THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. BREVARD NEWS Naiiic iliaiiKiil from S X’alli'V \i-w s, .1 atiu.ii v i , \ '(ir. M. L. SUllVMAN, t', i:. OS HO KM-:. !■'. S. s I'AKUh, r ri; Kditof Manai^inL; lalilor l.iiral I'llitii! M is;- (.!• K nu 1 ' i; K. / Aril A K V t it V !• 11 itot > riinrsila\ , l''titci i ]uis' 'tlu'c a t 111 vai il. \ . I .. a' ' 'lul l■la^ s ni at U'l . <1 at SUnSi'Kll’l'lON 1>KU'W: \ i^:ir - - . - $1.00 Six mouths - - - - .,‘n.) 'I'hrt'c ;iu)nth?< - - - .a.-i rwoiUDtitiis - - - .2;-) Puyuhlo t)\- I'Uts'k, stainp'^ or nu)ii<'N’ ui'iitM'. ai il • nit'Mi ' ''U l . 'a .' I .'!lr 1 Su'.. ' a' ■ '11 .: llo>t. tliaii'iN'-. I I--;,and :' >! I . ; 1 .1 .. i 11 \ a I I a 11 . 1 • 11' f,: . I in ■: I - 1 I'll!1 H'l null ■’11 pn w .M .! n ^ n '! . 'Ui .n;u- 1 >! i ^ i ,-\ : :iu- -.M ’ ■ i'\. I'l't I ai I r Fridii>, April 12, U>1S . I Business and Pariotism i i I I-liL,'! (‘S'- ii:i I'.ti'.'t'ii (ii'“ lii'W lii ht'f- Iv !a ;.n 1‘.ill !iut linn/.iii?;: ■ It' nioli' V.,iV l><i!l(ls ullll nvi'f Mlll- ' VI p11> >11'' t >' 11II iin r is>urs. 'I'hi' ad ! .liiional I'oU'is Will lu'Mi'an intciot ratt'i't 1' ^ jx'i- rfii'. ami a ^alr iii.i iircfita Ml' ’.ii \« ^tnii'iit. IIm'ii u; \Nai' it .> "siitfty lii>t' %v;th tin A iiic! It '11a r as a lulf. 'Till' tii>! !u tnim .i , j'rr fctif :vn.l t .11,1 li la \\1 ptT fi'lll, rcaihiy taU> u. ,iu>l a> tli>' ’.I'lrtl lifari:'.;: I j u lil Nc, f.>f :l;f ' A';a’I i-. atl ]'■ ■ ; li' il'i' bu>lIli\''S |U :I I'.-, \\ l;att'\ i'r fi.-'C may hf "ani I'l I! 1. a hv II'. 1 Uiu r aliii - - ;:r ; h; IS l a r ha> hci ’ii 1 ir i]H i>it ;i 111—a nil 'iif V- a !!i'>ih v->a viiiiT I'lcl'- "II1. ill ! !ir : .>1' '■a;i■" liH' 1 n * i ' ■ i n.! > 1 I I <dliV i!cl-lV('( 'h'i II i ■ 1 _:i ly tali’^ I'd- II..• nc!i 1 I'l iin '■| u l .t a! >t' r a t u i man. f:i«' ■ V • r - :.. • I'l. .ill ■ ;t In ‘ >. I . I' . I I'l V'ailiur > ■ ’.''Ml • t.'fl ' ] l‘ 1- I t' . . I r i. ■ >ir>t 't'al ■a ’ r -: 'iui !i -Mit ■- 1" I'i. 111- II ' i n ■Oi , nr aII I'lT fi-nt, I ; i i('I'> t u ami !■ o.i It t,, till- :-i.-l, < at'li r.■^;at Iti '.U'j: ai.a-um- luai HI tl..' I rU't pfri'Hl id thirty > 'I'll!- ]ir» im;»t ri'>]>'in>c> tu tin- ;i>l aii'l .-fi .iiui fail> wiT" tnbuti ■ Aiiu'ru'aii p;itrinti>n! and Anifi'i- caiiipsuiul cantounituits which ao- ODnimodiite from 2(>,()()() to ;>(),()(>() int*n at a time, and a thousand I ships arc ln'iiij' constructed under tiu! siu)i>rvision of the Shipj)in^' Board. The ariny (Consists of rj;{,X(>! ohicers and enlist ed men. In the navy there are L’o.tW. I olHcers and men, or a fijnintl Itttai of in actual servici^ which must he su])plied with food, clothing and nt'cessary war i (|ui))Micnt. 'I'he ])rci)art‘dness plans of the administration call for fin iMuu'inous exjM'niliture, hut not more than will he actuully needed, 'riie o])eration of tin* Tiew ilraft act alone has cost tlu' country more I I luin 1 or s;!.'.';! for cach I I man accf]>tcil. It is c>timatcil tlui 1 , the army rciiuircs t>.TiO.Oik) ]hiuiii1s ; o| food each day aiitl tlu' Ci>uartci- : master Corns limls it a tremendous ' uniicrlakin;^ to ])rovide sustenance !or all the soltlicrs in the various ' hraiiclu's of the service. Hut it has j to bt' doiu', for ‘•I'ncle Sam" he ^ licvcs in ft't'dini,' his li^litin^j: men it tlu' balance ol the folivs ^o hun- i;r\'. It is tor the ]nirj)ost‘ of nu'ctini:* the mu'i111udinous obli;^ations wo i\ uece^>^Ule> have createtl that a t iiird Lit(crty Ltiau has bet-n author- j i/ed. Allotments ItM-('ach county, j city and town in all 1 he states have | I'ceti mailc and t'verv jiatriot is call- : i d ii]Min to enlist his money ami his i ciieiuy in the movement, in the. lirst jilace, he will mort' than tiouble ! l.i> orii^inal investment in ttie tinu' j ailowetl tt)i‘ the maturity ol' the^ !’-.>ml> )uircha>ed. In the second, ;>iacc re invi >t lu> nu)Tiey in j Ml i>.~ei|i;cnt l'->Ue> at a better rati!' ol intere>t. In tiie tliird jilace, the I'lii-chaM'r ot these I'otul,'. will iia\e ad I'i the .\meriean in -, jile a> hi.-' .'i.n tv. Mil'll an investment savors, II leI'e11 ire, ol :: a al i;u.~irie.''.<. 15:.i b.->! id ;id, I ,iie .iionds In to the war and i-- eii.' way ot ."iiiovliiu' ib'Votii'ii to country. I nil •. 1 a 111. d i.'-in is /.i 'a lolls and I' .\ - ."'lSl 1 iievidion to the llair. but in t his ei'isis I'l.siiiess and jiai t riul - I'ln may :;iarcli lian 1 in iiaiid. The 1 inijia'ii;!! is on ami the vast re-| sourci s ot the c(.inntry be uu- .I'cked. tnr tile callse ot humanity shall tie maintained. 'I' North I aro'ill.a will tlo ’;er full duty u’o. s wit’iidit saviiiir. K •V -IS the great war time sweetmeat the benefit, the pleasure, the economy of a 5c package of WRIGLEY’S has made it the fa vorite ratSon of the srmies. send It to vour friend at the front: it s t h e R?.ndi?,st. lon£?2St - Sastinri n.. fresnment cza earn*. CHEW IT fi¥Tm EUERV ?4£AL The Flavor Lasts ® I wrapped THREE a _, iuuut wiuJyii it •wi a \JoJuJtt mm, m YOU WON’T BE WORRIED SIC;< A0ODT YOUR PR»>ERS AND VALUABLES, IF THEY ARE IN ON.L ( i OUR SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES. YOU KNOW THEY SAFE THERE- YOU CANNOT LOSE THEM; FIRE CANN(.I BURN THEM- BURGLARS CANNOT STEAL THEM AND imAYBE MURDER YOU AT THE SAME TIME. WE WILL RENT YOU A SAFETY DcPOS- I BOX TO KEEP YOUR VALUABLES IN FOR $2.00. RE A CAREFUL MAN RENT ONE TODAY. RANK WITH US. WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST ON TU/lc DEPOSITS BREVARD BANKING COMPANY Buy From the Merchant Wh.j Advertises. Im Mciiiiiimv slioiild be cur w<itch-;| woi'd. We have had peace ami ■ ..;i industry aii'i sh"Ws an abidinu I'ieiity so Iorii.r that weliavc becnrtii' ’ :.'h ol tl e in the man wiio ; o'l Ts the'ir al'tairs li'.'m the seat ■t I’l 1:11\ fi nmcnt ■’■e Is r,;‘Cldal : *h:.t ; aal I'l a.;/.t t];at v at \\ a.'hinLMoJi. LTuili 'aiice in the Ii' t t '1111- ai t in t he war .' i have ip their^' ''I. Ml':, e H"'i;t y a- wi ll us men .11 t’- e t'atlie 1 r wi'riii sli]n ■. iua.'y be- i■ ■ n miu'ht and rii,'ht <iermany :ii *st ]i:aiidv sec u.>w that the heart ■ A ; . -I'i.-a IS . n t he c 1, b r Vs sjh ak 1' Kder than w = -nis The quuta I. r Ni'I't ii <'arMima o! the lirst l/.bti'lv L' an was ar I’lml wasteful and extravagant. 'i'his W orld War will, tl< mbt le.->, bidiur list.ii.iur senses. It is iiuiitiii to ruthlessly w ast t‘any t hin_r;f| 111 time 'd' ju ace and j lt-nty or in time III ti.i' throes anu s ’arcity <-t war. 'I'lit re Is al wa\s, 1: the un- sed!"!! man, re.i .m lor any surjiliis ml- I'd 'r ra'.meiit. i-,-. mi uny a leS-'OM that must i»e leaned livall, s-)i.)ic r < a' later s i> 101' I Ai. s.\ iv I-: HIGH QkADE COFFEE 25c, 30c and 35c Coltcc to at 20c overstocked Fine Line of Fancy Groceries KOSi: (^VFK ■ t the III 1 i; o. s I "t ] la V in this ci uut ry to I !ie III • -t iermaii no matter of what: I nationality you ai'c. A man was Isncihdin lldu'iisa t'ew days aL'o , i I- ail. et 1 ] If. I I i. 1 ; la n r. 'ina i' . it iibU ilii Has Byiit lip liiB SI Wc understand buichcring, having i id !cng experi ence. Wc believe in a square deal bcc-ii;;we®want our customers to be absolutely satisfied. Wc ^ . r. cr pr omptly. Only tti8 Very Finest Glass o! Fresli Meats ^ Is Kan^lled By Us. Our market is up to the minut ^ i ‘ ■ -1A w latest im- pro^'ements and the City Market is all tl .a: name implies. We pay cash for country product:;, vegetables fruits. CITY MARKET 5. F. ALL-ISON, Manager Experienced B\itcl\er. Brevard, N. C, \ ■■ l*e< n 1 ,a r bet I i-r t • ill a ' tv I ■ i t ■ I :i C'' I u I. t ! ■ r s '. - \v!lhin tiiirty tlay-s t'n in . Tl • ea' di a nd e w ry call Idr.teil M;: t- s ellti red \'.ar tl;-- Ih ■ a ha V ■ : ■ s; . - ; ' I'liMiy In i-1 ;iUl' pe.jpie Vi u l t: e j-a’"! .. :ii. < 'n rmst rat ;■ ii ■ . t i. 'Usa nti- 1 'f o! N\irll i ]il-' I!,;-iV ;;i;d ll li.. r j:l"i-iOUs never tailed iuty .;jpfH to da v, .I line 'ur vouniJ \V O't imprisoned him. .Moii violeiu-e is iievei- justiliable no matter how provokiiiL: t he ci !-i'unista nees ii.ay be. If you are nut with Ameiica in tl.i- !/reat strim„'le v mi had befer til up vovir I'fi. ,tiu';n_s ;;i a ])i.low cast• alui m't out I I It. !!m 11 eudsU d I II the h'.nor I'oll <d' *d-' re],u; lie alid have been coVer- th. I'l'clves with s'lory at eutdj 'urn 1)1 the way Towanls a lastins' e -- w h:; li Will tree t lie World :r'111 t i>'bd;:!it anti,icracy Her ■. 'Aj't.iiris ol industry and her sons d t 111 h.ive, wi'rei'cat. t^ivcu llber- '..'.yt iThe Keil <'ro:^>, tlic YoUU^ Nil n's rhris^iaii Assuciatii.n and to ,)tla r iniliiciifcs enlisted in the care :iiid j.)-i tei'tii:ii of our ti;.'htui4: niun. Her noble woiiu-n ha vc detlicated ‘.l. -ir lives to the servicti uf cuuii- •dii uni'iu there is streimth." then : it is al)Sointely necessary tor the j ]»eojdt* ol A njcrica to stand firmly j u])iiu tht' ro(dc of true Americanism. ! hivision at this tryin>; jr.nctun* t,)f iiur natioi’al existence brings tur- I m"il and strife. J.i't it be the aim I of every American citi/.eii. w lieth-! <>r lu* he red. yellow, white or Mack, ' to ' lick" (Termany and protect all j loyal (ierman citi//. ns that liave cast their lot amon.LT us. ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE North ('artilina Transylvania ('ountv. llavin,u; {jualiliiil as ailmiiiistratrix t)f "ry and are .inited in defense of tin.'tstair <>t (ift>. \V. Wilson, di‘i.fasi.-il, ihe stars aiid stripes aL'ainst insults *'*, 1 ran^yhaiiia Count}, North ( Jiro- iuia, this IS to notily all piTsons liavinj^ Irunj the despot and tht; murderer. , c i;nnis against tlu- cstalt; of said dccfast<i have reali/cil nont* too soon to t-xhihit them to the undt*rsi^ncd, at P.revartl, N. ('., on or hffore Iht* l’2n(i day of March. or this notice will be plead rushed it the in bar t»f tluir recoverv. and iid'amy must in world Is to !)•.• maili safe for deiiioi racy. 'I’his is u ^iicantic enterprise in! which the jjcople of the I'nited | States are eni^aLjed and its opera-' tion calls for tlie expenditure ot jiiillions of moni^y every day. The j Ordnanct; Department alone, in | tl.e discdiar^e uf its maiiifolil duties. I All persons iiulelitfii to the estate will ! [)lease make immediate payment. j L.\rRA j. WILSON. Administratrix of (leo. \V. Wilson, deceased This March 22, l^hS. 6tp Mules for Szde Always from 100 to 300 head of ... . horses and mules of all descrip- d:sbar.M-lurvnr;uusi|.llil,us,..s„,niv^,i„„j than •'<Ki,U0't,<)OU a day. It was call- York, Pa. ed upon to constrnct thirt^'-two JOE KINDIG. Send for Swift & Company’s 1918 Year Book It shows that Swift & Company sells the meat from a steer for less money then the live steer cost I Proceeds from the sale of the hitle, fat, and other by-products covered all expense of dressing, refrigeration, freight, selling expense and tlie profit of $1.29 per steer as shown by Swift & Company’s 1917 figures as follows: Average price paid for live cattle per steer $84.45 Average price received for meat . . 68.97 Average price received for by-products ^4.09 Total received . . . . ^ r * . 93.06 This leaves for expenses and profit Of which the profit per steer was • 8.61 1.29 I There are many other interesting and instructive facts and figures in the Year Book. We want to send our 1918 Year Book, to anyone, anywhere — free for the asking. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Swift & Company, U. S. A.

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