BBEVAKD mWS, BUVABD, N. C. Thundkjr, Saptombar 19, IMS PERUNA THE BEST MEDICINE for coughs and colx>s Miss Ivy Gray, Fairview, Kentucky, writes: „ “I-^have taken Ppruna, and I that It is the best ineaicine for couehs and colds I ever saw. i und that it :il»voy» ? ®®IU In a Hhort while. It ®*’*®nfrthens and builds up the system.” Sold Everywhere 1 Ever Saw Miss Gray’s letter breathos hope to the ailing. It is an in spiration to the sick and infirm. Uqnid or Tablet Form Have You a Home? T If you do not have a Hom«, come and let us sell you one. If you do own a Home, come and have us INSURE it. Two of the most sensible things 1 that you can do: secure a home and protect it. GALLOWAY (8i> MINNIS R.eal Estate and^nsurance Agents It’s Up to You To Economize IT’S UP TO YOU TO BE ECONOMICAL We are now in a war-ridden world where prices have gone skyward and to reach them economy must share a good part. We do business in a low-rent district, and have a splendid line of Groceries which will please the most fastidious epicurean. Just Remember, A penny saved is a penny made We want your trade and will appreciate all orders received. R. P. Kilpatrick GROCERIES, NOTIONS AND SHOES Phone 141 Near Depot. Brevard, C Brevard Lumber Co. I A CAR LOAD OF BEST ACID AND FERTILIZER JUST ARRIVED. IT WILL PAY TO FERTILIZE HEAVY ON YOUR SMALL GRAIN AND MAKE A BIG CROP. THERE IS NO TELLING WHAT WHEAT AND RYE WILL SELL AT NEXT YEAR. Brevard Lumber Company FRANK JENKINS, Manager Phone 120 Close to Depot YOOR HEALTH ‘The nine counties in North Carolina which are co-operat ing with the State Board of Health through the Bureau of County Health Work were par ticularly active during the past month in their efforts to combat the spread of typhoid fever, the great scourge of the sum mer months. These counties are Wilson, Pitt, Northampton, Rowan, Davidson, Forsyth, Le noir, Robinson and Nash, all large and populous counties, and each containing large ne gro populations. These coun ties reported 46 cases of ty phoid fever for the month, an average of only slightly more than five cases for the county. The whole time health officers in chorge of the health depart ment in the several counties are determined to keep the num ber of cases equally as low through the remainder of the summer months. The story of the energetic work done to combat the spread of disease in these coun ties during the month is told graphically in two sets of fig ures. During that period 684 sanitary closets were built and 6,480 people were inocculated with the anti-typhoid vaccine.” In these days we have so many wonderful inventions, that little is thought of that which would have been a mir- icle a short time ago. If you think about it, the pre vention of typhoid fever by in- occulation is of itsself a miricle. Think of the thousands and tens of thousands that have died in the past in our state of typhoid fever, died of this burning, lin gering death. Think of the suffering and grief, and expense, an untold loss to the family and to the State. A long time ago a horseman rode into a small New England village where typhoid fever had never been known. He was suffering from typhoid fev er. During his sickness and be fore he died, sixty people con tracted typhoid fever from his case, through the contamina tion of the public well where many obtained their water. Recently in our state all of the inhabitants of a certain vil lage except one were inoccu lated to prevent typhoid fever. I Typhoid fever came to this vil- 'lage and the only one«who took it and died was the one who re fused to take the inocculation. Now that this disease can be prevented, it is criminal not to protect every one in the coun try. We had better inocculate every one than to let one have the disease. Yours truly, C. W. Hunt, M. D. County Health Officer. BEEF CATTLE JUDGING A preliminary beef cattle judging contest will be held on the farm of R. W. Everettt, Saturday afternoon, Sept. 21, at 2 o’clock for the boys who contemplate entering the beef cattle judging contest at the County Fair. The contest will be held October 1st, at 2 p. m. and will be in charge of a beef cattle man from the State De partment at Raleigh. -wss- SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUB LICATION—NOTICE North Carolina, Transylvania County. In the Superior Court. L. M. Puett vs. W. P. Mull, A. L. Mull, Margaret Mull, Jim Mull, Bill Mull, Sallie Henderson, Angie Spring field, Hence Childers, Pop Hendricks, Maggie Clarke, Marian Mull, Alice Mull, Irene Mills, Sarah Mull, Frank Mull, Bob Mull, George Mull Marian Mull, Jr., Charles Mull, Florence Zachary, Rachael Payne, Carrie Trot ter, Mollie Mull, Redmond Mull, Gus Mull, Walker Mull, Harrison Mull, Eugene Mull, Clyde Mull, Smith Mull, Vance McCarrol, Annie Halliburton, Edra Morbit, Estelle Hicks, W. L. Mull and Worrior Mull, heirs at law of William and Angeline Mull, de ceased, defentants. The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Transylvania County: The purpose of said action being to have any claim of the de fendants to the tract of land describ ed in the complaint adjudged null and void and the plaintiff adjudged to be the owner of said land and to permanently enjoin each of the de fendant from asserting title to or trespassing upon said land; And the said defendants will fur ther take notice that they are requir ed to appear at the term of the Su perior court to be held on the 12th Monday after the first Monday in September, 1918, at the Court House of said County in Brevard, N. C., and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 9th day of September, 1918. N. A. MILLER, 9-19-4t Clerk Superior Court. Do you need a good kidney medi cine? Then read the reports in these very columns of Brevard persons cured or benefitted with Doan’s Kid ney Pills. You won’t have to go far to find out if they are true. This Brevard case is an example. Others will follow. Mrs. C. A. Condrey, Maple St., says: “Five years ago I was troubled with kidney complaint and my back was weak and sore all the time. Morn ings I felt tired and dizzy spells of ten came over me. Black specks came before my eyes too, and my kidneys didn’t act right. I read of iDoan’s Kidney Pills and got a supply, and soon this trouble entirely dis appeared.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get % THE PRESENT CROP OF | ^ WHEAT IS GOOD AND | I THE BAKERY NOW IS | t GOING TO MAKE ONE | $ I I POUND LOAVES FOR | 9 £ I 10 CENTS INSTEAD OF | I THE 8 CENT LOAVES | ^ AND WILL USE ONLY ^ A BREVARD REPORT FULLY CORROBORATED AND EASILY INVESTIGATED Doan’s Kidney Pills—^the same that 'Mrs. Condrey had. Foster-Milbnrn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. Mules for Sale % Always from 100 to 300 head of horses and mules of all descrip tions for sale at my stables in York, Pa. JOE KINDIG. BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP Will quiet your cough, soothe the inflam mation of a sore throat and lungs, stop irritation in the bronchial tubes, insuring a good night’s rest, free from coughing and with easy expectoration in the morn ing. Made and sold in America for fifty- two years. A wonderful prescription, as sisting nature in building up your general health and throwing off the disease. Es pecially useful in lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale by Duck worth Drug.: 30 and 90 cent bottles.— OUR GROCERY STORE comes about as near meeting every want in the grocery line as it is possible for any store to provide, and EVERY ORDER large or small, will receive our best attention. A trial order will convince you that we sell only SUPERIOR GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES MITCHELL The Grocer. BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA Department'—College Preparatory, Normal, Music, Business, Do mestic Art, Household Economics, Agriculture. An dep^ments are directed by teachers with special training and large experience. They know their business. Influences of the Institute are alone worth the cost of tuition. Opens on September 5. 0)O(c OJOCO 3 20 PER CENT SUBSTI- ^ TUTE. I ?! 3 Philip’s Bakery GOVERNMENT SENDS AN URGENT CALL -wss- GOOD WISHES FROM KING GEORGE V Following is a letter sent to American soldiers when they first began to land “over there” by His Majesty the Kink of En gland. This one was received by Oscar M. Dermid, a Transyl vania boy, and sent to Mrs. Sal lie Cooper at this place. WINDSOR CASTLE Soldiers of the United States, the people of the British Isles I welcome you on your way to I take your stand beside the ar mies of many nations now fight ing in the Old World the great battle for human freedom. The Allies will gain new I heart and spirit in your com pany. I wish that I could shake the hand of each one of you and ■ bid you God speed on your mis sion. George R. I. April, 1918. The President of the Civil-Service Commission recently wired: “Need for stenographers and typ ists at Washington grows more acute daily. Increase effort ail possible.” The government and business con cerns are short FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND office assistants. Sal aries never before heard of are now being offered. We have PERFECTED and COPY RIGHTED charts and lesson sheets I that enable us to teach you, at vour home, by MAIL, in THIRTY LES SONS, a system of Shorthand vuscd by about NINETY per cent of the Government stenographers, and to teach you, BY MAIL, in EIGHT WEEKS, a Bookkeeping Course that is SUPERIOR to any SIX-MONTHS’ course. The Cov’ernmsnt draf;:ed our Civil- 1 Service Bookkeeping S t. Clip, fill jout, and mail the COUPON followin": COUPON DRAUGHON’S COLLEGE, Nash ville, Tenn.: Send free book on home jtudy and tell me why a home study course, given by your new method, is I better than a course at college; also, i tell me about the contract that you I will give to secure for me a good po- 1 sition. I clipped this this notice from j the News, Brevar d,N. C. (Name) (Address) Your friends would be pleased to receive marked copies of the News showing your whereabouts and activities; 5 cents a copy. Duckworth Drug Co. Prescription Druggists We receive Fresh Shipments twice a week of NORRIS and NUNNALLY’S De- licious Candies. Come to our store for SOUVENIRS. We have some mighty nifty Baskets, Bal sam Pillows, ets.. Duckworth Drug Company Corner Main and Broad Streets* Breyardt N. C* FOR ANYTHING IN THE MEAT LINE You Want, Call on us. We have the finest and best Fresh and Cured Meats that can be bought. We also have all kinds of Country Produce. Don’t worry about what you shall have for dinner; that’s our business; call on us and let us prove what we say. THE CITY MARKET J. FRANK McCALL, Proprietor VISIT OUR SODA FOUNTAIN We have asplendid line of COLD CREAM. Use plenty of it and protect yourself from sunburn these hot days. BUY OUR ICE CREAM MORGAN’S DRUG STOIE “We want your business” Rosman, N. C.

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