New L. XXIV BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH I4lh, 1919. NUMBER 11 WE MUST ADVER TISE BREVARD The war is over and the summer of 1919 is the season when everybody and friends will take a vacation any length from one day to three months. Vacationist can not go to Europe this year. Numbers of them however would like to try a new resort if they could find it, and still others who live in the southern states would be glad to find a cool strata of air within a few halurs of their own homes if they knew^Est what way to hunt for it. Of course all who visit Brevard and have to leave come back and bring as many of their friends as possible. But something really ought to be done for the people who will shortly be planning holiday trips and who do not know that Western North Car olina holds one of the most delight ful spots for recreation and recuper ation in the world, and that in Tran sylvania County is found to be the rarest combination of enchanting mountain scenery and perfect summer climate in all this favored land of the Sky. With a veiw of letting tourists know the advantages of this town and county the Brevard Club is this week asking the co-operation of the citizens of Transylvania in the work of having descriptive literature circulated throughout the country. If the peo ple of this county join in a united ef fort to bring tourist here, the tourists will come. The questions of adequate hotel and railroad facilties will take care of themselves and Brevard w^ill reap the benefits of her natural en dowments as a preeminent resort for health and pleasure. The Brevard Club has appointed an advertising committee of which Thos. H. Shipman is chairman and Fred Miller, C. M. Doyle and R. H. Zachary are members. This commit tee proposes to issue 10,000 descrip tive booklets at once to answer the calls that are already coming in for information. In order to get out these booklets witsout delay the bus iness and professional men of the town have agreed to give $3.00 for every $1.00 given by boarding house keepers. If the latter will give $1.00 for each room in their establish ments the necessary amount can be raised without any trouble. The committee requests those in terested to signify at once what amount they Vv’ill give. This infor mation must be in the hands of the committee at oncc. No money, how ever, will be due until August 15th. Mrs. W. J. Wallis has sent in the first check to help advertise Brevard. Who will be the next? OPPOSITION TO TANNERY. Editor Brevard News; Since making a stop in this moun tain climate in his search for health and a home in the year 1874 the writ er found what he was looking for. He has been loyal and true to the climate which brought him health and happin ess ever since that date. He has been urged to give the readers of the Brevard News his impressions in re gard to the burned tannery in Bre vard, and with your permission he will make a few remarks. 1st. There seems to no doubt in the minds of any who know the circum stances that the tannery five w'as in cendiary. Now if Mr. Silverstein has enemies so bitter that they would pur posely throw hundreds of hands out of work just for the purpose of spite, he is not the proper person to take charge of the tannery, if it is rebuilt, and he is not a safe custodian for any property. An enemy who would burn one, would be more than apt to burn any property that he might con trol. For that reason we are op*.; ■>•'5- ed to the rebuilding of the tannery 1 under Mr. Silverstein’s direction an^l management. ! Brevard was never known as a breeding place ’for mosquitoes until the tannery got in operation. Since then it has been almost impossible for families living in the tannery section to get a nights rest. I hardly think that the tannery has improved the cli mate of this mountain section in this- respect, and am not in favor of re building it as a tannery. j There is but one reason why the tannery should be rebuilt, and that is a money reason. If there was no higher aim in life than to make dol lars, then the payroll of the tannery NEW MATERIAL FOR NEWS OFHCE The Brevard News and the Bre vard Printery have just received a large shipment of display type, brass rules, press numbering machines, and the latest invention in a punching machine. We have always tried to keep just a little ahead of other country offices and now we can safely say that we are as well equipped as most city offices and are prepared to do almost anything in the job printing line. NOnCE TO OmCIALS EXPERIENCES OF A SOLDIERIN FRANCE The law requires that all fines and penalties must be recorded and re ported. Now, therefore, will you please turn in all your fines, etc. to County Treasurer at once. Report your fines etc. from July 1st last past to Jan, 1st past, then your next re port will be from Jan. 1st past to April 1st next. The fines go to the county school fund, so please get in all your reports before the next court, and many thanks. ^ Yours for success, A. F. MITCHELL, County Supt THE PRAYER CORNER In what spirit should we fulfil our office of intercession? Surely in great humility, for we are sinful, feeble of faith and laggard of zeal; in deep withdrawal of spirit, in con centration of desire, may vivid mem ory of the redeeming love and power of God, revealed to each one of us in the little world of our own life, is the big argument and the climate give us boldness to plead with the ’ I * I and beauty of the mountains and the j same God for the greater world healths of the inhabitants don’t count, around us. i I ! Replacing the tannery with a fur- j My soul wait thou only upon God, niture factory would make a market' upon God to whom the nations are for our native timber instead of ship- j as the small dust of the balance, and ping in from St. Louis or South Amer- | a thousand years in His sight but as ica the stinking refuse of those coun- yesterday, upon God, who has en- I tries, to contaminate the pure moun- ! shrined in every nation treasures ' tain air and vitiate the streams that ; shrined in every nation treasures I have always been the glory of natures I attractions. of insight and devotion, for the bles sings of the whole world, and in the In the creation of the world and furnace of the ages has with patience all it contains, Gcd was very thought- fashioned these jewels for His sceptre, I less of man’s welfare and hapiness upon God, who is raising up the beg- j else he would have made money. In- S^r from the dust, that He may set ' stead he created pure air for man to ; him among princes and out of the I breathe, pure water to drink, and left darkness and confusion of these bet- ] for the devil the invention of money, ter days is calling all the nations into ' “The root of all evil.” ' His marvellous light—My soul wait I { I Now the writer knows there is j thou only upon God, for my trust is strong opposition to rebuilding the in Him, CALLED HEEI1NG tannery, but it is timid, has no voice, and is not organized. It is more than ' apt to make itself manifest before another municipal election. A meeting of the Brevard Club is called for Monday night,'March 17, 1919, at 8:30. Every member is urged ty V>e present. Litflu reshments. ^ D. L. ENGLISH. Secretary. Let us pray: For the nations of Europe and America in their present social fer ment, intellectual, political, religious, SECOND ENTERTAINMENT IN SERIES f The second attraction in the series of entertainments offered by the Bre vard Betterment Association took place in the Auditorium on Wednes day evening. The program was made up entirely of popular selections presented by n quintet of banjo players. Of the live men who took part in the perforii'iancC' three had recently returned frolm France where they helped to ampse the soldiers boys. / The next number of the Br4vard Lyseum Course will be on Marcli 14. What we have said is not intended ’ let us remember the awful possibil- as in enmity to any man, but we do ities of disorder and decay, the glor- not believe that nature ever intended ious potentialities of new and won- for this beautiful and health giving derful national life, section to be given over to destruc-1 p0|. ourselves, that we may be kin- tion just tp permit a few individuals I died with so great a fire of longing to grasp large samples of the “Root fQj. t^e coming of the Kingdom, that of all evil.” Personally I am opposed cannot rest until we have found, to the location of tanneries in a health and pleasure resort. J. J. MINER. ^Y^RECOVERING each one of us, some way to set it forward. Pardon, O Lord, we beseech Thee, the imperfection of this, our minis try of intercession; pardon our sin ful hearts, our puny faith, our flag ging desires, our love that is so sham ed by Thine. Enable us to seal the petitions that have risen from our M. Siniard received a message UM Wednesday afternoon from his sons, McDonarl and Jerome, who are ill Raleigh taking Pastuer treatment,' hearts by all such acts of service and stating that both boys were steadily sacrifice as Thou shalt call us to ren- Ji.i-rovlng. McDonald was bitten by | der, that so our life may be as a bow a mad dog last week and Jerome had to speed the arrow of our prayers, his hands scratched by the came dog. | Amen. We are very glad to hear good news j “Lo, this is our God; we have wait- from these boys and hope v;hcy will ^ ed for Him; He will save us!” soon be able to return home. j C. D. C. By Lieut. C. E. Lyday Continued from Last Week) There was nothing of any real ex- citment in this town until we received orders to move at a minute’s notice. That was the night of the sventeenth of Sopt. and then we moved next morning on the foot to Evry and stop- ed the first night in a nice soggy field where we pitched our pup tents and started out the next morning at six o’clock arriving at our destination in the pouring rain at three o'clock in the afternoon and then lined up for mess and then the boys started to load our equi^lTnent onto the train that was by the sidin,; and the rest had to put up their pup tents and try to keep dry which was the next thing to impossible. Sept. 20th 1918.—Took the train. Side Door Pulman style, our des tination this time was to Bruveres. We passed through some very large cities this time by the name of Troyes Chaumont, Epinal and then arrived at Bruyeres at ten o’clock in the morning and put our packs on our backs and started hiking to a small town by the name of LaSalle, having to hike over the mountains and thru pouring rain again arriving in LaSalle at 10:30 P. M. and slept in the French Hospital. Sept. 21st. 1918.—This day we were billeted all over the town and just got settled down when an aero plane came swooping down near some infantry boys and killed some and then the boys put their guns to their shoulders and in turn shot at him and pretty soon all you could see was fire and the aeroplane landed in flames. That was just when the boys were entering the trenches on the St. Die sector Vosges Front. On this front the boys had a chance to shoot at the aeroplanes every day. We didn’t lose many boys on this front. Nothing really happened while we were on this front and only occasion al barrages. The infantry came out of the trenches and two days after ward we started on another hike, this time our destination was only twenty kilometers to the town of Ramberviliers, where there were beaucoup ‘Ma demeoselles’ and some fine old beer, almost like we have in the states. We rested here until the second of November and then left Rambrviliers in the night and took our usual Side Door Pullmans and arrived in Sorcy the next noon and rested for about an hour, just about time enough for us to unload the horses off the car and then feed them and then we started out on a two days hike, or rather some hiking, some riding on Ambulances, some on Trucks and some on foot. Nov. 4th. 1918.—We arrived at our destination which was Les Mon- tharons and believe me it was worse than the name implies. On our trip here we passed through Commercy, and through the city of St. Michel and through the famous battle ground which has just been cleared of the Huns by the briliant drive made by ^he Yanks on September the eighth; This was where the Yanks had to pass through about three thousand miles of barbed wire. November 8th. 1918.—We received orders at three o’clock in the morning that our infantry was to go over the top that mortiing at nine o^clock so we were called right away and started with our Ambulances and supplies, cirriving at Fountaine Brilliant, which W'as to be our base. But one Lieuten ant and one Sergeant and eight litter bearers continued right on to the se cond dressing station where we were to be held in reserve. The Lieutenant started into work immediately evacu- IDELAWAS TO HAD DOGS (Revisal of North Carolina Sec 3305) If the owner of any dog shall know or have good reason to believe that his dog, or any dog belonging to any person . under his control, has been bitten by a mad dog, and shall neg lect or refuse immediately to kill the same, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars to him who will sue therefor; and the offender shall be liable to pay all damages which may be sustained by any one, in his property or person, by the bite of any such dog, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days. SOY BEANS TO FARMERS AT COST In order to get more soy beans introduced in the county the Brevard Banking Co. has just received one j hundred bushels of Virginia soy beans ^ from Eastern Carolina and will sell I them to the farmers at cost.. The beans are an early variety and can be planted affer the small grain is harvested or in the rows of com. Several demonstrations of this par ticular variety were held last year in different parts of the country. In a demonstration on the farm of C. K. Osborne, near Brevard, the beans i were planted along by the side of peas, under the same conditions, with the result that the beans were five times better than the peas. NOTICE TO TEACHERS ! This is to call your attention to ' the fact that next Saturday, March 15th is Reading Circle day, so please come, everyone of you and bring your books, and certificates, too, for I thing we must have the finest class in the State, and when the session closes I hope that we can still zay it. ! , Should it be possible, bring some of the outside folks who are inter ested in better schools. Most cordially yours, A. F. MITCHELL,, County Supt. ARMY NEWSPAPER We have just received from Robt. Siniard a copy of the “Oo La La Times,” the unofTicial organ of th"^ 17th U. S. Engineers. This issue of the paper, which is a weekly publication, contains reports of the camp life of the men of the Seventeenth and also an account of a visit paid the company by General Pershing. ating all wounded men coming thru this station. We were not kept wait ing very long because we received orders that afternoon to report to the first dressing station at the front, whereas the boys had advanced thru the" marshes and barbed wire and the Automobiles, rather Motor Ambulan ces, could not go any further and they needed the mule drawn Ambulances to follow and evacuate the wounded to the rear until the signing of the armistice the 11th at 11. A. M. and then continued the v/ork until all of ! the wounded were taken care of; that was the night of the eleventh. But we left one Ambulance with one of the infantry companies and the Sanitary Train re-assembled at Fountaine Bril- liante and stayed there until the se- j venteenth when we left at seven : o’clock at night and went overland to j I Nouvelle, some on foot and some on ' Ambulances arriving there in the ' dead of night with it snowing in! grand style. We stayed there until the twenty-third. j Nov. 22nd.—Hiked to Rembercourt I which was fourteen miles, or rather kilometers. Nov.23rd.—Hiked to Fains which was twenty-three kilometers; at this j place we stayed over Sunday. Nov.24th.—Most of the fellows vis ited Bar le Due. Nov. 25th.—Hiked to Sommelone, which was about eighteen kilometers. Nov. 26th. Hiked to Attencourt, which was about thirty-six kilo meters. Nov. 27th. Hiked to Dommartin la France, which was eighteen kilo meters. Nov. 28th.—We shouldered our packs once more even though it was Thanksgiving Day and started at eight o’clock in the morning and hik ed sixten kilometerr> before dinner 1 TO CORRESPONDENTS We wish to call the attention of our correspondents to the fact that we must have reports from the var ious sections of the county in this office not later than Monday night for publication on Thursday. Here after it will be impossible for us to print matter received by mail later than Monday night. We are always glad to publish it ems of general interest sent to us by our readers, but we must insist that the writer’s name be signed to the article. We have received quite a number of articles lately without the signature of the writer and we had to leave them out. Always sign your name either at the bottom or the top. The name will not be published un less you desire it. Mrs. Chas. White and son Master John White, of Stroudsburg, Pa., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Silver- steen. and then had some of our old friend. Bully Beef, while we all had thoughts of what we had had the previous years in the states. We arrived at Thors at 4:00 P. M. and had a fine dinner canned beans and salmon. Nov. 29th.—Hiked to Jaucort, at which place we stayed over Sunday; that day we hiked only twenty-five kilometers. Dec. 1st.—Started out again a?ni>- hiked twenty-four kilometers to Champignol. Dec. 2nd.—^Hiked to. Gramarcy which was twenty-five kilometers. Dec. 3rd.—Started out on our home stretch and hiked thirty-two kilomet ers to Cerilly where we are now awaiting homeward bound orders. Nothing very exciting has happened in this town since we arrived, only of course the same routine. Al- through I must say that I have had a pass since arriving here. Jan. 3rd.—Left Cerilly on a twelve day pass making my first stop in Troyes, which is quite a large city with quite a few amusments for the man in uniform. After leaving Troy es went to Paris, the capital of France and sure had one fine time. Then visited Niece, or rather Lyon first, and that sure is some place; it is the third largest city in France, and has the largest college in the whole of France. Then to Marseilles, which is the second largest city in France and a very, nice place also. Then' went to Niece, the famouse bath- resort in France. After leaving Niece I visited Monte Carlo the largest gamblipg resort in the World and was fortunate in seeing the Casino which is the best place. Then return^- ed to this little town of Cerilly, in one way a satisfied permissionare and then again just waiting for my next leave which we all hope will be home.

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