BR£VAlCi/ M| JLiSXiJi* V X>i C BREVARD NEWS \ ;i !U rliali.,i'il 1 rt'Iil S y! v;ui \'cilli \ N I'W ^, .1 aiiu.ii y i.igi;. M. I,, ''ii 1!*M A\, 1 .liu.r C' 1! • (!S l!() K \ I', M .111 1 I'.ihli.sluHl • > .Tx 1 at |i .^1,,!1k i- at I! 11". ai >1. X , ('.,,is s^v.iiiil > las . Ill alt . r. ^ SLTHSOllir riOM PKICE: Oim ►*ar . - . . $1.00 tSi.x luoiith.-^ . - . - 50 Thron T\vi> tuon! ii.''. - - . .25 '.y ciisH’k.; ;iini)s tjr tuoii-'V nr«.i(.M'. t'aiils nl !!'ank',, f■'s('hiri. ii-> .ni.l MliMii •! i il . pu'>1 is'ir, I oil', al hill ■'.■111- HUM-" I'l r itr. f.' aiiu: i ■ rents jus nu ll I'l .nr Im'., m: ; ■1 ■ .1 Sii'i-.-i il>'I. .:i - 11 . ■:it:iinc4 .I'tri r\ I)ir.ili,'ii ..t ti : IT i'\r.-;it . ii ir q-avst. More School Room. tho (jlerintin way. to dt'Stniv i- thin{5 in sijilit since tlm wm >-i n t *«1. For thisriHson it 1ms »>i .»\iui M’hf (nifstioii iict'iitly put forth hy k-'iipniMtcndt nt JMitrlu'll in ro I necewsttry liir the lTnit* «l i'liril to it blind issue tor ii ni*\v t?ovt*rnuu*nt to tiike drjistii* Friday, November U>, 1*M7 Doing Their Best 'Plu' nian:imMMiMil nt' our clmrit- aHi(‘ institui iii’x li ivr tu; ii ni.-iUuii: pn f Ml 'Me i-lTi 11 1 s t (> !ii i j wst f lu u' wt irU ti> till' th">v iniil n''c(ls nl tht' war. wliicli h.iM* ;uii!t‘il inairr lully t«> iiiul I'Kiil;' iiH i'i' i-.s M'titi il tui'st III flit* noniiril tiiMiKiiii!" Ujti n thftn. S ^r.i'ii! iti ' i '].lr;n hmni^ :\it' r.mliTiv; ihllift’.llv iii t'uMiis to rcntiii'ii' tluir work, i‘V.11 I'Ti tilt' .''.mil' i •• ;i i - diUiM .ill', with a pjilii'!: :":i" |ii- 111” 11)1 I !i i t 11. I (' tl• 1'.ill'll i or lark ('1 lav'ilil' " io .v irran; c \ ,i:i n- •si 11. ! 1' i!o 11;; li' i,i>k 1 n iiMi i- ■;! 1 ii:!- t I - ‘f: • 'Ui'lii'iriit 1 un i - to '-iiji j-.iU’t i'i‘]>irt;'.-. ■' \\>ii k a !i I iiiu-'M I ■\!! I il'' j'.a !'! '■ 1. 11 ! > i .1 --I ini' ol I I I'phaii li i;i ]ia\i“ t»t'cii ha>n!i »“a j j' o. ' .1 ■’I'. ill 1 I ‘1 1 his 1 a I';. ’i'hi' ;.1;a 'U! I’;!' rii >1 t li.-'" ' ! I1-. 11 lil 1 I;'- ; ■ ^ ■ III'' !; I ■■ 'lia- • . > I’ll.'. !■ .1 i! t ' ■ p>'..;■!•' ar - t»^ .-iu,;p 11 I I :,i M. l'..-v iitU'i Uii.''.\ - '!'i. I li • :;_r t I M'‘ ■ :i.l;! ' I:.■ 1 ■!'. - :i, .i'' ; 1 ■ -iimii! :; li 1\. 11 ii t li> . 11 ■■ • .1 p ; li 1-!I. : i; -t I'ViT >■ " 'ft \. !■; !' t \ ,i 1 : - II' IIV ;II , . n n!.i 1 , ;i I" ''' i > - :ii'■ r,'-,1 ry ’ > kn :> '.;r i ;'haiia. ■ • v\. i: k l)i ! i ri‘ t h" iii'i 'p^'. W i;'' i,.?)o\\i'lil 1;;.: .. ■ ar. ai’tu.'iily li.'-- til' lui'iiiv'i ‘All i.iiii h 1 ;i.•iipi.'v , 1 1 hi-' t ii. Ji; t iiiipui iit A ■ ; lhar (li'Vi'lop-- aii'l i :n' lii' t 1 hi* > ’.11>' 111 a (' 1 i ll'11 a ■ ■' 1“ \v .1 / if till' St.a!.' iiiii-; t.r..i' ;■ l!ti.:i‘ '!iai\- o! th' ’.1.. ■.;;i '1 lid' rill/,- I'ur t hi' U'f , ; t’..‘ : ; r.a-. /'. in iit ni It t.'iir ' i.f lh( 1 l.:h ' a' ■! i !'■ tl . \vli.. !i "'u' li' nii: t • In i ■ ■ i ■ I_' rvi' lit. It T;i\'t al-o pr,'|.-i'' all'i 'll]ip'ilt. Ill I'Vi'l'V ]■" '''h' wa'". rl; ■ >1' : ' a' “ \ i ; ■" "hi"!: , I,. ; 1; ' i "I. • -i li i n.a K'' I ir 1 Ml- .Si (■'.ll". i V ' ; liiliivl.ltl >'i ' 111' .io\a'rir!li Ml . i 'pll’’‘ ‘ '1 tv t . 1'; ^ i': ■ Ml . aT'; ; Ml ' im-T' ■ i ’ . j..., - • 'I t ■ 1 . .1 i ' . • I'l ; .1- ; ■ . • 1 h ■ . ■ • : I .: i; :i i ;• ' • . • f.;! . ■ K’ f ' ■ . . 1' M ll > i • ■ ':; : ■ ■ ■ M'hl p. : f !u. ’ •. I M'li i. 1 »\ l! i. ^ 1 : ki : 'l' i ■ • : a ' ilii til ll ( I. ! k-' jM-' 'II -a i 1 ■ ■ ■Mi . • .'■i' ; '' !: ■ t :i • ll -'' ■ . '111.' ■ r • ;i" ■ ■ !i . ! j ,'i 1. T.: . .v!'"’; a : .'Ikls- 11 ] lac t .r- .V. 'I'k 1 n .; .pi r- y riu' > li: -'1 ! if 'r'l'iiik"". . !!' I 'Ti'i'iii.r ol I .!.• (i . s :i, • -ii ■ f, i 'tia''ll-. N’’ .'!lf iM ;i ,i hw.i- .1 rf.l 1." unah'i' In ■ i > t !ia i :i ;.d .ili 111 -i-";': II ''I tl..' II,.,1 :iT T'i »;.(■ at;.TO- •!) ,'t' rk • p p Tk pn>l :f> I 1: :;mm i lu ( iill ' ■' !l' 1' 'll t . '. ■ a ) Ip a . i1 .,. . r M • I'. ”i".'i's i-ii .ii i'i;,’. .k.. ...■■■!• •J.'i, !!i;-!i 'lay. ■ : i'a-^ 1). r.i l_■ i ;’il. 1 ■' i ' O. I -I ■ pi. 1 n.) ^ 11; k' y. ’ 1]ry • - m ■ . ' ; k ■ ■ r P'iia’l Ji' '111; iv \ I ! , w , !i ( i^.ra'-T''II >■ '1 u ill; k 1 ii.■ p •• -k' '•■ill •4i\»‘ ami all patri ii.- ii.; i» ;i:,a 'Aunvi’ a:i‘ i 1 ;.i a-.-i'l n. >- tiio I’ifii]'. li'iti.'Ci t'l Mi'laiii tili-lii. i^'-; .il! li-t. 1 a la'ljiiii-: sfluiol buiidinjj; iiuil ansK\trfd j iitliriuiin vidv in tin' News by .Mr. »k tl. J rowbi iduf ot lirt'vard Ins’i- ;t'iu\ is still l)(‘tur»' tho public, anil ! will lie until atiswi'i't d in some ♦ li'lillltl Jllld l OMclUSl .*' WHV. 1 I'lu rc .-'CtMM to bn ihrt'c pos>.ihl»' I'oursrs to tala': cither to vott- luoii' tii.vt's, or to vote a bond ls^^u^*, or to li'i the !>i;itti“r i i»tin-ly ulone, Thi' lir.-t ot thc.-^«* may lie riiini natid !it oiii I', sinci* taXfS bnv»* I heady ^rowii to he a tjurdfn. 'I'lns 1 t'duers It to t lie alteniii ti ves (ll votui^ a lioiid l^sul* or not lii Hi,' I j Now, till' |iieslion tor the jii ople joi this place to ci.n.'-itb'i is whfthn- . tht y lire williiu: to do notbiii'i to I nil ( t il urt-at itiihlu* demand. Are lliey wiliinn to M-e thr crouihd Siliiuil tpi;ii'i>is iici'i'iiie moi'e i T'iwd.d'' .\fi- I Ik \ yviHiii!: to .•'IT ;i I ■ li 1. uiiii 1 '.I'H .»! ei iiid 1! Ions which '•In.t iiu; liiiiiiv .'in dmi Iri tu lie- pu 11; 1.' ."C h. " ll V riii'.''C 'i iiditions will not li.> hrt- U'l a .year ii.nn ir i-a' un h's-s by m nnr ' i ' U!u' 1 hei i‘ .''hotiM bcji^i i'al i .li ,al.. .n i;i tiii' I'hildren ot srhoul ,i>:.‘. I'iiiit IS ii"t t'l be eiinl'-m pki; ' I. \\ I' m u-1 e per t, in (he iialuii' ot thi:m?'. ail 1 ncfi’i.M', ‘ijni t i.-> I hi' !iii in. ■'> it lhi‘ pi'i']i!c t.i .Miiiik .usly "1 ]>i • .\idini; tor I ills iru I I ...■'I'. Stilt.-s tl (‘I ion ! tor tho jirotcction ot our wnti-r j fronts in the fntnrc It is no'v {iro- l>t)sed to allow no (icrninn subjects within OIK) hundrtMl niili's -li om const ( itics. “Sal'otv first.” TESTED AND PROVEN Mules for 5aie Always from 1(10 to .^*10 head of horses and niiiles of uH descrip tions for sale at inv stables in York, l»a. J(»r MNDIG. 'I'here is a Heap of Solace iti Be- inj» Able to Depend Up«)n a Well Earned Keputation. I'or months Hi'«*'!ird ii'aders have si'rn the eons’ant I'xpiis-i. .n of ]u aiM‘ 11>j- Doiinks Kidnc' IMls, and ri'.'id about the ^'ood work the.v havcdnni' in this Inealitx W lu.t ot her re!n»‘d\ ever jirodui-cd su h convincing jiro.ii of nn ri*V W. W Hritt. policeman. I*' Woodfin Avc , Ashevdle, N. (k, s’lvs; 'Bein^^ on m\ feet ail d:iv lirinir-^on attack'' of biiclcirln' \i timc'' mv buck has Ix'cn "n hud tl.-it if tbrobhrd like a ti>iit lir.i' he and I coiddn t take a sti p nf even stjiiiii without sulTcririir mt.-ii p.iin W lieii-'v.'T' tbi"'!' s])i'l!s c'lnie on I U'ic I >oa n s Kidnev Pill'- and in a lew da'.s the trouble alv\u s dis a ppea " Price r.if, ;it ;ill ih'alci';. hon’t -'implv a>k for a kidn.'V rentedv — UM't ho.'Ul .s. Kldt!ev Pill !]ie smic that Mr Unit use.^ i-ki-icr Milbnfii ( o.. Prop-., HulValo N. \k — .\d Vert i>'inenl. f Lighten the Housework A plain iron sink returns very little for the effort spent upon it. A few niiiuitcs spent in elcanint; a "^>tand4U\l" white cn.inielcd sink and you have a veritable beauty spot of radiance. Our catalogue of sinks is very interestin'^ u itii its w .dl lianiiinu, corner ami recess patterns. It is free to all intrrcMcd in tjood plvnnhiuii; and yood li.xtures. ot CO. Pl'-jmbii'.g TiMftias; Hjrd.vare :‘;kk> i'li:-' I .iil'ik 'ir'i.'ir.,.'' \i: ■ iii; iho..''.' w ilt) I'cctMve pri/.e.-- . :i I .. ;i".ia v ■ '1 li week tor e X ili- hils ill t lie »ki'vinly r.iir, the New.- w.'uid Cii.l c.'p'cial altetiilon to til '-''.- > ki • 'i piiiiils wiio 1 e.''i>ond('il -t ;',i.- to , iic ■ !'i .Ts made !u.->t \ .-af t‘.\ i I Iain p io!lc spli ited citl- / ' > •ku"'-' .Vou;’^ p.'.iple d'--crvc i: \ n ''ri .y lor tiieir r'Uccess. In;’ ‘ 'ft!,I -'[iinl w Iiieli niaiie i h''ni el.* 1 t i.c -o.^ ;e-'t. i • 1 ■ ( I'ti .It .i 1 hat n »,i >00 A.'!'! 1 ' ; i I oo'j >: ll I'll'.a\e hei II dt' -'■•o ei .ikuig the wafiriroiii:- ot liie c.uiiilry by rman syiniiu- th:/ i.-^ diinn-; the ] n.ontii, in a ldili.'ti io til.- li\e million doliar tire w' 1 le.-i inyei.1 (I vii'l am. Mint ol iiiiiiiiiions ot Will' ill the ii'ilt)- ni 'I'e li.iciv' :i iC'A davs jil^o. (icr- iiiaii'- ar. I'.val t.ithe I a tlici liiiid ■.'.hi i'evet \o;i llii i th.'iii and it is t •'TT':* -r-r,-:£r-r,~ZT^ ' 1 Avrs.Q.F'.Cariwrighl.oi r'lH Wliiiwcll. rcT'ii., writes: S'.iffcrL:.! will; bearirii;- d.i'.vu p.i.iis. . . 'IhP sp'-Iis j'ot .so bad l.ict wiicn I wo.i!:’ siart la v.r.ik, 1 v/c:iiu ji; t pretty it i '■J Our business sH jv/s a great increase, vvriicli is proof Ol the fact that our scrvicc and prices arc ri. hi . O.'.r pi ices arc as low as the aivar.c co:-1 of stock v.'ill permi'., and noiwithst.indi-.v^' lii':’ rnci our patrons do nol coaiplain, wiiich sluws the spirit of patriotism is ahead i i .!•..* I.mJ. Wc v/ant your business and will do our utmost to please you. OUR SPECIALTY IS COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. Sla ^aJiduimo AttlXkmOYUAA, / V rC, ■ ' AKE YOU GOING TO l EHVt A WIFE AND BABY HELP LESS SHOULD YOU IflE? DIE EVERY MAN MUST. IT IS HIS DUTY TO HAVE MONEY PILED UP iN THE BANK TO MAKE SURE THAT His FAMILY WILL NOT BE IN WANT WHEN HE IS TAKEN AWAY FP.Ot/i THEM. YOUR BEST LIFE INSURANCE IS MONEY IN THE BANK; BECAUSE A GOOD SOLID BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MAY COME TO YOU V^^HILE YOU ARE ALIVE. BA;-!K WITH US. WE FAY n PER CENT IN1ERFST OH TIME DEPOSITS BREVARD BANKING COMPANY V. Vv-*' i ^ ' !n The Ring i !'■■■ ' i'. 'I i!v'’.rly!. Was very riiicii riin-c'.o'.M'. I Icld | .J I I’-.-ouglit rwp-; C.'^rmi wou’d hfip.. ' !1j r;oi irc ;i botk.e. . . It 1 -ip'. J 1 :c r>o ir.uci’ that i J r.u a;ioth.':r boule. I L'.ct a \.!io!o lot b'.'llcr. The ck.';:y spells a:iJ the I - riii; -.lova j-ains . . . !';: iT.c c:i!i: ?ly.” If ’ 'U are viCm!: and r'.iri ibv. n, cr ‘uiUov L'‘Otii V. O'liCtiliy d ;i ' kii; ; i'l r;i‘^ p.. t'-i Li| u. i i 'i' '.id iti a u In ;4f)Oi' worknv.jnshit) is foiind tiJe sccret of oiir suc cess. Our rei>iitati;n for doiiVii first class Wiitcb, clock a*i! jewelry re}).iiriny: ^ is o!i»‘ov. n—'(isn’t anotlu r’s niishiii!. \\ e’\ e ^aincJ it by iiai J, coriscie:;ti!)’v: . \v>i k and by ci’.»r;^in;; riiiht firices tiiat vvoiiivl warrant u ■. i^i iioinj.^ ri‘4iit wtjrk. Onr n’.otto is e>; r: “( work :H reiisonable price-.. ' FRANK i>. CL,EMENT Buy irk Brevard The Jev/'alei* \'V-.' ITaVf>l!no I ;k-- ’:ui p;fcatcr \ cash viiluv w ii-. li ti'a'iiMk, '!i tt!:!'.' tonics, tl c'.cry c.i. t.iat u^■i. > "W f' 'A RSO.OS 3r»-'. OIIL- *‘h moha Mff .iencii* The three oC liiCv ;:- liiie Oil Ilavuli'.ie >.!eiiiuai^ Ilavolii.c IJ^.f' t, ii'i.l Icu'-i- Jine !l' :iv.v, pesw r .'> po^:.iilic auioaioh’.li' ;u!ii'i- fciiaireiiiijal. S ,N' ' i --Ip ^ I ^ rt ii m \ Our Grocery Store s ;.ii at i-s iir:ir au l’:^ w.-ry nanl it: the L’Tnct.-ry liiv ;i'ili.s ]l"^.^il)k ioritiiy ‘f.r:-to pill', iiit', :inl Ev^'ry Grdei-, "! 'ir-idl, v. iii rtn iv- .-nr Ik-sI iitti .ili'i.i. .1 criit i' '..iii r'l.ivin.'c \';iii I.V.;.’ /' I! (tp.Iy Suparlcr Coeds At Moderate Prices MITCIiEI^L Th.e (ifocer. 1 III oi\fU'i. in r> \i:n> m K';^.'i:;. Ker i-n.'kv di 1 1! .t pro'.*' t'l h, !h • -tron'^' ’•i:.!l lie V. ;> " U p] 11 lo ;.e wiiell !io r.ndeito'd; i • hi,:; t o I hilos li little w!i'ilc a . ii e.iri.) »irolj.'r-ed \'. ;th Jl;- .'lU..'' .1:1.'. o.. ! '•iiii.-i ir an ioTie. 'I'iie M't;-.ini'i!i>t.s Iiuve detiiv ijied Irim and are iii charf/e .if at'liii;•> at Ik troj^raii. And ft It ll..i ilu n liu.''''ia \ 1 lie lifi't Ol till; iairoii-'aii ti iwer.- to m'.jiiili/.e her lori'cs 1-ir v,nr jii^uinst (ierni iny. ti t; authorities in euntrol nt the ]i sen- tinic »tre proj)()sin>r « cess:tfinn cm iiostilities. Washinu^ton i> n iT\i”a) ly disheti; i-‘)ieu ftv tiie i)\.‘:its in iJ;is.-'i!i. !»Mt U'i i!r,!i:.ite . !::riidl;:i^ flu* nidkirt i. has bjijjn cvoivt d. Jt ’lic.iii:, I'jn tho ('■’•ill- > ef n.i'’’ nuiny will in'", h i ■. ■«S lllllt :i..s hi!],. ; \ud t k.Tir;:i!i n. e v. The Wc2iaa^s Tcuic ing Card'ii a Ihorou^M! p,IfeJ irk;.I, it is c-jn:po:'C'-^. of ;:,.i i.;:;;,,r:i2nts, rcc.. nizcdi i y : .ai'clard i:!eul- cn! bo.)i:s for iinny y a3 bjiri;; of j^rcnt valuj i'l the tr'jubic3 iruni v/lrcii only Vw Oir.en suffer. The eiTthusiaiUic praise of U;e thoiisar.ds of women who have been helped by Carc’.ui iu its past-10 years of Eucceoofvd use sliould asiure yen of its genuine merit, and convince you thrt it v.'Ottid be vvorfli yoiT v.hke to try this for your t*'ou- bles. A!5 drucrrnsts FC'i! it. 60c a gallon in 5 gallons Brevard Hardware Cc. lirevard, N. C. Sbirts mii Collars Instead ofWoodSbin^ks orShie Try Card'tu mmm ^Kk.' t'm'{* * 1 *f\ COSTRIGHT Metal Shingles The roofing that lasts as long as the building and never needs repairs. p/ff They won't burn, crack, curl or rot 'vood shingles, nor have they the 3 great weight or brittleness of stone slate; besides they are iuoxpen.-^ive rnd lock better than either. I'o: Ealz by V.O., r.KEVAh New shipment of Arrow Shirts arid Cellars just received. Arrow Brand Shirts at - $1.50 Monarch Shiris at - - $1.25 Also a nev/ shipment of Neckwear Weill’s Cel ts’ Store All wishini; Thanksgivinj? tur- Your friends would be pleased , ' . to receive marked conies of the keys appij at or.v.e to C > - . " | New'sshowingyour whereabouts kct. j and activities; 5 cents a copy.