NilWo, NOA.1^1 A A ill I t^ersonai S' e t" ^^^^: ifi:«)fi!'''v! the ot^ly safeguard. Is your f i / I : ins'.-i .:i? Js your buoiiiCci protcctcd? You iii-ty i 'SLirc ;u I bcfo"C the Fl^^E Bi't not :'n' iiHPurv: oilier the Bl. Ti\:. Mil V..' c: .Ml hour may carry av/ay i:'c c.; of a liiciini "Fh.: coiJ auti/.inn \vii.J;> brir.*^ a most Ja.i-'orjus season ior FlKE. -0^ lyddk tl’.i ni!';li till". !. I Il'Mi 11'^; St I- it ilic trinu'-; lit \(i’ii ;;in -;s : ri-. :f lKi(, \;>il if'L'ii-. !t ;l V()!ir liriy Nxvii.ii! (1: I'll. il (Ii); ■■; lii'! t -M ;>!IV /f.yjo j) 'wm U J SHE US GALE.OWAY Qb Mir^MiS, Agts. (I. H. I*axfi>]i t|' ( lirrvlii'lu w.' in towji SiitIIIl:iy. A (!. I’.i lilt ryir \v:i-. in ti)vvii Mo:i l iy o’l It i-., W. \\ S' :it lii.'iir n i.-^ 1 lUr t hr i )' !(■; > I .ii! ll I ‘-^vsl ■•: 1. Mr. Kwnrlriinl \'i'i hiis ! ‘l IIrncd l r>n‘v;irl.—\‘;!icvi!’i 'I’lnu'S. LivtM'v ( o. I’t'Ci iitlv iii- sl iMi'd tin* Ij'xlit Sy.'-t( 111 in tlii'ir M;i\' (.ml (Iiat i' .iMliiiMin vi-llcd i!i tliis wni;.— Ar-lirvilli' 'i'iii;- s. vii-:. I', li. l>.ivi.-; .-t»n m;-.' vi>i:ii;.: i riu 11 \ iit llrcva.d 1 his V. !‘t'!c - -!! i». I' ( ;;iJr~)ii'‘ cl' LmI;" 'I'. i>:-i way 'VMS i:i In wTi >3(>ti'l ; V uii ^ iiM'.l i’:ii(l 11h- N-‘A"a ij .-5 ir-f.‘rr I L-iiJL.Viii .lI ii* j i s I io i il li*L‘I LO I • ! ■ ' ! ':• _\ il )V I ; I ;i i' ;■ I . il t \ • 1 jt • I li'iys cluii ) . r.t! i ■dO. liial 'i]>D ; -in ;i!!: ; ( i • ■: I ! y . c ; ‘ ’ i ii -f Mi d -i'.itc, (i.'c]:i ;:i;d : (li:' J '■* A ri'. ! I ( t ..1 1.1■: i . ill ■ a ! > : Ai i - .\lai’:d::!rt' • I’aiii;.: i i 1' Xi' • r:i. ■ i ■- r: Il Z T'-' iiia a>. i r:z ;i II, li.-ihuM ♦ii' iNc, rs'VAiTff.T ■ - * . i: 1^7 A wiil not In hh office !£.i l^iO /Cvi’cS 0x1 i £kl5J*S“ tSciys I:-'I \'A\i be m his Rcr^p.aa office. NATICr^A!. SYSYliVI OF FiOAOG :dl ld . ; WAN 'i ' £ P ! Potatoi'-, i)Mio!i Si'.i 'lt'vl I lioans uinl I’c.i'., !\ )!- j try, UnttiT, a j uii>l i riiit; ni";) ! ii * > I anti C'oiiiu \ (.•!:.! .;t .. TREATMENT FOR WILD COLTS . , , ii. 1\ . !^hi,r!ii‘ (il S|»art,iiin-ir." Complete Directions Given for Getting Hri'vaul >''.i' m ni' vi'-itnr Foot of Refractory Animal Into Position for Shoeing. 'Ft'!! MS \.1m; ".I il.>>r >hip i() tlu‘ !’,»).iM‘ th.'t you c\;.h, Wesiern Prjiiiice Sompany 'K) Ni'.rtli I n Avo. ASNKVII I j - - N. ( . his till't!'t‘r. Mrs. \V. i\ . ( >si),>ni'-. I )r K. V.'. lily tilt' will h-avc tlii I’o raist* a hiini foot, jmt oi\ a '■v: td t> r irctMivilli' .ind oth.- ;>s mi th-‘ t'r.'ii' f'Mi! and dr.iu' tlu* ■ i ihiTU cilics In spend Ins vai :! fitrward. i'Ut a roue mi il\,> hiiu! -li,,,., J III'’! of a wihl h-irsf, lir i:;i a '’miit font. li:i\f th'“ a -'i-'iiuiT nulij his lit'.'id ivt“t' Mi- ' ’S Mary ICillLT and \\ i1- 1 h> 1 til 11 ■ s:i iiic s!i :(> a s : hr t Ml »t to j-:,. t’ar;'.i •din.l liav- ri'tiniii'd {o iu' lirird. ..r laK ■ lli- lira.!si:dl in on.- .. ,.,sii to Irirnds i. 1. thi' t: :l Mi ih'- oUi 'r and nhiri ,, , hm--r hr hrrm-.-s d:,,y. " . c) 1 y 11 us 1 .rr. W iiih- in tlii> rondilioii hr la.-.y lir h:ii\- dl' d '\illl sat'r. \-. LMI illi' foot for- T*. :M'ti !V,0 or lili'rr lillirs ;iild L'i'Illh* it. • I n ■ r i,;\ ;'s in i';irry t lie '.'•I,.; ha-.'i'>'. a r ■ inir a >iiin'iaL: iii''.:diii I'lvt’nr is a v. a y m’i a \a 'liti'U . i : I'iiii ilir I. oi'. I >r. 'j'. S N’i'arlii k iil' A>hr\ illr uill ' r witii i >:a-Kwort h l)rii;: ' l-n tin- nr';! ' d:: vs i c'.ii■ v;nu" Dr IvW. ' 1. Lxjv'it pt f'tTtinna! I'lu'tratt? How C' I'''me 1^ to Oe Broagiit to oivrc'^r.ful Cnd. a . ■ ; ii.. , ; . 'I U! Asiivilh ..•( , l: . i 1 1. I. ■ I ra!ii.' i'' I .. i M' • I- I ••'.•I , ■!• ■■. ' I i; hr r 'at.l hinrai of a nMiimrd sys- (■!'! •' hi:.l!V.';i \ s is i!-i':it!y f;'rj!ii;i id hy th ' frdi ral ai i ro;id \'hiri> ' ‘ ’ ‘ '‘"laii . ii :i", ,i ' "niix ’ ; all tli.' st:iI"S th;it \voi;h 1 .'-Iki■ ■ ■ ti ivtJi:; Mipjj'i' Ma i.’. 'i'li 'y n ill 'I' ii'iirfi'. l!ii':iiis ;|]! , i' . • h’l IK I't 11' ' 1 h\ I |- r\ir; N • h';:- a). I I,. ;; '.■■i, ■■ ,1. A I.. . i' .; I) ly a i'(i ill !i i . (i h ■ . .■ .. » ’ • . ■ ■ f 'i t’, 'J ii 2? S Is i 8§ f t: ‘i -f ..J J f k\ J . t ! I (hr sliili 'ii (■•piip tlirai ' ivi : wjlii st:i*i' hi'jhv'i'y !■ i •;! r( !!irn ‘ s. W i i h t hr-r ■t 'tr liiL;h'\':y dr]i:irt!i" a's d(\ Mir' thrir a:i-'ii'io;i fn ihr 1 of - ^'.s’l ai'-; r laviii, thrn li ':nr h:-h- • \ "ry ro:ni; (ii•!! is r;i', t\il ii> fi .r I ‘r t . ,1 ]) I 1'. • ii V SI' ■ i ' '11 i T!. • I d 11.; 11. ; 11. • h.. ii i ■ . hri n v.'i 1) 1.1 i’a i 111'.."t niL'li' avd dav ' I' -I ’ » •' • :;r s* ii'ii :it . v:- ■n,, Hi ! li ‘ t :■ . I >,; , ■/ , ■ • y ■ i !: •: t r ' i!. I ; ; :'. i I: - ;! 11! I '; (• h id h t ' • I' • i . Il i ' 1 ■. I- ; ii.r M. ■ A. «ry. •.! il 'id rr'i\V!i:n^' :n t ' h. • s' ;ih- ' ' ! d i' hi .• t '.m i I. :i:, i 11; i li'h.rii nt III' a laiiiiiiad sysirai hi;,ii- \\*'( lv. \.MV.s’. I'.y \v;'y (>r il!ir (r.'din;,' liow a a:i- Ih>n;il s;. "ti iii of hr'hw.iys is to hr t'\'n!vi i| h\ t :;i il ii'i;ii ;il '.■.'Cri'-', an r\;" ri :;t thf ir'ii.-aal ra|iilai in;;dr till' i‘ri!o'.\ inu' statri.ii-jil : “ dvdll-dly Ihr 1:-^ I>;;idr its,.If a ri iiijii .hi.': i:! -ti-i' in ;’.i' iimdliiiT rf ht'■ 1 ro;id I'fol h'iii and. as a li;,d'‘al sri|M;n'‘r, ih-' r-'il' ;al irnvirnairnt, !h-f Ni'ij! !v e'.’t. ry nt-v ;).5i>iT cnrri;, ■, thioii II film :iiiii:iai a.riiviiy and l;iirr 'ht' i.'i ai.-ws i>;!f il*',- 15rc'V:«rci 1’.' d!'‘ lin:!iiri:d aid jii'ovidrd hy tlir \v*\\s is |Ik‘ 5I)!v )!tc C‘jrr\'iny frih r;d aid h'lw, niadr it^rlf a i inporli;;*.! 'i Kitlsyl\'ar.i:i ji'iwi'rl'al i’arior in ;iir v.orkiiiLT nit if tic'Vv'.',. til-' slair hiuiii\;iy I'l’-ihli iii-. 'i’lir next Jouiral Sl.'li fill'... ; ih ' s;:liir roii;-:!' ^^hil■h li;is l!(‘i'ii jmr^ui d l-y ihr stat-' — .Co'rrnnirrits, naia. !y. liir iiro.idriiin:^ ri'i!-'V:d piirtiripa;ioii to I'rovidr for llii* r'dai'l^-hairnt of a systrni if na- th aal liiu'hwayv. “Tips |ioliry (-;'U 1>0 f'Mt lllto (‘ffl'ft wiiJi.iMt (h'^^tnrlianrr of i xi-^tii::^ orf^iiii- i'/'iiioits. without |>r ividinLr niw iiir;ms (if finiin 'r iMid \. it!i 'rii! hti!«' rh;iirrr in rxi'^ii;;; laws, 't'la- procrss \\oiihl !oL'':r:i:!y taki- a ri aj'sr ,'i nirwh-it us r .11 . iI ;■ I » \N'sonu" ! i!;;! (i■■■::- i )!i ; • ■ s ;i hr., jtii 111 Pii tin;'!. ■ ;>f til'J faiiiOUS f i.- ' ■- .. w *-- - -j , • ti '1 - 7 C •' .S'*. J,' i >■.: * : ^ '1 V V>. > C^. * ? l;ov. ('. 1) ' l.aitin'in uid iirrMrhl “I- st:dr liiLdr.vj-y dri.artnimts ~ , ... ,, 111 i Irdi r: ' I'i' .1- of Ti’ihiii' ro:ids «ISESAL iv.iX'>TURc FOR PIGS '' ' ‘;"i >.. ,;m Siindav, ( ),|nhi r •j-'tll at II n id' irj. , jlii^.),v\:iy sysli-iiis of !2 - Department '"if Agriculture Gives For- li‘" will hr “ 1 nr I )uii '.-'id I thu'i* h'Ldiwa.'.s w hn h arr o( intrr-'tatr miiia to- Animals on Pasture— thr flmir." ^ iiiipif,: : i-. Keep in Handy Place. ! *'-■ A ?lni' srh'rtrd would hr . 1'. Hrri'sr, I lios. ii. Siiijinian. i i ij hy ’oa'..rrr''S, with tlu* ri' 'I'o 'U|i]ily iiiinrral inattrr and a ton- -1. S Sil\fi -;trrn, .1. W , MrMinn. .1 j !''h‘rni- ni ih:ii frdi i-nl tunds In- ap- i(' or pi "'s .111 p:i'-!urr ihr followiiiiziM Alii.''i)n and ( lO ( >rr n;aii'“ a I"idy to -iirh sysimi on and aftn- MACHiN fLiv y AND HULL SUPPLIES .-^lock in Wr rf-rii (,'a!‘oiiiia Saws. Pii’li- . s. ;>-ii iivr. W'irr !N);)i-, I’i’>‘’, ^ iti:i' , i-'OM'!cfr” ;iiHt ' hill*' IJ>-.- U V. Asiievii'9 Suiiply S, Pcundry Co. Ai 'ievilk', N. C. NCTiCF. GFSALE iiiir.rral n ix. irr iv ^,iod. .-ays ihr I’nit- t rii) t' t (irrrn villr Snnda 1 “ ‘, : n. i,u-uii >d Sta:Hi p:: II iii.nt of aL'rh’iiltur-,'. It . , • i; i> . ' '''■ should hr rx- istL^ 1 c:‘rirv!: c;;'r ul llih ::!w'\v -hi'U’ 1 Im- l)i>s,»lvt ^•" ai^i’ cai . I p.;,,i,.,i j,, iiijijn'. ;i;.ui-r ns well ;is con- i-t'' "t i )iHi-i.:lti.-r. I'dfi. to sriun- ;i ci-rtain ^trui’ion. as ilr- narir-ial sva.iii of ^'"nii-L.y r. tr i'.-in.i-; t\i-n li n.-t!u i. j ^Iioulii havr for :,il tiair a 'H h. in t la- -:m o! lo, ,n. p! ; a spi’i'itini iiatr. I'n'irr anil in- virtrr nf tlu- power ( (.ii- riiiu li in a lU t d aiiii xrcirml hv ^:r;ili Cunniii^dia;:', i!f. i ::,-;-,ii, tu liu' ^T.-' Vi>i. , A Viv at .U I i.c pl:i’ is transportiri;; y;t:n‘4 a:ui old itUo t!)t* c csUicies of -.iii y- l.l.Mli, iir. 1 SL'O !’o\v vvitli a '.v.ivv-f f !',••;• v.Lisul lii * old p.ioii frnrfii l..,.;5Js, a from a pi-MpLiri aru! four )!\:* . uiul a •r;. '(.us I'.ii! U'o vvi! tiiv* rof a • iiulv'i' i'.cii. -\i'. ) th(* I r« ■ i co;iK*tiy, ‘ .SlfiNS OF I Ri A lMA:." Aiiiilssion 10 snd loc I when you m* that i.ext ioij of * '"'f’ •'S ** y thr ropp.-vi - in uat.-r and spriiiku Frank Nirhnls. ,d' tli ov iT 'I,.' : ■ arr >:l vni-^i ‘II 'Fry a Divcrsific*J atlv. NOTICE OF SALE U?-:DER EXECUTiOM c= 1 I r * 'II"--'" \VnrU>. wIlii rut 1il: ^ pound", si. d iK’ir four jiounds. wond = ashi-.-- 'V- hi-'hi'h '•aljthur four pouu'.is km r with an axt- muui- w r k- a_rn. criit.iinr. s 1-iL.dii jr.iinds, I’lu* rliarroal um was in thrNrws ofiiri- M i .nd.'iy a nil s bti: iud. I'I"''' I ':,t|i'U-llip V.iMl iiir t'rijrral ^'OV- t ; n niui.i- 1 :i (lavir.fnt iv’ t )n- :iii.! intircsl thiTt-nn a- jirnviik'.l in .\ritli Car .lin.-i. 'i'r.insvivar.i.i Crantv In : a,.l li.vd in tria-t. I. fh. .aa'rrsi,,n. ii ^Sup.THT CnKrt. (I. W . 1- i>hi-r st’rrns to 1 r mi ;s r-till li.'ini: i l atcla .■•. :s olilri- AI I .nd.'iy a 111 1 ^ •‘Sonir of ihr stairs alrrady liavr n; tii-. v. i’l. n-. .■.!i'T”::i\-. X .h: r L!».tli.' pr i\ it'Lr raiiidlv. imt i!iad'' I'latis for iitih/.inLT tiir aid urant- i'd/, ,'t li; o’rli., i, >1 , ;.t i' i- ( : 'h.u ■ i-d h\ ihr fi-drral a^d r.iad art on loads whir!i i-.iuld n.n ::'"pri’! ■ hr inrhnl*d jj| j— ^ ^ f ^^ G do ' - I r U f. I .rii^i • !p* A 1! ison, I v ■! 1 ] d., ^ in a 11; 11 i > M i:: | ^ \ ^t i 111, I a; I I lii - ni i • i ^ ^ ^ 1 )ur h \V( n! il. 11' irarr I >fi v :s, (■ II I a». i You \s ill f c: fiiist ciasc 11| work, you will get it when proir.iscd, for having work done when promised is one of the rules cf this office. If you prefer, send the order hy n'^ail or it to the oliice in person. Let Us S'ioij Yu It What V/e Can Do ^ (h-(irirr I'urtuiir and !> dl Sw.-ii'i:- i ST. IMIIIdl'S I'.riSfol'A!, ('iH RCi!. p.,,,, ,,[• ra,M]> S virr. ;rrrr\i!! - ‘ ' ' • ' ; ' ' ' '' s]»r!it .SaMirday idi:h1 and Siinia\ = V.:, . '‘.'‘'r-. Ml iirr va rd, rrt urnni!^ >-'undM V ni-'li'. V> . 'ii\,\''.\' :il t W ' i 1 ! I. ■ i:.; I . r . . * il ■ '^•.a>.l;r. • .— .IS. t',',' !i.‘" '.i\. 11''.. 1 -. I I. I I '' : i! 1 \ . .\ s,"''1 si. .11 I;,i \ . W!.,• riJK-arTEB#E» S p c c 1 ;i 1 A n II o u n c o ni e i'. t _'V t Saiulav ait-r 'I'rii.ity, OrluinT 1' th. .\ ca, Ilf I’r.ov! t'lir thi- saci'o. ot llu' • tit'.Ill '.'■■iiy lail Xa\'v ’. A i’.. ri til Si-rvirr at 11 o'chi.l;. 'i'hi P Hv \'. Mi. •' ip. . : .1 \. ill otiiriati- aiul sjnak i'i- I'!', “'I'l'i- I'lnii-s Ilf thi- }h>ur"‘ |-'iiiia\. i(, L'tith. livoa-siin" v.i'.lt Si.ld-’i't. "lli'W iiiav t!3 - -aw-t;.. »> la t:-.' 'i'".. ;! i>i’ i'l' v.-Tii. 'i'i-aiis\ 1- ‘!'•x-.v.-a.-; i .•;;n,>ny. \"!;h I■i.ldia, r.r\'i- ti,;- I'n.ii,"' ani l.y \ir:-ac of an i-xcluI ion ■'* ' 'h ; I ;h>- l'.i’.dn I.iil !t-r f. r ilir,-. . 'i tr ll.'- '..-r ; a' d fn.m tlu- Su ■ •iitv’ hi \'iaa:'i-i- d. -liiii-;! pcriur C >;:rt i.l' ’i :; y i i;ii i ruun'y in ■’li 1 p;-is i-.M'.tai;'. d in ;aii! ti.-- a.huvi- i-ivilh'i i.-.i;,'.-, I will mi .Mun- -. ll in til - p'-iii-ffus Ilf wliii hsali- liay, li t- IJtitii li iv >‘f Xov>,-ini)L-r. l‘)17, to ht- ; pjiiicd till sail i ndchtvlini .s.- \vi;l! al in o’ 1 nk, M . i-r iliiriii'.^ tla.- k-;^:d Iiiurs 'I'- .Ill-, a' th.- I'l ,,r. -i.n ;■ nf saiJ !:.n !' rf I-', i;. n. .It aAin-;, I'Mant'-, -• ;i »i-tl .! mi.. -r frr I'ash, Diversifieil A^s Are Business Buiiiiers a'ha'-i a.t.,-^ni:'. W I- !'i..a a 1’ r .rad .\i .;aaia’:iiaH- wiiii rhri .\li S.da’s l).i\, Xovi-tiilK T 1, j-'.arly lalr- hiaiimi at 7. h' .\. .M. Concrete Road in Mississippi. V ! il Ml! nli.iis ami laoii- to s;';listy sail t -.-ati.-n, a.d tiv- ri^ht, iralaiiv li s -tijni! ,l^ luinix in nrc\arl titk- anil iatf.'-.'t wi'.ii'h tiio sad I'l.xaway ro*\n>i; n. ■rr.iii--\iv. ;’!a ('•■nntv, >.i.:.h ('oniiia.i'y. tin- di-fi-niian:s. 'v s or had in I'-r'l.iiiai, I'-u'iaaia;' • a ;ai ii ..:; s'akr in ;i tla- foil..vvinLr i!- criiit-.l ti-al vsta!-.- at tin.* I* vt anu ia the old St.ian-v hia-, !■'. !-^ 1*.. tia-'t- of ihr ihir! .-tinir of tla- juii;'i-incnt h'’ .'wrpc-r, ata! rua.s with tlu- .said old aj;ainst thoni, in thi.; f:;u.'V. to-wit : ■ : Jij litu- III.rill 17 dr^iits west ]I] foi-t tn a 1-yiai.x or. t'’f wat'-rs of the Toxaway -ia;.t; tl I n'vMimh .^1 ■ ■ d--ifrc's ’.v-'tlr‘)o Kivi.r in tlu- (’o.Kity of 'I'ransylvania, I ■' ‘ i nt'-T of iMiadiv'.- of X-Tth Can.lina, ar. 1 iiartiralarly ‘it-'-l : ttu--.'ir down anil wit’i tiu- i i-ntor ('(-si rihi i| ;:s foih/,-. s ; I sail! cr-. k I'li U-i-t to a stakr, Rolii-rt Ik-^'iatdn^Min a ha'.i k pint-tu-'.r thi-■ Id Hog .\iii!i-'-:i I.’. lona-i: tli-.r.i-r -.siih K-ihvrt Hack (.'ir.i.vii, and rui.s ia various iiairscs Xnili-isori'-^ atul 1-'. 1-]. IJ. ,1 nidus’ !i:u-, an-.! (iist.aa- s. ;-.s r-. ft-r: n. a is lurv'ay }.dven .orih (is dfLr'v''s i-.'st f-vt to iIh' hi-- ioalU'vil fnaa thv .hi’in i-'i.-hcr IK-irs to "iiiniiiLT. lontainiii^ l.^dO'' of an acri- llu- roxavva;. (.'"lapa.r.y. n-.-oi\li.-d in Uook tnoii,-(,r Ii.S'. at pa^^t- tf th-,- l»vt-d Ri-corcis (if tlu- -anil- jtrrpi-rty set out and dr- 'I'ransvh aiiia t'o-untv, for a full and com- I'til-.-d in a ili-i-d from C. l;.i^w il and jt’t-to ilv.scription. .Aial a furtla-r ri.-ft-n-nce ■s iti- to .\!r.-. K. M. lia^wi 11. v. liicli (IcliI i.s hv-rt-h; maik- to the report i.f Ik W.Ew- .k \V. 1 >nckwort]i is rarryiiil: i'i r t'Vr in a sliii!’: this wrrk a rr>alt Ilf an » nriianti-r with lus ft-rd. Wliilt' crankint^ lii.-i nia(diiii(\ .Mi’. 1 )u(dworth slipped and striirk lii> lirttd on ont* uf thr liLrhts n-ci'ivin;; a vi-ry ]iainf;il Mo.v. Ik T. !-;^'rrti»n. tin* well knovi h in'111'd i v(* rnyinrrr. wlmhasl iilV Ids rtni t'l'T tlu* ivist ’.’d iin'ntli- nil a('.a.unt of injnrrd iiaiid. will rr- snnir Ins l un on tlu* passm^rr train h.-t'.v(*rn llrndi 'I’ trca .vav tin* tirst ^ ^ opnatioii ot thr pit's-nt act | ;ti-.,!ina. on parv .^17 of Itook of dcods, County, on tile in tlu* otlice of the Clerk i.lf !ina .Mis. A. .1. \ridri_\ t (’oiihl contiiUK* to hr appUrd as now . to whiidi reconi is herehv made of the Superior C.turt of said County. 'Pm.’'(lav nili!'r.ili!.r with thrir littlr phiniu-d. 'Ihr appropi-i.-iii.ins lor thr .>r a furtlu-r and more complete dcscrip- I'iiis the 2,st h day ot OetohvT, PU7. (^•1 n-'litt-r Marv for An'^nstu (l i alrrady availahh* ; ion df tlu-property intended to be adver- 10-2()-ltp - COS PAXTOX, rrsi.nvillo and Lakr : not cans.' .•\tr.*nir onllh't. as thr f.'d- cxecu'ed on Xov., PHI, and hanks. Zeh I-'. Curtis and C.eo. H. Wright, ... , .,.,1 -...,1. • .. .1 r— . .1 ef^isteted Ki tIu- otiice ot Mv‘d't.-r o{ (. omniissioiH-rs in the itartilioa proceed- rst lit \ovi-nihrr ♦“rat luiuis for thr iirst tlnrr or loiii , , . ,■ , ,, , x- • > . •-r i iiM oi .>o\inii.ii. ... ^1 V ecs !->r 1 raiisvl v ini.i t iuni\'. Xorth in”;s ot the Superur ( uiirt i i 1 r.insvlvania and coiisidrrahle tjnu* iin'cssary must 'scd hy thi.-; notice. miK\ .\Kll I'iJKSIiVTKKl.AN- l-liri:^ „,,.y 1„ visit ll„.i,. .S,n. ' !*(-rry Ai'nlt'ry, who is in tin* A. !i. ; -i)uId ho Iail out and niadi' ready for Sheriff Transylvania County, X. C. -v,-;v I list ,i--. ! II: i a. I:: . ' • .Mtlltary A Ino cent :t ^ i-t -.ii .rr. : -i,-. Si.:i,lu\-. p. la ; liUl; ,. . . t . Htnri .-i-iU a wiii-'l *..i ■ -'.ri--.- Tis,;ti..a. >.,;n , .u-.:. ,i;:k -i'T. a! r t J a \ «*11 lljJC 1 Military ActidiMny thrn*. Thry | tk aiijiliratlon of f\-d« ral funds. in thirl'motor car and I “In all prohahility tin* now srhriiio | f.-u-ti initial . i . wor-.l Will ht* «jrom* about two wrt*k. wcrn ])ic’tnrrs. u f’oin])any of twrlv vouno; ladit's S'lntir thr Iloy Si-on Sont; “Johnny (ii't Your (iun," ar- .''nn'!,i;- s>-'-. ■ ! t -i-y Si!ii.!,iy. m a. in. Mrij's !: I'-a-rl;.;...! t'.ili’n- i-las^, \iiur.;: I’.-. pli- ' of ri-.ristiail Kn .... , , flc'avor eveiv Wi-.!i'.r>,.lay cvcnin;:, s:oo. AuditoriUni TllPSllaV h( t.ASH I .-Ml) lor chii'ken'', c}ijrs, wool and i hides. Citv .Market. ‘Ml tfc O- . .,-.1 D-WIDSOX iU\ tCR PRKSUVTKUIAX vounir ladirs s.-nif^ thr llov Sronl kO(,S U .\X ll-d> V. e pay cash. Miller CHCRC'H Supply Co. 3 2 tfc I 1 I, II ,, , ' John R. May, I astor. ■ (M)inpani*(l hy Dorothv Silvcr- l-OU RKXl l.ilo .u.':, a ir.ont l. .\p- Ri.j.„lar e:.i:rv' s.-rvieos • v--; y Siimlay. j strrn. As tin iMU'Orc^ tllrV S.'iniT l)!v ut t* .»n.>. (i. i . Wllllicr. Huui's: ! ^ ..*»*.«ys, iiroo a ! n^i o l i.> ^PK i&vy2U' , :n -. Iirst aii.l tiai 1 Suf.ilays, p. m.; ji[th 1 " ^ lll(*S«' .siiii iays i)v .inau ir. ( ai -iit. i fv.’o numhets \v(*re vorv Hppropriatt* TOWN LOTS farms and timber lands for : r-h?iS^.rK:;:|.:Hv:?' ini‘'^in"ays at i and well rendered, sale. I’rank .letlklll.', orevard, X. C. tf I a. ;n ; I.n : a--.>l Ith .Similays at ' 1). 111. I \V. R. Cainp of tlio St;it(> Doiwrt- inrnt at RHh*^!!, wlu) has just HHKVAltl) BAPTIST CHURCH. I-'OK MILK AXl) ( I:i:A.M call on C. K. j Osborne, “the .iiT'i v milk and cream . , . , , •• ltt l'>-tfc' Corner Jordan and (laston streets. , orf'unizi'd a p(»tato oxchan^o ut iv.jsviv- 11,r , , M..1 „1 w 11 '-McDimia. l-astur. Phono N>. ri.S. | “’''-''■Y;'* ^ l-OR S.\LK Horse .Mule .ind Well^ ' uif' with County Afii-nt li. h. Law- Bred 1‘ifis. W. I.. I \R.\llCHAKk ■ : n*nc*o as to the possibility of or^'ani p)-2() 2 tp. Hrevard, R'tule 2. fu aeiiin.; s«-iv -s at ii:oo a m. and 8:oo p. 1 '/an" one hure. This will lu* a t;r»‘Ut K„R rent S..T. in Dunns ». ‘.“V.'j'j-r” . - . . ,, ,, i> i:i w-ii:i. > lay. f of the ^tato If sHch an exchango IS buikhnj?. next . • Jjost otfice. M. .M. \.lv S.,i v !; .mi ai.-ets on I'nos.lay i-veninc . Chapman or T. H. Shipman. l(>-12-tfc n.ter tlu-tiist Snml.iy of each mnntli. jUipHUi/- u. * .'\il who ik'sin-ti' i-nv-oiira:.;e or to assist the woishin of (i-.,! cr tfi tje lii-l|>i‘il tiy worshi;) i • - - wXt;;: ‘ separate yards for boars FOR SALK—A ,(m| si/l*it box full of pap(*r srvii} Sj 1 .idid for jiuc'k- ing purpo.'^es. (’nil at Nows (Mlici; BREVARD METHODIST CHURCH. W. lvdj!;ar I’oovey, Pastor. Animals Will Not Live Peaceably In Same Lot—Fighting Uses Up Lot of Vitality. SuQiIay —Siin lay sebool at 9:15 .-x. 111. Preach- inn at 11:00 a. 111. ar.d ; p. m. lnternit'i.liate Kpwortii i.i-airiio :j " p m Don’t trv to Siunimer two boars in Monday V . I*. M .S. 7:^0 p. in.. Iirst and tlurd I ,, , . , ,, Monday niciits. | the Same lot. They may live togothor Tiiosdav (AftcT iirst Sunday) Hoard of peaceably toT E while, but some day Stewards. 7;:c> p. 111. Patronize the mercKants who ad vertise tn this paper. 400pm .... . .... l-'ri lay-Ch'jiritr.icticc 7:30 p.m. They will treat you ngni ^ood'-'-xur-^o*-^^ We.lm-sday—I’raycr meeting 7;.^o p. in. Tlmrsilay—(First and Third) Woman’s Mi.s- sionary society, .^.oo p. m. Local Auxiliary they are likely to fight, and then, if one or the other is not killed, they will he wounried, will use up a lot of vital ity and it will be a difficult matter to gel them in breeding condition again. would ('oiiir into offr-t as an oxtrnsiuii '-■] of the prrsrnt frdrral aid road art.” WHY FAMILY IVIOVED TO TOWN Compelled to Make Change Because of Poor Schools and Bad Roads— Remedy for Poverty. j ‘‘Why don't thc*y po on to n farm?” i Is the itu*stion witli v.hirh many men j dismiss from thrir minds thr story of } s»ni(> povrrty-stricki'n ftiiiiily. The j chances arc tiv«* to uk‘ that that same ftiniily was indtirrd to move to town he('auso of ]'oor srhools and jtO(»r roads In the country. Tlie remedy for much of the poverty now in our towns is {rood roads and trood schools in the country. Why should n(»t country schools be given the same attention given city and town schools? Why should not the children be permitted to po to them over pood roads with dry f(*et, instriid of wadinj? throujrh mud and water? (lood roads will make the country a belter phice in which to live. Cull Growing Fiock. Cull the gmwinp flock of chicks as much as possible, market all that are In any way Inferior but in good health, and kill and bury all which seem weak or sickly. It will not pay to keep any but the str(»ngest and best chicks. Renew before expiration. Big' Coupon Offer at Duckworth Drug Co. With cach 25c cash purchase or for cash on account wc will give one coupon. Where you h^ye accumulated 20 of tliese and return to us 'with $1.78 we will deliver to you without further cost a two quart ALUMINUM PERCOLATOR worth $3.50. If you like your coffee and want to economize and save coffee as well as time, don't fail to get one of these at less than manufacturers price*

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