BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. I Railroad Fare We will pay your fare both ways upon the purchase of $20.00 or over. 9 Railroad Fare We will pay your fare both ways upon the purchase of $20.00 or over. "3 N 7 a a f ill HENDERSONVILLE lomovB I Read what this means to you! We will not move any of this stock to our new store. That means that noth ing will be undone to sell all goods regardless of former cost or value. Now don't this sound good to you? It should. It means that you can buy goods here at prices absolutely less than a merchant can buy for in the market today. Right in the heart of the season, just when you need merchandise, and when goods are scarcest ever known in the history of merchandising and prices on every article keep going up from day to day, we are going just to ignore these hard facts by inaugurating a sale that will be of the greatest saving for you. You ask why? The answer is plain: We are going to move into a Brand-New Beautiful Building on January 1st, 1918, and as a last token of appreciation of the people's patronage here in our old stand, we are going to give you a sale such as you yourself would wish for. Now, good people, do not overlook this wonderful opportunity; but we ask you to make every effort possible to come to our store during our last sale in the old stand. The stock will be arranged in such simple and plain way that a child will be able to buy. Every article will be marked in plain figures and not one article in the store which will not be REDUCED. Sale Begins Wednesday, De 5th, and Continues T T . . unm Monday, December 24th. Wc will need extra help. If you arc at leisure and feci that you can sell goods, of course you would be able to sell, as the goods will be marked in plain figures. But we want both ladies and men, who can hustle and smile, as we will be busy. Come in and see Mr. ). E. Saddin, who is in charge of this won derful Bargain Event. It you can't come, drop a card, and explain what you can do. The prices wc are quoting you below are only a meagre idea what we have in store for you. It is impossible to print with printers' ink just what wc have. Wc arc quoting you these few items fust to give you an idea of the vasiness of savings to you. And you know that when you can save NOW, you should do it. Then be Here! LOOK' To one hundred customers, to fifty ladies, and to fifty men, on our opening day, Wednesday, December 5lh, 9:00 a. m., thz first 100 customers who purchase S 10.00 worth of Merchandise, we will scii to the ladies ten yards of 25c yard Dress Goods, fine grade, for 25c. To the first fifty m:n we wiil sell a good strong well made Suit Case, now selling at $1.50, for 25c. H1TD m tf m r IE r. i Men's Clothing On.-l"t of S;. its. very line makts. nic iv taiiort-,1; really thi. is moval Sale Price Suit.-, and Ovrcoats that s.ld at ;, ( o ami l v;' Think ! Look ! Ait! Suit or Kercoat. CTQQC Removal Sale Price 4)0. 3J Suits a rat creoiit that .M lur ! .i -ally &1 QE It's r.-markaMe at y Wf.CJv? Suits and verc, ats that sold tcr Sf'J'.'.r.n to '." i .it ; ci me & QC now, thi i the tun".. 4 .3 J li Overcoat.-. air.e $0 QK toSio Removal salt' price fOmJv ':;r lot Men's Tailored uncalled tor Suit-. aiiw t.. iy.',:, i'i', C1C En Removal Sal-- I'Div 0 li ivs' St irs ami ' ivrrciuits. values to !(", Removal Sale f 1 QC Price 8. 3 J ' Roys' Snits and Overcoats, values i s.Yi-o and st-,. i'o. Re. QC n.val sale )nc!',:.'.!i.'i to 00. Cl J 25c to nil .' Mi n s Caps, Removal Sale IVice Men's Felt Mats, on val- QCp ties, Removal Sale Price J Ju I:vss anil Apron ( ; mhains, ahont three thousand yards on hand, !n yards to a customer, val tins Ke 1o In-, Rem i.xal Sail- Price, Op 1'cr yard Ob !.'ri-ii' 1t ( '.sine Shirl Waists, all colors, vii'ltjp.-. ! (-, lie- "fC inoval Sale iVuv w J'Ki Ladies' 'oats, well niad-. val ues to .-a.-, on ; tiiey &6 nn should t'y ntit at p0. J J ():.e lot of Dresses, ahor.t 2a of the very ihit'st praties, vi lnes nji to I-JIHH). lienioval Sale f Q QC 3'i-iee vpG.iiJ Snspeiuler. Men's uTid Hoys', 1 Henmval Sale I'nee. ;air I Ub Men'. I ress iind Work Shirts, the iainous make, all .l.'1" values, the hi Keinoval Salt? TQp 1'rife, each..., Jub Men's and Women's iJubhers, value si ell. Remo val Salt? C l'riee, jiair fOb tieiinine Kentucky Jean Uoods. all wool, 1 OK value, Kt-moval Cn Sale I'riv-e. yard Ub 'outs anil Suits, latest styles and splendid uuality, values fl"? QC i. Keinoval sale price $ I vu ( 'hildren's. Ooats. value :;.., Rem. Sale I'riee.. $1.65 Calicies. all colors. lie'noval ri Sa'e !rice. varus 25c Shoe Zi Children s shoos, size .'Mo s, $ ,;, values. Removal Sale Price pair 65c Children's Shoes, sizes ) to 'J. vaine 'J.r0, Removal Sale "f Trice, t.-tir j) I mLTO Men's (Jood Shoes, Re. Q JT movalSale Price, pair 1 . v J Ladies' Shoes, values up to "o, the Removal Sale, Price, C I QC pair y I .J J $2.95 Ladies' Shoes, values up to -:: no. tlie Removal Sale i'ric.-, (J0 QC jtair . 0.3J IjH lies' Outing tiowns. 1 ( it vjilne, Remtnal Sale Price Felt Hats, values to .".:, Removal Sale Price Mercerized TaHe Linen, former f;iT .u'i:. nemo '.ill .il-" "B (3 r Price, vard Kxtra e-ratle Mercerized Table Lin en, former price 7-"c, .. Cf inoval Sale Price, yard JUb Flanneictte for Waists, any l.r, former price :.'(n yard, 1 HI Men's ."i.)i) Shoes, Ri'inov- (J al Sale Price, pair 98c Ied Sheets, double, value I.M, the Memo val Sale Price, GO a each 03C liemoval Sale Price-, yd. K',.t Shirt Waists, slightly soih'd. vulues to 1 .'.), Removal OCj Suit Pri.v 25C IVt (irale AmosUeair tatin former uiee '.".; yard. Re- 1 QA iiioval Sale Price, yard i Ub Curtain Scrim, l."e value. R:- "J Qrt inuval Sale Price, yard ' "b First Call Rleachimr, 1 Tie value liemoval Sale PriCv', vard 8c Six dozen iood Corsets, value JiUe and Removal Sale OKp Price, eaeli ub House 1 )rcsses, about one hundred, 1.."0 values, Removal Sale QCp Price, each. . .. OJb All Wool Skirts, values up to s i . no, the Removal Sale Price, M QC each Men's sr, i !) Wool Sweat- f QC ers, iCeu.!val Sale Pricv, f b.JiJ Men's Mixed Cotton Hose, Re- 0 moval Sale Priee, jsuir bb P.lankets, doutile si.e,Vool ankets, doutile si.e,Vool S4 Qf" X p. Rem. Sale Price, pr. P .wv 95c 95 c IUd Spreads, S.:,0 valu;. Removal Sale Price Pillows, Removal Sa! Price-, each . Table C;il Cloth, Removal Sale Price, - ai d ) vera1 i ' ",: . v; i:: - ; .-; , Removal Sale Price, vard 11c j Sl'.eetin. ! yard wide, 1(- yards to a. customer, li fl vards at.. Cood Sheep.nir, vaiue 15c a yard, lb yards to u enstom; r tor Faultless Intlir0 Cheviots, value '-'"), tht Removal Sab1 Price, per yard 39c vard, 95c value 18c I Remember this sale begins Wednesday, December 5th, and closes Monday, Decem ber 24th. Our store wi ll be closed on Momtoy and Tuesday, Decem ber and 4th, to ro-arrsno sto k and leave nothing '.in done, to have everything in tip-top shape. Just satisfy yourself. See the difference between this selling event and others you have seen. You will buy tfoods, for you can't help it when you see the prices. H Hendersonville iorth Carolina Now Listen! Don't regard this Salo as you would an ordinary Sale. But remember every statement lr.ade here is backed by our reputation of years in business. Every ar ticle will positively be here as advertised. Just a real Carnival of Bar gains, and at a time, folks, when you need them; if you haven't a buggy or wagon, walk. Be here by all means. f il n a I fr 1 ii I h t n I T I s la i V I if H j a h 1 hi