BREVARD N£WS, BUBVARD, M. C. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That’s the suressl way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the A ilmcnfs of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. ^ood for your oivn A cites. Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At nil Dv-alers. IRON DRIVES OUT RHEUMATIC PAINS Sufferers Urged to Purchase Highly Concentrated Product Known As Acid Iron Mineral. 1SCHI:API:R,STRONGER AND GOKS MUCH FARTIIIIR Doctor Prescribed It For Dentist Who Highly Endorses It Below. Inexpensive Floors that Look as Well as l^iardwood When a n H>r is bare and polished, i* i*' o(; n referrrcl to iis .T **K.4Viiv\ fioor, when such iu)‘i t'r.r case. 1 he re- fi-f h.’.s ronie to apply nu'ff fii (he sliile than to tiie \voofl 1 here au toilay olhiM' •A-o,''lc on the niarV'.et which rosl !ai I’?.'’ thin hard- woovl. are jv-.-i! i*.s h'jaiitiiul, i-.iid \v--;;r piacticallv as !1. w I* nn sh.'w you these gained ir. bc.sut ful colois. MILLER Si; i I'i ' u >!}{f'VAhM) X. • Miicuinf» Slioji nr.d ' Ni.*»'.r Noie- — Ar; ni' the '.voofir; d . cnr r-f t'.o . i.l ci>n^pi.-u ut’s 1 r its 'v ai'.tv. (j;- 'lilv md u ;n'. i*.i 1 le i ril l' i N(.. th Carr.lina I*inc —lor Hoof iind ti'im. IIhII uf Tni:i>\Ivaniu (\)nni*il No. ,176. Jr. (). U. A. M.—Hrovnnl, N. Ni»v»*n»lii'r 7, IIM7 W lu'ieas. It Ijms fhr ^U^- prriiir ('ouncilor (if flm nnivi*rs(i t«» cull HWNy our bn)thfr, I C'. ■|'in*lcv’, tnun tun1s of thi.s oiirMily ox- isti'tic(» to thos«^ realms wIuto per |i» prt'ViiiIs ; and wiuTfHs, TraiisvlVania t\)nncil No. :?7l> lias lost I* liiyal r»‘])n*S(*nta fivr nn‘mb«*r and tho ruunty a n*j)- rest'ntati v«* riti'/t n ; an«1 Wbcit'Ms, 'I’hf taniilv «>f onr do- purtt'd brotlii-r lias lost a fttithfnl fatluTand luvini: busbiind. \«iw. tiuMidort*, b(‘ it r*solv«*d, riiat Transvlvatna ('oiincil No :{7C>, •Ir. (' I'. A. M . do »>xt-nd t»* tli«* fannlv >t |{r(ttb*T I. Tin>l»'y the bcarlfflt !«v!ni)iithv uf aiul 1‘VtTv nictnbcr brliin_Mnir to ouni’i . and ti'ndcr tolbi'inall tlu^ ('iatinj^ at times whtMi 1 tried 1o :.s^i^tane‘ tliat our ('ontteil ean , r:ii>4* niv hanil tiie leMSt hit. ijlve IV- It inrthev resolved. Tl;:it „ tor A. L. .lo»u..-oii j.cscribed ^ ^ eopv ot re>-ollitloTis be sent to Iron Mineral l*>r me and I took | ihefiniilv lirotber 'I'lnsb-v. iind about t liree four* bs of a bottle. It' ''mt )i eoMv !)(• sent to tin* llrevai-d \i*ws. witb tbi- re(|ues» tn piiut -M!>ie ; !ind tbid m S|>eei il on tin* ininn*es ot snid (’oiin(*il bt> si-t I ]ui1 takinj^ if. Arid Iron ^lineral i-iib- rnid ib*‘se r.'solutn»ns spread in ni>‘ojiituon is a '^ood to!ii(* and The Men Who DO THE BIGGEST THINGS In This World Are GREAT MEAT EATERS I “I had an awful attack of rheu matism in my left :irm for tho past two wintc'rs and the j)«in was so said j {.^reat in my shouldi'r it was «*xeru j'avi- me r«'li('f that I wajitcdand T liavrn't b ill a symptont of it since f l.iTi I >n. r. i I. 5 M.i. >w \ Y. ’’Miiieilor .\ ' ' 1 VUUKN. Si-erctnrv. PflTATOES FO^i EARTH SUPERSTITION FOR MOON n ^ uiu‘ ti ttt“ ’I 'o 1 n I bf ( 'bf Ni‘>vs_ W 1,^ \iki-n tbrewl 1 ■•buM' TIL' * to t.'Miiu rs wbo helii ve 'I p'.” IIMriL’ lecordi tii_r to tbe moon. i'i:ide )i rcoi'i't ri'centl*' to a \ ■- ri‘)ir> '-iMit,iti ve ot 1 be r‘snlts >• !:]s e\!i.‘» iinent Ml' \ U M "-iivl tb'it^ on a space of I”.’, t> .'ill '•ard- b'- pbinffd ]>ota „ . the li_r)it of tli'‘ TiMioTi. ,' ■ • ! Ill* da rk Pb*' vi> Id w is •j'lM I tnt. *it‘ini.r M* ttn''lnds to up « ' \ r I iM 11 •!' otu‘ s‘ \ i 111 b of a n a ere. i ••i-fini'ti. .ji bi'twcen tbe • ■ : • ' » "• f ' I' II'an11 n'_rs was di i i ' li -id M f .-\i ke»> is nov. Ti i ■ i i-xpi ri’ni'Tit and c\- 1 11 ' • 'lilt a ijooi 1 ]»it‘ci‘ of •• • :' ! "M lb'" pl.iTii-t is a better 1 !'• iM' ?i it ito.-s in than any " n, • t 'i. r )ii:bt or durk. ¥SAnSMS iils* an e.xcellent styptic. It is fiiu^ to juirify the blood and an excel- h nt ictnedy for rbennuitism. I u’ladly reeoinnu'tid it,” declared \]. ' Keen. D.D.S., l!ei>ry, \'a. Doctors of dc'iital surfjjery, ])hysi- , cians and thousands »>f ]>eoph’; in j all walks of lifi* endorse this highly lunins of concentrated mitnral niedi dnal I irt>n. I'lain medicinal iton in this I'onci titratt'd foi'iii niJ'.kes a mucb stronm r. tnori' * llieient and eeo iioTiiical inedlci’'e foi' tb‘ bo?(U' nsi* Mild t^e.t's frc'in two to si.\ times as lar. It builds Uj) more (iui(d]y, enri(dics and iiuiilirs tbf blood and one's a]i]*etite atid di^ie-'tion almost immediattdy sbi.w.'^-. tlie flVi'ci td' tl;e ealcium sodium. ])( tassinm, niau' ncsiiirn :nid fi'ee suljdinrie aeid i;s well as tbe 1br • fi'ltiis of ircill this conci ntrated n;;tural ]roduct con tains. I’eopb rundown, (b bilitatcd and losiii:^ weiiibt leadily Iind in tb:> tioji aIcoludi ’ n.e.lie]nal iron just what tliev ue. d to rtdin.ild an.d iii- V iiT' >’'a t e t bei r svst -'ii. I'rutr^i^ts sidl it in .‘t'le atid s| si/.‘s tor home use. A dollar brt tic sent jirepaid if dnmui^t ba -n't it on rec( ipt of pri«'t‘ by tbe Ferrodiiir ('ben'ical (’or]ior,it i 11, lioanokc, \’a —Advcrlisc!!icj;t. NATIONAL LEAGUE MEETS Thursday, November II. William Fox presents GLADYS CORBURN ii Tbe .XatioTial I.' a^ri..- S. 1 \ i -I* v. i 11 'I • 1-1 I ' alt' ni'.'on, Nov m ■ r re-idt of 'd! '. -I. S, at ! o rli I! k . W ';T .M I) ‘ iv i'.‘. th. .•^ll’. e? st- en. c lli..*\P cokoc is a {-oi r i!'\^ ^tnient. There’s plenly of it on the W iiat’;i the use spoiling a good 'liu1 tlir'.! leaves a muddv in the s‘.( m ? We sell onlv good ct'fice. market. Don’t l)iiv Dip^! wiih wishy-Wc moulh and [la^nl^ -i;v I he it’s chea[»esl in the end becau.'-'c it gives sati.'factioa. Everything for yen in (if't class groceries. COX (S KILPATRICK Phone 41 Like A Boy at 50 Bubbling Over With Vitality--Taking Iron Did It Doctor says Nuxated Iron is greatest of all strength builders—Often increases the strength and endurance of delicate, nervous folks 100 per cent, in two weeks^ time. N!:\\ Vi>r.K. N. l-iir -Ifro a wiilii.ui l>.> iiiiiK ilr-«! NV\t tak«" twn ni.'oi 1'. iiii hi 111*' uiiit w.'is iK.tiiy IimIF tl \ in i.f .riiiiHiy tiviNai-il t>hli,r\ - ill ;n il >isl.. il II.• t him a 't*'-" Iii i. p* r i1;i\ iiftiT iii‘rIs fi r I'l'I. iiiMi : r;> N'.'uiiM.'it iipii fi|- lij.* lti.>-nr- " ' ' li’''- * 1 I 1 . . 1 1- ,u •*^■'111 ;uin II I- >i>ios ll lit'W UHK’h ? I, ; iiisij.M to t.a.l hiia anz.Mis .f lh- lii'c, J n .".‘-li I »■ i.| n l..i\ .! .11 aiid ii.-r \. .ij.« i ijii-ilnwii )mi| 1(> \\lin wci't- ail- ti:ll i f I. \ nil ;(iiil Mi:illty is a vi.uiiK niK .-ill tin whlU-. .l .iiMt si«-n»rtli in.iii; III I ;i ni::a t.c r>all\ \va“ an«l fiuh: rain i- ai.«t iiilir-ly s*-t rid ri>> V, . 111s;nd ul^; his . '1 ti" i lif ' t aU s\iinitMni.« of 1\.s|i, |isia. livtr tiihI »alil v.:r- tiil-.nt; Ir-n i iiv^rii! ii.-n hflo "ttii r; )n t'-n To fv»irt' M Ti Ml'1 II I :i. 11 h r 111 V. • il ] f.-. A; h--\*. a = liiiii' ;:inii.|y !■> tnkiiiK iri'H in ih* 111 had Jualth; nt 4'> ho wts carf*v.'i'rn I rij.*r fi'itri. .\iid this ;ift»r lh»y had ■ rid /;’irly all in. .\nw at f.n aft* r iak*iiK si-nn* -a.>-. s h' -ii d>'■!iM i»tf; I'nr in 'Sithfi Kt!\!>ld li-'ix B uilrarh' "f vit;ility and witlmiit i >ht a i ai tij; aii\ Ifiirfli. l!u( dcn’t lii> fa., hi .iTiiInK with tlif luiii. ■Hicy (if i.aki- Uu- ,.)d fi'iin.-- .V ixiI'Ufd n-i-ii, ir"n J'Hih. .'.s 1 liH\«- :-;,id a liiii.iio .i Iiiii«-s a’i-t;C- i i liin liiio i>!' il'nii siliil'ly t" sa\* Ifi'ii IS tl *■ priatf?f ■■f ,ill ir.-nutfi a I' 'v ^.,u tahi- iion in a laiild i‘ . If nooph- avi'uM only .Viix- f'>ria that i«a hi- r-asily ah»nr’n*d and R5- m« (I Iti'ii V. h* a ttii \ 1'.. 1 ^\i ;il; .,r run- •‘■imilatd liK*- niixwt' i lion if .vi w \vali» *li \\ii. i’is(-ad .f ili-.‘-i!iK iaf»i*sii 's '.virh il " dn \-.ivi an>' i;,i‘ u. iiihr\vlsi- it ini\' h.ahii fiirniriiK diu»-.s J'tniuhoii:- luid all than usidf'ss. Many an liulii hf I am nn\iin*-i! ih.ii !>i ail.hO' m I'li/.-iiKh; i r has wnn 1h«- flay thi.s V, a.v they oiuiid ward nfT di,'^. .t,----. .-^imi'ly hi i'aust- he kiu w tlio s--r*'t c.f I'rc\»ntini{ It tu onminp or^ai.ii- in linii- .-'r mI sir. iiKth ‘i.!id » ndiir.'>n''t' and tiHd ffands i>f CHse« and thoii h\- tin- li\i:: ' f hlcc'd with iron hcfure he w*»nt muo thonsundH J>‘‘ sa’ f-d who i,,iv. d',.- ili*' at'fraN, wlillo many anollior has Koiie every ycur fif>ni pni iimonia. i iippc, i.lil- down to injiloriims dcfrat siniply for tit*- ftcy. livr-i-, hM'.rt trouhlo and oih.r dan- 'a*k of iron.- -I';. Sauor. M. I>. fr#'ron.« mnhidi* .s. Tlu> ri al and tnif* N*i;K Nuxm^d Inn', r»'’nminen(l'l b1',T* b. rnnFf' v. hich slJirtPfl thfir dis. isrs >'■’ » liJi'nt mpiliiiMi- h.t s*-■«! nothlnic morr n-ir less than a w-..koti.-d “‘i'' V ,r It t» 1 ^ ‘ •n:.nri‘uts Hie widclv bv €OiidnU*n >>rouK?»t r>n h^. K*I' K *.f iron Ib\' lai.s r\.rynh#*rc. riillko the tUUr l:t- •II tn^ Iron IS .‘insonitf *y crgjiMlt' lirn it I'* ruBily ftssiiiiilat*«!. ■(try to enable y«tlir lilnnl t* rliaiiKA f injurf* tin* itiHke tiipm blat'k, luir ifpsft foofl IlUo liviniT tlpsuo. Without It. no »n tl»^ ooinrary. it in most jM^teiit rt*m matter how muoli or wlnt ofU. vour T aii rin^s indiKostion ap wpii food merely pa?.ses thrmiph you wUiiont "!" t>«n pi’iiiililin«. tIih lumiuiac doinK you any pood. Vo\i don’t ^i-t iIi- •tn-nKth nut of It i;nd as a eonsciaif ni I ttlc i;!:tiai T.t a word lor (.■:u !i in-.i iMi'n; ■ abJ'ri-; iatioti niiiii;in.:; a wmiiI. I'OK S.XLIC I'irs) rla.-^s !iiilch Dr. Hiint at ome. 1J)(;S WANTlCn Supply Co. tiiieis have •'•.I’li rnntlflim i In iiiiXRir'l Irnii. fl'Rt tM-y i fT. r fi.ifftr «Jiif) on f> niiy .-liRritahle iiisttnitldi; if ihfv faiiiiiit take any man nr won.riti iindfi ;fl Mil.I larks Irnn, and ir.i rfaup llipir sirniBtli iliMit tr’.ini^ to RFow In TiTk>’ liim-. ri(>Tuiri tinV ha\» mi hrrlois nij.'Jnic tri'iihle. ThU' alsii KtrfifiK or Wfll vou ow» it to lf to * ’-I?.'!'''’'',,•>'>» »t ).-ast inaKe thr; following test: See how lone It U 1* thirclTv®'b/.n ,^d you can work or how fur you can wall; itiit*. you heeonie weak, pale and slekly look ing just like H nli*u trjiny to « soil dedeient In iion. If .arp not Macfie-Brodie Dntg Co.. Duckworth Drug Co., Rrevard; H. S. Morgan, Rosman, N. C. SELL OR BUY ANYTHING! Carry in stock all weights of I Beams, Channels, An gles, Plates, Concrete Bars, Plain Rounds and Relay Rails. Facilities for pun h- ing and cutting. hrr:g€ stock of black and galvan ized pipe. Highest prices for Hides, Skins, Wool, Tallow, Bees' Wax and Metal or Rubber Scrap. S STERMBERG ^ CO, Msheville, N. C, in the 5-part photoplay The Primilive Cair We declare, without fear of contradiction, that we have the freshest and Juiciest steaks in town. DELICIOUS ROASTS, CHOPS, HAMS AND FISH Osborne Market Phone 27 Picturing a woman’s power for good or evil. The story tells how Betty Malcolm uses her beaut}^ to trap an Indian chief into sign ing a deed. Come and see how her treachery is pun ished. Admission 5 and 15c li’i'V. \V. 11. l*,t'ivc-\'. o!' Il.f M' thi (ii"t (dinrcii, arid ( . 11. Trov,-- bridLM*. a dtdeuate troUi Asbe- \llle (iistllct, left Tui'sdav to at t'-T^il atinnal ('onfi'rence ;it Asl.i- ville. 1’oovev‘s ii ijr.lar a] - l-ointinetit next Sundav mi'vnitiLr v>ill be lilled bv liev. Absalom K'ni.obt ot lirevard ln?*t!ttiti‘. All wi:-liiii'^ riunil; ;*ji\tiir- kcvs ap|)lv at once to (iitv Mar ket. Oiversilled Ads Are Business Btiliders I’ir.s .\M) S11(I.\TS FOR s.M.i:. ritv .'.birlol. llb.ltf CoW. ll-bi-2tp Of rising prices so long as our great stock of Shoes and Clothing fields tHe Fort And keeps the Invaders of Incomes in cli€;ck. Wherever in the county j^ou may live you should see our goods. You will be amazed at the QUAN TITY and pleased with the Q,U.ALITY and satisfied with the price. All the way from Jackson a man came to inves tigate. He came, he saw, and was conquered, and took back with nim a liberal supply of our goods. It will pay you also to COME and SEE. We want to cal.i especial attention to MEN’S CLOTHING IN EXTRA LARGE SIZES, up as high as 46. These clothes conlasn an extra amount of cloth and would naturally have an extr^ added price. AH tiie same price at Whitmire’s. J. C. WHITMIRE, Cherryfieid, N. C. WHITMIRE & LYNCH, Pisgah Forest, N. C- Please mention this .idvcrtisciTicnt when inquiring; about these goods. Wo ])av cash. Miller 3 2 tfc TOWN LOTS, farms and timber land.-; for sale. Frank Jcnkiiii;, HrevanI, N. C. tf FOR MILK .LNl) ( RK.\M call on C. K. Osborne, "the Jersey milk and cream man.” 10-l*)-tfc FOR RKNT Store room in Diitins Roek liuililin}^. next to post otliio. M. M. Chapman or T. H. Shipiwan. lU-12-tfc . Hot Blast Stoves.. Loth's Hot Air Blast Stoves will hold the fire 24 hours, The doors are machinc- fitted, making it air-tight. Both upper and lower fire pots are made very heavy-. No bolts are exposed, making repairs very easy. Extra large feed hole; extra large ash pit door; large front door; heavy hot blast tube with regulator on top; heavy planished steel body; combination anti-clinker corrugated cone; draw gate made extra heavy; inside cast-iron bottom plate; reversible pipe collar (no need of a goose neck); can be used for either hard or soft coal. Our prices are very reasonable. BREVARD HARDWARE COMPAHY Don’t order Brevard, c Doyle

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