A The Rose Ca W. Y. THOMASON. Prop. h For the Me cfiants and Faimers Quick Service Food of fhc 3e^t Qua'iiy Polifc A!!er.tici Main 8tre>'t - ; .!■« \ ai-;! N'.C. Moals Deli vers i on hhoii N it .-c Professioncl Cards. ««%%%% K’OBT. L. GASH W . ^ . 1 K hH .sh. U. GASH & BREESE LAV/Y!RS 11 to \ 7 MvMir.u Building N (>’ a i'\ I \i 11. ir. ~~DR. J. Y. McKINNEY DENTIST Office Piikt'lv;nu'r BinliliiT^. DANIEL LEON ENGLISH Attorney .irvd CcuiiMlcr at Law I\r**vc! f', N. C. Keal estii: , a m.1 : H y. Clayton, Cloytcft &. Fisher AttOi’neys-at>-Law Mr.i;v.\i:i», n. c. WELCH GJiLLOWJiY Jittorncy Practicc in all the Courts Fif cvard, C. CHAS. B. DEAVER Jiitcrnc\ ci Laa' Offit ■ ( :• liloi k ALLISON ^ ALLLSON Attcrp.oys-ct-Law Ii\ Old Cooper Building BR£VARD COLEMAN GALLOWAY Attorney-at-Law C.'OH'r Block Frevard, N. C. GONNESrEFi LODGE NO. 237 I.C.C. F. Meets vV-r> M uitlny niuhi. DUNN'S ROCK V LODGE NO. 2u7 • ' - A.F.&A. M. !SPOTS DEFORE THE EYES ! Many Curious Ideas Have Arisen ! From the Prevalence of Condi- dition Easily Overcome. Thp pri'valeiu e of this coiiditioii has s;iv(Mi ris(> to a ^rcaL many curious iilt'as. Almost everyone eilhor b^eos tixod or (loutiiijj; ‘jiots at tiriUs, >r Iif'ars some frliMul t ()i!ii)lain of iht'so • ■oiiilitioi's, so that it is not sfi’aiiKf' liiat. many poimlar mis( om >■))* ions have aiisfii. 'i’ho commc.iii.^t fonn of floatin'-; ^•.l)ots arc' tho:-;,' wl'.ich h!i,)\vn by thi* name of mu.-i ai* voli t;i!it's. an »iUl nanu* whiilj imiirato- how lont; the (imlition has h(>cn ob stM'Vt'd. TIk'sc art' tiny Iransparout fhains. or strings, which ai'c srcn .'sjiccially on a white or hrii.htly il- !aniinal-'l finl'd as in ^uioUi* or steam. They persisltMiiIy flop.t in the line of \iion. ami thon.rli a shal»e of t,u' I’.ead may them out of tiie way, tiicy at o!ic ■ iloat itacl. a^ain and art' Uf\( r siationai'v foi- a >iii!.'le i iomeni. i'he-e -pois are sometimes the fore- mr.iier of seiions ai>proai jiiie^ |>h> .d- i-:’l ills, of (ir:’;nis lemote f: im iii“ ey.‘:v but ;.re more freini' Jitly cat' ed hy I'VoloMUfd oyst.'-ain wiiirh -ajt- t’. ' ( iier'r.y and Ionmms the iiliy.-^ical ton\ ' lal' 1.) the I'd h'm ■!' !o and hi'a much ;oon as he he- kept >ip (asily that of many many aduli- nrv-a-, • *- t -ilTK • Ills ^ > -. ^ J ?3 ■' . j • i Flocro | that L'iok U.C Weii J Laziness And Grouchiness Of ten Due To Eyestrain and Defects. Competent Optometrist Should Be Consulted When Head Tires, and Nerves Deccme Upset.—Should Guard Agninst At.y Eyestrain- Till' pai'eiiis of a s-aall h> y were frrcatly ilistnrhed hy a te.n li r's ii'jiori to till' t'lYeii that tii-'ir sen was th" la/-ie;;l l)oy in scluxd. "He is ^;o la/.y." tiio ti ach^r ih'i larc'il. “that wii, !iever ic' lias to l ead, lie hei nines sleepy in a \. : y li w minire.-." Scnl.linj-'s and whij i>>’i>vinK of no avail, the hoy w.i,; taueii to the ’ ■i:;;ily iilr>ii ian. Th' Mirp;-:-:. ('I';oine' 1 ^ t. v.'i i 1 ■ :a nei'd of ^la:=,'v'- v.m to Wear these lie wi'li his idass. 'Ihis lioy's ca.^^'* is otlii'r chiidren. and id' also. Thf'v have 1:0 ohvious symi)ioms of ey. ^t’ain. hir tii -y li’id it lianl to or; .•atrate their atti'iition. Their h': •!> lire ((iii'kly v. hen i!i"y try to tliiniv. They arc n> rvinis and irri- tahh'. All this impaiis their elTi- cieui y. seiidinir iheii- l ainiiifj; power far Iiidow wl'.at it (.imlit to he. TIie> hecnii'e dilTii lilt )H'i''ons to ^et a.lon^ with at honn- and lii tln.ir lpu.-iiiess d' alin.us. \\ !;e>i, ; Miiii'timcs hap- jiens, tlii'ii- ansn. I'.'i'teil eyestrain m;.i. tlcm so o’/( I'w roarht tiiat tlc-y caiinot ^leeji. theii- jdi.uht is mi erahle i:','I' li’. tile!' y,) i -,ti.-]>e i that your eyi-i,:h; ii nit v ii ti it oa^;ht to he; no ma!l“i‘ l.ow rood it se-'ms. yoi; .-nlTer from tiie jiliy-ieal and m'‘ntal ii'ou'eif 1,11 IIIiom i! ; iinve, play saf.' !iy eon,-Mill iiiri: a cunip-t ’m optomeirist. \iid. to hel]) you j;uaid against eye strain. Icii' are a few “don'ts:” 1 »i ; 'I 1' a 1 sh’n> pa]ier. !> !i’t read any kind of paper in a poor li'.’ht. i'oii'i riad in stri'ft cars, railway tr:i'.-‘ , o" .• movitiL' v hi. lr^s. 1’ '! wl '1 a ^•IronK iij;’.it i':: your waile i!'" rest of the roum is dai'l.. ! »o!i'' fat e t’.M- lirht. COSMETIC EFFECTS 07 GLi^ . l:;:c ,r:cl ■l‘- T* ■ i lo Tis a ' I . . ■ i] ’ floor, v.fu n .^nci. r- r. ; :i*e case, ri'.-.' •'i.'. {•'i'e t nin.* to r.\c.\: ■* o'V'^e tlian to die ■voo'j ( '? i i;cr*- are toc! \v .;;?r 'Is on t!;-- ill' h ' '..r !os3 f!i,.n rd- .• )C "^. . as Ll-rtU.’i;' I, ar..'! '. ; r- :'a'ily ar :1. V-c ■ ' > V'T: i-.'.CTC -. a; ic-J ;n ct. » c.lo>i. MiLLER SlIPPLV TG. ; : .il I'. M;; i ■ ■ :;TU1 : »T* •• Note— Ar.or.;; the mentiuaeij .ibo.•.*, oiiC of t!ie r.io.^t co:,cpicuoiis t-T its beaut>', c,L ..!!ty .in.l . . a- cn.ibls pricc is North C'Trcllaa .?ii.5 —for ilocr ar..J tiiin. AD,MiNiSTfi!iTOR’S NOTIOE 'I’!i:‘ (dd mnst^rs depi' '..(! the oval o>rni oi‘ t!ie hi^h' .'t tvjc* oi' die f 'lnal' f;\i e hcautiful, Toiiay li.e su-cessful all’ ' .-how.; i’,:.,My iy)>es. each as Iiainl-'Uiie a-^ the c ii r. Ther-' is one jioint. howevt'r. that ail judges o'' the human face n^iee ujion. and tir;! is !h*' balanciiifr up of its deli( ieacics. If a faee is too wide or too concave, t'lo mucli "A" shaped or too much ■'V" sliai>ed. it needs to have hats, hair, neckwear and j;lass('s. so shaped as to accentuate eeitain contour.s in some cases and lo tone them down in others. In .irhisse': the skilled optometrist can buihl u]) a Hat fa-e (jr low hri'iKeil iio>e so tlia: it is rdmost worth while for (.ne to wear gla.'ses for ai>];earanc-e only. i>o many i)erF.on?; make the mistake, ' when bein^' lined for f;lass(*s. in in- si.'tinK ni)on some certain style of frame (jf size of lens, simply because i of the comely appcarance of some | friend to whom this style is hecomiiiK. | (;) to a Kood optometrist and be ! ^roverned by his advice, for he not alone knows all about tho oj)tometric neeris of an eye. but he studies how to j-Mve his jiatients tlie maximum of | benefit with the minimum of trouble. r BREVABO ii^STIiUTE NOTES Nearly every newspaper carries the general news but the Brevard News is the only one carrying Mr.~. Chi l ie Thtoims of Spart in- *he most important 'J'ransylvania linrf' spent Sunday at, flu; Invf;. news. tute, visitin*' lier (.luiii’hter, Mi.-s — j ADVERTISEMENT OF ADMINIS- -XV ^ TRATOR m iMrs. .1. F. Iiu‘'\v'll of (Jreeiivil't*, i is s;(en{]ijiLr (i few day.s with her (laiiuliter.s, Missc.s !•’!!( n aiul ^ ‘r"Iina (’ounty of Tran- I'aii 11 11 II s^i\ania 1% itlilecn !iii(l li(‘r son Har- Hi By l{. V. Wintf rs, I'ivision of .Vvron- account of ffs hiirh yield and iptalify, omy, X. (', I!xperiment Station, and tiien fui’ther impro\ed in tie* lo west lia!ei"ii. X (’ cali'y by selectini; seed from the be.-1 If is a cu. tinn at iona- some wheat plants. One can easily s> lect .- ulTi- prrowers to sei ure nev.- seed fro n ei- ?ii cr,),;,] froni a field to jdant a nvnni or (d |: lovoitiriie- T't.-M'-s fiirihcr north every fcv.- y ar-;. ~e( d pat ii. .\ small seed patch could Il i,, rlaiii t d by the,^(> growers that !>e ke;»t free from wild oniitns and mix- wlieat (|,'t riorates wln n m'own here lures of oihr grains. T?y this m-'thod several yi-ars in siu i i'ssii'ii. Som*' oii' could be sui’e of producing the even h l;e\'e th:tl a part of the wheat h» s( sci':i for his sf'ction. turns to ilieat. 'I'he seed sjotten frem VVhnt Can Be Done Now. f'.irtlier north is ^;aid to yield belter The hi,t;h price of wheat is lik 1y to tl'.aii the home-grown seed when plant- re>ult in a shortage of hofne.ijrdv.n (>i| here. seed for p!antin,n thi fall. This mav Home-Grown and Northern Grown Seed Wheat Compared. In oT’di'r If) seeure infoiniation on ihis point the Experiment Siatii'ii and ^-’late 1). partment of .\yricultnr-' have cciapari'1 tli" yiehls from hone-I’riUv-n and lunthern t:rown seed wheat of the sam' vari“iies. Several varieties h ive bei :i compared and in each case tie; honi('-^ro-.v n ^ (>d was compared wir.t till' same variety of northern grown ;t (1, riie eonii)arisons were mad*’ at the .vlduntain I’.ranch Sta.lion near I lie urah r^ i;-ricd liaving 1‘ccn ap- jtiiinlcd .iiid iul\' ;ii,ilifii-d as administra- t'r .,f th|-c'. '.te „1' '1'. ('. Cailnwav. de- «I a-cd. ali ; !)iis ii;;vin;{ (laiins a;^:iinst Ih' ^ ■'! '-.il.itr a:-, iHliii'-t| to exhibit !e(!ii [,,rf I iii| (,r his atliinn-y, Chas. An iiii'..i-inai S't -i’il voas 11 i ;>t , r, at l-rcv.-ird, C., on or before ii ' 20l,i !ay d Scpt;-Tid>iT, 1VI.S, tir tills iiiila c will !)l‘ jilcadt il in har of their re- I'»v rv. .Ml pcr^on.i iiuirided lo tiie said c>tatc will pkas;' make iinmeiiiatc pay- incnt to me or niv alteriicy aljove nicn- tinael. I liis tlie 2nth d.'iv of Sejit( Hilii r, l'>17. \\. H. (..Ai.I.OW AV, M l ,, , . .\dmi.iistrator oi '1. ('. tiallovvay. Iluicareri i.iimt.er.d lio.vstii- Ciias. il. Deavcr. AM... r.cv, V L'l-btc- 'leti I s ( XJ) ‘c te( 1 to I II ■ cr t 11 1 V. i'( Ji . old, at t 1m; ItisfItnto. Mrs. 'i'. I), Kllcr of A.-^lievilie, X sjicnt a (!ay wifli her dfi ti"ii! er. ^]1^ > Ueitl.in i'ii( r, last \vi * i , S itui-day iii.-lM ill tlie :riil-.' jinlor at Ta\ lor Hall. I llor(‘ Wei'c f wo ]);ir*i'‘'. of ( iiT' vtii.iur peoi.'c out i.ici.icint: M lalay, one (dinj)eroii‘'(i l.y ,Mi'. !’()(.\fv and tlio I t ler hy :Mis. ,\ i dii>!s. he ric-'nt atmi.u! iiiv. n iy of iJ'dlc iieiiiK tt l.ilnarv shew.-' ii ! or (d I: jo vi>itinie.-, MCff ■'iDih i. 'I h .>!' h'li'ks ai'o class’.lied e .■> 1 o 1111 \\ s, \ : Kietioii. ; I'hilosi.jdiy, 1 1 ; Ue. ll^'ion, 210; Sociology. ,'1; IMlll- oloiry, I,'); science, r.-ofu! Arts. Fine ,\rt.^. 1''; ].’f.-i at .ire, I?); ili>tiry, llj; lii'tj|diy. jji- he avoided by savino; th‘ best seed uT«'ncc )>tiuk>. lii'i. now. flrowers wlio have pood seed jjj Aniiiist, 1'.' )s t!. .-'hould have the best for plaiitiiif? this fall. li!)rary was laitalof^ned accordiTii^ td tlie l);-u v COTTON GRAOif^G SERVICE IS NOW VERY IMPORTiiNT Asn.'ville and at the I'i.-dmont ilianch Hxr* rimeiit Staiion. West Kaleigh. S: 'lion ni ar Statesville. I'esults at the Mountain Station. The comiiai'i'ons (d' home .L,rown an 1 nort!it'! n ^rown se; d wheat at t!u^ Mo'jn’ain iiraneji Stati'in wei.> malo for t'lri > : iiccessiv(' years. In tiiir- |e*n I oiiii.a: isons duriir.: Tlir. e years th • I'.i nii',L;rown set'd iiiixiured at li'O rate of li’i .-> l ii^Ii.'l'; per acre while tho notiliei n .ui'own se,-d ],rodiiced 11'Tl! buslii'ls ])e;- a: !i‘ or bushels per ai-r - les'-- than the home ,:4rown seed. r.iis. per a( re Yield fioni liome-;;rewn Seedsmen of the state wiio have ... not yet c.dlected th-nr supply should I>• ‘i'nan ard .system xn use in all i’;(' every fdiort to secure the best | n.o Iciu libiai'ies, and u small, •Xorth f'aridina prown soed. Millers tlioiieh complcto, card cataloL'iie who have ^^ood seed wheat irown in , (juioment was in.-talled. liy this the stati' mav hen.'lit themsidves and ,, t , i.. » * i i • , . -.1 !!tca?is, not onlv can anv honk la; Ihe j;rov.-. rs of tlieir comminnty hy , avim: the best se.'d. ! r.-ad’.iy lucafed on the shelves in its For further information write the I'itijier (da.^s, l)tU hy consultinu' the I'ivision of A.^rronomy. X('rth Carolina ' card I'atalo^ it noiy ho ascertained at a glance jiist what boid;^ In ]un;j: to the I hrary; by what atifhors and titles and ujion what suhjects Smie valuable additions have hei n ; madi' t he list > i‘ai\ 1 ho in'i.-'t 11 ct iit | of wiiieh is the latr.'>t !eviseil :ind ABNORMAL TIMES DEMAND THAT eiilartred edition ..f the (’entnrv .d Yield frcm ^ro\Mi .-e.-d nor; hern IH'rease due to use hoaH’i;ro\\u se.d of 1 1J.72 ::.7S Tli.' re.-'ilts of the I'.'lt te-r were ev. 11 ni-r.' sirikins.;. In this e.inipari- S'.n tl:>' hom ■ iriauvn s'“ei| p;-oihieed »i. l 1.11 ii' N per a( i>' more than the ;'a;d tor mi.Idlin^r. Idd tlie tai norr'ie'ii .^fo.vn. ALL COTTON IN NORTH CARO LINA BE GRADED. j aii'i defuiituins. illy O. .T. MeConto'lI. Cotton (’.rading 'I'ho readin„' room tahle is Invi.-ion (d‘ .Markets, Asrimltural j l-;.\’,( nsion Service, West lial- i . eirh. X. C. I I It will probably be sur;irisins2: to th' i f:il iner.-- in tliose counties not havin.i; ti. ■ >;radiii,i; service la.-: si'ason to ' h ai'ii liiat more than one-]i;ilf of the . ( :ron r ii-"'l in Xorth Carolina last 'year wa - better t'.iaii .Middlin.i:. Th-' I'lill; t.oiij;ht this cotton as b.'in.i; bet- t' !' ti;.in middlin^i ami piidiably pa'd * >11 tent Jieiioo e il>. .'.:‘.im.i'eii more for it than tle y wouifi iJict’.'>n:.r1 :i vcdums in ii.', \, itii I a stippl 'meiil uf new word.', phrascs W.'ll snpplied with rturent lileratiire, ! v. hieli ims the h.ist year hec(.ine mnt h mori' valualde by the addi tion ot t he • ■ lieMder s (i uide t o 1 *eri odical liiteratiir'-''. T his is a month ly pui lieat’.on, contaiiiiiiir an tuitlior an I subject inde.x to all in.j.oi-taiit aitieles in a i;itat number of the Results at Branch the Piedmont Station. Si:ni!ar re.-u!t ; v.cre jrotieii at f.i*' Pi-at Hraii' h Station. 1 • na: ■; three years i I'.t 14 1 :• 1 I twenty-th:e.' coni;M: i-'ori: were made l»etW''en hom-'- ;..'ov. n in.l noriii.Tn ,uro \ n s^-eij of the .sane- \ari‘ti.'s. la the-e t('sts tlie hona -i;! ov !i se d pvcduce.! at the r.ite of l‘'. "l 1,11 !i.'Is jK-r a( r*' while the 1. .r:h r;; .urown s>'d I'rodiieed ners in your county ;ret itetter tlian •h>' ^^i hllint; [.rice fcr more Mian one liilf th.'ir cotton’.’ On tlie answ 'r to t!n (|!ie.~r:’'n d>‘p :iiTie answer to ' h' TluT it v.ill pay your county to se- ( lire the , • r\iee'-: of a!i ol'.i. ial ,t.;:ad. r. Tli(‘ cost to the coiinties is very low', \ar\iiiK in amount with the number of iudes jn'oduc'd. 'I'lie aetual .uraiiinj; is lione by men in tin- joint employ of the S:aie ami i'ederal .\uriciiltural ant hoi i; ies. but -'iiie- assistance frotn eeunli -. is i;e ( s..irv and the follow- iiy this means, the lihraiian cui reu !’ to atiy arti -Ie of note in any ma>:a/ine li'fed in the lihrary, Numle (it perPI,liea 1.'suhseri’>ed or: M'.nthlv, Vo ; Weeklv, I'j ; Dailv I WILLIAM FOX present-s GEORGE WALSH m Ths thrilling picturiza- tion of the famous book in five parts. A western picture in v/hich the hero, "‘The Mediator/^ spends his life in a battle for peace. Wherever he goes he finds lawlessness, and he immediately proceeds to battle for peacc. Aiiniission 10 and 15c tu.'h'ds Thi" LMVi ' an avera.Lre of thret .ere ill favor of tie' home-:’’'- ^'^'I'-'i.nts wdl be re.piir-d from !>• K - ji.'r cro'.v! -,: (•■] The i.'st of 1!U4 cotsaia- : rd 1.; ' onipa’’i-'ons in whi: ii tin- iioine- ■ cr .. a .-d averair.-d 1 bus'i.-’.s p./r a> ‘ mor. ilian the northe:-n ^rowji. , Results from Another St.nte. i S’:;..;'.!' (pi'St ion-; have ari-^en in .•':.e; are-. T!>e follouiui; jiara>'r;i])h fri.m in l:!T of the I'tah i'lxp -i'i- ri ion Lives a summary of th ‘ir re>ui! V, ii- n hoiue-LM'ov. n and out side s«' 1 lie.it ^vere comp:ired; •’It is ;i c(e.;imon j:r;ietii e ft,)r b;^ {^raiii grow-i t r-^ ! ' send away annually fi'r se.'.' v, I'l this iminner larg‘ (nainti ti- ; of .-eed wheat iire annually i;n- I lo:tei into the ii.t.•rmountain re.:^d>>n. | Hi d til" mistakt n impression that | the home ,^rown seed is inferior in ! p!..;i'y. ’i he n'sult- of xhis investi>;a- j lion, tiierefori'. are of utmost cal i:).;'':/rtance. ’I'ht' pradicc' of ship ping in seed \\he:it is euiirely iinnec- essai'v ai'd wast(d'nl. The (piality of the !;ome-grown haial wdi('at> is really >uiJ. rior to the original seed. Cood ]>ur ‘ u 'aeat si-.'d : houiil be st l.-cted of the K’i:d tlie gi'ov.a r desir-'s to raise. Ik' should then continm’ to r;iise hi.-; ink practi- I e;i: li ( oiinty served: Alamance. i?lii; Alexander. An- .-■'11. .'I'.'."; r.t-anfi'ri. .>1""; ll'Tii*'. r.lad' !i. $l‘in; !’>run--wick. .'?lu; Cuba”- 11; , ill'll; ("am le:!. C;irter-t. ?l’n; I';t: .* v. !'a. •''T.'; Clui'ha;:! ?7‘>; Chov.at'. Cl-'Vi'land. C'olumhu:-. ?iU''*; Crav.'-;!, ST.''; Cuinh'Thind. .''-'lU; Cutri- T!!e!\, .>1H; Davidsoii. ?1"; Davie, .?15; Ihiplin, Durham, ^lu; Kdge- i-onibe, I'raiiklin. ?1"m; (lasion, : Cates. Cranvilh''. .'?ia; C.reene. ^'l"H; Halifax. Ihirnett, I Hertford, $lnO; ,Idinsto;i. .loTies, l?7.'>; Lee, $77.; Lenoir. Lineohi, I '7.'; Martin, ?100; Mecklenburg. j Mon;i;omery. Moort'. jL’.'i; X’ash. Xorthampton. .?17r>; Onslow, J7.'); Oian.ue, SIO; I’amli'.it, $7.'»: rasouo- Pender. $2??; Penpiimans, i’itt. ^LTiO; Folk, .$10; |{;indolph. liiclimoiid. Kobe-on, ?12">0; liowan, !?7.'>; Riitherfonl, ^^1"(»; S;imi>- son. !^L*.">e; Scotland. Stanly, ?7.">; 'Tyrrell. $!'>; Finon. Vance, ?2r>; Wake. $L’P'; Warren. $ino; W'ash.ing- I to!i. Wayne. Wilson, ?2.aO. It now i.piiear.s that owing to thf' We Point With Pride to eur t'hasc Sanhnrn line ..f line Te;is and Ceficcs v.Iiich we carry and on which wc have built up such a spl-jiidid trade. A Large Selection of hencst goi.iis at honest pricfs won e.s patronage (,f eur host cus- t( mcrs. .'re v(.u . nc d’ iheniV MITCHELL The Grocer. Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will Increase Strength of Delicate People 100% in Ten Days omtiell-'d to usn more lotton that is grown locally Ilian liaa been the ca.-^e heretofore. Farm ers who Jiave had their cotton offi- A!1 e jicrs.in-. *.o. ut.ti,I.; ;t •' \ way,u:'. I'-r^' h.i', ;i.: , .^uahtl',- 1 an ] 1> ' , ' 1 as a the (•.-‘.-It'.’ of L. 1. ('■alhtwav. :lt. • 'I'ransvlvanr; '.a!.,rr v, .\. ('., .md >'jiis iadeh -1 lo t!i'“ estate are re to make inrnc.ha.-.' seilleniL-iit to dtrsigned; and itll ertditorsof t!u- named ah iVf .-re r'-ijuested t.> their chiia ? !.• tore the c\; irat t vvtlvo mo.nths from the date he this r.iitiee v.ill ' tde idcd h; h.^r o rcc.)verv. .1. (', CALLOW . Administrator «d' the estate of I., lo'.vav, de'. , -.1. ' HERE’S ANOTHER POINT. • V dulv :a.t'.r of '•■ !. ,,f , dl p.r pii'Slcd 'die an- , state ' lifesent , L * ,m1 ot j ■reof or : f tlieir I i)wn t,. •(: ;ind with prop.'r seh'CTion lu m;iy rest assured that the piali!v of >lina mills will be the >eed will not bi'come inferior, but lie may have every conlidence that his u hi at is of superior (imdiiy.” Deterioration or ‘'Running Out” of , Ki'Juled will be in mmh bettei „ . ,,,. . 1 t)osition to reai> the neiients that thi^ Seed V/heat. ' , , , . , . , I should bnn.g about than those who are The above re.sults fiom thioe \oars “Celling a IMr in a Poke” insofar as comparison of home-growu and north- conci'rned. ern grov,ii seed wheat clearly indicate 1 ^ . .-lii The erading service gives the foun- that home grown seed are preterahle. I . , , , • . 1 1 . dation for successiul marketing, viz.. It this be true wdiat doe^ lause deteri- ; .... . , , ..... „ standardizatum according to a iinivi'r- oration in setal wheat.' The condition ,,,,,, . , , , . . . I sal standard. Staiu.anzallon provided., kn..wn as delerioratiou or running' , ... ... 11.- 1.1 .1 onlv one prime requisite remains— out of seed wheat is usually due to ' ' . ... , ... , , .. , rj. ... Qnantitv--which ean be obtained bv poor care ot the Hei>d. loo otten our i , 1 1-11 4-,■ ..„i poohng or selling togetTier. wheal iit'l'i -, are nitested with w ila I ' " onions, cheat, mustard, and other i It cannot be too strongly impressed In many Ir.ijtances—Porsf>na hnvi> siif-t ! w \"ii e in w.t:; > r ti- \\ r' lr voa ieretl uiitold i.gony for years aect':r..ng j ■-oi v. .Ik v. iii.'.a: li ,■ ii.iai; i r- 1 -\. \t for noivoiij weakness, atoii’acii, iiv,.-!- ,«r in;,- i\\.. f;v. ■ r :y kiil2;c,7 iiist-ase cr Dc.uie etl.n- ...liiier.t it' 1 tlii' - liin'. s I'.-r .1 . . - I't r growing fi-'iulit congr-stion Xorth ^’ar- whcu th-.lv i-o.il trouble was lac'.: of iron i il;- i r ;\v ' u- . k>. n t.-i • •ar in f.io Mod.—How to tell. I .-i r- im: h ;i vv, T. ('.al- lO-7-llp Seeing things with your own cy»s is not always conclusive evidence that you see correctly. You see through a window’, hut the gla.-'S may be imperfect or unclean. You see with your eyes, but the re fractive power may be faulty; thus you see much lesjr than you might see, Optorcetry's province is to remedy eye defects, which if neglected, may pi'ove serious. Ml inii s. •• i'..r \i'urs. !."W N' w V' t k, .\. ^■.— 111 a r.: t ili.=-’ ir.U' li \ . a ;; iiii''i, I ’i.; ,. ^ • !i '■•ai-' It, i;. .'-■,i,ii r. a i:..si.’i i' • '..i.ia .1 .. iis n : ■ ■ i;s. : a. n leis .•'ta il' ll wi.l. ly I. h ,n l', . \,.r-- ''1:!; ! o) •;:• •• .!. a!^ ..tiiifry and in -it l.ar-;' ,ia ii-.li':d . i. ,'i .h. ir sii' s : m'-I :;d ar- Ois! It u t IMIIS. , .1. 1 r y,.ij V.. re t.. 111,-.;.. and . I'tlr. I\ ; iid ' ih. ir .■'II :o-Ill;il I.-.-I ..|1 ..!! uh" I e;.« cf .];-!■. ] 1: , r .'ii.r »r. a- •O'.' ill .'' .1 v.. uld i r '!' i!'ly I .- ;.r' 'llv l.j. s in fi.aa I- a !•• t' ’Urt'.ii d tane i"!0: I-..-a :it th'- \1II1V l.irc' -^oni'ly l y t,-u;i!i.r ii 'ii in tin-' pr.'i" r :ui.;'. r \v!i>. l.-ok in.ii and ;ir.’ illii'.'iia. roi'i t'as. th.y l\;id in s me !"r III. .'th.T I'-,'.''"!! tti:oi thf l;icU i.f ; . ,-e-. s h. . n .l"et..nitK i'"r iii"iilhs wiT’i- ir..a. 'I'll.- iiions iU ir^.n is sni'ph.d all ..ul ••M:nr,iuK ^av l- ii'iit. V u e'lii i;tlk ile'r niii'.ii: al" "f d an:;.*!-.'i;s s.\ ne.ii.in,-- y"u pi.'i!>,.ui nil H,.. v-.ani-rs '!i .I'.'i' O'. Witlu.'it ir.'n t»i.- t.n wr'i'iuhi 1.% i., u r.!!".li. s liil in-n . - the p..w. r te cli ing.- fc".! : . .;:m- .I 'wn f.. 1 o l l e-ts tV.-r.- i)^ 0.0. to iiK ti:-pu.-. and U »Tef"r.- lik.- ..|(i iP'.n l.« fiit .'..J.t .""1 'I’s V"U any y,.ii in \.ur eh. .k-^ :ni.l ! ■iii;d. le-ilttiy I ;-il !! e .•tr'n;;tli «ait .t it. il.-:;i ..n y."ir )>":;■ s. I’ -i! .. -i -^v it li'.'d III* r> ' \ p:iss*'.« tfiri ai^li joiir s\s- n. r\>- :oiil >t la'ieii .*a :*iiui hitsr :’!vl t. ia Ilk. e.'i'u through a iiiill with th.- i!;.- b.-st bl.n.d i'ai'd. r in !!..• w. rl.l. The I..1I. I-S su wide apMi-t tliat the niill ean t i .'iily ir,.ul.l.> u.i.-; ileit iti.- ol.l r..nes .f liriiid. As !i 7'e.salt ef this ci'nt ni’aons iiU'r^.'oiie ir..n, lil-:.' thietiir.' .'f ir..n. iron lili.ed :unl nerve* starvj) I a'ii, pei.pl.- tie-^ .e.i a i •■. iio.. , fi. :i rui:, d p.'. i'te's I'.llle g»*lierally \\. a kei'.,-d, nerv. us ,in'J t'elli. (ips. t th' ir st.ine:;s :u. i were all run d.'Wii .'in.l 1 rt .pi'r.ti.v d.-vi !i);i all i;..t jisslnol.at. d, ati'i i..r iln st* reas'-n.s s.irt.-s of e.'iidIil(.ns «>ne is t.'.. thin; th.-.v I'r.-jiieiit 1 v 1 iii'.r.' leirtM th;in an..ther is luird. n. d witJi nnh.i’tliy f.ii; . 'e.l. i:ut w'lh the dis.-.ivery of the S'l V, •.;:ik tt.ey t-an li.irdly i t'.-wer foi-a's ot' tirrmi.' iron all f>iis has weeds. Wheat cont lining seed of such , upon all eoiueraed that the cotton sotne are Iinf.l for weed niirnoses ' grading service is merely applying one | walk; some flonk tli. y have lyspepsia. | i ev. r."in.-'. ' Ni;'\ait.Vl Yr. ii, f..r ex- we.fis IS uni.i lui . ,11111 .St. otTieient mPth.uls tn tho kidn.y or liver trouble; soin- ,•.an t ample, is i.lea-emf to fake. d...-s n.>t in- Wh(‘Ut that IS damaged in tin* field, ' busine. b (tfliient metliodh to tne ; sle. p ,at niirht. ethers are si. . py an.l inr.' the t.'. ih nnd is ulni.'st iminedi- stored wet, or stored in damp bins j fai’mei’s proposition and j 'oi.t ^irritrihi.'^^^ ^ will soon become ualit for seed pur- j that to get good service proper provis- physi . al p'.iwf r .and 'iiduran e In syh I N'otf? -Th? inanuf:i. tur.' sto- will .suun uei'oiiit; luuil 11>I Ci'eu iim- | fvvses. Such conditions wouid cause i must h.3 made in time to enable deierioration of .seed wheat in any see- | the Cotton Grading office to prepare lion of the country. j render it. How Can One Secure the Best Seed I Fnouii ies relative to Cotton Grad- Wheat. , ing atid ?.hirketing will receive p;oftipt The best variety ijf wheat for a see- ! attention if directed to O. J. McCon. tion Is one that has beea diosen (.11 ' nell, Agricultural Extension Servic‘d . turi'rs of Nut.t'M Irrin have ea.ses, it is wor^f th;in foidishni ss to 1 uiiU im.i .1 .•'.iif,.itlut- in us tiia? tiiey take, stimulatin!; mediein. s or narootle , •"/'■■i-t tti«t 11,';v win r«rft>it ...I,;,!, . r.. : $li"'.;'0 |1> a:.' I l;.iill»!..i' In ; ;t!i; ion if tlit*y p.nin.»t ! • "*0h O'd.v whip n',1 \Our I:o')V1iik tako an.v iiihm ir uii'lt-r sixt.v »iii"> lacks vit.'il powers for tho inoni‘iit. maybe at the expt'tisf t.f yonr lifo later on. No m.atter what .any one tfll.s you. if you art; not strong ant wt'Il you owe it to yourself to make the folluwing test; See ir.'M aiui liiin-a>i.> tlidr strfiiKth tun ivr cont. or ..\.r in f.'iir «■'k-.’ I'r'nid'M they have no s»Ti'U.» nritanio tr.'iil''i. .Ms.- thpy will refiind your in an\ in wl.ifh Nuxatrtl Iron 1ik« not Bt l.>ast il.ml.ltf y.'iir Kiri'iuih in ton days’ tlma. It ts diapeusud lo Ui:S ciu by &U giKxl liriugisU. Micfie-Brodie Drug Co.» Duckworth Drug Co., Brevard; R. S. Morgan, Rosman. N.C»

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