FRIDAY, MARCH 14th< 1919. THE IBREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. BREVARD NEWS Name changred from Cylvan V'allcy News, January 1,1917. M. L, SHIPMAN, Editor C. B. OSBORNE, Managing Editor and Publisher QERTRUDE R. ZACHARY City Editor PublishedQ\'ery Thursday. Entered at posrotiioo at Brevard. N.C.,as ' second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRIC3: One year - - - - $ 1.50 Six mouths - - - - .75 Three months - - - .50 Two months - .35 Payable by chock, stamps or 'money order. Cards of thanks, ri'soUitions and memorials ;iu!i'i>;hod only at coni- mercirtl rate. coBtintr 10 cents per inch or one-h!ilf cent per word. Snbscriptions not continiied after ex piration of time paid for excevit on re quest. FRIDAY, MARCH 14th, 1919. CONGRESSMAN BRITT The Honorable James J. Britt ser ved as a member of the Sixty-fifth Conijress for a period of two days Hud thi*ee nifi;hts and drew more than twenty thousand dollars for that dis- tii.iruished service. Easy money? Well, rather. The vote on the minority report which seated Mr. Britt w’as 182 to 173, with 74 not votinp. The decis ion was reached on the third roll-call after preliminary tactics had< been played to the limit. Many democrats were away and their absense jrave the republicans an advantap;e which could not be overcome. They had |)reviously agreed in caucus to pre sent a united front and luckily caujrht from passing the Senate. A filibister led by Senator Lodge blocked the free passagre of the railroad adminis tration bill and upset tha Goverment p’ans for development of the lines cliis year. The puronse of ihe actors •n the “drama” was to compel the Frcsidcnt to call an extra session of rhe next Congress, but the scheme utterly failed and Mr. Wilson is back on the ’ob in Paris. OUR VIEWS ARE AS BEFORE The Brevard Nov/s endeavors to represent fairly all citizens of the county. Our columns are always open to signed articles that (iiscusu any phase of public development. This week we are publishing two signed articles in regard to the tan nery. We wish to slate most emphatically that this paper stands squarely by the views expressed in an editorial last, week. The pity is that the Legislature is to be called together in extra session next year. Once in ten years would be often enough to satisfy the home folks. Since amendment to tho Con- two) we knew there was something file of that day knew more scriptures than they do today, and they lived it. A REFRACTION. Everything in doors and outside was home-made. Everything they needed, they made or it was mad^e at. Feeling the . great need of preachers, the Baptist concluded to try their hand. The first run they made they turned out two, Robert Jordan and John Galloway. The Baptist were rather jubilant over their result. So the Methodist decided that they would make a run ofl". The rsult •was John Clark and John Trull. Uncle Jimmie Brackens didn’t take to John Clark’s preaching a little bit. Said he could beat ‘Juan” himself; said if Juan would quit and prove his attendance, he would pay the fee and his scrip. Galloway soon became the favorite of the young folk. It was not so much what he said, but the enthus iasm he put in it, especially in v/arm weather whn he would begin to get hot and pull off his jeans coat and throw it down, get a little hotter and shed his vest, and when he began to unbutton his shirts (he always wore stitution are in order, why not “fix” lit? REMINISCENCES doing. We believed everything he said. If he told us that the Devil t ; was as white as a sheep, we would believe it. And this confidence was ! not confined to boy hood, it held on ' to some of us. Would like to give some little NUMBER4 In my earliest recollection, there | was but three churches in this west- sketches of Robert Jordan and John ern French Broad Country, viz., Dav- Trull but it would make this article idson’s, River Presbyterian Church, to long. J. R. HAMLIN -Mv next article will be on the democrats napping. Had the case | Cathey s Creek Baptist Church, Mer- t been passed upon by a full house the |riman s Meetin.g (so called) Method- Jvote- vesult would have been different 1 Church. Hov. ever, the result changes no as- ! ^ wish to make honorable mention pect of the case, since it was dccided ; number of families communi- by a strict party vote. The commit- ‘ in these churches for they are tee found in favor of Congre;5sman mention. Presbyterians; VV'eaver in like .manner as the House i Claytons, Lydays, Deavers. farming and farm implerr.ents. di(i for Mr. Britt. Mr. Critt was sworn in as repre sentative from the Tenth District a Look out for Span ish Influenza. At the first sign of Youngs. Baptist; Glazeners, Gallo- Vv'ays, Gillespies, Jordans, Duckworths a cold take Hamlins. Methodists; Wilsons, Eng, *ew minutes after the result of the | Clarks, Trulls, Patons. (^ith poll in the House had been announced ■ others in each faith whose ■frui drew the salary for the full ^ names I can’t recall.) These were term. Not only this. He pulled j piUars, foundation stones. To them down for mileage, contest expenses i '''-o-g three denominations owe their and other allowances more than five ! existence today. (I mean in Transyl- thousand dollars, according to state-' county.) ments from Washington. It was i Kev. Benjamin King of Flat Rock largely a case of luck, for if there had been more democrats in the House at the time than repubiican.s he would have “missed his mark.” But Weaver is back or. the job an ! CASCARaB QUININE Stasdard cold remedy for 20 yejirs—in tablet fonn~8afe, sure* no opiates—“breaks up a cold In 24 hour*—relievea grip in 3 days. Moaey if it fails. The genuine box has a Red top ifftth Mr. HiU’a picture. At All Drug Storas. NOTICE fOMffliB preached for the Baptist at Cathey’s Creek once a month, Saturday and ■ Sunday. A Circuit Rider supplied i chc' Methodist. His name was Wring. He was a big man; rode a big; what matter if Mr. Britt has drawn | big pair of saddle riders full Umited and it will pay you to come a good sized roll from Uncle Sam? ■ of something we youngsters of ten ! ;„ yours. Both received the same salary, ex-j what; over-coat and um cept for the two days during v/hich The Brevard Printery has some very beautiful samples for the Com mencement programsj The supply Mr. Britt held the cornsi^.ission, and neither one is badly hurt. Weaver can well alTort to congrat ulate himself that no notice of con testing the result of the- last election , „ . , U u- J 1 • ^^1 NOTICE OF RE-SALE. brella strapped on behmd his saddle ^ ^ ^ I North Carolma,—Transvlvania Coun- and he w'ore leggings. He had a won-; ty—In the Superior Court,—Before derful voice. It was said that you Clerk ,, , , . . . 1 L. P. Summey, Amanda Burns, G. could hear hmi smg two miles. Nearly ^ Summey, T. B. Summey, Rachel fill the boys set thir heads to be Cir- Kilpatrick, C. C. Kilpatrick, Emma ^ , . , Loftis, and T. T. Loftis. cuit Riders. Everv bov that got a 1 I vs. has been given. He would have no | Pup called him W’ring. No difference Louis Allison, Street Allison, John earthly chance of hol.iip"- his seat i ^or the color, “his name is Wring.” 1 Allison. Mitchel Allison, Mary Gresh- 1^,^ , , Robt. Gresham. Minnie Summey, now. , Don t remember who preached at ^ Maggie Lontr, and Husband I Davidson’s River. « Long, and Cison. WHAT THE LEGISLATURE DID Beginning at an early date this % newspaper expects to giv3 its readers a complete synopsis of all important local and general i;:ws enacted by the recent General Assembly. The information Vvili apptar weekly and should prove to b2 an interesting feature of the paper for a month or two. It is no small unujrtaian;.^ a'.-id a “labor of love,” but the folks “back home” are always interested in the activites of their representatives dur ing the legislative session and we shall undertake the task of letting them have the information. It will be weeks before the laws can be issued in book forn:. Be-if’/js, the volumes containing ihe statutes will not be for general distributio.i and the public cannot raceive the in formation except through the medium of the press. This paper proposes In thee days the preacher, preach- ! „ J5^^^,/rnt’’o"(l':"lup1rrr ed the doctrine of their church , of Transylvania County made in the Striasrht from the shoulder. They al! ^ set out, the undersigned commissioner did it. The people expected it. In ; Will, on Monday the 17, day of March o’clock M. at thc Court fact they wanted it, and the preacher ^ ^^nse Door in Brevard, Transylvama that didn’t do it was considered a i County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash; all those certain tracts or parcels of land ying and being in Transylvania Coun weakling. Wring delighted in “skin ning” the Baptist. Mother didn’t like it. Father said, “It is all right. ty, and in Dunns Rock Township ad joining the lands of the E. E. Batson A man that don’t preach the doctrine ’ heirs, Eubanks, Candler’s et. al., and ,. J jTv i bounded as follows, viz:— of his church IS a coward and I abom-I fjrst TRACT 1 inate cowards.” And now, the fourth j Begining on a white oak on the east of March, 1919, let it be published in I ^ I GOdeg. east 100 poles to a stake m “Gath,” that I endorse what my fath- jthe Candler line; then with said line p- cojri I south 66 Vs deg. east 200 poles to a 'stake; then north 20 deg. east 10 In those days the people lived | poles to the Eubank corner, a white their reli-Ion. They were devoted to copse with said line 20 poles to a stake in Robert Crissim s th church. They were broad guage line; Thence with his line north 58 Christians, bu: r.arrow gau-o c_.urch- ' ''"'"%210 poles to his corner; i Thence Witn the Henry line north 54 ■ deg. west 105 poles to a stake; Thence south 5 deg. west 80 poles to the be gining, containing 100 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT:— . u J J • 1. Begining at a white oak and do te dispense the information piece- | First, it was taught and read in the | wood and runs a w^esterly direction to meal, from time to time, for the in formation of its appreciative readers. Thc people of that day had a better knowledge of the Bible than they have today. You say, how is this? The Sixty-fifth Congress has pass ed into history and with its going a democratic majority is transformed into a minorty for the first time in eight years. Taken as a whole the session has been fruitful to a remark able degree. However, obstruction ists during the closing hours prevent ed legislation of vital importance schools. Second it was the family I ^ spruce pine; Thence southwest to a ,1 w'hite oak. Thence southwest to a reading book, (had no other.) Third, i ickory in Batson’s line: Thence north the people then read aloud, all thel''^®®^ with the trail to a Blackgum, I corner made between E. E. Batson’s family heard it. Seems like today, | and John Summey, Sr.; Thence a I can hear Mother say, “Sonnie, be I por^crly direction crossing a branch j to the top of a ridge on the southeast quiet, your father is reading.” When neighbors were together they talked about the Bible. Children came from school and asked what certain things meant that they had read in the les son this m.oming in the Testament. I repeat with emphasis, the rank and side of a chestnut flat; Thence north east along the ridge to said Summeys line; Thence to the beginning; Said to al nu* ro acres more or less. Said rale for partition between/the pIcint'fTs and defendants as tenants in coinwon; This the 21, day of February 1919. J. H. PICKILSIMER, COMMISSIONER. 2—28—3t feed A roof that anyone can lay right. No skill and help except your own are needed to ^ lay Certain-tced all materials required and full directions for laying are packed in centerof roll. Bccause Ceriam-ieed is so easy to lay, so economical and so efficient and durable, it is pre ferred for practically every kind of building,large or smalL Mere than one-fourth cf all the roll roofing used throughout th^ world comes from the Certain- tccd factories.# Certain-teed has become the domina^tt choice. Everybody knows about Ceriain»> teed. It is used for buildings of every size and type— for factoHes, wareliouses, garages, stores, 3ioteJs, office buildmgs, farm buildings, round houses, etc. In shingle form, red or green, it is widely used for residences. Ccriain-teed gives years of efficient service with practically no cost for up-kcep. It is inimunc to almost every form of rooiin" attack. It is rust proof, spark proof, weather proof, waterproof, and is not affected by acids, fumes or gases. The sun’s heat cannot make it melt or run. Sold by dealers everywhere. Guaranteed 5, 10 or 15 years acccrding to thickness. Certain-teed Products Corporation Offiecs and Warehouses in Priacipal Cidcs cf Amcrica Certain-taed Paint—Varnish—Roofins and Related Building Products 4 u IS When you are told that any fertilizer as good as Royster's"^ remember this: The only genuine HOYSTER’S FERTILIZER is distinguished by the trade mark 'trade mark Jl REGISTERED. Look for it on every sack F. S. ROY5TER ANO CO. Norfolk, Va. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, O. Tarboro, N. C- Charlotte, N. C. •Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. BUY A WAR SAVINGS STANP

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