BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. G. LEGAL MOTICES All notices under this department must be paid advance. Please do not ask us to run your notice otherwise, as we must treat all alike. * NflTIRF OF ^Al F interest which the said Wash nuilUC ur onLC Whitmire, the defendant, has, or had in the following described ri'al estate at the time of d«n ketin}i of the jud^^ment ajjjainst him, in this cause, to-wit: Lyinj^ and Ik‘- in^ in Eastatoe township. MefjinninR on a rattle box and rnns southwest to a black^um; thene to a Spanish oak; thence In a spruce pine; thence a strai;;ht line to W. H. liinehart’s line; thence with his line to a stake near the K(!cky Mountain (lap; thonc*' the con Under and by virtue of the power con tained in a deed and trust executed by Sarah Cunninj^hani, deceased, to the un dersigned trustee, bearing date of 11th day of December, I91(t, to secure a certain promissory note bearing even date there with, in the sum (»f default having Iteen made in the pavment of the said note and interest thcreuii as providii in said deed in trust. I. the un.K rsigncd iiV^.iiVaVVin’e tr/ the hick.*r>” c^ trustee, will, on Monday. Novemlier 2(>tn. thence witli said 1^17. at 12 o clock M.. at the ( ou^t IIoum' |h-,winning, said tract adjoining door, in the Town ot |{revanl. 1 ransvl |,„„Hstead recently allotted t.. the vania ( ounty. North ( arcliiia, ('tlei loi Wash \Vhitiniie v. here he now resides, sale, and sell, to the highest bidder toi This the 25th dav of OctuK r. l')17. cash, the property heri inaiter (lesirihnl i ' ('os PAX TON' an»l wliivh prcpettv i.-' contained in s.iitl jt Sheriff of 'I'ransvlvaiiia Co. N. ('. deed in trust, tlie proceeds ol w liicli sali to be api'lii'd on s ii;! iiidel)t('lnu ss with ini. ust o..t NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBU- Adjoining tlu- laiuls n| i-, 1-,. I.,^. .1.1' Biigwi 11 ;;iul nlluis ami more j'ar CATiON ticularlv (iescrilud as heing in Hrevar.i ... Townsh;:.. 'hansvivauia (', Nortli N'rt h ( .n, .im.i. I rar.svlvania I .nntv In a stake in the I*. ('. Orr line; then with the Orr line south (>2 degrees east 174 feet to a stake, corner of lots N»«. (► and 7; then with line bi'tween lot No. (* and 7, north 2(»'2 degrees east 257 feet to the beginning, being all of lot No. 7 and lot No. 8 as shown on plat t>f same made by A. L. Hardin. Sale made to satisfy saiil tiebt, interest, cost and expense of sale. November »th. l'M7. WELCH C.VLLOWAY, ll‘)-ltcebd Trustee. ('aroiiiKt, rr.-uiii'.;ir..', t ;i an iron in ;i strri’t and i:i the oiil Sta'ii' !iiu-. i . I I'. Jenkins’ c. rni r. iru! i un w :!li ! hr s iiil i line north 1/ v.i^t 111 !c( t to a staki.; tlii !if s'i:tli .M ■ li’-.-ni-, v i't "*'i fc t to a : in l!u' ro! lii u li'. Creilv, linnii- I'own ..ail \\ itii tiu' i ofs:ii(!.u k Ill-; to sV(!.i, K'.'-.-i; .Xndo:,'or■- I'-.pi. t!i lv.!>. vt AiitU'i>i-ir-> .iinl r. •’ .1'."' •'>' li . nottii .K : o . ‘(it to ii beginni"!'. li'" ■ ! .' ?e mol ( I it >s. iH-iri'. li!. . i:-'- I ■' M'l .i;t .ill.i ('■ Siriliitl i'l a ■111 i iM'i!, (' i',a'.:v.i li .m 1 u if.- t ' .Mi - !•: M r W.MS V XOv ■*.•■1 n!' . res'isti ' >-.l i'l t h • Doei!- I r '1 : ;;ns\! C.iiolir:;. ! f p : , : ,-i .i!, m ,, I el f'fi;. to \\ r,i: 1 : 'm i '■ iol a ’u" ;!’1! 1»: ' 'ct.- i'l 1 ion ■! till m-! t\' ir li ,i to ■ {1st ,1 lo. ; f. 'ri)i-- t!' ■ .! - . t; , :o l .i.( 11 t. M t A . I :'! Cla\ton. ( i. . ; n i'- r .\'t NOTICE TO PLAIrmF^ BY PUB- LICATiQN i 'I;'m ' ' ■ i'l. \ • .1 I ii ; V 1: the Sup'rior ( nurt .\o' im!i i !>(.» :': I'l l I t I ni, 1"' 7. WANTED! Potatoes, Onion.s, Shelled Beans and Peas, Poul try, Huttei, Canned (iloods, anl Dried I'riiit; lli Jes and C'ointfry Cured Meats. 'Pell IIS what you have, or ship to the house that pays you cash. Western Produce Goiiipany ‘>0 Nortfi Lc> inj_^t()ti Ave. A.sniMi.Lt: - - N.C. WOMAN'S POSITION IN NATIONAL SERVICE moro “foresighted” and “forohand- ed” too, than their English nisters. I make this statement because— and this should be a source of pride to its members—the National League For Woman’s Service was Contributor Tells History of organizui and doing a vigorous and Women in World’s Work— definite work, Homo weeks before Local National League Doing! war was declared to ;xist between Great Work and Needs More ' the Uuitod States and (Jnrnmny. Workers. } Tins League is tin? largrHt of lh«! • vnrions organizations of woman, liong lH‘fort N»i)()l(*>n niudo his , into existence by the war, niucli (piotrd stiitcrncnt that what Ionndeisshowed true Amer- Frnnc, lu .Mletl was mothers, the right sort. „b.srrving historians had not(‘tl the! tiin ncd of imlustrial im])ortanco to a nation of its its .,rg.«ni/.Ts intcnd- woman i)ower. Thus. Tacitu.-s in !•»■•••'"‘ly lo l ul writing of the (ifrnmnic trilns who 'h the rvi i ( liuii;'Ui;' i»ioldomH oi g.iv.Mh.- Hotnuns so much Iroi.hU-, , n-nmrkrd that “in matters of i,„.'‘•''"'I'" ])ortiinc>, they consulti'd thi ir tin; S’oI»f I .| t Im‘ |o;t I' III make toothsome pies, and is willinj* to bake Bomo for the boyB in camp the league can make nsc of her skil! in this line. In caseb where women could not afford to give materials for tite i)i;K they have been supplied by th*; league, even to the fuel to heat th.; oven. We have a branch of this loagu*: in Tran.sylvania, with Mrs. {Silver Steen as its callable and en(*rg«‘t]c chairman. Perhaps the league best known in our county for it> work in preparing and distnhntTUL’ comfort bags to oiir hoys wlio ha v left for the training cjnn[)S. A hriof article like t)ii>, ( j il.; not h( gin to desrihc; {Ik- vjirii (K tivities of such an orgHiii/nti. t. t)(it we nmj' sny in general, woiiii'n. Ii'.le ii.ontj'son \ S. It would he interesting to tr!iei':| throuuh I’istory tin* parts w» tin ii have takon i?i the wnrhi's >:r«,it wars irojn the time of !^i tnii aiiii" (li\vn to tlie presi tlt. L"t liwpe that wJ.efi theliistory oi't.Iie •^roat war now heinir ffii.ulit, is wiitton. \vit h our ' )V. M 1 ti11 a Ik I- i n I ■/ 11.' V. ii r, has tttrnrd to account pcetty ?.• ar ' t; si’opfi.l tlio loai'iH- V,a > \n f 1 v | (.v» ry thing that a wo!iiaiWaT' i' , iilar;.^''i At i.iof, p.iiMi w ( ri-I p,., j j,j_r that r ho 1. ■ I inade I'l ir 11:. ! a 'M,.. 11. h.- ii. t ■ i | I If vou are T'.e.t a K!' 'mI ■I \ o )o Will iiion;i>son. nov.-;'.re of Ointir.C‘>ts for M-.danl al.ovv- na.nud w.ll t I.. Ca(;UTh iIiat Coiltuin MefClIfy to the wninon. w iilue.u V. liose fauiii'ul I' aoTH', we jtraV V-jU ■ . ;■.!! th' is streijgtli in nuinl). r-. t * . i! I I jiiatioTi. We are anXidti' ti.r li 1]) ami CO (.priatiM. o! •li-i.lai-iii •• : M'"'- >''ilvorM*. ii Hu t’. the Ki .1 r notiio t!',.'t an ;'.I;o!i > aiiovc ii,.' lu I !! i -.-;;nu'nrc(i a ■aeist !’r;i l>v tin ,il.i ;p tl' Su|"-.;or (onit ol' 'j'rans' 1 i,ouPt' lor ilu- ;o,n;'o-i- -li' ■ ictirir-" !’ Ip’ S.l'ii (iv i I'l'ohl P t :-n a'-.iialo . iii.ti' the In.p..' ol iiiiwp if!:' ii’lv.i'iti iMi'P': a,ill t!v' s.i^i lc:i-n i .elf;i,'U 'la - ’.voinl -r wiiiuaii wle. ^»vi s i:' r c HiHt i Pm 1' '11 y will (iii-ttny t!n' :i‘o ■■ ■:! M.-l I ilUi-.ll-'lly ifl .1 ll;;.' 11;.• •' .'■ > t ■ j 11 V. ' ,1 II ■ i .-I ; ii:; ; I I li r Ml :• li I : • 111'. .VIII I'.!. ' M, I, a I I ii;!'i ■ : ' ■ 1 • \oa I i i ^ ' I l;ii.:i i i'":a I'l I ’il'ii’'' .-IP:-. t!.' il.ilpaKo I' ' > \\lil >lo p ; ■> I'.'l'i I • tla> {4.1(1.) you ■ 1 . ;i s il)l>- p ii\.- .'“Mai tiu ni. H il s to ‘-! 1!' r i»lT . fii. :ii'-h ill I ! • ' t h. 1 ’• 1 i. ll'i 1 : P, ; 1, : I . V. N wii' luilli.r- I,live notia- hr '' , . ... . ^ ' I.' ri,;. .V I ... i.i' P.i .ijtliii' I lO ,o ,'t I.II' Pi \i Uini ot ilii I, , 1. Ill y. a;. I . la" !!.‘'!!y. a. '1!il; I lor l oiir: .o | ? .nsyi\a:u.i t o.ii'it v i. I f I’lfl l ’l-o I'miiih M'>ai!av in ''.' i- i' • ' • r. V'l i‘ t! p /'.'h .la\ ot' \ ■ : p-i. 1 1/. .!i th-' . .'Pa t Ipo-,.,i ; . -■piii\ : r.f. . I'l, N. , p.tH ;ii; '.\pi ot .’.•■;ip,i '.'•t!- ' 1 op,i|,:a!P.i in sai'! a '.lon.oi ■ '..i ;t i ii will ai't'l \ lo ; in' t I'-'i I:.I 'I' 'Ii'i ai'I I'oiai'.ia.'ii. Ti.' t '• I.oik-1- ,Mt. ‘M V, N. .\. M 11,1,1 i.“. 11-1' ! t ;> * ll'i k S,ipp! loi (, (Ip.■ ■ l^nj'CEOr Slift/IMONS BVr-UbUCA. ii;'. .'l!\‘ up. i'l itio .'iTi.l iaia oils nir- r 1. . s Ilf ; . .• y-'i. in. In ii-i’i’s ' lii.- i vi.'! au- ■' I i i.: t.i■ n i iC 1 i'.'.' .1 n1 a 1 i 'i I 'io. I.'.' ,1. I ..I ir y .V t ' . 'I', t' ;p' 'Pii.. Is Mil S '!■! ii'>- ''I I.:'' i. ' I'riii- •• ;..-r '1 ii It (. 11 1 H i’ u11 i I1 ■ ' 1* ! ■ 1 '■ ‘ j; 1 ii (i j j a i 11'; I. RciU V. htf*re expiration. (h'voted I'.eip it never l>e ■•von. I'or where \vo\ild France aiid (ircal l^i itan be to (hiy. v. itiioiit their wuiueii toilers i:i llelii ami fac- ti.iy, and in nmny tiranclies nl worlc t') wl.icli, liflDre the war, woman was an :ib>wlutt> si raiiiTi'r';' , ,, !>ess throii'iii till- Ki'u 1 If is nnt!!;’.!:ahle tluif AnuT -mti 'I’lc' Nfiti np! ^ WOIM.'71 r-liMuhl jritiii.tic tlirni WoMKtn's S rvic,* ain th i.-c of i:aio]„'_,)r loss cipahle. ] taloi.t- 'oi'tairily soine nt our Ir.i liii :i till i O ■; ( I n ! 11 O 11 I , ! I I; 11 ! 11 who W e Cl ( )i! li (I Id vvomeii eiiiil I Ml ,t. '['he I'l • \Mis no III' a ur >i t 11 (11^ lip a n \- 1 i ■, ;i I' 'l oss. 15ui 11.i- '■ t ull.v a.'.' i^ii il ami .-'U |p! -m. n ' ed J Ik- i joii; work ol fill' ('li'i r I r- i:i!/a!ioii l»y j O'! iu roiis diHill11 iri> ol ^'.jiplio-.; s.foll i‘;ate: i:ils ; al.-o liy dtreoiiti^ t'.; ilMij GREEN’S AUGUST FLOV/Er ('i-i.>s werklhr ill!,or of r.mnfi.-s] i,.,. i„ on u'^. (M .r :.ll ' : . wtiiMoji wliiih:ivi‘ ri-:'!-* -r-Ml M h t aiisi-d by a il'--or,!r n •! '* .1 1 , 1 , • , , ' ii tivo !iv(.T, -lii h ;. ’ i. k I the lea _ lie. !i Till W‘;'> ;n . .• , , •' atlo.-!. to'.:. - P.. niont were 1 rst iiMc 1 ii.r u^i ;•!- tii a, iVrnu nt.'ition lood. tlu- lii-.irl I■ '1 i>y ■ . 1 August Flov/t.r i.- a . . I; lati'.s (li;f.'s!i'in !-ilh in II ’,.t; !u> I!. !)■ tun ;ini; ;..i. .and ti'prv r.ana! . miv po>si':-'. woiiKMi havo ]ir>)Vcn (In iiiselv( s For instti.Mce, i!' >'.‘oi If i!i' 111 • ! tho i.! ,u.l. l:-;.P-. -Kil-in can I,-. !;■.!> i.^/o.l!l I':u, ? I ~ ! \ i,' (' uiit \ ."!X M .. -Uj' Si. II. .1- a I OT hllriLi V? 4-- .r f:! p t: \ \ ri la: i'U cc i: K L 1C Naii m I* Ll Li taiiOi SiiOpS 'i'K O i\C ;cli Lii i i 5 and S30 I lie all: 1. io U'! lai-.ii I .It,' Ihr t.-iuin f.'uriiciat- G. jVL GIAZENER ^ei