THE BREVARD HEWS, BREVARD, N. C. I am Sincere! Stop Calomel! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Listen to me! Calomel sickens and von niav lorso :i Jay's work. If bilious, constipated or headaehv read mv iruanintce. ASHEVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Firms Listed Will Serve You Well Use it to Plan Your Shopping Trip, or for Mail Inquiries The Rose I Professional Cards x r O ' ry o rt n O o T-lvon up your hlu-ish liver. IV, 1 One ami cheerful; make jour uork a iplensuro; I,e vU'onum and full of nm-; wiion. e.ut fnu rn i. Hsiy. ii..-rou-; nhm,e, because it !..- ..u st.;Uj sod you may lose a day's work. ('ahuucl ! mercury or ipiick.H er, which C' n;irois of (ho hones. H)aln,el ci'iin'; into sour Id!" like Jjnamilo, I'lvuUiiit U up. Tlu,C-i ulo n jrou fc'I !!,' "r.vfnl nausea and m i -lug. LlsU'ii to nn-I If you want to . njov fbe nioo-sl. eotlest User nml bowel rfennsl.m you .Vcr experienced, ;m: 4ke it spoonful of harmless l.! .,,; flfer To,.,. loniirhl. Your dnM or Jonler :.! I -i jou n lt 1 1 , f podi.wi's! iivi'T Tom; li r (I few ci'lils und r Iil.V : Ma! to Opv-Mtes m Opm Air Oper.i! iiii; :t puldle :"!! is, ; : )r, n sin-,; i aiup'ttst.vl it t.ian'.H '! in Cinctiii! V ' 'i'lie r.U:, a :. f '!" ixf, and lunt easuht ' a 'le-; .: minor, in-! w -. s oidj relejis.-d after ' four's work :y liie tire di,!,:i: i ne-nl An Hllllttlli'll e '.Sat s !U!!. 'Il'-'i, l!i i t': llX'lor dei-i i. .! !!:e on' v hop,; t' s r.l.! .. t ! thf man ;iie, ieea'!ae cl ...s-, ol ; Rt(hd, was ! operate at ouee. Then. ; inrrouiided u n tins; of poi: 'e:ii'..!i. ' (Holding h.l' li the hundreds v ho s"lh- i trtnl round, 'he surgeon .'oui'iieiieeil work. Th operation took "ulv a few . . , ' . :. i mln,den an ! "e- umiii v;i-. 1;;iv 'n- i actou. ; - - : Koine womr.n hreak Info the i;o-,s:p (rfftHS btH-nus.' (hi v iu-e unahi-' 'o nt- ! tract nl lenl ! .n in any other. RufTdln Is heeomltit; a , ihint ruar.ufa-'-tU!-... ; ;'.r dve Boffi Quality: And Quantify Try Yaer'. Liniment, the oroa t cxti rnal reined for riieurnati.i, r.vurrittA, Kci.itiea, prains, td:e-,t pains, hackacl.t', cuts and L.ime. Thi; T: nitTsnn t l;a wonder ful ( iitati'. f powers, jene tra'en ir. dantly, and yives "oriipt relief fr, n, pai;u ft, n th; fnrt conrn-icJ liriitnen. C Luy, for the !.u K3 3S rent Lottie contains iru re th in tli liHiil 50 tent Kottle ol It;. !.-!. t. 35c Per Bottle all JtmdL&Z:ri'JttZt$lff&lU' mi ' Vr iiWt ,-iftWhtm i ' jrtt&jfc'ti i -nfin GILBERT BROS. & CO. BALTIMORE, MD. "v. Kvery Woman Wants j 7 & FOR PERSONAL HYG1LNE 1 Diasolvxl in water for douchea stops pelvic cstiTh, ulceration and inflnui coation. Recommend-J hy Lydi E. Piiikhom Mrd. Co. for t'n years. A healing wonder for natal catarrh, ore throat end sore eyes. EconomlcaL Hu i,i.tlinai y rlecntma mi'A vnnirt-tAl power. iel Frw. 5Vr. all 'tn-jii. or ntpuj bf J. TiPio.iT"itOi'.By. p.iti. M. Unurdl K,H, ,,,.:.v-.nuin1f anrt -tnrt 1 t.rM.tli. Nr in-ai4 ef "Timl for dr..r. lry It. Trctt tr u'Min, nt ritCK. y ,dil. WrittoO!. THU?fl.S E. CRFN Oiiai. ill, g., bo i,;, C-H ATi .OB TH, , aiuH-WA.... Ji-Jj'-J 'V V o.V',e ! -J i p rsonal tnonev-h.ick- iruaranlee tli.-.t end, .p. in t'u I will clean your sluisl, v,.r hotter than h .l..s.. of n.-istv c7,!.. i .1Kt liutl ,i,!lt u v.,,,,-, ,,i;ikt Jo;, slrl- I,si,-s I.U.-r To,,,, is real live, In,,ii,,,. You'll k,,.,w it ,, ,,, In;;, because oi wili wake up Irclhi lino. ,Mir liv, r will l.o working ; lo iol , :n ho nii,l (llzliK ss am,..; sioniiic li will , l.o swer! itml Im.wcIs iculiir. lsoit'.s l.l-r Toin" is ,uiii,ly f't t hoi ol'oro Imrinio.-s : 1 1 1 cnti tio( sjiilvnt... ;i H to jour rhillren. M"ll"i's of people nr.- IKmIW Ton,. Instead of dangerous , :.lo- nu - 1 nou. Your dnilsl will tell you that tin- sale of calomel H nlnio-f slopped entirely here.- Adv. dold lor 47 years, tor (rj Malaria, Chills & Fever. Also a Tine Gener?! 4 Strengthening Tonic. GOc and 91.00 t r! Drug Scarce. Write now for our Pricf Lists and Market Reports on FURS AND HIDES We are the largest r.nd Leading Buyers of All Kind-; of fides and Furs in these sections. For nearly sixty years we have ;iven thousands of Fur and Hide shippers entire satisfaction. WE CHARGE NO COMMISSION Her Beau Was No Adonis. A ir! !;!. a sr.M.ionu li.r.-. l.i ; .ro-,vii ejes. po.-o-'i like ei mi plex ion juid j u;ui Id.-iek ha'i, !olv enough to Ik - I eotne the I. ride of a prlee. stM,l around the r,,i.. stmioi, ie,-,mly wateldl, and Wiii,.!iu. lei;it,s the 'in- I !ua tiioi.e. r,i,;,i!j tot- tare i,efjiu !i!-iiiiiiia!e.! ; :i pini)!N, -a eak-eved. nil- : derived j..:,,, , si hed in siht. , ieireil nu man slo holin ! uoiih to si.i ;, clock, Tlie tuo talked, and every onee in a while the princess Mice uirl dahhod her ejes with a hamlkenhh-f. At last n train puffed in under the station shed. 1 .... , ...v , I he voiiny iiitui w;ael ;:n nuhlieient : . . , . . , ; CMd-ly to ;l-,e lieautttul .reaiue who -inu I" him s.dd.lin; until he hoarded i'ay. Is' he h-r hroiher. her cousin, or h.-r nncleV No, he is lie,- heait. tllrls are ihe funniest things in the world. RELIABLE REMEDY RESTORES KIDNEYS For inan yen:-. 'Iru,:ctt have watelw,! with tiitu h iiit, i( -t t lie i emarkahlo record !i:aui;,inrd 'oy Ir. Ivilmer's Swamp levt, the irifMt kidney, !iv r and hladder rfin fdy . It i.- a ph.Vsici in'j prec, i; tin. Swstiuj Root a t:riiKt!t-uiiu medi cine. Ji. Kilmer ue ! it tor years in hi piiv.ite practice. It helj.s lii,? kidm-vs, liver 'ind M,ddi r do the work nature in tended they tdior.M !). S'Aan.p Rort h , --;.., I tlie u-t of v.-ar. It is dd hy all drk !-'.- ,, its ia. r;i and O u,l I ..'.. V.. ,.i I.. 'I' ' -e-i. "iu ucct --tully take its place. He - ire to t,-' Swamp-Root and start tieatineiit at lui.e. llov.vver, if oii wih :nst to ttst t!ii U1','"'- prcj iirdiior, rend ten cent- to Pr. Kilmer 4 Co.. I'.inahttiiiton N. Y. for a wtmplc hottle. When v.ntini( he surp and inentien tins pnper. Adv. Ready for Hard Fighting "Tl.em .laps.'- sahl ;t man In a l"l.i' . ; huh l.arl-er shop, to ;he second chair intisi. 'nln't a-solt,' to let tln-m iei mans i:et too fur inter Kiissl;,." "ijoiii' t tiaht 'eui'r" i,ske, tin-artist. 1 I "Sure thin-.'. l'ir-t thint: ye know . them .laps will I vr there." ' "Thov are hard Ii'h,ers. lln-ni i laps," en'ured the artist. " Hard? I shou',1 saj so." declared ! fli,.- num. "and :ii this very niinit the whole .lap iiriu.v is m:i rl.l'-i ! tor ; c- tion." Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Oil Standard Grove's Tasteless hill Tonic is euallv valuable as a Gen- eral Tonic 1-ocause it rontains the .mo - .vn tonic pro; erties ot QUININE and ! IKON. It acts on the. Liver, Prives out j Malaria, Enriches tb H'.ood and Builds up the Whole System 60 cents Ones Who Quit. I he oiil loci, who h.,e fcailv d".-ie ' U'lii trjiny to l.ett.-r. To keep clejiii and l,eal;!i;, iai;e I r. Pierce's Pleasani P ll, ts. They r fil iate 'ier. l.ouels and stomach. --Adv. A woman Is naturally off olor nlun -he removes her enmploioli. K:.ii-a City progenies harhers , orUin' on Suiela s. A ''tHtfttlllllMlllllltllltllllltllHIttlU fnST ino Urlno le fnr Tlrnl Fwa 5 W0wlBRed tyes Sore Eyes tir&nniatd Krellds. KcsM - - K' fr'alif Kostei-,. Mmne In a KaK.rit z z 'I r.-a'mffit for Hto that. IVel dry anJ eoiurl. :iiivt yeur ni i a n'a"i ei your toriiiH 3 5 a .ur 'J'ttHth and wuti tli.- ,mr r.-ciilarlty. r riBeniiiTHfa du i.iUHnT any nfw ?t?s ? "" " Co.. Chiefs. to Fi Book Advertising MOOKLhT.-s icsi.;it anil uriijcti American Hank ltii 11 i 11 . Gill WKKKI.Y NEAYSPAPECS. Western No,'U, ('ur,!i,li' '-(... Kates? Gill. Automobiles n(, f ,"vK""rsKi' ' rVus r-,nor V - vlit O K An to Co ' -1 - - -1 1. CHEVROLET Hstrilufors. IJvry ami S''rvii v rhiim'srrs & Weaver ',. C'A'I TALKS. l'fo.,1 ,:,r.-t. Kvt-iy mak Ovcrlnn.l Ashvi!!,- Sal. s Co Cafes 1IOMKMADK , iHKlH'i. rt uirant. so,la Club f'af mi'! Tandy Kit, hen. Department Stores If. UKDYv'OOJ) A- Co., rlndicrt, hats, un dciVor. otc. for vfryl),,ly. !), pood?,. ni?, e.uttrhk j;t!t rns. Drug Stores MKKT your f:lca,'.s h'f. 11 Patton Av.ue enrr.,no.u.t DruCo Furniture ! WHKN you see a Furnit lire , think of flren Ilrothers. General Mechanics. WRIT 10 or ve.. M k.h v a Son f;-r your Triu k rtodv. Hardware Jlt'lI.DKRS Hard war a S;e,i,,li y. Northup M I)a':tie Ha-dware Co Jewelers ; Tlif ilmise i,l Cilt.-. Pattou Avenue Cha-J. K. H'-uderson GLASSFS fltvd F.xpr-rt ivat el, repair- inf.. 7 C!lUl, !l II M. Frost. . CAHI'KNTKK. Jewel.,-. Wateh re- I'rfn? .speri.,it v. N Pa, k Suaar-. " ; . . . ; i XkOaalv j misning - - -- I-'XI'KRT work aKet!, y. Mai! i orders solicited. Hrewn Hook Kodak Supplies . ; -;- , . " ' . , 'IT!'. Amateur u. Ruliinwrn ,,, . Photo Store, JLaunarv i The N'i- hid:; way far Laundry Satis- Tactlori. Ashevi'.le Steam Laundrj THE NEW OLIVER NINE Was $100 Now $49 At ti'-- v.-rj tt-'Kiit ';' it" sne.-.s. The !:-..-i "i. ;.-w! i'.-r 'mc..i t aK,i'i ii;fis t!m tvp.vvr!,T itnt iMT -. ., .is it ImI oi '.H.!'.. - t uitroi. r viit.!. writing, uul l.iiifl :iti otl.t-rs t.. follow. S'te.v I. ns , , -1 t 1 i ,-oes;a:;v xm - we),, j., iMlhtea.-t - c.ii.'h I" ok, . -. I -. .,.- .i s-ii'!!s; i 11 I'MirMtMI. A comnanv troim euoaKii. !arz- t'liouen anu nrave I'liimpn in iio a tnu staittitte tiuns ':!' this, deserves a , . la'ariiit. The iu! facts are set f uth in our Amazing e.xp !surr-. :;t:tle., " I he Hi;:!, Cost ol T - writers -The Reason and the P'-m.-ds." One copy will he mail f,J v"u ' ''- Oie ,ouik:i h!ow. HOW WE DO IT Henceforlh The Odver Typewritr Company will maintain no expensi-- wvls force of 1 .".: salesmen and fluents. Henceforth it will pay no hUh rents in So t itie.s. There will he nr Idle stocks. You, Mr Cser wi'l d--nl direct now with the Hctua! lrannfactuTer. Xo iniddle-TUell -no useloss toils. We end the waste and give -., fh saving. ..... tn 1... ..nni SAVE $51 This Oliver Nim is a twenty year development. It is the tinest. 'o-?, most siv:.-ful type writer ko ever r;n:t. If i- yours for ln cents pr day in monthly pajnients of $.". On. Lvei yone call own a tvpewriter now Will any sane person ever njrain pay .f inn for a standard typewrite;- when the Standard Viilde Olive,- "in ells for $4. Se?id today for your copy of our liu a, id further details. YouTI he suejuised. Loan Office r-TNM.KSTKINS Loan Oilice. Jewelry t iunk.- Lvi her nond , LM i'.iil more A v Musical Instruments CALK Ahisi. Home 7t'. Patton Avo r.ue. Phone -';. Men's and Boys' F ? V' NKK'V r Men's and Boys' Furnishings Stoiu iMock Smart '1oUhh. ORice Supplies OKKICK SCI'l'LY CO.. typewriters. iddiiit: af's. !M I'attou A vomio. Optometrist and Optician COItKCCT (JLASSKS T2 I'aMon Ave i;,i. I Henderson's .Jewelry Storo.l Ir. I ti'ttisuii. Photographers II!C,C ASON'S STI'DIOS. ; , l'altou A.-iuie Oppo.-ipe postnjtir.v A ! t is' if , lrtrait 'Jt -KI.TO STC 1 i S. ' Pa, k S,,uar.- Ilil'. mule portraiture. Pianos Tuned KKP UKKIi Kxperi work. All u iran- f.-e.j i;!ss liiilldillK ViIli:ir,-s '.- HiiiTinaii. Print in r P!;:TIN2 Hinder-. V.rklii'eium. T. I., if ! ia, kli -v K' .Moale Co Real Estate V. T. ROWI.Nl .-. CO Faun It i Can P.e I)-n. " ! IIS: U. KSTATK. In an f. IS S 1 .' i.oiirk Co Phone i I' 4 ! ! uk.mksT "TK IIROKKU, V. l?en..i. 1 1 K Cliiir-!i Street i AsHKVU.!.K ' Klh- Inv-stiie-'iis A, ,.,.,;. ;ttl p ,:k P.iiihli:-. '; lleM-v T Stf-irn I',' I ...i i F i nt -v-i sl in'ih- lieai KstatA i ,.,:k r Johtl Seeds ! STKK'KKK SKF.H cMPA.Y. whole- j s-1" d r,Ma" '"frciiants i'oul- ! . ., !l' s'if.i---. - ; - , sporting uooas Tire Repairs i SKN'I) us your tires and tuhes. , Asheviile Steani Valcani.inn Co A TYPEWRITER REVOLUTION New Machines For Half the Former Price ivm,vr!rs It rr- ! a w.;sl- salesman. And r .,in , onomies tor ours-ives. t,M .So. if i-n f pinlai,- iiiro:;. Ju-t i ";t n -nicient way ... , t , ! , . , , i i- :. ui ccr. iai. channel Not.- (his fact , ar-- full v id. n'i..,! (Hiv.-r Niue fi hian i ne. -or 4'.. the -'x.,. i ,.n -Ah ti ,va.- $l"auutil Mar, h 1st TVip T q tPst Mnfjpl ,, ,,i c,l;flle tills oif.T of Til Oliver T writer Cotujiany itselt of a hraul lo w. liief model ;t virh of fers of -....ii.d liaud or rehuilt nia- !,ines. This is the firs' time in !,:storv tint ,C new. standard typewriter has !eeu oiiered 'or ?4' Ve ii ) not nfler a s'jhsfi, u'e mod d cheap-r diu'ej-ent or rehiup f;.a! a!l Co secret facts in our docu ment, entitled 'The Hi eh Cost of Typewriter- Th- Uea,n and I h KefJie.Jv'." The coupon tli-lmv tll-lileil today will hrltitf von one copy. FREE TRIAL No tnouey di.Ali no C. ) I) Afler y,U retoi fiir honk you may ask tor an Olive, for :iv.- dis' free trial. P. your own salesman Save yourself YOU decide Til tile pliVilCV of your il'Ul cf'ii e Of iloUP'. ;,s you see the,. Then if von want to own an Oliver you n.ay pay at the rate of la i ents per day. Mail the coupon now for "Tlie HiVh Co-.t of Typewriters The Keasoii ami Tl, rttunedy." It rips oil the mask. Cut the coupon out now. The Oliver Typewriter Co. 1223 Oliver Typewriter Bldg.. Chicago, III. The Oliver Typewriter Company, 0-7 Oliver Typewriter Bldg., Chicago. III. Ho no, -.end a machine until I erd-r !t. Mai! ! your hook. "The IltSh Cost of Typew riters - The I' .n and Th- Ue.uedy." yxiur de ,:xt e;tta,io5 and further informa tion. N-rTU- Stroet AtMrm-t i'i.y State lt.)bt. I . Cisli. W. K. li-. -. Ir. GAGH BREE2E LAWYERS 11 to 17 McMirm Building Notary Public DR. J. Y. McKINNEY DENTIST OfTi-e Pickclsimcr Building DANIEL LEON ENGLISH Attorney and Counsellor at Law Brevard. I?. C. Real Estate Law and abstract of T:tiej A Specialty Clayton. Clayton & Fisher Attorneys at-Law Br'.vard. North Carolina WELCH GALLOWAY 1 Attorney i Practice in all the Courts Brevard, N. C. CHAS B. DEAVER; Attorney -nt -Law I )f!i, t- ( 'uitpiT 1 ' i '! ; ALLISON & ALLISON ; Attorney s-at-Law In Old Cooper Building BREVARD COLEMAN GALLOVAY Attorney at-Law Coopsr Block Brevard, N. C. CONNESTEE LODGE No. 237; I. 0. 0. F. Meets Every Monday Night Visitors Welcome DUNN'S ROCK LODGE NO. 267 A. F. & A. M. li rr ill r t u a t h it it a 1 1 1 u 1 1 BREVARD, - - NORTH CAROLINA Departments Co ?rr r.-..',-r' . ?:. rn.. I. Vu'iv", Hrsic.rc. ;.,- mrsttC Art, Htvsi hn!H hiTrfn:!.-, Ajjr celtaii". Ail depf l iritis .ire ,-T'CV- bv te;her wi:a 'p c-ji tru-irg 4nd lrt r tfri irr-r. '1 hey kww buinr-s. Influences cf the Ir Mitufr te I'.oi.e ortii tl.f :o-. ,.1 : .tin. Oper.s on Srpterr.bfr d. , UoiVtriha 1,11 Ha ... " .if. 3 ,e late. tUdel V llJZfi xwS p 1 YOUR AD In T .hi Will IPaCrease Your Cafe W. Y. THOMASON, Prop For the Merchant and Farmers QUICK SERVICE FOOD OF THE BEST QUAUTV POLITE ATTENTION Main Street Brevard. N. C. Meals Oetiverd on Short Notic City Market The City Market is all the i,it implies It here you g-st wur you want in the line of pajit'. meats, fruits and vejtal!es. BOILED HAM CHIPPED MEATS ARMOUR'S GOOD-I FISH BROILED and jther Poultry t 3uit V'.j.j City Market S. F. ALLISON. P. )j;r,-,r PHONE 47 A NEW SUIT ; COSTS FROM iSIQ TO S50 v0,r old su.t 1 c'i be cleaned. pie3sed, repiired and roade to look ?i'-nost as good as new for 50 cents; 41.00 a month far four months. . . . CITY PRESSING CLU3 J. E. Wr.ters. Prop i'"T T, lir"-" tfTi'li i Tf T ritA SmiJtiio 1L Business Over GO0.000 Sold

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