The Rose Cafe W. Y. THOMASON. Prop. For the Mediants and Farmers Quick Service Food of the Best llualiiy Polite Attention Main Street - Hri*viird. N. C. Meals Deliv't’rocl on Sh irt DiUGHTEh WU AN^’: ' ForaLonjrTiV' L ;cKed .S*;j to Walk Far -Notiii i Seemed to Help Her. V LL i!3 P ^ '*1. ? I I 'i * V m iPfiiusi so ) U'^aTY LOAN FACTS cnoi OAT’. ' /ILL LIK':i- V LE FIXED DONE 80 AS TO AVOID INTERFER- FRIKND SAID A-I M WAS WHAT SHF NFFI)i:i) Professional Cards. KOBT. L. GASH W. !•:. BKHHSK. jr. GASH &c BREESE LAWYERS 11 to 17 McMinn Building N'oiiiry I’uhlic. DR.. J. Y. McKlNNEY DENTIST Office PickeLsiiner liuiKlin^. DANIEL LEON ENGLISH Attorney and Ccunsclor at Law Brcvari:, N. C. HohI esiHto hiw mul !i''r^u'tu-t a ppecialtv. Clayton, Clayton &. Fisher Attorneys-at»-Law HHKVAin). X (\ WELCH GJiLLOWJiY Jittorncy Practice in all the Courts Brevard, C. CHAS. B. DKAVER Jtttorney-'ot La tty Offico CH)oper IJIock ALLISON & ALLCSON Attorneys-at-Law In Old Cooper Building BREVARD COLEMAN GALLOWAY Attorney-at-Law Cc!Opcr Block Brevard, N. C. CONNESTEE LODGE NO. 237 1. 0.0. F. Meets every Monday ni Visitors \vclconie. “.\ly ilaufrlitcrV c!nditi..n w.i- rioil ini? H donl. S’n • .s . wi'nk, rimdo'.vti mkI troutil il ;■! ths.1 roinini; int(> aith irr*‘;;ul»T 1 iios which s>-rin- ro weight hrr dowTi t- ’r' 1 Jtiu snj) her stri'iii;t li niid ('nor^; . fould wiilk but a litfUi t\s\vifli nut rt‘stiii^,'’ siiys li. \'u., ju't rt l\v,v (iiiys “A fricTid rk(.v'tiuiK“i»d«‘(J A'i' Iron Miiii'rul to pii';iiul niy ibmul' trr hiidn't iHlu'n hut two hntil hctnn* sht‘ \VH> -vi'll iiiid strdiJLT iini :.'niii!4 nhov.t th» ht*nsi‘wtjrk to ’I wtiniltM-fnlly im;»ri>v('d. Tht> result- hfivv* ht'i'ii rc'sKirkahh* iti 1i»m C!ist‘ 1 hflii'Vi' Ai’id Iron MiiurHl will ilo all tl\;it is claiiiitMl for il and take plt'jisure in ri'coinint'iulin^ It to all. I consulor it a (Jod-NfU;! to .sulTi-rin;; l.UMiunity 'ihi'uhovt! I ntlir.'ii:i>tiii (>ndorso incnt of Arid Iri-n Mineral, th uroat iron ri‘n;-‘dy, wl.i'-h fhoi;- sands of ]»‘ople piai'f, proves ho' splendid it is as a tonie for th* t)lH)d, kidneys, Madder, and diges tion. Aeid Iron Mineral ms . .'e ob tinned at most druui: >toV' S in lar^. or small hott!i s. A ti'a^p'lonful i^i jn ”la.'S of wiiter makes a (h'.”*e. I helps tl'.e l)k od. drives out nri j ;ieid and othe’* impurities aiu j strenj:th(‘ns on * almost from the I tir.'.t dosi*. 'riiM a; i) -tite is stimu I jhitid, (li'^estion is helped, and thi ■loi'il enrii-lu'ju'd. hrifiLMn_' i-j'cl: ; f.iat rosy hi'alth ljIo'.v tollit' t !i !■;■ tr.'l a ^jiarkh' to i.ser-iu>ii■ f v rs. j Ni.'te: Acid li-en >tiiu'ral i.s j i.-t I hijzhly conc('nt ra ted natural iiedieinal iron, t.'st( d and-botth*d by the Ferrodine ('liemieal i'orp., i^ 'anoke, Va., the le'r^sors o^ the 1‘posil from which it C(tmes. It is non hU’oIioIic and non injurious I)ocs not ali ’ct tlu‘ teeth, (‘au';e I'oMstipatioTi or haiiii di”;estien a. ordinary iron is ap: to d;j. Got a a bottle tu'iaV.- A Ivrrtis(>meat. SC u Ei!3T::;3'Fu3i?efi£0 j:;st ojieweek’ * u i 1 k'a •*.- 1 K W k ^ 1 • t 1 ! Na'- 1 d At my L ! ^ \ 1 1 ' 1... 1 1 1 i . , t. '. I’ir. in, r i V 1 t 1-. • : ;.. ■ > f X; ' .1,! i;i(. a 1 r. i>- ^ ! ll.' 1 . .. is ; ; }.■ IV e’-.d it . r: 1.- -d i f>f ^ 1 X r: d ill ; I’.o V c. ENCE V^ITH THE SALE OF LIB ERTY BOND3. Formed Ou\ Ail cf'.t at Esoh ion cf tlio ad- '!ir? ca’.! for . ■ at'j:;7 I' • d y,mvt- y ( the ,ij ti.e.u ia I)#- Work Drag After Ra:ns. Tlirre iiiv iiiaiiy ii’.iH ' w h- a viay's wt»rk e:ui be siiari 'i >n t!i * r rci. Af ter heavy rains tlu' ncul may nc» i| ci r- taiii repaiiN or iiuiuMvciMrnt'- wli n th* overseer is not rca ly to calt luit Ihi* hamls. Why not huiiviibial farmers donate a day’s work on the ruaJ at sueh time? DUNN’S ROCK LODGE NO. 267 A.F. &A. M. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE All })t*rs.>n.N take noti -o tiiat J. ('lall.i way, the imilersi^in-i], lia-^ tl;is i!:;v liuly 'lualifioil and h.inilt,Mi a.s ;; nt cho fstati’ oi L. r. Cialld’.'.;’.v. ;fccast‘!, ol Tran.sylvania coiiatv. N. (' . ; ,■! a!! pi r sons indfliti-d to tin- e'^lau- arc uiiiustu! to make iinmi'diatc scttK'in.'ni t i tiu- u:v lersi^ned; and all crv'Iitc.r.s m' th,' estate •lamcd al)ove are irqiic.sted to present their ( laim: Ivfore the lApirati ;n of twelve niontiis tlie (iat • ! "leui' or ihii nolii'c \vi!I ho pieade.i in I'.'.r (>l tiu i'' Iecoverv. .1. (i.\I.L()\V.\V, Administrator of tlu- estate ol I.. 1'. (lal- lowav, dc'ceaseil. 10 7 lt» NOTICE TO PLAINTIFF BY PUB LICATION \orth ('arohna, 'rran.'.ylvan^a t’oiinty In the S Jpcrior ('oiirt Before the fierk. 1C. H. .leninngs vs. Lee F. Norton. State of North ('arolina to !i. .leanings, plaintiff in thf ahovc entitled cause llreetin;;: Whereas, in the entitled cause, iudf-'iiient was rendered in lavor of the defvndant and aj^inst tlu- jdaintiff on the •)th day ef Aiinl, I'ML', for the sum of •SI 180, t’le Cost ol Slid aetim, which ud;fment was docketed m the Jud^'ment Docket of said court on the 2nd dav of May, 1912, and whirh jn i^riiK'nt stands upon said docket unsati-.i! ed, and Lee F. Norton, the dt iei’d tn', havin^, made oath that said judgment has not i». en saiistied, and that the plaintiiT is not a residv-iit of the state, so that p^-rsonai scrvue •lotico can be S' rved upor. iiim; You are threfore conuiianded, notified and required to appear before the clerk of the Superior court t.f Transyl v:;nia county, N. at his oliice in Brevard, on Saturday, the 17th d:!V « fNovcml>er, 1917, and sht>\v causv, if any you have, why e.xccution shall not Issue on said judi;- ment for the amount due and unpaid thereon. You will further take notice that if you fail to appear and answer to this notice, that judgment will be rendered revivin;^ said judgment and ordering e.xecution to issue on the same. Witness my hand and seal of office in Brevard, on this the 4th day of October, 1917. N. A. MILLER. l()*19-4tc Clerk of the Superior ('onrt. Joy Ride to Town. A trip to town now tu L^y in th.e win- tor supplr. of neces dtit's. is a joy rl.lo ennipared to what that same trip will he \\hen the road.s get imuldy. Soniethin'4 to sell means some- tiiiii^i ti) advertise- Buy a Good Four sl.inJiirtl makes in stock—Pope, IClcti, Nati-'tial and Ardmore—all proven wheels )f sure {i!»ai'ty. Priced S23 and up. Second hand, SIO to S25. Always carry a full line of Bicycle Tires and sundries. Small repair work of all kinds on bicycles, jjuns, locks, keys, and expert sharpening af reasonable prices. Articles sent by mail for repair receive especial care. Frank J. Nevercel 47 West Collese Street Asheville, N. C. : st ii.(T'".riO".t I .• • onoijv'i :> b ' ^ y f'at Ihi-re will ; he a l.i:' (Ici’r i. nry i', ;- t';j 17 nati- nal I army divi'^ii r 'iiuf wian ri(',000 1 I tiio ilrs* in. ’• "r.' Ut still to bo r.s- nih!t ! !)Ut il rlri'aey ts ovid-'nt ll;a.t' . th' Ti" vill he availa'd'' al th ' l'> can- j IfiniiU'ii!s Ciunrii'rs 1 r an ;idditHinal res^irm lit Tit ) ! ♦ jo’-d Tt soia.® ■ fnr a full hrir,; do of i ao r I’lM 'iits. j T’lo s*r. n.^ih of th^ n«T7 r. .s-'ine-rtaJ or? . ni/atioii is I’ inon. Whh E j n ulmmt lackiii?? at ench raatonnipnt. i t)os alone wonM .Ti^’an a .sliortag® oi j !io;)rly nO.deO m''n. In addilien, ih( ;• j hos been aull .-^ized a .seiifirute divfr- vion of lU'gio tronpp. wlilch mpuu I v arly nn.poo i len withdrawn from thi? j ori;'inal nuniher assigned to the 16 ; can(onin''iits. i Till! sl'.Jirtnr" in due parfffllly to th» necessity cf out >f the nati^Q9| Rrri’y men to fi’.l nn national muird di visions. Two crciplete i ivt« .si{'i;s ('f soi;lhoin iroopr, have ham absorbed in hi'^ way. The renin.iats of fhreo oll’f'r soutliorn national I'.rniy 1 ;;i\iFi.'MS will be eo:isoli(ta'od lo fofBl ■ ;i siTiph* di'.i.sieiial utdl, and Ili' siir- I I 'iV.A n’.r>" f’(MH ofh«'r eanins vvi!’ be 1 pent 5-nu', n to make tiii the missii.g ! divl' ionH. 1 Drafts on the nn?ional army forri»* ! must be made to fill uj) tho ‘nlistf>d i prrs'onnel f'f thf’ aviation scrvico. th^* i n’cidial eorp;» and th^ .servire battal ion ; recdt'tl behind tiic' fis'bting lines ' abroad. Eventually there will be I ‘2r>(),0iUi tnen in the named s'rvie* ’ aloi.f', and the aviation and the lU'-dt- ' ca! servie * wiU take nearly »is iiuuiy i IIKMO ihor.r.h net all of them will ^ ! takf'ii fro!:» the nati*nal army. , ' HAtG’S ATTACK CHECKED 1 BY DELUtJ-E OF RAIN Atready Swampy Region Converted Into Qungmire. For the tiv>:i lime since he started , his serii s attack.s again.'t tht> ; r man positions in Fl;i'’il 'rs. Field Mar- s’lal llai'4 ha-i had to cease ai. op’ T tion hcforc; all the objectives w re at taint'd. Tt was nut Ibe (3-rrciri r liov;evcr, that st:>!i;''d tho nri!i.-h. b was a nv'i'e th.i’i u>u !!!y heavy r:'i:i!;:!I which started during tie:' batile and turned th(' aheady swamii regbm o\ ;! , v.iiich the men weie supposed to pass info a verifal)!e (luapmire lioni whb | they could not ui.track th.emselve? fo" ^ a forward move. | Tlr’ drive, as Ins been i». ^>ur' In Hair's strr»lei-'y was .started tn t! e enrtv b'Mivs • f l''riday moruiiit^ ar.d exte’.ced fnno iif'ar (he Heul!i;)!-- wood to bf'Unv the Vpres-Mpuin rf:ad At several r-idnts the British treoo'- Ruecc'fb'd in gaining groutnl I'Vc. f.c’-.ts r.ii.g-n;; up to a thoutand yard., but here tho rair intevem*d and the* r:fh'i!i>! cea-;ed f(>r the day. Tltf struggh' was parti-ularly hit- to r^o th‘^ ”orth of Poelcapelle and nround Passnfljpiulaele. Tn tlie la‘- t.-*i’ reeion the Gcrmar.s apparently liave r.-;assed their sirongest array of treops, hopeful of being able to stay a fu'tlier press forv.ard by the liritisn toward the O.strnd-Lillo railroad. j The Germans were expt'eling the J r.ttle for sevt r«l hours prior to the j;' '-’i.-’l for the IJrHish to attack they h'.i'l down a hea*y h^;rra.^(^ tire all along the line., inierspersing tlie rain of s'teo! and explordve shoi'ls with as- ph.yxialin.g ga.^ bombs. , Announcement by Admtnirjlrntor Pag* Fellows Request of Pre.^iient Wil son and Mr. Hoover. Ib'iicigli Tho nation wi(5e Feed Cov- sr-rvaiic !i I’b'dgo •' ampai.Tn h.ia bopn IW)stp!iij!;i fieni thf» week ef O't. 20 12^ to O.-t, 27-.\'ov. 4th. f. i-ie I'V^cd .\d- mi'i (:a»or Ib iiry A. I'ii" ■ vneflve 1 oni:()unceni"rit to tliis c'ff ’ct frrjn Mr. lleilH-r' Uoov-r. I’nited Htntn Food Admin' trator. Tile (int mftnt of tliin im;-ortn.nt e; tnMn:"'!. r, ;- w^hbh .'\.1mlnl!^,trntor I’ l;:is ( ‘ilistGd foi army of Rpprox- •m;;‘e!y ri', lio workcrR in N^:rth Caro- liiei. war; rreide jit t!ip re.jUf'St of I’r. ^ i.h'Ht I’re.-id ’nf V.'ilswn's leftr-r nnd Mr Hoover’s r''i)!y are i:»‘nrentlng In thlJi ci'-uiei'tion. The I’resident’a letter was as follows: “Th(> Whde TIoiise. Washington. “.My (b'ar Mr. Hoover; ‘‘Th“ ('xigencies of tho Tr»'a^nry have eonl'vd setting the final weelj of the Liberty I^oan efiTnpaign during the pe riod of Oct 2bst to 2Sth, This. I nn- dersiand. Irrlngs it into the w^ok the Food roii«ervation Fledge Cnm- pattrn. It peems to me undesirable in thf* interest of both theia* (apital mat fi-rr; that this should occur in all the ircun'stances. ther 'fore I wouhl b“ glad if the Pledge (’ariij'aign could be ,« >feirei one week, that is. until Oct. 2S*h to Xov. 4th. “In askin'^ this alteratic'u of the I‘!ans of yourself ai’d your as;'0( iat( ■ I sbenld like to takt' this eccas?('n to impress uix^n them t!i;it we in ii.> wav iu'.d‘>rdate the imno!'a:>'C' of th 'ir ef- f' •!-. If we are to su;;ply ov.r Allies V. ilh the nec. .-^..--ary food and are to r d’lce our o-,\ n jtrices of I'oedsMiT' dur ing the coming winter it can only be accmnpii-^hed by the utmost self deain’. a’ld .'-ervit (• on the j>art of all our p> o- pie through the elimination of waste and by ricritl economy in the ur-e of food. ■‘Therefore I would he glad if yon wo’.ild conV'^y to all of vt nv staff ;hi(iighoi;t the c'H’>jtr-y tiiy f-’e!ini ef 1'!“ ])rime importa-'r‘ of thfdr plan? a"d their work and I v.isb particnl irly to cx!>i“ss my great appreciation of the service wliith th:.-! additional tar on iheir time wi-i irupose unon the- mp’^y lhnu,-'>!id vf-iunteers v.he have already def.'rred their own concerns to public inferc'sf. ‘ in ‘hi'^ important v.’ork I nsk thetn not !() allow this alie.-ation i:> pro- fr:T.r: to d-",ipen their fine enfh.usiasm I i!{ ’-afl’er to i-edonhb* their energies i-i tbei,- very great hraiuh of national '!erv1c'>. •‘rordhiUy and sineercdy yonrs. ■•WOODROW W’li.SOX.” •1. Siirtj;- ■; i ,ci>int s in ' : ■ ().td :: I Ifi.iior! ( oo 1,1 . 7.! tliiiii '.UJ ];or cent of the it' ilii! I'niti*d Ftatesoan in- II ' (• ( (jiid liberty loan -1 '.lorids withf'ui hidn;' in i /wf.y ..iVi. d J,v th>'ir taxable, ; ' 11 O ■J. , e.. I’s ;i ,-c‘ ; from li stall- ii n 1 locvil taX'“s. o ' Inc- noc- f ‘ >•.! the new 4 ■ I' (■ ii' . ix.;. il.-. IS subject n;y t i •urta.\'.->. : levied 'j^ly Oil 'i[ ). t bil popn]'!ti.oti ot the Tliiled Stiitos only ;i!o.()it(' j -r-'ou.s paid iueonie taxes in i1 li. ■'. ('.^v (;ro p-r.i(>ii.s ]jaid SMrIn \ -c 7 ' 0 fact' v;;li;v oi uc .v ! I» i ' ; ;it liberty bonds nr-i exeiiijtt i I ooi ’ill *u:ces whatso'-vcr. jircsont and fntur*'. | I An individual may o’.vn fpro-j viding he has n » otiier capi’al)j oKIO,Oil!) liberty lou,-'. Is and pay no | taxes. I 1). Tiui income of »i i individual I trom liiieity b)an bonds (providing! he Itas no other ineouic) is oxeinpt j tin to I;.').!.''il. ()f this «'xenipti n' •i^;').()on represents the 4 ])cr cent in- i ierest on bonis of !i f ,c-e val-n* ol ! ! J.i,( t*(I, (cxetnpt from all normal ^ t;iX“s) and rejtresents tin* in ! teres* at I ]>er cent on i.'onds of a i tac‘ei value of t;.\eni])te!(l froin ! wll taxes (i)ai-a;^riipli liberty loan I act.) I CAN’T GET ALONG I WITHOUT THE NEWS' EVER SUIVATED BY CALOMEL? HORIBIE! Calomel is Quicksilver and Acts Like Dynamite on Your Liver. Calomel lost s you a day! You know what calorn'.'i is. It’s m.ercury; cjuicksilver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes into sour bile like lyr.,;iinte, ( raniping and sicken ing y,,’. Ca!oind attacks the honts and slmuld never be jiut into your system. W lu n you feed hi' du>, s’nggisii, ctmsti- piated, and ail knocked cut .and believe y- ii need a dose of danger ous cah»mel just rememlxT that yc)ur druggist sells for a It\v '. ents a large bottle of l)(,dso'i’d i^iver 'I'onc, whicl; is entirely ve^et.ablf and Id'.ant. to tjkc ami is a ji' i feci ',-i!)st! lute for calom.-k It i. ge;;r;int,ed to start vour liver v.iihout stirring : u up ins! |i.‘, and can not salivate. Don’t take calone-l! it mal" von sis k tlic 1C. ;ct day; il loses you a 'lay’s work. Dod ■ n’.-; i.iver Ton * : tr;.i'-ht( ns von riglit up and you feel great, (live it t» the children bee;.use it is perfectiy harm less and doesn’t grii.u-. .\d vert iseinent. Saluda. N. C., Oct. lit, li'lT’. Mr. ()sborn«>: Knelosed find cln*ek for year’s •;ubscri])tioTi to Brevanl Xtnvs. ('an't.get along uitbont it. H( spec-ttully, Aira Lank lord. i So the People Nay Know that you are in busi ness, come in and let us show what we can do for you in the way of attractive cards and letter heads. Good print ing of all kinds is our specialty and if we can not satisfy you w^e don’t want your business. That’s Fair, Isn’t It? EAST ST. LOUIS MOB MEMBERS CONVICTED ADVERTISEMENT OF ADMINIS TRATOR State of North Carolina County of Traii- .sylvania—Notice. The undersigned having been ap pointed and iluly qualified as administra- !or of the estate of T. C. (lalh»way, de ceased, all 1, orsons having claims against the said ostate are notitied tt> exhibit them before him or his attorney, Chas. ii. Deaver, at Brevard. N. C., on or before the 20th day of September, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate pay ment to me or my attorney above men tioned. This the 20th day of September, 1917. W. H. GALLOWAY, Administrator of T. C. Galloway, Chas. B. Deaver, Attorney. 9-21-6tc Holloville. 111.- TIorhort Wood and I^eo Keane v.*ere found guilty of th ' murder of Scott Clark, a negro, who died as a result of Injuries received In the reecnt rare riots in East St. I.onis, and the penalty was fixed at 11 years' imprisonment. Wood and l\eeiie were the first white men to be tried on rharge.s growing out of the rat e riof. Ten negroes were fount' gnilty last Sunday, and each was given .sentenccrf cf TI years. POLITICAL SPEAKERS MAY VISIT CAMPS Washi'-.gton—Citizen soldicri; in the nnthmrd army training cantonments will not have to forr^go the privlle.s:e of a^^c'ndlng politi al meetings this fall. Secretary Baker announced that he had approved on orcVer by l\Taj. (Jen. T H'ranklin Hell, commanding at Camp TTpton, N. Y.. permitting politi cal hr rings in camp under proper regulations, and that ths ruling \Vf>uld ^mnlv to all th^ campi. To this letter >Ir. Hoover replied j a - f(>;b.,V--i; j •'i>“:ir .^lr. I’residcr.t; j •'1 am obliged for your favor. '•\Ve. of inui'.se. have taken the nec- t'ssary s;ppn to comply wiWi your wlsii as to deferrii;g the final vveek eif our fx.d cons'. rvaMon pledge? anipaign j c" it the wee k of October "3th to No-| \enil»er tth. You \.ill, of course, ieal j i;:e thrit we 'iiny I'c unable to renc-h i some of the more remote districts, “I havtf no tloultt that flu* .“>00.000 workers who have enlisted In this i snrviet" witl loyally respond to your retinest foi' a greater ami longer con tinned exertion. Your emphasis on 'he national importance of the rnn- .-.f'Tvation campaign should stimulate (.tir large body of dt*voted worker.-; to the utmost effort during the new wet'k “Yours faithfully, ' IIFRIUCRT IT00VV:R.*’ Robert P. Erwin, a prc.minent rltl- 7.ei' of ('oncord v/a.s thri wn from a loadt'd wagc>n and l- illed when ids team of nuilc.s bccame frightened and ran P V Open Rich Mountain Territory. North Wilkeshoro.--Monday saw the hccinning of the sivia gto tho state of that ^ast rich section lying north west o fthe Hh'.e Ridge, tihas always been cut off by the motudainrt from its sister territory east of the ridge, and through necessity and not by choice has been tributary to Tennes see ancl Virginia. The good roads rommission of Wilkes county turned loose the revolving steam sh.ovel on the Roone-Trail highway Monday morning, with the order “on to Deep Gap” and tho Watauga county line. To Address Suffrage League. Durham —Mrs. Pattie Jacobs Ruf- ner, of Alabama, official representa tive of the National Suffrage League has accepted the invitation to mako the principal address before the an nual convention of the North Caro lina league, in session in Gold.sboro, October "0 and 31. Mrs. John S. Cun ningham, cf Uurharu, president of the state vh'iijtei' of the national organi^^a- tlon. announced the formal program The session^j will consume two days. can save you i7ioney on soap. We have in stock many vari eties at many prices. II you think ycu can gel better soap at less cost through mail order houses you are sadly mistaken. Keep your money m town, anyway, even if you don t buy trom us. But perhaps we have just the soap you like. Come in. Get acquamted. COX 6c KILPATRICK Phone 41 \y|.J,k'>.-l ~ ^ -- ■ n IISHINGLES. solvedouziroof problem. We are 'Hirough wiih '^^leaks and repairs and • - Giir house Js jmproveJ m appeanmce, WE STORMPROOF ROGE 2 J I 'Foir Solo by ^ MILLER SUPPLY CO,, BREVARD, N. C. /A\\ \ • GROCERY ORDERS whether given to our delivery boy, or given by phono or given in per son, all have the same prompt and carefnl attention. We want your orders for groceries, either large or small, because in serving many we are ab’e to furnish our patrons with the FRESHEST OF EVERYTHiNC in the eatable line. If not already one of our pleased patrons, give us a “trial” order. You will find it is worth while to continue. MITCHELL The Grocer.

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