(Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) VOLUME-XXllI BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, rW’.IUIARY S. 1918. NUMBER-'.! BREVARD PRINTERY BUYS LINOTYPE Shipment to Be Mavk About the First of Apt il —Brovard News to Beo)iiu' Ouc of Leadins Weekly P.ijnrs in i tl^^tate. •irrios w.r :i n Ilf ! and b ' ]t( >s- lust Fridrtv tlu* luuTi.'iiri'nu’nt of tho Hrovtinl I’rintcrv plHi’fil its order for ti No. i i i ,u> t v]>‘'iim chine witli the Mor^antl^Hl- r Lino type conipiiny. Thi^^ I' -Ml. '1 tlie machines huilt Si'ven Iju’i's c>t tyjii’s ;i nsed for ne\vsjmjH>r, j->’ ads. With tins nuicbint' r ''■ Rible tt) publish all tlu state and national ni’W" it has hi'iMi nnpossihle '■ and S(‘t thi“ type by 1 Nl'WS !1( i\V will ll!t vi> a ‘ to hiH-onu* c)iu> of thr 1' lH*rs in tht' stati‘. and none too ^(.locl for thi this eoniinamty. wiu' ; >' liberal in tht'ir sui'i ■’ hoini' pa])er and evir\! tninin^Mo the Interest ' Jind 'rran>ylvania Cuunt Tlierv- are still a few whose subser ijtt ions a’’ and wh.t have had n wondertul undf'rtakr.^ L:oin^ t',) need ijuite a > : to install this nuii'hin. jrrt'utly ajiprceiatf it ii T subsen]>tiwns are dm in and help U" , mt in ■ ^1 ve them a brttcr ]ia]n r PROMINENT CITIZEN PASSES TO REWARD Geo. W. Wilson Died at His Home on Tuesday Night Af ter a Short Illness, From Ery sipelas in Face and Mouth. (^eo. W. Wilson, a ])roininent and wt'll-known eiti/en of t!;is county, j)asst‘(i away last Tuesday ni^ht from the etTc'cts of ('rysipel.as on his fae(' and in his mouth, lie was about s(» years of a<^e. Mr. Wilson leaves a wife, two THRIFT DOES NOT DEMAND TIGHT PDESE Thrift Means to Keep Your Money, and All You Possess, At Work—No Idleness in Thrift. I dau‘,^lit(‘rs Mrs. (’. F. Woodlin, of Little Kiver si'c'tion, Mrs. T. F. j Middli'ton, who lives at tlu‘ lionu* ('. untv w hi'Vt*as d.: this} .1 I'ht'j V - i I rcf ' : 'u: pa-! ■ bot is . pK- of ' • 1m, , II so ; il'p;r . r,jii r ■ ' 1 ;>•(> vard - n tl.;-' ■ ” ■ III y ;.ld ; • ’ i I ' . . ’:i • : r I.' ^ j 1 laee. and T. J. Wilson, who livi's j lU'ar lirevard. lie lost a son, J('1T Wilson, about a V(‘ar ago. At thei’losi' of the eivil war Mr. \\ ilson was slieritV of 'I'raTisylvania roumy, the siTond shci'irf tiii> county ev(>r had. He whs a nu'm- ber of tilt' constitutional oonv»>n- tion in l^'TT). He rcjiresented his county in the le;,Ms]aturt' I'ourtiines. ( >m* tini,' h(‘ was Senator for Ilay- wond, Hcnder< III and 'i'T'aiisylvania counties, lie sei-ved w.th board of county ct)iiinr.s.'ioners loi several years. Mr. W ii>: n was a fri>Tnl to poor ;il way-'. A .''y:n’,»;!. iiet ii- iu :;ri beat wn bin Ins brea<J. Hi' was. al"o. a nian of a ;zreat (ii'al of t)riLnnality, and did much ol Ills own thinking. INTERESTING CLU3 MEETiKC DAUGHTERS OF CONFEDER^o! ^EET 'I’he I 'l-il cli:;]ritT e.f t held its re;^nl:;r niei tiT chajder hou."e on g/ternc" '11. ® rile nieetlllU' V'as fit’ larire number ot enthU' ht-rs In eoni]>bance with t r<‘centlv .-'(■lit out by \] ■ general of the .r<::i’.' Mary rop]ieii]ie;nier, of * tlu* nieetim: v. as I-]'- ])rayer l >r the Anieri; • ’ navy. Tlie ]>Tayi r was (1). ( bajntiar,. wlio w •. elected eliaii'Ia'.n of cha"* Several jtlaiis wert' ■ the enl:truM TCeiit of tlU' local i'liai)er aii'l out formula ted for an ir.iiii' enin_' i >f its «e! \ viiies. 'File m- 'tin_' cl' i>ed v ' of ]V!triotie s n.rs. After a'lj‘ iui':i n !it, t »‘d by ,\I rs. ' i . < W’l t iic. ■ . ho.'^te>~ tor t’.e al'erii' ■I.. ‘ I 1 .Mrs. .f.S. Bri>mlieid entertained tlu* lio,d< <'lull at its last mcetinu wii Wednesday. l)urii;;^ the lilerai'v ])ro<i:ram of tlii> n;ei‘tuie’, a iao.>-t inti'n'stiu-.r pa- ])cr on ••Tht' Historic ('ity of New » tj lfari'^’’ wa." pri .-eiiti'd by ?dr.-. ( >. W.(b)dfr(‘y Mr.-. \\'el,-h (ialloway made a talk which .-'bowed studi- I'Us ]>reparatton and held the close atU'l'.non of her audieliec, iJeiore adjor.i )u;.eiit the mi‘mber> v.f tilt' club ]daced the:uselves on rect^rd as jiatri. ■'> !>y unanimou>ly deeidll'.'.r t(J diSl ^-n.'-e Wltil t !U* re- ce]'.t;":i whirb ha an aiiuu'd s])ri!;;.: or_;au;/ition, and place a serit s ot :i Tlu' merchants, as well as the buying; ])ublie, must nnderstanil thrift, wliich inc'ans sound buying and judicious saving. It dot*s not mean non ])nrehHse. Business nin.«t not. he retarded beeans(' of an imi)rojier eonee])tion of thrift utterances, or heean.se some of the hyst(*rieHl thrift advo cates ])n'sent the i)ro])osition in an ('ntirely ineorr»‘Ct li^ht. It is ini])ortant that a i)ro]n'r in- t('rpretation of the w'ord Thrift, h(^ brought out. It will rather hel]) than injure business if pro]»(»r ])ublicity is unven it. It is certain that the fjovernment nt*eds money, and it is tlu^ duty of evt'ry individual to ])rovide Ins share*. 15y a rt-adjuslrni'iit of indi vidual budm'ts, (‘Vt'ryone will lit' able to ^'ire supnort to his frovern- ment, and such charitii's as the lied <’ro>s and otlier chanties, of a local nature. 'I'he h'adin;^ business rnc'n in Hre- : vard are ai'N ' s to bviil I I ai'v nioVeiFii III lor the <io<id of the city, coiiufy. state, or the entire conntJ-y, aini sound talks to the ]it'op!c. advt'rtisiiiiT talks j.ublislied frankly o\et tlu' si^natur.* of {lie meu in whom our readers havecon- lidenre. will have a v.’onib'i i'c. 1 tellinj,' clVt'ct in olVsettin.u' any in- iiirv resultinir from an imiua.iu-r ... . 1 . I understanding of sanitv in thrift. I We must all try to diicc'T our I thonu'hts in a proiier eliainie^—a ( lianiiel of ]ti-osperity, instead of sninLrency, o]»tinnsm instead (d‘ ]).'s."imi^m. an I coididcnce in>tead of timidity. '!'be couutj-y ne('d>, and niust have. ;ill ihi* moral and (inanclal strcn<rth it can niust<‘r. and it is t1ie plfiiu <luty of every citi/,t*n tt) do his ])art in tl;e fortiti- cation (jf the AnuTiean I'epublic. I.et each mereliant di al v.ith hi> I REV. J. R. HAY CAllED TO DUTY IN Y. M. C. A. Mr. Hay Has Been Pastor of 'Fhe Presbyterian Church for The Past Year or Two. Brevard Regrets to Lose Him. R(‘v. .lohn K. Hay, who volnn- ♦■e(‘rcd his services to tluf govern- mont soon after tlu^ d(‘claration of war. reec'ivi'd a teh*<iram last Fri day calliji'4 him to duty in tlu^ army Y. >L ('.A. K(*v. Mr. Hay has for ?uor(* Hem two y«*ars been tlie est(*em('d and ('Hicient ]>astor of the liri'vard and Davidson Kiv(>r I’reshyterian ehnrclu's. He was one of thn fonnd»?rs of the Transylvania Cliaj)- ter of the American iled Cross and gave much of his time to the w’ork of tliis <'rgani/>ation of whicli lu; was cliaii'man. His many friends in tliis section, althfuigh k(*enly a)>pn*ciativi> of th<* fact that h»! is cnteiiTig a wid er fiehl of service. di'e].ly ri'gret to lost', even for a short tiiiie. this eu (*ri:etic minister and iiublic sj)irited c-iti/.en. WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE GET INTO WORKING ORDER Wf)rkin^ Plans will be Explained at this Meeting—Must Realize the Necessity of Thrift—In War to Win. ODD FELLOWS HOLD As a result of the met'ting held in IJrovard <’lnh rooms .lan..‘!0, i)re- sid(*d over by .\!r. (iill)ert Stc])lien- son of war savings (committee of this state, in connection with the hnsinc'ss Tuen of the county Mr. Steph(*nson named tin* following as the Transylvania cou-'ty war sav ings committ(!e. llcnr}' N. ('arrier, Chairman, brt-vani C'ol. C. C. Hod^ros, Viet -(-hairnian (J. C. Kilpatrick, Secretary C. M. i)t)y!e, I’ublicity Manager. “ I)1:pAHTMKNTAL C()M.MITTKVS Organization and Srrvicc Composed of Chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, piildicity jnanager, chairm;ia of each liepartir.enial coainiiUee, anti, in adui' titjn to these, the following: W. M. Henry, postmaster . lirevurd ■\. H. Paxton. [>o<tmaster l\Msman !>r. C. W. Ilunl, Co. heailli oliict r iSrevard U. I-', i.ewis, })rincipal school ' Mrs. '!'. H. Sliipnian KINAXCK T. H. Shipman, chairman ilrevard C. M. Dt.yle I-'red Miller SCP.'!d!.S AMERICAN m IS Details are Meagre. 2,179 Amer icans Were on Board ond 1,911 Have Been Accounted for Loss Will be Given Later Just as the X(nv:^ was .ibo it to gc to ])ress tliel’i' came .’i 1:'ie;)h in-’ message from tlu^ .-\^ht v^lb* '^('imfir' to tht! elTect that th. .\mericaD tiansport, Tuscania, had b.. en suiiu by a submarint^ in the v.ar zone 'I’lit-re wt'T'c ‘-’.IT'* Aniericms <)?; board, l,'.iLJ of whom liavf* been aec‘t,>unt«‘d for. The ship load was ma<!. up ‘ small units from all sec,, )!is .jf tii- country. It is impo-'-i()]■■ t giv na!iit*s until rcford'i ;;-id i-epor"-: have bt‘en receivt'd, WILL OCCUPY IfS ^TEEESTini s i ■ .\. !■'. .Miiciieil, Co. Sii;;'. , cii..;. i C. T. i>y.lay 1 1 \\ . W. Cravley ^, T' w'1 1 j .^hss .‘\nnie lidsh Officers and 1 nistecs are Klected .. , .,1 1>. 1-. Lewis !-or tlu- Knsn.nu U rm. man I.odue (-ordKiily Inv'tcd.i^,- j wiison j.I. 11. IIOUSL' M. L. Hamilton I .1. s. Heath IN f' v.‘ar> been , I tunefii.n ot the ! in.-titute in i‘-* t ure." I T! •• i-'- . id ( oii.-^erVat iou'■ to be delivered by an t N])el't in home ( C niondes. 'riit'.-e lectures will b(> oj.t-u to all wou.en t the town and full announi'e- n.t nts in rejaril l^. them will lu- mad.■ at an t a.rly tla 1 e. Ti.e hostess ile'.i^ihted her guest > with a (lelicior;s nieuu ot Il'jovcri/- ed TM* :'I >lime'!ts. Till* !; 'xt nu'f'ting of tlu* (dub will be held with Mis (>. \j. Kr’.sin at her resiilenee on liroad Strci‘t. CGES TO FLORIDA NEW BOOKS AT THE Lirr.ARY C. 'i n ir ; i;::r- :» ('. ' i.i\ les'' !.'ir,don '■;i’.vfi>rd harton ■lui Ilham j Munro j Mis- Anr^i' -'can <..i- <lent of the local tdia]'*-'! I). C,. ann- :Ui;ee.-' t nut 11 new iks have !)cen -■ ing ]>ast ni' ‘- tb at t. library on .Main street ; I it tion. The Daredcv i! Jerry of the Ishint’- Thr Ralstons The Reef The Right Track Bud 1‘reacher of Cedar .Mountain Wooing of W isteria Pride of .leinico ®|,jnd ('f HaskervilK's ^iventures of Cerard Adventures With the Idle Ki^ ii Her Husband’s Purse Confessions of a Detective Plain Tales From the Hills Soldiers Three Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks Alestine Mystery of Boule Cabinet. Non-Ficfion. Conquest of the Air ImaKinary Obligations .. Andrea, Tribulationi of a Child Juvenile. Lure of Pop and the Safety Scouts Bailey Uncle Jim, the Fire Chief Rosse Fire Brands Martin and Daris .1. L. Hawkins has K'ast'd jiis farm to (i. A. (’ondrey of Mars Hill. yir. Hawkiuswill leavt'tpiiU- t'arly ft)r Florida wheri^ ho will makt* his future liome for the jiri 'cnt, ut least. Me. Cojidrcy has taken nj) his re.»id(‘ncti with us. Tin* News is u'lad to t*.\'t' nd the hand of fellow ship to him. HEALTH AND QUARANTINE OFFICER neiirhbor. sto}> exjiortiim money, j Huy at home. 'I'he buying public {mn^t liave i-xiilieit eoufi<lence in ! 'lieir merchants, (an they have if jthe boai'tlii'.L^ Iioum';, hottds and I evi'U mei'chants. br.v i“lsr>whi're I siudi things as tb.i'V can get ut honu'V 'Thrift is .'-vnonymous with ]irog I'ess. Baying liTt-ratiirt* alor.;; this line v. ill injure no one except tht> makers ^d' shodtly nu'rchandise, which i-; too e.\];i'nsive on accouni of its (juality to be cheap at any ]iiict‘. anil even tlie wialthy can not alTjvd to buy, mmdi les^ the bviy('r with limiteil means. 'riie li*tiding business na-n buy ijtiality tirst and then think of the ])rices. 'i''iu* mercbaTit who is not afraitl ft', .'ulvertisi* his troods. is the* one to ArraiiLTemi'nts are bi iug made by the i >iltl l-\'llt>ws of Mrexard ami I K"sman tor ati cTilertainnicnt in | . . i Chas. r.. De.aver, chairnuin v, liieb both Iodides v,ill ]!articniate. i . , ' :(.(. Duckworth In.tallatiou anti ''nt. rta.icment ' will bt> made knoA’n in full iicxtj-j- jj (; , ji,,v,-.,v u•etdc. I’romil'.ellt < >(lti I'ellow.- I i* Uiade intei-i .-ling talks ai.d I'aVe j |>,- \\. j Wallis \vh '1 e>-'ine ad\ 'ice. I .\Ir>. .'\iarv l'. .It iikias i Mrs. D. W.ini I’i-^gii’i l't)resl lialsai.i (jfuve iOlowah Cctiar M.aiiUain ClilKdiKS ivrt vard I , is most ne(*di*d. Kci'Tk uni zing is a neces^ity. but husiTit'ss must not hi* swam])ctl by a miseoncc])tion of economy. W. A. B. HORSE SENSE A lot tif horse .sense has Bill Band, I He knows hovv to sav nay ; l)r. ('. \V. Hunt has been a])])oint-^ He k(*e]).» liis teni])er bridled, and S. tonj‘‘<l town health and fjuarantine j You never hear him bray.- itana ollicer and salutary inspecrter. He ville Times, -Ashe Castle j )t)vle 1 )oyle l.eacock -Martin hevois Kiplinp Kipling T'.'i Mrs. Stockton Stephenson Rotch Colby retiuests tliat all mak»^ themselves familiar with “sanitary ordinance" of Brt'vard, w’hieh has bet*n duly published. He states that it is now his duty to inspect the same, lb' dt'sires the hearty co-operation of t'very man, woman and child in Brevard. All will be benefited by proper sanitation. ROSMAN CIRCUIT APPOINTMENTS The repfnlar appointments of Rev. Geo. F. Wright, pastor of Rosman circuit, M. E Church, South. Rosman, first Sunday ; East Fork, It is very evident that The Times dosen't know* onr Bill Bund. CONCRATULATORY Ralph R. Fish»‘r wrote a letter of a i.»atriotic character to the News from the aviation camp in Ken tucky, about the first of January, and has since that tinie received letters innumerable congratulatory of its character. This not only shows th(< patriotism of our people all over the country, hut it shows that the Brevard News is an excel lent advertising medium. On account of illness Mr. Fisher AT THE METHODIST Ci^URGH i Sunday m.orniii,: tb.,- sub;,eet o* ■ the sernit.n will be: ••Tran:-!i;zured ' ( 'l.sy.” ! t ( 'I.'']), m, tba* --eontl sermt'iij in the M-ries. '■( Mil I'tn ti-.nTs oi ' ^■^nlng 1‘atnots" will be tleli viM'ed, ' I 'I'be subject of this is. -Miriam.! the .Musical." | • ,me tlio'i with us and we will! ill-' thee good," ! WHERE TO GET FIGUR Fi>r the beiicfit of flu* ])ublic, v.iu fintl it tlilbculr to get wb.t'at anil I rye ‘lour, graham tUmr. iiie;il. etc., ; wt* refer tliem to \\'. 1’. Henderson, who has a limited sujiply at his; mill. Mr i'eiiilerson v. ill tlisjioM-' of Hiis ])niduct, but must adher* to tlie gov(*rnm(‘nt ftjod lav,*. CHANCE IN GROCERY BUSINESS H. P. !\il]Kttiick, Tvho has bet ii i coTin.'-cted Vvith the fi^m ttf <'o.\ iV | Kilpatrick fov st.nn* years, has ]>ur | clnist'd the interest of ,1. !-J, < \)x and will continiu' to sell fancy and j stapli* grt)ceries in tin* old stand I I iiear tlu*dt j)ot. Mr. Jvil])ati'iidc is a sjilendid businessman, and b(*lii-vt‘S in the “live and h^t live” policy. WAYNESVILLE CONVOCATION MET AT HENDERSONVILLE Rev. .itihn Hay l\i C. D. Chapn-a!i W. C. .Mtfall Sclica FK.\ ri'.K.NAb ()HC.\NIZATH»N.> C. M- Dovle. cliairniaii I'lr-. - r'.rd .Mrs. r. H. Shi].man .Mis. lit. nry .N. Carrier \V. 1!, C.n-^ian W. i;. I'.noe C. .M. Cooke i;. A. ilamptoii r. D. bngland i:. ( . .\cili Iv. b. (iash .M A n-',\c'rr R1N{; i-:N'ri: pu:s k < .1. s. Sib. ersleeii. chairni.in . Kr ani .b W. burnctte W. S. .\shworth . “ i\ti!)t rl (>rr. (>. \V. Ciayton .1. A. Ml Her \V. F. Decker PisL';aIi i\rt st bouis Carr \V. \V. I'roiisehorn “ .b-ronif .Miltz l...ke T-xawav T. 1-^ Patton, ,lr. Pisgah i'oresl Pisgah l i/rt,st Lak Rev. John C. Seagle, of St Philips church at this ]>lace, attended the Convocation of Waynesville whicli met in St James church at Hender sonville on Tuesday and cofttinued in session two days. second Sunday; Tt'xaway, third Sunday ; Connestee, fourth Sunday. | is aow^ at home for recuperation. BREVARD NEWS TO BE SENT TO SOLDIERS FREE A lady in Asheville sent us $.->.00 a few days ago for our Linotyj)e fund, and we are going to send the News to five soldier boys with this money. If yon have a friend to whom you would like us send the paper, let us know at once as we only have $5.09 in this fund. 15ANKS, STORKS AM) RAILROADS R. R. Deaver, cliairman. . Hrevartl Col. C. C. Hotlji;es (). T. Vance T. M. Mitchell . .. M. 11. Palton U . 1.. Talley C. R. McNeely ('. H. (ila/.ener. .1. Whitmire \\\ B. ilentKrson J. T. .histice FARMS k. E. Lawrence, Co. .\gent, chm R. H. Zachary C. F.Ray T. C. McCall K. W. Everett. . Vance (bxlloway VV. E. Merrell Jordan Whitmire II. L. Allison J. M. Zachary in'BLICITY C. M. Doyle, chairman C. B. Osborne R. L. Nicholson SPEAKERS W. E. Brecse I). L. English C. B. Deaver NEGROES Alf. B. Benjamin, chairman Lewis White Mrs. Wilkie Johnson It is most important that this committee get into working order Toxawi'.y K.'-man Cherry tit-Id Cbi-bec liian.yre Brevard Q’^ithec Pisgah Forest Lake Toxaway Etowah Cherry lield I’isgah Forest Calvert Brevard rarnier.s Supply Cotnpaiiy Mil* lieen Busy for Several I>av5 I'ixing L p New Store Roonx 'I'he Farmt-rs Su],'i»lv eom])nr.7 .vi” -'..o; snu.’ifixed for bu'- iii If.*' 'I’he comp'iny lias boU'.jht tl'*; iuriii*nn-stor»? of v'ookf*arl will run this line in eonui'Ctiu'i wil'n the hardware business 'I’he rt'LTidar plaet* of b.u-^ines-- i"- only a door or two fn;m the oM '^tand. RED CROSS MEETING 'I'he l-xtcutive <'oinmit I't'e of t? .-' 'i’ransylvaniu chanter, America <'ror-s hebl its rt'uular me. tiiiL* on. 'I’ut'sday evt iilnir in tie* <Hi -'.* of t’.: ’• 'I’l'casurer. il. M i'n.',-ier. In the abseii -e of the chaii'nian:, Mr. .1. S. Silverstjcn, Mr. Fre-i Lliller was eleet.il chi^rman ]r.> tem and presiiletl at the meeting Ani"Ug tht* vurions re})-a*ts pr-i- senti-i.l at tb’*' Ttieeting, tin* on.-i from t'le <’o-operati ve ('ommitter;:- Was es[)‘;cially (>ncuuraging. Mr L’oovey, chairman t>f thi-> CttrriUiiL- Ict' Vv'ported tliMttsvo new .yixiLi ries v.-evv' soon to bi* furni’d in thiv county, one }\t Uo^nian and oi'.e Pisgah Forest. APRON AND OVERALL SOCIAL On the evi'nin^;-of St. Valentine'.'' day. FebrU’vry 1 Itli, ibe Method*?' I’h'.laiheas will gi\e ,a social k.' their class room in t'iie Alliso:?. builtling. 'rile rt*giilat:-;u costuu’-' in which tin* class untl their gues*- art‘ e.\i)ecteii t ' ‘o!te- vvl;; a> aprcin^' or overalls : I to 1 (• 'i,_ u,_ at tlu* ef'rliest possible m- inent I' is tlu'r('f(>rt' earnt'stly r*‘<iuest(>d bj till' t xecutive commit tee that eacL' I chairman iciTueti abovi* witli .a.' j many members of his sectior:ii j ct.)mnr.tteemen as ])t,>.-ibh* niee- i in tin* rooms of tin* Bn vai'd CTub' 1 ia tlu* auditorium building, Bre- I vai'd. at I :nO p. m. Muudav, I'eh ii, ft " the -inrro.st' of discussing with ti e executivt* ('ommirtt't* idar'*’. for a thorough county campaign for the sale *>f War Savinirs and Thrift Stam})s. At this meeting- the working i)lans of the national, state and county committees will bo explaincl. Let ev(*ry one wh>j can, be pres»*nt at this met'ting, for it is the purpose of this organiiui- tion to get the people of Transyl vania cc>unty to realizo the ncce.s- sity of thrift, Our county is doubt a thrifty one, but let us b* more so; help ourselves, at same time help our governmeat Our country is in this v*ar to win.. To do this .takes money. loan Uncle JSani our money ami thus make it unnecessary for him to raise war funds by taxation. A country worth fighting for is & conntry worth saving for. Henky N. Cahrier, Chm. Trans. Co. W. S. Codilv

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