VOL. XXIII BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1918. Number 28* NO UMIT ON SUGAR FOR CANNING ETC. Inquiries to County Food Admin istrator Thos. H. Shipman indicate that a number of jxood housewives do not thorou,u:hly undorslaiul the regulations p:overnine: the use of puix- ar 1^1* canninjr and preservinu' pur poses, and some have thou'.rht they would be compelled to al'andoii fur ther canninp: and preservin^^ 'I hoy have the impression that t'r.iy ‘J > lbs. for each household was available for this purpose. “It is the very earnest (ie^';re of the Food Administration tliat the larirest possible quantity f:u:t be saved through cannin.u'. ' rv.n;,‘, dryinj; or evaporation,” toJ.ay (ie- clared ^Ir. Shipman to a N\vs. re porter. “Xatui'ally in tlie fai"' of a suj^ar shortat;e there is a rcn’.arkable increase in tl'.e dryinjr a.nd i \ i (’I'a.t- inir of fruils. Also the I'\^ 1 A^hniii- istration is ursi'inj;' as its iiiotto. “'.nax- inium canning with mininiuai su ar. and Mrs. Jane S. ^leKiiv.i"' of home demonstration v,or’v in North Carolina, recommeiiil.' the use of only one pound to I'i (|Jarts of fruit. If additional sutvar 1 -r-'eue 1 it can be added when the fru;! s eat en. At th;',r, time th > t-uv;;! ' ■ will no doubt be muth (‘a. iiT. “Xo household is allov • ’ i • h.ivi' more than ’i-") pouni’s of . ...‘.r the seasen for cannint.’- a ■ ’> v- in.”' ex^e])t w itli the' aM]ir(i\ ;:' ef t’.u .r County Food Adminisir; '( r. !!('\v- ever, all eounty food a’ «>:■ ■ have been InLftrucce;’. by ministrator Henry A. Pa ■ !u‘ v r; liberal in ihe exercise oi' l' «. - tion tha.t is ^viven then ^ ^'s mat ter an.i ih 'iH' is no ; va i. ;'. ;y- oiu wiih fruit or benii- ■ ’ ie siiould not save them ;:Ii !■ 'i. : pr- servin*r anci dryintr. T:., , ■ ■■ of J') ]"junds or a M. i- Tor tiiis j.i.rpose ean be - , I ;is often as is rc'al a-^'! '• :: need for t!:eir puiiK'sj.” \r LOCAL RED CROSS COMMENDED The Transylvania Red Cross has this week been visited by an inspect or from Red Cross headquarters, who ?xave the entire system of Red Cross work in Transylvania county a thor- outrh inspection. .Mrs. Clauise, who w'as sent from Atlanta to Brevard for the purpose stated that she had been visitin.tr small county chapters for the past six months and “not one that I have seen,” said Mrs. Clauise, “equals the Vra.nsylvania ("napter in the eflicicn- ey of its or.tranization and in the qual ity of its output of hospital supplies.” rdrs. Clauise spoke to the members of the executive committee at a si)eci:il meetinu' on Monday evenin.tr. She also held a conferenoc with the d'.reetors of the women’s work de- ]);;rtment on Tuesday morning:. To these workers who came from all pa.rts of the county she jrave special inrtruetions for the important work v.’iicii th.'y will be e::])eete;i to carry or. (iuri)iir the next few months. -wss- aIjs;] m FOR c iVli All of lha vn. Toxao. .-;y <'onimunity <]Uesle>l 10 .;.eet at ',a We::aes',iay ait^i’i.oo!', .• o’eicj’;. for ti'.o i:ar;’o- ■ iatv- of fair and aj' )oi.:;' fv.:\-!:t ec.iamittec.-'. Lr.li’”'.i: tely after ti'-' in.u' s Aiir.ie (ia; h .■■n i <”a;-ric;’ \\'il nieel wilh l]>.' aw:;;. Ked Chapu r. C. II. U HifilSTES mi: KlffiHZTH BS: I vlii'- j. y 1 II';- i.t. The eliurei’.es of the Transylvania Association i.a.inod belo-.v will liold sinu'.’tancous evan^'elistie r.'.'rvlcos br- ■ Itli a;:-! can- tlnue two lUw. r.I, [)r. \V. \V. Ilainl’ii, Evan- ue’;;:!, K. L. V,'o]>]aLvIo. sin.!’'cr, B. i'\aver c’ai'aMa.:; I<;ca! coni.i.itt.';'. ilosniai., Kev. V. Reece, evan- e'elist, Mr. Schofield, sin.ti'er, A. ?.I. !‘a (lia'rinan loca.l cor’.mittee. r>It. Moriah, J. C. t)v>-en evan.u'clist, A. II. Cil!e?])ie. chairman committee. Roci'y Hill, Rev. A. I. .lusiivC, evaiy',\'!i.-t. Cl. W. Bishop, clniirman (. oiv.’r.itte;-. I.htie River. Dr. J. E. Mc^Ianaway evnnu'elisi., .\I. L. Hainiltcn cliairnian co;.;'iiitteo. ( aliieys (. rook, L. . Tlensley, evan- .uelist, comn'.ittee not reported. Pis.’-a.!’. Fcrest, liev. M. .\. Adams, ■>.'v;iM5.‘;eiist, committee not reported. Oal: Gro.\“. Rev. Henj. Scryu. evan- !'^t. cor.iir.ittee I'.ot ro]:ov1xsl. i.ake Toxa.v,ay, Rev. .1. A. Ander son, eva.n'VoIi.^L, T. B. Reed, chairman. !'iu>n. Rev. (I. N. Cowan, evan.<re- : (i. T. L;-('a.^, chairman. ;h-ai-n. Rev. \\. W. Marr. V ■■ '.'.v i; I, (Htrii. iiC-t )\'V)OVii‘d. .'■'ars ilill, l>i-. ’ihickiv.aii, ovan- Kcj’t i.ane, chairman. oT the cliurc''?s iioL r.aauH! aI>o'.'. 1-: 1 the ri^ht to c’loose ’■leir <>v. ;i ev: ”:.’elist, buo l ave not oried actlcii to this coaimii,- PENROSE CHEESE |23 MORE MEN TO FACTORY OPENED! LEAVE JULY 24 The cheese factory recently in stalled at Penrose was formally op ened for business Monday morninp: by some very intcrestinir and instruc tive talks by Mr. Lawrneco, County Atrent, Mr. Reed, State Dairy Dem onstrator and Mr. Noland, State Cheese Expert. The openinjr was attended by a lar^e crowd from all over the com munity and much interest v.'as shown in the new industry. Mr. Reed, in his talk pointed out the advantajrcs of the cheese industry in Western North Carolina over many other parts of the country. He said that if the people expected to buy cotton seed meal and hulls to feed their cov.'s, they had just as well .trlve np the idea of makinjr cheese a pay- in^r proposition. He stated that corn, clover, soy beans and other ".rains were the thinjr to feed cows and that there was plenty of that all over the valley. In speakinjr of the cheese industry as a payin.ir proposition Mr. Reed said that in many sections where these factories had been installed the farmers were now ridin.i? about in automobiles where they were hardly able to make a living: before. This checse industry will enable the farmers to reali::e some ready cash while tendin,tr their crons. In ;';.ys .tione by the farmer had to toil from ta-''v s'y.-'nu- to late in 'he fall I Follov/inp: is a list of W'hite re.rris- j trants for induction on July 24th, 1918 for Camp Hancock, Ga., who v^ill leave on the 3:13 train: Harter Alexander Hollin{?.sworth, Pisjrah Forest. Boyd Ross, Selica. Elzie Alvin Mull, Selica. Dan Pinkney Morj’an, Rosman. Richard Edr^ar Allison, Etowah, R. F. D. No. 1. John Crawford McKelvey, Bre vard, R. 1. Sherman Fliillips, Cherryfield. 3Iajor Ramey, Walhalla, S. C., R. 3, box 20. I William Rodie White, Selica. 1 .Abner Ev%art Raines, Brevard, ,R. 2. I Harley Memoron Ttl^rrell, Etowah. ! M. Monroe F,v.banks, Selica. I Charles Montgomery Hollin."s- ; worth, Blantyre. ! Charlie Thomas Sims, Brevard, R. 2. Louie Raines, Ro;^man. j j Theodore Davis Azalea. Robert Frank Boyd, Etowah. Lum McCrary, Cedar Mountain. Carl Hamilton Case, Brevard. ! James Edmond London, Rosman. [ Daniel Waldon Loo, Cedar ]\Ioun- I tain. j Ernest Lafa.vette En"lish, Ros- i man. ! Dewitt Talma i.’e Southern, Pis.crah l.efore he could realize anvthinir for i Alt* work. Xow he can ta!:':' t*’? mil’c i>jen tlirov.'in'j: out. and v.iricii ‘ iia ‘ th.ou.vht w.'M of r.o use. and turn into nior.ey. Ai’tvi' llio s|)ea.]:.'rs lani llal'iied the cro’i u wa (iirccte^i to the lairn- a (iozen iii.e dairy cows were exhab ited. A ])rize of live do1hi.r;^ wa.s viously announced for the l)efL (!ainl cow and this v.as v.'on by ?vlr. C’a Woo(h':n. Froai the l;arn-yard we v.-ent to tii Ciieese factory where we were sl'.owi the Ia:est metho-ir; of checse-makin I rtiicrnatcs i Juriey Art'nur T'aoMreith, 217-l()th I St.. Xev.-port Xew.s, \ a. i John Rober’ Zaclvir,- . Dr'*vard. I i:ai)''h >U-(’aii, .\rthur Xewriian 1);' I’ick, Balsam. , I. Watson, Chief CL'rk. This ra.clorv 'la.s .a ca )aci of a.bou .">00 pounds of cheese })er day ~m FOKREDCROS lO <;0 SO Tlu- birthiay i;-c- ■- ,1 R: v. J. R. llaji;]:;; . c iff > r a ^urur:^•e i;'. / by n’.beT'.-; of th.* IL:-,.' J’aptist cliiu'ch la'^t ni.::..;. Tiio '.’a;, r. ■r.ii^I.cr of the fe .,)•( v: : ,j , . or until iu v.^s i ik: :‘ tv> . ... h iiUiiuiii!.'' by o;.e ot ’\.h.o iiVv iteci iiiai to caivc a \\a . .. !■ r-x* iiui'abrr 01 I'le coi'iL!,! ' ,.m, ^ i(^'. Ijjat'.d in the a;!';, r, i( v cake beine; sliV.*;' iiy ti- , . . ;i < ; the church. Foll(Avi;:iv the refrt. ' : < ilandin .".-'ve a.n aildre-s ( . jOn.tr aiid ac‘.i'. ‘ career : -• :■ , . The c!er'-‘”T.’.an ^ ec-lur : ' ; ;i the :-eci’t :s oi h:^ Ion;;\,rily : •> i.' re^’’u!ar ^ ;?nd his ii. i.:i lu out-door life. Rev. Ilamiin was born in ::(,rth Carolina’on Ji’Iy 0, ili> I: •.•a:; his v.-ork as a minister v.h* :i 28 years ol i, and continued ir, e.-ilve service from that time uitil four years a.TO. He still prea; he.s fre- quentl.y and conducted services last Sunt'ay at the. Hamlin Mea;orial church. He is still enjoyinjr vi<>:orous mental and physical health, and as sured his friends last ni^rht that he o;cpects to accept a number of an nual surprises similar to the one cel ebrated at the church. > ■. a’ai fi'.d bne. T'ij i;n.cr;:i.j;_' eva!;;j’jhs.s v.,[[ ar- i;' at iJr varu o-i the iiocn train ■' :tuv(:;.y. A\' ,u.st .'!rd. J-’oon llicre- : fior ■ 1 r'K) n. m.) a co'-fcrcnee will ! th- I'^vvavd Bai)tist ca^^’ch 1 , V-z'Jd t.> 1. ^ne.'^^ i-vaa'^'vd*.sls, i-./cal ■a.^:Gr.; and the above thair .t. a (, .res L.jr a liiutual Linger Laaii- i 'C of tiu' WOT-, in a:i i'r; d'Lai''^ '•'his tonf.-rcnca a-i very iinucr'aat i:^- I ..!. iJe it known to ti'.e alcove ioia.i conni'.’.'tecs that iho mecha.ni- al a:,u\ of ti'is inoveiU(.:;t is in their hands and to th.it (the success of t v.luiily (lepemi?. “Let all t:iiniL.s i^e done decently aad iii or- i'.’’ Tiiis is one of tiie factors Lliat ... u;v's sihritual success. J. 2\l. Hamlin, Chm. Ex. Com. .U;!.- 17, !'.HS. wss .'if. ai:d .'.;;s. L. L. (.’iaypooie o' rn wiii arrive ;-:hoi’Lly to si'.eiv.l a. 'vKl caiai>in;i: v.'ith party of n ar i’o’.aestee I’al;.^ The briehtcst li.uhts of t!ie fihi \\(.rld are now .'"reetinti' the p.-opIa> o' •3rf\ard on c.ach Tut'shiy and Thurs (hiy a.fienioi!;' and eveninjr at tiie audiioi'ium. These stars < oriie to town to twin ;;i'j lor tlu' b. '.eiit (if the Cross aad e\cry one intei'ested in the sue , ces.s of tin- Red Cress Vvor!: i.-; expect ' ed to ,u’o to the auditoi'iuni on the' days ;;amcd to enjoy the won.Iers of ;he c-'iJi'ioid libvament and lo h:*lp tiic Red Cross, v.liich receivi's the on- clre net proceeds from the pictures. wss mnFm m il il Tlie Transylvania Cha'.'.ta* Daa.v.rh- t.“r.- oT the Confederacy enta^’tained i.foraa.ll.v at tiie Chat)ter llou.-'.' on ■ ■a.tur'lay aftcvr.oon in honor of iho visit’ a.rmy Oiiicer-s and ti:elr v.ives. NEGRO SOLDIER DROVVfsED Robert Maxwell, a r.e,;ro soldl-^r I in camj) ”.ear Pis.’y'ih Forest, v/as .irowne-'! in Davi'.lsoi'. Rl\ .-l- ‘‘ afarda.y I cve’’.;;.,.,’ while bathin.u'. His body j was reccv.'red idiorily aifle’.avard and sent to his home at Ran Bowles, S. C., I j;i ?dcndav. Will Send Sav2 SoMiers MRS. ARTHUR SMITH DEAD As the News was jroin.c: to press word reached this office of the death of Mrs. Arthur Smith which ocurred Wednesday morninp:. Interment took place at Oak Grove cemetery after a funeral service at the Metho:’!ist church conducted by the pa.^tor. Rev. W. E. Poovey, this (Thursday) morn- injr. A husband and one .small child survive. A more extended notice will appear in the Xew's next A'cek. MEETING OF FAlRCOlimnffi The executive and township fail” committees are requested to meet in County Ajrent R. E. Lawrence’s of- lice in the court house Monday even ing. July 22, at one o’clock for the puifose of appoint•r;-- tho different committee", arrar.;^;n',- date, and formulating plans for the fair this fall. The following men rro members of the executive comr-i’tLee; Messrs. C. E. Orr. E. W. Blythe, T. H. Shipman, R. H. Zachary, C. C. Duckworth, T. S. V/oofi and C. M. Doyle. Tov.nshi]) comna .. Volney Ow en, J. H. House, I'I. J. Cjlazcner, Jim iPcwe:!, Leon CiPc ,d ■. V. B. McGa- j I'.a, M. L. Hcimiltoa.. H. X. Carrier I P. J. Woodfin, \V;v, c’ !y Morris an<? j Jordan Whilmiro. C. E. Orr, Pre.s. Dear Editor: Please publish the followinjr re port of the W. S. S. Drive in Cath eys Creek tov.-nship: The committee made a thorough canvass and nearly every one sub scribed. Selica subscribed . (’alvert subscribed Cherrvfield sub. . Rcsman subscribed Total .$2,30.5.00 . 1,19.’>.00 . 2,2')0.00 . 4,()9.").00 $10,.“)0:3.00 The Rosman district committee so licited the town thorou;j.iiiy and not a sin.'rle resident that t!ie committee could think of faile;! to subsc?’ioe. The school house meetin.tr proved to be a jrrerit success. The names were taken of all w'ho were present, there bein.tr one hun dred and fifty-nine on roll. While tiie secretaries were takintr [the nnm.os personal workers were busy takini;’ pled.a:es, which amount- led to more than $1,300.00. Delia Gillespie, A. ?d. White, Secretaries. -wss- Wt fi£W pLOUR Mill AN ALPEABHI OF HEALTH diet, exer- Our new' wheat, corn, r.ve Jind uci:wheat mill is now in of,eration nd is vloing’ fine work. This n- an ntcrnrisc that the whole of Tran- ylvania county ou.<i']i.t to fee] uTate- ul for. for hitherto ihe people ha(! to o to Buncombe or other i;hices to avc their ,i;rair. jiut in proper shape or use. Tra.nsylvania has the .irrain. She as up-to-date threshin.tr machirie.^ nd now she has the niiil to do the rinding-.. By all means patronize our home ndustiies wlu-n tliey are as .ccod. cr ettcr than those at a ;rrea.t (iistaace. Mr. Burnett.e, one of tho ov.'ners f the mill, broua'ht a. san'nie of the lOur made at this r.iill to the Xev.-s iffice on Tue.sday a. :d (;;:e of th.e orce be'na' an is 'prepared o say that it wa: !;ci dead tut ully alive. Our merchanls can :';0,',- ,>uy their flour at home and save IN- O —.-Vvoid all exccsse.s cise and pleasure. -Be temperate in all things, save the human machiiK'. -Care, v/orrv and sorrow, put off till tomcrrov/ -Devo’op thj .ero body to its: fullest capacity. - Every effort .shoulc’ be mad,e to prevent preveniab-c- diseases. -Fevers can i>e prevor;ted Ly sani- t:iiion and incculailon. -Good food, ,u,ood air, .trood water, and .u'ood habits spell j;ood health. —Heat or cold in cxccs" are in.iur- ious to health. -Insist upon the co-c;oeration of ali to preserve the puiflic health. -Joyously welcosne a.I! laws to pre serve the public iu-alth. —KnowIcdjre of ar.(' obedience to the laws of heali.- are vital ne cessities. -Learn the many v.' conta?.rious di.-',a.-.. ,;o as to ]'rt vent —]\lela:icholy. fear, envy, an;j;er. malice ai.d all ot.u*r depravo(i ]\as:.ions ar.' ir..ii’r!cus to health. -Nerves musr be controlled and .e;aide;l alo:i.<r heal.i’.fiil lir.es. -(^)ld-time sl!p-sho.'': methods of combattinrr (iisiasc nuut be dis carded. -Pad'ence. i>ersever; ■ ca. publicity, and qu';ra,-.it'ne prever-t ma.ny deaally liiseases. -Quarant’ne is an i^i'^old blossinp; to all and an hor.cr io ti'io. o v.ho observe it.. -Re]Tort all con ta,,ious diseases ]iromptly, reach e ;L a helpinc: hand to yo;;r neI,;.'.bor to ])re- vent disease. -Strive to do unt- serve their hea’’ have then, to do —T.'mi;cr;;-e ni \ ily. insaaiiar'v la 's in which are spreadi. calamitv. e'- iers to pre- . ; ' you would i: o you. ihe deadly V its, liithy i'.o" U Ijens and prora..-.. nde. iill t:i'cura> T re; ER.-VIOX TO CMiLDREN AT METflODZST CM’JuCK A sermon on “The Rainbow” v.dii be delivered by ih.e ].'a. dor of the \Iei.hccust church Suada.-: na.a. aav. ’’hildren tsi'e^iaiiy invited. At S:30 p. m. the third of ilie ‘Short Sermons for Sumni. r Fv-.-’-.- in.us” v.ill be pr<.ached on “False iCconcrr.y.” Read Xum. 10;2P. DELCO L!GIIT:?JG SYGTE?.! Frank D. Clement has i'-. vailed ch.o Delco Li.n'htin.a; System a', the au i’- torium, which enables him to run h'a movin<?’ picture show at any ami ai; i;imes, so you rcc:l no^ fea.r 'oe'T,- left in the dark. !N FRAN; A letter to his home"'olks thL week informs them that Sceo;i'L Lieut. Haskell Allison has just arrived in France. His brother Lieut. Euircue AlLson was a week ahead of him. :th cl ci,.'an an*' r OS I'leep tlie -■aair. chew V- a ss and wiL ..e an.d di.s- ‘■'V'crily, ver- r.r ounce ol' vorth man\ W your food. veil. -\'acci;:at!c:': is l;a' prevo?;t the ioa'-'a f;:;arintr snn;il;jO\. il.v, [ r-ay nr.to yv-u !;rav.ntavva is pounds of cure.. -Watch for the -irst appearance of diioase and ]'r^.ve;u its spread. -Xma-' will con.e to you more of ten if .vou observe the kiws of health. -Youth, liealih an(' Ffe can be preserve'! by obey;n;4 the laws of health. -Zea! for san’taticn. quarantine aad all d'scaso prevention should marl-: your path. ‘ c:. W. Hunt, i\L D., Tov/n and County Health OHicer. -wss- NOTICE TO ODDFELLOWS To the Oddfellows of Connestee Lo'.’.sro Xo. 237: I will ask you every cn.a to come out on our next mectln.c niirht. Wes will have P!ro. J. W. Crow with us on that occasion. He is a jj^rsat man in the cause. There is some work to be done in the second detrree. Let all come out and let’s make our lodge red hot with the cause of F. L. T. Your Brother, A. R. Metcalf.

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