Come to the Transylvania County Fair October 31. Bring' the family. A (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) VOLUME-XXII BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. ()(TOUKR 10. 1917. NUMBER- 4^ Wl BEGTOR COMING TO ST. PHILIPS CHURCH I’astorate Left Vacant by Resig nation of Rev. l>. C'hvvpnian be 'I'aken by New York Clorsyman—To be Here He- cember 1st. At tln> Mpisi'opal «‘hurcli l:ist Sun- l;»y tlu was niii ir 1>V A. 11. Siulibs ol Aslii'Villi', w I'o ht'lil srrviccs that diiy, that lu'v. ♦K'hn ScMiilt'of M')unt Vi'ini'ti. N. V., bad !ic.(‘|)tv\l tlu* r:ill to ill ' l)ast(iiaU‘ of St IMiilij'S chuich Mi\d Would hi.-> uniii;-tr.v lit if tin' lifst oi 1 >.'»•( iiiNi'r. Tlu' t\i'w u'rtt'v v.iii bi‘ ujiain t,i lus own i vtiti'v win n lu' takes u]> liis worU in tin* lin vaid h'' hr is a nail v»‘ of W i -tci'n ^«ol■th ('avi'lina and ^]'t nt tlicliist years of his ininistry i!\thi- 'pat t of tlu' .'^late. lie served at dllVer ♦'Jit tiint'S tlu' eluiiehes at Kulhi-r fo]-dti,’i ar.d at Valle i'i ucis, both HI the westein and niluintainous ser t n 111 , It N ort h ( i'.i'olina . For 'lie last ei_'ht yeais lie has been at Mount \ ei 11: m. N . Y . Mr. Siaule i> inarri'‘tl and l::i" on;’ child liis wifi- i- tht' ilanu'iitei- of an I' 'ojial ell ’. LiVman of \\’a-'i in_'tun. |). (Shi‘ was, betore In i niarna::t-. ]'i;iuii>al oi the i huieli s '!i' >• > I' t Vullf ('i u;-is. JURY LIST FOR NOVEMBER COyBT PROF. RILEY RESIGNS AS EOITOR OF NEWS After Several Years in News paper Husiness Well Known Professor Returns to School Work. I’rof. A H. Hilt'v, who foi'sonu' time has .so al>ly lilh il the jxtsition a^- local editor of Hit' Hrt'vard Xt'ws and who has won the hearts (^»f tlie ])co|)l(' both in and around Hrevard, has resj^nel to accejd thi' ]>osition as i"iticipal of |{lantvr(' school, and h'aves t day 'Pliursday' to take uj) his nev\ duties. Mr. Kilev has nnide a sjdendid ncv siia]>ci- niati and will be ;^reatlv mis'cd by the jieojile of Hrtv.ird ajid surronndini^ commuidtu's. 'i'll.'N t w > ie^T>ds v('ry n'.ncli to lose Mr. K’ley from its iditoiial statV, but wivlu s for him e\ery .-ih' ce.'S in his n.-\v lit id nt labor. BBEVARO GRADED SCHOOL F.'llowin;.' is the list (d‘ jurors for tall term ot court. l>cL:innin ' Xov embi'r ’J''. as drawn by tb.e enunl v commissioners las! Monday : I'irst Week. T. 1-. r.ittnn. (, \. I lamil'i II. ' \r h. r.aro a. 11. i^. Siiipiv.iiri. h c Mastiis. Sami'. ?»! v'^11. X. Whitivw. S. .M. .M.uiit . h. I'. h\.!a>-, .'ei- I p v. T. S. (iailcv,;;y. \\. i'. ,h .'I.M'. r. .b ■ Tat l''. iirv. \'. 1’.. Sv iui'T'. 'I'iiyli r , .1. i;. h"lMs. L. \ . S;,', S. !■’ I\:v, S (• .Mnorr. \\. S. .'.shwiTtii, J. ;\. .McCall. .1. M. Z;u hary. il, S. .Iordan, \V. L. Frady, D. \i. Hu!lil;iy, .\. .\..Milltr. !‘'ranl> I'. H;:;;W(.il. W. .\. L\ii;.v. .i. S. l’..t- tun, ('. ]•'. I’onlc, \V. M. .\ikt n. ,h W. I'lxl- son, -\. N. I’tit'U', 11. 1'^. vNhit’i :U', S;;:;. Nelson. !•. W . Mi rriil, Mansnn llarr.i'.ton. H. L. .Mli.-'Ti, 'P. .1. ll(illir!-;"\\i'rlh. Second Week M. M. C.alloway.B. i . I’.atun.i;.l 1;. W . 'rranthi.m. F. ('•allnv.ay. 'i'. 1 >. (li a'l'ii .1. \V. 1 hakworth. I'arl Orr. 'ili iitj, Wtli . 'I'. MrCall, 1'. ('■lazcm-r .1. S: ill.' K. A. Kt id, L. M. ilanriilen. i’. I-. niitre, 1>. 1*. I'i.-In-r. IM ll«>l!ini.'^\vt it’- \\ . . Raines, (). !)in'iis. A. h. Alli-^iui, 1 H. Sum im-v .Ir., Carl \\ hitiViire, .\. II 1‘iekibina r .1. S '.icholson. I. I N. P. OWOBETZKY ENLISTS IN ORD.NANOE SERVICE !>athan I*. Dwor- t/ky- '•’> ho has Ik'cu for thela^t fcwyc'ar- assistant to .F S Silversteen in the tant,;-- bnsiiu'ss. I'eeeiitly lu red his r- viet* to the couiilT'V, passed the I'v iniition at (ircen^bor':. and was {'ivi'ii the ]>osit: i!i i.f SCI-.:. i!;t in th«* (udnaiuf dv*]*;:rtni. iit of the army. Mr. r>woTt l/ky v.ill r. f :t br dnty at (’a nil I Lee. \ i r;^; ;• :a ■ n >'t- ober V,'. Fr"!n Ki'irti Ih :e- Ccived from headijuaiter-, h* ex- ])C' t> an early call toa fi ve rvii-e. . duties will ]'.• ciiTin. tel with tho handliu-' and -u].;il\ i t . in- niuntion and v. ill t;e .-liar':'.1 >.•, i i h much res|) hill I y. Mr. Dwon't/.ky bade i: M.(l hyeto his rehitiv s and fne.-i 1- ].erc last JSunday ami left ioi'a v>;‘i to liiS parents in Xe'A \ ork eiiy l),-iore ic turninjT tlie service at ' aitip Lee. TEACHERS’ MEETING SATURDAY Till* teafhers of tlu^ county wil hold tlu* TH(*etinir of thi‘ curn'nt school year nt the Hrovard ^railed school huildinj; ru?xt Saturda.v. At this meet ini' tht? association will bo ^jrgnni/.‘*i with ck-ction ot (dlicers, and a brief proj^ruui will b.* earned out. Renew before expiration. What lb. t h ' ] a t I'oiis, t ruslees and j eifi/.-':i> ol vaid t o wnslri]) t liink ^ of t he ad V is.; iiili! y of tr\in_ to bt t- Iti-the f'.iei'ilirs fi" tdueatiwn in' Hv vanr.- IIm\. w uiii a b riu i.->Uf a : :i M o , b‘■ )• 'i le i i !'-e va ■■ 1 foi'' a r;e-.', 'ch ' I mi !d; iilt. ei ; i :i .: a;• ' |i! -i'-i i".i ;• y 'I'be chlldl'en r. ■ t ';:i, aivl 11.-r e(| 'o-.> m !i‘ ll.i.v sluill V, e jiro'.'ide i"', i,et I.- liear in t!,e ia'.\t Hi-cvard X e w .'. A F. .M I r* II i;i i.. ('■ 'unty Sujierintendt nt REblxTRMiON OF WOMEN ■ Caf;1PLETE0 ON FAIR CAY !)at o !euis''ation (.han^ovl. Makiiifi ()ct*)h.r 2!-.^l Rc y;istra- tion \\ eek —(Muirch .\iintmnce- nu tits of Oomniittee Af^point- nients Asked l »r. X.xt Weiln.^day, '( t. Jlili. will be i;.‘!.ristration 1 >av for women in 'I'ran."\ 1 vania. Hn that dav tb.e' I sehonl buildings I I the state will be; I ■ >]'cn from a. m t' ! ]>. m. tor the ' ('ampaii:n av.d al'O lor th> | r ui.' ,! a‘1' ri of a'.l v. (ir;en who i t* , b'yal to Anu'iiea. without any aue limit. It has be. n dev i'U'd by the wo ■ man s eti’ii:iii‘lec (il the C(i;ineil ter Xation I' !mis' to make October; ■-'1 ;;i inclusive .-CrL'i-'I'aTion Wet U '1'!. ■ ]ia-t' T— of ( li’O’. h. oj- Sunday scliDol sujierirtend- where n-r '■hr.rcli servici s are l:eM on the l^l.-t. .are ie.]Uc-;ed ..;i that davto aj'point oi;,- \>»'m;in from each ehui eb to a>'?'1 the 'lenehi rs in lej-j-lration. 'i’i.i' tracin is are also a>l I d to hrin^ re'.riSiratio?i blanks to l’revarl on * >ctubei- :;i, as the I’aii' day w ill offer a lt'm>d o]i]»oi-t un ity tor ifiristerinir. ; Miss (iei.r^ia Fell is chairman d ' the rcLTi.^tration committee and will, furui'h the hl.anks to tht', teacher>. 'I’he jeai'iio.'e )f this re^Mstration is to -crure a 11 '-oi-d of t])(> woman- ])ower of the country, but it is |e.iiel^' voluntary, and no woman will be asked for .‘^I'rvice ctntside Liberty Loan Slogans Don't cheer up the Kaiser—Buy a Bond. Buy a Baby Bond for Baby. If you are too old for the trenches, buy a Liberty Bond. Soldiers give their lives—Others give their money. If you cannot go across, come across— Buy a Liberty Bond. If you can't fight, yotir DOLLARS can —Buy Liberty Bonds. Be a bondholder in the United States Government. OUESriONS ANJ ArtSWERS ABOUT LIBERTY BONCS rs When I len ! my money to thu I nited .States (iov'rnmcet. what do I ^;et in return ? A N ou jr» t I ])rornis'-ory note ;^i v cn by th(* I’nit; d .States (Jovermeiit and bejirint; interest. 'I’his note is ca111'd a ‘ •holeI." What, then, i-; a I’ni ted Stale;* (ioverment bond? A. It is the direct and tincondi tional pronii.'C of the I’nifrd St tes of Am-riivi to jiiv up i;i a c-idiiM d.itc a specifii-d sum o! money* in Koid, together with :':ti r' .^t at a speei lie raft', paya lile :i f spi '•! !ic da t^ until the bond niai uoi' is calh d fi:r r»‘deinption. In wliat for’u is this proTui-’ ? A. It i - ci'irrav d upon a sh' et ol i;stine!iVC jjapcr onlv fi.i'm-, ney and seeuriti-s ot the rnited States, and is ex. - 17te l hv t he S. tary of the 'i're.i.- irv a.nd bv th. Hi'U'istrar (d' the ii and seal ed with the j !(■;;;'ry 1 )e;.a meiit seal. j When !in boinU .f I !,.■ Second ! Lo in Libei'ty d it; li? - j A. Xovi-mber I: . I‘.M:. i.^th-datc ! tlu.*3* will bear, brc iu^-* that is t}i- -- date (.n whi. h they ui 1 !,:■ i. .11,-d by the (ioveinm -nt and thi-date on which inli'i-est be_'ins. \\'hen will t!i --c bond I'iu' l^\t‘i iiti\ o ( atiiiiiiittcc - cs lo inipress upon tlu* i:ii;uls Iv ai- ( of tlu* public ihc‘.i l!n:t t'lis is a iue.'.u' institulion, and that p it is the fir-.t fair Fran'> Kai'ia i> 1:: !’. ("o'.mty has cvt'T luul. l.olcN cry , i)Oil\ couu' an i brin^ soiiu tlii:!'.!: Departim'iU (C) .Swine 'I I I \ . r ..'■I r. It,-.-,] DEATH OF W. W. SliiGLi;: Oji AT PISGAH FOREST TU iOAi;' W. W. Simjlcton died m. ! ’• :.'i, at hi-^homeut I’is^ah For^; : i’u s day moininj^. For a Ion1 . e 1,; had been al'flicted with an disea''C of the heart, biit liad in i n, for the imsf tv.'o weeks, in si ai:;:' - ly K'">d condition. liis which aecnrre l shortly afto . ■ .!. f.ast time, was almost v vva rniuf'. 'I'he inti rrueiit was m.ade a' . t M irriah ct rnel ary m a r ' 1 v. '. 1 r . th>‘ .''iTviccs wre con.iu • lieV. .loliTl }i. Il l V. •Mr. Siii_'I. ton wm" n.. t LI ay v.o )d eou;. t V. }'"C;;i. ' • n. in several .mkI •. a-- polic.'ii. in i n t h’l t i . .v n . it.' rl Ill r ills serv: - s ,vt r.' ; p dice !'i b5i'e\;,](j^ a 1 e V.’ V’ ! i >, 1 ill'I ;e, rajiidlv failinj- h'' was rc( . j_':ii/ -d n ability, an 1 un 'jiviriir up 1 in iJrev'ard aeci-ptcd the pi,^ I>'>li.fnian at F-u. ^t M'-. Sin_r’, t, „ was .a na • tlr- David.-.on Hivrr Fr.v-i; elmvch. havin>r j inrd ;it i- of the rer ‘Kt r-\i\al tlu-re. 1 !e i.-, survi vi ,1 hy his n: four (diildri-n. ^ u. n WHI „„n,N I ; |jQy gccuTS ACAIN CANVAt wrr;;;,.;',:;:;::.:;:;. v"'''"" i •■ibervv bond susscn A. Xovember i:.. 1'.1 pj ; beit the ■ • • vi rnment h:i-'tlic riLrht to jiav them any time after i i yeai^ from ilate (d' the bond. . .i|. I>o 1 have to Is (111 my bond until th.' date if is due !r 'foic I ;_'ct ! ond lihi i-tv my im m- y bacdc r ! (P, v A Xo ; voii e:,n s■ ! : I.. ]' ')! W ill ;’!V ■ 1 ! . ■■ )• six t i;' i> : 11. ,j for ex!iibiii"ii if it is only to e.,. ^ i , _> ‘ • ] •'' >1 ':>i. . i.i'i’U show what imorovciiu-ni \\ c ' • ' ■ J I '. : • r 1 _ cnn make next year. I'ransylvania county is natiirally , Department (!)• Sheep an ajiriculturai and stock raisinu pn,. i i,.,i j,,;,, -c , ,,,, county. fair is to stimulate interest in 'I'b.e piu'po'-e of this >■ .‘ir "M Kv.-.' kunh ^ t' a!' (>! (i livestock and vrt“n^‘ral farminvr.; l.r.e 1 RLIJ.S FOR FAIR Department 'Mi Poultry riKs r .' ! .i o.\t) 1. Xi'ti.t' dt .‘atfv i>t :r.•.''tI>rk .'liuulii 1!( >t pair I’lvitiniuh he rcci iveil hy .Sc.-, of Fair, .Mi'. T. i Kix ks II. .''liiptii.aii l'> >, t. 'J7. W'. a'iii-it'cs LI. All livr stock III iiilllpcte 111)' pri/.es KIkkIi- l.-i;;;i(l Kcils In i’i stall by ' f>’cliirk W’ci- ■ |-! i;. 'day m ti'h.r ;>1. I-j^lii'riis .Ml e.xiiilii:.- Ilf ciii'ii must he eiiti'i'cd ' p..iiaii ( aiiii e\i ihili ’i by I II II v'l'H'k lui"- .Mitu I'ca.' d.ay n.'trninjr, irt. as .ail enin .\ninnas will ( a'.e t'l b ‘ ju'iiri'd I a 'rucMlay. (li-pinmuti.'^ 1. .Ml a.frii-uliural and sfhiml cxhiliils' D-pl jli t pair nf I ■ plac-d anil arran^i li ('-I. Mo. turi^i'y.-^ .any h;-( .'1. .Ml c.xlaliil hU ml I'.u'pi i/.i -■ tna;-t l.i’ ul' 'I'!';!!! y!. ;.iiia 'nii' ty. •i. .Xo I -.liaiil \.ili he av. ::rii’d mure ttian t'lie pi ;.':e. 7. 'Ill' !'e will lie r,M entry i-r atimi.-'inn i’i e';x-d. l->iti \ tajX:- with ili'ta> h:d'!e ciiupiias wii! Iiv- fui’iii-lieii t’l.r ail i xhiiiils. !*. i'll.- pr iiirains uill 1 e li- .-iLnati 1) hy r'!i!:on ; iilta- mi'anira;’ lii-.'-t j ri:e. ri il .-ee’.tnik whit, tliird. 111. i’reiiiium-; will lie paid Xov. Ifitli. .'1 1 ..ill ■ 11 . -’ii • . ’i' I . 11 .1 .",11 . .'11 .-.II .■\.--a\iU-' ( ii. will ni'.e 'J f'lIIi.! I .ij> p" ...; r.T hest I xhii it Ilf piUillry. ::\.d v. atei' il unt sei dm! h" 1. I’l'l.ilry must be exhihited ;!1 iHV'lt cm [i. hv ov/nei's. Department iF) Farm IVodiicts FIltST SKCoMt illHU) t;!i'i' V' desir. a ready mark-'r (; >v: rnuifp.t b' --N C^). 1 low can >Urh a -a •\. Amv ban t ru.-; c. Tir a n v. re’.' bi'ud .-r i'..ker "ill be ciad tn II y '.r I'. ;. I for yi 'i at any time. If ni'Ci''-ar\’. could 1 borrow III I'lev on t h- S' • b(iiai ? A ^ - s ; ' 'niti-d States iovemion'i boiids .are th ■ best .-»(curity which c.ati be oiVcK d in borrowing; money, 'ri'.i-y will ohtain for von the bt >t l’re>idi-nt Wilson will pr American Ibt^', approjuiti- scritied, to the truoj» of IJo in each state securiii'^ the number of sub'cription- ti. >an lii.rMi^’- t . •atiiji.iimi. whi- h the 1 • ur blind any | tii-n will inauru:aTe on ‘ 1 he Iloy S''i'!;t- cif An ired sub-;criptii.n a.'. ; j:.o fn rn i;:.'.i;i:. ;. ill* m idc j tl.e lii r-t c.impamn. and e.\If-rience tliu-'jr lined aiii ni rtect oriraI'.i/ati.m. they d a;ble this recmal fur ti loan. ' ■ 1 r - Ti;i r ’s ,,l-.v;,v ir I'lMt I Stati- TRANSFERS OF PROi--.Bri term> {10 dbl, A k anv liank if viiu de.'.ire to b.uT jw ijiotiey (III yonr ' liherty bonds. 1 (J. l)o 1 tr.-t any interest on my j naiiiey v.bile it is loaned to my (ivrrnm. nt ’r . Yes : th*‘ (bivcrnnicnt will pay viiii int“ia'st at the rate of 1 ]>i‘r cent a 'i'hrotiirh \V. P. Whit: :;-ri'nt. the follow int; trae ttiwn ])niprrty wcri- i i-ci'iil' 'L'o X. A. M'iller for ;'.' Depot street from .1. A. Nb To .1. M. l\ilpairick fwr s in Bri'vtim Fark. i To Kd l5ro(d\S for s:;.',' Hit'vion Pajk. To Shipman. MeM.nn • Son for s'j,'Hio and ; known as 'F. L. W.alters' b Slip ,1. : Department (A) Horses 1 lii.^r (Ivililionsi her home unh !u‘ so desires. However, it v. ill ))la‘t* trained wo- nu‘11 who can volunteer for servici in line tor t;ood positions, and will jirovide tr.aininix classes for others wlieri tiier*' is a demand for it. It IS can e.--t 1 y ho]».-d that eveiy wo man will |.:o to her mairest school biiihiin:^ and state what work she ( an lo b(>st. no matti'r how humble It may be ; so that our country will ^o on record wi t h a hirej^ist; a tion of its loyal and ])atriotic women. COMMITTEES ON ARRANGEMENTS A committeo of l.idies to look after thy tancy work and culinar.y exhibits of the comin;^ fair is com posed of ; Mrs Z. W. Xichols, Mrs. W. IF Allison, Mrs. T. E. Patton, Mi.-«s (TGorj'ia Bell and Miss Annie (4a«h. Thclive stock and ajrricnl! r.ral Committee consists of T. T. Pa!ton, I K. R, Deaverun.l W. If. Duckw’orth |)rafl Sadilu’ hiir.'^e Hn 10(1 mare Pr. dr.I ft I'lirses 1 Team .Males 1 M ille I iVer I ille car .S 1) Pi-Mulc under OIK' yr. A 11 (i: se i ()11 ivcr one year old :? llnrsc cult under one year old L.'u Il 'Sl ladv rider » !vi!i! lui-l I)-1 ■ I >1 ■ t t el 1!.,ar e.xliil'il any \ :iri\ Ill' (I III) sid>. Prc. Far. I Ie.''t Ialk I>t' (-(a n \\ i'. • •.O ' ;il l;ir!:'d 1) rk Ilf 1 •i^l.'-'> l) i Feck of rye 1 i’l'i :. ;ipp!f.'; ! ■Sl.’iO 1 )-i7-Peek Ilf irish 11,11.a Iocs 1' b; 1‘eck of sw: .-t 1 vr. t'l m tn or. far. l.TiU 1 . ; 1' > Department R> Cattle i!KFF I’Vl’l-: i'iltsT 1 !ull I pure bred ) over one old ('i)W over two yi'.ars old ! 1 leifer over oiu* year old and under Iv.o I lJull calf under one year old I D-ll -1 ii'i I'er cal f under oi'.e y.-ar old -1 County hulks will ho exhibited hut will ' not eompt'te for pri/.es. DAIHY TYPE Ibill (pure bred) over o'l*' year old {'c\v over t wo years old 1 2 Heifer over one year old and under two 4 2 Hull calf under one year old 4 2 jleifor calf under one year old 4 2 III t.atocs i’i'ck ol onions Peck of turnips ball pocii of m:in};( bcct.s P'i k of i iitabajras I Hc'l pM’i'pkin ."ii.t- :ai;i i.u.aiity e.',.';i !i.-i'c!l Cabhact llut'i' I'.ead.'^ i’late apiiles any va!i('ty Celery, three liUilcil'. s I)-l)-l>cst stalk (U' .*.;!>> b( aas I)-l!-l»est stalk of velvet beans liest stalk of vel vet bca.iis and .coin , I’i'.'^t col k'l't ioil ol I \’c}.';ciablcs I Hest j'ouiui id' I butter ! ti.kiij..' I*..11 I. .-:i;roM> •S-. -'i* > 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 .r>(» How do 1 cclb i t th. intere^t' | Ijapti.-'t chnrcii, tlie .\F11 A. Atta(dicd to eaeli bond is an bnildinir near tb ('Tp^ravcd sheet of ini re.-t ciir.pons j i'b'-' Mill, r .'^aiiply ci ui, • • I. ofe for ('ach six !nont}is' period. | le'ased t his ])ri'perty and v .! When the interest (bit ' arriv.'s you j b.nii!' its business tlicre ; cut (dV the intert'^t c. ’ip,)!! of that ! present. dat(> and tal:e it to arty b;i!ik. wlierc j it nm.v I....-h- a or .1 j WC8K ON STREET'' (J How 1.1 tell do I irct thi.' int r- j e-'t I The lou n .'■treei force 1 ■ A. !-'vei'y s.x montlis. This in-'i"ue sonu* lu'eded v tere>t will b.- iiaid to you t>V('ry | ot Maph* street a:.' ■ ; .^blv l.'i and every X 'V,-mb'r i.>(bar : ‘'trcet c innectinLr M, iiiiz: tbv- life of tl.i- V eid. ! w;ih Broa(i. (J. Is there jiny way I can (adlect j my inter(St witliout having' to cut ; TRAINING CLASS rOSTr jIi^O th('('oniii iiisV j ii's;vou c;n _rct till* (jovi-n-i ^ • ^ ^ ; ! 1 la' trainin.r class n ment t'j ltiv(' von .a ‘•rcmstercl ' . , , \ . j avessini: winch was to In bond; that is, a bond witb.out ;iuv ! , , ,, , i w rk at the Ib'd ( ross (.; coniion,-' t‘aci i'1 aiv" \-,i‘h vo’.--; ^ , ‘ I ir thi>- 1 Ml ■con nam»* w rittcn on i> 1'. f. 1 ; p. f. (three pounds) 1 T. S. Morri.'oii Hardware Co., Ashe ville, N. (\, will fjive a tw'o-horse plow, values at $15.(K>, to the hest display of agricultural products. Continued on page eight. six montlis, the int('rost falls due. the Treasury I'v*partm( ut will send you a check in jiaymcnt of tbe interest. COUOIL OF DEFENSE I v.iii iKjt me I ]ire> 'Ut, owin^ to a re;^ard t> the i”.-triu'tor. s »ns have been postjH I aiaeat the middle of Xovi j In tlu' ineantiu'e th(> Will b(' ( arried on at tlu ■t r. : rooni on Itu'following d i (lay and TJnirslav nu. r:. MEETING THURSDAY KIGHlk'> i j::icul dressiiii'; Weunes : noon, sewinir hospital ^a- . The X’^a tional 1,'ouiu il of l)vden^e will hold a inettin^ on Thursday ni^ht of this \ve( k. At this meeting plans will be made f(>r foodadminis- trution week, tind the Libert.y Loan campaign, and thi‘ work of selection for the Homo Guards will be under taken, ■ I A. Cro.-i i . * ;tna : -ur- OYSTER SUPPER AT The ladies of the Bcttei-^ ment Association will ^'ive an oyster supper at the Woodmini Ildll ou Friday night, October 2rth, toraisa funds for school improvement.

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