THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. IHHER^ THE BEST mittROHI yon tvtiiv A NORTH GAROUNA MILL LEADS NAIN ERLANGER MILL VILLAGE STEPS TO FRONT WITH GARDENING RECORD. OAROENS PBOOUCE $11,000 Uriotr Superviaion cf U. S. Bureau of Edi.'*. .1'.lon Eir,ht Thousand Dollars TAR HEEL SOLDIER PROBABLY IS A PRISONER A GOOIl A'AMC^ RCMCMiOU^ BAUingH^ ^ sJnpvvB RAWiRttH;rs SHI:EPSKII|J^ST«^ HicHGST y«ftmirr NO CanHiSVtlNS«^i^>r CUCCK, SWi"4l Npit^isneci: CABBACS PLANTS ElirI.V .Icjsr.V J!ui\ « • .•. ,■••.»•■■ ,v .1 , .1 ' 1 t ■iuD ai.l t Dili I I ;i'I. .•! 1- « • li i ..i! -• By fxpreHs; .V-'. ;i ;.r • ..! » . ■ IO,n(ii» up Hi "fi i't. ’■ «j! I'lMXel Pnal. I','". •, 1 7'. D. F. JAMISON, SUMMERVJUX, S. C WILL POWER AND INSOMKifi Relaxation, Assibted by Bcautifi.-! arc. Benevolent Thtughls, Cited a« Si rt Cure fcr SIrcplfSFness. A Iilst i>I i: v • was «>n ll)«* lMtrii»rlati(l of' brrnk«l«i\\n aiuJ th** joy ot tir.Ml i : ; musclt* WHS iii^t n.i:. :h Ohio JoixiinL I’lif ! \\»> and sotumI hjiniii hy :i?t« ntlii u u bln r‘l:i\ritloi!. liisonmhf w:!^- \\h«n li-* wont *■ bPfl it V. !is to fii»;s at)»l Not* i.r'iiiiiti iv inlti*] aii«l IumI;, tuitil hr i*U iii’“ ; renth*ss Hr ilit> hy n laintlon. Ifiat t>y yl**;rii>;^' h: I>.wi> to the KMitl** |uv>‘;iir.‘ >i >».>! him! »«'■ low and not iryiiii: m ImiW hiiii'* if hy iK*rvf»us «*\«-rtlon. It Is Ih* - i-l 'i* • trine of power itiroUKh r j>.)s.-. ■ ly hut rot ;ii\V(i>s r* ) ^Th«* tnniliN* 1 S olH‘ sooji ftir^rls ice !* Iitxatioii. ai»«l ‘•o iri i.» jirn^fii’i' t th.'«t he Is ni't {>• f: I* !:sfo a i nr)to,- tloil. Tim hvKltnl'^l l»‘a^^'«- . nt tin* n.uiu Idea. Ho resorts To tin ulll j. " • r'. M'lillf tl)«> r»*til s.M-n t s ;i ri'sort 'i> H t* moral po\v« r. in» aii'; ij-;- dor the sway >j' Itt-auiif)!! ui'.'l h. m volent thotjuht'. anu thfii tl.*- ■ tlon will tak«* vai'f of ''n> these iiiethoils 1-^ to thiiili of ij,.‘ n. pie you (loji t likf, att'i tt:« !i to love th;;a all, ai;l you will tin T t! pillow’ anl the h« cl will reii'li r il ■. full servlet' aii'l *«iislair> all \oiii j'l ■ Blcal Jiiul mental iiilirnini* >. Desirable Change. A UctiiriT in tfjniM-!) ii . (Jress • **Tf I \\ *r»* ii\lit Tiei I'l) ji; i t .* a chan^:e that uool'i. I ain (on\;' • Cilivert the w^'oi.’ \'o! 'l to our a >-■ “This sji'iol. lull tar r*':;.'’ '::u' ii; . would eoiisisT 1:; !ist• r- r., I- bwidaohe f'-o: , • . .l: y I'l da> hefor*’." r»on’! oV.-i'i!; t ii.1,1' ‘jo. ’ . ; gratiluil.* trtk-oi* tif ■■ ■ • r-' ■ expectation. Na‘«ln . • :'i>. ' Ml' h:ive tliis yc;.r • flfiep. “In most cases I of Dyspepsia | Coffee Does Not A^ree”— says a welt known authority. Many who use cof fee — not knowing that it aggravates stomach troubles— could still enjoy a delicious hot table |j beverage and e‘> jll cape I'olFce’s ctlcc} -. ijj by a ciKn:'c to i| wiiolesonie, pur*- ;j cereal drink — POSTUM •'There’s a Reason' a V e Eeen Saved. * . X '. u 1 '.'I ii:,- F. Ian;’' 1 Hi ill VI. . slep- t.« I ii-'-i! . ■>'. i! h ; ,s •ani. 1 1 I ... 11 1 1 l;lt b.-ais 1 11. I' 11' t• .1 .'•ao s . . i.:iMK to .i: availaliie . I .( s ll r . .-..r !1; I mil 1 l!.«- ^-,1 " r\ i.-^i.iii ,i'! ■' !Jii,l 1 '!■ nn n ,1 i ' ii’l ',1 Stal-s I nil ll ol !i!r- ex:>c I. this .... . >I ■. ■ I lii.- II..11 > ll n I . 11- ; ii-1 ,!;;ti-r 'I-.. . . oi i»r. i’ . , -if : .!■ ■ I ai. ' 1 . :i. I ImI/e.U ■ ,f. .11 'ii.. i- . cics a \ I*. 11 j... 1 1 ‘ » ; . * I . • t .a i,.i. •! : u* i. 11 >-d .-a ll..' : ih;-^ . .i; I f' . I-. «i M.-l •( ■ .,' ’ ,o-M !r. 'm am! 1 .oil' ( i.. 1 ■■ 111 : 1. ii id ^''1 i'! ,■■■ Tl t \ ■ I !l* ol' 1 !l ( .1 ‘ 1 ’!■',i Ml" \ r V r. ■■ l- tii.ial-- ■. 1 .\ • 1 nr. seiM ; r;. ( s. is 'lir.e ■ li -.itni dollar^; Thii > nave t ill ‘-■e mi'.I . . ,,,■ O.lUC* 1 or a w ol :i-oul S«>l), li. ii.aii i'.ii i\ A tl^ d Kard' MIS. el: \ .-11 I ilO'l - lih. 1 > ’ t'riii Ol pl OtiU il. oae : !tn al ^.1 r >-iinl ui* w as hehi if"-.- Increased Food Supply. ‘*1 see.” said Mrs. Terkins, whose liiouhruliunH appear in the Wluil.sitr .M;));:)7-lno, “ih«t Lonl Whjil’M-lsiianie 'a« h«*en a-wrltiuK lo the jmpers to tell IM t(ph‘ to Keep riihhilK niid ^row euh- •it;'o.s ill their haek yaid.s to keep up (1 tood Mippi.v of th> nation. •‘1 only ’opo ',-’11 do it ii>i'e)f, and I ’iiii jt>y. I dt>n'l want to dash M»‘ op« s, hut 1 tried it myself 111 a imihk* ^vuy. you tmlers!and, !::“-t suiii- nnr. "I M pair of I't ikiiis’ lio>*!s aiid ;oiiri'iMisi* for two siiiall rahi)>!«, a!)d tl.rit Jusi left rooiu In niy ^an! n loi a • N'ZfU spromhii,' hn»eroll, ‘‘I'or th«.* Ilist ihie»* Wi ' k-^ I lhou::!i. i he hroeeoii ^^a.'^ jroiii;' to lt«‘ of •iis(*ao; hilt a*- "'ii a'^ i In > >'tat l«”! lo tip and ''iiioiii thi- lal.hii'- hf"k.‘ ,T i?i* !iaMir>- of H.U «nt rtaiiutioM* r.t '.I.. \tl!.‘.Ki V. .M. A . prohahlv the In in a villaire of (he siz«- in th na- • lo% Prizes for gardens, flower and vc^:( r;.hif were aw-arded it th« extent Ot i l.'.;"{rel and eighty Kiirdens Vert eniolietl in the «■on^^^»t a^ainnt fili* ii year. J. W. Smith efitHb- ll.Kf.e.i hini.s U as ehampion, with pro- ilw ?« ?102.8(> thrown In a i^nmll h>t. Mrs. Burt was jiccond with .11..i Mr. Freen>aii with ?7S.7J was M.jr.l The n\eraKe yieU! of garden.-^ H' Atter th'' piliies were award- • .1 t» n dollar Kjhl pieee was pre- ^elileii )«1 MIhr Clement hy the gariUMi* • rs rt.' a token .;[ appreeiaiion of her work in a.'^si.^tinp them to s\j( h a spii'tidiii victory over hifth living;,'J. In aiditiou to her sanh-ninK work. 'AU Ch n;eiit ha.s condueted a a! KrlauKer. whi h is (h-in^j lt.« ftii sha;e in h^Mutifyiuj: the hoinen t)iwers. S liir ;t.-i ( an L** learn*--! her> , the ii.'t»l iipproaeh to t)>e Krlanper r dwa.'' TUAde by two eonil.ined n i. villages In Concord, whkh report of veRetable}^. with no (•'liuiati oP th“ asnount of truck *r- I ?h - Kard»*:i.s on the tahle.s. Tlie town ot Lrxiiistoi! ha.*; »on- 11,. (ed II .'-mllar ontesl during the r an.! the hip fouitd up was held . I ^e eourt houfse Friday aft*riioon, I'it: .Mi>. Jane McKimmoii ami K. S. as speaker.-. :^ev*-nty nine of a lofal \Kine etd‘ >:iven sy M e ity o'ninilvsionorK ami LexinR- ' nierthaiiJs wer.^ distrihuft d. The i ‘ was iiiaagurated hy the town o i ; II and has heen under tii;.* diree- ■ •ir I he eoanty farm atienta Dav id (^•r' Livrstcck Meeting for Asheville. ■'i ’" \iiie Kami deinonstratO!*!i ' ■ -Ma'lj.-'on, Haywood, Hcmler»;()n in- ■I’liiiisvlvania ei'Unties ,a-'. well as i. "I.-, aiiiinal hii-harnlnrin n{ ii i»ai'i liif ii: -r ai’.r'ilfure. ■ I , v: '-‘.1 ofiu-'- oi?i> i:.l.- of the " ■ ' r: i ent at ilu- 1h t- arid ean'e ; .e.i' U) Ix* held heie* Fiiday •'• :■ onliM-' I') aTiiio’.UK' T' i ■' 1 ■; I i; i ^ ' I i j-1 i I h • I!; e » o 11: h I: i-'i . !.oi-ai !iu n, ai - • ■ • ■ wi'l! f';ie -oT:(litio:; of •li* si;i'- : I o'i v. '^l expiai'i ih" li ■ .ii ' of till' tion &B a hop arr? aisiiii’ ■.•■uM'-y .Old tht al'i'aii ; fa 'o ♦jiir-i'.d ii.-ell .'O a~ t.i take ■ ^ .. . . \Ne. terii Xor'ii CaroIitKi. of t!i« hoard of tradi, city oiil ‘ a', . ..,uiity aiithorlti(‘ aiul tti*Mni>e’c I .i; the various civic organizations are eo '.p ! to make tin* confer*-:u e a ^ t‘r e\.-;,t. Tonight! Take Dodson's Liver Tone! Better Than Calomel For Liver CaloDid Pickens I If bilious, constii).'ited and head- adiy read >ny ^uarantw. ^'Oigeant Kdward .M Hulyhurton. ;!1 of G. H. Hi.’j hurlois. of atony roiiii. Alexai»ler county, this ."^tal4-, ip prohahly no* a pr5h»>ner in a (lerniaii camp. Young Halyhurton. who wviit l(* Frarice with the thi;f Ameria;i ex- ■pedition. wr»s in the first lighi that Anitri«-ans had with the (Jermans "over thfre” and was report«-i hy Lieutejint tleiK'ral Pt-i-shing as aniouf the nniKHing. It is assumed that he ■wah taken prisoner. HIf> father’a com ment. when a war dej>artment tele gram adviHod him that hie son was iDi«Rin|r. W88 that "they never took Edward without a fight." Sergeant }Jalvhurr-n ?»«•• been in the regular army about eight year^ fatlhful hervi* e winning hint promo lion to the rank ot sergeant. The conjorf>hip forbids mentioning the Dame of the regiment of which be in a member. Suffrage Convention Adjourns. Goldnboro.— The annua] convention of the Kcpial Snfirape Asno« iation o! North ^'arolina came to a close with two splendid addre>.«»A8 by Or. Dixon- ('arroll. of Raleigh, and Mrs. C. M. Platt, of Asheville, and the ele tlon of officers whieh re^u!tftd as folh)Wf«: PreHldent, Mr?;. John S. Cunning haro, of Durham; firpt vi'e-j)reHid'‘nl, Mrs. Palmer Jerman, of Kalei^h; sec- ■ ond vlre-prefsident, MIkr (lertrude Weil ; of fioldaboro; third vice-presld»*Mt. Miss Julia Alexander, of ('hiirlotte; recording secretary, Mins Exuin (Mem- ents of Asheville; orrespondng sev'- retarr, .Miss Eugenia Clark, of Ral eigh; treasurer. Mrs. J. W. ’one ;i* .'f ilieir Initeh a' d oiu- Mil. and f \|>ii I ilia! eii||lllU''ti>>M. “AM I Lof ou! ol it l.iii, w hl« h I "III Olhi nei kic t. “When I wear II oh ‘■oi.le saviii”, ‘I'aii' N ftirs lu wai :i'e I -ei ;. i lie\! |:!\ \. •, I'l. li,. ,al.1.i; •-.I.-! Si',it>la\.- I '••ar er lin.viu' lln iit top.- ■'H's t.i ?ie;ir, liut I r. i’:oTi T'’. e tiiy liii towar.l lne!-e;>-li.- 'M'I'V ' ’ Voii' h's ('oiiijiaiii.ii HEAL BABY RASHES That Itch, Burn and Torture With Cutl- cura—Trial Free. Iv.r Cirti«-uia Soap ba5!i I*. *■ l>> i!ii!:;led .^Uiiw '.hen follov.'d by !i application of Cuticur;; Criiil- II- lit. U.'e ('uiicura for \ery (i.;y toi let prepan M iiis to pv* .* :it stv h frou- bii .-\fier th'« treatii.dt; -i‘e]>.s atoiia-r rest.'i a»il bealiuciit ;ollow.‘«. I'ree .s.'iiiiple each by mail with Hook. A Idves.s postcard. ’tiflcura, Pep*. L, r.o'^toa. Sold t veryvN here.— Adv. j Lis^i* II to me ! Take no nmre siclcer,- Iii^r .‘^allvatliii; -aIoiin 1 wlien biliour .r eo'i.stipnted. Don I Ii>e a day’s work I Calomel Is mep ury or qtilck-i' v.!.l h can--*-.'; iic lo.'^js ..f He C; iolllel. V h‘n It c.iilK info cm;l-ic-t with .-our liil*’. I r:;-Ii. s i,it.» it, l.r ::1-.- ili;: !i Up. '1 ill.' i ,'!e!i _\ol! f.': l 11;^ I !i\\ flil iiaii-.-.-i :mi'1 : ^iipiiiL. It } oil all- ^'ti^'-^i JI ;!)u! “. ;; ' ...i , .;i' ’ ;f . your li \ ( 1 U t i 1 1 .i'i.‘. e> ii-ii. , paled oi _\..ii ha\.. .‘!. :ii;. tf. •fi//.i'.^~, ! eo;if. |'M ’, if ii.. 1^ or , sf.iiaacli jii>l !aii‘- a .-['..oiii ill of iia I’l II l.‘S‘- I'.-ilson’s To:;*'. 11 r-'; !i.y L'Urtf;.' •> « '■> •' ai'V ii Ul '1. ' ■ a inl . . I'ot''. ■ I ^ -d I.i\. r 'l’..!i.- |..i- ;; r. ' . . ’ • , 1 : • I spoolin’! :.mi;:lil, ai .i ; o !...-n't I «-traiijhteu you ii;,ht up and mnke yoi* j I*' 1 liiK- and \i^"ori'.s t>y nuirnlng, J j v\aid y.')U t:> jro luick .o Hm' store nm:! >.' I your iia.-ney. Iiod-on's I^iver Toi.c I is d'"-fi>f»yiiMj; the -ale of -{ilomel b - I '•au'-e It Is r-al Ii\ii medicine; eniiro- ! !y ve;.'t table, there for.- it an not sab j vat* i' make y«fu sieiC. j I vu;>raute‘ that one spoonful -if Liver T..ii.' '\ili pul y(>u» I ii'.er (.» ,\ rl' aial U .an y«ir ji.ovs.! of (tiat soiir boo and eon:-l: pal>l '■•a'-!«' *'111-I; l-f e|o;::’inn yoii :iiil la.i' iiu' > o;i (e l miserubJf . I ei- a bo1(l‘- of l)o!sof''" I Iver "loll.* '\iH k' |i « ntire fafr - il . fe'inL' tin Tor inonttc- (live It J * ' _'...ur ifiildi.'n. it i-' bar’ ; doesa"!; I :j-t and they Hi-.. ^ p!--.isarl tat:tv - A*iv. ^ M it Sold for 4*7 y^ar«. F'of IVl&lckria, Cinilltt urkd F^cveiP. a F'ine General Stren^tlieninS 'Tortic. 50c tai $1.00 tt tUDraiStAm. Inland of Mindcro. .''o prolitic was lli. t>-laud o* .\1io>;.-!‘.* : ill III.' Pliiliiipiiies al o?,e time iii 'he ' pioduciion of lice tluii it wa.^ popiibii- ; ly •iilbd "the uranary ..| the Philip- | .1 i pines.'* Snuar. oolo.n. hemp, and oil.- ; t iiem. ! • ^ , I er croi's ilirive «.i. tl.. i.-hiiei; wln n • Vet it- 4-.-ti|i01l)ic i eotulltlon.s are «‘\tn-mely ba.'-kward, jiud n larK*' j>art of ii> popni.nii'Ui I- In } H constant state of pov*-rty. It has al- Wben He Was Born. A recnjif walked up the inalii street j.-eently wiiLioni salufin#' ae.\ or th* •tlicers he met. Mnallv one * *■ « n«»tleliij» the ujtparont nonehuiance of j .. . > I. 111. properly lutivatei!. the mjiil, ;;ppro:)eh* d Inin and a>l:ed .* : * ' "See here, are you n prlvai.iV" i "No, I am an Italian." ib ' i*i.ikie !jnpw»red. I f»ne ot tlo* itcruii.'^, a naliirati/ed j pole. Was belnj' e\;un!i.cii l»\ Ills eap- ft'iu. **\\ h«‘!l \* ej'»* _\>U .’ IP*' latW'r hsked. ■‘Let .-e«—twent' two ycur.-.*' "Yiui mean eljrhteeii nlne!\ four?" i "Ye.ti,'' Hgre**d the rool.;l*. '■What niontli?’’ Tlie man puzrled ovet tids a few hjlnutes. Then, wltlj a cbeerftil puille, bo '■■u;rgesti-d. undably; ■‘d». Septi-mber, t^ctober .lunc. any- 1 no ejire.” Horserace Proves Man’s Age .'V loanV' a^.' .';i' .^•ci^ied in a irf> ‘ liliar (lianm >• tii l.;> a (Ireeinvlvb I jiuii'itd, e.niri receiiil .. Tlie i>ulitar> i iiiborilies elaiiiK .l , man, »eor^> l'reder!k Crand.’er. v\j.h nd fort.v thr«-o }earsi old, and tbc-eforc stJl'- Halib' for s‘rvie.*. '1 be man’s «lefcuar was that he vas past ids forty-thfr?i birthday. In .‘>upport of fhLs (Jefensf ho stated that be v, us born on Jnu*- ;t, 1S7-I, lhv‘ day Ce* rf'e Frederick woi- to^;ether ab.nit .'V.i.otM> inhabitant “J. .\iiiouK these are is.dtKt 'la^::loy*-’, 7.L‘K( | the D«*rby, and that he was numed eT- Manfryaties. -J.tioo Vl..,aylln^. and of | f.-r the horse. The- defense was nr IbM’iinos les.'* than Of the whole, o\.-r T.tHH) are pr> nuneei! sava^;*-; ft hujre pioportlon of the remalnde!- are ib'us«*l\ i'_Miorant. cepti d, and the iu6Ji wns Ii.scharge..i $100 Reward. $100 CMerrh iR a IocaI disease greaily SnAu> eno«?d l>y constitutional coadittnne. It itierefort- ie.iulr*« roiistltuUonal treat- , meat. ll.M.1. 9 CATAUIIH MELUCINE i the sliopman. Fast Runners. .'“'.iic* lo.»ked with .somv «Pprehen8k..M over the ginghams spread before her. •'These don't look like fast color*? tc me,” she said. "Indeed they nr.^, nm'nm,” nnsKcret. You lust ought to aftv BOSCHEE’S GERMAN SYRUP will quiet your cough, soothe the In- flamuiiitbin of a .sore thmat and Itujgs, fctop irritation lu the broih ldal lube.s, tnsuriug u good nliiht’s re.vf, free froia coughing and with exp*eforatiou in the uioruing. Made and sold Id Aiuerica for fifty-two years. A won derful prescription, a.sslsting Nature In building up your general health and thrcfwing otT the*.«-ially useful lu lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchltlM, ete. Fi>r sale In ail clvll- lz»*d wuntrles.—Adv. Is taken laternt,Ily aiil a.:t» througb th* j meiu heu they be-„'in to ruD.” ‘ Blo'd lii) the \fu *us Svirfaif.s of the Sys- | ' tern HAL1/.M C AT A UUH MEDICINE | d*i!iroys th»* foundation of th^ disc.-^Be, i If b,> ha« a large f.imilv to RUppof*? ! Klve« till* r.a*,i»iit strength by imi.roving , , n> .. i v.,'« the g‘*r.oial a-nlih and assists na ire la U Joan taiif afford to h.i\e nny otbei^ 1 oinK Its v»ort. JIWOO for any case of .\travai;ant habits. ; Catarrh chat HAI>L’S CATARRH i MEIdClNK falls to cure. , * I I ’rugKtns T:,c. Tesftn-.onial!* free. Dr. Pierce’s Pellets f>r? best for llTW, F. J. C-.eacy A Co., Toledo, Ohio. ^ bowels and stomach. One little PelleSc : fur a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad Irt a Bad Way. j i ‘'W^iat tlo y»)U know of ih* .•l.iuao- ti'r 01 this manV" w;.s asked of a ! w!ui-ss at :i jiolie.- e*n;rt Th.‘ orher j : I h. roes I hat do I know of his eharto'ferV agentflt^^^^^ : I know it to be unbIea bali!o, >oor i j honor,’’ he n'plied with much etnph.'i- t ■ sIm.—Chrlstiati He;:ister. One of iho duties of & Chrlstiafc Is to learn to smile. •t as their o«n pruft« School for Adult lllterates. Asheville.—Hunc-mbe county'.*; school for the tenehing of adult illlt eratPs. anfl the f^ist line tren«h in the battle just opened hy the e(uiufy again'-t adull illiteracy. Is now in ot> eration in Ivy township and ineeli.’ig wth the greate^^t success, accordng lo Miss Laur.T M. Jone*-, director of the I campaipri. w!i» is back in the i ity aii er a tour of tlj.- 'oi:aty. Jone-. who speciaiii^:*-' in (orrectin;.- adn!? jnilieiai-y. ha.s been fiigaijed hy the ■ ouiitv to over>!ee this work .md hfip ; actively taken up her new lasK .‘-^(•hoo.'s ar«- bent oi>;,iii)/f-.i m every FPeflon of tl'ie .OUI.tV Newsom Is IViayor of Durham. I Dili hair. Thre." minutes aft* r tl.i I moiioTi had in * n made to /Jtt iuti th. * e!e fioii oi a mavor. M !■!. .Newsom Jr. Durham merchaiit aruJ former ' meinher if the l»oard of aiderme.ii, j had been ( lect«'d to succeed the late j U. S. Skinner. Only one t>ther iionii- j natin was made, tiiat of Prof. E. C. i P.rooks. He was nominated by Alder- I man Tilley and received three votes. Mr. Newsom received tive votes. "How nurs**.” "Yes, sir. His Profession. .vouv paJb-nt doe*. keeji Up He's an aviator. statesman is ji {>olItlclau w !i keep l i'- f;-. e ch-.-d Sit the ,lj:ht If your -\-9 Binnrt cr f-.l :iian Ky.‘ HalfiJin iiyiiU'.l uii..u !n j'JSt t!i- t) r. !!.-'.. tlj.’ I 'nil!!- : iruly ;;ooii -.v.' .".id l.iol, disc.luI'am .Ai'or i.-ndin;: iij’ ejir tlic e!;ariiabl*» r.j'.n tends a band. Important to Mothera i Examine carefully every bottle of | i CASTOUIA, that famous old remedy I j for infants aud children, and see that it | ; Dearf the I Signature of j In Use for Over SO Years. ' ‘‘fM Children ('r>' for Fletcher’e Caetoria time. I Naturally. ; 'I hale lo serve on a .hity " d. ‘ 1 ‘'.'■’o d.i I. l! puts one ill si;. h a tiy- iiiu )..i-i! " b' - Disqualified. “HiS !e.-, i-,.'p* him oo: ..t 'hi ;;ri.iv” 37^0 More For Your Money Get the Genuine CASCARi\ K pUININE j I No »dvatu:r in prire for thia 20 yrtit I old remedy—25c foi 24 tablets-Sonu I ccid tabict* new 30c for 21 tablets Figured on proportionate cost pet ! tah'.ft, you #»ve «,-hrn you hiiv HiU'f ruir* Ci'lJ in 2^ I:...;.-! x'T r\ !'• I Vv.Ml r ilrki “''• ‘ ’■ ' 1!!2WI 2* Tablet, for Al aof Drttf Stur« ——- -J W. N. U-, CHAnLOTTE, NO. 46-1917. D. A. R. Reelects Officers. Winston Salem- .\t the morning ses- 'i-iji of Ihe annua! convention of the !'rt .jii'ters of I lie American revolution, ;» t.ilo\vinn officers were re-elected or On en.>-niiig >ear; recording sec- .' ' y Miss .leniiie Coltraiie. of Coa-: ot;; • vi'-iiar. Mr^. J. L. ’hanibers, ! ' ei.aplain, .Mr.- .Mary Me-' if (;rd. A .>ni!'.;i: t ee eonj. V,'- i' M. .lone.-; ami .Mis. A..- ;:;>iio,ilIe'l to have i" ' oaf. r.-ii-1' prnitir.j;, t ’ 1'- 1 •r.";;'.’ii.;at io.i will ut % ?o ;.-'n“rai meeling of t.he i). * laiiio of .Mr. W. -\ liey- II— :■ Ill's I i:y, a.-^ a caadiiiatc- for \l-o preaui'.nt general. The coufer- e/i' e anaiiiimnisiy adopted tho report of ihe m>minating and the I> A K. of North ('arolina will priv bejit the name of Mrs. Reynolds at the nex general conference. An interest ing discussion of the morning session waa the question of the adoption of , a design for a state badge. The old iield daisy was one ot the most promt a«nt mentioned. NORTH CAROLINA BRIEFS. Aaheville's municipal woodyard opened for business with a fair supply of wood on hand and more in .sight, the first .ealo being made and the first load delivered lo a sanitarium on French Broad avenue. .Asheville will sell wood at and $.‘>..^0 per -ord, which is about les> thaii the dealt rt; of the l ily are geiiiiiL' for the saiiK- jirodiK now. The Pr‘vb\!erian." of .--(ate hav ■ be^iiM iliejr 1 .-ini>aign f-T :i.r« i"n ini- nioTis. I .'-xinf-’i'*''. sii*"' '■ed one of tb*- \v irs; files in its lifsi 'i;. .■'iiorl’y af:«-r nsid- nic^lit Tiusr.-day morui’'.i;, when !iie big iini.'hing department ami .storer.*nns of the Peacock I'u^niiure Coiupany’.s factory Wi*n! up in .i blaze. The imui- agement stated that the loss is ap proximately Siui.oou, with an insurance of only $li5,tiOO. The factory itself was the s-mallest part of the loss for 133,000 of maufactured goods was on hand in storage, besides a large amount of valuable stock lumber. Including a quanUty of walnut -and other very valuable materials. Middle Aged Woraeiv, Are Here Told the Best Remedy for Their Troubles. Fremont, O.—“I was passing through the critical period of life^ beinif forty-t>ix years of age and had all the symptoms incident to that change — heat flashes, nervousness, and was in a general rundown condition, 80 it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound was recc>mmcnded to me as the best remedy for my troubles,which it surely proved to be. I feel bettor and stronger in every way since taking it, and the annoying symptoms have disap peared.”—Mrs. M. Godden, 925 Napoleon St., Fremont. Ohia ’ |j Korth Uaven, Conn.—'-Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- ^y- bio Comporiuil rcKtAjrcd my health after everj thinfreJse - ^ had failed when pashiugthrough change of life, lliere is nothing like it, to overcome tlie tryliiir Bymptoms.” —Mrii. ItfiLijLi,Box lv7, Nortli Iluvcn, Conn. lYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGEIABLE CX)HPOUND luu ^ 9«atest record tor qnirtttst ■OrPiA E.PItiKMAH MtPICtMg CO. LVNN.MAiiU