Till 1 I' W ill h. ■ rcL:uhi r ' » »-a; i v. a lai i I a.i; al '.s ■ '!1 If ail* ipt .'t! 'i' 'i.i I I 'i . • > a a'i ! a i.a ^ h. wdia-h .-'h" eor.ilv. -t-e Sh.' i ’ n v "i k hi th -ol (h'a'rei' cn Idnhiy -»■' ih.' .‘-^hiuaa .■; a and --'i!; I'eri and r t"ii ii 'lit- I e\ ' i'\ ind'.vaiiiad la liic eoure ry a' tlii-- -N.;!!!)!!.!! P.i'aai . : i .r. I '''a v. riu r- ]u ima ry teach, r in sia^li in o ?.t ' ,,v ji; _ ( t t "her Ila- I ’Ji i. ; 1 h.. •(' can- sidi'i' 1 ■> a> thi'- ‘ al H i-!. !’ -imI. , d-./i.iti -. (dii]' 'i I'.'.ih I'.li/ahelh .'y ; nd' ! I iiiie. \’a : a 11 ifii'i I':- (if a ■ i. i: i :na I and govi 1 liiii'-at a;;. ii ies i liriiu.aiaiii. aaii i - I..ana e . a■> I !a,- i ■; an-;-1' •• ('laa iua-.-^iun--i’.' aa.I i'sre Ai.'tr.'iiah all iive-i ei's' (Ih ■;:>■ "f ( 'i ih.iMi !i'-I i' ni v and ha> t n;i:ht in 'he >1 »te '.;:ina i sii> sumnn'r s.-hooi. REWARO GFFEFiED FOR AFPRLHEN::i^3 DESERHh! crop 0. w. mm :ia' i.h'a I f what llie f i’-iii;'r> > 1 mil '• aa V'“ ’',•.■!> ii tp' in t In- ! the •lani’.'. a,-- ui'^iiis-" ev.T> Imar th - na’ i a'' .a:u!'aa"i ,ay.) aa ■ I L'l'ieA i.i.' . .1 . ■'as. i'\.11 itui 'if iini'h hi' eaii a e, i le Pr" : a at \\ il .'I'la v.'lfi !!:i i - ai 1 ,. a' ■ lie ■!!' .li. ii I'^'aeii.’is rl,e !•' i)ara;^:'a; a ; "!'.'i'\’i :;''ati’.^ lire i:- ua're ta ri i. lilaiilina ai.«l lai^iii.i; erea.- wi'.i ae‘ .'•11'- jiriv.' e lai-iertinie. p putaie d re !'a'■ nui.'t be .'X";-. : '■>! lirtiaii. At i. tnae like this oi t a.ier- t.iwanl ,lif ar. •. >’!il i"ii el' t!a- tF.i’a. T.." 1 ii'ii'i^ "'I l;e,^ ii-ea ' a i)i iiartia ! ' i.. .\ai'i. iltar.' i" aa t'aiaaat \ it ' I . . i' I he v.'a:'. I’u: In ri’Laid t'l n. I havi' iu>t 1 t a 1 !vi d 111 1 he Ln e.l'iaini a’'ont hi.- j e 'lailt it .1'. and he s. . ni> P. think v,.' ' can make a ;-'ihIier out ef him. He j iiniy LToi h/-l instead of rnnniii'j' a wa v from ea Tiip | ha-' -on." 1 ' ( .'lunih a and lett nn ; n lii> i ' )^i 11. m. >.n ]tr"d’.i''l:;/ii m;iv h.' a'alh. r.d fri ni u reiiort of th,' iiarl A t.leirraiu i'U'TU Pr.ivo'-l o‘ 1 ia ■ erop t hre.- ed hy ( > \ *halien ril r'''.%der te h.eilaed ti ti. '['he total I'.umt.'r ol' hii-ii'a.- distii t h"'!rds in r';^ar(l to u. - r‘ *rs IS a.-" 1 ol'o ws ; I f aT iin thn shi 'i '^as nhor.t i l.''i'*». Tli'-ri- were 11.hnshels of rv.a aV’inih. r A r.'ward "1 ! nshels I ■I wlic.'.t, aT'id l,.‘iM) '.-lads of oats iiudnded in lhi- iT'ia ry. V’. hi of rvi math' an tivi-r.a titty dollar.' 1> payahle oT lh.-(;e hV(*iy ;it ’.he n'a'Ti st armv ea: p .r |)0!'t of a 'h tej'. i 111 - re\\;;.'.l IS 111 fnll sati.-'aeti m .d' :iil i:-.p. ;i-a-> iuc:irred 111 s.i'i (e-.i..ry. A pv- - f '1 hn-h 1-1" the r.a -ind the son ^vh'i lai:.' 1 ' 1' ; '1 . ' • il’-' • * al y-,..;d of 'vvhi'al 1 hu'dnd-^ boarti for n.’.hi; a i y ^ e at; he I'itne >p. -aii-^(i i e. hi> ■(.i- i' " r.-- J r. , 'a (h 'iM r A p r- n wh , DEf.TIS OF MARIA BAHTON , t'. r p.'Tl f.'i I.'d-• r v MTV i--. t he ad j ilani :• n- ra; ..f h.' st;ite hy .la- dal* -pi.'.a i in '11' t’a- se\aMi-v(‘av old daiv.-.ll ' i ‘ ’'1'. «li f’* . 1''* lAi I /' i> * . 1 ■ Hill] Mr-i .1. « Ul-idl (■: -ir.ahle r .Pi ''M r.- ■'* Thursday slier point tha’. -n .1 '! . ■- ■' n.,id. n". s. -if la-t w.'t k and was huri.'«': t) ronnd. 'ip all ,i.'i- ii- ( a i lie vs 'nadc cemetery on Fid (IcinHi'i nt IM i.'i. II" a’.h ;die was ill onlv ahou*^ a week - i !i - !.a t i! 1 , , , .1 . i.n-i 1. V c.'nulli-..M was not siisjua-t- a • ■■! 1. I' . ■ ; 1 li I * ' ] ,1, 1, . V ■ a ‘ .1 ' ■ o.‘ danir>‘rons until a t'.‘w t le 1 ‘ Wi'h-sl ]' ddici . _ . t I'liree ol (: ii'.'-«^ olu i-:- .•;nn h.'Ur- helor.- d-nlii. Sim was at i*ven »f indt \ i'lnal.-' ’.Tit'"-. 'O d i!i ten.ditiLMitn’ I'h.■'t seimol, and laein to 111 iiTitil tier." »ii> ail- I'., . authorir , it api.ear.-; 1 o t h- mill- (•• mu]i-1 h'd 1 o s!-i v a 1 hone', tary Hnlh^’itV that I'leir deiin-| The Initeral services were* con nnt'Ticv ’s liot widi 111, 1 hev v>; il he ’,,v j{..v. . J. ?danlcv. and fir-.vardi d t.) !! n’.a!)il;/.'itMn e ; mp, ' ,, i i i'i lur.Mii" 1 1 . 1 ...,n 1 , the iiall hcfirt is wcri^ I’oydat'.d hd •ind tLnir local .\ill ti ■ u'!v. ,i ‘ I'l’cdlr. If ai.jte-trs that the d.- Poss, Noah Slaniey and Oat iJry- lijj(l,i,.nc-v V.MS wilful, th'V wi'i h- ' on. ,*Veii O' 111-‘ ■ K-nuiiiL^ iK'i li! .-! sei’ooi, and l)rin:-Mti;-' su n di. h .u| a iii • i i, e i yerv i.nihilious to h'a.i n an.l ..lililarv CH'tr. 1. I., til!.'!’ Sia'll “ ans are h;^.m-l. r t.) a rmli :a rv I'’"”'''-‘1- *'"1’^ V'"^^ descruns. In^ either ease tin? r.' ! •\vurci is ;ecarL''J before c(earl martial as •ia-.\. a;.:! "I ill 'aiii-.-i in'i i'.- ::y .u. 1 il !i an I '-■■• a-i :■ ili t li>- P .n! aii' r it iais 'tie' . i' .■]•'. a’ 'eii (>f i i:;:d r. .-a)U'.'. ('s iK'fii a,.'.*' Mill inia>> I. i il i-'" lii.e.i . \ r a'';' ot il'-i'c A P‘\v ua 1 1;- a-:i a g.-aia . !■ > ,;tor ill ' - pr.'s^ in- .•..•i'"t;a.-!i. .■ ihai .•vcr> Chi. a:-.i v'a- il- ’r.i\i >1 1.'- ! re ana witli | slaadil I'e tal.-'ii la! lir-^ ii wiii-.ii .. ii'iil III :a.-'. ■ .‘u.i. 'i.naa ?'V!l.'' I liia.''-^ 1'!' I'll .ai. 'i'akia,4 i Id ^ aaaiun! I In ('eii.iii!; - i mer Vtr.ui^'- ajip: al to of I'!"-: I a'a.l • :-t hii.'m:'.;^ ile- .'ir.a.'i' ofVi. iaIs h ;>'iints oiii la. i liia: of t'ani:' ii'''! li,\' liak'TS ra. la:i’a' la .' i; ei '>iai.,i"a ••;[i pi' 1 ,';.a..l 111’';ai. aa.! -I'iii^ ii.N’ lie' arir.y (.yuar- sl.’Ks \vra U' I''. .. •! i:'. .'N''’'tli I'aro- t('|;- ;• 11- i> :'t iiieiil ■.-■ al’-.iv-a-a' • 'i a hi.'’ \.,u’ i;; pc.'V. ’ i,! ■ lires. In nil’ e ('iih'c; a ^I'ldicr. tlii.' v.'li-'at .!.•- at!;"i(iii a’api viiua.'i-ly a lii-.- aariirit strin.'.i w.'ut'i ia'.iii'li lie- lir.-i iii.T ■- iav.ii\i'il i:, lei' aait ry ami t-.e.-.ip- nieni ef ;!if : , '.v iiaiumal iriay laiai- !i!“nt ia !';■;• lae m-akiaa aaJ ])i)se.l of '■'■7. 'eii null in hr'-ai f > ; li.'M’diii; oi i,:--.-atl 'I’lYs. n'‘ar!.\ f.v.i ii."::!!is. | ..|,j , ;a'>;:a.-ai’y." tic Win . vi : ' a.'re is a five tli;;t d('- la-..]-.:., 't .'-a.\-•. ‘■ie.-a^ ui i-.aMl~tu.Ys i.-; '~tr(i\s a 1 iia: i'''!'a!>lt' aii’.i'a::' of ’ireii- I a y a aa.-.' iiK'a'y rallei-t- ( rly ti'.-re ih ;i'.'a'si alwa.x.-' lar' la.-K ] ijaes net r-'a’.a. e llii* aatual fei-vl- a!' '-ar.‘ . r el-f a eriniina! eit 'ni. .-aulis, 'v',./ p .‘.' I > aanaia .-ai rrtMiiely i' w tire are “pr'j\iaciil ia!.” i Vhih.: cur se,i! .nc yeiKiria.t; t;) .! laiiili'eil^ aa(: riumsanti' el'>.)ua,L iia'ii the •‘la i>' .‘.’a! .)ur alln-;i aia jia^a' Vii'd.a il.e I'^'.v le.aiii;.- 'Aal!;- , lialilir.;,' eui o - !.• P.a.a ; fur Pn'd la. ai- • ^ ini', : ( ■'■■•nstation aiaJ I;a dereiai -’a lov.-d (.n-s, !i-eri ! te . ilitii' at tb. di:-au'.. a! j traa'ain I'ar dur ii iiple to all.i-,'.’ of t!i(.' ‘.r'a riean ,i;m, eniiaciil in nro.s- ; ona t!ia! ,t.’'.a.-s iato I'le nuikni.y of eiuie ta!' ■■•^ar. 'i'o v.ijo siay ,jj i„. wasted." at in iiH' ;t i> i'ltl a saiall ia'ait .o put i ev.-rv roaaty forth to pr.a-liae i|>.' .t.'-;.! V i r laiii-c liiat win iirevcnl ihe t i " ^ j .Tuanizaiien in th-' state is ura.-l in may d'" tr(,y Pied.-tua^. every (lunce (It ' en.eraenev (ire pr.-voiitiou eaiii- whi h is ■■o.-.-iy iie.Mie.l ai J }ii. I Ku.- In I ('..nn.iissieaar a^^aiii .ails t'-eii .\iiasnhiiei.. _■ .i“:ie.-- i,, an t xppit lire I ha ve the .-e 1 hi-’ma. 'I'oui's r'lneerely. dolin I/.;ke >stecn, t'asual I >e;aehmai'.t Fi. i ' Ii J’jaMiick No. A V ( 'elumhi-i, S. ( ’. T’.- vt r-t-nVi' 111'ir. ioen in. , '1 111. Id ■ a ‘ V ■ ' il’d e ;■( -d to T. ’ -r, the : ...jcal Fxemjdi'.'n hhi ; ■ '.a w t ‘ . 'I'h.e fir-t detachmei T [ 1. i V .-,1 : , ,lne:'daa ;.ft. rn ■■■n ; imn .1 aek' .n 1 h.c.v-ih . I 1 nav 'ri;.‘ secoi'd r.'o. rt. ; a'.e day 1* ‘T n 11' •’ 1 t. 1 le a vi i'i -.1,. e.iu’-p Fritlay tn >:'nin.:. F i'. h ' vin'i a ;•(' ihc nam. ; ti'ji' in F. . ' I’.rst u'r"Up ; N.' ao.n IFath. All. Fa M. ' F-'-.. r illowa.v. 1 ■ 'tn.; :i * .las. Iia7ii'"n ' . \ ! 1 'Id. s. Hay . "' -d : th)' e '. (dinj’inan S. t'ai w ? ic v/ y i; ■ .V'aaTl. ? 'i : ' ' ' p -’ tt. i; -^h w \ ( > ••: . Th. ' N . F 1 - ' ' i i: H .iii ii^SV. '.Tth v\ a 1 .u i!i:: 1 'he li^ t ' Y ; Mr. liath.i'ip wishes TK'liei' to ht i:iv. n that if "iir p"oph' will leavi '...I. ill hi-'.' ]iaii( r.'. and i.iaa'-a/ines ' ‘ det- ;nCnt ; i;■■•'.ry »'''V >im-, ( >• ^'-r • (' 1 ■. ■ ; ; h * . !M . N : ' 1 .v. ! i r ! !• h ;:i. a.-- M ■ 'rary. An h’.- v .1 , -1 ■’^'h I h .'-hd-vi.v. . y ' ill.' ('•'.■('•a iiioDth or two oiii v,it!ii ‘ ■'I liamiiton. {''.irest ,\ ( • L. !f' .rd, .1- a . 'i’uri; V. Av. j.' -t e i wa:.. --i. P. i I v; a ! '■ e A.' a-.vort'a. "itin r the l.( -'.il I', arii or ll il]ih- II. | I-’;.'iier the hitt.-r ■■'til ree tha* tia^y ' ii. . o’.'a i'ded (\.ry week ’. the' ‘ " i’ian.-'yl .aiiia. h"> '•ai F -.m]! .h.e',.-..iTi. A litth' tht-uirhtful ]u-:'nipt la--s ini' ihiS matter wil’. add !nc..‘ii 1 ■ lh,e |‘‘'‘ cheer of o’. r contin^'-.'nt. hi n 0 TO 1 [!• Ui u. I u !=.4-L! A COnuiiGTiOM Aliis-n. I n ]);'o j! ;•, ■ . v,i!s made- i;i lasi N.-w’s_ ir. hich iii ir k. i was ■‘F.- n.lamm (1" inste ..1 r ■ • , . ’ Sr' Ue . .. t i' e j . . I SATiiBOAV k ^>.r.’;;h'" ys of th'.' nnnd.iF'. Wear.' va'iv ftyyy t’li | a -: I o'elucl mi>tal:e aeanrrt d, as wa‘ c. i: i.avM.i’' .ii.' . .. lie.- a’lti Ai.:-1':a’s w.)niL;!i and e'd'- drcn \v'. . : ii; ‘ r'i!i:;in a;' a - . do not wish t" e a', nin a t: an v ]. . j t^' is >.) worlliy o! e.'.ana n ai i i'a^F'i- aaidia er iti tin* sarvi.^'a of Fra> deiMrt- iu'-at i.-^ :iv.iil.P.);.'! at all tiiaes Ter :h.*'.t i''c la.i’e.s tiiat aio a’''eua(l.. j t, (ij-,. (i,.pa:-:ni‘-:iia io!' ;ti»'s .-■xMiiial te -keep the ln,nr> llres j ia-e a,..ym buniiny | -j... ... ;i; ,i in-,, ni- 'v.'aii i.-ii ra a. ;i a A:n(a in>; io citv a.nd countv oiYi aa eiv a! i iead exi'er?^ .-^aanF r. ’ I . ■ . . liaV I . a-a.ia,’t Norlli (’ar.iiiaa i-H,,) na;;inat aau aorre. t eiT.a'-; ra . !.-a- 'i‘ (!e;';ir; ai. lit i:i h i.'F:a^ i ' li.-d ( ei;i,-n’ tit tln't ini.dit lead t) Sonjetliin.ij; to seii menns sonic- “Crowder. ’ thinj.^ to advertise. J(an V-.'.' . : jai t.i a . ; ’i 'a wulo ( ainpaiv;:i' prevoi'i'a.ha l.rt' wasit'. Insaranee ('oui- niissi(au r JaiiU's U. V()une recently is sued a letter wiiicli was s.'iit to ti’oso offieiid.'- iiiid *o a null)her of oilier puu- ■e-; s a;al s-'i’i. :a^ acaiti.'ia'. Thi' s.'r- vii^cs f)f thesi* nn ii as v.all a. tlie (.dn'i of the (h'partincut are at the call of the r-eoi'-ic of North Caro lina. Tl! 1-; >Fvx \ ..: .. y \ : . N A;, -r- r 'Trtj i^Ct. ilt..'-. i-.1.1. at t ..Li. ■.. 5 ,\f the re^ Oeo.ii; i- i.H'alin,': of llu' hoa.i'.l of a'^'.-'ianen M .aiay niL;ht. F. F. S'la-ior.l .'! a‘ ■' to liil the viieuncy nia'le by the re>i- nation of J. S. Bromtlehl. M-a Sliuford was {i}j])oinied ehuirnian ; of the AViiter aiul sewer coninntt'je. a: will h a' :■ aate • li d t ' ; -a ; j •.'! ■ -liian t > he Li hi : ' a . ta j ;; ■ ■ .. Tv.’;:; . i-i Xovciia i ' .Jias ho ha ve ’ ra ' ’ a' . T ■ . ; : t 1 ’ . i -' an- . tdei; : ,‘e \\ ( .' I- : ' na are r. .;'nst( .1 hrin.; . ‘-sns to t.'■•’ I hiap.r^• '.aon ■ ,.t .a^iy, Vour friesiJ- would oc pleased to receive ni.'.rked coj ie:, of the Xews showin}^ your wherc.ihouts and uctiyitios; b cents u c ;py.

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