NEWS, BREVARP, MORiy CAROLINA H HOME destroyed by FIRE Fire Insurance the only safeguard. Is your home insured? Is your business protected? You may insure just before the FIRE But not one minute alter the BLAZE The smoke of an hour may carry away the earnings of a lifetime. The cold autumn winds bring a most dangerous season for FIRE. SEE US galloway MINNIS, Agts. Personal Mention Look through these columns; see if the names i)f your guests are there. If ni)t, you iiiive neglected your duty t(<v»/ard them. It does not cost any- tl'ing. Tei<*phone, write or bring your news to News oflice. Safety first! the fire risk by using this nropro(>f, ?tonnprcH)t, and pl duriblo roo ing. Last as I as th^i building and never i:eed repairs ^ For So'e hy MILLER SUPPLY , BREVARD, N. C. TRUSTEES SALE • tale f'l South ('urulina. County of ('ircenvilK-. I nd*-r and by virtue of thepuwi rof iale onUiintd in that certain cletd of trust, iroruiil in the ollice of the Ke^ister nf the northeast Cv>rnei of the VVoodbridge ’>ri»perty, and runs with the west margin •'f what is designated c»n said plat above mentioned as Franklin Park, north (>() de- _;ret-s and 32 minutes east four hundred -ind sixty-four and four-tenths (IfI t) feet to a stake, comer of lot 37 as laid down ^.irs y. M. nuult^ a vii^it to Aslievillo on Tui’sdiiy. fiiss (Vta Holi»‘k of Donver is vistitinfr lU'i* sister, Mrs. E<1 Brooks Dorn t(' Mr utuI Mrs. ('lint? Bry son on W't Noveni'oer ~S, u son Juhn Duckott of RmUm*'!! is visitin*' her Mrs. .1. A Mill»‘r, jr. Mr. and Mrs T K. Patton, jr., tnc^tor^d to Ashovilii* and back join ing the i)ast wook. Air, and Mrs. VV'. (’. ('ooko of S|}!irfunbnr;.*- wuro thu ^uos^s of C. M. this woek. Miss Donnio M(:y (Tillospie has acc; jitod a position in Sirs. Bird’s and ten conts store. I. F. S!iij)rnan and family have niovi'd from ( herrylield tea farm at tho fo('t of See (>ri:’ ridge. (’ora Vvillson spent the Tlinnkaj'tvini*’ holidays on a visit to I\!rs. H H. i't*nny of Asheville. IVliss Lonise Townsend spent TlmTiks”:iving week at the home of her nnc'Ii', W. L. Tall(*y ol Penrose. M. F. Hester of Pickens, IS. (^, was a visitor to this place recently, an>l was the guest of W M. Henry. ( liocks for ])ri.',o vviners at the Fair, not yet delivered may he had hy 'ipi)lieativ>n at the Brevard Bank. \V. I? <;;il!(iway, who has been visitin{^ at l'>?rs T. (’.. (.ialloway's. returned last Sunday to (iadsden, Ala. Mrs J. T. Roberts of Ashevilu> and Mrs, Pence of Uendersonville Mary Ver pry, who 1ms been qnite ill for several days, is imprcv- inf?. Mabel, danghter of Rev. andi Mrs. W. E. Poovey, is improving| from a serious illness. E W. Blythe has accepted a i>osi- tion with the Macfie-Brodie Dm?; Company. This drag store willj now have two li(;t*nsed druggists in the pre-<eription depart?nent. The Missit)n str.dy class of the Presbyt(*rian church nu^t Wednes day night at the home of .Mrs. J. A. ?»liIl*T, jr., and !»egan the win- t.'r's work with the study of Af- riea. Rev. .1. K. Hay is leader of the class. T. (>. Thrash retiirnf'd last w’eek from a month’s visit to Fl(»rida. Mr. Tlirash lias been aPlicted for some time with high ftlood pressure and sought a low altitudes to get relit'f liis month’s experience has! made him (L*eide to ri'turn to Flf;r-I ida, as soon us iu O'>ssary bnsineas arrangements can h ^ nuide THOUSANDS OF BAD TEETH Fi)ur thousand, scv('n hundred and sov(;ntv eight euvitif^'i in the! 1 teeth of tho chiUln'n of ont> soliool! | To ])araphrase the p»)et Poe, •“What a world of agony these cavities foret«*ll !” Every cavity is an opeti door and an invitation not only to excruci ating aches and pains, bhtTo gen ('ral ])hysicaldebility nud detioioncv and to dangerous diseases. Out of nine hundred children ex uininr*d in (me s hool nin(;ty i)er ei'nt of tlu i.i had dc'fective teeth. Our owii ehiUlren have as many, or mon? defeetiv<j t(*eth than these eas' s just reported. Tht' report of the dentist who ex- ‘••eos tor '1 rausylvania Coiintv, Nortn ' ^>‘id plat; thence north 67 degrees east - ■ two hundred and si.\ and four-tenths .i.»'jJina, in Hook 11, page .V executed on The T. E. r.. Cluas of tho Baptist chnrcl' will meet with Mrs. Wm. Henry on lu at II o’clock. iuiiust l.sth. I‘>i0. by VV. 1). I\irrish and '-'I'’ V ^take in the south margin :i^wi)e, 1. C' <>ower and his wite. and ' * ^ icw Avenue, then with the south -red VV Svmmcs to VV. E. licuUic. as i:iargin of Lake \ leu Avi-nue, cro.ssing the latter pari ot last week trom Trvon, sehool. and they wonder why tlu^v 'ru.sue, tnse.ure the uidebiedaess there- two' hundrT^aml visiting her sister, do not get good results. The par- a iicbcnbed, and detault havir.g been ‘*1 es <.asi anoai iwo nunuren and i ii i . , , naoe in the piivment oi interest on the twenty live (225) feet to a turn in said , Mrs, Holmes. | ents say the teachers are inetheient loic .eruied by said ueed ,trust and Jj^ke V*iew^\ve"^^^ victim (,i ^ccanse their children do not a.l- !i<on ueruaiid of the owners ariti hi.iiiiTs o.' ‘ ‘ ■i.-an y icw oi a.ui . • ! r T" ti' i i i- vance as fast as they slKmul. iNow have been recent visitors to Mrs. S. j aTnin(‘d the teeth of the children ()f Yates. idi(Ter('nt schools is almost nnbe- j iievable. It disclosi*s ('ondit’ons j tliat deir.arid attention—the earn“st! land immediatt^ attention of the s('h<»ol authorities of Transylvania county. This I'ouiity, as others. Miss Klise Walker returned the pr,,vides good tt>achers f(.r every latter par! of last week from Trvon, where sho v.’as visiting her sister. Henry on lu'xt Tuesday afternoon, 1'. !j<on uemaiid of the owners ami holders o: ..iia note, the undersigned Iruiiee will ifer lor pale on Monuay, l»ec«.niber .'1. Vl7, at 12 o’clu.k noon, at the iloor el He cuurt hi.use of iirevard, Transylvania iiuuiy, Sorik ('.'troiina, to :h;- lu^lu-st lodt-r ;or casli. Aii ti'iC>e cerl'tiu tracts of Ian ! -Aith the ■Ji.'ij)ii;;s lheri.-o:i and the Hiri;;ture and ixiures therein contiuiied, to-wii; .vll lht>se rat.i-^ ivitig in the town ot Iirevard, t'ouii- V <') 1 ians_\ Iviiuia, blale ot l an> Knovvr as Frankhn il'’tcl pro!>- riy, and co^sisling ut the foliowmg lacts: rirst tract: Heginning at a stakt- on •nr r.'urlh margin ol Mam street at the '<;iU ot intersection ol norm n'.ar;:in oi ■<iid Ma:;i streit wuh the east mai^in . ( \Ke stnrt. and rims wilii tl.e ir: r .liii (.>1 .'vlain strci’t soula Ol gn *. s <tiiu 1,-^ cast i'bout tour hu;a:rei; (ii ti) ccL to a slake at the ponii v. r.’rt.- u.<.- H'fiii n'targin ol Alain siifit . ;'.t )-ilIs v)ih the west niaryiii <j1 1-raii.-vii.’i tue;; lu-iice with the v.Cbt margui ol 1 laii.Kiin ■..ifti n.i.-th dcj^ux-s 15 II. M l' niir.ilred and sixly-two ;-.m: .-i.\. i..iis J.O> I'.-.-l to the pi’llll Wl'.o. c U r Wi -,. ■ "1 >;nilh’s urivt.-, as i ..i; ilA‘ FraiiKiin I'ai h. i.ii.. s ni..;. .. f 1. ! I. j’»a;ie> aiKi L. Is.iiuia, vi i.’i,:- ^"aa‘>. tht-i-C'v- wilii tae s.iuui^ii; ■'mil -.ri’. I* as lai'i tiowii ow | • .. ;)K'nti«>:K'i to a po'i;t :r ; . , uiii ;::.ii','‘in oi said di n <.■ iiil< i .. t ;■ ,;..i n:<t;L'nioI !\i'o s'.rt-ei; iheiU', s'MiM' '■e.-. and 4.i ninutis v,isi v\:u'. iiv_- ..'i f!iai:.;iii ol i'ti<f .reel luo huiuiri. d '. J .'( v, , ii >e (2/oj K-el, more ir li lit.' J'oini oi be;;i;ii;iiig, lonl .KUiig ir-orc ol ic s, eniiir.i. iii^ I'.ii.ti tiu- l-i.;;.kiin \ ij 'lai-.g th- ii.L.-t ■ 1. Tiii ..lid cari'. ".r i'Ui'ie at t lie i;- riii ..d I jf ir.ii.''sictioi! (d t..c;.i'r ii c' y-1 O''I a:.-. U;o ;■! o' >a;d S:" ' . ■ . . • < i’ i ;;o i' tloiu-d, ah', i' :iu.;al*s :• ■! an . Iiity ' ■ ••.it ti ii au.d.ity li.:.,- ■ ! i!,‘- :<ei"n).viig to U i- I' rai k i'liprovcii!' ::t ('oni;j,;;iy ■ i;nu ; .i: *.)‘e .''ai 1 - -r;''. houndary li;;e .''.•idi' ' ficgr', a id .'J : i.naUs ;.im ii'.ni •i .iud Iiliei'n i n-vi to ik ■ o:: ’i.argiii ' t an allt-y : i’ i‘ !si '.fa!; con:-ti.^nce v.i;!; :iii- wf-i ol > i - al>-'V->'ay i!:'' ■ • ard s: .i ^ ' •,.* hi'r. ind .a;;’! tei; () iM' .. th;-.;"' Swi.i;. : t,. live I'.n.-rln-d l. | --t. , tne aurth r:;;ig:ii <■! d iwn on sa'd puil a;.‘>vr i- L'n'i'aif.; vvii: Ide in'rch niai'^ri «,,• tr’ drive ;.!,.)i't KUir ha:vl’- ;1 iuii) f . oi bcgii;;iing, i ait '', and i niljr.ieiiig the trac; Id minutes west about two hundred and j tmsucci's.'sful auto cranking, get-i litty <2w‘ feet to another turn in said Ave.; , bone (d’ )lis right arm brokt n thi-n still with the n’.jrgiii cl said Lake, View Av.-nu-thr foil,.wing courses and <*n Wednesday dislancfs: -.oiith 3 degree., and 23 niiniite? v.fst ah..nt one htindrid .ind twenty (120) feet t I a stake; then iouLh degree:; and 'it IS n<jt always the teachers’ fault. I Perhaps your ehild has some de- ■ ived < r abscessed tef'th. If so it is 'tndy with these ach; s atid pains. l»ecayi‘d sj)ots n the toetli ot the 'hi'id have about the niaiuo relaticm .John Pisht'r, who has been visit-; . , . , « ^ / , ’ , r , , .:*-'•>> bis !)r her fault. (-ne caiinot ing his motl'.er, ivlrs. .1. Ij Int'al i.r, minutes west ah.,,;t sevent^-tlvt- (75) | Toxawav, Ihft this week f-r feet to a stak.- thence south r'2 degrees; . ' ^ i ind 10 nur.utes west ab»;ut three hundrc.i j ^ Taylor, '.vy. ! f:‘et to a stake; then stiil with the ; rT-.Tr i • » i < . north niar-in of said Lake View Aveniie I ari(. lange I 'r. . tl:., hi’n'ar! system as have eess- as it is laid (iown and represenl-.’d on the | Miss \'i.. let, 1- ft Tiiuisdav in; rr.- , r.( > 1.^ a:d ]>recdir.''- jilacej* for flies H-;;,;'';"':', I"""'™""- | in- n.r K-.-., v.-hrro thev tn llu- .aiiitary welfurt. (.~>(Kl) leet more or less, to the beginning:,, I , - I ciint.niiir.g six acres, more or less. | will spend the winter .\I-io all ihr furniture, fixtnte:!. rurn:.;]i irhediii . .. ot.kir.g uiensiis. j)lati- sil u-oc’a.-ar-. ;;nd al; .d!ar jur^ | w,‘ek frfui'a visitor s(‘V( ral propi'rty (i ■ i-i’rid. nature or hane- w.*. ]js t». MoTTi^'itown. Tenn AMa..'- tiT . ' ver. now situaU-d in said; ^ Mi?s rl r.lia l.u*aver retavm TuC ;f a No commnnity Can I e in altldul that permits l;('gs •inri cavititl‘“s in streets and alleys and t ackyards, where filth tii ly or i...ed !ii C0Pnc'C<.:un r vcvj.l i)v the 'i'rust deed a! Fran’iln tiot;l tiu'! I'wit 1 • n ! (■' lirsl .'il'ov-,- -ntiont'd | 1 lie hove'ie.scrihed property being the • ' *' “ iirt- (' liv .1 .n. i.'c. r.o'iis anti in;. f/’<:ni ( ■Nile ; ' V' !'. I'.'.ir: 1'. ((l<;v,(r .it;; I rcd W . Sviii”!'-; l;y l i-iirinirv ‘ r.'-in th- rMj,1 j-;-. J, ' :■ I ' !.'! 'i'ian.;y''’:i!ii;i I.-.’, a ni siiliT- ■ ■ 'i. r n.- 1 W. ■ ^ ’A : i .V i * . ? ' r<! hi>> V- S -.t : • >ind ('tlu>r places. It:itti<i Pericins sr"^ Kdvvin, liave rcAdir'-U il Mviesttii, S (' . where tr.ey .jur tvv(.! montl'.s ago. Minne,^ tliiN v,-cek tl 1 ts c;>i:in'.ission of I'irst !;■ • - -M ar.d 1 ■ . ar.i 1 ■l;:d I'hl.T I'lh t)ie dental beftion. •I' t ■ (‘all at ai'iV lirr.: ■n ■ -It ''>’oven;her \. 1). 1 »I A I'. UKAI TIK. Truste- .'I..-.- f't' u‘v acc.onipaTrew Ml'S B.'atrico Beattii^ on a visi:. t. til.' lat'^er’s parc*T’:ts at the Evi-ri-rr ' during Tliunksging hclid.iys. i.i'.-i ;i . M-;t ol . ■ >> !.. c.i le.;. S- : V;;\l'. A )i; a : 1 al t!. ..11, 111 ' ; ;i tv. .t-rvfi-'va-' 11'..u ‘'"i >■:! V.-I1 cn .1; 1 i U;i-' 1 if *i I. •,.M Ih-V • irv;U: si;;..-.' in i Uf \A n (';.>■>- Vvojdt I'l ' gi’ei^atc and germs may rini’rijily' by the billicns. No cliiid | ran be li-^'a.rhirJ tliat possesses a 1 >et of ft_-eth »\Iu‘re 'V.>('ase germs of ;'.'il kiiuls iiKiy find retugo, and re i .dngle germ in a f>-v.' hours : :■;" :riiliiply into inillu.ns. And t I'.af is ti literal fact a beat dccay.''d r>'e‘L A >ingl(i diseasL' germ t'lid- ■■■..; ii .'gment in deefiVi li tooth (<f ,1 ; !'.ild f'r.ds (‘.xactly tb.e soil tliat b'.'Sf salted f,T its j'ropagatioM • mi.ltndii iitii.n. T:ie il.-cayed t i' mi: iilcal resting p'aco for ti:- I :c:- ! (V TI:‘-re :t is practi- frc!;-. d'.sti.rl jtnre hud *nco of ’.Iv- fr... tL^ - ri Ml- !■ ii; !’■ ; i :.PM.'ed Lry.uit, ciii lar. I i"' !• tIi.' ludulii. *.s. t-’]..: V,'-’;. I’Oiv :- bv rxrid. .'Ci I iL.iil; f t the !: . f 1' \ J1' . .'I ‘I;'!- I :ent tUv' {->rev!vv<? ! iS t'li' i V t.' I . uk' 'r' - > i. t -il) Kii.i'vn a.i the I'ranl-.iin iloiel (laukn. 'j r.ip - tract; i-'i.’.bracing what was known . the Heginriiig on ‘ margin of l.;;ke y:.,^ .\ve!;i:e, th<.- ^ cijr;.;.r ni 1,0'. S>‘ 2^ as laid down on li.e plat abo\v- -! ‘Vrred to, at a p.’int tv.o handred :iv<\ i . . ri! y'-on? .lad cight-tenihs (221.8 j i\ 11 rT ' .vheie the n -Mli niar-in of taid t . Avenu ' -ii^era i t : with '.he east 1 1m; S' lo se.' '. !•■()<• S..; !:;wat i.'i hi- s.' all nt . .‘^drl I r' IV Tii^a- ■, 'I'lirr. h, tioii (^!ax ! .if* •.vdl l e otl.c-r .jr ■. ti! r:‘ r: : :o J ( , Oi- Mi (1(- () Lini- aV’' lii .!, ■- -••p.' ho^i.ieys . i i? .nity. ”, ;i i-:7i o 1 VI !. rua.i;, V. t t:' .)' T i.n i L'liiiting : i \ .'•.Ifred 'I irh- ■- t-i- : ■’ -’-i •. t: ^ 'all! i; ,i if ck- • it - Il:,.s v*i't-iv i;: . a ;iS to ‘Si'" Sai;.‘i'io” ('.la: r. jj;irs ! Cl . i.1 i:-.. i: ly le- . ; t( .V:. ‘ fortb. i.- ( i tLe (1 itr tuU- riy t.:.- ( ^ild is 7 v.;ri: the Ua: .-I VI; ■.-> - .-ults. ;-tal. fe‘'{s ;,.ay r 1 ■ CK- l:i L'Ttillc I- ' ut: taey t ; "::gg.-i\;tcd. .n this e ; of , !* ■ d vvi.en we r ■•vlll : v,l;: 'uL :i;ii j rt nd ufoiir u'ul O’:; -eivi'S Mei'Cii.nev a 'i-i.i' -1 a>-(. -ii'at,' .T< anil :i-i. - >yl-. a ilia c; \v'e !'i’(L e 1" o r vv i j,. i; I ,1 •::>s and w;- \viii 1 i;r.t'r '.■'lI-- i.;-o ur il l.o'lv ‘ittl i'.tl JT'teisou ii: I .5'p V n-n- lo • ii. i.U'i caiue 'D I' .! iiii;o.-N ti.: ■>; e 111 o' t is ti eliuri..’!! la^t. inoridng and v/ere niucdi ]iioa-=tMi with the fei'vit;.'. f"is iv-\w tli: :r '■stai'llsli at castoin to attend ^e. - •, ii'i; t-wgelher on the i 1 jf' 1-. ii'-b-i-:'*, about •pj.a.->ite | denionv; 1 i , in I v> ry ;nonth. BOSGniers mmn svsyp- vVhy use ‘-.rdinary :,'o-iigh remedies when Boscbee’ii Car-r::an Syi uji Iiaa l.'cen used so sui cessfuHy lor iltly-one yearr, i’l all partii of the tJii'ted States for Cojghs, !;: V. liif.!s, coid.i .settled in th^‘ ihraat, .iaily lung Irouh’;,-;^. It fjivei the ; e. ent a good n;g!U's rest, fr ;:ig. with ca;.y expectoration in the gives nature a. chance to ixXithe t‘v in ' ■.•n<ju p.irt.;, throw off the fli.'ease. , , ; ' ] i'''e palient to regain his I'.ealth. k •3Hi { _r yc o^['”cic- ! vMrt'.' f^aig Co Useful Christmas Gifts are appreciated far more than some useless, expensive article. We have a splendid line of Perfum ery, Toilet Articles, Pov/ders, Station ery, Manicure Sets. Big stock of Fresh Candies, half pound boxes up to five pound. Seeing is believing. Step in and let us talk over those Christmas presents. Ducl(wortli Drug Co. see Us For Your Wants ;WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF: Christmas Toys and Suitable Gifts for the Whole Family / .a / W \ : A / > “ j J ’A 1 \- ■ ' / //As I.. =:-»»/ll I.- i \ 'I t “ v. i»: 1 -5' I'rT' WILLIAMS & WELBORN LAKE TOXAVVAY, N. C. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early

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