Brevard News VOLUME-XXIII (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January I, 191?.) BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY, MARCH 8. 1918. NUMBER-li> * LADIES' REST ROOM ALMOST A SORETY PETITION COMMISSIONERS FOR BOND ELECTION Mr. Norwood OffcrN to 1 iirnisli Plans. Xhe Xown " '1 .Supply Water. Comm is*'i ' s Will Install Plumbing ^ .!\c S.M) •^j^nually for Mamt • lUC c. Contributions art- !*• ilu'ltfd for the Ladu's’ iU'r't li rP to the ]>resent time we .Tivtd the following ; Mr, K. li. Xorwt'i i ’ li to furnish plans dt th. riii‘ wutt*r will be fvirm>lii ^ -;ty. The County - 1 'ive pro’uisi'd to iu.stall ' .'l .''Ilg and also to give titty ; aunu- ally toward nuiintair. ' till The t olio wing is an • ] .'tirr of uu'iuebrs in dilieren' • ot the county who an- r \ r on tin* He?>t lioom (' : ' 1 Farmers, R. IC. Lawrei; ■ 1 Hrevard lietternunt \ N,.i ; wood. 1’in rose \ K. I Mitchell. 1 j Little River, Mrs. L. .'0 i Selica, Mrs. C. R. Shar; 1 Hrevard Reii Cross. Nh Rosman “ “ Mr^ 1 1 Toxaway, Mrs. Claud K I Pink Beds, Mrs. V. (i. K'l Island Ford. .Mrs. .1. A i 1 lite\arii institute, M' ( 11. Shipman. Baptist Ladies’ .\u\;. piu ne .MolK r. i .Methodist toadies' \ / ■A- ll- ! ary. I'pisci'iial (iuild, .Mr^ \ Hook Club, .\lr.s. 1). ir. V' .I.-lia : Trowbridge. ' Countv Fair Committi c. ' ■ i..iry. Chairman \isit()r.‘'‘ ( “ < .Miss Esther Wilson. Ex-oflu'io, Mis.s ' ('hairnuin Rest Room ' Mts T. i’atton, .Ir. Secretary-Treasurcr. .M' . (»r. CLUB WOMEN SUPPORl ( THE GOv; ^NMENT Mrs. Frank .lenk.i .>Tr.sS( to the Mathatasiaii ’■ last , Thursday alti'ruomi 1 Tlu' to]lie tor t’:' ■ “Ilonu* (iardeniUL- kins jtresfuted a ]ia: ■fr-iV dens oi' lli>tory,' w; ■ fli’rd ' with iH'autilul It.' iiar'M- i ’ngly e\]irc>st'd. ” M , Mltciit'll read a ]■ \'n ar : liardeii^" that ga\ ■t-r 1 careiully thought ; a -t^ al , sugirt'stu)us tor III • • . -tlie garden hflp V\'in tl.' i 'I'he club uTuiniiii' - : ■ .^l-'d to give one dollar ]>er - ’ it - : t ^ tl.C endownu‘i»t tund ' . -\ 'rtli ('arolina Fedrrat’. ; ''u's ] Clubs. 'I’ln.' tun-: ; V-trd t(i the purcliMSt* ('! ■ ■ I^orid- / The mt*mbers nt ' a 1.^0: ])1( dired tbemsel V' - ' V '\ ar Savings Stami)s. ^viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!//A Tho s('lu)()l lH)finl asks th(‘ connty I'uimiiissionors to cull nn »‘hM'tion feu- Brovard towiisliij) to ascertHin tin* will ot tho ]UM)]»1(* as to issuin*; bonds for tht‘ fvi'i’tion of a suitable scliool bnildin^'. Tlu> jM'tition fol lows and si'cins vt'ry fair; road it i‘!ir*‘fnlly ; Hi>!ird of County (\>niinission«'rs, 'Pransylvania (’ounty, lirevard, N (' (tcnl li'TMcn : Wt‘. th»' uni1('rsit;ni'<1 nn'inbcrs of tbf ('ounty Board of Education, n'j'pt'ctfiilly ])i'tition your honor able body to 1‘all an i-lection for Brevard townsbij). district No. 1, to ascertiiiU the will of the on the (juestion of issuing' >>onds under the “Statt'-widc* Bond At‘t for School I’.ui Idin^s." the amount of tlie bond issu(* to be and not to exrt'ed (twenty-live thou sand d< ilitirs', the rjite of interest not t" exceed six ])t>r cent per an num. ]tnvMble semi iiunnally. aTul i tbeli'TiLcth of the time the bond is fo ruTi shfill not exc'ced twenty years, and 1 lie niMxitnuin tax thatj may be levied shall not i'XC(mm1 ' l.liirty cents on the o!ie hundred | df)llars ]>ropei ty and ninety cents I or the ])oll. In re|^!i;!i r se'.>ion. ^ ICdu in I’tior, < 'IiaiJ inan. j .1. M >o;it liern. Men;. lid. A. F. Mitchell. Mem. Hd. REV. A. W. M’DANIEL SELLS HOME = WS.S. mR SAVINGS S1AMPS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT CHEESE FACTORY TO BE / LOCATED AT PENROSE Get this idea Mrs. Florence lioone. of (ieor^^ia.i has ])ur('hased the home of liev. A. ; \V. Mr'j )aniel and will occu])y it in ' li short tini('. Mr. Mchaniers; jilansfortlie future are not lully defermnu'd. I COMMENDATION 'I'he followini: lettei explains it'Olf, ' rz: Suppose that all of us waited for the “other fellow” to do our part and his too, we would soon be in the same condition as Belgium. Our country, your country and my country, needs our help, needs our money. It offers us in return the best investment on earth. J3i' War vSaa'ixc; Sta.ntps Connty Afjent R. E. Lawrence' has suc‘cced(id in or^ani/inK** stock conijKtny at Pc^nrose, the j)urpos».> of Vvhich is tlie nianufncturo of ehf'ese. The factory will have a cHpacity of TjOO ])onnds of cheese p r day, rjOd gallons of milk boin;* required to produce this amount I of cheese. I Mr Lawn*nce states that this will j b(‘at m«kin‘4 br.tter, as it takes three •'allons (/f milk for«uie IK>nn cents a ]>ound and eherse at cents. (>ut of thr(M; ^*‘■11011“ of juilk made into butf(*r one lo cents ; out ’.;ec ate it very ; 11 !'e is tl;e letter in most ]>art : ^ • I want to c iiiLrratulate you on ; vonr Ht\l< 'ioss NuMiber of the I’,re — vard Xews. I tiiink all told, it is si.’lendid. I 1 mu>t acknowledge tin* wondi'r- j fill sj)irit :)uck t.f your or;,'ani/,a- tion. wlncli t'nal'ied you to secnie such a larLTc ami sjilendid issue of j your ]iaper. If !ti futui-e issues, | We can be of assistance to you with | the items we liave. inclndiiui; cuts do m>t hi-situte to command us." Willis .1. Milner. .1 r. hirectoi'. Bnreau of Publicity, Southern. l>ivision, A. li (' 1 WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE | S Transylvania County. S %llllllllllill!l!ll!llllllllllllllllllillllllii!l!i!l!!ll!lllllllillll!lllllll!!lilillllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllIllllllilllllllllllllllllllilllV#' Hut Re!..* PIPINGS FROM GLADE CREEK j^REVARO INSTITUTE NOTES FROM ONE Of IHf 3CVS A.- ]>rivate letter ? Eujrene .-\ bison, ’r take the liberty to says : “You hav»‘ r. ur*“ I derive ti'om ’ ])rinf'S ni'iri* new^ writt<*n in a letter boys are doin^' fine . aiiv sii'kiiess at all weather has set in He S«ys it liel])" a., have their fri<‘n(K t visit them. It mtike^ that the honic i>eej,':. them in this nujveme the cause or Democru Term examinations wiuv linished on Friday, a nd Saturday was ob- serv(Hl as a holiday. ^b)st of tlu,‘ sch(j(d went out to Allison’s lake, takimr a i)icnic lunch, and s])ent the (lay rowin'^ on the lake and watidiin^ the ball jrame between the Lanier and Adeli)hian boys. It I Sevi*ral members of tin; faculty be I spent Friday nii^ht at Elk lod^t* to fioys to liome to Tu think behind furtli(*r OVERLOOKED LAST WEEK The f. That these r*'«oliiti<.ns be spread on the minutes of (,nr church, a co]>y be sent to her fam ily and published in the Br»;vard News. Mrs. ,1. B. Neal, Sue F. Reid, T. B Rcud, < 'onimittco. i'eiiant li we upon. .e jdeas- I'er. tys the I see the sunrise. They took their s,- ircejy ! breakfast with tluun and (‘njoycd warm ! the tri)> imiin'nsely. .Miss Ethel Leaf her wood spent a few days with Miss Annie Patter son. at Patterson Springs return ing Tuesday. A ])arty from Henrietta motored across country and spent tin? week- entl at the Institute. They were Mis. ^l. B. Mahaffee, Mrs. 1’ E. Rollins, Miss Mahaffee and Gerald Mahallet^. visiting Clyde Mahaffee, Eloise and Thomas Rollins. A number of students went home after their examinations were lin ished, among them Eva Gilleland of (’ataw’l)H, Ella Zachary of Cal vert, Maud McNeely of Lake Tox away and Julia Shuford of Pen rose. Mollie Dalton, of Mill Sprinsjs, who WHS called home by illness in I the family, returned on Monday. j TIu‘ farmers of this section are itakini: advantai;e of the ])ri‘tTy jweatht'r and are all busy ])lowin;4 ;and gardening. j Miss Sallie Merrell, teachi'r in jtbe I’enroS)* high school, si)ent the i wet'k-end visiting friends in this ■ section. William Sperrman. of Grt'c-nville, was in our se(“tion rect'ntly. i Mrs. Riley ('ap])S, of this ])lace, I s])ent tlu‘ w*.*ek-end with friends in ! Ire vard. .loe Orr and son Clatide are s])ending some time with the form- (*r's daught(‘r, Mrs. .lohn Lvday. Misses Mary Belle Orr and Etta Mc('all visited frivnds in Hen dersonville last Saturday. Miss Kuth Clayton is s])cnding some time with her sisft^r, Mrs. dames Cox, who lives in Hender sonville. Clarence ()rr, of Camp Sevier, i si)cnt the week-end with his jia- } rents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Orr. W'e are glad to note that little H(den Townsend is improving fast from a critical burn she received some days ago. Dorris, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lyday, has been (luite ill for the past few days. A number of our ftdks attended the services at Turkey Creek and report an excellent sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Orr gave a social on last Saturday night in honor of their son Clarence. Music was the main ft>ature of the even ing. Rev. P. P. Orr and some ot his music students rendered some excellent music which deserves much credit to both Mr. Orr and his class. Those taking a part in tlie music are : N'iolinists—\Iessrs, i’. P. and .lerry < >rr, Arnold and King Brown. Banjo—Messrs. ,Iot' <>rr, ( lyde and Herman Brinvn. (iuitar—Claude Orr, Misses Emma Brown and Nona \le.\aiuler. Man dolin : Miss Dora Baynard. Miss May Belle Baynard ]»rt*sided at the i)rgan in a most ])leusing maniu*r, which giv»“s much cr('dit to lu'r and her teaciier. Tho music was en- j(,)yed by a host of friends. TOXAWAY ITEMS Till' ])eoi)le of '^l\)xaway are turn ing tlu'ir minds back to tin* days ot gardening and farmiuLr. as spring sei'ins to 1k^ lu*rt*. It is rouorted that whooping cough is spreading in our section. There has been one (juarantine so far and that is of Jessit* Breedlove, who is having his second case, hav ing had it seven years ago. Frank Wilbanks left last week for a southern clime and re])orts a w’arm rucei)tion—‘.'n degrees in the shade. Born to Mr, and Mrs. R. A. ('ol- lins, Febrnary ::isth, a daughter. J. M. McKinna went to Selica last Tuesday. Wash Whitmire of Rosman spent Saturday night in our burg visiting his sister, Mrs. J. A. Breedlove. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Breedlove, February :l^4, a daugh ter. Rev. \V. H. Nicholson has moved back to our section. He lives in the McGuire building, on the Wood property. The construction of the new rail road is progressing nicely since the good weather has given the work men a better chance. Mrs. Laura Wilbanks bus re turned from (ireenville to be with her grandchihlren during the ah j stance of their father. F. V. V. il- ! banks. j liev. W. IL Nicholson ])r»'ach('d an interesting sermon at the Lakt' Toxaway Ba})tist church last Sun day. Sub_ie(,‘t. “Live like Chri>t that ye b(*like Him at liis coniing." Fri(‘iuls will be glad to learn that Fred C. Br(*edlove, who is in the r. S. N. training station at Norfolk. Va.. has recovered from an o]iera- tion for t«>nsilitis and is in good health. C. S. Kinslanil is visiting his family here this week. .Mrs. ('. .1. L(U‘ is expected to r»'- turn from Spartanburg, where slie s])*‘Ut the winter. It is saiil slit* will occupy her home here this summer. Mr. and Mrs. T, S. Welborne are mt)ving to Rosman this week. Miss Ruth Brooks was a visit(.'r of her sister. Miss Lela Brooks, last week. Say, w’ake U]) rojxirters! tell us something. Send your soldier friend the pa]>er and let him know all about it also. A Toxawayian. All the blood, all the heroism, all the munitions and all the money in the world will not win this war un less our Soldiers, our Sailors and our fighting Associates are fed. They will not be fed, this terrible sacrifice of blood and money will be in vain, and the cause of Democ racy will be defeated, unless every person, in every home, every day, guards the Nation’s supply of WHEAT, BEEP. PORK. FATS and SUGAR. ARE YOU DOING YOUR SHARE? Firiit Townsend, (lertrude Whitmire Lula I'iwrren, Charley Cantrell. Ot-s Sin iard, W illiam Faulkner, ICdwanl Sal v;:. Eighth (Iratie .A,u;atha Deaver Mitchell. Ninth C.rade Robert Kimztv. .Ashworth. Tenth Cirade Kuhy Duckworth. Eleventh (irade Patton Kinizey. F!a'.-.' Corpening, Louise Erwin, Mary Sledge. Graded School VV'ar Savings Societies. Terlh ('irad;' Theodore Clement, pre-.;- dent; K’uhy Du- kworth, secretary. N’intli (ir.uie Elsie Haye.s, preside.^' F'oye Sitton. secretary. Eii:hth (irade Lanier Drysdale, presi dent; Irene Mc.Minn. secretary. Seventh Cirade I >orothy Silverstein president; Edward Cantrell, secretary, Sixth (irade Richard Drysdale, presi dent; Katharine Ray. secretary. Fifth (Irade .\.L;nes Clayton, president Cecil Vance, secretary. Fourth (irade .-Mlison Orr, presided Ruth Waters, secretary. Third (irade—Robert Plummer, presi dent; Sarah liaxley, secretary. Pledges were made, by-laws adoptee! and oliicers elei ted. .Mcetinj;s are to bt held on tirst a:ul third Fridays. PRUNING DEMONSTRATIONS ('ounty Agent, R. F^. iiawrence, will give ])runing tlemonstrations at tho following tiint's and places ; W. ('. .Mct'all, Selica, Friday, March s, at I' p. m. .1. H. Reid, jjlantyro, Saturday. March *.», at 1<> a. m. Mrs. Croft's farm, Ced-ir Moun tain, March 11, at 1 p. m. Volney Owens, Lake Toxaway. Wednesday, March i:{, at l' p. m. Herman Kitchen, Balsam CTrove, Friday, March 15, at 1 p. m. FATALLY HURT IN R.R. ACCIDENT Mrs. Eugene Loftis left by auto on Saturday afternoon for Toccoa , Ga., in response to a telegram stat ing that her brother had been fa tally injured in a railroad accident. ROSMAN CIRCUIT APPOINTMENTS The regular appointments of Rev. Geo. F. Wright, pastor of Rosman circuit, M. E. Church, South. Rosman, first Sunday; East Fork, second Sunday; Toxaway, third Sunday ; Connestee, fourth Sunday.