BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. ANNUAL STATEMENT May, 1917 Klizabcth Rc.'ivcs _ Artie Anders ..... Rena (iallowaj’ Of Expenditures for Transylva- Nancy Banks nia County for the Year End- {Swenov ing November .^0 1*>17 FAl PHR ACCOUNT December. ri H'f Elizaln-ih Kf.ivt ‘ : Artie Ander? Kena (iallow.j) Mary Hanki; . . Keb» *fi-a Sv.c;incv I'arolino Huld- McCnl! Malinda r,.incn Kosa (laliinv.iv Mary Kaine-^ MabVi Zavh;\ry. Tilda L.inct SoloniDn .. . Nanty M is >n . F!'*ra Bub Jchns . Nancy Snrll F O rii'ini.i' ..mi i.m'r'lv yivsvr.' ri-lirf Kilpatrick Soti i t .UtTU" ' i V 1! W I! C-ro,: V ’urnivlio 1 s-.< : '.V \ Kiuv. ■' kfi v’mj. V • {or.\u\. -‘I: Vv A P.K’W:). rt jiii-’':ir, ;i!Ail ri I-.i ijiL' c!)!!:v TVS ;il l .irii’v .l,inir- ! . V • ,.1-’ V' If.' ; n! ;; ' • ‘ l‘'ir A-ti! = ^ Naiiv V - .. S'-.. -'; > v'.!!'!, >■ ilui.l;' NVii ia Uu^,. < ...1 A -v M.i-v T-M:i L I,;. . S->i ;■ I ■ - N.tiu y V.i'■ Flur.l iJol. .'nl-.r. ■ \;uivy \'aiu-v Bar k - - ‘ «t 5. i - . ■■■ ;n ; !•.. i.i' F»> ri’in i .NiMi'- L.ii:. - h->; \ ’ : ; . • u i:(< ^ 1.1 ! a ' - ,1 V . I'-..: ' !... . .. Sv.. : ( ..r .’ nt li' . Huld.i M- * C;; i: -a ■■ . i-lar\' MalK' T • i i . .Uil * . ‘ \ J. ■ N.:;u . -.1.;- i-'Kira 'K'.;, . .> A i:. .■ ' I,'..’:;- ! \ •{: .w;- M’v \\ . .r '•'Il’Ii; \ • : ^!,‘.rv Sa- - i'.i; ' > liusiiii T- ; Millir Su' [ I'n! : I'U; • Kilj'.it - •) I I- . '.li.ra''. Aril',’ I I V Pi-iitv .. S.. t i. i!i:!Ua M •( .!■; ?1 .Hn i Marv Rl .bi: 'j'iiti;: ' :i;;i JC.,!-,- .1 ! • . \;^ . Flu!.; ii;th .lu.'ir.'u:. Nan«. V S;; M.;r> S.M'-' K * • 1 i.i- , \V A. u- Karit'} Mv t; :! (' !. 1 r v-n. 1...1 ■'lurty (■' ' ’• < n; n • '.l.irch b..' I f 1 'ir Iifjii'.j: Tl. Kliz’db- •;; Kt. v ■ Aru.- .\ : r Ktna V , Nancv :!.k- KvbcJ ■ S-.;. -., . Lunilin.' Il.i; - ■; Hi;lua -I ■ Jdai:n' h’’ ?a ' - .iliii.v. V Murv /, h..'- Til.ia .-K, £o]j.r-;:i Kancy Flora I'lr.ican B -b J : - Kanc\ Mary ;!»•■. F '> Th-:r . ' : : Jarus r .iiK-v . r. . V ;v 2<- a ( . -ajil 1 i>n -T. f H I' -M'Ti'an. urL'^cnt re!' I' W'iiiian; li'.-l!, jjrt-SL-nt relie f K'aiicy Mc(ri;ha pr’^scnl rcli'.-f .\ Hi o’.vn. kLi‘}(ing county h jrnc V .\ liru’.vn. cvi!:n^r an.) papcrii'.ix' room ;'t c‘i>ji'’ty hor.if #lrs. Julia Ailis;>n, prtsuit rt llcf O L Krv. in, tob:;-.-co and 5:n;ili' for county lion:-.' . Wm. I* Wcilt. ftsr cuunfy h'>nc Caroline Hogscd iHulda McCall Malinda Tiarren . K')sa Calloway - ...- I Mary Kaine? . - I Mabt'l Zachary .... ! Tilda l.ancc . . * v'^olomon Jonc,- . Nancy Mason . . . ^ (•<* rinra Duncan . . . 1’ *'(t liob Johnson - .^0 Nancy Smith. . ... 50 Mary Swt-ncy . . 1 00 F Thomas and tamily 1’ 00 ,Ianu's Lancc and wifi . ^ ^ 00 \V nrt)\vn, keeping county h 'mc 4 00 Nancv .McCi.sha, i)rcs. nt relief •I 00 oL Kvwin. snpp!if>^ for coiinty 00 . . - 00 Kilpal'-ick Son \ Co., caskets for ■' oO Mrs. Crompton and .Mitce hoy ot 0() C.ilvtrt 0(1 I'arnu-iS Supply <'<>. <;v.pplit s f"r 0(1 cnii;i1 V h',i:nc . 00 .Ium\ 1917 4 00 3 00! 2 00 3 50 1* 50 , 1 00 ‘ 2 00 (10 ■1 00 ■i 00 , 00 ^ 2 o;i! •I 00 I 3 00 ! 2 00 i (H) ' 00 ! 2 50 ! 7 50 } 5 00 ! Mt 00 1 •I 00! Ml ti:' '.0 ■ II. KcL’rlai ulii'f. i:i; ,Jn-th Kc.a.-. K’cn.i '!al!()"av N iiu'v llaiil.s K>iiv'c.; S\^■< la-v f!u!'!a M.t'.il! flarrtn Kosa < r.iiI'>v.\ M.,:v :.uiKU\ . :!■!a ! .in. s -n ’u - N .’'.cy ''I i‘ -tn i 1 t-.; lUinc.i:; - !>><'> ■'>' .\.;-:cy Sr.'i;’i .M..’. •. Sv. ; IK V I' t ^ r’-.ov ar.'-’ ;y ' O't'.cr • I’ Wl'itiv’t. ■ n in'. vi!,( ! i ■' W ,\ kti'i'iii; .-o'.-nty bi"'.ic .\vl’ ■ - ‘' I! ; ’ M T;' ar ; ’< << :t :fi ;<■: i "i’ ' ( I. V'.-.K '1, t''i' ;r 1 •! : II > ^miC .t>KrI 1. k S' a v\ t M- Tr. sicv i.I'l'. 'I u !i< .hi!v. \‘M7 J !.' . K. A’airr:- i't'i.a (iallow.'.y \' Banks ... !!. I)t .swent ( ■: ( 'U' i! 'l'-1 llalaa . ■ I I. 1!' I I..' M ..V ;::i ' ! ,-;a. Iiarv a L.incc • '"iun .li^r.r- A > T , . Tier.; S.:. I S\> ■ '.u I or 1,.::,. . 1 . , ... :i \' ,, , - ' ! ' ■> W \ 1 H N f: < t r i ■■ iar- ■ ['■ '■ ,‘ Sui';i • •.it !! i‘ . r ■ ■;;; ( I' 11 U' k.. j.I : ■(•!; ;-nt aiily ■' C i' , !>!<-! -•I, . . ^,1 > k- !.:r 11 i; : A - v; Ana- A::;;t ;> K- lu! t..,!! . . 5 N I^.i.k- iv-Mt ■ ; ^ . , I :.’- ii;.:' i: .. ■, !! - M.i a' \t (. S->. -■ ."i .!• ;u N,.->y •' :• : ' K:;!, ;.a. :■ '• .1 Ml- a: N..:. y S-v:!' .'■L.rv Sweat-'. - ' >' I h : ,l/;. - ., V M ■ 1! !• A; ; !iad;v. :t; ..I:. September. !‘>1! r.n l)i;t i^v,. rtl), prt-scnt relief ai;; i.ancf. ] la^icnt relief October, 1917 J . I in < ii:: 2 .^11 7 ,'0 5 I'M i: 5(1 2 5u h‘«‘,-jular relief: 1 Oi) Nancy Mason ‘-!0 X.aicy Si’ailh 00 Nancy Hanks l\t aa lialloway 5 ''0 l-;iizal)elh Reaves 5 Ar'.ie Anders Kelifcca Svveney <<0 Caroline Housed j -Mabel Zachary •1 80 llulfJa McCall . s 35 }') .so 2 2') » > o 1.(1 J (It! .=^0 1 00. (111 ,> cn ■1 Oil 1 (la Cl'. 2 t'H -i (i<i ; H" 2 '>■' i!t • ^ 0(1 2 7 50 ,S iiij s (,n •U> <'!' 1 (in : -\'a 2-^ no (Ml Malinda Ciarren Kosa Ciall<)way Mary Haines Tilda Lance . Solomon Jones Flora Duncan Bob Johnson MarySwcney F O Thomas and family James Lance and wife H 1’ Mor{j;an \V A Brown, keej)in}; county home Sept. I'u; ■ Brevard I'rintery, advertising sal* of old county home () L Erwin, casket f<a ('at'ieiii'* Burlingame () L Frwin, supplies, county home C M McClung & Co.. pipe for n ater line county hona* farm W K Shipman, freiuhl an.ldraya^c on pipe I'armers Supply Co . snj iili-."-' f('i county 1 <ime W l‘ McCia'.a. sovvinjz an(i p.lout;!) injt in rye ;;i county home f.irni r»revard lnsur.jnce Aj-’ciuy, insuv ance policy <jn c<nint\' iionie Novoiiibor. l^^I/ Uc^ rcliel; Nancy M.ison .\ancy Smith Nan< y i?anks Kcna t lallov^ .i}' i;ii.-’alH t li K'l i -i' .\r{ ic Anih-i • Kv'lifcca S>\i 'a'',' Ca! ilin. I [iM.'i i! .\I:i., ' Za. lairy lluloa Mif'.'.ll .M.ilind.i ( a! ■( i'. I\N (l.i:!o\v.iv Ma;y U.r.’.x - ' lilda'.ci S'llo!' .ot Jon; - rln! I huiu-:;; licib !f!tu""i: .\l.i! V S\\ • ne\' r <) 'i'hom;'."' .ind M’a .v .ianu > l-an.a a:'.i! w i! i- II 1’Morgan W A Blown, keep ai.- i ■ - a'- ’ ■ • f..r O.-tniu: V) I, l i wir - It !■ : ( • ; hi •: (■ I Uu kw i.i' h hi a:-. '’a , . n.cilu inc ! >1 Cl 'i; 'it v hu: ii>- I' . la\ inr. v. ,itc; '' .n <' *. ' in r ( i.nn! v !i ''n<- I i Cont inuct! :v, wi - •5 !«<<) <• 1 I 20 00 00 0<J 00 00 i 00 I 00 I .50 ! 50: (H) 00 (Kl 00 00 •M 4H «.l 40 50 BREVARD INSTITUTE NOTES - <io ^ O't 1 . (Kl .] <K! ' ■: (Id' so! I 'an \ (I!) , 00 i 0 1 1 O.) t . • ^ (I'l : (Id . . Oil t (Kl : o i / .-0 j 0!l I ^ (la I < (in' I • i ■■..I TlitinkBgiviiif' week hein^' also tovTJi examinations weok, only ono holiday was given, Thnrsday, hO that very fcv; stndents went home. Mi sses }'lla Ziiehary of Calvert had as lior f'nests for Tlianksgivinj' day, Misst s (iilhdand, Hollins and Dojr^'ett un<l Miss Rutli Brooks. .M1--S Kxitli Duckworth ent«'-rtaii) «'<1 )»er (!ovisin, M(>lrose Dxiekvvorth. Mary Ssiiith and Mary Booker <.>u I liui sday, at ht'r home in town. The Misses ()^t(‘»>n spent Thursday witli their {onsin, Dr. Lydav at l\‘nri)S(v A nviinhcr of ont-of-town people u<T(‘ 'riianks^ivinjr frnosts at th<^ liistitu*#', aiijon^' wliom, wer<; Misses Harrison and Sniilfi of Swanano;!, M'iS'i Mnrr')'.v and M:ss !{.('(;ve.s of Marsliall. Miss Sybil Kiiifiht -^pent !i f('\v (levs v.itl) I'.i'r part'iits. Prof. Jinl ■Mis K'ln^lit l::st week. Miss A\a A'lr.eurlb \vu'' Ili<‘ mo st of Miss (’alhihan on Thursday. Francis(io Llnch and Armando Herrera, of Ctiba, are registered as studentH of Brevard Inslitnte. Oscar Parker and Kosscll Young left Friday to take the examination for military service In Asheville. Roy Hollaml and Torn Z»:llard havo been e<'nt t;) No?*’j)art, li. 1., Navy Yard. Miss«is i'virl; aiKl i'o-ndexter were entertained at dinner on .Sunday at the, lioirio of Mrs. VV W. Zachary. MACHINERY AND MILL SUPPLIES H:r.t K .n Vw .i!-(l.nrr) Carolirja s.'. V. i-.<- tiar.’-, VV*-» '•■'■-I'''-. I -i><- ? IV..: - 'l-jv.-. I'o . .'y .•• Wova J. ’ Sufpiy h. Co. \ AsbrviKc. C. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury. as mercury will sun I.v <J*-.s(roy llx- of smell and c<irni>l' tely M . wliolc systofn wli< :i t ntt-imn it llK! mu« eu» siirfa( f S. Su< li aifi< l< s .s* ' in'vrr h*‘. «'xr"pt on prf Hcriii-m,. front refiijtatlf! pIiysK iaiis. ;'s tlie <lan;;rK. Hiey will ‘lo iH : f<Jd tr. ll.<; goo.l • an pws^ibly d«Tiv<- .-*>in »h< m. ('alarrh C!ure. mamjfarior«fl hy {-• ,i ('lu-iKiy & Co., ‘, < Mrita;.'.s ri* ari'l is taK*'n jni*-inally, iiir<e!]y upon the hlo Al .TrifJ inU!o;j‘- ,jk f.-uos of tlie system. In biiyin^ Ha:*- C!atarrti Ouro be JJiire you ir< t tti.- ine. It is taken intf rnally ai*d li/n.; - Toledo. Ohio, by J’. J. Chen* y ik , timonialB free. Sold by DrijpKlsfP. Prlr-p V.r v*-r . Take Hall’a Family I'iUm for coi-.ji:.-!, > ,j. Mules for Sale Always from 100 to .^00 heat^ horses and mules of all desf • tions for sale at my stabh York, Pa. JOE K[\f)ir SELL OR BUY ANYTHING! Carry in stock all v/ei^ ■ of I Beams, Channch, - gles, Platcst Ccncrctc B<-:r , Plain Rounds an:l P_'. Raih. Facilities for pur . ing and cutting. Ljr otock of black and ized pipe. Highest pr ior Hides, Skin.s, Wr . Tallow, Bees" Wa:< c- Metal or Rubber Scrap S STERNBERG C . JisheviUe, A\ C. Paid Ca>iitH\ (h)tiituis>iori L r*- The f< diowinir ai-. ' .:»ts ha v*- I'Ci !■ pa id to t hd mc?i 1 . 'f t !id 7 a id * V ■ ' lilt 1'! <\>unfy ti \i V ■J I'l? dd I h' d ('!!i'Oa 1 y 1 'a r i ' i . : • K . i V! t (>1 r 2' i.iy-^ ’ vi. , ,i‘ J ' 1 V C'‘:i;nii.^sioU'.r at S^2 '' '.iLr 'i.i' ? " »‘» 1 (Id i.^,, !u-r (»:r iiaira'.in J ? ' U(» 1.’ d 1 V!. '!'. !,V'l.,y 2‘- i( ;;u’..!r d. \ ^ .s (ii \ V r..;', . t .'i'J ■ ‘ t iiliv i u • 1 (111 (^ T. I.v.!;', 1 ; : ; :1 7;;\ .:t':f2. » • 2j ■* • ■J d(. T. V (i-t w. 1'7 Sl’iimia:. 21 ii-jnl.a .1 'I dd ; ■■--in. a; .^2"-- pt-r d.w ■; O'l w. !■'. Shi;^'n..'.i -s >;k-- i.;! 'ia' ' * *..’0 (Id v; !•;. S!i:j':nan rniit .ii,; ; '' ^'1 ■> (Id I'l; i'. ‘i'a ■! .i'\ nun1'-, ivithin^ d. I I, < I. < iviljia’ ri 'I-', !Lt-i:i>T • ■I- . i 11.;! I». “t iis ai;d c\ >iiru'i ' ;-h-fk t Tlld z 15 ■ard ot I'.t’mt y (i!n>t'. ■•!'S O’ Tt ■aT;>'’l-’a!.’a r'(U?itv, In'r’-: y ■ ■..J-*-. (M 1 ha* t],-' f I'l-‘I i> .1 1'. iI- -t .} (1 -t: i: Mt oi I ii.- .V • > :i 1 '.: ■ i u 1 11< 1 l.y t h*‘ !>■; ■! (-f f '■ i?;.': : in. th»“ mt“M:’f t’lfi-' if -v r,' :•! • a ~ <■' du?!,;~ jr a:;-{ n]'. ; . r ■- I't >' i f lb' i. w'l:' > t 1 !■ ! day- 1 ■-•n-liTri ]>v 'ah a?. , -- ar; 1- lUTit Tia'd to ■ -t 1 . 1 . ' a I! ■ ! !ha' saui ‘■ta'c!!;.':!* } li ia Ti'-*' \vi T ;i I'l' . :; i'' I ^ >< * ■ ! . 2-- ■ .! t - L This >:->v. ~ "> W ,\ iiri.wa, I 1 Sirr-, ;.:c .*■ It I L* Mt ^ i i() ; ; ;',:r rdi.-f- 2 ^11 N..;.. V Niacn ... 7 'ii \', Sinilli a ''I‘ N;nuy ikinl.s !<«.a.i ('jallov,'.: ; }-;i!/;ati.-i!i 1 i--- .\iUe Aii'ier -' !<i-'n.-i<a SAtiv.} 1 i*■ ( aVoiMa- fl.'vsf l Zacharv liul.ia Ml t ali .Mrdinda <'!ari\ n I I. • Marv Raines ' ' 'lihbLanee ^ S-jloin'ai J-’rc.-' ' 2'* l'l"ra i)ur.(.an ■''' i;..'i .lohnsan M..rySweney F <a i'hi r-i.;--and f, :’.;iy ' .laine;' Lance and wife ; !ll>.Mor,ian \V A }5r‘c II, k’-ejai'L': coiait\' liMnx' ' '• ’ () 1. l,r'.\ia, t<‘!)acc<> .md sauff fci - . "unty lioine .)i vard I’rinlei V, aJverlisin^ sale ■■ '' 'i' old CDunty liome. (hand hills) L Hardin, surveyinj^ at county 1 e ' (1(1 2 (I'l ."^11 lUI 1 (Id ; (I.i I (111 1 o 1 .-t I,; I ' a i IIII .' ("I 2 5 I )i ■ ■ ; !ia (I I Ic I (hi (rl .S {ui l!'J (id 2 (Id 1 d I a (111 2 .'0 1 (Id 00 2 00 ^ 00 } 00 1 00 2 00 1 0 » 2 00 00 2 ."iO 7 :'0 00 0() 31 01 2 5') 1 00 (> (;0 (Id 2 (.'0 00 .So ,~iO 00 (10 00 .=^0 00 00 00 r i I;- a- i.f !)• • Sasb-Doors-Windows When you put up a house or any other kind of structure you want material that wifi give entire satis faction, The stock of millwork which we scH is gu?.ranteed to give the best of service — because it is made right. When You Buy From Us you are assured cf high quality at a fair price. Teil us your building plans and we’U teii 3 0U how to secure the most for your money and avoid waste. Ohr Business ^Icthods Mak-^j New Friends Every Day Bi evard i uiibe?" Co. Near t^c» Depot* TdeDhcr.c No. 120 % -k. . •: ^ : J 1- _ “Car;j.-k ’ Our Reputatior*,' Your Satisfacli J.. Wc rjpprcciate that nur s‘, • cier-- 'vJs i.por. the sati t; ri - . by oi;r ''■'(‘TK. I his : c>.->, ■ l^ood wori'. !S not all, ho,*.! ; our j ruie ii: the c a; ’ y j’ilu.'iibinLr i';--‘all:itio!r : a'-'O .. - ' incentive to wiake \ aur Fat.; ac; the hr;;t coiisnicrat. n. 7\!io\v I;?, to iii.Ntaa a T7 w a *' l-;;i;;r-.;orn, kitchcn <tnk c'r tra> .uiG your bat. !^ ' ..jsurcd. W. E. BISHOPS CO. Tinning rlcrdv.'cr- WANTED! I’ot.Uoe*. Onion^. Shelled lieans ;iiul Peas. IVui!- try, l>iitter, Cauino'i (roods. •an<l Dried 1 mil: also Hi \ s and C<juatry ('.iircd Meat''. 'I'cdi us what you l’.a\ o, or siiip to th.e house that pays yovi caslt. Weslern Prcduce Company ‘)0 North Lcxiii'^ton Ave. ASl!i:VILLi: - - N C. The papers have told you about the Triple Aliiance and the Triple Entente, but we want you to know that we have tiie real^ genuine Daal Alliance in LETTER FROM CAMP SEViER 'I’lii- t'.-llowiri*: It ttrr from i.r.t- of I ur soldi''!' Ixtys will b-- ititi t-) many (.>1 our rfudc-rs : (.’un;|) S.-vi( r, (Iret'nvillr. S (A, ! i:. M. Bat. ! \Vf l.oys art' in liop.'s iliut the, (iUaraJitiii-' \vi;i lie lifted hy <'liri>r- inas, t\>r iiiaiiy of us wmit to vi>it lioinc folks ilurin.i; ('liristiiia«- week. For it si Tins :;s if \v»‘ have in {'.nsoii while the (luuraiitine ha.- ' h ‘( n on. And the 11th sijuad ha^ an invitation to a dinn-. r at <ofen- | ville on Sunday, Di'cein’oer , at ' the home of frit^nds. < )f eourst* \vt> iioys would like to "o, liut if th.-\ (faaruntine is not lifted we can't i Aioon^ th«H 11h sfina-l arv' < a>r- . pi)riil David Hunt, I’jivati-.s Monroe Wilson, Cluirli.- < >rr, i-'lhei-t Lanee, Fru 'k (’ohle, Leroy Wiliis, ; Kd Styles. Ji-tter Ilotfman. I The ^'irls (jf (ireenville have 1)0* n j u]t to look over the cam]) and s t | that they would like to he soldi .-s ! too. : \V(*11, I must say that we 1 >ys j enj(»yed our nico Tluniksgix in,<>;; (iinn(*r. | The ^irls of (iv(M‘nville say that : if the h('vs of the I Ifh s(|ua(l have to }j:o to Fiance, they are j'oiiifi too j Lkijov (.ila/(‘nor eats the price and .'^ells ' th(?shooj:—Hendersonville. tfc ! Two Big Stores One at Cherryfield and the other at Pisgah Forest, \ L05 bu. * ness is to fight the Autocracy of Hard Times and the Phitocracy of Higher Prices, and to establish the Reign of Good Living, and Prosperity. What is the cause of Kigh Prices? Prices are high because most merchants carry too sinall c-t stock. Naturariy, the bigger the stock, the lower the price. You’ll agree to that, won’t you? Well, v/e have in each cf our two stores an enormous stock of ali kinds of merchandise, in cluding Suits for Men and Suits for BoyS; Suits for Women and Suits for Girls, Dress Goods, Silk Goods, all kinds of Wearing Apparel, Shoes for both sexes and in all sizes, and Hats likewise. And as w^e have had all the advantage in buying this stock in large quantities, we are following the Golden Rule in selling it so as to give the advantage to the purchaser. J. C. WHITMIRE, Cherryfield, N. C. WHITMIRE & LYNCH, Pisgah Forest, N. C. Please ir.cnt^'Dn this advcitiicrncnt v;hcn inquiring about thcs-c goods.

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