THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. Fite Lvv.traiic.; the only safeguard, your homi iiisarcd? Is your busiaess protected? You may iasurc just before the FIRE But not one minu c alter the BLAZE The smoke of an liour may carry away the cai’iiin.'S a litetiinc. The co! i a-.itMina wi;ids brinvj^a most dan^cro'.is s »s w tor F-'IRE. S; .A US Personal Mention Look through tht-sc ('(iliiir.ns; see if the nanivs of your giicKis are tii.ere. If not, you have nefi’ierled your duty toward th m.i. It dors not cost any- thinij. 'IVli'phonc, write or bring your nt’v.'s to N'-’vvs oHn e. Mi^> V:iii i)f’ ' n, ri iin. i> in clinv;^i* ot (Tiii nti’> "tnn*. r«»i'Mtlv roDjM'iU'd. !)i( jfiwiOry, a ni)V»dt.y ll(^pJlvtnu^nt us hc(“ii itilili'il to tin* Mvs. \ 1], Smith was t.-ikt ii a t'vv au;.« to til-! Ini‘'|iit}il in ii iul' r-ioiivilit>, \vl:i r*« she iiiwhir- v«-]ii nil ui); ivi tiofi. U'’|»orfs <,‘f her •M. C.tolo' sn»*Tit tlui w<‘('k.( ii? !it S|)iirtiiTi>)nrf^. J I. WiitsoTi iwis b(M‘r' n])pi)iiit'‘>l cl«M k to tli.“ Uuvil ('Xi iiiptinii l)()nr<l.| ' h ’fii lavttrahlc Mrs. \V. A. .liilinstiMK^ lins iM'rii I'lif- M*.! i-,. !a-i:ni ( lah'nu't with -("•(•ri'lv ill for somk^ tiini*, but i- 'Irs. SU*(l!;t( ! )r(*ciiiht r Jo. A v<^ry Mt('r- stiti^ pi-.'uruMi rcuidcr.d III XI mc.-tiiii’ will hi> at M .s. .\’oi-v. .Kid's 1)11 .J.ijiuary 1<>, whiv’h wiil hr ijpcii UK'ctiii}'. I’li.laiiK' and Frank iviiiij, !n) ii I V,- lifcri a? si-li'nil in I ht‘ I’liifv ,\iiii‘arv Ac.idcin V n| (i reel!'Ai ii • i. S cani>' Iriiii' (he fust (.! tl.c •'■.('(■i; lor th(‘ (’hristmas li<il]c;:i .. s >'■ ','ii.iil >1(1 ahi'-id iil I :i ai'.' i.i.t mi' ihf -■•.■wvk' coiii, i)r. \V ;,! Lvd-i V V i!! ]i .vc ;.n :■! ;i-:; . l,is i luliiicii nrxt i'k. !. !vu; !■ no. L\ -lay <■ >,i!- • 1 r< : • I he imil’Cii ci I) now i!n])rovin^. (Jnv Watson, wlio is stationcil :ii (’r:ni]) S(>vi('r visiti'd liis i)arcnt>- htTi' at tho w«'»m; (‘iid. (' K. ()rr will s(»in niovo into hi;- t wn housi', i'Mviii;.' sold his Jariu C. I'], Kav ol' \Vavni‘s\ i1h'. ?vlar.-'l) !l is on duty a^.rain 1 thi‘ raii:n;; ' at'tiM’ ;;n a':.-' nco ol ■ '"i’> M1 da Vs d 1 'I‘ to si ■!. t! *1 . ! t .*M* li i i's 11 1 ‘t*n 11 V so (d i\ arjii ol 1’1 a’Ti'S in l)uiin lo ItMvr,.-!;;;. to \'. I'. SiTi!,u;4s for r 1 •■(>(! , FIRES IN TEMPORARY ABSENCE. .\ttention is bclnR called to the; fr^^- quency of fires in dwellings juRt tem porarily unoccupied—cases of the UFual occupants br.iiiK away for a few (lays, or for a few hours at the movies, to witiio'^s some street attraction, calls oi: v'^i^tinors, etc. Tfnst "M' h fires linve a tirst-off sus- pi i'Mi;! ’;iok, for an infondiary knows (’ c.f nn a'i')i; l)ut many of ?]■■■ ‘ it aif' M'u result of crass caro- U; np .. TPi icos and s‘.oyes are '.■<} ibo tir.' v.iil last, hiinfi^’ h',} ')]■’;". (i'.yiiif; clothes to.) ■ ‘ olher fooli'’i;ri'’ss. Ofi ' i • loft xviili yr.iii'K chiMrnn ■" • • r'K'‘inif's ti'i'v -nctrpil Ja t<, if);> r!'('!ii cl'itifii’M ca'i 'V ■ t') jfT’s’i v.-i'di t!': Ifuihlin,':, ii;: h->ri;iv I ' .’’f' ■' '.1 r{);- !]:c' rnrn "irs 'f iir i;;hilf.'; of famillf'r:. bntJi ■ thf- , rusiorly oi (!wr'Hin"3 !■ 'o, p’,. I Renew before expiration. ARE YOU A FARMEPn carrying an ^ exprs^j package from a big mr^.il-crdsr house was accostcd by a local dealer. *'Why didn’t you buy that bill of goods jiom I could haoe s Vi. J tjou ih'. express, and besides «.cu uszv.'d i'cC2 itcii patronizing a tivsm rfor?, n'tr-'Ji r.elfis pay the tares and builds up th:a locality. " Yt.z fc-rr'cr lo..k<^d at the mtr- chaal ricnsent arid then said: don't you pcitmnizc yocrr ho'ne paper endac'vetlbi? / nad U ar, ’i hn'.ncthatyoahaditiCiiuff I haoe here. " MORAL—ADVERTISE Buy shoes at the shoe store Hendersonville. 12-14 tfc • ,-V-. ■f-'l i-■ V . ■. " *, . «• j'_, .r‘■i - ' I ■ -J .w'-1; ''^^'.'1 !>■•. I'.. Waiiii'k has iii ’V- il l'i | i’iolv- I:--;; Ash.'- ]]!•' t-> Hm's'l! r i I'rntn \ii,!". ti:.'!!'..' OVi'l’ t ■: 1! > liuIM j i 1 r i i ] (- i!!. , ■ \i ro Mrs. (;,t'> SuiMiMiv anl sniail \u ; 'i:!; ‘ s I.a ^ '• rt i irr;' d :iii‘ , ;i ; a o) h"r ]),ir Ti'.s o .a. 11 :.r !>i \l. L.', :‘'"i f’i'ot. aud -.ivs. I’rank L. vN flI-. 1 r.;n 1 ( u 1 io A' 1k'(■. HOLCOMDO-TilASP '1 > s !.. ! > ( '• oil ill > !• h':- vil It , V. S. tar.-. ; t • ! ?■ -. i *. 1'. M ■ '> 'V' ■ 'V. alp I'M : r.': i .it . I i . a Ml i*. F I' lr!:' ' 'I S’lVitlav ic.wi i; I • ' s i. I i I !. M'l'i 1 i ;i:; a i:. I -M !-> | t !■’■ i 1 ■■ V v;> \ . i | ,, v< i; ■ . ar ''Ii'.rn--; Ir n; <'!i:irh'~ j a I ■ .; , 11 U' i \ n !■•:.■, j ^ 'X iM.: I :i i'; . . wii !i r. ? ‘ I,II iM ti. ■ T i i:.Lf a;.d s!. aiM ! Ulli Wc boti^hi 0!.«r Ci.iis’ni'] Ooo:!^ s a:-.: months <*g;0 and by xo d-liv^ have 3'\v:d at 2d p:-* ccnr, a ^ they wou’i CO-1 you :;i i; bjii-h: a. ../j . u v-. So ihts win b O'u I'v..;: .U- :> ;'0U cr!:i ccoi'ioiut:-:. ’o iL/Vv” I'tiirl \i .1 ■ )ur p.'^cn iscs iiOiVi ^ i_;_S : Lt.O U: ; i !i w.- all you- ivoncy H, .j.,-;;.: \v ; -I <l 1.--L \ oulz irv.-./t i.; - V V o:' r T'•>* ov io .'I,> ; , ovvy'rj iiii.1 : i the .:U n<: xwiitCii'K V. ' ; ;LV tc'U w' V* i i t i' I • S', " ' y ■:; Li y -v;;; to i \>i I: i\ i'' ' ..I't . !■; vV i' ^ jj-i T *3 iilUvd i. d •: 1 • . !‘'-r 1 - I h-t> irr H‘i ii Urn t ■ \P “i ■ ' ■ T Jf.,; V ■ ! & - . I I ?.o Y ou, Can BAi'iK. on Our DELIVERY t X X ,M! Arc iicj; it 'Vf S:iel! l-i(? or CiiS—Hi;. .: f; H..r, Provo:"! 'JiTC ta'". ■ V ■ .1 :y 'i ■ |-/i. '••d in I a- I i.-. 1 ’>; ■ .1 .1 !^i;:|'tnat:. i ir.-.l : . pa V -is a !'i .i ,t t. ti da'' :;I 1 ;l. r rr|."rt- \va - \.Tv ].i \ :d i' a I t; . . > \ j >.'( ■ 11 f{ i I M'v'' :. !’ ',iS. N . M(d\v! \. V 1. ; t i In^ .•.■!; t'i.r a vir-it t'> i;.'V t’^iri!.. r ln!;;a " I . ?| i?c- • Ii-- ’ w ■'I n;.-: \ if-v. \va.- ar- /// \ ), ■■ *■■ aiii'-d hv r-.ii>s ^vii- . ■ I’l :ff.ff- .-nuu’-' . ‘ • .it r. : : !)t' a ■ ■ • ■'' ■ ill-a; 'V iIi. y ;i: I’cr.-v \’*‘rd-'r • !• ■ • 'Ml 1' ': ■ : as ■ f ■ iH! ■ ;:;i- V. s ti.,. ;■ : >' I,! at \\ I I 1-- ' !i. :r ; s;;:. — < i !•:. ■() im;’’ im :i. 1 < !• 1 hi iid 1 ’iir ]tviT!. I .N ;.d ! )Vo t li.'in to t !:;■ r r, i — t i' >.i III'!.( oiir rii*'!). Ii'-!'! in Thii'c'arin-^ s i st!; i'. 1 o !!<<•.• 11'. (• V a! 1 1m i ■ I i l' . IjiM . ;i'c tr>':n ovi r.v wtMiSi.^ (i ',i hoi i our ;!!( n. ‘a’'-; ■-< " \ v.-:^ I-;.!; ;• .n; " latoir ]>a:l of last v. ai;.,'U' la a hni’JTld Aoaih'ii'. . r:i .a ; I i .45, 1 If ^ 2 8 Oi OniGli “! V i * y t Ii' ‘ <! ' < V. > ;i f)rr* to,'. M^ ' i ■, t o s ] )t ‘i'' I t li i* 1 I ii'i 11 * * u 'i 1: ‘ > 11 - ! . V.-; :i clun:;:i'y \u \ ^;:rL’ ' (lays. j ; ()■■;' ihe ca'cr; of hnuscs aivl : or^'o,!)! •viatiui^.'^r.-'atir 'U .i v./iVi ' H.\PF'Y” the translornuitica of Oli-crot o uito the kindlitst ci ir.ortais will be vizuait- f'liiinr" ; J licodoro Loltis. who •> r.ow i ‘ .... 11 e.'? tainn.i;. ■- ' :ed at ihe Auciitorntm. 'I'hf! report gives tlie roifjrd of ace'-;t.u^ hout lu‘i n l-.xpri'sSj Old Scrooj'^e v/as the nieaat;* ili.ii e\:r liv.d- IL' r^KcI t/frytcdy in ir.e wirld anc; h.’.d a snarl .:”.d gruwl for cv-?y lii-.iaar. crea-.'.ri- ;i .it crc:r:d r.ith. Far- lic'.ilariy ofr.T.sive to h.ini was the rnerriiiica! ; ad h.'ri lat-ss of Cliriiln-r.stii/t: and ke O let everybody iiiiow jast ii'j'vV mean and t;:./!:’,n: :V!e feit .;'cor.t ;i. Ch’.rI-.s Dickers has toid .dl about Scrooge in “A CriR.ISTi». AS CAROL" ar.d Bluebird Photoplay has transia'L'd the preat Icfson io tlie screei;. U.'.r'er the titL’ cf THE RIGil F "1 O BE ■^1 I d('!'is to lilt' (O'.apany's puli: hf)ui*''r.' I'ontiany on th‘‘ run ludVi'i'cii Stilts- th(“ last ihi' iKoaths. It sliows tliai a hury and Aslievilk-, tjunf lioti'.f for person do' ii’t havo to ro to w:ir {- a vi.Mt this wt‘i*k. h(> in dtniROr. Xiiicti'--n >acn fell down! stairs at horae and \v.':'o injnn'd; t(';i | C. S. .McCall .ot <.^>n(dK*o was in rlipiied on lloors and 'vare hurt; rev > town Monday, havini: r(;cently eaty-nine sprained their ankles; tlirer ; Rohi.son ffittnty, wht‘n> slipped in l)ath tui)s and one died fnn lio is t(‘!udlin^^ to liristnias jYte dinner never will be Our steaks, ckopa, fish and poultry are the finest grades in lown. Osborne Market Phone 27 thrd hart; thre,* were injurt'd Retfinw, ^ oat of lied; sevent} were hurl while at : l'"ddays jit homo. play; three wore hurt wldie dressln?T, | yuy Bollo TLarp of (■aarles- and thirty-seven were hurt while work-' ., ., . ing about the hou.o. i In o’.',e case a soldier wont throueh Mis. \» . l>. t. th« fiercest battle.s of the war unin- was a tit tho Jured, and while home on a furlough Pharp Holcombe wedding f'jll and was seriously injured. t i i J. Ji,. Jjoltis took a va(‘atRm from tho railroad office f(-i';i fosv days lar>t week and made a visit to his brother Lonie, at the nayul yai'd in lirdoklyn, N. Y. Lottie has com t>leted the preparatory training in Nearly every newspaper carries the general news but the Brevard I News is the only one carrying - the most important Transylvania ! sohool, aiul is now ready to bc^ us '?('nc>v before expiration. i news. s^ignod to duty oii beard ship. L0t";s WAXTi'd) \Ve pay '.ash. Miller Supi>h' Co. 3 L’ tfc FOR SALK—pjood milch c 'w. .\})ply to Frank Jenkins. 12-/-ttc .\N 'THKR f^ood milk cow for sale at once. C. \V. Hunt. 12-21-L'tj) i WANTED—Chickens, Ke:;.:;, and Mutter. Will pay cash. City tic TOWN LOTS, farms and timber lands for sale.. Krank Jenkins. Brevard, N. C. tf FOR MILK AND CRKAM call on C. K. Osborne, “the Jersey miik and cream man.” 10-19-tfc FOR RENT—Store room next door to Duckworth Drug Co. I’rice and terms see A. M. Verdery. 11-30 5tc FOR SALE—Dairy and Grain Farm near Brevard, N. C., containing over 20l> acres, 15 head of cows, 15 head of other cattle, all necessary tools, etc. Farm will be sold separate from cattle and other property if desired. W’rite to J. M. Thrash, Davidson River, N. C., or T. O. Thrash, Brevard, N. C. for full descrip tion of property and terms. 12-7-3lp Admission 5 and 15c, Matinee S:30 k’s a rducbiid; it’s got to bo <;-'.od. . J I- '1 11 / ; A solve JGlirroof problem. 1 }Ye are through wlih midrepairs and V ^ / y \ jj oiiTliousc js jmproved hi appearance. >./A For Salo by MILLER SUPPLY CO., BREVARD, N. C

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