BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. W. P. WEILT ■0m asaxaaaBafe J. W. McMINN J. M. ALLISON FATHERS, MOTHERS AND GOOD PEOPLE-ALL While sitting around your fireside at night do not forget our boys in the trenches at the front. While eating your hot meals three times each day do not forget the Boys in France who have only cold snacks in the trenches. While you are warm and comfortable in your dry clothes, good shoes, heavy socks, and warm gloves do not forget that you can help to get all these to our boys in the trenches and in the camps by doi’ g what you can to help the Red Cross, that great organization which takes the parents’ place in supplying the little necessities and comforts to our soldier toys away from home. While planning to plant and raise the biggest crop you ever grew for the boys at the front, do not forget that you will need good plov/s good harness, good farmmg utensils, good paints and perhaps some good furniture and housefurnishings and you can find all these, as well as other bargains, AT BEFORE-THE-WAR-PRICES, at that store run by your friends and called the Farmers Supply Company. While buying what you need from this firm do not forget that a«l the members of this firm and every clerk working in our store are members of the Red Cross, and we want all our customers to also join the Red Cross and help the Boys who are fighting and also lliose \/ho are getting ready to fight for us. -b'Arl I ^ H . ^ V- n eiiie rT V/e soil fc'T L':s than the ca‘_a!o2 house -.y -iU k if lit ijll * Jt > « !u:v^ J. .T. MctUaiat Be Patriotic Joiri tHe Red Cross B tr> ■'■ T' '• * ; '*d 1 ^ s?3 r / !5J ^ i sR1“ - |1 g I “Oep.'l yoy fee! i! in yoor oones?” ii i! VVe are receivi;ig a!mo£i daily new Sprinq Mercriaiidise. Cc in and see some of the new thini-:3. lifis ki y •nuaiaiui -urc^Kn iiiyi BGDV BRGUQhT HOMi GThe lor. of a posiiicn 'I'h, . [O *1-. 1.. eiiici-j.'.r worKHiaa wno the of use clr^-sihed adveitising. Want ads are ^^Joh insurance'' at a very low rate. ' i V I< I I'l 1 lit in]ri‘soii. who \r< . : - . lly ( ],■(•! 1 (..• :.r. . L in : . S. 1'., l;'>t Was :>i '_'lil In iiK' lor iTit< I'liit !it. Th<‘ iurMi :i1 :i7:(i bui’ial, ( Dll'] Ib'ti'd l>y \\ . !•;. l\!i;Vt‘V, took i)la(v‘ iit ' »al; Mfthuviist church, lu'ui- f')V. 11 A CORnECTiON 'riirt‘0 \vt‘i‘ks fiLjo tho News stated that Mrs. '^I'hco. licid, wlio died at Lake Toxaway was buried iat I'liion cliurch February 1st. THE SIGi^ OF THE RED CROSS N.s■ i'" • . , ■■■ ■ ■ '■ • ■ i ■' •t'\* ■ . , • ' f. ^ A/V J.. ■; r - / .■ I .v^-v 4lfi yf ^ dir : / jt ?-AShSPKilf m§ "feii im im* m .ences of P tQspe. 1 9 !| i! wi c:.ur3-: yoii knoVv* oppcrtjnity aiv :omcs to the p.ospcrous man. F.v-r- tv 'cr not ICC tiic evidcnccs of prosperity. It yoii have, you have observed that cvidcncc ci prosperity is in bu Coriect Building Mate Get in line v,’ith the millions and be a 1 Cross Member and Worker at once, public spirited citizens are doing; their bit . are always anxious to help our boys over tl .. i i LUMBER AND BUILDERS^ SUPPL BREVARD, N. C. ar-.»--r3i ^lat.Tc.. ]l». A NILW SUIT COSTS FROM SiOtoSI / Millions and millions of stricken people in devastated Europe must depend on t!'-e activity of the Red CrooS society alone for the most meager nececoi ties of life—just enough to keep body and soul together. The Red Cross organization is the universal helping hand. But in order to extend iihis hand to the sorrowing and afflicted, it must have your support. In fact, if you would do your part to relieve the suffer ing in the world, you can do it most directly and efficiently through tho Red Cross. Become a member today. Give one dollar—two dollars— five dollars—as much as you can. SUPER-AEiKDAHCE I DEATH 0FAC811D |'‘* > "Ion i lir.rcli Ifhrmiry 1st. i ' She was burietl at Lake Toxaway Order your ioh work from the Saturday, Febru- srevara rnnlerj\ We are reciv- orders from Caffr.ev, Green- rule, Spiirtanburtr, Georgia and i .“''‘•’i’': "u'-" held at tho resi-: other placf-. Our work is Guar- to sell means some-1 hol.?t\VJ-V ^no.wl^ '• • <'n Monday n;ornin- con- the most important Transylvania matter in our r.exr i.'^ue. di.cied by ILev, W. E. i'^^ovoy. jnews. Owin;^ to tht^ rush of our ]J(d Tra^ '' inonth:; old son of ]\Ir. and Cro?>s number, we \v<‘r<‘ ooTniielle/l Mrs. Cana Aiken died JSunday to leave r»ut q’.iile a lot (it (tthe,- of hronehial ])nounionia. ^(jod niat*^er, an wh.ieh Your old suit can be cleaned, pressed, repair ed and made to look alu'.ost as jjt)od as new for 50 cents; $1.00 a month for foui suits. City Pressi.'.g C!ub J. E. WATERS, Prop. ariec ; i%o, or ship to the hou>^ pays you cash. Western Frodyce Csiripany 90 North LcxiMjt«?n Ave. ASHEVILLE - N C. Nearly every ne\N carries the general new's but the Brevard News is the only one carrying the most important I'ransylvania news.