rru UMi . CHECK SENT SAME DAY SHIP- ; MENT IS RgCEIVED. • 310 PRESIDENT STRE^. Q BALTin9RC. MD. O THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. ABSORBINE TRADE MAfiR WG.aS.PAT. OFF. Reduces Bursal Enlargements, Thickened, SwoHeo Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore ness from Bruises or Strains; kfi’ps Spavin Liimcness, alla>s pain. Docs not biiNter, remove ihe hair or lav up the liotvc. $2.U0 a bottle at tlru^'^gists <ir lirlivereil. Book 1 M free. AHSOKHINK, JR., for niankiiul an antiseptic linimtiit {"r briii'es, cuts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen veir.s or glands. It heal.s anvl si-otites. fl.lUi a bottle at »lru(;- gists or po'tpaiil. \\’!:! ynu more if you \Trite. MaJ.e in the I'. S. .A. bv W. F. YOUNG. P.O. F. 310 Terr; e St Springfield. Man. npnpcy TRECIMtNT. oivoFnm. k r.-n.-f. VilV* Bw.-llli.t Iin.l .‘•(■■■rt hroaTti. N*'Vt>r h- ar*l »f fi»r «lr 'p^y. Try It. Trltvl tr' atui. ril FREE, t>y iiuiil. Writo to OR. THOMAS E. GREEN Bank Bids*. Boa 20. CHATSWORTH. QA. DICE-TRANSPARENT WrlU' f >r p'"tc< «. I.. N Hi* M>. K;i'; Six-noor, N. C. tx'i n Poor Men, • \ on i; ^ ^ , • marrir.l ’ ■ vi. ‘iltT ; ri".' _• :r >mii tin' ;iU'l •■Sli.' .I..,-!.': ;• ' ■ r.’’>'b;i!«!y no!. .Al'i'r of rh.' \\tnr •!’,'] 'i'll!' u;i> ';i’T* ;-i"l !i.t six !iii'« KIDNEY TROUBLE NOT EiSiLY RECOGNIZED Applicants for Inswrance Often Rcjeclcd .\n rxiTii” n.r ; v-' - '.n :nr ono of llie f'- nt . .:i in an HI’.,..' , i;.,- , ,, in : io ihe as- ?' :• ','!K ‘S ‘ <.'!u- mM'OU vs Jiy f. iri;. ’ii.i :m'' In;- ;ri-ni .in* ro- jt ''d I' k. ti' iii..!- is so coin- i;. 'II t ) ’.if A:i;<mi.‘Ui 'I’A’, an ! tlu- l:iij;t‘ II. I, ; .1^ "f • '-o V. I . „ T 1- . .■ '•a' i!;.- ;iie ‘ ^ thal liicy -■ u ii ■: I." lor •n. llv i I a i' i'll ^..!o •I :v,- , ■ ' tt.- t th-i ■ I ■ i>r. N \ .. I 'f f 1. u Millers Will Pretest to Hoover. A deloRalion of ni*:\i!i niilU‘is of 1h( stat(“ was luM’t' irvini; to liavc tli'* i't-il eral food coiili-ol division mi-i"-iid an ! oidor im.iiiisi till' iiiip'irtat ion oJ wiioai into .N’ortli Caroiiiia. 'I'lii' ordor li;: been iniposf'd on thr j’i*'<i"d th:ii Xoi’lli Carolina iaisi>> suitirioiii wImm* for tin' iHM'd.'; of llif poopir of ilo' stai 'J'lirn' an' IN't ^tiaiii util!.' in Hi*' state. of wliicli iinjKui niori> or loss wlioat from other states. 'I'liese mill ers insist that they cannot op.'rat'* their mills if they art* <nt out of th ' whOiTt they have her(Mof<ue hro\if;lif in tn supply th('ir tradp. The millors, with the coojx ra;ion of the stat(' dfiiartnient of aKri< iilt nre will make up a (U'taib il offii ial state ment of th(‘ real siiualion in this state and piesent it to the federal food ( o;i trol authoritii's with demand for read- jtistruenf of the order as to itnporta- tion of wheat into this state. The millers held a i-onferenio with Henry A. I’an*'. federal food adminis jtrator for this state. ;nid Ihe situation was thorouRhly ranvassed. It devf'l- oped that thf're are really moro than Inishols of whnat i)roti>jht into the state for milling purposes and somothinK like lTiO.immi bus’nels export ed in the sliap** of flour and other mill products. The l>est estimates ss'em to he that nearly nine-tenths of the wheat produced in the state is ground by the small mills on the “cvis- tom" basis of tolls for the grindinp in seed. That this state nnist produ* e som?- thing like o.oort.ono more bushels of wheat before the state (an be really said to be self sustaininp; in the j)ro- (luction of its wheat bread, is the con tention. Siat'< New York. Pennsylvania. Miihifian. Minnesota. Virginia Kentucky. The latter two were admit led this year. More Hog Cholera Work In State. Because the campaign for cleani:u up j'.vet early or too d:y l.i: 'sprinp: Stifi. "bakev" >oil; if I' t’t until W'.irn;'. w‘; li' a’l:! li:i!l('W- |-:il7:>betli City has shmvn what nny he done ahm^r this litie. tin' N'ati.onal I: t ne'nt of .\i'riculturc c(i-o])iM'ai- itm wi!h M'e Slate ari tneiit lias de- T -rtni;;eii to krreatlv extend tins work. ii;;. pl.iceii two additional hoi^ c!i('ie|-a in the -tate to aid Hr p Ow.ii ill eradicating this dls ease Til" first c,"nip.-iun of educa'ion ate! ’pnmnsi ratio!) in thf' metiiod.- of h<-< ( holera i-oiitrol was li‘'trun ui I'.'H. wl’.en Doctor Dwen wa< assit^nrd to »hi'^ state with headijuatteiat jofiici^ frotn a trip tuadc to a nieptin;; eich. Late!' th*' work was i:iten>ilie.i peanut ^:inwe;-.- of N'orth I'aro- l>y taking otil>- a small territoi-> aiouinl ar .'^u'Yeik. wh> i> i.! I’.li'/abet 1) Cit\'. much of whi’h is ta , jdn with ti cial- of th S. Wir ;Mhi r inset : a- root ed w e;i . stich a- W“t'i!y L"r-as.-- arr' by Mii’MiMi; up a' ! f Lii:ht s.'i] -nb;. • » : ■-liould not iie nlo’A ( .'I !i ! i - litib' (iaii;:er cf !t!^ I a 11 plow ed la f.d u ;> 'u ■ low if a di'’\ harrow r moist are ronil’i ion-.- ;,i e :; Organize Peanut Growers. .Mr. W H. Camn f.as rciurned to hi Steps to I'oriil ’ I'eanu' (’.'■o\\‘!'- I 'U ; pose of - I •! ! aiid C(j-;;';;!'', I'Voilu. t , -Mr. C W tin S Uieiii hi'l' ( •• iUfe. \va- into t'.v.; ].!iar M: V i Typ.cai i-ousecic 3.'mg. 1 ' ' lie wa> ::;i the iir'i'-;. , '■ 1-^i. i; ! : ■'.■■1 laosi in th.- Ill'll’ .u.C' '' -".the Very ti;--' A BRIGHT. CLEAR CO^VIPLEXION N al'.' :','.' a laiir-'d i. ; . 'h.' laiida- bb' II t:;' ij ’ .^f ■ , . ■ , Mid" all '-he c .'; iiiai;'* at> i"ie’i\e. Maii> of oiir ■ m'l.eih \Miinen have found that 'rett,T;:ie ;i; ■ aliiabb- for r-leariiiL' np blotches, i-.hy patches, etc., and niakin:^ ‘he -I.in v.ift ;ind \*-!vety. The Wor^! c..>,.v of eczema :ind "’her tortnrinL: .-kin di-eases yield to Tetterine. SoM di M::_M't^ or sent by mail for .""c. ti\ ,'<hupiriiu* Co.. Savannah, <ia. .\ !v. C. C ! -on "f liardin, <’olo.. cleared .'<r.o an a're ’his vi-ar on i:“, acres of oa!'^; c\pe|!-.-s decaicted. free ran^;'- territory, to si'e if it v.’ou’.d l.f. po^sildc ’o .•railic.at.' th-' diea<" ih;s tc!■ri•"r^■ The results of this f-t livuved very in'cpssful and now t v,'> will !> ■ loeated ia tb.e e;'sr..;ii ■ , of 'lie -t;;le wi'h h ea d (! ua I’t e Ts Kli/.ab-th City and Wilnii’^iitoa whib' Doctor Ov.-eti wHl be a'a:!able to •. itiz' tis over ;1ip nntire state. The wiirk as oiiilincd wiH be divided sc iat:on; 'I'lie firs’ will b'‘ ({“mous'rat ions in wh'ch Ml*' ■■(ui!'ty a^cr.ts of the . idtnral l-'.xien^i"n Pf'rvi<-e will b ■ r. .ed to aid ill awak'^tiiim • wi’te unc.v- ers to the daiiuer of -he !>oi- i hole;- ' a.isi-ase 'The seeond will be in the na ture of -^anitaiy eontrol work in whi' h the cooiieration will be with the Stat-' I>ner. N. ( \'eterinarian of the A^^ricultnral jiartment. director 1?. W. Kilgore, of <iatif>n are to pvomot thf> Auricultural :.ia-( "aroli na ■ for t!i'' ..e i_To\v>y< tie'il' .I'l ; loi’.a 1 I'ra:' •• (ire nati. land .\’eck. (; ••(U'sr*‘ M s‘'<-r; :afv ti > asiir*^; I a>' e;. a 1- i/a ;:•::. a ei I;.-, \,i.. .1 I, ,\. C. : .1 T i;obe’ -s S, n. W'i;! l.ii: I. < riihti.Mi a;:d .M- \;- ( 'o Va !' \\'a.^. . ( i: ? Kxtelisio!) Servi<e In Keiieral. t)i. ation are to pi terests of fjrowers nl'.i will be acceiited by tlie Tnited States and foreimi fiovernmeiits. F(U- the •past month two special aii<MHs fr<uit the Federal Census Dejiartment offi- lially ir.siiected the coi!ii>let eness of the birth i'*'portiim made to the Vital at tliis and other winter Statistic- 1 )t'])artm“’it of the Hoard of bein;; turned off and le^t atnl fotind that the State was ni)t only : Teams :ire hard"!' and iti betfe.- reporting fat' above the reu.uired ]>e ^ u-orkinj; (ondition in fail, .tiid th" , eiita^e. but that :h(' work was don*' wr-p.iln r is <ooler for- tie- h'-avy wo; k, mo«t efficiently, : 4- Lnnd is penernllv in t;ood . on.li , , Ition to turti in fall, which inav le too The other States that have pre. eded North ('arolina into the birth re^nstra- tion area are the >:x Nf'W l-ai^land may b» crumbled and inijiroved in .onditioi and come plant-fond freed bv exposur-; to freezin.t; ami tlia’.vinu <i. Ton^h ^0(1.' will rn: tmire (inlck'v if fall plowed, atid i an be disked nr itito a better see-i l;ed with less labor. T. Fall jdow.-d land, b fr rouL'h. wi'l ho^r < holera in the se(-tion around aii-m b nnne v>a.te’ and nieltin.c snow 11 a.- L-aii;. a’id are! often wa, bin .r la'l. Th- .1! \Vt> i\ e and mel- . -•■d V. he i rut mai'Kettni" o;.;- >f \'!:>.’;n;a. In- took I-.., tee-- (O' .Mat lie ,v. i'. \ -'I'et ts. ■o'’d, \':i ; 1-; 'v. ;i ’o’t. of the so i- t’ne mutual '.'i- iii in'oilui-in^. baa i- To Cure b Cot«l ia One Day 'Take I.A.XATIVH vl'INiNH Tablets. PruKfflsts r*»fiin(l nionev if It falls k> cure. U. W. GR0V14 S signature is on each bor ;SOc. .New South Wales cut- utiript' wheat for hjiy. zmf if Murine Is for Tired Eyes. | 5 M8VI08 Red Eyes — Sore Eyca — s “ Granu’.aied Kyelids. Uesta— = E R**frp‘'hos — Resior*)s. Miir.ne i.s a Favorite s s Tn-;itru*‘nr fur iayes that tV‘*i dry and boiart. = s (jive your Hyos as mnoh of your SovinK care s E as yoiir Tei't'n and with ttx' suuio rciiularlty. - = CAOE FOR THEM. YOU HAitNOT BUY NEW EYESI = S Sold at Itniu and Optical Moreo or by Mall, s H Mk Murine Ey* Retnedy Co., Chicago, for Free Booh | SuWIUilUlllitUIIUIIIMUllllllUIUIIillHIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlS I Two New Charters Granted. I H. W. F. Co.. of Ellerbe. to rondnct i general mer« anitle eatabli.shment with $.=i0,000 authorized capital and $10,000 flubscrlbed. The incorporators are J. J. Henderson, J. W. Webb, and \V. M. Henderson, all of Kllerbe. The Rowan Suj)ply Company of Bur- gaw', with $2r),000 authorized capital and $300 subscribed. The incorpora tors are K. Mixon. W. H. Whitle and R. R. FlemitiK. all of Hurgaw. The Food Administration is protect- Professional Cards MEN FROM EVERY GTATE (N THE UNION NOW WITHiN WAR ZONE. IDENTITY IS NOT DISCLOSED All Those Who Sailed From United ; 'i^tates Arrived Safely and Some Are Already in Training—French Popu- ^ lation Give Welcome. Nortli Carolina measured well over 90 per cent and has been admitted to the registration area for births for the v('ar 1917. A detailed report of the test will be s«“ut you shortly. Ovir special afjents have returned from North {'arolina and have nothinR hut f<Iowlng accounts to pive of the cor dial reception >;iven them and of the Do Spring Plowing Early Is Advice, efficiency of your registration sys- important ptere of the sprint; tem." work wtiich can often he gotten out of This means, according to the State the way in the fall and early winter to ' Hoard of Health, that North ('arolina K<>od advantape is a iiart at bast of •s reporting all. or at least over I'O per ;the plowing. Offic ials of the .\u;ri.-u!- cent of her births and that birth sta-i'H'':'! <’nll<'Ko ^live the fidlowiiiK ar}.n- tistlcs as well as her death statistic-^ !favor: 1. There is more ’ime in fall than spring: and every dav saved ca!i !> ' list'd f(u- ]irepariiur a':d piantinf: wlien jthe spring rt’sh iome- : 2. Hired he!]) tan I'e ken* •■mploveil wo.k instead With the Ameri(an Army in Fran< -National Kuardsmen from every slate in the I'nion have arrived in France, it is ptninitl.ed to be an nounced. Tliey iue amoiit; 'In' tr tops now training, or lately arrived. While it is not permitted to dis close the identity of units it may be said that all those which sailed from the I'nited States have arrived safe ly and that .some already are in train ing within sound of the guns on the battle front. They are showing a spirit in keep ing with the purpose to make the / meriean expeditionary force a ho mogeneous American army in whi«ii each division, whether regular, na tional guard, or national army, cannot be distinguished in effi<’iency from the others. The former state troops are billeted over a wide area and are pronounced excellent soldiers. The guard.smei! have been arriving in the American zone for many week.i Tlu>y are siattered somewhat, but as far as possibb' the units from the same state have been ki'pt close to gether. They found the regtilar army had made good preparations for them, aiid v\hile many are biiiet->d in hoiise.s in French towns, others have been (luartered in low woodei; barra-k.-, spec ially erected. The troops from the various stat-'s have been reco^;iii/.ed by tin- Frencli })o]iulat iiui and liave !ieen welcomed enthusiast ii ally. Many of ’he unit.s wore the l-'i-ench i'ed. wh;:e and bliie cocl.ade jiinned to their campaign hats. After a sufficient 'itU'" ’-i re-t from the journey. t!u' troops have been set to work training for actual service at the front. In ail quartets thev are declai'ea to be m,)^: (-nthu- Idierly iiuali'ies from tlu- siastic and their have drawn high prai l-'remh insiructois. For the information of Mi-' rela tives and families of ’he men, every one who saileil from the rnitei States has arrived -af- ly ia Fratn ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS SOUND NOTE OF WARNING ;■ :ni-'!H a^ • lu viola’ ^•narat ■' a pos ;■ will f.id will co-operate with Doctor Owen iti marketing of the jieanut crop, the educational side of his work; and P-aniit grower in the State mr.v Doctor O. H. Oraham. State Veterin- : f'^'ome a member upon paynu-p.t of arlan will c-o operate in tlie sanitary i dues of «nv dollar per year. eontr(d work. ! ^o know.- savs Mr. .ramp, “'that r.ot more than a(i per ce'it Under the program of education arid ^ dpnu)iislraTi<ni, \\ill be hot ij]^^ according to lhro\i^lu)Ut Th** , tnade at tho mooting l»y visitlnti: in the methotls of immunization ‘’Mp-jjtes from pean.ut counties. Harlior In swine tliiough the administration o, season, it was thought that two- anti-hop cholera serum will he given. ^ crop would be made bu' sw'lne growers will be taught the e< o- rej)oi-ts have shown this to be an nomic value of tho anti-hog cliolera estimate, serum and county agents will be as- j sNted in controlling epidemics of hog : \v,out one hundred thousand manu- cholera whenever there is great need, j wholesalers and other dis Meetings will also he arianged bv the j praple good? are now un county agents when there seems to bo ' need of such educational movement. Robt. L. (lash. W. K. 15r«*<*se, Jr. GASH & BREESE LAWYERS 11 to 17 McMinn Building Notary Public DR. J. Y. McKINNEY DENTIST Office Pickelsimer Building The Rose j Cafe W. Y. THOMASON, Prop For the Merchants and Farmtrs QUICK SERVICE FOOD OF THE BEST QUA r /; POLITE ATTENTl jM j Main Street Brevard. N | Meals Delivered on Short ' * c- 1 DANIEL LEON ENGLISH Attorney and Counsellor at Law Brevard, ff. C. Real Estate Law and abstract of Titles A Specialty der the licensing provisions of the Food ('ontrol Act. Peterson Case Continued. MaJ. George L. Peterson, under in dictment on the ( barge of $7,r>00 short age in accounts as iiroperty and dis l)ursing officer of the North Carolina national guard, procured the continu ance of his case in Wake county sti perior court this afternoon, renewed his $l0,00(i bond and returned to Camp Sevier, where he is on the quartermas ter's staff of tlie Thirtieth division. The grand jury made the formal re Litter for the Hens. Cover the lloor witii cut straw or dry b*aves to a d«>pth of six or I'ight inches tor the lu'ns to scrati'li in l<>r their food during tiie winter. 'I’liey' ! must havi* pUuity oi <'xer«’ise it you 1 want eggs. Separate the Sexes. I Separate the sexes ;is >oi)fi a.-s [»os- ! sible and do not wtiii until tiie coeii. ’ erels ht*»’ome troubb'sotiu*. Tlie (“oe'ii. erels grow taster and crowd tho i>ul* lets if tiiey are left to-etJi-M-. ing the patriot against the slacker In ; tnm of a true bill htit the trial of tho business. lease is uncert?’- Clayton, Clayton & Fisher Attorneys-at-Law Brevard, North Carolina WELCH GALLOWAY Attorney Practice in all the Courts Brevard, N. C. C^ A^S^ b7 D E A V E R Attomey-at-Law OfTice Coop«*r Block Against Too Hasty Conder".r'at! Dr, of the Eoisheviki. Washitraton K'-.ilr a'i i:; 'f the ureat dan,ger of ^ au.-'iug a rea.-t'on \n ILU'.-ia favoiahle to ‘I: ■ ei;rral ’pow ers by intervention in '!i-' poll i. al af!airs of the n-‘vv d-'tnoi racy has ( aused administra! ion ;ff:< ials her- >c siuind a note of warr.'.ti;; auaitn' ha.-;ty (ondemiKit ion of tlie liolsheviki 15ack of what is descriiied a: a tol erant iiolicy in dealing witi; ii;issi,\ api'areiitly not only i~ a pnrp' to d"iiionstrate fai'ii in 'he tiltiina:- siaiiill/.ation of the .b-m-):Ta<y, bu; a faint hope tha’ ’he • \':'e:nisi tac tion. which is for W;- nioinent i’l (-oniroi of the sea’ i’etrcgi'ad, will :--fi ;ir; ing Kussia's trea’y tent.- allies arai ina--: peai e. So long : bility that tl; ov I'l; because of i!i ‘ .ip; aide dil'feren'-c b'-’ u ■ i;. a. ..-■ , viki ])e:i( e .Sili.'in'- . ' rrai'-d oil "m annexa!ii;ns and i:o ;:;-i>-n.;.ir,'es' an,; the Ct-rniaii d.-um; i . f ir ' Oi ;:'‘-i;sa tion arid '■.idee.ii,! i. -a'i--,-;ua! ds l-^r- the futiiie." i’ r.- reg it ,ie.i ,i- lia-i p(iii' >■ to ex-n ;;i.> j'i' ‘i:- ';o,n tn iin:-id(> at tiiis -la-.;* An additionai r--a.'on for tiiairiiarr; ing an atti'ude n\ wa’eiu'ulnes- an 1 reserv*' in Wasiiing'on ;s lound in 'In fact that to meet ju-i su. h a situa tion as is deve!o;»ing in iUi.-^sia is on- of Ih.e purjio.^es of liie intei--alli 1 eon ference assi tnbled in Pari-^ WOULD TURN FACILITIES OVER TO GOVERNMENT ALLISON & ALLISON Attomeys-at-Law In Old Cooper Building BREVARD City Market The City Market is i. II t e ri a rr. O implies. It is here you ge» you want in the line of poultry, meats, fruits and vegetabh-. BOILED HAM CHIPPED MEATS ARMOUR’S GOODS | FISH I i BROIl_PR^^ I I and other Poultry to Sait Vou i } City Market | S. F. ALLISON, Proprietor > PHONE 47 : CJOLEMAN GALLOWAY Attorney-at-Law Cooper Block Brevard, N. C. CONNESTEE LODGE No. 237 I. 0. 0. F. Meets Every Monday Night Visitors Welcome A NEW SUIT COSTS FR0»1 $10 TO $50 . DUNN’S ROCK LODGE NO. 267 Your old suit can be cleaned, pressed, repaired and made to look almost as gooc as new for 50 certs; $1.00 a month for four months. ... CITY PRESSING CLUB J. E. Waters. Prop A. F. & A. M ^nstxinii BREVARD, Departments College Prep.iratory, Normal, M isic. Business, Do mestic Art, Ho-.-.sthcia Fcor.cmjcs, Aj;ricult’.jre. AH depc^tr^.€^s .ire directed by teachers with special training and large expeiier.ce. They know their business. Influences of the Ir.stitide are alone worth the cost A tuitioa. Opens on September 6. YOUR AD Detroit, Mich.—Apiit oxiniately I'.f automobile maiiuiai Uiters at a meet ing of the National Au'omobile ('ham her of ('omtnerce h-ore today ti'edge.i their sui>port to tlie government and expressed tht'ir readiness to turn fa <-ilities over to the government as rapidly as required. In the mean time, it w'as decided, the nuinufac turers will keep their orgatiizations intact to conserve the greatest pos sible strength. In This Spacer Will Increase Your Business

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