LEGAL MOTlttd % i....ezks. I All notices under this department must he paio | * ivxEj* advance. Please do not ask us to run your ; 1 novx’ly t)r>fjiiir/.i;d prHyoiiiu'ct notice »>therwise, as we must treat all alike. j Ijnviii^ piuMt rlhct , , , . . i in ‘lui iH>oi)k‘. ol’ (’('dnr Mountain NOTICE OF SALE IhrinKall .i lot No. 7 aii.l li.l No. s .v j nnd («l^(‘\v^l.M•(^ I h‘0: arch is \v«‘ll sliown on i>l;it of same made by A. I, ' (illt*(l (^vt'rv i^iHultiy ni^lit I'Nuctly I'mil I aiul l)v virtiK' ol I hr jxtwrr con- I Haniin. , I ut si'V('n o'i*lnck. And nu»ny th.iiiKs I and ])rnv«'is arV oll'rrc-d r.p, al;'0 iii- ' tnlhs ;n i‘ nu'.di* l»v the yonn'.r as \v»*ll as tin? old oni s. Tht' ])idjlio is alwiiys wcl- (N)in(* to altrnd thosiMnt'otin^s. last Saturday. He returni’d Sun day, taking his wife and little daupjhter, Laura .lano, with him. They oxi>ect to spend a week or two with Mrs. M. U. 0.^born») and Mrs. W. W. Uyars. Mis. Bill Wynn is still on the sick list. MRS. V. P. WILSON taint'd in a diid and trust fxicutfd i'V S i!c to .satisfy said (!i bt. inl>'rcst Sarah (.'uiniini;hain, dcoi ast-d, to thf 'in- j cost and oxjii nso ol sale. (lorsi^ni'd trnstn', hr.iiin^ date ol llth' N'ovcnbcr >th, l‘M7. dav ol 1 >ci’cinlH-r. to sfiiirc* a iT!l.ii:i 1-IA 11 (i.\LL()'A .\^ . l>r»>niisMirv noti- h>'.irin^ cxtnd'lv- tliiti' 11'* Itc vld I viislt o with, in llu' sum ol drtauU having ' Ihtu m.idf iii tin pa\nu nl i>t tin.* said , .__ r»i««r»i n^inii noli' iiul intiU'st lluri-on as provided in CERTIFICATE OF DiSSOLUTION said d-nl in tnisi. I. tin- undi rsi};m'd ' i, , . ri Irustc'o. will, (>n Moi'd-iv, .\o\(mlKT L’{>Ui, *■ *’ ‘ ‘IT" t j)>ir nicn o | ^ j ^ s])*‘P.1in‘' ’ iind 1 diivs old :it Iht I'M,, a' IJ t) .iov'K M . .u tluMo-nt lli'us^' .ta». i. ..4 i> 1 ^)n! was the witlovV ui lii.liit* Mrs. Violet rcij)h:n>.!i Wilson, ol 1-^lnnd I'okI M’Ction, dud Oct. ‘-'i. Mrs. Wilson luid l)u».'n in laiiinj^ hv'alth tor s‘vc*ral months thou'^h Mr. and Mrs. (M'hcrt I’cnrs,*, t)f! she was rij).‘ in hi in^' .T years Siatr. in tl!- 'I'own ot '.In v.u'!.1 'i’o All t» W lion Thes.- I’rc-stnts M;i\ th'‘ir lb infvino-i', ;il the I’cav.- vania ( onntv. .Nortli ('arclina. ('H\r I'ii . ( onic (Intlin;',: cottai; ' Ihirrison Wilson, a niiiiis- sal\ and .'ill. t-,; tlu- hiirtusi inddi r It It aniu-;;rs to niv sati^l.ui inn. i -i,; . . i . ; ' t»'r ami a man that lived worthy ol % . . t I , . ! I. 1 . , . . .1 1 • ^ ? I > r> ' ;i I ! M ! #U! 1I . I I n J M 1 »-as!i. i.u' | !»n>v iU ..I u ui;..i lii11.1 do!v anim oncated nmrd m Pu- ! ' lii ■ illin.r ( li’-ist .h'Siis anduhi. ii ]>!('jf.-itv i" I'Mntaiiu .l in ^-^iid . ^ ..,.,iinj^,s i'ir il.i' \«>!u’'t.‘uv (iissohiti'in '^isl'T. Mrs. llei bert SuiuPioy. on j ^ di\'d in uu-'l.tlu- ill u t‘fds N'l ulr.vhs.di ||i, icut lv the unaniuii;is rous-.-nl of aii . 'j .M-l'S. \\ i l.-^oU v\ a.- a »Ie\Ont ilJ tian !!!i(I st'Mxl !or tlir laith that el B i Lumber lo Ik' ai>iil: “ i I'H s r, 1 MuK liti hm s ■ w'tlt stin lvli ! !■• ;. .-iUd in inv oiii.f, intiTol a;idt.ti>l. ^ tl.v'n.,k Ii >\r (\-:!u-ti ry i.ition. .\iljdinir,;'; tlio hind.' '>1 !■. 1,. 15. .I>n'.iii: . ii;j-_ (-(’tpdtali in el tl;i:' w es- .1.1' ol iu I ' .ind nil ■ >■ i;..' |.i in. i;i;,l etiii i I-. ;;il'iati'd in tii ■ tewii oi lii'uh;i!v il.rilu'.i '”■■■.•■ ;n ! ’• ■..!■• Hi, ^ a: d. cdnin v ■! I'l.insN'Ixania, -;a;. ■' ’I'owi.sli:: , I;;'',, '.i.iJii;'. ' .I'l.i;., .>■ ii!i ,,i niiii.i ■. !. \\. Mc.Minn li )}_• I'l'' t'.ivtiiii; I. iK '.'i!'-:.:;'v, , n a;i i!. ■; ’...1.1 . -i r.I i r.* ;^ iu : in iluTei.i, in Liu-.'iJ S;:'nu' i'.> , i. !'■ •• w licin !>ia\ In- st-rvi d). lias Cv :i,- >! 1.-.S ‘'It 11 Wa t.'■ •!! vi-i!( (1 i’rieiius n Hrevnv l Satunlavniid Su:.:iav. the ^ainls. M'.s^ • i:-.> .!■ n-'s !-■ vi-lhn-^ Steavllusf in lu r (lirirtian dnne-, •;-'er Mr.. „ ^ : • ,., -ii to t he nuthur and ii'.nsle r .;' s e : i i. t n: ■ u "lUll ' il' .!-v I, II I. I i;ni ; lu- I •1 r ' n .III '. . 1’^ !■. I .lei Ivir.s' I line f. , !i ; '•t li.i-; ■ ^"1 I'l-i 1 I ' -■ l‘ri-ek: il' 11 (I* sav' . ■ Ajidi is.' -'•■ I ' . n, . Andr: !. I n^iitl’. (■'' (' 'I • hejUU’.: . r-i>!' I ■ . iU-n i’-. ■ ,'V- l'^' ; ■■■ ' s. 1, ■ ih- i ■ .. t'- !• ; : \i'. ' uif'.' I 1 .M;.--. I'!. i‘-’-. h ■* dv' i w.'!-; I'.'•l Ule'l >• ’ - ’■ ■! i l t': I-"!' : K- :: IKv:*> M.r I ;.'.ii-v!.ar..i > ■ ■!' • y. _ .\- la I al l : 1 ’!i , " 1- ,'! / I ' 1 ‘‘ ■ -I ' '’' ■ I. • 1 . w 1 I ;'nr :\ • 'v ; r ••>'..1 n ire i ; nr l- 'e de- • i r t j1»»i (.: I ‘ ^ u » . . : 1(■ ■ r 11 . * ' ‘ i*; ■ > , ; , : r , '.'ti- . > .■ 1 (I’l. '■ T" 7- V. i i.'v ! I \1 >'\V \’i, I'-i 11 1-. I. ( I ' ' ■ ; .. , ■ > . ■ r notic'l Of SALi; r'tseai.sH il'i d uii!i I.';- u ir.i.ri'-aiiits o! (''-r '' ' l‘l. i\; \i-.i’ I'l i'ii entitled ■'.■or]'.,;,' nms," 1‘ieliminuy I 1 iiu- isMiini'; ot I I e !; I'.'Ml!) i ; ■ v.’V Si 1 111;, \ir. \i- on VIM I ( d ( n Li, tie ; .1. \-, h( 1 h:. ' !:. -eli w I ! (,1’ her t1 it h . She '.''.-IS the nnithe!' ol si chil- ■dren, thi'e-- :iiai'! i'-d daiiL;iiters sur \ i Viir!; In r, t ' ' > 1 11;e iia • .r. 1 ( er■* is manufactured of carefully selected stock, cut accurately to all standard sizes and seasoned thoroughly by open-air process. We carry both roii^h and dressed lumber in several i;radcs-^suitable for various purposes. e>. ■ , I -I d- .-■(iluli.'i.; Viiv.. till I. .1. I’.i vai; (liin e-. ..u\ ■: , -‘I ‘d'-i- st ite i.l Ni)r!i I' ;i, I ' I•'fiIV 1-'. 11i' ->■ 11"- I( I !’,(■ s: -• .j-ii; ,:i ;i>n e i. on d'.-.- i.iy il . , ! ', Vd. fl:- i'1 I'.y o'-i'-e a dul > .'.'.•.I and afu'.sie.l eoTi-i-’il in x.ritiiiir ! flnli 'M III .--aid i .‘J j'l'.atnin. i xr ,l;^y (>xt: nt. v-’ile.i I'V all the , IdioliU ts thi red;.' : ’ 11 .i 1 n ; e ' i * ..liiiee-v. ::”d tlu r-.i.-,!,,.- -I. , I. a t li .:il !.‘d !l 1! MO .h.-laM ] ;> i-iliii'is .'.Iid ;;re now i-n liU- in I'rid-iy. ucr.-onv’.l* ■1 1 ^ i r. .-M-. ilh', so.-tit the i ya . ( ''i’ I’li'- '.. I el> d ti his fan-.ily. ' 1 ■ , •). \ . liM'n'- \ ■ .1 ■. ( id I'lin -Ituckiri^ ?\p inhjy and ev\line ]>1'I .-iMlt t'jued to eiljoV; ]'.'l iim in the (,{ her (i ;i;,'h ' t.-r. Mrs. W ill A!liS‘'?i. hviiiy i; - i!’ Ilr.vard. 'i'hv* wriler e(in.i;;it.-u tiie lujUM-al .-^ervici'S. t ’. 1)1 I - U "I; I 1!. (iliizener’s tor Siet> «n iiats, !len- 11 tie I 11 .in-ai} -:-t , ! i '■:.!!(: an ' ■ 'liM d ni\- la'v. ( 'a vri d .!• r-'e-; snrt'riM il his fri.-'ie.- e ilereio . 1 ill.i: i i! ;i! i ri(!:iy hv i i-i urtHM'r i '.Miee trm>i 1 a^Iii r. \. h. ( .l.-ii ’■>■ ■■■ !)i I'e ‘ i ■ J-iiU.i ;K!M!>'. '■iari‘1 tiii' |.iy\>i,al exniii iiiat’.i ■!' \ i f .'^iaie. ; M. \V . in.- hi']). \v];() i i.s§iir8 SaiMactlefi Nearly every newspaper carries li>e j>eneral !U %\ s but the lirevard News is the .'niy one carrjini; tlu most iinr/-.)rti!nt ' t jr-'.} h kin:;. i:i ire -])viiie, xi.-K.d^ hi-- neW'-. to every customer, no matter what the’jnt of his purchase. Come talk over 3 our plans with us. We can sliovv' yo:i Iiow to save money in buying all kinds of building material. ( Buyer's C‘:t Quality Guaranteed c:i AM Supplies Brsva '4 Lumber Co. X i'»y3r M'. j; s ffo!'' to .’OO I’o.ui **f Ol M‘> ml 4>i ail ».icst'rip- ion . t\>r s.'!e at tnv sLiMc.*- in \ ork. l’:i. .!Oi: ivlNDlf.. I ■. I.. Sr;ii T ■ li.-.v. I i::' • ■ . .1,. i-f;' • ‘ • 111 .. ■ ti-'e ■ V, :;;f ihe . tii'.n •liia. ; , i!l. i S.I. 1- . i;,. ■ hn. ; ■ I'"- :: I liit;"' ‘ llal- I'V li;-- ■ ... * 'I’lii- ti M. M T ■*” TT' TTV ^ f-’.l K ft 3p ? •? ii, -i. % il JUJ' • pot. Onions, Sh -Mt'd i’ear- . o ! I * is, ! •.•ms, I’oul- M"'.. i »nU('; , C;iP.:u'd ^^ioovis. .Tid Diiei! 1 rcii; > Hi os .in.: !ii'-\ -; .(ireii ’le.ils. I t 'i ‘!.:t ^ I' !k- I; I I Ul! i:ip t • I * Oli .\SiM \ i i f- 1.1% O. •!' ill!'. N - - r? . 1 - N.C. ; ^ M 1 y.'i ' t: n J i‘ s'l- NCiinE CFSErfvirE bi \‘HU- CATiON y 111 - «' :i. '1 1. ; : > ^ ' i -y tri ! '-r ( i:’’ N- ' > : 11'. 1 r... I'-l 7. U. ih 'i'h-'ii;;'- n V.'. 'I". ;.;r airy in i;io:k j^ll weights I of I B:.:Ch.ini'ic!.'^., An- Concx'-.'tc Bars, \ •■•ds and Relay | iti.s. idci:i^ies ior punch-! ie a.i? Large! J ♦ * i T'* - ! i !j-n I- > !."lojkot black and e.alvan-! l/.zd r^.re. Hiohr.'^t priccs j ilota'e i '.a- .I’l :.rt ■ ■ ■ ”. ■ I . 'i' . :. I'- '■» heen . . a. e(! :■ 1 h;. ^ ' v ])la;';:-i nl ^ J, r .-.,11! i I-:' ' " \a.rii " , . . ; ii- pl;l p' ■- .'I' see. i rt';.; n . • • ■ ( • n a’l -iati . a fr.'iv, ■■ ■ ’■> ■i i- !•! i;..i'i . - i ii'.i' in : V. f. ! ill i! (I.iai ' ■ I- ■ .1 r ! I'.i' ' I- t . .1 1 o la.iii t I j;,M-ar : • tie- t i ai i! Supf..■•. ri 1 1 Ti.!:.:-' Iv.inl.-i 1 'i:r: !>,• I'.!.' li 1 11 ; ;-a!rtl' .■ea' : ,'. it: .''.’i • ■.VI Ih I 'l.. lii'ill;" tiu- ' ! rnac5^. Wcol, j I Fallo .'; Bees* anu j I !/-lctaI n" Rubber Sc‘'ap. i ap, INSI-nC ./r CO. yy iiev! i^c, N. C. \en.'w-r. lTi7. a> 'he i-'iiut L'.u.--.' o’ saiu eon i'-i. i;-» iiri". '1. N. t aii'l a;;.^'V'.!' nr, (U-nvur to tlu- eniii-I.Mi in saiii ai-'i.iii. r tlu- ph.intil'f 'vill .,i»l'> o> ti.i- ( uti In; the ri lief ilep'- , u-(! in -ai I e(.in]i!ainl. 'I'l.i- (). ' ,:u- .'It, X. ,\. .MiLl.Kh’. il-L'-ltji ( ierk S-a‘)eri..r l our:. lAiiD SALE BV TSUSTtt ■ t;;:; ih ji\. I'i ' . tain i! -i; e :i,''r A--1 ai;l!i r:!\ 11 I' I '.i-'l 1 in a 11-1 I -\i L ;.'.eil liv i'l’nrae 1,1 Hi ■ Si' irn a’i'i ;ai- r.\ S!i,ir tain inileli:-. !nt" v’lu- 1. ( ., ileeil i;i irnsl ;;at( il D ••■einl '■ .'- .a, I'Ml. re!’'i>leri. 1 i;i 'iii l ixMik t. JJ in tln^t, ai i! 171.’. a;-.‘i rutis repit'( nliiiir ^.-.iil inK i'h '''.'; ss are i';-.' ! (iu' aral a;- U'y-.iii!! ;-.iri -«\ i -.-ii-a-., n- 'i-' ha.' ln.ea ;’i\( n tin- r^ oi '.lid i;,.U .. 1. I'' jroi 'i I'.!•.■ (ii-lauU. : .al :-!i>'i (l« \'‘alt not havi .rr i m ale -.a ! i; . aa- derbi-n'.'i i-'.ir-.': hi en i ; ..I ; - >e!l said land '.V-I '-i! .-1 i:! > .i i »'. = i in •rv. : to sati-.'ai'l iniieliledi’. ''nev ill- re f(jrt', ! 'i.i.l -'(.11 to tl'je hi.-hi i o..; i- r ] easi', al tiu- eoiirt !n ■ (iotir la ti:e i \. ol !!re\i>ril, .\. f'.. oa Mnnilay. I*i i’i.iai)- r 10, 1M17, atl2 oMi.ek in., the tnlh.-.-. ir.;, lc.^cril>e(l lnt la' land lyinj; in '. :.r i township 'I'la’isvlvania eour.'.;.', a. ( , boumied a;', fu’lsi.s^; l?■^i•.nlin^ i.n a -lal-e. t’'.-,- v:-.'>■; rie nortli eyriu-r of h)t Ni. (> : i. i lii ; xfrt-au- last corner of lot ?so. 7 oi t!r. .1. \. ;. d- lov»av trail, lyin;r near \« rn eorporah limir.; of the town of Urevard, and rni.'- nortli o‘>y- des.’ireeri west with inarjiin ■ 1 a rtiaii 171^ feet to a stake, corner o! lot-- No. 8 and thc'n with line of lois ,N’(.s. s and 9 south 2d' : decrees west LM • leet to a.stake in the I’. ('. Orr line; then v,-i;h tin- Orr line south 02 uejfrees cast 171 feet to; a staUe, corner of lots ^NOS. 6 and 7; then | \silh line bctwc;.n lot No. 0 and 7, north 'j*; ^ Farm PrGilts :f ...I. I ou- Efl cr I 111t: - ic > t r. ii. Il -Vvi ; t i r-t' 11 '■ r.'-.i Ri . r 1 . . ■ ; . ru£ .. 1 ,;i I . . ■ ^ n;'T.. 1 5"- I V'-J mo;>. -, I ■■(• ..;;(• . I . ,, \ :e !3 if y^.n ^:ro -1 • - • huilu'.;;'o.' '.n cu;i !>.: yj’.j. I'iv. a !.an(l« M: e j i Cl I ij'd Idili ' i ii'i‘1,^. j-' -l g'vt‘ 'If- voiji' rr.’^a-,* a:ui ac!- drcsG. N'J e’oliji-.uoi:. Mli.lcR SU.E>PLY CO. j I.I'-' Inr.''iSiit.p OlUco I N’t a>- s-’unon J liliEVAHD. N. C. ‘ . .. , ! No'3—'Vf 'iC'T* nn t/ooa ® car, bett.-r e i'. ' : .:rmi. r a P? p-ar;io : --S than Norl'; C aoli^? Isi Pi.'je. t.erinoii.ical. att’.'iC^e. e, t'‘ ' K.-; f-i i Si ! (y I !,ubl; n'i. I. a-j ptisLdc tj |; ; pia{^.ic.-.l!v evc-.y n'ed, it i-.-, in e-ar oyi.-^jou, ;Ke tcsi luinM>;v ..i the “jricc. Near IpO Eaa&maemiL\mi Teletii^ono No. w I! 'Ti - *. ^ ' s \\ a H i_ V r^.\ i * A J V.. 1.^ DWY WlCr. \va‘i weaki - = loOiC IJpCVY liv ! 1 s II Duraeiisc:n;: com'onr'on w/iKn ii: is irlcasiire a-iiTiiraDie to ooey Hendersonvme* N* C. G. M. GLAZENER M;78anTir r

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