Pay Your Poll Tax Before May 1st or You Can’t Vote ! VOLUME-XXlil (Name changed from SyJvcn VaMey News, January I, 1917.) BRMVARI), NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APR 11, »1. 1918. NUMBER-10 WOMEN AS l OiCAli'^EVilRDCElEBRATES . rsnrac I PATII0TI8 SUNOA ISbc I All ("lujrclu's (jiincollotl Af^poijit- X ^ ^ nionts to llt'-ar CMiaphiin C^och- ■' vnn Mntror^s i-r.'/o ,Neen ^ W:uisw<„th at •liS 0? I'iCCCSS iV of ClOcin ! Ihi* Motfioiiist C^liiircli—iiiter- Up a»|'J iij). ! t'stinp; Projinini I'hruu'^houl. ' Su:!ti:iy, April VI was (ihsi'rviMi P3!ilIER3 Oi*S 10 DO cin/^wis I of lircv;n(1. “ i 'l'!u‘usiinl Suiulfiy iiioi’iiiiiL!,- Chairman of vyoinrsn's N.'itti^I Bur- ' unpitii'.tiiu tUs \\i i i> cniici'llcii mikI ecu OfiCrs Excellent Su■’‘r;'’-'tions • nil <!i'n('Tti’?in ti'>ns ii\ tuwu lt!) i ii*T<’ii j 111 111*' ;iU(litoriu!ii i>r lht> Mi'tlunlisf cliurrii :it clfvcTi (•'('lock to Iicara TMr>s:i>;f hiiriic l)v Uifut. (’ocliraTU', , . a (^ri;.l;;i:i off]i.,> i'. S. Army, I'l'oin :'i Tain! tlu't riitil liii ' lii^’litcrs for Anii'i lean l'> l.ihtTty to t!u‘ di'U'inIt'rs (jf Anit'ri- cmi I'r.i'iii'ni wli.i si'i'\»at r I ; .1. (' S. airlt' acted as masti'r .. .liai!' i ,, ,[■ (I,,, ; of ccMTMoim s find the lol!o\vin>^ ! ■ (Mil- ;'Vo:’ra’;i > caviicd oui ; ■•'i’l'c Stai- S]ia:;i;lcd lianTicv.” 1 nvoca li. !i - ~ I ii\ . iv !i.Norwood. Mviuii •■'I'Ik* Son of (Jod (iot's .>■'1 I r./ith to War." ' ):‘ici'(or\'—‘ Ki’iliii;;'s }{cc.••<>!( *it- cn How to Ob .11 D i-iit'ci Rcnovnl.on. ai’i' ]ii' ■\vllO uoultl II..;-: , >I.V UiKi ;| C|, !, I’l' •■aiiit';-.'i;ii. ;;s 1 lar* art' .1. !>a\ti‘r. r <»f r!i;,l li..alt:,, <‘raIii'11 III' \» 1 (Micii's t : man ..f th-. W,:;,|,.;,-s ■ Nan.'i.:;! ( '1, ::a I p ■ ■ iMi-ii St. I. Ten Good S' y. 1. 'I'- ; aw'v ; tra'li Iri.ia ymir I :if<’iy. .“•'■IN 1 \ (lur rui■- ^ iiii: ; .."'t 1(1 ' . \\:. y li v :i iic\ \\ ! : li si mi. ■ <’ii 1!II‘i r a L.. nIS ; a! • ntio’l. I'f.-l.’c . «'• a mail . Ir,.: :i :'w..y. • ’>. 1 >!i: a all i a!i > t'l. : h \ ..ta- \ .-i. iiai v ■ r wiitiM a a i. W 1! 1 tl, 1’ra N'cr—i• V. , S' .'■•I a i:!i — "''i.''' '.'•.■.t!i i,o'ij.s U])t() ■! ’ ' •• 1 h 1 lit' 1.111? I. 1 loi ’'■> : s ; ,1 ;i I,(1 w . .! ". !,• ; 1 •: ai ua l>aii iia a;.'l < ra' u:- si r.-I'.' ‘5. i‘laiit ■ irra^^ : to I:;;; ’,( \ . ■:; 1 p i;: ;i ■ i Uc2 Picrty c! 7. Ir .'I-[I'- <11 ■ ; it. : a:_ Will till* ai ' ; .:. 1' ■■ ■' li . .1 I.-" . , j ; ai. s. !;■ Ill":- : !'.■ .,1’a ly, sill li' i '.i'\'- n. 'i I. I : i'i' \i '!r !||>:' s; - M.'I , -! : it M. a- . I ! Sa V>' ' ''I (■ M ;•!! . ‘' I .I'l.i .. i''i ’ ;. ■ i . ' . I). I 'hai ::iaii. !'■ < .:]ila^ a I la-. fac- d his ri';;iav!,s i'V > ail..u liiat hckii-'W i; ''-.adii ; • .-'P.;-I I uoiis lo ■-j'.cak to ■ I'i. t‘va. v.i aiiilii'iic:' ain.'il :ay i; a!’.d Th::t after a . -at’-i-;d I ■ i:.s i.. r ra t ’ ■ oi' li? " :. " I U I . t '. . n - i V :. :. ■ • v;n;y a '\;ld i- 1 aily •■st'a . ' ■ ’!.a wh-!r \>ai’. 'I'hi- :-]i.■,(!;■■:• s.. •: I;; it ii.- I nut I . ; '11'l d a < orn a 1 a^ : ■ Vi'>s. t la m; : t Ln i ’ a a; i 1 : :'i a O' V, li Jot Thrift* Sfiks?. |„;r Cfean Up and ffeiai ^f-sn&epUVp] H 1P> ,lj “Kies ills iioffifl Fires Burnicu” III ^ 1 ♦ ftn 4- I f ^ A 1 I I i /. I i I 1 11 \\ Le’s Get to Wcr!t---Right Here at Home TO THE PUBLIC: THE MEN ATJD VVCr.'.?IN AND BOYS AND GIRLS. In these (:";yr: of pr.triotic service we should “Keep the Home Fir«?s Buvnincj”—the fires of community liic and spirit and eH'iCiency, and afl the rtCtiviiics that promote chccrfuI and pleasant and healthful surreundirvgs in Amfaicra her.'., .i aarj romriuinities. CIcsr.Iinecs, Thrift and Civic Pride are ti'^o e-ocatialij for hor.ies nnd towns beautiful, and safe from the ravages of ciiseajrc nnd fire nr.d storm and Eun. HELP GON'GERVATIOI'J AND PRODUCTION. It is our p'ltrictic duty to promote con»<*rvation and production in every possible r.ay—to conserve civic ideals as well as health and property; and to increase ccmmcrcial and ir.dustrial, as well as food production, that all may be en.-.bled as well as urged, to “save for our country's needs.” This cause is too big fcr any mere “week." The need is too immediate for any delay. The v/ork comprises too many phases of community effort for any single group or interest to assume its conduct. An immediate and continuous and thorough campaign that represents and enlists every interest and organization, every man, woman and child in the community, in a ciusade of Cleanliness, Tlirift and Civic Pride and their practical application in every way, is needed. THIS YEAR “FOR THRIFT’S SAKE” CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP. Such a crusade is annually conducted in 7,000 cities and tov,/ns enlisted in the nation-wide Clean-Up rnd Paint-Up Campaign, that reduced Cincinnati's fire insurance cost over $160,000 in one year, that planted nearly a million “Thrift Gardens” in the nation lact year, and that, by a score of other prac tical and popular activities, has made thousan.-'s of communities and hundreds of thousands of hones “better places in whic,!'i to live.” The cf^-o?''-:'Lie. cf the wiiole ’'.-onimunit)' is n'ce~£ary, froin this moment rn ! throi:jfica;- th-:) campnicn; rnd we crpe'i.'’'!/ ur^.-c the utmost cf.'oit in Cjivinr- the ca.'Tip^ign a good start by mnkin^j the Opening Week a complete* success, a big community event. T!iis will be OPEr‘,;!NG V/ilEK. Help to make our community recognizcd as in the forefront among happy, hea!l!iy, thrifty, prcsperou:?. nad beautiful Amcricaii cca'i^riunities. Rv'opectfully submitied, THE COMMITTEE. NINETY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE 1.0.0. F. •iin'Mi, R-i 1 til, '‘iii Ptiilf T-I t V r : r rr r J'r-• !■ ppm- pr On Monday, April29th,Connestee Lod^e No. 2,SV, !. O. (X V., will Coniri'fuiorate the niiiety-ninlli anniversary of the institution of OJdfellov.sliin. Several New Members to take I irst Dejjjree. 'i'liis war jircscnts to < )dd l\ llow- sliip a ^'rcat(*r oj>]). a-f unity tiian over before to prove its value to liunianity. ’'{’lie very e.xisttma- of civili/,?ition, human liberty and de- inocracy ar(^ 1hi'eate!'.ed. Women and little (•liibiren art* tlvin;^ bv tliousands in Kui'(;j)e and Asia Irotn sturvution and otlier (aiuscs broU'..’'ht on by the war. 'I'hi* worUl is stunned witli ti:e ijluistly and r-owardly cri!>ies, more in nnmbcr and greater ir. liatied than thos(‘ of the Kijman ( aesais combined.' ’ In tliis woidd ci'isis oiir ord'T is I'udeavorinu' lo do it> dut''. All < >dd Fellow soldi.-,"-, arc T’elievt d from the ]»:!vm' nt of dnes w hile the war lasts, and we, who ren.ain ai hotne in s;if(>(y and corj:fort are I I'ayinji; the beneiits (jf th(;.-e who an* iiu'litiit_; and il,\i?!'_' for ti e jui - tiction of tlu! \Vorld'.> Lil’erty, We are helpini; oni eons(-! V(' f( )o(i ; \\ I • (t o Vi ‘ r! • 111 e i; I , I ; .. ^ , j scj'ibiiiir to the ill <1 !'ri).-.". \\lii(di i' I by far the i:reate.--t jwa-'ti b^ ir ti jcenei'ofthe aLre. \\ .■ ari !)nil(iiii_: [ .and snTi])orfii!L' oil!- own I'ei-rt a tu , headqnariei's tor tl' ■ !Vi s. 1, ; ot t he li ves a r.d h; it ’: ■ i oP.r bi a'. e jSo]<i:er liroiiier.'- a?!;] <::r are al.'-t. (;o-oiu-rat;!i,L-with thii* "lia-r !:rtat ;an(l v. oni!■ ;•; al ."o.'ic' v. 'i'lie V 'ou.' , Ail nV < 'hri>: i.m /•, .ri- ■, a;;, with ot!;. :• s:r;;’l:ir e ■; <>!: r ;-i ;■ t . . ' ' i i- 1 M • i'l I ■ ■.'’ t ry :: :n[ ! Hi' ; Allied aiai < ■ ■■>*. .• tlia : Till ; S 11! I li'ls '... ,i\\: •. . V.1' • , I. ..s. . sib!\' I".a, :u 1 . V ,.’en i V. i:. * I liei|- ei,'un:- nii I'a ;i the . 1: ’ O; \ !;; ' . ■ r- 'ir ' ' I )\-< fijient are 1 i:i: ■■ ■ ' ■ ' - ' ■ i ■ o ■ i f !•. •■ausc !>. V ill'..).I.' I V. . •••I.' t i,: ■■ r: t-i ,!i I : , ! ■ : CLE'M I nr-6;r r iiuilL ^; '.tj b: 'I'!:' Tra^ -■ :T I l l.i'. : -b ■- :■ : / e : • . , . i ^ V. . I . ■ . . , .a- CLEANNESS SAVB Ml Clean Up and Paint Up Cam paigns ReciucG Risks and In surance Rates. mm KIOVE ALL RL’EBISH Greatest Conflagrations, Which Start From the Smallest EInz"3 Can be Avoided by Precaution— Denver's Don’ts. 'riif <'|i':in T'p !!ini I’aint L'i» Cfiin l>aii_a ri'<!u< s lin' ia-ur,r.iies .-la!? li;-c looses, la (lar \ ( a I" till' camiiai^JK r!‘<l(icc(l <'ini'iaa:iti‘s aarnial tire in<ur- aiir,- iireiiiii!ia-i uvei- h■>'I oi)i). ill kis i.!‘erl;iai;iti(«?i o!' la -1 \( ar, .Iiika 'iV W ia-liiii. .Miclii^raa Slale l ire .Mar.'lial ■ai'i: "'ri.c average aaaaal Aaieri'M, lii'!' loss t'(i|- I he l;ist lea ycai's {‘cri'x! .'_’:;m,oo(t.e,I! 1. 'riij.. Is .1; i :.' i. il''\-. caii; I: ' i!’, or eacli miiiate.” The .•iitna:! id'is ilir.iii::!. laek d! liaiaiiat: is LM'ealer lia- :^iiaua( \,y lis'c. ^.'li-aaliiL: aa'l j aii.i ■ in'_' is a ImiL: s'cji tnwan! tir.’ [^rev a tie-1. I'lii- rills luaaes aiii! luisiai s... liii'i-iitf a<-< uiaulaiieas <«!' rniil'-'!.' 111.-.I lire li.alih- lo si.irl lin--, and ar< aiea::'-i'' !i« a ciianiiimliy. u"aii'i!:i><-i Uiat all iii'es ai'i- the .-^:-:e ::t s--r'. Ai Mil- saa;- li ake;. - . 1 ^1' <■- .,.i‘ :l: i'l'M. Mi'I I- ■ I'l'jiair'd ; |,>is s!!'--..ii It.* rlc;ii.c<! aail lia i.-ia-. iiiipcr a?a. (lead I I'li-' ri':;i(i\c(l. Denver’s List of Don'ts. I! i "I, I ii ' 1. (■' ‘aa.. i • - i; M 1 a .a; iil> ;i!.il ii.-iiat up e:, .ii.i.iua .-n i I' ls it s.av'l ei"aa. Thf ■'-'!■'V. :t;^ y. ,e the fi. e inSs ViaS reilll ’^; ^a I li ■ 'i. ' !':;Ie \' a-- 1'' Tl j . 'i'l.e I’' I,!; in I’ !l ::s li.r.t ‘ .■ fe!! ’" ii \> nr v, 1.0,. ■. til-* ; ' ' aa'l. fi a ’ 1 ;i' i: ’. i- \\:i ■ e. . ' It.!';;.:' i 'J'he i !.-a\ (' (•ria.aaiLrii ce- r. * i-ti^ .■ l:: e j--- “(ii nrs" !•:..1 I : ci’i:a-a !!! -! ; i ; ■I I'V i ■ j A I I T--! . w ■ ■ V ^. V- .ii .\i.. ■ !■ hv , i, \ oi’dia.' .’ 1* : -.\a) ;ie,l. t-r. ■ ahcit'*' Sc!a'M ; vri laast lu'r a •■'.ard v.'itb the hi'ar-' chnreh. Ai r. 1 m'yi" was la d i ii.t; u:'i -\; aa i 7 • 11.'nia-’ -on , S. A;! ' - ^ v .nvrratTiliit ioT.:- of iv ^j;hbov-’-;; ; thi •; call, but ir was l,,o lai ', a: he ; d-i;;;!;. ; ra ;;o'i ’ -. ; . ': . : A '. ■ '. . ^ ^ a in . : • v. Ts, • b ("a , bad j : ; . a the v all .. li- i - ]a ei. o:; :-a - <. L:i-; n. ; (. V cV. e, j \ r ■, ' it. 'a;:" r\i i’v laeaib iii dit' year li.e a--.- • es (.;■ li:, j-a. laaa-^ “C'.nlinu- ' . T;. aa ; I’aini l.p

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