Come to the Transylvania County Fair October 31. Sring' tHe family. VOLUMK-XXll (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January I, 191T.) BKKVAUl), NOKTII CAKOLINA, FltlDAY, 0( TOISKK \‘.L 1917. NIIMKEK- 4DXAW«Y lumber CO. CONNECTS WITH IR. Fhime Line on West rr(mjr of I'roncli Broad Ueiuly to rransport Lumber 'I'wo Saw Mills in Operation. Tl\o 'I’oxjiway Luiiiht'r ('I'liiiiMTiy. '•f which \V. ,1. OAt'U 1*^ WOhlEN TO REGISTER TO SERVE COUNTRY Woman’s Committee of NiUional Defense to Make Uejjiistration of \\ t)inen in County—Some rhice for I'-vory One to Fill. rcr th(' lif't tiiui' in th»> hi.story I'!’ t Ills rv (11 wojutMi (tvt'r l(i ^ The Challenge of an Autumn Dawn Hn»l (>. W, ('Inyton s,Hi*‘t:iry uiul , >t,M vcn :ni o]) tr»Ms\irt'v, lias , to i»‘L;i>tt‘r lt>r putviotii* rations t.,r tlif shii)i>inir ol \v. ■ ui ' '! In> do, s ii..t in.'.-m vol and lumh(‘r from ;i h.v/. t.'irit i v !’'i’'*''''’” •' ■'•' vvict' nvf.iy from rtniin. ilhy tl;.> ol lli.-' *" 'J" work lor Frrni'h Bi-oud und its tn’>u!avi, ^ I w hi; li .-ich on.-is h.'st pn'piir.Ml. A lar‘'t‘ li'.uiit' litu' al>o;it !.ur | tl;i^ coTinty Mi-s Annie (liisli inlrn^Mh lias Ihm h lini>!i-'d to tin- . Ip.ii ih.m:i of tho W'oin nrs co?n 11'I'll!na 1 ii''ar tlio ' o luil »)i Xaiioiial 1)0 South.-i-n viiilway a’-'Ut two mil. s ‘'""1 sin- has apixuntod Miss uhov‘ l»o>iii;iii. (Iradiii:.! lor ii | ' I» ll >iaiiiuun oi l\c>^ivtia- trnck }r ,ii llio railroad to tl.o . nd '>‘-tol,or L’Oth to-'Mli of tho I’ui.u- line lia> al>o I.. ra t ;on we. k, hut tfd l.y the coiui'auv. 'Mi; ?i I ' ' '"•‘'■n srh.‘d- the ti-.-u-iv is laid hv tlu> v,iili..a>l ‘ t li s].rri;.rd:vte for ) o-lstni. Awake! Awakf! tin- lay to Im-ak, 'I'lu- moniin;', hour impartrth powi r to ail wim wili partake; \\ l.v p;t\vn t'le da'vii for ti;ne to doze ami yawn, And lliri^ auay the spring of l.iy wliich hope is huilded on? 'I'i'.f Mfdit hi tliji'if Is ^ kuikin;' out ot si; lit; idle Morn is horn, llie Ir st i ; on tlie roi;’. 'Idle air v.ill nuike you u;!r>- t.> tiy tho liope forlorn. (let I ut. and siiout defiaiue to t!u- douM, 'idial vi -terdav in t'.e Vv.iy, .'ud lud f;drit iieart he stout; '1 iu‘ liird tliat stirred jaite early, as yon’ve hoard. Set ured the !inn .ual f.itied worm, in tl ivor much preferred; "I'was don - hy one Who rose l»L'f"re tlie sun; So. too. ean you your r..ute i faitii o r./w. Take l.ej'.rt a^rain, and lie man, an i iloiT, and DAKr, and iki! \V. K. l’uo\ KY. • •'ui[iauy. I very I 111 II:.; will In' .n rt*;uiiut'ss for the ^'Idj.ui 'Ut of wood Hiid luinlier. TWo w Tni!Is ari' in o]H‘ra!i'’ii. t'. n ‘ ) I'o lead ' at eaidi stdjool hi Hi.-e in t he count v. j i olt’s;I a 11''U is ])UT i-ly voluii- !tny l:i at nuriiht'rs woineu a'.; o. r |!ie cor.ntrv av>' anxious to one Icasf 1 !iv the eoni]iauy. 1’'e i)t her ()]) -il hv it. d'he jii'. idu'l I ' s-i\ic.‘jf neech il to j of t!ii',-e u 1 i!Is. !lo'I io(' I'l , ■ t I if s I \' d i ’ I''' 1 ;a 1. I ot nK u \> 11o a 1 e ^o j Mi: t:i t!.- Ida.III. i-1 tlr.,- PRIZES FOR FAIR EXHIBFFS CONTEST OPEN TO EVERYONE \ . r'' '.VI I! iViH ;jo .-t 1 stuO. 1- wiiMiiiLT for >hi;i!ni'iit A > •' 11 ' U I (• 11J. 1 s o 1 \v 1 n I d : (! e . i i' ■ i reiiy t ( e- n'i!!iin_: to tlu* , a i ‘I‘• d. i \ i n I.', e^* kiu:^. j railf >ad 1 ra!!■']>ort.11 iou. ; l ■ a ^ . ii.,', h> m .k m liu,-. or some j Fi-.rtli.-r additior.s to the t’nr,.. ■"•‘’•k win h laay lie. oiue | li!ie on its upper end will e\f U'i j 1'si.-.ieo. | the main lin*' prohal ’.y tour n.’le^ i j iat.. Ih.. l„. m ■ - ' [([V. MMll RESI88S tanis. with i.liout si-ven inih s I'raiu li l.ut s. Fair Will Be October 31, Two Weeks From Next Wednesday; Long List of Premi- i .i- ■ i p urns Offered; Stock Raisers, Flousekeep- ers. Pupils, May Win Prizes. CLOSE or SyCGESSFUL TEACHERS’ iftSTITyiE 1'he teacliers’ instilut(\ ludd for tw«) \vc(d-s hy I’rof. .1. Henry Mi^'h- "Miith ar.ii .Miss Susan KuUrliam, caitie to ji ( l«,;-e .!i 'idiuisili.'.y of he ; wc' k with a Ii a jipi.']u ia t-* pri);:raT!i. I’iie evereisi's oper.ed v. itli solids, ‘ Auk I i( a," ;.:al the II' me Fna I^.urrnI!!,'.” su”.' hy tla; t* a( h I r'-. Mher i!derstin;4 iiutnti' is were ori;_>iTial ]; ?i > r ad hy .1, H. .'■vHiimey and };. H. Lev.i'-. a ueo!.'-- ia]iliy lesson t'ivoii i* . . f'. Mitidi- (dl, and u pl.iy il!r.,'f! a t ir.;' i ."toi y ;.s carried out in jniniar;,' woi!;. I’.itriotic senfinieut was a] liealed to hy suidi son;/" as the ‘•l>t11e llyrun of the Krpuhlie' and ^ Star S|'aie_rh d i’.anner" and hy ile- j risin;.^ s-dute to tiu* F!a^. I A!t'r tl,(> !'di vei itiLT of certifi (•ate>. the institute ! with the ;u rai i'eidin;: that it had j hei n ..lie of i!c liio.-t succi ssful jevi r Indd in th’s c-.unty. !’ '-k api'les 1 f. m’th !'re\ I 1 )d7 r.■( '; I)f il l. !i I |i)tat>’-.: ’J I > I *!-iN ck o! : »vt'(■; j iK.tat.K.;; 1 i’eek oi i.i.ifi!',; 1 V )! I ; I'lii JI ^ 1 ; (d !i :i!urel RED GROSS WORKE^IS M mmm m::? Specially'Frained Instrnctf : I!r> ployoil to (live Le> . n.s I, Preparation of .Sur;:ical i . injis —'I'o liej'in N(‘x .M'.ruia. and Continue Fwo VV"ec!;s. .Mrs. Irwin Slud‘*r of x\s] • ■ •';a luate in--’ri!ctor of • • dre-'-iTii's, will he-rin tlic t- of a da-s of i{ed 'ros^ \\o 1. ! the wo.ik room nt l!i“ h'.ilMner I’.e'- t },!.‘ud iv. 'j ■ portane-! id’ si;.>cinl traiid' • ! t fie ;*rf])a ra t i i!i of ■ ili’ in ordT t )i’i t t irf ■ re’ j'l e.-!>t'- i loi h- ■ ;;ital U'.'s V.■ ; -i ' (t hy to"- Fra !.• , : i ■ . i ^ : d ir, (dor (d' ii (1 'r: i-s \v. e'•. ;riLr hi:- v:-’‘ !r ve. 'j’lli' :-’;i ss will hf liti.i'i.'. • e.di: •. al'd t iie of \vill h.- ( wo w . cks. COUNTY BAPTISi f.SS’li KEBE OCT. SEVEN! ERWIN'S CSLVERT STGBE HAS i^Ew mm Failin:: health for* tim.- jia^t caused •!. Ii. .lenkin- to t:ive ue. Id- PASTOfiATE Of CHURCH i P.:.stor of Baptist CMuirch Kesi^ns (diarj^e .\ftcr three yo;irs of .SuccessI111 Mitiistrv. !c.n 1 i.iiijiidn .-izc j aiid (jiadily I con.'i(!.. i'ei! , 'alil>aj,^e thri'e I l.ead.s j 1 ’late apples any ! vancty Tlu' e. 'u;m It t>'> > in di.iri; • td' a rriULr.'ment - for the fa; i- lei ve ih'i i 1 (i ^ ' ' lerv, !(•’• ■ on the I.;',' riiiu' t'f vai lous 1), i/. s. a h-«; (!' w hi j;iv.n ItIo.v, A- , , , , . , ... I) .‘MU' t .--talk of will he s eii hv 1. lok: n .r over t ;i ■ it "us ' ,; > p -.,1 ,c ,:;ip •; t ]■ .n i > i n 1 1 1 1 I’. 1 Pastor of l.ocal Church '.'..ik announcenient ‘'f ^ « liap;isl'. hero nc.\t v. eo'.-.. : represenlalion i; ur'.^e'i. ddie'l'raTi"ylvauia lJa]>M~t tion will Tti"ot with the ! tdiuiadi W.'d»)i','d i \ , * >■ \ ])ractieal!\ to evervl>'' Iv i!i th “ e. a ;ty. 'Till• i-'.i 1 r .V ill de I n > > do'.er .,!. t w i I I i.Ill iK Xt Wednes-lav. 'Idle time i> sliort. l‘Ut Ioi'.l: i-niei.;h tor evfi-ynne wiio so desires to taki .* . 1 . . , some iiai t i n t hi' da^'s -eliedul". At a coi!i;re!.:atioual nii'ctint; o» ' the liajitist (hu’ch last Sunday, itosition as maua-.r of (>. I.. ih- j 1 d v. A. W. .\hd *;mi.d tend.Ted hi.- 'Fhe rxecutive Committee clesi.'- II- ih ■ -'V. r ..r,.. y-ar ' ' ... ,) und-f I .1 1 . >U;1 I !■ I lil del' 'iMf V. ar ..Id wiu'^ stiui a’ld »ie])ot au'eut aJ 1'a 1 ■ ; t ■ s;^iialion its pastor, to takecf-: impress upon the niintls vert. Mr. .leiikins. wif.* and. >onii.i't s me tim.-lu I >.*e.‘mh.‘i'. of the public the iilea that this d.acdv. jr., r.aa ntiy h'ft l\ir New Ftd.lowiiifj: a revixal h-'M )u re in home insiitiitii.n, and that 1 ii i j iid\ :■ c.-d f i,:.tie’- ^«•lk. v.litii' till' former ixjie.t" 'ii| Xnvi-mh*'r, I'.d J. .Mr. .'hi)iid.l hi-- the fiist fai; 1 ran'-\ K .uii.i ta k»' t ri'a t men t lu a h'i.-'pital. jean;.' j'astoi ei'thi- (diuieh in i)e-| (-»>unt\ has e\er hail. Let e^ er> Miss Oilu' I’ei ry ..l c-lv it ha J ml .r t he ; :.!Me y, ..r, an.i will. IkuIn c(^:ne and brin^ somethinjr .succeeded 1.1 th.' p';-l 11-.u-^ Ii 1 led hy ! \\ 1111 th.e ci'miuu' l)ceeuilier, hn\e cxllil'dliotl if it !S oni> to . • . I *1 *;r I D--J 1 i;di> ..I’ ' • .1 \ » ■ » . ♦ • . ! ' I 1 It r I i .',JK ‘ I I \a‘l - \ ct i ' .uis aiid h I 1 '>t (■ .ill 'et ]i il I '• j I ■, ■ I • e !‘ I (t- ■ . ( 1 .at l'» a. in.. aial will thi •i e (hi VS. i; e V. *A . .1. M m. do rati 'i-' if tl lo ho'i • i~ t;. -•d pr ■achei’ ot tl;:' ir' I. d u nil n ind .1. 1 ’. Li ner the • ‘irevaril dill!' h t' 1 tri ' a hi'arl W e 1( mil' ca to all r. preseiitat i v c'i.i' uhi 1 i; t'.’UIlty l.l,li win d will !.ot ( I i.ajM't• ! IIii'iz. . i>Aii:v iA Id; 1.1. \ Mr. .i^ukins. H.t father. .1. .1. j tlnirdied tl;i. e \ear.' oi ]i (v-toral sliow what improvement we I'ur, I ta d i>. i ..v. r 1%'rry, has ^inreha^ed ilu i huildin;’, hut not the stc... jXood>. and also the liousi* and I d from Mr. i ; :i can make iu*\t vear. e!:e \ r (■M ' woiL in tld' ph.ce. d' w.irk )>as . I ,'t.. e:i inark. d hy -ivat a.M 1 \ 11 v, ,i .'Fransylvania County is naturally ' ''larirt' iii.r.aseiu (hi.nh memli,r-i an a;;ricnltural and stock raising • ii, i .... t ..i.. \ eai PENROSE HIGH SCHCOL '■Id tn ! I >hip. and th.'rouL’'h ori.'aui/;.it:on in ^ county. I lie purpose of tiiis liiij] r .i;e ! t1h‘ vano'.s d. partnu'uts of the Liir is to stimulate interest in y. ,ir .|.! i ' - . . livestock and general farminji. Ih id r . .df un.h r V(.ai' ( id i chinadi. 'I’o reaiiy. .d other .h‘- 1'.'Miiiialioii' a." v'.dl as his own. OPENS FOR SESSION '* ; Cl' -'C .■! l eLTI ci . I • 1 h> 1' c:iH 1; 1 ' '■ ' “ ct pted !.v him, a:id hi.-- plans 1\ r WednesdKV with N L IVn.h r er.n .iHinitely I' Ml'S S.a’lie Merii.i t, a;d. r . t i Rl LI S lOR I AIR I’, nr.i.'-,’ Hiu'h >ih. ■•'V.d hieU!"-^- "f elltiy .Il'li', r«.iiek sh'.n.d I.e iveii hy S. ef Fa.ii’. .Mr. '1'. II. ipiiian hy (let. ‘27. .•\H liv' j'ii.ek 111'^ I !!ipi le ! or ;.!'i;’e.'; nepartment .Ci Swine i’ai'i■ 1 '1 i‘ii : >ar Ina-r ."i\ iin ath- old hr. id .s.'i di. !■. .-I la pi;.^ pro,la. t.'. (diiir(di(*s. \Vt‘ I)o])e ev. iy , ' !’ the assoei;-1 ii.-n v.ill P" I preseu{o(i ;.,Tid tha* the -• j d.' lih-ssial of i .d to i>. I Lfh ir V. I ’ Any (diureli that lta,- , M*( ted Tlie.'r-ei-.'ers slioi. I .'1 ,oo_ I.. Them at Al>o tla- aL';u;;!i i ,i. , et tor u’.. I .m].h te Suilila i rep.irt sli'juhi he ina le out : I'his .X^ricuttural l.xhihit W’i’l lie Judj^ed by the I'ollowin^ Rule One lluntlred Points Perfect: intermediate d*jia rt ment. aiid \!r-'. ' Ma _'i:i.‘ \\ ih-'Oii ] r.-iiar- to.edn r, 0! »Orir 5*0 L!M S •''r'"T’!'S'-0 A>th.'n.‘w sei.ooi h .u.-e • r rwCCinno V.d coni]ileled. the f-ei'.'.ol v.a^ e^:!|,- ^ tlJino ■jK’l led to us,' t h.' i hur.d: a u'11 ■ e ';:.>i ; uiul two rooms iieveatli for opeui:)^: ‘ .S,,-.. ;.iid 1 ai. \ hreed rmi>t ! e Im .-^tail hy teiio'elouk V. .‘d- r.osiia> ii.orniiiL’’. (>.-toh. r)d. .\ 11 t'd^ of (•' irii lai- t h.' ell' .T'd \ ariety of r.'-rm pi . .ia.-t' poinis \ .ariety j_''ard'. ti jin .'iil'.-lS pi •• X’ariety fiait' • • 11 aiie iniia.-'t p. -^::.-dity ™i ti.'tie at ran^remt •!U h". • ■ 1 yfai sail, to I’li jjresslve ?-'arm. . f-r 2nd hest ilisplay of ai;: i. p! o'iael.''. i >d:Jdli .a male pi'j; uial.T I \ I r.''! I ■. r;. 1 d 1.I I an'! exiiiiatt ,1 hy un \-loek Sniillis I’.a; h.-r Siu.p wiil e .';-t I'e,-l, !\/L’n ' (k;y I'lei aiae'. ('el. I.'', as aU i-oiai will t av.‘ t.i he 'i’ue.-.!ay. |) 1 1 llopie i-ai'ed i 1. .Ail a^ai'.adtiiral a;;ii .-i io.i! i .'diiliit' eoaalry li.uu ' he pla. eil and a’aaiij^eii ( )( t. ^'.a. ■■Ml . xiiihits e:i’'a'ed !'■ ■ i ri/. ieiti.ah' pii^- uader six inotiihs old. . ;.\i e\!iihit h>-' .1 n..>r( than o(,,- p. i.-o. 'rh« :'e wii! he !"i eiiirv or adnii.-.-i,ih i'uie h'ed ram I! 1' ei'ai'i^i d. Mild ca: ryiiw^ m *11.' w .rk !■ i .a few ddi.' re\ival meeting’-at l^avidMUi \v,‘d;s. o:\. :■ 1 resl \ teriau churcdi came to All the tea. hers t;i;" !: . i.- a el i.^-e l.UUday, ai ter ten d.av.-. ! h». Ol 1 r.aiisyivaia ■ ( oaa'.;.. new to the seJi' .11 . !i i • ■ r i- of i i.t.-v -li n_' and suce,'S>ful r^er-i from Mar- lilll au'i wa^l '!-i .ii\- vi, . .'.. 'l ie c oi’-re,LMtl ti'> !:;o>t o! ]>rinei pal ol 1 h.' hiizh > L''! at ''ills t' e t inie w er‘ !a: i’’e. 1 he at tend: nee River. He i^ maiJ'! *d. l.ur hi^ j;,:;., o* nail h. iie^ >peeially ^o(.d. ardl ilv has not Vet m.«\e 1 t.- 1*. M' .'c th'- jireachim; h, Io-\ . 'i'. I\, Simp- | Mi->> Sallu' .\I-r;-;d is tf..m I/.t t !.• >. n of 1 huid 'i-sou'. id.* e:ii nest j ) l’i\ a ill i . a;.id .\ov. ...-.I. Ri vi-r. and -M ’ s, V. 11i-'. \- i n t he ^ ,a nd .lVeeti\e. 'I’lieiai were eh’V. ii : pi. '!'!ie preaa'.:!,.- \.'*! he ik i' i.v 1 ’ell rose d i lef. ' a ‘M o ii .1,.- t o 11 u idi ur. d'. a nd uea riy lii >hoii,-; hi: ■ in.'C.i a, ..■'.-i pH i. iaa'. ddn'ne v iedld\:i_. '>’d i 1 • ■ M_r :.n jp,. jj, iiicDihei-^, wa re (d ii d .-.'i i i- !. v.hiU' d:i; i. ..instruct'd the ■ 'd ■-i.i’. w il i :-ea t rs. | liave. Wia"' eotiij.leti d . 11 .u'- , !) i ■ .d, n H . \ er I )ay was oli- -rved | ro- ms. a lih?’ary r. ■ le i in ■ ■■■i us m. »>,Joher i.i' la>t I 1) 1..d i. aa- a;rc(i ..e)f-y 1 DepartineiU I)t Sheep .s.'.,ei Department tCi' I an.c\ Work 'to . I liiid.asou. t^ue ■. :■ ■ later than » »el.i]ier h'tli. i n li, I will le t.n hand to he r’a at ; I proper tim-‘, v»di re;i.' ;t , v a I h‘ft for u e, iio'e’s t.) 1)1. '• ‘I. I fn (|Uelitly ua t in to.i hit. I 'I he se->i-.ns : t tlu' a^ will i.ive an . 'p}iortr.n;tv HiLT a ir.iiiiht'r of oi.i st:i^', lead-.!-' ir an oilii-r! Stut.' !!'• v.adl as our ioca 'I’ia' trei', r.:i I' ih’h- i- \ .1 .1 1. \';jierm:in, a m'l-at turer, V. 11 li.‘ ]ire>'rit an h- ta;-.'> o 11 ■ Ih’ : i si.eoMi i l‘rov;s:- n Ih.s ht . n ma.. 1 .wi' (I. er I y . a;’ n Ia'.'.: v ta.j- v.itli d. iartiah!" co'i; ih'.e latati uiaier one will he iuriiisl..-ii I'or ;dl « \iiihi, \ear oi.i Hepaitment (F) Pt iiltry I It:.-r .'^l;('o^i) Doparir.ient A) room, lour cl...a’c i. 'm--, i.u ! lar^e hall. Ve:;, ■. ;' :i pi'i i.chi :ui hot h inon, i'-u ; .-!■( i\i. 1 lle-^l pair I’r.inouiii i^oek \l '. .;ia.i li U s i.:. .I'l - aial Ih ds ■ naa- jae.i afiiiU'.on. aod ,l;uuer >. n tia- jcdiM.h eia.unds. 'Idle sei-m.'n in iDiaft l.ovse I .^.ad(l!(* I'la','-* '•• e.'.i .n:u'e a. if i , . ' .■•r- : DEPUTY SfluRH'f , ULIUII I):iv!s, tor a hui-time jaister ; , TiniO fi.4PPY C-ijlirLES;;■ I t’a- day 1 >.d all the t,.r(a‘ of tiioi;t:lil ! i>-ie-M„ie uadei- one vr. ii.i'-’an (James •■'I.-.a .M i'.. ii-,.as ..lU ..'It .•‘ti . •> I . • 0 . > . .'t' I .".(I Iv -'i ei-i.ehetin.t; “ latli’i^' “ knitt. li laei' pie. e of di aw ri w«.rk .-'ol.a j il!o\v’ t ai‘ .1 oid. :'e i pa • ■ t. W' lk .'1 'u ! oi" t: hl.- eo ■ ;• •• >!ij p. '-y i "! >;• ; it’.' ! holcloi!' eap si'i'. (laat ealieo •piilt wel l.; hair “ lia'vi jiaiali'.i pi.-O;;-, home na.'ie ki'.i !,- n ajiioa Department ’}) Cdilinarv i las i' . I j fcediiiir and l!ou.'iii ''d :. ; ants 1. p ei t he i I iu\ t in i- a. A \V. :dcl>ai Ih ea TRa^SV! VANiH BEB 0: ii^CREIlSES m A tew We, k> a''" t]'.> N : h-h. '1 ?h 'i tin I va 'o.i cna 1 _ I !.'iu 1 I 'x i 111 s.''o ,] I that e ha rac I ei i/.I'd 1 Hoi'.--; loii over ul.v SlM-ri.V I! K V.,Kt !>.. j |,|* «...rk ii. f..rm.-r .«»«. .. ,e ,v>r ,.1,1 rt’ceutly rt'lu'Vid t !ic ^-rernei-d'lte | ji!or.-etou uud* r , ’.'.e year old i; lad'. 1 l !er of his ot'iiee hv tile use ot h;s j> e,',. ;- i as a ,iuin r of hands an 1 li\t s, 'I' ’nan ias^i'f^ r. c.-nt d.'it.' witi- iior- formed hv liiin ; tht;lir>(, ti:;itoi (Minton n.H'iver and Mis." f’aiha* Holt of Pis^'’ih Forest ; the second, that »f lh)h h>u{ls(^ii of Asli. vil’e TO CHILDREN AT PI3CAH FOREST Kev. V»’. K. foovt'y will ] rcad! j an illnst.iat.'d sei-nion to (d.i'ti'cnj and yonni; p(;ople at the i ”i n' hru h.'O i.r.i* h.-.o iU'..!!aS 1 ; !v.Loori:; 1 I >-’;: i; :-i . air of tariwy ; ny hrcci li 1 i ol.,;|_\ eil’. l : :■ C'\iiihii.-.t jr. I' M; ,(;(ips h\ ov. I',-, r.;. apple ; j " pe.a h pie j ■■ !.( uu-r, I ie j •• p.'t.;! > pie ' 1) leaf of li^‘:l j hr-;;,i ' he.! I,: ' v,.„ ! >-■!'! i. 'xi ii.ii; :;;ei-| ' , I i ll aiea, ..'I ( 111 iho'is ... - ■ ... I lain t ai;e Depariii'cr-i u t I-.i.-m . ■ oclii. (or Depart ment 13; Catile HK!:F TYlhh' and Miss Flhl oi’ Ihs-ah elei]!cl at#;;;!! 1 Suii'hiy : i '’. au';ii. _ J L i’ie hull I orest at 'd.*( ver ;ne year old I Cow over two vears old -1 -■r, .. ! lusT iv!!;i» n.i^ io a :~,.!a> l-i-;.' .-jl te.i I'iii'I: i I i 11. . i I’otaio .-^aiaa ;:';y variety >f o>rn -S': 1 y •. j i_;,ver al e suli. I’m. i'ar. KiU^T SKCONI* I [!est stalk of corn witli I t ars altah.'.(i 1 D-.)-l\'ck of oats 1 li I C’ 1 IVek el’rye 1 • (.'t'ntin;;evi ■ n Mt»l;i;..A'S cak' (.'hoeol.ate ea;a;\ l»(‘st (';iiid\' ; ' 1.. ; ! .Aire ri "i:i ! ’.ed ( j t it!!'' t h • I!^‘Oit;. I :i) ( . f\«i.i.d. !:.'V. A V. ^ I tdiai- ha;^ : ■ •: a.-ri - I i'. .Ih iv. inew i:. ..’..ei ' avld.'.al i • I t a, r. .11 ; Mi: s li.'u- \\ Anuir.- IJru.Ii.-. 1' I.. lh.\vin..r/. 1'. !’ t’iea;; : t. f!’ •. I t'allali.a;. i ■. i.. S. ih-’./d.d’.. ' j Mr'-. I'iei’ i’ :;ris. ^hs. (ii:i ! C. ‘ ‘1--;. !’ I S. M. Mrr. .'. \V. M * .h S’.a- : ICarU tl"'.t(;-. .1 \\ Saulla.f. S. Sil\ .h o. S:t"'-U'ea. .Mi-- - .Mi.s.s Doiod-y S;l\a i e '. t^i \ersteen. ,h II. Tiashw 'i 'P. S. ut.'J. .'-'r., .\h>. V,'. '■ K. il. Xuv'i . I ■, M Subscribe for r.ithcr tl an bo row the News.

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