/ Pay Your Poll Tax Before May 1st or You Can't Vote! (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) VOLUME-XXIll BREVARl), NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APRFI> . 1918.19 NUMBER-15 II. II Administr:'ti i Outlines ^oiicj^ to Meei i' ,ierate Food • i Raloigh.- In tho f;<. nation iniich luoii' h;'(l Ix'tMi tl’.cmirlit ((Mi: ;iboii:. tho I’niud S:a istr.-ition h;is iKsiicil V:• tion ni \ssa;;' was wiroil to I tor J:-'!iry A follows; if wo to fu:;i '' tht“ I!i'C(';;s;i!’v niaiinain t!n';r w:ir niitil till* n« xf h;n \. nulitary iioc.'ssity Olir TtM'IltJlly ( (MISUI • lion busht'ls a nior.''' norni;il t'onsnniption • liwi Itiishols, or T'!' tiortivil consiinij't margin f,:r liistrilui; and for special r*:is' - P»'!;ci yl ''ors:iini>t' ' Oi’.t' and OIK* 'f ji " pr<'dui-^- WI'< U]y ]> '• M:i’’,y of otir cov: ■. upou ]>;: niv.sT hr nurnltle ai ' fiui!'i‘> a lai’Kor pri ■ pri il;ii I s t ra n corr-,;' in !I'.i nsf'liolii (' . a full allow . ■ do ■ n r-.:r Mopnla' in ih.- - : • P''oi!'i''*^ than caTi I’lr po]:,:!'!’ ,< ■ > di- • I . \v I ■ ; abir^!n::t. aro ni ' nratioM .f hyv:> !- ' ro:- -aN j' ■ r’-.; \. rin • .. . vcd n;-\v hav<' availaM. W o h a ■ iimpl“ rorn a: -! c. «n:’!P’ :■ T!i- .!i lO'.' <=■ ’■: M’ r> 'i ■ Ml- ! 111. Tii ■ >-' t I h" •! . AVi- a:•<' \vlio]l> ■’ ■ ,^.-v . P'-.’!-! w .. 'U’ • . • l.a.II h.. . ; r.:- ^ 1! ■ ' T' i a I - a' or • ■ i ; :■ \v--k n.-r T'or (i" 'i ; • ov. ’ =iv. :■■■■■■■ ■n"v ’■”! a ' . 1- ' of <v ' !ial: ■.''p'l.i ( = f •T ' ;-d th ■■ , ::t'' .!■ ■] vnl lia- ' Tr: r>j#' !h of TRANSYLVANIA'S PATRIOTIC DAY County Commencement Turned Into Patriotic Celebration— School Children From All Over County r-anide Streets—Vlany Pri/es Awarded—Good Speech es at Auditorium. f 0(1 slN !*tan it Th.»‘ unnnul connty comun'nco- << n... nionttliis yt>ar bt'cami* a itatriotic \diu;n- II*- . . ' f 1't‘w '“Vt‘rv detail »tf wliich ’ vliith till' U»*y iu)to ut tin* saiiK* ro t;;i- Ivain “Wo must do »‘v»‘]'vt hiii^ :■ iii- at ni I nr pnwor to \viii thi.'^ war I" I’iir I xiM'cisos woro ]tri‘ci'(‘;lt'd by with ■. at lo a now I - ’ V 'd- ■ I . 11 1 > V 'o- :i >rr>‘fr paradt in which all tlu* ]>tit)lic scliools ()t thi* county wi i(' - I I'cI!rex nt cd . < )vt‘i’ .'ii't• schot il clii 1- :■ .tu> •' dri‘11. cai i yinir Ila_i;s jnul hammers, 71 niil- mart-lu'd from th<> Franklin hotel j j.j'j, tolliccity Auditornuji. where the ' our ' ’'^''f>“ *’‘ »‘n;cnt pia-^ram was ojk'ti- ;v i d with the awardin'^ id' the I’, h. :nv ( '. Tiicdal hy .\!iss Anni»* .lean (iash. * '’* 'Tills Near the medal was won by •vl.?'.'. .V'ary lilytlu’. who read hi r IM’/,,'.w;>;nini: -^s.ay, “Zd) N'aiice '-iinr" t' 1 the .andiencc. , A)i( 1 ;*i> JI iidiii::, Nnpi. .Miich<]]' a T! Ill >uitc( d the JiaJlies »it 1 ht'vi> fn- tll!-'d ! I \r L'laded M'lionl i • m’’' aniMiit'cid ihatj M;>s l>o',a>jh\ S: 1 vefst<n-!i !iad K.ade ; ' ' ' ' .^ '-IV'’i-.iui■ . il any iim-im ^ ■'-■I' • I he M'\ i-ii'. !i .-na' in 'I'l ati- \ ,i:,;a ( "utiiy. ; 'i t ‘ I'.'Xf pavt i>! ti..' lie V-:ti d '■ : 1 I'lta t'.i in ■ ii!..i f.i >Ti ei'nt. st> am; >]n llini: ■■ o. '' '> \ 1 ’ :;i!■ i v;iy I.. 1 I *a Vlii >■ 1:1 . i. I \ M i I-e ! < ci t a 11''n I ■! . .'I■ ' i; • tM.>vn >aiiA ’'i lire va )d ; p- : :' h the , 1: I ■];. Tea t ;i ill and III 1 1. • a 1 ■. I n (11 11 a 1 a r u i a i ■ i’ t i i • i • ■ .' I i; M: . a i ■ M t r: u'l i I > i I;■ a .' < 1. '1'. St - pli, t''., in I 1 W ; n-'' ■!<- . Ill 'i-- o,'- ■ I;,- i,r> -fi;t nati: ird ' : ■ ' M. -I', ; ■ : .h' iim .n vi ■ , . I Il - • ■ n. 1 ill:-1 rap:\p. ■ ■ < . ’ r-:; r. :>";M>.|y a!id ir>t V'.-: l' • ' ■ 11 a - ' '1 I n j - :i I ■ i I V 11.1 • pi ■ ’ • \ ! d - r - a ■ I <M!t i; Hi d in $17,000 ROAD MONEY ALL FOR TRANSriVANIA Election Will Take Place on May 15. if VVe Reject Bond Issue Our Vehicles Will Stick in The Mud ft»r Many Years to Come. ’Po the 'fax Payers and Citizens ot Trans\ h ania C< >imty: An the hoiul ekclioii tor IIk' itn- 1 111 )Ve!iK-nt ot' iiiir niain line-ot toad tioiti Henderson count\ line \ia Dtexard to koNinan, is called lor Ma\ 1.'), j'.tl''. we, the road Com mi"'>ioiiers «>t' 'I'rai^v K aiiia conntx UlI that We -'lioiild make I'lear to e\eiy \oler and ta\]>a\er in the coitnl\ jti>t wli\- the (.lection i> called at thi--. time. 'i'he I’nited States *;< >\ ermnenl has x'oted si! million dollars that is to be s])(.;it in the ditlt reiit .•'tales ct llie I’nion on ))ostal and star roads, 1)Ul lietore tlu' I’nited Stales ( lOX eMiment will spend an\- mone\- in an\ oiie stale in tlii rnion, il is Is al>.-'oliilt.']y nei'i-ssaiy for ihi.' SlaU lii miar.uitee to the I'nited Si.lU -. ( o i\ et niiieiU lh:it llie mad- wiiefe llle l\iii. fal aid moni. \ is ns'. d \, ill lie m.dnlain(.<l alter ti.i,- BREVARD TO HAVE NEW SCHOOL HOUSE At the ^special »dection held last Sntnrday, Ai>iil i:5, at tlie court liouso to det(‘rmino wdndluu' or not llr»*vard township should issue bonds t(U’ th(‘pnrpo.se of eri'ctinjr a new s(diool building, tlu^ result was • is follows : ()nt(d Hd re^istcM'd voters, U',* were ejist for bonds and af^ainst, .‘>ii not votiiii^. Tiur< speaks wadi for tlie peoj)le »)f l!r(*vard. It shows that they 1)«‘- liev(> in education and ar(‘ williti”- to hacu it up with their money in sj)ite of the -diard times.” COURT GIVES WAV FGR PATRIOTIC MEETING PROF. TROWBRIDGE TALKS TO WOMAN’S COUNGIL i<. 1 ! in i': a: t.' >'■ 'M‘ I : s.!.. !'| 'Maki- ^ H; 11 a II t (,'e . lie- < ■: !:)! 7 : ii.icud .i law i\'i L.iiii 1 >e;- celll. I >; I l;e n ; , ! . I 1 L 1 -: i \ I ■ ~ I . LIU- S!.^ iil.ii'.U 1 \'" . .\:i ,<.•11 II. 11 <iiii ant' I'llil»;u s ■ • "cl a^'itlc ir ' .I, (i| 1 ■ ,.d' ! Ini'- ' mill. :e .id\ i- ; d l'\ tlh . -I ■ <.;;; I: i i : I ;; < i: N ■: ' ■; > ' .. Ti : V ni.i .:n: li'' ('i )\ I . : 1 :;i ;i’ r < >n .Monday mornini; tlu* peo])le ot Br(“V;ird had the privilej^e of lis- tenimx to a tnan who lias ]>lact‘d the sui>reme '.iTerin^ n])on t!ie altar ot tret'doni, !/.eut. HeveriiL’’e, id'Mon treal, ( atiada, wln» wa>!it out with thi‘ !i;st (’anadian i-ontimrent and M'l ved lor tw( nt.\' months ir. the trenches. ijii’Ut. 15evcridm' LCavi* authoritative pieitiresot tht‘ bi'U- ta !i r V ol till- I 1 ‘i'Mla ns. Me stated 1 i. a I tin* 1 ni I ,‘d St a t es wa.'tli. tlr.a I oh jt ct i \ f of all (tci'- nian milif.iry ambitions, ‘dt Hit* ! il ■rnia I;' In ea k the : i r: s no up- po.-.ini: them." >.aid !!.• spi aUcr, --it v.ill lak'o tlifTii c.\activ >i\ d:t\s to I'l '.I I 'il till' I . . a I id i I It < a n I M't . t.iat |-’i'- l!' tho I'niti d St ito.- liold bai !; ■ i ■ nn v • !' si;,[ ti-oni !i, r At the Woinun’s Council held at Ivnoxvillii hist week, Prof. Trow- bridf^o f'Hvi! a talk on “Tho Value of ('liureh Schools in Rural (,'om- inuniti(‘S.” Me said that th<*y slnmld not oidy liel]i to beuelit their stu dents, but shoidd b»* a center for constrnctivi^ work f(jr the entire neij'bborhood. 'i'hey sliouhl be ex ponents ot jiractical and vocational (Mlueation. as W(*ll as tdas.sical and ndif^ious learniiij'. Such S(di<»ol.s sliould o]H*rat(* farms, dairii's, ^'ar- d<*ns and work sltr»ps witii power- jjlant, and thend)y furnisli work for students who are makini: thidr own way, as well as furnishin*' su])piies for the school. '^Fiiey, also, m’.:^hi bti a Center for traveling rtirai nnrses, and fill tlu'! function of a kind (jt rural settlem(*nt liou-.o. I'iiere is unlimited opportunity for such work in our schools. PATBIOTIC SERVICE AT .1! : i \i .! \ ■ . i; ! .i\ 'iEv'. E, ALLISOI Irl kAILROAC AQGIOEi^iT Th(' eommittie on J.iberiy Loan has sectii'ed an exceiji'td speaker to speak at the i'tiii n l.'atriotic ser- vici* to he hidd al the .Mot li'i'li:-! (dinre'n .i,.\t .'Sunday, <'i;,-. j.lain t ociiran-', ot Aiaine, wiio h-ts si i !i st'rvicc in Indi.a and on the .M-xi-an '"’•'di r .\ir. I oi'l;r-|ti.> e nie> to n^ from < ',ini]i Wad'.-,.avt h, .'-^]i i r ,.:n- bii v:r. !1 elnrrelii-:' will ^'vt* in; tlodr morir.nu ■ rvir,.> {,,)■ th^'^, a'ld .-i ■ <l.'nominati''MS ar.‘ ; x,».'<-t- d a: 'ii'-t-'d 1 I a' ! ■•’id. 'j’ii; ;-vi- . A '; 1 be^in a V 1 i ;o i oad■ i,- . SPRAViHC iwPORT^NT 1380-P0UND STEER GIVEN TO RED CROSS Steer Was Sold to S. F. Allison $180.00 — Result of Guessint* Contest Brings Total up to S.505.00, All of Which Goes to Red Cross. Miss ]\Iary (galloway, a maiden lady, livini; in tlie Ficnch [Jroail valley, ei'.'ht mih's ab(jve Brevard w ho lias b( comfi fam; ns in tin. county fur tin; line Ciittle sh«‘ lias raised and sold, was tin* recent ])os sessor of wl'at she caileiX a calf, thirty monliis old, which slie v;o ued at s] .■;<!.no, Slie, j_'e?M*rously ofl'ered to uivt; this steer to tin; 'J’rjinsylVf.nia R. ('ross cha])ter, t he oidy >!i))ulatio/i lieini; that the community contrib ute fi like amount to the sanu, cause. 'This jirojiosition was a(^ c ‘|)t(*<l by a (ommittf'**, wiio tO'.lc char^'e of the stc(*r, asr.mini' tlie r< sj)onsil)ility ot rai^inLC the re<;uii- ed c ,\t ra ^1 ':< >. The ],ian il. d » thl.s was to ida e the stei-r oh i*\liil)ition on tl..- (ai’.u ti hous'* lawn—it ]>eim,' Sn))er:'>r ('ourt Week—and'd;artre-'r>c a |ZU(“s> at bis WfiL’ht at o'ch,(d\' M(jnday 'File st 'I'l' was wei_'hod at that tinu bv a eommitt I- of two. tlie v.f’ixi ■ :;!"d sci-'d. ILCU'-S'im: eontinvied till i''>nrt ad j ii.rui d in the . veinnir. iMiritU' rip' aftt'rnoon tlw V. :is put u;:- l ;r sale at }>uoli<' ,a tlon, wbicli ilevelopfd a .'-’:’.rie 1 hut L-M;d-Lunil..i'od contest t • Mr. s. F Alli-o : My \biik. t, Z;n.?:. -i r . ‘liji'a.r} . il a-,: v.-h ■ ^ i I -1 - il 11 ,1 ;i < , i'. ,r W- r ’ t«'- . • h" •I' * W. acts v,';i!:iiitt t’-- of otlii'r cP) f’.iunh. W ■ aMi prncf-r'^ h : iK'f* ' t!.*y hr .. . , '■! 1-v .!'r’-' -iniaiK”' pi a- ' po'i’id >va-' ’d I)' povdii:^ \V> : 1; 1-. 1; - I*1 ■ nr.inurit ■:<’ ; ' ■•ha 1'^ 1m': ■ -d : ■ .ajro aionihiy iinioii four nient h< iirior ’ i '' f'M'li. :\Iain;r.i pro lui'iior h<>' -1- : rrrii-''' s'.ic'i asf-s pi.' Sixth. 'r’l'Ti- is ’ ' nsf> of n;iif'!’ cp;*'al fl corn, barlr-.v. hu'-kna- f-tc. Many t t>ip land rre i o'.v i;';"' •' ' nets whi'.tovrr. (‘xc^-of a aninunt for cookiiin p’;:': doiTiK so in ponoct h'-n faction. Tliore i-* no ;•< a' on ’ Amor!'-an p-^cp*^‘ ”'a'‘ In their own hoiis' i;aa si?t pei’f**rt!y well •»’ il!i wh<'at prodiicis thaii ' po!Hid.'= a wc^'k. and wf < the wpll-ti'-do housch''M ii' fh- c.ii;.'- try to follow this additional proprara i« ordor that we Hiay pravidr tho i.Pi-- epsary niarf?insl supi*lies for tlio;:Q parts of the community Ihss able to adapt themei'lves to so lurjce a pro portion of substituies. 'I'! n-'i i '. , r ■ 'I ' ,1 i 1' 'n-e o I the :: 1 1' a ' i ■ 11 on r';; .1 " t!: I Vi ),.n^: to hir !!.' ■ '■ S' !ii 111 71-I ■ i t a t ’; and : ^ 'i -'’lMe^-^. a1i-s ^vla! !■' . ■ li.i'■ I i ’i n ro> ■ wi 111 tlie reel‘a III' I : l.i: i ’.I * t. 11 i\ itlsev i ■! i )i ' ■ ^ • fo ’ dc ■!. leal ion p! :, \ t ■ ; ‘ thl- content le. , ^ >i'a.^!>', s;-i ■ vi Iry oi tic ■•‘■ru II: i ■ ^ ■ ■ ai "‘-li' I ■ .' . ill lilt ', n.,o;i !ii- : .r- t i- s^ -.i.-ii t ha t 1 no ii: !'■ ^ i-oni n o t ’ I ■ ■ had ca I'; ■! ui iy , ... : lied tho I \et ocll! i \ ill lilts , ^l.-,■^|^l■d iy tlie Olijorellt sidio.i].-', a :. 1 I i ■ ! t h:i t t .-li-] i d, >. ■ !■ vi'd a pr- 11 • I\'. i ‘ \a . 1 ill - y 11 ad di ■(- ided to _i \ ■ ti.i' pi^i/-' Iiir he-t .'I bool c.vliiliii I I lin vaid. and the H. d <'ro>ss pri/oi ' o I i o s m a n. -V >'inor: ntelideiit .\litihell tl;"n ■: wa r-, 1. i ihi- pri;'.;.'' totho filii w- ' Lnirw ho took pari in tin* iithhdic , Ci li.lt'sts : rd li;;nnini.r hiu:h .iumj)—Anthony ; 'I r.-i nt ham. tirevaro : rnnnniii: limli j ' '.■im]>an i ]xde vault, o])eii to b >y,-^ j ov! r fotndt'cn (iaine ('iinnon, !io..--. „ n.an; l)road jump and '.‘-O-yard' .... dasii. 'j]:en to boys iiver touriecu—j 1 b■ \ . i ,. ,\ 1 i V' I ■ ■ I. 1'a i: Idini: 1 ;;:''i-tin;' a' L ••■! r' ’rk i f-.r ti.*- oa-t t • * .-.e.-ks, : r.** . n 1 ’Vith th - n, ■ I t 'i aiui !-r]ii.r:-~ a \> i-y m t.im ~h It:e<- t 1 n 'i’h- -ro -,>•;'•■■■’ 1 ■ ■ ■ 1 '.n - I ! ' ' -i'. i • i>i i ni]■.;a,. a in-r o' ! - I in \ - - . sio; - a l!' I T' ' I ■: a I ;i :*■-.! t ;-e 11!‘ - a si I: (* ot Mr. A'; • • in'- ! 1" • I' >' : ••■i" i b- . 1 --I ■ a s .1 N , ; ; i: : i - r.- - 1 .11 hi ' ! * *'•■ ' -.1’ i a u; I . = ■ 1 I P.l-ev.'ir'i. • . ;i \V'- .:.!e. Tbi- ' Wa - at ^ ' ^ r.-pic;c. o l.ii I'll;-. \ * ■ ‘ . - V I ' , -i t!'-' ^ 'jojld^i . Th - i ; ■;-'l r. - ‘ - e A ■ r •1 :iv a .-al : n I I Ii ; n ■ 11 i. I. ■. I > ’ U • i wlndi !:i- "U'-t.ii loi ■ - ’. . ■ ; 1 and - al hrui-i ! io 1 . a lui -: - ev-T, to tiil his aiH iii.'Tiienl-. now. - .-n!. kn-.try .-...pi-i,.- i h ■> spr:; , il ^ i- ! t ' ■ 1 tilt • . - il i - >1 ; '(1 1 I ■ : ;iio 1 or..: ■ --i ^ RQ3MAN SCKOUI TO PRESENT PLAYlap';-'i-r,.V:,r i I’l. to Ki - 1. ‘ . .;.; Iiie I he ; iuiMiii._ ina il j ;,*p ' • diver < I'ary. Hrevard. F.Vi-ry ])n/,i* awarded in the (‘onn- | ty ('ommeiicem.-nt consisti-d (d'j . ,ij 'I'll ri 11 ."damps an.l W'ai' SaviiiL's I Tci t,!i -at< s in* money to hi* uscvl tor 'a 'hp ^'patriotic services. So, it wjis^a - pb’asant, insjiirim^ and ]»rolitabh* ;day, the i;o(.)d elVects of which will ' reach all the way to Berlin, f piiid-l - _ Bonds, or Bondage; Which.’ OH HIS WAY TO WAR ZONE. W. ,M. cloud, dr., wlio enlisted in th(* navy a year air<', is now an »*lec tricianon a ndni'dayer, now on its way to the war /one. Mr, ( loud was the first to enlist from Tran sylvania conut.y. Help our boys over the top by getting a bond. 1: of Th- * ■ » < ' ‘ t\ ', V)- ■ '-'I 1 s d a V if Jiv 'i.-~k pt-'iiMa^ ^ ■i! Ill-' s,:no ^ loaij, ail'; li', 1]> on;- (ouiii' ii; ' e'.'t. r\ w . I'■ i .t I.--;: ill.-lo ii.t.a eon I ■ . I . I- i . Ih ■ \V^ M h 1> - ' I ! y 1, ll ' : A:;-. : n.e. h - tl.ai!.;.- iho i amoiiiil ill.-.’ .\c lecx iw irotn ilic ^ I ( i\ e; niiK-nl i-^ exjit-n-'a tl. oiiri'^ -im- j wtil ri.-e'--i\a.- ,i t,.i;eek iroia llii.- I', j I .s., C.o\ t^-rnnieiH i r i!ie ainonnl llial is It. 1 le doiialL^d I' I our (.amnl w Alter the roa-l is toinpleled, the Slate o! -Xoi'lh i^'ai'olina "iiarantees thal il wall maintain ihe road and do all llic w rk iieo-^-s-arv to kee]> il in L;ood sliape, willioiiL taxin- llie taxpayers id oUr (.•'•iinly tine ■';n,L;le Ccnl; aiui, as y-iit know, the uiainlenance ol a road is a \ ery ex- pe:i.si\e |»rojK)sition w here il is to be dr.e^^ed after each rain, and all ihe holes caused 1)_\' washouts, etc., tilled ll]). Xo\v, the road Connni.-sion ol 'rransylvaiiia county lias i^oiie on record that not one ih;llar oi this mcjne\', it' voted, will be spent un til the war is over, 'i'he State Hi,i.;h- \va\' Coinniission also states that it will not give permission to our count;.' to sell bonds until war ct)ii- ditioiis are settletl, so that we can avoid the necessity ol' payin^' the hi;.;h prices for labor, teams, etc,, that W e are now pa\ in;.;, and be eii- al'led to do the work lor the least money possible. We urge that all of the citizens in the county who are interested in Till- "Tiidi-nts tif t!-i‘ lb '1! • n hi:"]! j sciii I ! .. . i. prc>i -n' t o I b-‘ o'; ■ 'U I , nrtr; V cvciiin-.;-at ciuht " cb cU , 1 I : - icdy i nt i ? a 11 • -'I'l 'in 'l b m ii' W Cl: 111 n LT. tin- \V ■: ir;. a I,. [ nil it si ; ,iy , I .'V I b;. M.lf I (-[. -^1 -1 I Ik- i!..i‘1-.’■ ot oi’.i roa-i" l!;'- int ■rnial ion aloii J, to ll'-ir :;e:^h- I'or-: .:nd in i «inimir..iii.^s 'vlicre lb.e\' so ile-'ire. s] .eakc; V. ill 1 - ■ lit ill o; !c- to ni,ii;e l!:-- matter as j . -ibk- all t!x \dKi-.. W'e ale sei'aliii” thi,^ inl'i-rmatioii "I ^ tli.;l -.,-\ er\ > iti/(. n oi I lie coiinlv will niiiicr ‘:io.! lhal i:o r.ieinber ot' Thi -bray that ;a r. a..^ .1 by the di-partn;v 1.■ ,■/;--■••% id’ -s c. ii; i: .^-r^-!.; i i; • s;d] i’ , •• a yaid.' hn.c sa';)l;Ui- ■ a. d one ' L:a;lo!.s to iii 1 y ^a- lo:.-- : i; > a b■ r ,n ' three jiounds <if ar-'i-na.c .-i !• ,i.' past I - o)- one aii. i • lUi'-ha 1! [lo - m is ’ i it IS in ]iov,-(o Vcd torm. if y.i'i lia VO t ;• a' ■•, a a; -r: I'l it Iioil t rccs 111 t h ' siiinr i-,-1- i mi hi 11 t*r rot a not i;er i n. p' ■; !a i' r sj r;: c is tile biirdtanx i; ’•clio'i v/hicli is I madi- b\- Jnixin I' ■.•’■■ p.; ;v-b- ■ y’i;n.'. Jlol •r O 1 .1 l; :-ti - ; y f ' • •s tn.s vrr-,;: ll the lioard of K«.ad Ci mini'-'^)nel s, ... ^ .... , . tiiifc ])oun-i,; ^ a:: t'- ■■■;, ot ail'.one eisc coniK-ctcd Willl 1 he i ,,[- xvat.--- a -d ad-1 tJ ini’, V'i\a,-ment of the ro:als, wi"lus lo im] >t i:-e .;ii \' ex ] leiise • -i’ iMir conn I'.' until tlie w a.r is o\\ la aa,ii! tiiat jioTillus of aist-natc . * loa;! ] a'-‘-'. This s))i-ay sliordd i;e ’as- o ab-.u.- tlis! middh* of ,! ,lv. 1 ]i:!ve a v the whole t'loposition mic-'t lie op(.n i>ulb*tins on sprayiiia that can; • iiid al)o\'e hoard. It will not l»e necessarva accord iiiL; to the rulini.; of tlie Attoniex (:eneral, to lev>' an\- taxes until al ter tile bonds have been issued, w hich will l)c a^ter the war is over. The .\ttorney (leneral also rules that it will not be ueoessarx' that liad on rci[Uost Ii. K. !.awrenc(*. ('ounty A; t'lit. ^ in i.a 1 '’lit' Ti' —' M <'a iis(* ■ t ia* ; a.-or . i'al spii il ill w bi-b In :-onijid;a at' -d ■ t!i.- i-:df and - .. -^a-d » ti:.- s.dr^‘ Ii the LT a utai csp-<*::iiiy tbt mai^Mianimity tiiat ].-rompbal liii;: ■ lo ann.aincc r- his court that tin ' _r;.i-^.-in- as sriii oii. and sn^^.^'t- , e i ihaT - -ry one Icliii his r^nj!plJr^ i . r : V.'.O',b a a c.ii.st', 'i'ia- co;:! aaittea al,-a) f.)iiTi I that fi^bi la^ n b;.:l ij:uetscd tlieexaC - W'. iLrht o’l .Monday—lbs. Tlu'.v •.V(.*rt.* all cla'.nia: is of the ?i^*).oO ]iri;:t' , Diit very ^ent-rously f.;;ivt? that also ' t-' th(' Ued Cro>s fund, thus en- ;;ibiin^"the con::-dtt(*e t.) report as , :u.d i-.asb. ri‘ceii;ts f(.>r tht; sti.*er an-.I i contributions to thu Ked Cross BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, COLORED fund - The revis’al s('rvices now bein;r i*ondr.v-tv*d at Bethel Bajiiist (diurch by Kev, A.. H. Williamson, of .lohn- olir county levy an\' maintenance s ui City, Tenn., -promise to be a fund where the said fund is i;iiar- anteed b\ the v^tate, whicli will e iver the entire ro-id from lien derst n ccunty line to Rosinan. Should \'oii desire any ird'orma- lion t 11 llic subject, we will be i;lad to furnisli it. Vours very truly. Thomas II. vShipinan, Charles 1C. Orr, R. Fleni Gla/.ener. a wonde?'lnl success. T’hert* have been !J-^oals restored and 1. f.a- baptisni. 'i’lic v.-omin's la.i'ctina;. whic'h W!is hebl o;i W’edii a-^'Iay cv •- ni”;^ was one tif tlu* j,i'calv si in tba* iiistory of tlu* ciiurch. Tae m.an -1: (iod spoki'to tlicm tr('m lh(*.-u!.- Ject of “Virtue and Mvjraiity." Wb* pray for his success. D. C. Hall. Choke the Hun with Bonds? j This beef will on sale Friday j and SjUnnbiy of this w'eek and tho I commiitiH* leel like sui;y;estin<^ that, j everv ona udve Mr. Allison a iiherai I jiatr-ona^'c for b,eing s^anu' enougdi [ to p iy til * liiLrh'^st ])rici? ever paid ■ in th-a 'atointy for one betif. i -.’a. Allisoij has generously su^- J'^estt-a that lie will turn in the 1’profit to ' !a R. (I Cross. . r.lr. SilvTsteen has offered to buv the huh*, tan it and turn tho proeeeus into the same channel. T. H. Shipman, C. E. Orr, R. H. Zachary, Committee.

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