THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. ASHEVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Firms Listed Will Serve You Well Use it to Plan Your Shopping Trip, or for Mail Inquiries Advertising Loan Office booklets desigiu'il and written. FINKLKSTKIN’S Loan Offico. Jewelry American Bank Building. trunks, h'atlu'p good.^, 2H Hilt more Ava. WEEKLY NEWSl’Al’KKS. Wostt'in Musical Instruments North Carolina torritory. Katos? palk Music House. 7G I’atton Ave- “T 7“ , ■ nui*. Phono 206. Automobiles BIG LLNE USED ( AKS ('a>»h or eretlit. O. K. Anto ('o CHEVROLET distrilmtor.^ l/ivcry and ii f-T your Truck Bodv. Hardware BUILDERS Hardwa'f' S;>pi i:iltv. Northup McDnlTie l!ai>!'var‘' Co JeM’elers Th® House of Gift.-; .".j I’.'.'n " Chas K llf‘ii-l('r.^''>n GLASSES fitted Ing. 15 riiurch Ex|' -rt T^-at-'h i-en;iir- H M Fr -st J. E. CARPENTFU .T v.e'-T W h re- palrlnR specialty ' ' \ I\uk Siiu.Te Kodak Fiiiishinfr Printing I'KlXTlXd, Pot'kliinding. Lo('.se I^af I‘.ind<-rs llacknev & Moale Vo. Real Estate \V T ROWLAXD & CO Farms. “It Can He Done” rjFAT. KSTATE, In'^nraflce. 1.S S. Pack Square. Phone Lorirk Co. RF.\L FSTATE PROKKR See James W Behen. IIVA riinrcli Street .\Sni\VILI/E KomUv Investments. .\merican Pank PuHdina; H^'iiry T Sharp Co EXPERT work, i: orders soliciti*il Mian as '" V Mail '.T' \vn Moi'k Co. IF intere.-^tf\l in A.sheville Rea! Kstafe talk to John Acee. Kodak Supplies Seeds KODAK dovelopirv ders Amafenr Photo Store. I '’■•i' ir mail or- .lic Rii’ninson STRICKFR SFFD COMIWXY, whole sale and retail seed merchants. F*oul- 'ry s\i{>i>’ies. Laundry Sportins: Goods Tire Repairs The Xichnls w iv f' - faction. Ashevi:- d’-.- M T..,; :i:lr SI-'XD us yonr tires and tubes, .\slipville Steiini Vulcani/hit^ Co, THE NEW OLIVER NINE A TYPEWRITER REVOLUTION New Machines For Half the Former Price Was $100 Now $49 At tin* vt-ry he ^; typewriter iiidu.''!’ foi'i'ed all othrrs • calls a hall ti> old > fu Iburdt-ii. -• » •: vt-r ’]■> [lovvritci' Con'i'.iny a^a’a iiji.^ots th® when a imrodui-c i vi.siMt,- wr:fiiip. .u;d fonip.iiii -woi'li)-widf in iiiHueni t— 1 .!iK tyj.ewnters. It frees bu.v» rs of ;i waste- A mpany srn'np >'n. .?:h, larpo enough and bravo f';’ou-'n t-. .!■) a big startling thing like this. srrvca a hearing. The full facts art- set T in onr Amazing exposure, oi ti';. ''I'je Hijjh Cost of Tyi)ewriters -Tl'- I.: . arul the P^'medy." Ont- i ('i'y : i"‘ mail ed to you if vou send us tlm coupon below. HOW WE DO IT Henceforth The Oliver Ty’'>'writer Company will ma'ntain no .-xprnsive sales force of lo.i'i'n sa’ '-mih'ii and agents. Henceforth l! v. :l! pay i.o high rents in 50 clti(V>. There will be no tdJe stock.s You, Mr. User, will d al diro( t now ■with the actual manuf,- . t\rer No micidlemen no useless t 'ii.- We end the wjr.'te and give y(ni t;ip -av.r'.gs. You get the ?'il by being v>ur own SAVE $51 This Oliver Nine is a twenty- year development. It is ihe tiiK'st. costliest, most successful type writer we ever built. It is yours for 10 cents pt-r day in monthly payments of $3no Everyone can own a typewriter now. Will anv sane person ever again pay $100 for a standard typp^wrltcr wh<^n the Standard Visible Oliver Nine sells for $49. Send today for jrour copy of our book end further details Youll be sarprlsed. sah'sman. And we gain econ<.>mies for ourselves, too. So, it isn’t philan- throp.v. Just the new, efficient way of doing busiiK'Sri to meet present-day o<'on(>mic changes. Xote this fact carefully. eW ofl'er the i(lenti<‘al Oliver Xlne—the latest modol - brand new. for $41'. the exait on® which was $100 until March 1st. The Latest Model Do not confuse this offer of The Oliver Typewriter Company itself of a brand new, latest model 0 with of fers uf sec^ind hanil or rebuilt ma chines. Tliis is the first time in history that •a new standard $10O Typewriter has been offered for $40, We do not offer a substitute model, cheaper. ur de uxe catalogs and further Informa tion. Name Street Address * City State THIS SmE LEADS N TOBAGGO RAISING FAR AHEAD OF OTHER STATES IN MANUFACTURE OF FINISHED PRODUCTS. DISPATCHES FROM RALEiGH Doings and Happenings That Mark the Progress of North Carolina Peo pie, Gathered Around the Capital. Kai 'igli. Special from \\'ashington. The an- lual rei'«'ft of th(> commi^'sioner oi int('rnal levenue for the fiscal year e\I,'d June .“^o. lIMT, carries interest Ing facts about Xorth ('!arolitia. The tax collei tions for Untde Sam in Xortli Carolina amounted to (iS2,01. That sum is divided as follows: $L*0.104.2S:^.:{7 from ordinary sources, including emergency and other reve nue; $l,L’;?2,r)09.13 from the corporation income tax, and $5t»l .lS!>.r»l individual it^come tax. The division according to districts is: From the western district (A. D. Watts, collector). $l'2,2S7.1 S(’).37, and the enstorn district (J. W. Hailey, (ol lector), $S,t;io.S!)5.64. Xorth Carolina led states in the production of cigarettes not weighing more than three pounds per thou.-;aiid. She was tax(>d for lo,7l3,4t>7.'.tl0. Xew York came next, but was 3,000.000,<»no loss than Xorth (’arfdina. N'orth Carolina also led quantity of niamifactured both chewing and smoking, duced 117,;M'>7.2Sr> ])Ounds. came ni'xt with 73,420.745 pounds. Some of the taxes Xorth Carolinians l>aid last yi>ar were; On winr-s, .'?1.- 825.40; special taxes relating to th ■ manufacturt' and sale of tobacco, cig ars and cigarettes. S.'t-' O'tii.fio; special taxes, including corjujiations, hankers, brokers, theaters. etc.. r*4; documentary .-fani]>s. etc.. >4",,‘.L'2.r>,‘), perfumery, cosmetics, I'fc.. ?7:V72; *‘s- tate tax, $22::.072.37. Xorth Carolina made 4.!'!U returns under the corporation income tax V latf>r publication will show the i7id'- vidual inc'('ine tax returns. 1,398 Rural Routes in N. C. Special from Washlngtoi> —Norti* Carolina rural carriers and patrons ot rural mail routes will be interested in Postmaster General Burleson’s rec ommendations for that branch of tho service in his annual report submitted. “At the close of Ihe fiscal year.” said Mr. P.urleson’s report, “.">,882,705 families r('pr('senting a total popula tion by 27,(M>0,sr)7 i)ersons, were be ing served l)v rural carriers at an iinnual cost of $i')2,!t2(),40S, as com- pareil with .■>,71;'.n02 families, the e((uivalent of 2(i,307,r)8G persons on the close of the previous year, and at an annual rate of expenditure of $r>l,7ir>,Cir); that is. ill 11U7 tiiere wer.* 7.".;?,171 additional persons served, at an increase in exjiense .if $1,204,792, or a unit cost of $l.f«o ])er ))atron. “.\f the (Mid of the f'isi al year 43,- State j rural rout<'s wert' in oi)eration, (> miles, and aveiag ing 2r).tlO mil s to the route, an in- crc;is(' of fi.TTi routes over last yea' "During tlie year 3S7 ti \/*'(*kly I'oiites were establi.-^hed ,ind tri w'.; iOi;t«': were d1.':< oi|i i iipr! Ser vice OI! r'lii tri weekly ’oi es wa« made dailv, and tlic serv.. ■; < n two dally routes was redm ed ,o iriw-e);ly. Professional Cards J Robt. L. Gash, W. K. Breese, Jr. GASH & BREESE LAWYERS 11 to 17 McMinn Building Notary Public DR. J. Y. McKINNEY DENTIST OffKe Pickelsimer Building The Rose Cafe W. Y. THOMASON, Prop. For the Merchants and Farmvrs QUICK SERVICE FOOD OF THE BEST QUALITY POLITE ATTENTION Main Street Brevard, N. C. Meals Delivered on Short Notice I ‘‘Th( -e i carrlo's ou.^ vt'ar was an increase of .'*72 rural ■s comi>ared with ih ‘ i>r-‘>i- i DANIEL LEON ENGLISH Attorney and Counsellor at Law Brevard, ff. C. Raal Estate Law and abstract of Titles A Specialty A NEW SUIT COSTS FROM $10 TO $50 in Ihe tobacco. She pro- Mis ouri In North Carolina. Xorth ('arolinii has ru'al routes with a mileage of 32 w’lich are maintained at an annua! cost of $1 ,t'i !S r.2r>, 'i he numt)er >f patrons served })y these routes total 1,075,310. The annual cost per patrons is $1 524 New Mills For Forest City. Charters have i)een issued ^or two new textile manufacturing corpori- tions. both for Forest ('ity, Ru’herford county, and the incorporators of lioth comiianies are the same ])artlos. The Wiiuro Manufacturing companv h;."- .?i;oii,oon capii.'il autliorized ;nid >5no minimum for organization purpo-'s subscribed by ,T. F. Alex;tnd'^r, W C. Bostic ami .1. H. Thomas, The cnm- ])any is to manufacture hosiery, under wear, shirts anil the like. The .\lexande;- Manufacturin'< com- jiany has c.ipital an»hori7.ed and $300 subscribed for orga:i'7ation Iiur[)oses liy .Alexander. Bo'^tic anii Thomas for manufas aii i certifica'i's their counties ar«' exp''; -c'l to absorb. ,\t the same tinu' the il ■; tails of the operation of th.ese suvi:i;;s stamps and certilicates wore exn! lin ed. State's Allotment. The county cliaiiinan throughout the state will be advised at om .> is to the amounts their counties are t(i tTikf in rounding out the $4s,.^‘’s.r>:’.s tha' Xorth Carolina is asst'ssed ip the !iationw’de campaign for these w;’;• savings st;imps ami certificates which are contidently exi)ecte;l »o mark a new era in the thrift devcdopnietit of the state and nation. In his spirited address endorsing the movement and appealing for the fullest possible support for it. Gov ernor Bickett expressed conliderice hat the “lights would b(' kept hrigiit- ly burnin.t^," in thi-; sta'e for the re turn of the hoys who ar(' being ru-t’- ed to the war fronts and t’lat this movement of savings in supjiort of tlii- government,“^with stamps and certi ficates in the names of thes(> who hav;* gone to th(' front, along with others ■It home, would sei've a wondeiful pu>‘- nose in making available funds after the war for the home-coming soldiers, ■ind the hosts (>f other investors in ‘hese Ptam])s and cfMiilicates also. (’olonel Fries, in hi- address stress 'd the trememhnis benefit this fifty nillions of savings will he for the pco- ■'le of the state after the war whea ‘here will he the gn'atest need for it. lie also spoke of the lessons In s.av- *igs and general thrift that wi’l be earned by the people while rendering his great aid to the nation in time of , \var. Using Soy Bean For Food. While the Fooil Admiiiistration of 'he I'nited States is ailvocatin'^ th” usp of soy bean t'our in many recip'"- to take the ])la< e of scnrcf' and much needed \vh“at t’onr. it i- sig!iif1cant tli;ir the r.riti'h government has also :ni'h<^riz'd th.:'t be:ia tlour m:iy be added to oth“:- Hours inado from \v!ie;ir, rye or oa’s. the extent of five per ci't;f for human consutnpt io;i, Tlii- o!'l( r. lii-:e .Mr. Hoover's I’ci inc.:. \v:i - no doubt iriirh' for th>‘ jMirpo;*- r-f con- serving I'nghir'il's su!)ply c.f ccreal^ V.a’ til" sniac time allowing t’’i‘ COLEMAN GALLOWAY Attorney-at-Law Cooper Block Brevard, N. C. CONNESTEE LODGE No. 237 I. 0. 0. F. Meets Every Monday Night Visitor! Welcome '.tion of :i n: ■ov be:m fic.ur o" m- >:•!('■ HKiny beans for -■ea-('n. it i:- be u-ei] to a breads. n’M'- •il i'^ pv( lb gl'e;i ‘ I pn du'-t IT'e al to til footls ai'e ci'”;!'inf- , Pd a I’eiie.M 'a ^budget for the next year's d‘ I'ai't mental work. It imdude.i Sl-I.ouf! for ci'ttle tick eradica’ion, the federal gove:’'vient t#> exoe’id an ad ditional Sn.nno for this work. Tn Crer'-^es of in Tif>r cetu on the sal'"de'- of dena’dmental cb rks I'eceiviu" le;; ;thaTi (ICO ar'’ HI p-‘r cent <>n salaries of .<2 0!iU jfiore are allowed. Norris Gets a Pardon. 1.. ,7. Xorri* Hale.igh pressman, con victed i!i 1!>!1 of se.-orul de'^rc" murde’ ■in the killin'’, of d. B Bissetf. jas* e-i ■ ■of the K;t’ei?'h brill nai'k. and se”*e-- ed to twe-ry years ?n the State Pri ■ 'was t'a^'doned cond.itionri'ly by Criver iM)r P>i(kett af'.^'r it has been n>esen' j' rl to him that there was consi'lernb’- doubt as to tlie prisoner's gui't nn' that he had made a most exemjilary prisoner. YOUR AD In This Space Woman Food Head for Wake. Mrs. ,1. H. ('han'iberlain has beer, ap poin'ed county ftnsd administ’'ator for Wake county, succeeding .1. M. Brousrti ton, .Ir.. who resi.gnert because of hif nability to give justice to the increas In making a great success of the ■ auties of the position and at th* •onference Colonel Fries was assiste,l , ganip time attend t.o his duties as pres by Gilbert Stephenson, and R. (). Self ^nd (hairnian of the Wake conn af the state committee staff. tv council of defense. Health Officers for Rowan. ; Charters for New Corporations. Hr. L. J. Smith of Burlington haa | Highland Terrace Fruit ron» been appointed health officer for Row-! Raleigh, capital $25,000 an %n county under the three-year plan of ; thorized and $1,500 subscribed by C •ounty health work adopted this year Mitchell, J. M. Broughton. Jr.. aiid Will Increase 'y the state board of health and the nternational health board. Dr. Smi*h vlll begin work in Rowan, January 1. 918. Medical school inspection which A. L. Bashford, for the operation of a general bindery business. The Hi.ghland Terrace Fruit Com vill include the treatment of rhildren pany, of Southern Pines, capital $.">0 - or the various defects they are found OOO authorized and $7,000 subscribe l o have will be the first unit of health by S. B. Richardson. Mrs. F. S. I!e. - vork Dr. Smith will take up in his new and others for a general orchard busi peld 1 nesa. Your Business