TEE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. 0. / ASHEVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Firms Listed Will Serve You Well Use it to Plan Your Shopping Trip, or for Mail Inquiries Advertising Loan Office Booklets desl/^ned aud written 68 FINKLKSTEIN’S Loan Office. Jewelrj American Bank Building. (HH trunks, leather goods, 23 Biltmore Arm. Wb®kly NEj\vsPAPE)is. Western Musical Instruments ^orth Carolina territory Rates? Gill. Music House. 76 Patton At*' nue. Phone 206. Automobiles BlQ LINE USED CARS, rash or O. K Auto Co. CHEVROLET difltrtbutori». Livery and Clothes •uto aervice. Cliainbers & Weaver Co. CASH TALKS. Used oarK. Every Overland Asheville Sales Co. Men’s and Boys' Furnishings I J. W. NEELY & Co. for Steln-Block jNirasnONAL SMSaXE Lesson (By E. O. SELLERS, Acting Director of the Sunday School Course of the Moody Bible Institute, OhlcaBo.) (Copyright, 1917. Wr»t« rn NowBpapor I’nlon.) LESSON FOR DECEMBER 9 EZRA AND NEHEMIAH TEACH THE LAW. Oafes Office Supplies OFFICE aiTPPLY CO.. typewriters, adding ninchines. safes. 91 Patton Avenue. HOMEMADE candies, restaurant, soda Club Cafe and Candy Kitchen. Optometrist and Optician Department Stores H. REDWOOD Jb Co., dothes, hats, un- deiVear, etc., for every bi>dr Dry •Wxls, rugs, Butterick patterns. COKHEi'T GLASSES. 52 Patton Ave nue. (Ht‘>'tl^*’son’s Jewelry Store.) Dr. Denison. Photographers Drug Stores HUKJASON'S STUDIOS. 60^ Patton Avenue. Opposite po-stoffice. Artlstio MBS!T jrour friends here. 43 Patton portraiture Avenue. Paramount Drug Co Furniture PF:LTt).\' STCDIOS, Pack Square. High grade portraiture. ^HEN you see a Furniture Ad think of Green Brothers. Pianos Tuned General Mechanics. RKPAIRED P^xpert work. All guaran teed Elks building. Williams & Huffman. WkFTE or see McRary & Son for your ^Tnick Body. Hardware builders Hardware a Specialty. Northup McDuffie Hardware Co. Jewelers Tbe House of Oiftfi. 62 Patton Avenue. Chas. E. Henderson GLASSES fitted. Expert watch repair ing. 16 Church. H M. Frost. J. E. CARPENTER, Jeweler. Watch re- pairlnf *peclaJty. 16 N. Pack Square. Kodak Finishing i^XPERT work. Eastman agency. Mail «r4ers solicited. Brown Book Co. Kodak Supplies Printing PRIN’TIXG, Bookbinding, Loose I^eaf Binders. Hackney & Moale Co. Real Estate W T. ROWLAND ft CO. Farms. "It Can Be Done ” REAL ESTATE. Insurattce. 18 S. Pack Square. Phone 1346. Ixirick Co. REAL ESTATE BROKER See Jamee W Behen, IIV^ Ohuroh Street. .\SHEVTLLE Realty Investments. American Dank Building. Henry T. Sharp Co. IF interested In Asheville Real Estate talk to John Acee. Seeds 1^ Kodak developing, printing, mail or ' ders. Amateur .supplies Robinson ' suDPlies Photo Store. STRICKER SEED COMPAXY. whole sale and retail seed merchants. Poul- Laundry Sporting Groods Tire Repairs The Xichols way for Laundry Safis- fartton. Asheville Steam Laundrv SF'N'D us your tires and tubes. •Asheville Steam Vulcanizing Co. THE NEW OLIVER NINE A TYPEWRITER REVOLUTION New Machines For Half the Former Price At the v*T}- height of ils sur> Tlu- oliwr 1'> pt*writer ('otnp^iiiy ajfaiii upsets the typewriter industry. Ju.>5t as it w. .Now thi.= j'out-rHil <-onipi>ny—world-wide in iiifluenoe— a Imlt to old expeii.sivf wayj^ i>f .'ifliiiifj typ**writt*rs It lree.« buveis of a wast*- fu Iburdcn. Was $100 Now $49 A <-«mpany strong enough, l.irge enough and brave enough to d<* cities. There will be no Jdle .stocks. You. Mr. I'ser. will deal dire book and further details. Youll be smrprlsed. salesman. And we gain economies for ourselves, too So, it isn't philan- thro{)v Just the new. efficient way uf doing busines.s to meet present-day tMoiiomic changes .\()te this fact c arefully. offer the identical Oliver Nine the hitest model brand new. for $4!». the exact one whicli was .$loA until .Marcli 1st. The Latest Model Do i.or confuse this offer of The Oliver Tyix writ&r Conijiany it.self of a brand n* w. latest model !) with of- iV-rs of second hand or rebuilt ma- We do not offer a substitute model, cheaper, different or rebuilt. Read all the secret facts in our docu ment, entitled “The High Cost of Typewriters—The Reason and The Reme common people. While (lOd's \vor»l is a plain book and easy to read, n«>vertheless men of spiritual understanding are needed to “rightly divide" it unto the people (v. 7). However, t’ne great in- ter])reter of the Fiible given by the Fa ther is the Holy Spirit himself (Jolui I John 2:‘20-27). JThls method of beginning the study of the word and its cf*ntinnnnce as presented in these verses is a good suggesti<.n for modern Sunday school workers. III. The Hearing of the Word. (vv. 0-17). As Ezra and Nehemiah and their associates and Levites tatight the people, there was a live-fold result. First: There was conviction and iiioiirmnp. The word of (lod always convicts of sin, hut tlu* pe.iple w»>re told not to mourn over the past, nor were they to weep, for all the people wept 9). Wh«‘n men hear the ■words of the law there will be con viction of sin. (See Kph. ():7; Heli, 4:12.) W’eeping may not. however, be conviction (2 Cor. 7:'iO). Weeping weakens, but that wa.s no* designed, rather the exhilaration of joy. More over. they were to s<‘ek the refresh ment of food and drink. Indeed, the Joy of the Lord was to be their strength (v. 10). “And there was very great gladness” (v. 17). In verse 11 we are told that the Levites exhorted the people to hold their peace, that the day was holy and that they should be grieved. To this the people re sponded (v. 12), and made great mirth, because they had understood the dec laration of the word of the Lord. No tice that Joy and gladness came after obedience, also that Nehemiah, the governor, had a part in the teaching. It Is a great thing for any people when their civil rulers are genuine. Intelli gent, and spiritual leaders. The peo- i«le w’ere Instructed to show their grati tude as well as their piety by remem bering “those for whom nothing had been prepared” (v. 10). The fourth result was peace (v. 11)—the peace ctf right relation with God (Rom. 6: 1; Phil. 4:7). Fifth Result: Service. Mourning can very easily be con tinued too long, and, therefore, it was necessary to employ the emotion of mirth and the exercise of work that the people might enter into this peace. The fifth result, therefore, was serv ice (v. 12). Notice that their thanks giving portions and their service w«re based upon an intelligent knowledge ef God’s word. If there Is anythirig that pre.sent-»lay social service needs, it Is th? illuiuinatioa which comes from a knowledge of God’s w’ord. Last of all, worship (vv. 13-18). Worship is a coniDound of “w’orth” and “ship.” Man and Lion Die In Battle. Lion and man, lying alongside one another b<»th terribly nmuled and both quite dead, tohl a silent story of a titanic struggle “somewhere In Afri ca.” The dec«*ased was Tn»oper Nor man Sinclair, a native of Prestonkirk, and wiiilo on military duty his body w’as found lying beside the king of beasts which he had kill(‘d. A remark able tribute to hi.s nieniory has l»een paid through the devotion of native troops. Tliere has now i>een placed s em- munltlon wagons. The.se figures are all additional to the Increased esti- nmtes for mot_or transport.—Army and Navy JonriiHl. Always Have PERUNA Mrs. Li. a. Patterson, 1399 Kentucky St. Memphis. Tennessee, writes: *1 have been a friend of Peruna for many years. I have used It off and on for catarrhal complaints and found It a very excellent remedy. I have a small family of children. Times ar6 hard with us, but 1 can Bcarcely atTord to do without Peru- na. especially during the season of the year when coughs and colds are prevalent. We always recom mend Peruna to our neighbors, lor the benefit it has been to us.** For Coughs and C>lds in the Home. Recommend It to Our Ndghbors. These who object to liquid medi cines can procure Parunn Illustration. “lUrds of a feather flock together." “That’s so; a number of swallows generally accompany a Jolly lark.” MOTHER! In the Trenches. "HI, Bill! Here comes a gas wavef* “Thank Heavens ! This toothaebe^ almost killin’ me.”—Cartoon’s Magap zine. Have you ever used MOTHER’S JOT SALVE for Colds, Coughs, Croup and Pneumonia, Asthma, and Head Oar tarrh? If you haven’t get It at onse. It will cure you.—Adv. Things you try to keep dark will come to light sooner or later. Anoint the eycMdB with Roman Eye Bal- • ■am at nlKiit. and in the morning observe | the refreaht-tl and strengthened aentattoa in your eyes. Adv. Australia is buying C’alifornla lum- A9k for mnd Got CHENEY’S EXPECTOBANT The Original Cougli and Cold Remedy STOPS THE WORST COLO IN 24 HOURS Beet for Colds. Cougha, Cmi^ Sera TIvoat. Wkoepias ' ber. SELF DEFENSE Btate of Ohio, City of Toledo. Lucas County—ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney Sc Co., dolnff business In the City of To ledo, bounty and State aforesaid, and that im ■ ■■ HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE. ly L said Arm will par the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLAPjB for anv case of Catarrt that cannot be cured by the use of ! DRED dollars for any case of Catarrh FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my oreaence, this Cth day of December, A. D. IMl rSeal) A. W. Oleasoa, Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is tak en Internally and acts throuah the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Defeat Backache and Kidney Trouble With Anuric The Reason. I Bishop (.’olfelt of Troy said at a din ner recently: Many people In this section have suffer ed from rheumatism and kidney trouble and have found that Anuric was the most successful remedy to overcome these painful and dangerous aliments. The lucky people are those who have suffered, but who are now well because they heeded nature’s warning signal in time to correct their trouble with that wonderful new discovery of Dr. Pierce’s called “An-u-rlc” (double strength). You Bhould promptly heed these warnings, some of which are dizzy spells, backache, irregularity of the urine or the painful i twinges of rheumatism, sciatica or lum- ' bago. To delay may make possible the 1 dangerous forms of kidney disease, such ' as stone in the bladder. If you want ' quick relief buy Anuric now (60c a pack- Bffe)—or send Dr. Pierce 10c for trial pkg. i This will prove that "Anuric” eliminates j uric acid as hot water melts sugar. 25c and 60c at all Druggists WOMEN OF VIRGINIA Basic t’ity, Vsi.—“I wai.s in baA shape w’ith womanly trouble and waa ail nm-down and confined to bed. doctor was attending me three tlmea a day but I was getting worse. I heard of ‘Favorite Prescription’ through a friend w’ho had been benefited by It. I could hardly raise my hand and could not sit up In bed. I began tak ing the *Prescrii»tion’ and the first bot» tie gave me strength. I kept it up until six bottles were used. I waa then able to do all my w’f>rk. I doubt not that the use of It saved my lifew When I begin to run down now' I take a little and It always helps me and builds me up at once.”— MUS. J. W, PADOETT, Commerce St. This herbal tonic for women Is made up In liquid or tablet form, and can be obtained In any drug store. Contaloe no alcohol or narcotic, and Its ingredi ents are printed on wrapper. Send Dr* V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., 10 cents i for trial package tablets.—Adv. I “The rea.son why some people get I no comfort out of their religion on j Sunday is thnt nobody else gets any j comfort out of it during the week." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOKIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of| In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria tfimCRSMITH's V @ILLlbNIC Bold tor 47 veare. F'or Malaria, Chllla and F'ev’er. AJe^ S F'ine General Strengthening Xonic. 60c sad $1.00 at ill Drai Stmb A multitude of snia<-ks follow lu the wake of courtship. The Onininc That Dsea Not Effect Head BeesoM of tta tunic and laxaUre effect. LazaUre Bromo Quinine can I>« taken by anyone wUbont canslng oerronsness or rtnitlng In the head. There is only one "Bromo Qalnlae." M. W. QttOVH'8 ■Ignatnre la on box. a>c. Australia is a heavy importer of American aiitoinofdles. A tlnirle dJose of Dr. Prery’* '•D<*a Into a fcul's gnrue now and then. Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are Ite.^Jt for liver, bowels and stornnch. One little I'ellet for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad. A sure sif;n Is one that reads, “.\o 'I'rust I" fRESH CRISP-WHOlESONE-DELiaOUS THE SANITARY METHODS AmiEO IN TMI flAKING OF THeS« BISCUITS MAKS THEM THE STANDARD EXCELLENCE l>Ml«r has fiim, or if not ht shoaid» •46k turn or write us ^Ivta;) his CHATTANOOGA BAKERY Backache of Wome; How this ^Voman Suffered and Was Relieved* Fort Fairfield, Maine.—^*For many months I suffered from backache caused by female troubles so I was unable to do my house work. I took treatments for it but received no help whatever. Then some of my friends asked why I did not try Lydia B. Pinkham*s Vegetable Com> pound. I did so and my backache soon disappeared and I felt like a different woman, and now have a healthy little baby g^l and do all my house work. I will always praise Lydia £. Finkham*s Vegetable Gompotmd to women who suf fer as I did.”—Mrs. Alton D. Oakss, Fort Fairfield, Maine. The Best Remedy is lYDIA E. I VEGETABLE KHAM HuMisaiids mmitsi hm@ fmmd this Ifhif dossft iff it ? LYDIA E.PINKHAM KED1CINE C0.~LYNN.MASS.